I can't promise that I will only talk about tron in the year of our lord 2021 but I will be thinking about it constantly.
78 posts
Why Is He Staring At Her Like That Chill Out
why is he staring at her like that chill out

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The Two Crow Roads and Second Death
Neil Gaiman “Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one.” They also look at you funny when you request 2 copies of the same book through the inter-library loan. Even funnier looks when you insist on a hardback and paperback copy.
My quest inspired by @crowleysbookshop for the differences between versions of The Crow Road ended with: 1) two different publishers (Scribner vs. Abacus) and 2) different cover work artists. So not allot. If there is a difference, I missed it.
But there's double-meaning of Crow Road.
Crow Road is a street in Glasgow.
Crow Road is also a metaphor for death.
Two Crow Roads. Two Deaths. A second death.

Photo credit: @daria-meoi
Second Death
The phrase "second death" appears 4 times in the Bible, specifically the Book of Revelation. The one Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis read to Warlock.
There's a first physical death. You've shuffled off this mortal coil and gone to meet your maker.

The second death is a reference to an eternal separation from God for non-believers and a swim in the Lake of Fire. Where bad folks go when they die.
A traditional interpretation is that the "lake of fire" and the "second death" are symbolic of eternal pain, pain of loss and perhaps pain of the senses, as punishment for wickedness.
Revelation 20:11-15
“Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”
If I read that right those who experience this death are all those whose names have been removed from the Book of Life.

There's Hemingway's quote, "Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal." Is that also a Book of Life reference? The power of a name.
I don't understand the Book of Life yet. It's just something you scare cherubs with. I've seen some great meta from @beebopboom on it and the Guardian of the Eastern Gate.

Photo credit @fuckyeahgoodomens
I'm still wondering about these seats. Left Crow Road has rabbit seated. Rabbits are a Fibonacci reference. Then the empty seat. Then second Crow Road with Elspeth's hat over the back.
Why is there an empty seat?
Is it for Death?
A missing book? A book between two deaths. That seat is for the Book of Life.
Good Omens 2 Opening-What are they marching toward?
Hi, there's something about the opening credit sequence that immediately caught my eye upon the first viewing. @metatronhateblog and I have discussed the whole opening credits at length (helps that we're siblings and can sit in the same room to talk about it) and we both will probably make some posts about things we haven't seen addressed yet.
I haven't seen anyone mention this particular thing yet, but forgive me if this has already been pointed out.

This mountain they are marching up? This is Zion.
I'm almost certain. It's a very interesting word that's used several times in the Old and New Testament, most notably for me in the book of Revelation, which I read a lot as a former Christian (I liked it cause it was the least boring thing to read).
It has a few different meanings from what I've gathered (a note: this is not about z*ionism.), which I will try to give brief explanations on.
Originally I believe it was meant to be an actual location in Jerusalem, a hill/mountain that held the City of David. Literally called Mount Zion I think.
In the Old Testament it also is described as being the place where God rests, where they are enthroned.
Now look at this.

Pretty sure that's a throne room? It looks like a Greek temple, so I think that's the vibe it's going for. The place where God is located.
Most interestingly, Zion is symbolic of the city of heaven, which will come to earth and God will dwell with the people upon Jesus' return and judgement (at least that's what I'm getting from the text? It can be difficult for me to decipher sometimes). Revelation 14:1 states
"Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads."
I believe this is the first time Jesus appears during(after maybe?) the great Tribulation (aka, all the torments the earth endures during this time before his return) with those who have been chosen by God. "The Lamb" refers to Jesus, for those who may not know.
I thought it was odd that this possible Zion reference was placed here in season 2 since it's not something that we've seen or heard mentioned thus far, but I think we can safely assume it has to do with season 3 and the Second Coming.
A side note, there's something else I caught while looking at this as well:

I could be wrong, but it looks like these cherubs are tipping bowls. BOWLS!
In John's visions in Revelation 16, we see seven angels with bowls pouring out plagues to the earth. Bowls of God's wrath. I could go into what they are but that's a whole other post. For some reason I always remembered the bowls the most, I have no idea why. There's so much to find in the opening, it's like a scavenger hunt and my little brain loves it! Anyway.
Fascinating that Zion is what the people and our heroes are marching toward. Are they simply moving toward the end times (again)? Are they marching straight to God's house to get some answers (Aziraphale might be)? Are they moving toward that utopian heaven on earth as they begin eternity, forever and ever amen (as Michael mentions in the forbidden heavenly footage)? Maybe all three.
It may not be all that important and just be purely symbolic, but I thought it was neat. There really is so much in the details!
Thanks for coming to my rambling! I'm going to go try finding more references now.
Sorry, gotta gush about the smallest fucking detail in the fnaf movie for a second.
So the part where Abby is hiding and Foxy is walking muppet style around chasing her and he steps on one of the ball pit balls?
I can't stop thinking about the practical effect there. No way the puppet leg they made was heavy enough to actually smash it so easily, and if you look closely you can see that the ball seems to start crinkling a little prematurely as the foot drops down on it.
(i have neither pictures nor gifs as we all know, YET)
So my guess is, they fed something through the puppet leg to be able to suck the air out of it (it looks like the ball is attached to the foot in that moment as well) to make it look like a super heavy metal foot is crushing it.
So much effort for such a small two second long effect and it made my stupid puppet Henson Creature Shop loving brain SO happy.
What a flex. I love this movie and everything that went into it.
Gabriel's ineffable statue
Ooh time for my first ever post that isn't a reblog - exciting!
So, a while ago now, I came across a post about Gabriel's statue which pointed out what seemed to be a blatantly obvious continuity error. For the life of me, I CANNOT find that post again and so I am going to attempt to recreate it here because I just noticed something else interesting related to Gabriel's statue. If you are the original person who found this, please let me know and I'll credit you!
Edit: I found the original on reddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/goodomens/comments/17tjfdc/spot_the_difference_statue_of_gabriel_s2e6/ Right, so, have you ever looked very closely at the scenes of Gabriel and Beelzebub in the graveyard during Gabriel's flashback? No? Well, here are some clips of these scenes I want you to take a close look at, taken in order they're shown:

Why is the cross missing??? In the distance shot, there is no cross. In the closer shot, there is. Then we switch back to the distance shot and it's gone again. Just for clarity's sake, when we see the Gabriel statue in any other scene, yes the cross is present.
I know there have been many ineffable continuities mentioned by other posters (such as clocks, chairs, rugs, road markings, Crowley's glasses, Maggie's store signage etc). It's still up for debate about how many of these actually mean anything, or if they are genuine continuity errors. However, I find it VERY hard to believe this is a continuity issue... in any other show I could believe that, sure. But the Good Omens team is detail-focused and this is a huge missing cross on a statue that was specifically built for the show. Why would you have the whole scene set up in the graveyard, but without the cross ready, and then not bother to fix it in post? So the above is what I read in someone else's blog post and I'm really sorry that I can't recall where to find that. However, here's what I want to add. The Gabriel statue appears at the end of the opening credits and guess what... :

The cross is missing the top half! What does any of this mean? Who knows? Not me, that's for sure. Is it something to do with S3? Is it some comment on a religious theme? Are Gabriel's memories faulty when they're restored? Several others have pointed out that there are some suspicious things shown in the memory restoration sequence. Why is Gabriel bearing a cross in the first place? If you have any ideas let me know, I'd be interested to hear them!
Regardless of the statue, you might be wondering what is this part of the opening credits all about? The parade of characters is being led by Crowley and Aziraphale up this rickety mountain made of what seems to be a trash heap with a whole bunch of religious iconography scattered through it and a Lady Libertas (aka what the Statue of Liberty is based on) appearing opposite the Gabriel statue here. I always wondered what this whole sequence might be about, but I've seen very little written about it. If you're interested, here's this post from @lady-of-the-puddle. There is a lot of interesting imagery in the opening sequence, that's for sure!
The Opening Credits Pt.1 Jimbriel
Okay so as I'm sitting down to take a crack at ciphering the angelic language on the show, I've come tot the conclusion that I have so many clues and other things I found, that it's time for me to start slowly dropping these out because boy oh boy have I been collecting clues and theories like a dragon hoards golds. I've also added another member to this blog who will be posting theories and clues as well.
That being said, welcome to the Sequence of Opening Credits Post Part 1, or the I sat down and played the opening credits at .25 speed and took screen grabs of everything weird I found. (Which, brief disclaimer, my eyes are not perfect and I'm bound to miss things, even my glasses don't 100% correct my vision. There's bound to be things I miss and if you happen to find them feel free to add in your finds!)
Today I'm starting off with Jim/Gabriel. Since it was said recently in a panel he's in every scene of the opening, and I knew that cause I've found him...at least I think I found all his appearances... I'm going to start this series of posts off by sharing them with you.
Right off the bat, we have him in the scene directly after Crowley lights a match in a cave.

He's there, nice and clear and noticeable. Keep that in mind because I think that's the most openly we see him in the opening credits.
The next scene after the goats his the graveyard scene. He's already a little trickier to find.

And for those who don't see him in that picture, here's a closer look.

Next seen they enter the mausoleum and you see Gabriel as they decline

(I'm realizing now that if I use too many images there might be a parts 1.1 lol) Any ways after hiding behind that tombstone shaped similarly to (but not quite) the one that says 'Here lies the former shell of Beelzebub) we see him (or at least me, I'll be honest I don't see him when they're walking over the lake of fire) Is in London??? Getting bombed.

Now is you don't see him here that's okay, I told you it gets harder.

He's standing here in this window, even more interesting to me, once the plane drops the bomb that explodes into rabbits...

He's hiding his head in the box lol.
Moving on, I ALMOST didn't see him in the next scene (walking through West End) because I shit you not, he's tucked away in a little nook.)

He is actually hidden (paint me like one of your French girls style) IN THE FRONT of the scene. Makes me wonder if that's where he might be when they cross the lake of fire.
Moving on. Next time we seem him is in space, while Crowley and Aziraphale are doing an interesting little 'swapping sides dance.' Our mans is clinging for dear life lol

In the next scene is where I get confused. Crowley and Aziraphale are sitting on the roof aaaaand...

Jimbriel is standing above 'Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death?' Why not about the bookshop??

In his next appearance....he actually has wings? Which is sus to me again but what isn't sus about this show lol. Jimbriel is in an elevator, riding down as the line of people making their slow death march pass.

Using all my will power to acknowledge the blatantly weird things in this screen grab alone, I move on.
In this one, I will momentarily ignore our boys kissing in the opera box and instead show you, Jimbriel. ALSO in an opera box.

Now I'm not sure Jim is in the direct next scene cause no one is, but there is a falling apart? statue of Gabriel in front of Mount Zion.

Aaaaand finally we have him walking along with everyone else, preparing to seal his fate. I won't do a close up of this one because he's right there.

And that concludes The Opening Credits Pt.1. I would say something more, make a little theory or something, but I don't think there's much to say on Jim giving someone (whose name currently escapes me) said in an interview Jim is in every scene. So anyways. Here's this for you to hold as reference, or just look at, or ignore cause I'm not sure myself how important it is. (Yay me for fitting this all in one post!)
Anyways I'm going to get started on cracking this Angelic language. Stay tuned for more Opening Credits posts because believe me. I have more.