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'86, Baby!

'86, Baby!
'86, Baby!
'86, Baby!

'86, baby!

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More Posts from Laurathefahrradsattel

2 years ago

Chapter 1 - The Contact


What happens when we die? Many people who have experienced a NDE describe it as a slow fall into a deep sleep state, the numbness and the tingling in the limbs, the rapid but heavy breathing that suddenly slows down to stop. The most religious minded people will probably add something like a warm and blinding light in front of them to that, or the feeling of calmness and peace, or even the feeling of hearing angelic voices in the distance.

Well he didn’t feel any of that. When death was about to take Eddie Munson’s last breath, everything he could sense in that moment were Dustin’s arms around him, the warm tears of his friend falling on his face, and the desperation in his voice.

He had let himself go, giving up fighting, and death came to him faster than he had ever thought.

But when Eddie Munson’s heart had stopped beating for more than 10 minutes, something inside him had started to change, to mutate. He had reawakened, gasping for air and coughing as if he had just escaped drowning. He sat up, looking around him, searching for his young friend, but everything was frighteningly calm and he soon realized that he was alone. Completely alone.

He looked down at his body, blood stains everywhere on his shirt, his black jeans ripped on his left knee. He slowly moved his hands near to the hem of his shirt, lifting it up to his sternum and finding out numerous wounds, bite marks. Healed.

How was that even possible?

He touched the greenish scars on his stomach and on his sides, the flesh rough and thick. They looked like past injuries, like the one he had on his right elbow, from when he had fallen off of his bicycle, in the summer of ‘78. 

With a loud groan he managed to get up, standing on his feet, looking for signs of life around him. 

“Dustin!” he screamed from the top of his lungs “Harrington?! Wheeler?!” 

He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted once again 

“Robin?! Dustin!” 

He felt the panic fill his chest, an unbearable weight in his stomach made it difficult for him to breathe. What the hell happened? Where’d they all gone? Were they okay? Were they dead? Was he dead? 

Death had destined him to remain forever in the upside down, a punishment for his recklesness in life, a punishment for being the son of his father. He cursed, bringing his hands up on his head and pacing back and forth trying to think about his next move.

And suddenly, it hit him. The portal on his trailer’s ceiling.

He began running towards it, moving quickly past the bicycle from which he had fallen moments before the demobats had attacked him. He reached the caravan in a short time, speeding towards the entrance, slamming the door.

He felt his blood froze in his veins. The portal had disappeared. His trailer was empty, infested by those infernal roots and there was no way out. He cried out Dustin’s name, scared and confused, and dragged himself out of the trailer.

“Surely there’s some other way out” he whispered to himself as he walked across the decadent trailer park, when he heard the shrieks of the demobats in the distance.

Not again

He turned around and saw the bats flying towards him. A red lightning struck the sky in two. He started running again, without following a specific direction. Suddenly he stumbled on a root and fell to the ground.

This time it would be over.

He raised an arm to shield his face from the bats’ attacks, closed his eyes and waited for death to come and kiss him once again.

But instead, a chilling silence fell around him.

He slowly, carefully opened his eyes and moved his hand away to look right in front of him and find out that the flock of bats had stopped and was levitating before him.

“What in the hell..” he murmured as he moved his hand down and looked at the strange prodigy happening in front of him.

He got up from the ground and cautiously walked towards one of the bats, his fingers getting closer to it. He almost bursted out in an hysterical laugh when it flew over his arm, perching on his forearm.

Fly away

The bats suddenly moved in sync and began flying away, leaving Eddie shocked and speechless.

Now he was controlling them? Was their venom the reason why he was still alive?

He decided to leave those questions unanswered for the moment and started, once again, to walk, hoping to find a way out of the upside down.

Suddenly he remembered about the communication between sources of electricity.


Now he had a plan.

He searched in each and every trailer for a contact and as strange as it might sound, he found nothing.

Maybe the trailer park was left without electricity after their battle with Vecna.

He decided to walk out of it and finally, in the distance, he spotted a place in which he was 100% sure he would have found someone to communicate with.

The old Lloyd family diner.


“Shit” she whispered when a splash of ketchup stained her uniform on her chest.

She quickly grabbed a wet towel to try to wipe it off, but all she did was spread the stain even more on the minty green fabric of her waitress uniform. 

She tossed the wet cloth into the sink of the kitchen and moved towards the pitcher of coffee, taking it in her hand and walking towards the door that connected the back of the diner to the main room. 

 It was 9:25 pm of a spring rainy night and the diner was practically empty, just 35 minutes away from closing time. She was glad to know that no one would have asked for coffee at that time of the day, you shouldn’t mess up with caffeine. After serving desserts to a table, she spent the last 25 minutes of her work shift cleaning the counter, and then proceeded to take the garbage bags and take them in the back of the diner. She walked out the back door dragging the heavy black sack on the floor and once she approached the dumpster, with a big push of her legs and a hit from her abdomen, she managed to throw the garbage into it. She huffed, fixing a lock of her hair behind her ear and started walking back into the diner when the outside lamp that was hanging on the door began to flicker. She stopped, raising her head to look at the luminescent bulb, and after some moments, the flickering stopped.

“Janet” she called walking back into the main room “I think it’s time to change the light bulb outside”

The owner of the diner, Janet, was sitting on one of the red bar stools and nodded when the girl walked past her.

“I’ll tell Harry to go buy a new one”

Y/n smiled and began taking the baby pink apron of her uniform off, when suddenly Janet stopped her.

“My dear, actually, i needed to ask you something”

Y/n looked at her, waiting for the woman to continue with her request.

“Since Claire is helping with the homeless in town, I need you to take care of the closing cleanup tonight”

Y/n smiled, frowning “But you didn’t tell me, this morning. I didn’t warn my mother”

“I know darling, but I really need you to stay here and do the closing for me. Can you?”

Oh, Y/n hated her. That woman, her fake kindness and her manipulative ways. Well at least she wouldn’t have had to spent the evening locked in her room, with her mother complaining by the phone and worrying about what was happening in Hawkins.

Janet had decided to keep the diner open, despite everything.

“Yeah, it’s fine” Y/n smiled nodding “I’ll call my mother later”

“Thank you dear” Janet smiled going in the back of the diner to collect her things before leaving.

In about 20 minutes, Y/n found herself alone in the middle of the diner, Janet had left and the last two customers too. Now the main room was silent and Y/n sighed looking around her for things to do. She decided to start by sweeping the floor. She walked to the vintage juke-box and picked a song.

A-ha’s “Take on me” would have been good to start.

She grabbed the broom in her hands and started brushing the floor in pace with music, ending dancing around the room using it as a dance partner. She twirled towards the counter and reached out to take a wet cloth to clean the cream white resin surface. The song eventually ended and the juke-box emitted a noise similar to a click before starting to play music from the speakers once again.

The opening melody of Karma Chameleon by Culture Club began ringing through the room.

“Ugh, I love this song!” she exclaimed to herself, keeping on dancing as she cleaned the diner’s bar surface.

Suddenly she realized that music had distracted her from realizing that the bright panel on which the menu was written, was flickering like the lightbulb of the backyard had done several moments before.

No, not flickering. The light tiles on which the letters were printed lit up intermittently.

“This place is falling apart..” she whispered to herself as she walked towards the power outlet to pull the panel’s plug off.

But then, she realized. She stopped in front of the panel, a shiver was running down her spine and made her snort loudly, as if she was cold.

The tiles always lit up in the same sequence.


“What the hell..” she said slightly moving away from the luminous panel, feeling a little bit scared.

Was the menu trying to talk to her?

Then the flickering seemed to stop.

She walked back to the juke-box, turning it off. Now the room was glacially silent.

She stared at the tiles for a while, but nothing happened.

She chuckled to herself

“I’ve been watching way too many movies”

But then there it was again, the panel started lighting up and this time the tiles were lit much faster. She quickly grabbed her notebook for orders from the uniform’s pocket and leaned against one of the tables to write the sequence of letters down.




She read aloud, “Eddie Munson?”

Wasn’t he on the missing people list?

She watched the three words written down on her notebook and for a moment, she thought she was crazy. The panel was trying to communicate? What the fuck was wrong with her? And above all, Eddie Munson what? She didn’t even know him in person. She had met him like two times in her whole life and they didn’t even talk.




“Oh damn, alright that’s enough” she said walking towards the diner’s telephone. She didn’t know Dustin Henderson’s home telephone number, but she knew someone that could have helped her with it.

She dialed the number by memory. The phone rang four times before someone picked it up.


“Steve” she said as soon as she recognized the voice from the other side of the call

“Who’s this?”

“It’s Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n”

“Oh hey, Y/n” he said, obviously surprised by the phone call.

They knew eachother since they were kids, their mothers were close friends, but anyway this was the first time in 4 years that they actually talked to eachother. They had chosen different paths.

“Is everything okay?”

“Steve I know this might sound ridiculous but I need you to give me Dustin Henderson’s home telephone number”

She heard him scoffing from the other side

“What? Why would you need Henderson’s phone number?”

“It’s difficult to explain.”

“Y/n, do you realize this isn’t normal? You calling at my house’s phone at 10 pm to ask me about Dustin Henderson? Where are you, are you okay?”

She stayed silent for a bit, then she realized that the only way to get Dustin’s help was convince Steve to take him to her.

“No, I really need you and Dustin to come here, at the Lloyd’s diner as soon as possible Steve”

“Hey, did something happen to you?”

“No it’s not about me, I’m fine, it’s..”

She took a deep breath before letting it slip out of her lips

“I think Eddie Munson is talking to me through the menu’s light panel”


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2 years ago

Look at part two too <3 it's a master piece

Moral Of The Story

Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader, slight Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader

Requested?: Yes

Summary: Steve was still in love with Nancy, it was clear as day. 

WC: 4.1k (this is going to be a wild ride)

Warning/s: VOL 2 SPOILERS! swearing, very much angst, mentions of knives, guns, lmk if I missed anything!

Note: Eyeing a part 2 tbh, let me know if you want it! feedbacks, likes, and reblogs are appreciated, please let me know your thoughts!



Do you remember the saying “Trust your gut”?

Sure, you had no problems trusting your gut feeling before, but now you were having a hard time doing that now. How could you?

You loved Steve without a doubt, you’ve poured all the love you had for this man, you think, ever since the first time the two of you met at your job at Scoops Ahoy, which led to discovering a secret base and even getting drugged with Steve. That whole ordeal led the two of you even closer, and before the two of you could realize, you had fallen for each other.

Approximately a year into the relationship, that’s when things started going south as problems with the Upside Down emerged again, finding yourselves with the group of kids who were more knowledgeable about this stuff rather than anyone. And that’s when Steve started seeing Nancy again.

Trust your gut, right? It was more like; how could you not trust your gut when your boyfriend still looks at her like a lovesick puppy?

You could see it, hell everyone must’ve also seen it in a way, even in the Upside Down in Eddie’s trailer when Vecna was grabbing ahold of Nancy, as her eyes rolled almost to the back of her head Steve was there, although you already left the gate and were in the original Hawkins, you could see through the gate. You could see through how Steve panicked, cupping her cheek, and shouting out her name, then shaking her shoulders.

Then the panic came in when Nancy didn’t respond. You also didn’t realize how long you had been biting your lip in anxiety as everyone stared through the gate.

That’s when you heard a loud gasp as Nancy came back, her body feeling faint as she almost fell to the ground, but thanks to Steve, he catches her, wrapping his arms around her. His hand on the back of her neck for support, slowly going over to her cheek as he whispers, “It’s okay, I’m right here.” Nancy looks at him, catching her breath. “I’m right here.”

That was the last thing you heard before you couldn’t take it anymore, you were heading out of Eddie’s trailer, slamming the door, making Eddie glance and look for you.

Keep reading

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2 years ago



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2 years ago

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

losers and the supernatural [4.5k]

steve has a theory about hawkins. you try to work out where you fit within that. fluff, first kiss

bribery and a movie [3k]

steve wants a date. you want max to be happy. mayfield!reader, fluff, first date

day of the dead [6k]

steve has a crush on eddie's best friend. you harbour a crush of your own. fluff, mutual pining, first date, first kiss

of light [2k]

steve takes you to see the fireworks and has something important to tell you. getting together, mutual pining, first kiss

have you seen her? [10.5k]

steve finds out that falling in love can be really, really easy. mutual pining, first kiss, fluff

so fine and pretty [17.3k]

steve finds out a little bit more about love. established relationship, smut, first time

ride a wave [7k]

steve is jealous of your date with eddie. you're not as clueless as you appear. pining steve, fluff


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2 years ago

「 jealousy, jealously 」

eddie munson x henderson!fem reader

summary: you were a part of hellfire long before your brother and his friends got to high school, yet they fit right into the club while you get pushed aside. 

requested: no

word count: 6.4k

warnings: light angst, jealousy, brief arguing/raised voices, lots of fluff, kissing, fake gagging, few curse words

a/n: i apparently can’t write short fics for eddie, but i don’t think anyone is complaining about it. plus, i think the fics are freaking adorable & i’m highkey kinda proud of them. so i hope you continue enjoying them, as i’ve got plenty of ideas for him with more coming daily. if you’ve got an idea you’d like done (for eddie or any other st character) feel free to send it my way & i’ll give it a go. also, i couldn’t think of a better title than this, but the actual fic has no purposeful inpsiration from the olivia rodrigo song. i hope you enjoy it regardless! Xx


You groan as you see your brother and his friends make their way through the cafeteria towards you. Knowing it was their first day of high school, you had no doubt they’d try to sit with you. It’s not that you don’t want them to, but you’re terrified that they’ll embarrass you in front of your long-standing crush and dungeon master.

It had been a few months into your freshman year of high school when the small group of friends you’d found yourself in started ranting about how weird and creepy the Hellfire club - and their leader, Eddie Munson - was. You didn’t quite hold the same opinions, though, since you’d been playing the game for a few years by then. In fact, you had only recently given it up when the friend you played with moved towns.

Keep reading