Stranger Things Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Upside Down Feelings

Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

Upside Down Feelings

summary: y/n and the crew fight off the demogorgan with an unexpected helper

word count: 5200 (here's a long chapter to hold ya through the weekend)

a/n: okay, i’m really proud of this chapter and just wanted to go ahead and publish it for you all! i’m working on s2 as we speak, please tune in on Monday for s2 ep1 :)))

“-Is everything in the box?” You asked as you walked up to the kitchen table and dug through it, making a mental note of everything inside of it. “Bear trap, gun, bullets, Nancy’s got the gasoline… Jonathan! We need a yo-yo, a lighter, a hammer, and some nails for these bats.”

“On it.”

“So how exactly are we planning on… luring it out?” Nancy looked up at you from the other side of the table. You pursed your lips, reaching in your bag and taking out the pocket knives you lent your brother when he went out looking for Will. “Oh… All of us?”

“No, just me,” You deadpanned. “Yes, dumbass. All of us.”

“Add sanitizing those knives to the list of things to do,” Jonathan muttered from behind you.

You began by screwing in a multitude of bulbs into the dangling christmas lights throughout the house. Jonathan bolted the bear trap to the hallway floor, Nancy loaded the gun and poured gasoline on the carpet, you hammered some nails into a baseball bat and set up the yo-yo alarm before you all came together to finish setting up the bear trap.


“Straight into Will’s room and-“

“Don’t step on the trap.”

“Wait for the yo-yo to move-“

“Then..” Jonathan struck the lighter. You all let out a shaky breath. “Okay, you ready?”

“Ready,” Nancy said. You looked down to see them holding the knifes up to their palms.

“You idiots are going to cut your palms?” You scoffed, gaining their gaze. “That’s like the stupidest and most painful place to cut. You’re going to need your hands. Cut into your non-dominant upper arms where you normally get vaccines. Jesus, must I walk you through everything?”

They rolled their eyes and moved the knives to their upper arms. You all counted to three and sliced, hissing in pain before quickly moving to the couch. You all sterilized your wounds with alcohol, wincing again as the dripping cotton swab was wiped repeatedly over the cuts. Then you cut off pieces of gauze, giving it to everyone so they could wrap their lacerations securely.

Just as you finished up, there was a faint creaking on the porch. You all looked up.

“Did you hear that?” Nancy whispered. You reached for a bat, wrapping your hand securely around it.

“It’s just the wind,” Jonathan breathed before looking at Nancy. “Don’t worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes.”

“Speak?” She asked.

“Like, think of them as alarms,” He said. She looked up before she continued to wrap his arm.

“Is this too tight?” She asked with a certain look in your eyes that told you that now was a good time to go get a glass of water.

You stood up and began walking to the kitchen when a loud and repetitive banging on the door almost made you fall to the ground from fear.

“Jonathan!” Steve’s voice called. You turned to look at the couple on the couch with confusion. “Are you there, man? It’s-It’s Steve! Listen, I just want to talk!”

You whipped the door open to see a bloodied Steve standing on the porch.

“What are you doing here?!” You hissed.

“He-Y/N? I could as you the same-“

“You need to leave, Steve!” You urged.

“I’m not trying to start anything, okay?”

“I don’t care about that. You need to-“

“No, no, no. Listen, I messed up, okay? I messed up! I messed up. Okay?” His voice raised before it fell into almost a whimper. “Really. Please. I just want to make things right. Starting with you.”

“You’re forgiven!” You said quickly, making him furrow his brows with confusion. “I don’t have time for your excuses. I need you to leave! You have no idea what you just-“

“No, no excuses! Please- just.. Please?” He looked sincerely into your eyes with his own warm gaze. You hated to admit it, but you almost forgot why you were kicking him out to begin with. “What I said about you.. Y/N, I’m so sorry. I had no right. I told them I took you home and they took it as something it wasn’t and hyped me up for it so-so I played along.”


“Wait. Let me finish,” He shook his head, keeping his eyes on yours as he continued. “I told them that I lied about the whole thing, okay? I told them that I never took you home in that way… I’m sorry, Y/N..”

You furrowed your brows before he leaned his forehead against the doorframe and pouted, making you smile. You all of the sudden understood why Nancy liked him. Strictly from a physical standpoint, of course. You had to cut her some slack; he was very handsome.

“You don’t have to forgive me. I just wanted to let you know that your name is cleared up. Now, could you please let me talk to Jonathan? Please. Ple-..” His gaze caught your bandage and his voice trailed off. “Wh-.. Hey, what happened to your arm?”

He looked up with genuine concern before pulling your arm in for a closer look. You really understood her fascination with that look in his eyes.

“Is that blood?” He muttered. You yanked your arm back.

“It’s nothing!” You said a little too eagerly. “It was an accident.

“Yeah? What’s going on?” He frowned.

“Nothing, Steve. Just leave-“

“Wait a sec. Did he do this to you? Where’s Nancy? Is she hurt too?” He raised his voice, pushing against the door.

“No!” You tried to keep it closed but he out-powered you.

“Y/N, let me in!”

“Nancy? A little help here?!” You called as he pushed the door open. “No. No! No, Steve!”

“What is this- What the fuck-“ He stammered as he looked around at your set up. Nancy and Jonathan were on their feet.

“You need to get out of here!” Jonathan rushed up to him.

“Woah, woah- What is all-“

“Steve, listen to him!”

“I’m not asking you! I’m telling you, get out of here!” Jonathan continued, pushing against his chest.

“What is that smell?” Steve began yelling as he realized just how bad this whole scene was. “Is that gasoline?!

“Steve, get out!” Nancy said pulling up a handgun.

“Nancy, what the fuck?!” You gasped.

“W-wa-wait- WHAT?!” Steve shouted. “What is going on?!”

“You have five seconds to get out of here!” She ordered.

“Okay, is this a joke? Stop. Put the gun down!”

“Nancy-“ You urged.

“I’m doing this for you, Steve.”

“CAN WE JUST CALM DOWN?!” You finally cried. “Put the damn gun down. It’s too late for him to leave. He’s in on this now.”

“Wait. What? In on what?”

“I’m gonna need you to trust me, okay?” You turned to him. He drew in a breath before you interrupted him again.

“Trust you?! I’m literally at gunpoint-“

“STEVE!” You shouted. “You trusted me once. I’m gonna need you to do it again because all of our lives depend on this. Trust me. Trust us.”

He looked over at Nancy and watched as she put the gun down before he nodded.

“Okay, I promise I’ll explain everything as soon as we’re done here but until then? No questions, alright? No time. We’re in danger. Real danger. Look at me,” You placed your hand on his chest to get his attention, gaining his wide eyed gaze. He took the bat you handed him. “There’s a bear trap in the hallway, make sure not to step on it. It’ll shatter your leg. Here’s the important part: stay two steps behind me at all times, and follow every order I give you, got it? I’m just going to need you to fight like hell with us if you wanna live-“

“Y/N,” Nancy muttered from behind you. You turned around and grabbed the other bat. “The lights.”

They began to flicker all around you. Under any other circumstances, you’d dare to call it a beautiful sight. But in that moment, it was the scariest thing you’d ever seen.

“Oh, God. It’s here,” You whispered.

“What? What’s here?!” Steve shouted.

“Where is it?” Nancy pressed her back against Jonathan as they spun around looking for the monster.

“Where is what?!”

“Steve, no questions! Put your back against mine! Now!” You shouted. He followed your orders. “You see anything?”


You all pressed against one another, looking around anxiously. It felt like an eternity of anticipation before the wall began to crumble before you. Nancy began shooting at it.

“RUN!” You screamed, feeling Steve’s hand grab at your waist and pull you away instinctively. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind you as you ran into the hallway. “JUMP!”

You both jumped over the bear trap with Jonathan and Nancy hot on your heels.

“OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” Steve shrieked from behind you.

You pulled him into Will’s room and waited for Jonathan and Nancy to come through before slamming it shut.

“JESUS! JESUS!” He turned to you. “What the hell was that?!”

“Shut up!” You all shouted just as the monster screeched in the hallway. Nancy pointed the gun towards the door, Jonathan held his lighter, and you kept your bat up, ready to swing at any given moment. Steve did the same with his. You all panted from fear as it continued to taunt you outside of the door.

“What’s it doing?” Nancy asked.

“I don’t know,” Jonathan breathed.

“Some predators like to play with their pray before killing it,” You whispered, earning a quick and dirty glance from Nancy. “You asked!”

She scoffed before you all returned to looking at the yellow yo-yo, waiting for the beast to step into your trap. The electricity around you jolted around you, making it hard to keep an eye on the yo-yo. Then the lights went back to normal as a piercing silence fell upon the house. You all paused and looked at one another.

“You hear anything?” Nancy asked, looking at Jonathan.

“No,” He said, putting down the lighter’s lid and reaching for the door.

“What are you doing?” Steve hissed. “It might be playing with us!”

“Or it’s gone,” Nancy huffed before Jonathan opened the door. He stepped out slowly; you all followed behind him, looking around only to see an empty house. You made your way out of the hallway and into the living room, scanning every inch of the premises for any signs of life.

“This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy! This is CRAZY! THIS IS CRAZY!” Steve lunged for the phone, pressing three number before dialing. Nancy walked up and took it out of his hand, smashing it against the wall. “What are you doing?! Are you insane?”

“It’s going to come back!” She shouted. “So you need to leave. Right. Now.”

He blinked before dashing to the door and slamming it behind him. You all scoffed, looking at one another with annoyed expressions at his cowardice, but you barely had a moment to recollect yourselves before the lights began to flicker again. You all pressed your backs to one another, twirling around in an effort to try to get a glimpse of it.

“Where is it?” Nancy gasped.

“Come on,” Jonathan muttered. “Come on, you son of a bitch!”

“You see it?!” You called, looking everywhere yet nowhere at once as the lights flickered before it suddenly went black.

Only the sounds of your breathing bounced through the room as you tried to listen for any of the monster’s sounds. It wasn’t until you heard a low growl from directly in front of you that you realized one thing; you were it’s next victim.

“Y/N!” Your friends shouted from behind you. You swung your bat, hitting the monster as hard as you could. It almost reacted as if you’d hit it with a pool noodle, only getting angrier with every swing. Finally, it knocked you off of your feet and you landed on your back with a thud before you felt the heavy weight of the monster on top of you.

You felt it slowly crawl on top of you, feeling its moist skin secretions lubricate your body. You felt your breathing pick up to an unhealthy rate as it’s head finally hovered over your own. It didn’t even have eyes. It’s entire head was occupied by its flower-shaped mouth. It opened it to show you just how big it could get.

You looked into the mouth of the beast, feeling it’s hot breath and seeing as it salivated over you. It was craving the blood you’d taunted it with. It’s spit began dripping on your face as it got closer and closer. A cold chill ran down your body, bringing on goosebumps and the racing of your heart.

“Y/N! NO! Y/N!” Jonathan shouted, lifting the bat you’d dropped.

“Don’t attack it,” You choked out through the fear. “Run.”

It let out another growl of excitement as it expanded its mouth. It didn’t even have a head. It was just mouth. You let out a sob and clenched your eyes shut, prepping for the nothingness that was bound to ensue.

“GO TO HELL, YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Nancy shouted before firing off her pistol. Then the beast released you from its clutches and arose to face her. She continued to fire a series of shots at its chest and head to no avail. It seemed to only get more angry. You scrambled back, grabbing your bat from Jonathan’s grip.

The sound of the gun firing was replaced with only clicking. She was out of bullets. You hopped to your feet, ready to land more blows before you heard a grunt and a thud. You looked up to see Steve swinging his bat, landing and dodging blows alike. Finally, he struck it hard, sending it stumble back. You ran up and hit it with all of your force, making it stumble straight into the trap.

“HE’S IN THE TRAP!” Steve shouted.

“HE’S STUCK!” Nancy screamed.

“NOW, JONATHAN! NOW!” You cried.

He struck the lighter before throwing it onto the carpet, sending it up into flames along with the monster. It screeched in pain as you felt the heat of the fire hit you. You covered your face and wrapped an around your best friend as the boys stepped forward to shield you from the heat.

You watched for only a moment longer before Jonathan grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the flames. You all began coughing as the lights turned back on around you, revealing the heavy amount of smoke in the house. You all panted as you approached the trap.

Only there was nothing in it.

“Where’d it go?” Nancy asked.

“It has to be dead,” Jonathan panted. “It has to be.”

“Guys,” You muttered, pointing up. The string of light bulbs down the hallway began to illuminate one by one, unlike that the erratic light show from before. You all stepped back as the lights approached you. Steve stayed in front of you all, holding his bat in a ready position. You all breathed heavily as you watched it stop and return back to where it came from.

You followed it into the kitchen before Jonathan let out a breath. “Mom? Is that you?”

The light eventually gave out as the presence exited the house. You followed it into the porch, watching as the light post out front began to flicker as well.

“Where’s it going?” Nancy asked.

“I don’t think that’s the monster,” You breathed, earning their gazes. “I think it’s them.”

“Well, what now?” She breathed. You let out a sigh, dropping your bat before taking her into your arms. She didn’t hesitate to return the embrace. You didn’t have to say anything or explain the sudden burst of affection. She knew that it was your way of saying thank you for saving your life. And her hug said the same.

You all sat around in the living room for about an hour before you heard sirens rushing every which way in Hawkins. Somehow, you all knew the fight was over. Hopper made his way to the house to let you know Will made it to the hospital alive and that he’d be alright. Nancy insisted on riding with Jonathan alone, leaving you to hitch a ride with Steve.

“What you did tonight,” You said as soon as Steve put the car into park. He looked over at you to see your gaze was locked on the illuminated Hawkins Emergency Room sign. “You could’ve just as easily drove away, but you chose to come inside and fight. I don’t think we would be alive right now if it wasn’t for you.”

“Why was-uh.. Why was Nancy just standing there shooting at that thing anyway?” He asked, shifting his weight to face you.

“She was trying to distract it because it was on top of me,” You whispered, making his lips part. “It was so close that I could feel it’s breath a-and see every pour in its skin. When it opened its mouth, I-I couldn’t do anything besides close my eyes and just.. wait.”

“Jesus,” He breathed, shaking his head.

“I was so sure. I was already thinking about how my mom and brother would react to the news. But then she started shooting,” You wiped at your cheek, letting out a breathy chuckle before finally turning to look at him. “She’s the most selfless person I know, Steve. And up until today, I always thought she was way too good for you. But you really proved yourself tonight. If you still want her as much as I think you do, I’ll put in a good word for you.”

“Seriously?” He grinned.

“Yeah,” You chuckled. “Seriously.”

“Wait.. Does this mean we’re friends again, Henderson?” He dragged out his words.

“Do you really think that I’d be friends with someone who puts Like A Virgin on a make out cassette?” You teased, making him throw his head back in laughter. “Keep dreaming, Harrington. That ship sailed a long time ago.”

“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” He chuckled as you both opened your doors to head into the hospital. “I have a way of rubbing off on people.”

“Oh, is that so?” You laughed. “Makes sense. Making a good first impression was never really your strong suit.”

“True. But I’ve rubbed off on you before,” He smirked.

“Oh please! That was totally different!” You rolled your eyes.

“How so?” He laughed. “Because we were kids? Or because it resulted in sharing our first kisses together?”

“Both!” You shook your head, laughing along with him. “Don’t tell Nancy about that.”

“No way!” He stopped, looking at you with an amused smile. “You never told her?”

“We said it was a practice run and swore we’d never tell anyone,” You turned to face him.

“You stuck to your promise? After all of this time?” He asked softly.

“Well, yeah,” You shrugged. “You didn’t?”

“Hell no,” He scoffed. “I bragged about that kiss for like a year.”

“Huh, so he’s arrogant and a promise breaker,” You smirked, making him chuckle. “Remind me again why I’m putting a good word in for you?”

“Something about saving your life?” He stepped forward, tilting his head and looking down at you with the same smug smile.

“Oh, yeah,” You mocked his facial expression, pushing him away by his chest. He laughed again.

“Wait up, Jonathan!” You heard around the corner. You both turned just in time to see Jonathan jog around the corner of the hospital with Nancy hot on his heels. They both smiled when they saw you. “We left before you! How’d you beat us here?”

“Have you seen the way Steve drives?” You smiled as you all fell into step with one another as you walked into the building. “It’s like he has nine lives or something.”

“Hey! Not true!”

Once you all made your way up to the waiting room, you and Nancy ran into the arms of your brothers, noticing they were a bit despondent. You later found out it was because of the fact that they saw Eleven’s heroic sacrifice in the high school’s science lab.

You all sat anxiously in the waiting room for hours as you waiting for someone to come fetch the boys so they could talk to their friend. In the meantime, you took your usual seat next to Nancy. You took her hand into your own and squeezed. She smiled at you, allowing her tired head to drop on your shoulder. Your brother sat next to you, he placed his head in your lap and fell fast asleep.

No one spoke a word.

You began to doze off before you heard Mike shout, “Guys! Will is up! Will is up!”

The boys all darted into the hospital room.

“We should go and make sure they behave,” Nancy told you. You nodded, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes before standing up and following behind them. It was sweet, watching them all excitedly rant to their old friend. You were so invested in their conversation that you didn’t even notice Nancy was gone until Jonathan turned around.

“Oh, hey, Y/N,” He smiled.

“Hey,” You bumped his shoulder with yours, wincing at the pain that shot through you. “Fuck, I forgot about that.”

“I mean, at least we’ll have cool matching scars now,” He smiled.

“Yeah, matching tattoos are for losers,” You agreed, making him chuckle. “So how is he? And your mom?”

“My mom made it out without a scratch and Will’s going to make a full recovery.”

“Thank God,” You let out a breath. “How about you?”

“I feel like I should be asking you that instead.”

“Well, I enough nightmare fuel for a lifetime but other than that?” You shrugged. “I’m mostly okay.”

“Well, then, I’m mostly happy to hear that,” He said. You smiled, placing a gentle hand on his arm before telling Dustin it was time to go.


“Ooh, I like this song! Is it new?” Robin looked over at you from the passenger’s seat of your new car.

“Yeah, my mom got me Foreigner’s new album on cassette for Christmas. This is called I Want To Know What Love Is,” You grinned. “Isn’t it good? It’s my favorite from this album.”

“God, you’re so lucky! She got you this new car and a cassette? My parents just gave me ugly sweaters!” She ran her hand over your dashboard in awe, making you laugh.

“It’s not new! It’s almost ten years old,” You laughed as you admired your step dad’s old 1976 Baby Blue Ford Bronco. He told her to give it to you when you got your license but she decided to wait until Christmas Eve since it was at around the same time.

“Jesus, Dustin is taking forever. You might have to run in there,” She frowned.

“Yeah, I’ll be back,” You sighed, hopping out of the car as soon as another one pulled in. You smiled, watching as Jonathan stepped out and jogged to catch up to you. “You here for your little brother too?”

“Yeah, my mom’s almost done with dinner. Woah! Is this yours?” He asked with wide eyes, rubbing a hand over the hood of the SUV.

“Yup! My mom gave it to be today,” You grinned before you both began heading towards the Wheeler’s front door. “It was my step dad’s.”

“Oh, I thought it looked familiar!” He knocked on the door. “That’s pretty cool! Guess you won’t be asking me for any more rides from school then?”

“Don’t you worry, this baby breaks down on the regular,” You chuckled, patting his back. “Can’t get rid of me that easily!”

“Damn it,” He snapped his fingers in a fake and playful frustration as the door opened.

“Hey, kiddos! My goodness, you two make a handsome couple,” Mrs. Wheeler grinned.

“Oh- we’re not-“

“Oh, uh. No, it’s like that that-“

You both looked at one another and laughed before you both said, “We’re just friends.”

“Well, the boys are in the basement,” She smiled, stepping aside to let you in. You said your thank you’s before making your way to the basement, making jokes about her comment and giggling at the wild idea.

“Geez, what’s that smell?” Jonathan smiled as he walked down the stairs. “You guys been playing games all day or just farting?”

The kids erupted into a fit of giggles, blaming on and the other for the smell before both Will and Dustin grabbed their bags and followed you back upstairs.

“Hey, kids!” Mrs. Wheeler greeted again. “Wish your moms a merry Christmas for me, okay?”

“Yeah, thank you!”

“Merry Christmas to you, too!” You said sweetly before turning and heading to the door.

“Hey! Jonathan! Y/N! Wait up!” Nancy called as she ran downstairs, carrying two gifts and handing them to you both. “Merry Christmas.”

“Hold on, I got yours in here somewhere,” You grinned, digging in your backpack until you got the small box. You’d gotten a job and saved up to get Nancy a gold necklace, Jonathan a leather wallet, and you’d given Robin a silver ring as well. You handed them both their own gifts, leaving Jonathan stammering.

“Uh- Thanks,” He breathed. “Um, I-I didn’t get you guys anything. I-I feel bad.”

“I got something for Steve too, could you give it to him if you see him?” You asked.

“He’s in the living room,” She giggled. You nodded before heading over there and seeing him on the couch. He sat up a little straighter when he saw you.

“Hey, Y/N!” He smiled. You tossed him the gift. He scrambled to catch it but finally stabilized it in his hands before furrowing his brows. “What’s this?”

You looked over at Nancy’s father before smiling and waving Steve into the hallway. He gladly followed.

“It’s a proper mixtape for you and Nancy to listen to when you’re together,” You whispered. His lips part before they pulled up into a smile of his own. “I guess it’s my gift to the both of you.”

“You’re kidding,” He threw his head back in laughter, opening it to reveal a cassette with a multitude of songs written in your handwriting on the paper inside and the words Stancy’s Mixtape written in cursive on the front. “I can’t believe you remembered!”

“What? That you put Madonna and Cindy Lauper on a make out playlist? Oh, you are never living that one down,” You smirked, making him chuckle. You looked down to explain the cassette and missed the way his eyes never left your face. “It’s got a lot of songs she told me that she liked and some I think you might like too. I wrote them all right here. Except for the last one. That one’s a surprise.”

“So does this mean we’re friends again?“ He looked into your eyes with a playful smile. You shook your head. “Bullshit! I think I’m starting to rub off on you. Because this seems like a very friendly gift from someone who doesn’t consider me as a friend.”

“Think of this as a thank you. You saved our lives so this is me saving your relationship. I think if that poor girl has to listen to Don’t Stop Believing one more time with your tongue down her throat, she’s going to rip her hair out.”

“Wh- She told me she liked that one!”

“She lied,” You shrugged, making him chuckle again. He looked at you in a way that made chills run down your spine. Surely it was nothing more than an admirable look from a friend, but the way his eyes danced around your face always made you nervous.

There was an odd tension between the two of you ever since that night six months ago. There were times you acted like friends, others where you acted like you absolutely hated one another. Then there were moments like these, where you’d both look into each other’s eyes like there was nothing else in the world you’d rather look at. But you always interrupted them by looking away and respecting the fact that this boy was nothing more to you than your friend’s boyfriend.

“Anyways,” You looked at your feet for a moment before looking back up. “I should probably-“

“Yeah, yeah, of course!” He blinked, before taking one last look at the mixtape and shooting you one last smile. “Thank you. I really appreciate this. Merry Christmas, Y/N.”

“Merry Christmas, Steve,” You placed a relaxed hand on his arm before heading back to the foyer to see Nancy placing a quick kiss on Jonathan’s cheek. You gave her a quick hug and made your way back to the Bronco with your brother.

“Do I get this car when I turn 16?” He asked you.

“Probably,” You shrugged. “I want to go to Columbia for college. There’s not much of a need for cars in New York City.”

“Yes!” He grinned. “Wait- NEW YORK CITY?! That’s like twelve hours away!”

“Exactly,” You laughed. You continued to argue about the fact that Columbia was simply too far away in Dustin’s opinion and not far enough in yours until you got home after dropping Robin off at her house. “-Dustin, it would only be for four years!”

“Then what?”

“Then I’d probably move to Europe,” You smirked.

“MOM!” He shouted as he ran into the house. “Y/N said she hates us!”

“Not true!” You darted after him. “I told him I want to go to Columbia University.”

“In New York City?!” Your mother gasped dramatically, making you laugh. “I think that’s amazing, sweetie! I’ll help pay for it if you get scholarships.”

“What?!” Dustin shouted as the doorbell rang. “I feel like this is a discussion we should have as a family!”

“Is that the friend you were expecting?” Your mother smiled as she set the table.

“We’re having a guest?” Your brother asked.

“Yeah, he didn’t have any family around to celebrate with so I invited him,” You nodded, heading to the front door and opening it to reveal Eddie. “Hey, you! Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” He smiled, checking over your shoulder to make sure no one was around before pulling you in for a quick and gentle kiss. “Thanks for inviting me.”

“Of course,” You felt a blush creep into your cheeks from the kiss. God, you liked kissing him. “No one should be alone on Christmas.”

“Eddie? He’s our guest?” Dustin questioned from behind you with a smile. “Oh my god!! Best. Christmas. Ever.”

You invited him in before you all sat around the table and ate your food. You proceeded to watch the movie Eddie had brought from home; How The Grinch Stole Christmas. You waited for both your mother and brother called it a night before you snuck him into your room and had a second celebration of your own. Maybe Dustin was onto something: this Christmas was the one for the books.



As always, please feel free to DM me or leave a comment on my stories! I love to hear your feedback and interact with all of you!! Don’t forget to like and reblog, it really helps me out!

please go check out Stancy’s Mixtape -> there might be a reference to it in the future (specifically to the last song lmaoo)

a/n: AHHHH omg we are OFFICIALLY done with season one!! i can’t believe it but i am so so excited to show you what i have in store for season two!! expect lots of tension and angst between steve and y/n

side note: let’s pretend Foreigner released their album Agent Provocateur in ‘83 instead of ‘84 so that it fits into this plot, mkay? mkay :)

here is the playlist i like to listen to while i write this series Upside Down Feelings ->


@werewolfbanshee-love @reallysparklychaos @katsukiswrld @yashirawr @grfields @001andeddiearetodiefor @thatmarvelchick19 @fixtionlover @idkwhyimhere013 @b3rrysoda @tpwkhollandd @dawnyboy @rexorangecouny @kimmchijjajang @efvyqrs @lou-la-lou @nycbaby21 @satsuri3su @agustdeeyaa @boisteroussquirrel @fangeekkk @persephonesnebula @starstruckspring @bbyharlow @edithsvoice @harrycanyonmoonn @sharkswithsocks @xm00nl1ght @okei888 @lqveharrington @earthtostory @boobabietch @captainmarvelindisguise @astrumark @idfvc @hannahdoesstuff @homeofthepeculiar @potatoflavoured @binxy @ultrunning @azgucci @blogginjh @burdenedbliss @chervbs @lentil-s0up @ameliabs-world @mess-is-my-aesthetic @hopefulgardenerfun @crustyassthings

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2 years ago


Upside Down Feelings 11

Chapter One: MADMAX

Upside Down Feelings 11

summary: Just another normal school day for Y/N’s crew followed by a dinner with Barb’s parents and a moment alone with Steve

word count: 3232

“I don’t know about this, Nancy!” You called from her bathroom, looking in the mirror to see your costume. Nancy came up with the oh-so brilliant idea of going as a sexy devil and angel for Halloween this year. She was the angel, of course. Leaving you in a skimpy, tight and short red dress that showed off your figure in a way nothing ever has before. “It’s too much! I’m not comfortable with this!”

“Oh, my God,” She laughed. “Just step out already! Let me see!”

You stepped out, revealing the lacy dress paired with thigh high, heeled boots and shiny devil horns. Her jaw dropped at the sight of you.

“Woah,” She muttered. “I’ve never seen you look so..”

“What?” Your voice pitched as you turned around to look in her mirror. “It’s too slutty, isn’t it? I knew I didn’t have the body to pull this off-“

“No, no! You look..” She said before grinning. “Really sexy. I know you and Eddie aren’t anything serious but you should totally swing by his place in that outfit. I have a feeling you’d have the night of your life.”

“I told you that I didn’t want to spend Halloween in a skin tight-” You rolled your eyes before hearing her door open. You jumped back, looking around for something to cover up with as you heard her brother speak up.

“Nancy, I hope you don’t-… woah..” Mike muttered. “Y/N, you look… woah..”

“EW, GET OUT!” You both shouted. He quickly snapped out of his trance before opening Nancy’s sock drawer and taking out the piggy bank.

“I’m sorry! I’ll pay you back!” He said before darting out of the room.

“MIKE! WHAT THE HELL?!” Nancy took off after him, leaving her door open. You quickly ran back into the bathroom, leaning on the door and taking a breath.

And then an idea dawned on you.

“That motherfucker. I knew I was missing some change,” You muttered before changing into your clothes, prepping yourself to drive home and check your own piggy bank. You made sure to leave the costume on her counter before you left.


“Dustin, would you please just shut the hell up about this already?” You groaned as you pulled into the school parking lot. “I’m not giving you any more quarters just because Mad Matt-“

“Max! Mad Max! God, do you even listen to a word I say?!” He huffed, crossing his arms.

“-All because Mad Max beat your score!” You ignored, sticking out your tongue slightly as you focused on parking into the spot next to Steve. Your brother stayed quiet, knowing parking always required your undivided attention.

“I’ll clean your room for a week!” He finally said as soon as you put the vehicle in park.

“I’ve seen your cleaning. I’m not impressed,” You scoffed, leaning back to grab your bag.

“And I’ll wash the Bronco!” He pleaded. You hopped out of your car, knocking on Steve’s passenger window and bending down to wave at Nancy. She smiled up at you, holding up a finger before she continued to read the paper in her hands.

“I don’t want your grimy hands touching the Bronco,” You said as you began making your way towards the high school, making his jaw drop.

“Y/N, listen. I’m gonna make you a deal you can’t refuse-“

“You wanna bet? No, no, and just in case you didn’t catch it before,” You turned around and gave him a mean glare. “No.”

“Okay, I can see you’re upset. We can talk about it later,” He sighed as he watched you jog to catch up with Robin before he headed towards the middle school.


“Could you please convince Jonathan to go to Tina’s party with us?” Nancy groaned, before dramatically leaning on her locker that sat beside yours and dangling an orange paper in your face. You smiled, looking over at Jonathan before glancing down at the paper.


Come and get Sheet Faced

“See, I would, but,” You sighed just as dramatically. “I don’t wanna go either.”


“Thank you!” He laughed.

“Please don’t tell me you’re both taking your brothers trick or treating.”

“Wh- Oh, my God!” You pointed at Jonathan, faking a surprised look.

“No way! You’re going trick or treating with the boys too?” He mirrored you.

“You guys suck,” Nancy huffed. “Just-just come! I mean, who knows? You might even meet someone-“

She was interrupted by her own surprised squeal as Steve snuck up behind her and picked her up from behind. He put her down and she twirled around to slap him in the arm. He laughed and pulled her in by her waist.

“God, take those stupid things off,” She giggled.

“I missed you,” He smiled.

“It’s been like an hour.”

“Tell me about it,” He muttered before pulling her in by her neck and embracing her. You looked over at Jonathan with a look of disgust and he did the same. You closed your locker and nodded as if to say let’s go.

“Do they have to do that right in front of us?” He muttered.

“Tell me about it,” You mimicked, making him chuckle. “She’s trying to convince me to be the sexy devil to her sexy angel for Tina’s party. She bought me a costume. Made me try it on and everything.”

“And?” He raised his brows as he walked up to his locker.

“And it’s just not me,” You shrugged. “I don’t wanna wear a skimpy dress to a party full of people who didn’t know my name prior to my best friend becoming popular. I don’t even like most of them. I was kinda hoping to just take the boys trick or treating and then making a few mixtapes with Robin or something.”

“You got room for a plus one?” He asked. You smiled for a moment before shrugging.

“That depends,” You said. “Would you bring a cassette by the Talking Heads so I can put it into a mixtape?”

“Yeah, why not?” He smiled.

“Then yes,” You said, glancing over to catch Steve’s gaze from down the hallway before you both quickly turned away. “Gotta get to class. I’ll let you know the details later.”


“Y/N!” Dustin shouted as you walked up to your vehicle. He picked up his pace into a jog to meet you there.

“If you’re going to ask for more quarters, then you should know that the answer is still-“

“No! We just need a ride to the arcade!” He said quickly.

“We? Who’s we?”

“Me and Lucas.”

“I don’t see a Lucas,” You said after looking around.

“He’s finishing up a test. He’ll be out in like three minutes,” Dustin explained, looking at you expectedly. “So?”

“Okay, fine,” You huffed. “Get in. But if he takes longer than ten minutes, we’re leaving without him.”

“Hey, Henderson!” You heard a familiar voice call from behind you as Dustin hopped in. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. It felt like everyone required your attention today; you just wanted to go home. You pretended to ignore it and open your door before the voice caught up with you. “Y/N! Hey! Wait!”

“What?” You whined, turning around to face Steve.

“Woah. Jesus, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?” He scoffed. “I was just going to ask if we’re still on tonight?”

You furrowed your brows.

“What’s tonight?”

“Dinner with Barbs parents?” He offered. You groaned and leaned your head against your car door. “I know. My reaction exactly.”

“We’re still doing that?” You asked. “Jesus. I don’t think I can sit through another meal at my dead friend’s kitchen table while her parents talk about finding her. Can I take another raincheck? I have plans.”

“Yeah, well, take it up with Nance,” He shrugged, leaning against his own car that sat beside your own. “I have a college essay I should be working on but I’m getting dragged along too. If you’re not going, then neither am I.”

“Why?” You paused before pouting. “Aw, are you going to miss me?”

“No, because if I have to suffer through another morbid dinner, then so do you!” He bit back. “I’d honestly prefer if you weren’t there.”

“What a coincidence! Me too! Welp, that solves our problem! Have fun tonight, though,” You smiled sarcastically, turning around to open your door before watching as his hand pushing it closed again.

“Oh, no, no, no. You’re not getting off that easy,” He frowned as you twirled around with frustration. His hand remained on the door behind you as he continued to quickly spew out his frustrated ramble. “Their house smells weird, her mom never stops talking, her dad never stops staring, and if I have to see that damn shrine again, I might actually pull my hair out. So whatever plans you have, cancel them. Because I need your argumentative ass there to entertain me and keep me from completely losing my god damned mind! So just-…” He drew in a deep breath before softening up his tone. “Please.”

He looked into your eyes with parted lips, a bit out of breath from his rant. Maybe it was his pleading eyes or the way he clapped his hands together as if he were praying to you, but boy, did he know how to get his way.

“Fine,” You rolled your eyes. “Now move your hand so I can go home and get ready.”

He stepped back, holding both hands up next to his head as he watched you climb into the Bronco.

“See you at 7:00!” He called after you shut your door. You smiled and flipped the bird, making him chuckle as he walked away and Lucas climbed into your backseat.

“Asshole,” You muttered under your breath.

“Bitch,” Steve breathed as he got into his car.


“I’m so sorry I didn’t get to cook,” Barb’s mom, Marsha looked up from her plate filled with KFC chicken and mashed potatoes. “I was gonna make that baked ziti you guys like so much, but I just forgot about the time, and before you know it, Oh, my God, it’s five o’clock! Which reminds me! Have I told you about-“

Oh, my God, you thought halfway through her spiel. This woman could make the Queen’s Guard break their silence just so they could tell her to shut up.

You caught Steve’s gaze and widened your eyes with annoyance, making him smile and mouth, Right?

“It’s fine,” Nancy said after a few minutes.

“Yeah, it’s great!” Steve nodded. They all looked at you who sat with a zoned out expression before he kicked your leg under the table.

“Yeah, I love KFC!” You quickly chimed in, picking up a spoonful of mashed potatoes and stuffing it in your mouth. “Mm! Delicious!”

Mr. and Mrs. Holland smiled before they began digging in themselves. You all continued with your dinner, allowing Marsha to talk your ears off with conversation. You’d occasionally throw in some Oh’s, That’s nice’s, Mhm’s as you zoned out completely again.

“Have you heard of him?”

“No,” Nancy looked over at you both.

“No, I don’t think so,” Steve said, glancing over at you before noticing you’d zoned out again. “How about you, Y/N?”

“Hm? Oh yeah, great choice, Mrs. Holland!,” You smiled, still thinking they were talking about the food. Steve let out a small chuckle before turning his attention back to the older couple.

“Oh, so you’ve heard of him?” Marsha grinned.

“Um… Y-Yeah! Who hasn’t?” You chuckled nervously, praying that you were answering the way you were supposed to. You were careful to avoid the gaze of the boy next to you. “I hear he’s awesome…”

“He is!” She grinned before looking over at the two in front of her. “He was an investigative journalist for the Chicago Sun-Times. He’s freelance now, and he agreed to take the case!”

“O-Oh, that’s great!” Steve offered in a sweet tone. “No, that’s really.. That’s great, right?”

You nodded hesitantly before looking over at Nancy.

“Um, what exactly does that mean?” She smiled.

“Means he’s gonna do what that lazy son of a bitch Jim Hop-“ Mr. Holland began before his wife placed a hand on him arm. “Sorry… What the Hawkins police haven’t been capable of doing. Means we have a real detective on the case.”

He looked over at you and kept his gaze on you, watching eagerly to see how you’d respond. Jesus, he really did have a staring problem.

“It means,” Mrs. Holland’s voice cracked as she smiled. “We’re going to find our Barb.”

“If anyone can find her, it’s this man,” He said, looking at you. “He already has leads. By God, he’s worth every last penny.”

“Hold on.. I-Is that why you’re selling the house?” You stammered, feeling your heart drop.

“Don’t worry about us, sweetie. We’re fine,” Marsha grinned. “More than fine! For the first time in a long time, we’re hopeful.”

That felt like a punch to the gut; her words almost knocked the wind out of you. You wished more than anything that you could tell her the truth, that her baby was never coming home. That she met a horrible fate, one that you almost met yourselves. You swallowed hard, pursing your lips and faking a smile when they looked over at you.

“Excuse me,” Nancy whispered with tears in her eyes. “I’ll be right back.”

She got up and made her way to the bathroom, leaving both you and Steve alone to continue with the small talk and niceties. You both smiled and took a large bite out of your chicken. You reached for your Coke and brought it up to your lips for a sip.

“It’s finger-lickin’ good,” He smiled. You laughed into the dark liquid, making it spill all over your white blouse.

“Oh, honey! Are you alright?” Marsha furrowed her brows with concern.

“Yeah! Yeah! Um- Yes, I just, uh-“ You looked over at Steve for help.

“She’s getting over a cold!” He nodded.

“A cold!” You repeated. “I just have a cough is all.”

“Right!” He agreed before looking over at you. “What did I tell you about drinking out of open cups, you silly goose?”

“I-“ You bit your lip to hold back the cackle that threatened to come out, opting to shrug instead.

“Do you want to borrow one of Barbara’s shirts?” She smiled. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind!”

“No,” You said a little too quickly before letting out another nervous chuckle. Steve was having the time of his life watching you scramble for words to dig you out of the spotlight. “No, it’s alright. It- uh, I think- I just.. um.. No. Thank you, though..”

“Smooth,” Steve coughed in his hand, earning the confused looks from her parents. You kicked his leg under the table and he smiled innocently up at the couple in front of him before coughing into his arm again. “I think I might be coming down with the same thing.”

You narrowed your eyes as Marsha continued to talk about the wildest story from her days as the school secretary. Steve smiled and pretended to listen attentively, pretending as if you weren’t staring into his soul as you pat yourself down with napkins.


“Thanks for the ride,” You said mindlessly as you grabbed your backpack from your feet. You took shotgun as soon as Nancy got out at her house. She insisted on being taken home first.

“Yeah, no problem,” He sighed, watching as you reached for the door handle before you paused and turned to him with a smile.

“You’re an asshole, by the way,” You said. He feigned innocence, acting offended by your comment. “Finger lickin’ good? You totally waited until I was taking a sip to say that!”

“What? It was!”

“You know, I’d almost believe you if you didn’t throw in that silly goose comment directly after that. What the fuck was that?”

He threw back his head in genuine laughter.

“Okay, you have to admit that one was funny too,” He smiled. You scoffed and hit his shoulder. “I mean, you should’ve seen your face! You were forcing this frown in effort of holding back your smile! It was so, uh.. It was so-“

Cute, he wanted to say. It was sitting on the tip of his tongue, ready to speak into existence. His brain almost felt unsatisfied when he stopped himself, like an itch that he couldn’t scratch.

“It was fucked up, was what it was!” You rolled your eyes, finally giving into the laughter after hearing him wheeze at your comment. “Stop laughing! This was my favorite shirt, asshole! Apologize!”

“Aw, okay, okay,” He smiled, looking into your eyes as he patted your leg before chuckling throughout the entirety of the next sentence. “I’m sorry for- making you laugh into your Coke-”

“You can’t even get through the whole apology without laughing,” You giggled. “Try again!”

He sighed before he readjusted in his seat to look you dead in the eyes, forgetting to remove his hand from your knee. This is certainly not what you wanted. You didn’t expect to feel the warmth of his fingers bleed through your jeans and onto your knee. You didn’t expect for his eyes to look into yours for an usually long amount of time. You felt your heart skip a beat as you watched him smile softly and continue with a genuine tone.

“I’m sorry for ruining your shirt. Truly,” His brown eyes dance all over your face, as if he were trying to take you all in at once. “And for putting you in an awkward situation tonight. I swear I won’t do it again. Well- At least, not at the Hollands’ house.”

He continued to look at you with relaxed lids with the corners of his mouth only barely pulled upwards. Everything about him in that moment seemed so gentle and sweet, even his gaze. There were times where you could honestly say you hated this boy. Hell, you swore you hated him about three times in the past 24 hours. But when he stopped trying to go out of his way to be an annoying asshole, you almost felt drawn to him. There was something about this side of him that made you feel a warm sensation built in your chest that demanded to be felt, no matter how badly you wanted to bury it down.

It was only when his thumb subconsciously began to rub your leg when your eyes looked down at it, making him snap out of the trance. He yanked his hand back, almost as if he didn’t realize what he was doing, before you grabbed your bag and opened the door.

“Thanks for the ride!” You said quickly, without looking back at him again. “Have a good night!”

“Yeah! You too!” He said as you shut the door and jogged in. He clenched his eyes shut and let his head fall back on the headrest behind him.

“Y/N!” Your brother called, making you jump as you marched towards your house. “Check this out! I found a-“

“Jesus, Dustin! Not now!” You huffed, walking past him and slamming the front door behind you.

“… What’s her problem?” He frowned, looking out at the familiar car that now sped down his block.



As always, please feel free to DM me or leave a comment on my stories! I love to hear your feedback and interact with all of you!! Don’t forget to like and reblog, it really helps me out!

a/n: AND WE'RE BACKKK!! so excited to show you this new season! I did want to make a bit of a disclaimer: This season is going to be a short one bc Y/N will not be joining Nancy and Jonathan on their adventures. You'll see whyyy in the following chapters, but on the bright side, ✨more Steve content✨

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2 years ago

this was supposed to have a happy eddie ending, i hope you all know you can blame sam for this shit

Upside Down Feelings 2

Chapter Nine: The Gate

Upside Down Feelings 2

summary: Steve is a simp and a shitty fighter. He follows Y/N and the kids into the tunnels and finally confesses his feelings

word count: 8750 ish (LMAOOOO BUCKLE IN YALL)

@mitchloveswriting wouldn't be possible without you. i adore you. sorry for changing the entire plot of this episode bahahahaaa

“What is this?” Steve turned to you, seeing you blink away your tears of relief as you stared at the little girl in front of you. She embraced Mike and shared a sweet conversation with him. “Who is that?”

“Remember the girl who killed the Demogorgon?” Dustin explained as the chief took his turn to speak to the girl before leading Mike to another room. “The one we told you about with the salt tank. She saved Will and-.."

The boy trailed off as his old friend looked over at him with a smile. He excused himself before he walked over and embraced the young girl, grinning and talking about how much he’d missed her. Steve smiled and looked over at you. You wore a soft smile paired with teary eyes.

“Oh, hey. Are you, uh..” He shifted his weight as he pressed a gentle hand on your shoulder. “You alright?”

“Hm? Oh, yeah, no, I’m fine,” You chuckled softly, blinking away the tears. He nodded slowly, skeptically. You continued to talk to convince him you were okay. "Sweet moment is all."

“Y/N!” Eleven smiled before walking past Max. You didn’t miss the way the girl’s shoulders fell at her failed attempt at introducing herself to the group's long-lost member.

“Hey, you,” You held out your arms and pulled her in tightly. “I’m so happy you’re alive. You really scared us last year.”

“I am alive. And I still splash my face with water,” She mumbled into your shoulder, making you laugh. “Like you told me. To calm down.”

“You do?” You felt your heart melt into a puddle as you pulled away to look her in the eyes. You smiled as you rubbed your thumb under her eye as you observed the smudged black look. “I like the makeup. Very Joan Jett of you.”

“Joan.. Jett?” She furrowed her brows.

“She makes music. I’ll show you later. I bet you'll really like her,” You giggled before your gaze shifted to Joyce. Your sweet voice softened, dropping in volume as you whispered, “I think there’s someone else that wants to say hi to you.”

El turned around, gasping the moment that her eyes landed on the woman that waited patiently for her turn to greet the girl. You watched as Eleven crumbled into her arms, allowing herself to break down in tears. Of relief and of sadness.

God knows what she’s gone through to cry like that. 

Throughout the reunion, you failed to catch Steve’s gaze of admiration. A soft smile was plastered on his face as he watched you interact in a way he hadn't seen before. You were so gentle and sweet with Eleven. He always loved your way with kids and the way you showered them all in your sisterly love, playing a very sarcastic and playful role in their lives.

But this. This was different. You embraced her and squeezed your eyes shut as you breathed her in, not quite believing she had survived her brave fight with the Demogorgon only a few months before. He drank in the way you so softly grabbed her face and smiled at her silly makeup. Your voice even changed when you spoke to her. A tender tone matched with a relieved smile. 

He wanted so badly to make another flirty comment to you but wouldn't dare to risk wiping that beautiful look off of your face. So he simply sat back and watched you converse with Max, grateful for being able to catch a glimpse of your maternal side.

“Hey, don’t worry,” You placed a hand on the redhead’s back. “She’ll warm up to you.”

“Whatever,” She shook her head. “I don’t care.”

“I care,” You shrugged, gaining her full attention. “Just give her time, alright? I’m sure she’s just threatened by another girl entering her friend group. It’s just a girl thing. But no matter how hard she tries, she’ll inevitably warm up to you like the rest of us did.”

“Mike didn’t..” She muttered, looking down.

“Exactly. Like I said, it’s a girl thing,” You smirked, making her giggle. “Look, I wouldn’t sweat it, alright? If anything, I think-“

“Listen up!” Hopper interrupted as he walked into the room, clapping his hands once loudly to get the attention of the small crowd. As if his booming voice wasn’t enough. Steve mentally cursed the man for interrupting the rare moment. “Y/N, I need you in the kitchen. Everyone else, feel free to join.”

You nodded and followed behind him, the rest of the kids were hot on your heels. You gathered around the table as Hopper and Joyce explained what they knew about the gate. It sat underground, underneath the lab. They explained to you the dogs, and the failure to kill them or keep them away- even with the heavy militarization of the building.

“It’s not like it was before. It’s grown,” He told you. “A lot. And, I mean, that’s considering we can get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs.”

“Demo-dogs,” Dustin corrected, making your face drop into your palm as you groaned.

“I’m sorry, what?” Hopper narrowed his eyes.

“I said Demo-dogs,” Your brother continued. “Like Demogorgan and dogs. You put them together. It sounds pretty bad ass-“

“How is this important right now?” 

“It’s not.. I’m sorry..”

“I can do it,” El looked up.

“You’re not hearing me,” Hop muttered.

“I’m hearing you. I can do it.”

“Woah, woah, woah,” You butt in. “Let’s take a step back. We can’t just go in there and kill the brain. Not when it’s still connected to Will. The whole point of this is to save him. I mean, chances are that if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer’s army-“

“Will’s a part of that army,” Lucas muttered.

“So closing the gate will kill him,” Mike finished.

“Now the question is: how the hell do we get that thing out of him when we have no idea how it works?” You sighed.

You all fell silent. Your eyes danced around in thought, wracking your brain for answers or possible solutions. But the inception of every thought was instantly shut down by the next. For the first time in your life, you'd drawn a blank.

“He likes it cold..” Joyce mumbled just as you were ready to give up on coming up with an idea.

“What?” Hopper's rubbed his hand across his stubbly jaw.

“That’s what Will kept saying to me,” She continued, shooting to her feet and leading you all to the boy’s room. You watched as she slammed the window shut before she turned back around to elaborate. “He likes it cold. We keep giving it what it wants!”

"You said that the doctors called this thing a virus, right?" Your eyes lit up. She nodded. "Well, a virus can't survive without a habitable host. It's not technically alive. That's part of the reason why we normally get fevers when we have the flu. It's our body's way of killing the virus: making its environment unlivable."

“We need to burn it out of him,” Joyce confirmed.

“We have to do it somewhere he doesn’t know this time,” Mike chimed in.

“Yeah, somewhere far away,” Dustin added.

“I think I know a place,” Hopper stated.


“You should go with him,” Steve told Nancy as they dug through the pile of discarded shed items. 


“With Jonathan,” He said matter of factly.

“No, I’m.. I’m not just gonna leave Mike,” She sighed.

“No one’s leaving anyone,” Steve shook his head. “I may be a pretty shitty boyfriend, but.. turns out I’m actually a pretty damn good babysitter. Y/N and I took these parental roles for the kids. It’s kinda been fun, co-parenting those shitheads.”

“You two make a good team,” Nancy smiled, taking the heater from Steve’s hands. “And you haven’t been the shitty one in this relationship, Steve. That’s me. Partly because-“

“Because you developed feelings for Johnny Boy?” He breathed. She blinked and nodded hesitantly, making his stomach churn. Yet somehow, his heart remained in one piece. "Yeah, I figured."

“I mean, yes, that's a big reason. But also because I could sense it… The electricity between you and Y/N. I guess I was, uh.. I was insecure and jealous, so I was shitty to you both. Pushed you away. And then I found someone that looks at me the way you two look at each other and..” She shrugged. “Well, you know the rest.”

“It’s not like that between us, you know,” Steve resisted. “She’s in love with Eddie.”

“No. No, I’ve known that girl since we were kids. She might love him. But he isn’t the one she’s in love with..” She breathed in and looked up at her ex. “And the same applies to you. You might love me but.. I’m not the one you’re in love with either. I never was..”

“Nance..” He looked down with an empathetic look, feeling a wave of guilt washing over him. She was right. It only took him a year to realize that the best part of being with Nancy was getting to be around you.

“It’s okay, Steve,” She reassured with a small smile, placing a gentle hand on his upper arm. “Really, it’s okay. I'm okay. Do me a favor and take care of the kids while I’m gone, alright? That includes Y/N.”

“Yeah,” He nodded before pulling her in for a quick hug. “Will do.”

“Hey, Nance? You back here?” Your voice called out as you shone your light on the pair. You couldn’t help but feel your heart sink slowly and painfully into your gut at the sight. You ignored it. “O-Oh shit! Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything-“

“No, no, it’s not-“ Nancy chuckled. “Not what you think. Did you, uh, need something?”

“I, um..” You blinked, drawing your lower lip in between your teeth. “Jonathan’s asking for you. He wants to say goodbye.”

“I’m actually going with him,” She shot Steve a small smile. He returned it.

“Oh?” Your brows shot up. She nodded. There was an awkward silence before you spoke up again. You blurted out, “Nancy, I just.. Look, I know things have been tense between us lately. But I don’t want things to go unsaid if something happens so-“

“I know.. I’m sorry, too,” She smiled and tilted her head affectionately. You let out a small chuckle of relief. “And you’re forgiven. Always.”

“I forgive you, too,” You breathed, pulling her into your arms. “Always. Be careful, alright?”

“You, too, Y/N,” She muttered into your shoulder before pulling away. "You, too."


“You’ve been quiet,” Steve said from behind you. You turned around to make sure he was talking to you. He was. “Is something wrong?”

“Yeah, there’s this really annoying guy who keeps prying and flirting,” You smiled. “I just can’t seem to get him off my back.”

“Guess not much has changed since middle school then,” He chuckled, taking the seat next to you. “I’m not here to flirt. I actually happen to be worried about you. I got so used to your incessant chatter that it almost feels eerily quiet when you aren’t talking. So talk to me. What’s on your mind?”

“Nancy,” You sighed.

“Nancy?” His brows furrowed.

“Yeah. That goodbye earlier just felt.. different.”

“What do you mean?”

“It felt.. final, you know? Like, sometimes we argue and makeup, and it feels like the end of a chapter. This felt like the last page of a book,” You shook your head, keeping your gaze focused on the pen you continuously twirled around your fingers. “Something about our tones and looks just.. I don’t know.”

“I thought you were tired of how she was treating you?” He shifted his weight so that he could better see you.

“Oh, believe me, I was,” You smiled, making him chuckle. “I just wasn’t prepared for a goodbye yet. I knew we were outgrowing our friendship, but you can never really prepare for goodbye."

“But she didn’t say that it was the end,” He offered.

“Mm, she didn’t have to,” You shook your head slowly, looking down at the table as you spoke, your focus remained deep inside of your mind as you continued to speak. "I know her like the back of my hand. And I also know what goodbye feels like..”

“Maybe it’s for the better, you know? Goodbyes aren't ever really the end of something. It just means it's time to explore new things. Maybe now you can get closer to Raven and-“


“Robin. Whatever,” He rolled his eyes. “And just live your life. You can befriend or date or fuck whoever you want without having to worry about what Nancy thinks. You can stop arguing about which college you wanna go to or defending every little thing you do. I love Nance just as much as the next person but even I can see how toxic she can be. You don’t have to fit into her good girl mold anymore.”

“You just had to throw in the whole dating and fucking thing in there, didn’t you?” You rolled your eyes with a smile playing on your lips, finally looking back into his eyes. He laughed.

Steve was glad to play your little cat and mouse game. He knew you’d never go for him while in a relationship but he took pleasure in the fact that you couldn’t help but tease him and make subtle, flirtatious comments. He also knew that even you couldn’t out-flirt the king. Sure, you were more quick-witted and intelligent, but he was the one that knew exactly how to make you blush and squirm.

“Oh, is that all you got from that?” He smirked, leaning into you so he could speak into your ear. “Tell you what: How about we take this to Joyce’s room so you can show me just how much of a good girl you-“

“Give it a break, you fucking pervert,” You laughed, pushing him away playfully. He grinned at the delicate blush that now adorned your cheeks. “So what’s up with you and Nancy anyway?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” He smiled, earning a scowl. “Okay, fine. I’ll stop. Nothing’s up. She basically just told me she’s with Jonathan now and that I should go for someone else.”

“Ouch,” You placed a dramatic hand on your heart. “That had to have hurt.”

“Is it bad that I actually felt a little relieved?” He blew out some air through puffed cheeks before letting out a chuckle. “Hell, maybe I’m a little bummed but definitely not as much as I thought I'd be."

“You just said you loved her.”

“I never said I was in love with her.”

“You literally did,” You laughed. “I had to wipe your tears on Halloween because-“

“You had to wipe my tears because my ego was bruised and my feelings were hurt. Not because my heart was broken,” He stopped you. “Trust me, Y/N, I know what a broken heart feels like. And this certainly is not it.”

“DEMO-DOGS!” Dustin huffed from around the corner, gaining your attention. "They're called Demo-dogs!"

“The chief will take care of her!” Lucas’ voice echoed through the space.

“Are you even listening-“

“Hold that thought, Steve,” You placed a hand on his forearm, dragging him behind you as you entered the living room. “What the hell is going on in here?”

"Mike wants to go into the tunnels and light the middle on fire so we can help Eleven!" Lucas confessed.

"She has no chance of closing the gate if those dogs are in the building! A party member needs us! We can't just leave her to die-"

“Listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it. Alright?” Steve spoke ups

“Okay, first of all, this isn’t some stupid sports game,” Mike scoffed. “And second, we’re not even in the game. We’re on the bench.”

“Right- Well- My point is…” Steve stammered. Everyone looked up at him expectantly. “… Right, yeah, we’re on the bench, so, uh, there’s nothing we can do.”

“That’s not necessarily true,” You disagreed.

“What are you doing?” He turned to you.

“I mean, these dogs-“


“Whatever!” You huffed. “They have a hive mind. When they ran away from the bus, they were called away, right?"

“Y/N,” Steve warned.

"Listen," You held up a hand before looking over at Mike. "Are you saying we should get their attention so we can draw them away from the lab?"

"It might be the only way for her to shut the gate!" He nodded. "And if she fails at shutting it, then the whole town of Hawkins might fall to those dogs."

“Let’s take a step back and reanalyze what we’re saying-“

“We need clear a path to the gate!” Dustin agreed. "I say we do it!"

“Yeah, if we all want to die!” Steve snapped. "We'd be marching straight into a death trap."

“Yeah, that’s one point of view,” Your brother shrugged.

“No, that’s not a point of view, man,” Steve spoke matter of factly. “That’s a fact.”

“I got it!” Mike snapped before leading you all around the house to point out spots in the tunnels. “This is where the chief dug his hole. It's our way in. Here, right here! This is like a hub. See how all the tunnels feed into here? Maybe if we set this on fire-“

“Uh, yeah! That’s a no,” Steve interrupted.

“The mind flayer would call away his army!” Dustin continued.

“They’d all come to stop us,” You deadpanned. “That’s great in theory, but not even an armed military facility survived these dogs. How are we meant to-“

“Hey, babysitter to babysitter, maybe you shouldn’t be fueling their inquisitive minds, alright? We need to shut this shit down right now-“

“We can circle back to the exit! By the time they realize we’re gone-“

“Hey!” Steve shouted.

“El would be at the gate!” Your eyes lit up.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Steve clapped his hands loudly to get your attention. “This is not happening. Y/N, I need to talk to you in the other room. Now.”

“Steve, just-“


“This could be our only shot at-“

“I said no, Y/N!”

“But-“ Mike tried to chime in.

“No, no, no, no, no!” He raised his voice. “No buts. I promised I’d keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. We’re staying here. On the bench. And we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand that?”

“This isn’t a stupid sports game!”

“I said does everybody understand that?” He took his towel off of his shoulder. “I need a yes.”

You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms. He tilted his head in annoyance.

“Are you seriously doing this right now?” He scoffed. “We’re back to square one now, huh? Back to arguing and hating each other?!"

“Yeah! We are. Because you don’t understand the gravity of our situation!” You pressed your finger into his chest hard enough to push him back. "We need to get out there, Steve."

“NO! Look, hate me all you want. I don't give a fuck as long as it means keeping you safe!” He shouted. “And, in case you forgot, you can’t exactly get out of here without my keys! I’m the driver, and no is no. Am I understood?”

“Don’t talk me like I’m a child-“

“Then stop acting like one!”

“Excuse me?” You spat, taking a step closer to him. "I'm not the one who's refusing to listen to reason! Mike's right. We need to-"


"God, your face looks so punchable right now-" You bit back before you heard the sound of an engine revving. You knew that car, it sounded almost as smug as its owner. Max ran to the window.

“It’s m-my brother,” She stammered. “He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us!”

“I got this,” You sighed, turning on your heels.

“What are you doing?” Steve hissed.

“Saving your ass. Stay here.”

You adjusted your shirt, bringing it down just enough to show some cleavage, and flipped your hair to give it some volume. You pinched your cheeks for some color and lips for a natural pout. You walked out of the house, hips pushed forward and shoulders back for a more seductive gait.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting to see you here, princess,” Billy chuckled as he stepped out of his car, taking a puff from his cigarette. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes..”

“To what do I owe the pleasure, handsome?” You smiled, looking at him with your best doe eyes. He eyed your curves hungrily as you approached him.

“Handsome, huh?” He smirked. “You smoke?”

“Mhm,” You looked up at him innocently, plucking the cigarette from his lips and putting it between your own. You took a puff, silently thanking the universe for not making you cough it all out like before. “Oh, baby. That’s just what I needed after the day I’ve had,” You looked into his eyes and blew the smoke towards his face. He looked at you with hooded eyes, inhaling your breath. “A nice buzz really has a way of… easing your tension out.”

“I might have a technique or two that’ll ease the tension out of you,” He licked his lips. You twirled the cigarette around and pressed it against his lips, never breaking eye contact. “You have the prettiest little fuck me eyes, you know that?”

“Mm, so I’ve been told,” You smiled.

“Alright,” Steve scoffed as he looked out the window. “Stay put. I think I’ve seen enough.”

You heard the door open behind you and watched Billy’s face contort from one of curiosity to utter entertainment.

“Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?” He called. You snapped around to see the brunette standing with his hands on his hips.

“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t cream your pants,” He responded, making you smile.

“Hold this for me, would you, sweetheart?” Billy spoke in a low, raspy voice as looked down at your lips as he placed his leather jacket into your hands. “What are you doing here, amigo?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” Steve said, wandering up to him. ”Amigo.”

“Looking for my stepsister. A little birdie told me she was here.”

“Huh, that’s weird. I don’t know her.”

“Small? Redhead? Bit of a bitch.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell. Sorry, buddy. Y/N, get inside. I got it from here.”

“Me? You’re the one that so rudely interrupted me and Pretty Boy’s conversation,” You frowned. Billy smiled over at you, rubbing his jaw as his eyes traced the outline of you.

“I said,” Steve grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. He was done with your bratty demeanor. Jesus Christ, he was fucking sexy when he did that. “Go.”

You scoffed, moving his hand off of your face before you spun on your heels and started to head towards the door. That’s when you saw it. All four kids were all but displayed on the window as they looked outside. Your eyes widened and you waved them off, praying that Billy didn’t see them. Knowing he did.

You picked up your pace before bursting into the house.

“Get away from the window, you fucking idiots!” You hissed, looking around for your bat. “Do you realize that he had a full view of you? God damn it, has anyone seen my bat?"

"He just punched Steve!" Dustin gasped. You quickly looked around the living room before the door slammed open.

“S’cuse me, sweetheart,” Billy growled from behind you, throwing you aside with force, causing your brow bone to hit the doorway. You groaned, feeling the blood already begin to pump towards the wound. Your ears rang for a moment as your vision blurred, trying to get up to help the kids as screams and thuds echoed through the house only to fall back down again.

“Y/N! Oh, my God! Are you alright?” Steve crouched down beside you with a worried look.

“I’m fine! Lucas! Go help Lucas-“

“Your eyebrow’s bleeding,” For only a moment, he pressed his palm into your cheek as his thumb gently brushed away the blood before it got to your eye. You were about to speak up again before his eyes grew dark. He looked up to see that the kids were still screaming at Billy to let go of the innocent boy. 

You heard another series of shouting and thuds against the walls and counters as you tried to blink away the white spots in your vision. Just as you got your vision back, you watched as a now bloody Steve stumbled backward into the living room. Billy came in only a moment after and kicked his back, sending him flying across the room. You gasped as you watched the blond get on top of your friend and begin to land potentially bone-breaking blows into Steve's face.

You hopped to your feet, ignoring the dizziness that haunted you as you grabbed the sedative from a nearby dresser. You uncapped the needle as you walked towards the fight and stabbed it straight into Billy's neck, emptying its contents into his bloodstream.

He stood up and turned to look at you before he took the needle out of his neck, looking at it as his stability began to waver. He marched towards you nonetheless.

“The hell is this?” He muttered. “You stupid cunt, what did you do?”

You scoffed, pushing him back and causing his body to slam onto the floor. You didn't miss a beat, taking the opportunity to go check on Steve. You fell onto your knees beside him, taking in the bloody mess that was now his face.

“Hey, hey, hey,” You breathed, feeling your chest clench with empathy. “You alright? Don’t go to sleep on me, okay? Stay awake. You understand me?”

“Your.. Your eyebrow..” He muttered. “S’ bleeding..”

“You just got the shit beat out of you and you're worried about my eyebrow?” You whispered, feeling the corners of your lips involuntarily pull upwards. He fluttered his eyes shut, a soft smile painted on his face. “Steve! Stay awake-“

“SAY YOU UNDERSTAND! SAY IT! SAY IT!” You turned around to see Red holding the bat above her head threateningly. 

“I understand..” Billy whispered.


“I understand,” A little louder. 

You watched as she plucked  the keys from his jeans and held them up. She looked at her friends. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” You stood up and took the keys from her hand. “Your moment’s over. We need to get out of here. Everyone come help me carry Steve to Billy’s car.”

“Where are we going?” Dustin asked.

“Those Demo-dogs aren't gonna distract themselves,” You stood above Steve, waiting for the kids to come. They simply stood in awe. “Chop, chop, people! Everyone grab a limb and let’s move!”

You all managed to get Steve into the car, laying him on the laps of Lucas, Mike, and Dustin. You grabbed some essentials for the trip before you drove towards the location where Chief dug the hole, not paying much mind to the children’s conversation playing out in the background.

“Y/N?” You heard Steve mutter after a few minutes of driving.

“Wha- I’m Dustin,” Your brother frowned. “We don’t even look alike. The hell?”


You moved your rearview mirror to see Steve reach up to grab his face, wondering where all the pain was coming from. Dustin gently guided his hand away.

“No, no, no! Don’t touch it. Hey, buddy,” Your brother shushed. “It’s okay, you put up a good fight! He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight, buddy. You’re okay.”

“Okay, you’re gonna keep straight for a half a mile,” Max said. “Then make a left on Mount Sinai.”

“Copy that,” You acknowledged. “Hand me another tissue, the blood’s getting in my eye again.”

“What’s going on..?” Steve furrowed his brows, gathering his surroundings.

“Hang tight, Stevie. We’re almost there,” You smiled.

“Hold on.. almost where?” He slurred. “Where are we?… Wait-.. Y/N? Ow… Henderson..? Where-where the hell are you going?”

“I think you know where we’re going,” You chuckled as you put the car in park. “Alright, kiddos, let’s go! Hustle! Hustle!”

“Guys?!” Steve called to a now empty car. He crawled out and grunted as he hit the ground, every part of him erupted in pain. “Oh, God.. Ow… Oh, no.. Guys?”

The kids all continued to prep, putting on their goggles and bandannas before grabbing the supplies from the trunk. You made your way around the car to talk to Steve.

“Hey, you alright?” You grabbed his shoulders. “Jesus, he got you good. I grabbed an ice pack if you wanna bring that with you."

“Is he okay?” Dustin asked as he walked by with the gasoline can.

“What the hell were you thinking bringing them here?!” He frowned, eyes following the kid behind you. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going? What are you- DEAF?! Helloooo!?”

“Yeah, he’s fine,” You grumbled before turning back to the tall boy in front of you. “Put these on. We’re going in.”

“We are not going down there right now!” He shouted. “I made myself clear.”

You rolled your eyes, placing his supplies on the roof of the car before you walked off to go help your brother.

“Hey! You listening to me?! There’s no chance we’re going into that hole, alright?!“ He followed you, yanking the rest of the supplies out of your hands. “THIS ENDS RIGHT NOW!”

“HEY!” You shouted over him. “You wanna talk?! Fine, let’s talk. Bottom line is if we want any chance of El actually closing that fucking gate, we need to do this.“

“Do you have any idea of the danger-“

“OF COURSE I KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS! Do you really think I would be putting these kids' lives in danger if I didn’t think it absolutely necessary?! It’s not just about El and Will anymore! It’s about our families, our friends, the whole fucking town of Hawkins!” You snapped, grabbing your bag from the trunk with an attitude. “So suit the fuck up! We're going in."

“No! God damn it, Henderson! We are not doing this!” Steve huffed with frustration. “I promised Nancy to keep you shitheads safe!”

“Then keep us safe, Harrington,” You said, handing him his bat. He looked down at you, hesitantly grabbing the bat out of your hands and sighing. Your face softened as you saw him ponder the idea. “Look, as much as I hate to admit it, we’re a damn good babysitting team, Steve. And.. I don’t know if I can do this without your help so.. Please come with us and help me take care of them?”

“I don’t know, Y/N,” He spoke softly as he shook his head.

“Please, Steve?” You placed a gentle hand on his upper arm, making his breath hitch as he watched you look up at him through your lashes and beg one more time. “C’mon, we make such a good team… Please..? I need you.”

How could he say no to that? When those words fell from your mouth, it was like the song of a siren. He couldn’t help but cave in and follow behind you, doing exactly what you begged of him to do. And oh, how you sounded pretty begging him and telling him you needed him.

“I fucking hate you, you know that?” He grumbled before slapping on a pair of goggles. You chuckled as he wrapped the bandanna around his face. “What are you standing around for? Let’s go.”

You stepped forward and reached up to his face, fixing his bandanna so it could better cover his mouth. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you as your hands brushed against his face.

“Alright,” You stepped back. He could tell by the way you spoke that you were grinning. “Let’s move.”

You both followed behind the kids, jumping into the hole before them and helping them in. You took the map from Mike’s hands, analyzing it for a moment before calling out, “Alright, this way! Follow me!”

“Woah, woah, woah! Hey, hey, hey, hey!! I don’t think so!” Steve called after you, snatching it out of your hands.

“What?!” You frowned.

“Like hell I’m gonna let you lead us. I’m the muscle, alright? Statistically, I have a much better chance of survival,” He shrugged. “I lead.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Then where was all that muscle when you got your ass handed to you earlier?” You scoffed. “Also what the hell do you know about statistics?”

“THIS WAY!” He shouted over you. “Come on, shitheads! I’m leading the way. Let’s go!”

“And he told me I was trying too hard,” Dustin smirked.

“Hey! Less talking, more moving! Come on! A little hustle!”

You all paced through the tunnels, showing in wonder at the snow-like material that fell from the walls. You stayed behind the kids, making sure no one was left behind as they followed Steve through the maze.

“What the hell?” Dustin muttered as he looked up. There was an opening in the ceiling. You barely got the chance to look at what he was talking about before it spurted snow-like dust into his face. He fell to the ground screaming. “HELP! HELP! HELP!”

“STEVE!” You screamed as you fell to your knees beside your brother who thrashed around. “STEVE!!”

“What happened?! What happened?!” He shouted as he ran up to you.

“It’s in my mouth! Some got on my mouth! SHIT!” Dustin coughed violently.

“Does it hurt?! What’s going on, Dustin?! Talk to me!! Does anyone have water?!” You grabbed his face in your palms. As he finally calmed down, you realized where you recognized that exact same scream from. It was the same scream that he let out when you were angrily chasing him around the house or when you had him pinned down, ready to hog a loogie in his face. “Oh, my God.. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”

“What?” Steve breathed. “What?!”

“He’s fine,” You scoffed. Dustin looked up and chuckled nervously. “He was just being a drama queen."



"Jesus Christ.."

“Very funny, man,” Steve deadpanned before extending a hand to you to help you up. “Nice. Really nice.”

You waited for Dustin to get up before you shoved him in front of you again. You all grumbled your annoyance and trudged on for a few more minutes before the group all came to a halt.

“I think we found your hub, Wheeler,” You heard Steve mutter. You stepped ahead to see a vast space, one that was surrounded by the entrances of numerous tunnels. You flashed your lights around for a moment, fully taking in your surroundings before you got to work soaking the space in gasoline. Once you were finished, you took your usual spot beside Steve.

“Light her up,” You told him. 

“… I am in such deep shit,” He breathed before striking the lighter and throwing it into the middle of the pit. You all felt the wave of heat as the vines began to scramble around and screech. “GO! GO! LET’S GO!”

You turned around, waiting for Steve and the kids to run before you took off after them. You ran as fast as their small legs could carry them, turning corners as Steve read the map in front of him. Once you got closer to the hole you crawled in from, you saw Mike fall. 

“HELP! HELP!” He called, you looked down and saw that one of the vines had wrapped around his small ankle. “IT GOT ME!”

“Pull him back!” You ordered as the kids came back. They stretched out the vine and you lifted your bat above your head and brought it down with force. 

“What’s going on?!” Steve gasped as he saw you repeatedly hit the vine as hard as you could until it finally snapped and let go of the boy. You looked up, wiping the stray hair out of your face. That had to have been the hottest thing he'd ever seen.

“We gotta go!” You looked back up at them. “Come on! We gotta-“

An all too familiar squeal and growl interrupted. You turned around to be greeted by a Demo-dog, preparing your bat for battle. You got closer to the kids for their protection.

"Dustin," You said softly. "Get behind us."

“... Dart?” Your brother called out weakly before taking a step forward. You all erupted into indistinct chatter, willing him to come back. “Shh! Trust me, please!”

You unconsciously leaned into Steve for comfort as you watched your brother inch closer to the beast. 

“Hey. It’s me, it’s me. It’s your friend, it’s Dustin,” He crouched down. “It’s Dustin, alright? You remember me?”

“Steve,” You whispered. “I don’t like this.”

“I know, I know. Me neither. Let’s just let it play out for a little longer, alright?” He reassured, leaning into you regardless of the pain that erupted in his shoulder as Dustin continued to coax the monster into letting you pass. It snarled but maintained a reasonable distance as your brother fetched Nougat out of his bag and put it in front of Dart. Once the beast began to feast, he waved you past him. You all scurried into the tunnel behind Dart before Dustin said his final goodbye and you all took off again.

You picked up your pace as you heard the shrill shrieks and growls grow closer.

“Intertwine your fingers like this! It’s what cheerleaders do to throw people in the air,” You told Steve. He did as told. You both crouched down as each kid placed their feet into your hands before you guided them out as they pulled themselves out using the rope. Once you got all the kids out, you heard the eerie sounds get too close for comfort.

“Shit, we don’t have time to get out,” You breathed, grabbing your bat.

“Y/N!” The kids cried. “Steve! Come on! Get out of there!!”

You both planted your feet on the ground, steadying your bats as you saw the hoard of Demo-dogs run towards you. You flinched as they approached. But instead of devouring you, they simply ran past you both toward their next target. Steve reached over and pulled you into him to make more room for them to run past you.

“What the hell..” You blinked, watching the last of them disappear into the maze.

“Where are they going?” Steve looked down at you. 

“Eleven,” Mike responded. You licked your lips nervously as you stepped out of Steve’s warm embrace. 

“Let’s get out of here,” He cleared his throat, intertwining his fingers and crouching down. “C’mon. Give me your foot.”

You nodded, taking the rope and stepping into his hands before you began pulling yourself up as he pushed you out from below. The kids clawed at you, pulling you out before you landed beside them. Only a few seconds later, Steve appeared above ground.

“Is everyone alright?” You asked, touching every single shoulder and looking into every pair of eyes. They all nodded or hummed in response. “Okay, cool. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

“Am I tripping or are those lights getting brighter?” Dustin asked. You all turned to Billy’s car just in time to see the headlights’ intensity begin to grow. It got to the point where you all had to look away or shield your eyes. Then they dimmed just as quickly as they brightened. You all looked around at one another in awe.

“She did it,” Mike smiled. “I think she did it. I doubt the Demo-dogs are coming back."

“Well, let’s not wait around to find out,” You grabbed the keys from your pocket before heading towards the car. “Let’s get the hell out of here!"

One Month Later...

“Come on, Eddie!” You pouted, kneeing in front of him as he watched TV. He smiled down at you. “Come be a chaperone with me! It’ll be fun!”

“Babysitting a shit ton of awkward middle schoolers as they have their first dances and kisses sounds like the opposite of fun,” He chuckled.

“Babyyy,” You laughed. He couldn’t help but smile at your puppy dog eyes. “I’m gonna be so bored without you!”

“Sweetheart,” He shook his head, leaning forward to take your soft cheeks into his big hands. “You’re killing me with your pouty look. I’ll tell you what. I’ll pick you up after the dance and show you the best night of your life. But I’m not gonna go.”

“You suck, you know that?” You grumbled, making him laugh as you pulled out of his hands and grabbed your purse. “I have to go help El and Max get ready for this stupid dance. If you do decide on showing up, I promise to make it worth your while. I’ll even smoke a blunt in the back with you and make sure they play some Motley Crüe or AC/DC.”

“I’ll think about it,” He smiled, getting up and hugging you from behind. He placed a sweet kiss to your neck as you looked in the mirror. “You’re so beautiful. And such a fucking temptress.”

“I hope I’ll see you tonight,” You grinned, twirling around in his arms and planting a kiss on his plump lips. “Mm, I could kiss you forever.”

“Tell me about it,” He giggled into the kiss before pulling away. “Alright, sweetheart. You gotta go. Don’t wanna be late!”

He grabbed your coat and held it out for you. You slipped into it, kissing him once more before you jogged out to the Bronco and made your way to Max’s and Hopper’s to pick up the girls. You played some music and giggled with them on the way back to your place.

It took you about two hours to style their hair, allowing them to munch on snacks and watch TV when it wasn’t their turn in the chair. It took another half hour to put some light makeup on their pretty faces before you began working on your own hair and makeup.

“You look so handsome!” You smiled as you watched your brother run past you.

“Thanks! You too. Have you seen my Farrah Fawcett spray?!” He asked you, making you chuckle.

“I used it for the girls. It’s in the bathroom,” You rolled your eyes playfully. He nodded before sprinting into the hallway. You gathered the girls and herded them towards the living room for some pictures. “Smile! I told your parents I’d document your looks”

“Oh, how cute!!” Your mother laughed from behind you. “You girls look so precious!! Here, can I play with the camera? It has a nice little setting I like to use!”

“Knock yourself out,” You nodded, handing it to her. The doorbell rang and you excused yourself to go open the door. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming!”

You swung it open to reveal Steve standing in a red sweater. And oh, did it bring out his eyes. His jaw all but dropped wide open when he saw you.

“Y/N. H-Holy shit. You look..” He took a deep breath before looking into your eyes with a goofy smile and pink cheeks. “You look.. beautiful.”

“Again with the flirting?” You rolled your eyes playfully.

“I’m serious,” He shook his head. “Blue is definitely your color.”

“You don’t look so bad in red either,” You smiled. “Wanna come in? It’s so cold!”

“Yeah, yeah!” He smiled, following you inside. “So are you chaperoning tonight?”

“No, I just decided to get all dolled up to go drink some beer with the boys,” You shrugged, making him chuckle. “Yeah, I needed another couple Honor Society volunteer hours. Are you coming?”

“You want me to?” He raised his eyebrows. “I actually have a tux in the car.”

“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not,” You narrowed your eyes.

“I’m dead serious. I mean, I have nothing better to do tonight,” He shrugged. “Plus I haven’t seen you around since the whole Demo-dog thing. It’d be nice to catch up.”

“Um,” You fluttered your eyelids in shock. “Yeah, actually. That would be great! But I do think Dustin needs some help with his hair. He’s got the Farrah Fawcett spray and everything if you wanna go help.”

“Let me grab the tux and I’ll get on that.”

You all waited for another half an hour before the boys came out ready for the ball. You all piled into Steve’s car, listening to Love Is A Battlefield by Pat Benatar on the way as the kids all shouted and giggled in the back.

“Your music taste has improved!” You laughed.

“You like this song?” He smiled as he parked the car. “About time we agreed on something outside of Queen.”

The girls both jumped out as soon as the wheels stopped, running in with excitement. Steve turned around to face your brother.

“So remember, once you get in there..” He said.

“Pretend like I don’t care!” Dustin nodded confidently.

“You don’t care.”

“I don’t care.”

“Oh, my God,” You laughed.

“There you go. You’re learning, my friend!” Steve ignored you. “You’re learning.”

“Y/N, can you move that mirror so that I can-“

“Hey!” Steve interjected gently. “You look great, okay? You look great!”

“You look like a million bucks!” You agreed.

“Now you’re gonna go in there, and you’re gonna slay them dead!”

“Like a lion,” Dustin said before growling. You both fell silent.

“Uh.. Don’t do that, okay?”

“Yeah, probably for the best if you don’t.”


“Alright. We’ll wait ten seconds after you walk in so it doesn’t look like you’re here with us,” Steve nodded, shaking the boy’s hand. “Go get ‘em, tiger.”

“You’re really good with him, you know that?” You smiled as soon as Dustin closed the door.

“Ah,” Steve blew off.

“I’m serious! He used to be this little insecure ball of anxiety,” You laughed. “And then he started hanging around you, and now he’s really growing up. And here I thought you were a bad influence.”

“I let him sip my beer once. Does that count as a bad influence?”

“What’s he say?”

“He spit it out and started explaining the scientific process behind why alcohol gets people drunk,” Steve chuckled. You threw your head back in laughter.

“Sounds like him,” You managed to say as you reached for the door handle.

“Hey! Ah! Ah! Ah!” Steve swatted your hand away before getting out of the car and jogging over to your side of the car. He opened your door and held a hand out for you to grab onto as you got out.

“Steve The Hair Harrington, the king of Hawkins High, captain of the basketball team, user of Farrah Fawcett spray, is a gentleman?! Wow, I take back every single bad thing I’ve ever said about you,” You smiled.

“You just had to throw in the whole Farrah Fawcett spray thing in there, didn’t you?” He scoffed as you wrapped your arm around his. He walked at a slower pace, knowing that as cute as your shoes were, they could not be comfortable to walk in. You checked into the ball before taking a spot at the punch bowl together.

You spent about an hour pouring punch, giggling at the jokes he mumbled into your ear and talking about anything that came to mind. It wasn’t until Time After Time came on that you watched as the kids you babysat wandered into the dance floor one by one with their dates.

“There’s Max and Lucas!” You pointed, leaning into him to show him where they were at.

“There goes Will,” He nodded, leaning into you to show you where he was at.

“Where’s Dustin?” You frowned. Your heart sank a bit when you caught a glimpse of him staring at Max. “Oh shit..”

“He’s fine! He can just go ask a nice girl to dance and- never mind. Looks like he’s headed towards the bitchiest girls in the room,” He pursed his lips. “Nice knowing you, little buddy..”

You watched as he extended his hand towards a girl before she and her friends laughed in his face and walked away. He tried again with another girl but they walked off.

“Shit,” You muttered. “It looks like he’s about to cry. I need to go-“

“Nope. Nope, nope. You’re staying right here,” He grabbed your arm as you began to walk towards your brother. “It’s one thing to get turned down. It’s another thing to get turned down and then dance with your sister. That’s, like, the ultimate form of humiliation.”

“We can’t just leave him out there alone,” You furrowed your brows as you watched him walk to the bleachers in tears. “Steve, look at him! He needs me.”

“That’s not necessarily true,” He smiled, pointing towards Nancy that was making a bee line towards your brother. You both watched as she asked him to dance. She set his hands on her waist and planted hers on his shoulder before they started to sway to the music. “Sometimes you just have to wait it out. If you would’ve jumped in, he wouldn’t have gotten that dance.”

“That’s the Nancy I know,” You grinned. “Look at that smile on his face! Aw, he looks so cute dancing.”

“Even Mike and El are dancing!” Steve laughed before turning to you. “Looks like the only ones left o get on the dance floor… are you and me.”

He extended his hand with a cute smile on his face.

“May I have this dance?” His eyes sparkles from the lights that adorned the gymnasium. You smiled and grabbed his wrists, pulling him towards you as you backed into the dance floor. He laughed at your excitement before your arms wrapped around his neck and his landed on your waist. “You know, I always wanted to take you to the Snow Ball.”

“Really?” You smiled as you both began to sway around. He nodded.

“Yeah. I don’t know if you even remember this,” He chuckled, leaning in a little so you could hear him better. So that he could breathe in the sweet smell of you. “But you promised to take me to your eighth grade Snow Ball at the end of that summer. Man! I was so excited. I had it all planned out. I was gonna convince my dad to rent us a limo and everything.”

“Are you serious?” You pouted. He swore he could feel his heart melt on the spot, seeing your lower lip sticking out and the lights of the room twinkle in your eyes. You looked like something straight out of a movie. “I honestly can’t apologize enough for that. I’m sorry for never seeing through on that promise.”

“What do you mean?” He smirked. “We’re here now, right?”

You opened your mouth to speak before I Want To Know What Love Is began playing through the speakers and your soft smile melted into an excited grin.

“I fucking love this song!” You gleamed.

“It was on the mixtape you gave me last Christmas,” He chuckled. “It’s a good one.”

“I’m making you another one,” You admitted, feeling his thumbs begin to rub circled into your lower back.

“Oh?” His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Please tell me you’re not planning on adding Like A Virgin this time.”

“But that’s our thing!” You laughed.

“We have a thing?” He smirked. You hummed in response as you let your head fall into his shoulder, facing his neck so that he could still hear you speak. Goosebumps stood on his arms as your warm breath tickled the spot that connected his neck to his shoulder. “You want me to shut up so you can listen to the rest of the song?”

“Yes, please,” You smiled, making him laugh. He pulled you in closer as you continued to sway to the music. Except neither of you could stop your never ending conversation and giggles. It was easily the most fun you’d had in months.

That is.. until you saw a dressed up, defeated Eddie staring at you from the gymnasium’s exit.



As always, please feel free to DM me or comment on my stories! I love to hear your feedback and interact with all of you!! Don’t forget to like and reblog, it really helps me out!

a/n: andddd that's a wrap on season 2, folks!! thank you all for following along and supporting my writing! it means the world to me. the next chapter will be an in between chapter continuing where this one left off BAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY AHEAD OF TIME


come join our discord for post notifications, free therapy, and a multitude of fan edits ->

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2 years ago

this was so good :(((

Still Into You | Eddie Munson

A/N: Hi besties, here she is, my first Eddie Munson enemies to lovers(ish) fic, this is definitely way longer than expected and honestly it’s been a hot minute since I’ve sat down and finished a fic so thank you to the Stranger Things Gods for bringing me out of my writing hiatus. This fic also has a Black coded reader because she’s a Sinclair, however it can be ready by anyone regardless of race or ethnicity <3 ALSO THIS IS SPOILER FREE!

Summary: As enemies or as lovers, they were fine with either, after all fourth grade left a lasting impact on them both.

Warnings: Cussing, spelling and grammatical errors (sorry baes I don’t believe in editing), slight angst, mention of drugs + drug dealing, mentions of on going insecurity, slight mentions of violence, mentions of p*rn*gr*phy (i.e, the adult video section at movie rental places), and the reader being a bitch (as she should)

Word Count: 12.5k (she’s a long one, at least for me)

Eddie Munson x Sinclair!Fem!Reader

Still Into You | Eddie Munson

Keep reading

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2 years ago

I felt this on my soul it's so good

Insecurity and Love // Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader 

Insecurity And Love // Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader


Synopsis: Reader isn’t feeling pretty today, but Eddie, who wears his heart on his sleeve, is there to let you know just how much he loves you. 

WC: 1.3k

Category: Hurt/Comfort/Fluff. Some sexually suggestive content.

Content: Reader & Eddie are both 18+!! Insecurity (obviously), reader has some body-image issues and self-esteem issues ig (mentions of not being “thin enough”, not feeling pretty or deserving of love), brief descriptions of making out w Eddie, very brief allusion to cunnilingus, mentions of bottling up emotions, Eddie is a good listener and the sweetest bf ever, use of nicknames (sweetheart, baby, pretty) bc they make me melt, much tenderness <3. 

A/N: This is entirely self-indulgent, enjoy! 


“Okay. What’s going on with you today?” Eddie asks, bringing his hands back up to your face as you sit in his lap in his bed, Eddie leaning up against the headboard. 

When you don’t respond and instead look down at your fiddling fingers, he dips his head to look into your eyes. 

“Hm?” He hums, stroking your flaming cheek with the back of his pointer finger. 

You sighed. You didn’t want to bring it up. In fact, you tried so hard all day not to say anything, to keep your mouth shut because you didn’t want to sour the day. But you were not the type of person to hold things in. So many people just seem to bottle up their bad thoughts and feelings and store them away in an isolated part of their minds; locking those pieces of themselves away in the dark where no one can reach them. 

And maybe it’s unhealthy,—keeping things inside like that—but being unable to stop the dam from bursting, the water gushing out, recklessly flowing out and destroying everything in its path felt like a curse sometimes. People always say talking about things will make you feel better, but sometimes it makes you feel worse! Those thoughts and feelings all come out and they won’t stop and then you look like a fool because you probably didn’t make any sense and does anyone even want to listen anyway? Do they even care? 

So, you’d tried the bottling up thing. Which was way harder than it seemed. Especially as you told Eddie everything. And you might not think it most of the time, but he eats up every word. He wants to hear your silly rants about an episode of something you watched on TV the other night. He wants to listen to you drone on and on about your current favourite book or a new song you heard on the radio. He’s always prepared to hear about your shitty day and let you cry into his beat up Metallica t-shirt. And of course he is always ready to completely nerd out with you about any of your shared interests. 

Keep reading

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5 months ago



Eddie Munson x OC!Fem!Reader

summary: the residents of Hawkins try to enjoy a normal summer, filled with love and celebrations, especially around the Fourth of July. However, their peace is shattered by strange occurrences and betrayals. The Mind Flayer returns, creating chaos and heartbreak. Relationships are tested, and the group faces new challenges, leading to intense cliffhangers that leave their fate uncertain.


chapters coming soon …

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1 year ago
The Taste Of You
The Taste Of You
The Taste Of You
The Taste Of You

The Taste of You

Requested by: @crybabyddl

Pairing: perv!Eddie Munson x fem!reader

Summary: You find Eddie in a compromising position with something of yours.

Contains: SMUT, unprotected p in v sex, oral sex (fem receiving), reader has a vagina and boobs, vaginal fingering, masturbation (Eddie), panty stealing/sniffing/licking (he’s a freaky boy), voyeurism (reader is also a bit of a perv), cum eating, finger sucking, praise kink, Eddie and reader are roommates

Word count: 3.5K+


A/N: Thank you to @xxhellfirebunnyxx who helped me out with this one and @reidsbtch for beta reading ♥️

I do not give permission to have my work copied, translated, rewritten, put into any AI programs, or reposted

The Taste Of You

Eddie knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t have done it. But when it came to you all logic and reason left his mind. 

He stood in your bedroom, rifling through the top drawer where you kept your underwear. You had gone out with friends for the night, and he knew you wouldn’t return for a while. His greedy hands searched through the drawer for the perfect pair. But he couldn’t find what he was looking for. All of them were too pristine. They smelled too much like laundry detergent and not enough like you.

He wanted you. Your scent. Your taste. Eddie craved it in a way he never thought he could with someone.

When the idea first entered his mind he was disgusted by himself. It was perverse. It was filthy. You were his roommate for fuck’s sake. Someone who trusted him. Someone he’d known for two years now. You were his friend. But none of that stopped him from making his way over to your laundry basket. 

He carefully plucked the red garment from the basket, holding it between his fingers like it was something to be treasured. To him it was. His nostrils flared as he brought the lacy cloth to his face and inhaled deeply. It was perfect. Your sweet smell lingered even as he pulled the panties away and shoved them into his pocket. 

Eddie returned to his room and closed the door, turning up the music to not disturb the neighbors through the thin walls with the noises he was bound to make. His cock was hard and aching underneath the cotton fabric of his boxers. 

He shimmed them down his thighs and onto the floor, and his dick sprang up with precum leaking from the red tip. He reached into his bedside table drawer for his bottle of lube, squirting some of the cold substance into his hand and smearing it around his cock. The lube mixed with his precum as he slowly stroked himself. He brought your panties back up to his face and sniffed at them, basking in your natural scent. 

“Fuck, smell so good sweetheart.” 

He steadily increased his rhythm, his eyes fluttering shut as pleasure began to pool in his belly. The slick sounds of his pumping hand could barely be heard over the music. Curiously, his tongue poked out at the fabric and he licked at the spot that met your core. He groaned deeply and his cock twitched in his grasp when the taste of you met his tastebuds. He sped up his hand, pumping harshly as he sucked down on the cloth, trying to get as much of you as he could. He let the lacy garment hang in his mouth while his now free hand cupped his balls, rolling them gently between his fingers. 

The heat in his stomach grew and grew as he got closer to his release. He imagined you were on his mouth now, that the fabric between his lips was your clit and he was pleasuring you in a way that made your toes curl. He imagined having you withering on his bed. He imagined the sounds you’d make. He imagined how you’d say his name. 


The sound of your voice had his eyes shooting open, his head snapping to you. He saw you standing in the doorway to his bedroom staring at him with wide eyes in a look of disbelief. Your panties dropped from his mouth as he let out a small gasp. Seeing your face was the tipping point. It sent him over the edge. He moaned loudly over the sounds of the stereo and came into his hand, coating it with his release. 

You had come home early, finding the bar your friends had dragged you to boring with too many guys that weren’t your type. As soon as you walked into your shared apartment with Eddie you heard his music playing from inside his bedroom. Your day had been long and stressful and you let that irritation get the best of you when you whipped open his door without knocking, what you saw before you had the words lodging in your throat and your thighs clenching together. 

Eddie, with his eyes squeezed shut and your panties pressed to his nose as he stroked his dick. You watch enamored, unable to tear your eyes from the sight before you. You knew it was wrong, watching your roommate in such an intimate way. But he looked beautiful, and you didn’t want to stop. Sweat gleamed on his forehead as he worked his cock. You could just faintly hear the wet sounds of his pumping over the music.

When his tongue licked at the crotch of your underwear you had to suppress the whimper that escaped you. Slickness built at your core as you watched him. You had half the mind to relieve yourself as well, but you resisted. Deciding you’d already gone too far, you said his name. You weren’t expecting him to finish when he looked at you.

“Shit! Fuck! Shit, I’m sorry,” Eddie said frantically, grabbing a nearby pillow to cover up his now-spent cock. “I-I’m so sorry.”

His cum was still on his hand and he noticed you staring at it, almost entranced as your mind raced. You went to his stereo and turned his music off. He watched you carefully, waiting for you to get angry. For you to yell and scream at him. But you didn’t. 

Instead, you appeared before him, grabbing his hand and bringing his fingers to your mouth. You sucked at the digits, tongue grazing between them as you collected his arousal. He stared at you with wide eyes and mouth agape. His bare chest rose and fell quickly as he tried to catch his breath. A task that was proving to be much harder with his fingers in your mouth. When you moaned around them Eddie couldn’t help but let out a small pathetic whine. His fingers left the cavern of your mouth with a soft pop. His big brown eyes looked up at you in wonder. 

You picked up your underwear from where it fell on the ground, holding it between your thumb and forefinger. The crotch was still wet from where he licked and sucked on them. 

You held them up to his face, watching his adam apple bounce with a nervous gulp. “Do you like these?” you asked, speaking more quietly and calmly than Eddie ever expected you to with what you caught him doing. He nodded slowly, hesitantly. Unable to get the words out, he looked between you and the panties in your hand. “And you liked how they tasted?” 

His hands clutched at the pillow still on his lap. He could feel himself already getting hard again from your intense stare. “Y-yeah,” he finally answered. “You taste really good.” 

You hummed thoughtfully, letting the garment fall from your fingers. “Dirty boy,” you teased, which earned you a whimper from his pretty lips. “I like the way you taste too.” 

In one swift movement, you removed your shirt, revealing the matching red bra to the soiled underwear he had stolen. You didn’t think his eyes could get any wider, but the sight of you standing before him in your bra had them bulging out of his head. He pinched himself, convinced he was dreaming. It was like he was in a damn porno film. As much as he was loving every second of it, he couldn’t believe it.

“Is this what you usually do to get off?” you questioned, grabbing him by the chin and forcing him to look up at your face. “Sneak into my room, steal my panties, and touch yourself to the thought of me. Is that what you do? You think of me?”

“Well I, uh, I–” 

“Eddie,” you said his name sternly as you leaned down to his face until you were inches away. “It’s okay. I think of you too.” You slowly pulled the pillow away from his lap and let it fall to the ground. When you looked down you saw his cock already hardening. It twitched under your gaze and you looked up at him with a smile.

“You do?” he asked in disbelief. 

“All the time.” 

He couldn’t help the smile that curled up his lips at your confession. It gave him a surge of confidence, knowing you wanted him in that way too. He grabbed at the back of your head and kissed you, pulling you down with him as he laid down on his bed. You straddled his waist and your hands explored his body, reaching downwards to grab at his hard dick. He hissed at the feeling of your warm hand on him, breaking away from the kiss. “No yet, I want to make you feel good first,” he pulled your hand away from him and with a show of strength that made more wetness pool at your center, he flipped the both of you around.

“Can I take these off?” He asked toying with the button of your jeans. When you nodded he made quick work of undoing them and sliding them down your thighs. “I like these too,” he remarked, hooking his finger into the waistband of your black panties. 

“You can have them when we’re done,” you shrugged, smiling up at him. His eyes shot up to meet yours, looking for any sign that you were joking. “The red ones too?” 

“You can’t have them all!” You chuckled. 

“Fine, fine,” he laughed with you as he helped you shimmy out of your underwear, the final barrier between him and what he craved. You spread your legs wide for him as he slinked down the bed to be face-to-face with your cunt. He spread your lips open with his fingers. When he saw you, open and dripping for him he groaned. 

“Fuck you’re pretty,” he said quietly, his eyes not leaving your core. 

“Me or my pussy?” You giggled, his intense gaze was making you shift from underneath him. You weren’t used to it, being looked at with such hunger. 

“Both,” he responded before he dove in, licking between your folds. He moaned at the taste of you, eyes fluttering shut. It was so much better from the source. He gripped your thighs tightly and kept them spread wide for him as he made out with your cunt. You gasped and your hands gripped at the bedsheets when he sucked onto your clit. He wanted to savor this moment, to make it last as long as he could. So he went slow. Tortuously slow as his tongue licked through you. All he could think about was you, and how you were so openly giving yourself to him right now. How you wanted him just as he wanted you. 

“Eddie,” you groaned, frustrated by his teasing. “Please, I need more.” 

How could he deny you? 

He sped up the movements of his tongue, plunging it into your soaking hole. Your hands found their way into his hair, tangling into his curly strands. Heat grew in your belly from the pleasure he was bringing you. You writhed on his bed, just as you had in his daydream. 

The sounds you made, every gasp and moan only spurred him on. There was no other way to describe it, he was devouring you. His fingers dug into your thighs when he felt his cock twitch from the way you roughly pulled at his hair. He moaned against you and you felt the vibrations of it as your orgasm neared. 

“Eddie I’m…I’m gonna—“ You cut yourself out with a cry as he pushed two fingers inside of you. They slipped in easily with the way your pussy gushed for him. 

“Cum for me sweetheart,” he pleaded with a rasp to his voice. You clenched around his fingers when they found your g-spot, stroking it in a c’mere motion. His mouth attached itself back onto your clit, sucking and licking at the small bundle of nerves. With a strong tug of his hair and a wail of his name, you came. But he didn’t stop, continuing his steady motions as he fucked you with his fingers through your orgasm. 

When he finally pulled his fingers out of you, you thought he was done. But then he sucked his fingers into his mouth, cleaning them of your release with a moan. “Fuck, you did so good baby. Good girl. But I need more.” 

Then his mouth was back on you, his thick tongue going back to work between your wet lips and his fingers sunk back into your hole. He ignored the aching of his dick to put all his focus on you. You’d never been with someone who was so enthusiastic about eating you out, and it was the hottest thing you’d ever seen. You couldn’t believe that it was happening. The man you had been dreaming about, crushing on, for the past two years was lying between your thighs bringing you to cloud nine. 

Eddie looked up at you, his dark eyes staring back up at yours. He groaned at the sight of your blissed-out expression. It was everything he’d dreamed of and more. He wanted to sear the image into his brain so he’d never forget it. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever have you like this again. But at least he’d have the memories. He hoped that would be enough. 

When you came for the second time that night, you swore you saw stars. Your legs shook as you came down from your high. Eddie pulled off your clit with a soft pop and looked up at you with a grin, the bottom of his face coated in your slick. 

“You did so good princess,” he cooed, crawling up to be face-to-face with you. He brought his fingers that were inside you to your lips and tapped at them gently. “Should see how good you taste.” 

You took his fingers into your mouth and sucked, moaning around them at the taste of yourself. “Dirty girl,” he teased playfully. When he pulled his fingers your hand traveled downwards, taking his hard cock into your hand.

“I’m not the one who jerked off with their roommates' underwear. If anyone’s dirty it’s you,” you smirked at him. You slowly started to pump him in your first. A small gasp left his lips and his brows furrowed in pleasure. “Get on your back,” you commanded him. He obliged, flipping off you to lie down. You straddled him and reached behind yourself to unclip your bra, letting it fall from your body. 

Eddie marveled at your breasts, cursing under his breath at the sight. You spit into your hand and grabbed at his dick again, continuing your previous jerking motions. “Can I taste you again Eddie? I want you in my mouth.” 

He groaned deeply, “Sweetheart, as much as I would love that I need to be inside you or I’ll die.” You laughed as he reached over to his nightstand drawer for a condom but you stopped him, pinning his hands above his head by his wrists.

“No, I want to feel you. All of you,” you leaned down and nipped at his bottom lip. “I want you to fill me up.” 

He whined at your words, nodding his head dumbly. You released your hold on his wrists, bringing your entrance to his aching cock. You rubbed yourself against him, smearing your wetness along his shaft. 

“Baby, baby, don’t tease me,” he begged, his hands gripping onto your thighs. 

You brought his tip to your hole and slowly started to sink down on it. A breathy gasp left your lips as you felt the way his length stretched you. Eddie was breathing rapidly, his chest rising and falling quickly. He looked up at you with wide eyes full of lust. You looked so beautiful on top of him with your hair askew from writhing on his bed earlier, your kiss-bitten lips and eyes clenched shut as you slowly pushed him into you. 

“So big,” you murmured absentmindedly to yourself. You rolled your hips over his, your hands resting on his shoulders to keep yourself steady. You were so warm and wet, that Eddie could hardly focus on anything but the feeling of your walls hugging around him. “Feels so good baby,” he groaned, bucking his hips up to meet yours. You moaned when he hit your g-spot, fingers digging into his shoulders. His hands reached up to cup your breasts and his thumbs rolled over the pebbled nipples forcing a whimper from you. 

“God you’re perfect,” he sighed. You clenched around him at his words and picked up your pace, grinding down onto him harshly. You reached between your bodies to touch your clit, rubbing gently at the small nub. 

You leaned down and kissed him, your tongue meeting his when you gasped from the feeling of another harsh thrust from him. Eddie’s hands left your breasts as he grabbed at your ass, digits digging into the flesh. The room echoed with sounds of your wetness as he plunged in and out of you. His cock twitched inside of you. He knew he was close. So close. You knew it too. 

“I-I can’t, fuck, I can’t believe this is happening,” he gasped as the pleasure grew into a white heat. “Wanted you for so long. Too fucking long.” 

“Me too,” you agreed with a weak nod. 

“Pussy’s better than I imagined,” Eddie groaned, mesmerized by the sight of his dick sliding in and out of you.

You looked down at him, brushing his hair away from his sweaty forehead. “You’re such a naughty boy, Eddie,” you said, rolling your hips with vigor to make him cum for you. “Sneaking into my room and stealing my panties. If you wanted a taste that bad you could have just asked.” 

Eddie whined pitifully underneath you at your words, his face scrunching up in pleasure. You felt yourself getting closer to the edge too, continuing your movements against your bundle of nerves. 

“Are you gonna cum for me, pretty boy?” You smirked, ignoring the shaking of your thighs as they strained from your thrusts. 

“Yes, yes, fuck yes,” Eddie chanted. His fingers dug deeply into the plush of your ass. He bucked feverishly up into your wet heat, chasing his orgasm. 

“Cum for me Eddie. Want to feel you fill me up, want your cum,” you gasped. 

His release rippled through him and he came with a cry of your name. You felt him spill into you, filling you with his cum. But even when his high subsided you continued to ride him, desperately trying to reach your own. Eddie moaned and whined underneath you the more overstimulated he became. 

“Make me cum Eddie,” you said softly. “Don’t you want me to cum on your cock?” 

“Fuck, yes! Please, please! Need you to cum so bad princess. Please!” he begged as the pleasure ebbed to pain. 

His begging sent you over the edge. You moaned loudly as your walls spasmed around him, coating his cock in your release. Your thighs shook from exertion and Eddie hissed as he slid his sensitive cock out of you. You fell beside him, the both of you panting to catch your breaths. He grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you. 

When he pulled away his brown eyes looked into yours. For a moment you thought you saw the faintest sliver of fear. 

“What’s wrong?” You asked, bringing your hand to stroke gently at his cheek. 

“I don’t want this to be a one-time thing, and I don’t want to just be friends with benefits. I want more. I want you.” he admitted. You smiled and kissed him again.

 “I’m yours.” 

Eddie covered your face in gentle pecks making you giggle under his affections. Your arms wrapped around each other as he pulled you into him, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. “If I had known it would have led to this I would have stolen from you sooner.” 

You smacked at his chest playfully and he chuckled in response, placing a kiss on your skin. “Perv,” you said jokingly.

“Oh sweetheart, you’re going to get me all riled up again.” Eddie pulled away from your neck with a grin. 

“Don’t tempt me with a good time Munson,” you teased back. 

Eddie’s brows rose, intrigued. He pulled away from you and slinked down the bed, seeing the way his cum dribbled down your thighs. “Oh princess, look at the mess I made. Only fair that I clean it up right?” 

If someone had told you just earlier that day that you would be fucking your roommate long into the night, you wouldn’t have believed them. But you did. With tangled limbs, soaked sheets, and panting breaths you pulled orgasm after orgasm from each other. Only stopping for short breaks to drink and snack. When you finished, sore, and spent beyond belief, Eddie held you in his arms while you both slept. Promises of something new and exciting hung in the air. 

Eddie knew what he did was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t have done it. But he didn’t regret it. Not when it meant he got to have you. 

The Taste Of You

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!

The Taste Of You

Gia’s Gems: @bettyfrommars @ali-r3n @devilinthepalemoonlite @spenciesprincess @belladonnaa-0 @allthingsjoeq @succubusmunson @siriuslysmoking @thereaderdelilah @steves-babysitter @slutty-thevampireslayer @livosssblog @kennedy-brooke @hobopies

Munson’s Maniacs: @dark-angel-is-back @reidsbtch @darkyuffie-blog @mrsjellymunson

Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the Munson’s Maniacs (Eddie fics), Harringtons Heathens (Steve fics) or Gia’s Gems taglists.

MDNI/Support dividers by @benkeibear

Grey dividers by @firefly-graphics

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11 months ago

Knock Next Time - Billy Hargrove

Billy x Fem!Reader

Warnings: mention of nudity

Word count: 368

Summary: Max walks in on Billy and Y/n in bed.


Stranger Things Masterlist


Knock Next Time - Billy Hargrove

Y/n and Billy had enjoyed themself’s last night. Having had the Hargrove household all to themselves provided the perfect opportunity for them to get intimate. Billy had woken up to the sun shining through the window. Next to him is his gorgeous and sexy Y/n.

Billy decided to wake her up by kissing and sucking along on Y/n’s neck. Which didn’t take long.

“Good morning Handsome.” Y/n smirked up at Billy as he hovered over her having just woken her up.

“Good morning sexy.” Billy smirked back, eyes sparkling with mischief. “You wanna pick up where we left off?”

Y/n licked her lips smiling at his brilliant idea. “I’d love to. . .”

As the couple got into their activities, luckily they didn’t get to far into things because the door to Billy’s room burst open.

“Billy can you take-” Max started but once she saw Billy and Y/n in bed together she stopped before exclaiming. “Oh GOD!”

“Hey Max.” Y/n blushed smiling at the redhead.

“Max what have I said about knocking?” Billy grumbled which Y/n felt since he was laying on top of her.

“Well maybe don’t be naked 24/7.” Max rolled her eyes facing away from them. Not wanting to see anything of either of them.

“Knock next time.” Billy shrugged, not caring.

“Don’t worry I will.” Max scoffed and gagged.

“Good.” He scoffed back.

“Max, what did you want to ask?” Y/n cuts in otherwise she knew just jeep going. The two never stopped bickering, just like blood related siblings. 

“I’ll wait.” Max grimaced before she left, closing the door behind her. “Gross.”

“She should listen to me the first time.” Billy mumbled, pissed off.

“Why are you naked all the time?” Y/n asked giggling as she thought about all the times poor Max must’ve walked in on Billy doing God knows what.

“Freedom baby.” Billy smirked, teasing her.

“You're so weird.” Y/n laughed, shaking her head at him.

“Now where were we?” Billy mockingly asked as he dipped his head down with a smirk on his lips at the thoughts running through his head of what they were about to get up to.

Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila

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2 years ago

Sober With You

s: you're tired of how everytime you want to hangout with eddie, he's high. especially when you want to tell him how you feel.

pairing: eddie munson x thicc!reader (f)

word count: 4.7k

warnings!: s4 vol1 and vol2 spoilers! (not really?), minor angst w/ happy ending, weed involved, alcohol involved, eddie is VERY anxious, anxiety, swearing/cursing, very brief mention of sex, two idiots in love, etc

note: pov switches! reader has thick thighs and stretch marks, im chubby and i dont remember what it was like to be skinny. eddie never died he's fine idc LMAO. reader is sort of innocent? not really, like she's aware of things but she doesn't like getting high or drinking, idk it just fits the storyline i had in mind better if she doesnt do that yk? not my favorite fic i've written but i think its worth the read :)

playlist. moodboard. masterlist.

Sober With You


00:46 | third

Tapping her foot on the carpeted floor of her bedroom, she debated calling Eddie to see if he was home or maybe asleep. It was Friday night and they spent every Friday night watching movies in his trailer and talking nonsense. He would sometimes play guitar and she would sometimes read to him while running her finger through his hair. However, everytime, he smoked a blunt or drank beers till he said things he didn’t understand himself. She nursed him to sleep and always took care of him during hangovers and when he blacked out. Even when he didn’t drink hard, Eddie was a handful. He was a lot to handle sober, so even a little tipsy was too much. With hesitant steps, she waddled to the phone hanging by the kitchen and quickly dialed his number before she could regret it. She hadn’t seen him that week, other than his daily picking her up and dropping her off, and she missed him. She couldn’t help the thought maybe, just maybe he won’t get high this time. Even if there was no reason to believe this time would be different, she still blindly hoped it would be.

The phone rang a few times before she heard his groggy voice whisper into the phone, “Hello?”

“Hey, Eddie. It’s me…” She paused, whispering ao her parents didn’t hear, “It's Friday night so I was wondering if I could come over and if you wanted to watch a movie or something?”

She could hear a stifled yawn across the line, “Of course, sweetheart. How could I ever say no to you?” Even in his tired, whispered tone she could hear the humor in his voice.

With a soft laugh and a wide smile, “Okay, I’ll be there in a bit.”

After brief goodbyes, she went back to her room to quickly dress into something comfortable but cute. Some sweatpants and a t-shirt with a black sweater. She left the house as silently as she could before grabbing her mom's car keys to the dusty old Volkswagen her mom never drives, and driving to Eddie’s house in the dark of the night.


Four solid knocks and the door swung open to Eddie, standing in nothing but boxers and his Hellfire t-shirt —which looked rumpled as it clung to him, as if he rushed out of bed and shrugged it on before answering. His hair array, eyes droopy and yet, she couldn’t imagine a world where her best friend wasn’t the most beautiful man in existence.

“Hey, you got here quick,” he smiled, holding his hand out for her to grab, “No traffic at this hour, I’m assuming.”

A quick, dry laugh and shifting to sit on his sofa, she turns to meet his doey brown eyes, “None at all, the streets are barren. I couldn’t imagine why!”

He always said he liked her best when she was sarcastic. So the smile on his face wasn’t too surprising as it reached wider than space. He sat beside her and that's when she saw it. With a laugh, “Yeah, everyone usually drives around at one im the morning!” There was a joint on the drawer where a lamp sat and a lighter beside it. Her smile fell into a frown. “Hey, I know you said you wanted to watch a movie but how about we move to my room and just talk? Not really in the mood for TV…” He turns and notices the frown on her lips. “You okay, princess?”

She hums, “Nothing… lets- yeah, lets move to your room…” She lifted herself off the sofa and walked to his room before he could even say anything else.

Still concerned, he takes his blunt, lights it, slips it between his lips and follows her. She’s already sat on his bed, fiddling with a strand of hair. After a drag,“You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah!” It was high pitched and he didn’t trust that tone for a second. However, it was clear she didn’t want to talk about it so he dropped it.

After a curt nod, he walked over and sat next to her, “Okay, uh… what’d you do today after school? I didn’t see you and you didn’t answer the phone so I was a little worried…”

She smiles briefly, his concern warming her heart for a moment but her smile quickly wipes away when the smell of marijuana hits her senses, “I was with Steve and Robin at the video store for a little then Steve drove me home and watched Fast Times with me.”

Eddie tilts his head, “What? You-You watched Fast Times with Steve alone?”

She laughs dryly, “Yeah? Robin was gonna come but she had band practice at five so…” she shrugs as a way to finish the sentence.

His eyes shift to stare at the floor, “oh, cool.”

“What about you? What’d you do?”

He wasn’t gonna tell her that at the hour of three he waited at his van to drive her home, only to be disappointed when she didn’t show. Then waited for hours by the phone till his uncle told him to get some rest cause Eddie hadn’t realized it had been hours. But he also couldn’t lie to her, no matter how hard he tried to. He simply couldn’t. Instead, he told parts of the truth. “Well at four, I had a DnD campaign… then I drove home and ate some cereal… then I-uh… I just watched TV for a little. Then my uncle told me to go to bed while he was leaving for work so I just took a nap.”

She smiled again. “Sounds… boring.”

He laughs, “It was fucking miserable as hell.” He was far too anxious to be bored. He thought maybe she was mad at him, maybe she was hurt, maybe she was feeling upset and pushing him away or he did something wrong. She always rode home with him. Everyday. At seven thirty in the morning, she’d be at his trailer door after biking to his house to drive with him to school. Just to be together. When school ended, they met at his car so he could drop her off at his trailer to ride her bike home. Just to have a brief chat after school, to work off the nerves and be together. Plus her parents weren’t that fond of Eddie, they didn’t have any problems with him but they didn’t love him either. But she wasn’t in his van. She wasn’t there. He had DnD at four so he had to leave but he bounced his knee the whole time. He was overthinking all afternoon through to the evening without break. She didn’t need to know that, though.

“I bet.”

The minutes ticked by and soon enough, they had talked about anything and everything and it was no longer midnight but four in the morning. She decided to sleep over after Eddie insisted that it was too dangerous for her to go out at this hour. She changed into one of his shirts and boxers to act as shorts, but his chest was barren of a shirt as he laid beside her. He had a couple beers and smoked a little more. Being both high and drunk, she knew some of the things he was saying wouldn’t matter to him tomorrow. She knew if she told him what she wanted to tell him now, he wouldn’t respond well. It wouldn’t mean the same if she were to have told him sober. It also felt wrong. Like she was taking advantage of his vulnerable state to tell him something vulnerable. She felt like she couldn’t trust his words when he was high. Whether he felt the same or not. Either way, she couldn’t tell him. She was still a little angry. He was still high as he laid beside her, giggling at every word. But what he said that night frustrated her beyond belief. It was different. It shocked her as he never had the audacity before.

He whispered her name, and she turned to look at him. The moonlight hit her face just right and his filter was gone, “You look so beautiful. You always look beautiful. D’you know that?”

Scoffing, she rolled her eyes, “Go to sleep, Eddie.”

“No, then I can’t see you. I want to see you. All of you, even your stretch marks. I don’t care if you hate them because they are fucking awesome. You look so good in my shirts. Makes it look like… like you’re mine. Y’know? Not Harringtons, mine.” He placed his hand on her cheek and brushed his finger on her cheekbone. “Why wasn’t I invited? I would’ve loved to watch Fast Times with you and Steve “the hair” Harrington.” He muttered the name in a mocking dreamy tone.

Her eyes welled with tears. He had never said things like this when he was high. He had never confused her or frustrated her quite like this. The worst part is he didn’t mean it. He was in lala land, far up in the clouds. She felt safe with him. But right now? He was hurting her. She felt guilty for being mad at him because he wasn’t even aware he was hurting her. So, how could she be so angry with him when he was extremely clueless? She rolls over, smacking his hand away in the process. Her back now facing him, “Go to sleep, Munson.”

He was quiet for a moment, but with a pout on his lips, he wrapped his arms around her waist after a few minutes and held her close to him. He muttered a quick, “sorry.”

But it was too late. There were tears on her face and she had begun to shake. He had played with her heart and she couldn’t tell him she loved him now. He had broken her heart and stomped on it. Bruised her internally. It was like a mockery, like he was mocking her. He was saying all the things she wanted to hear but he wasn’t sober. He didn’t mean any of it. Maybe she was being dramatic, but knowing that only worsened the pain. She wasn’t gonna get any rest. He didn’t need to know that, though.


11:57 | third

In the morning, she was gone. His shirt and boxers that she borrowed were folded and placed on the side she was laying on. Eddie frowned in seeing she wasn’t there. His memory was a little hazy but he felt something wasn’t right. It wasn’t just the fact that the pillow she laid her head on was wet with tears but it was a gut feeling. She always waited till he woke up before leaving. Always. Even if she slept over on a school night and she was going to be late to school. She still waited claiming, “If you’re late, I’m late.”

But she was gone.

It wasn’t the hangover that made him dizzy but the fact that he could smell her shampoo on his sheets. It filled his senses and he felt a warmth embrace his heart.

Till he overthought. Only in this case, it wasn’t overthinking.

She always helped him with hangovers. She made him a greasy breakfast with a glass of water and pain meds. Rubbed his back when he groaned from the pounding headache and made himself coffee. Sometimes, she would place her hands over his eyes when he said it was too bright. Her small hands covering his eyes as she giggled, asking “Did it work?” always gave him butterflies.

He always responded the same. “Yes, sweetheart. You’re magic.”

But the bed was empty. He couldn’t smell any breakfast or coffee brewing. There were no pain meds on the counter. It was him, a wet pillow and a pounding headache.

He spent the rest of the day like Friday. Waiting by the phone till his uncle told him to cut it out.


15:33 | third

She wasn’t answering the phone. Her parents were out for work till Tuesday so he knew that she’d be alone. He didn’t want her to feel lonely. That was definitely all it was and not that he ached to see her.

It had been a little over twenty-four hours without her and he was slowly losing his mind.

He couldn’t remember what he said. He tried. He thought maybe he did something that upset her. Which ensued hours of him staring out the window as he tried to figure out what he could’ve said or done. But he came up blank every single time. He decided to go to her house.

At three thirty-three on a Sunday, Eddie finds himself at her door, bouncing on the heels of his feet and chewing on his lip.

But Steve Harringon opens the door.

“Steve! Hey, man, what’re you doing here?” He didn’t mean for it to sound so accusatory.

“Nothing, Y/N’s just not feeling well so I came over to help out,” He gave Eddie a closed lip smile, “Something I can help you with, man?”

He scratches the back of his neck, “Actually, I was hoping I could talk to Y/N? She hasn’t been answering the phone so I was worried…”

Eddie was her best friend. But the way Steve was looking at him made him feel like he was an outsider. Like he didn’t know her at all. Like he was replaced.

Because if she were sick, wouldn’t she call him? She’s called me before… I’ve helped her everytime she was sick… Why would she call Steve over me?

“Oh… we didn’t hear it. With Nancy comforting her nonstop and the TV on, I guess it drowned out…” Steve shrugs.

He sees the way Eddie’s face drops. The way he stills and mutters an, “Oh. Okay. Just… tell her to call me when she can…” he goes to turn away and returns home, but Steve grabs his wrist and turns to face him.

“You alright, Munson?”

Eddie’s eyes water, “Yeah, man. Just been really worried…” Steve gives him a knowing glare and frowns as Eddie’s voice cracks. Steve was aware of Eddie’s feelings. Almost everyone could tell but Y/N. Steve pulls Eddie into a brief hug and pats his back.

“I’ll tell her to call,” Steve gives him one last tight lipped smile before walking back inside, “See ya’ later, Munson.”

“Later, Harrington.”

The whole drive home, Eddie had a stone cold stare on the road. Black Sabbath played on the radio but for once, he wasn’t really listening.

When gets to his trailer, he doesn’t wait for the phone to ring. He trusts Steve told her to call but he knows she probably won’t if she’s truly unwell, and especially not if it was a lie to cover up her being upset with him. He heads straight for a shower then for bed.

But he struggles to sleep.

He still thinks of her.


9:45 | eddie

She is definitely fucking ignoring me.

I can’t help but frown as she walks past me like she doesn’t know me. I didn’t speak. I didn’t know what to say. What does one say when the person that means everything to them walks past as if they don’t exist? It was out of the ordinary so I froze. Stuck in place I watch her retreating form enter a classroom. My heart clenched and I suddenly felt nauseous. I get anxious… but never quite like this. That girl is destroying me and doesn’t even realize it. Or maybe she does. Maybe that’s why she’s ignoring me? Maybe I accidentally told her? I could say it was a lie… but it wasn’t.


Maybe I didn’t. Maybe I said something really mean…

“Hello? Eddie!”

Maybe I told her how I want to hold her in my arms after making lo-

“Eddie! What the hell are you looking at?” Finally turning to see Dustin looking up at me, furrowed brows and parted mouth.

Swallowing hard, I glanced at the door one more time before shrugging. “Nothing, what's up, man?”

Raising a brow, Dustin asks, “You sure? You weren’t looking at the door because Y/N’s in that class, right?” The curly brunette had a little smug smirk on face, “If you need help with getting a girlfriend, I have some tips.”

Scoffing, I shake my head, “I don’t need help, Henderson. And no. We talked about this.”

I start walking toward my class but the little shrimp follows me. “Sure, sure. The ol’ ‘No! I am not in love with my best friend!’ Even though she is literally the coolest person ever! She’s smart and funny and sometimes way more metal than-” I turn and give him a death glare that threatens him to finish that sentence. “Okay… just as metal as you.”

With a sigh, I stop walking and turn to him, “Well, the coolest person ever is ignoring me. So, unless you have any tips on how to get the coolest person ever to acknowledge me, please! Stop talking about it.”

I didn't mean to be rude. I was genuinely frustrated with the whole ordeal. I was beginning to be more than sad. I was angry. Why can’t she just talk to me?

“Who is the coolest person ever?” Our heads snap to Robin, who is now standing by the water fountain. She wipes her mouth of the excess water.

“Y/N. Eddie likes her.” Dustin blourts.

“Dude!” I punched his shoulder.

“Ow! What?-”

“I already knew.” Robin laughs. Again, we look at the freckled face girl.

“What? How?” I don’t have the energy to deny it anymore.

“Dude, we can all tell. You’re not exactly discreet. You look at the girl like she's heaven or… Black Sab-Sab- Whatever the fuck and drive her to and from school everyday. I’m surprised you didn’t walk in with her today,” Robin pauses, chuckling. “Oh, and you always buy her the cutest little presents. Didn’t you buy her a teddy bear with a hellfire shirt on her birthday? So cute!”

“Okay, one, it's Black Sabbath. Two, she… she didn’t show up this morning so I was actually late today. Three, the teddy bear came with a necklace that almost left me bankrupt. Now, who the hell knows about my… my ‘crush’ or whatever.”

Robin and Dustin glance at each other and in unison, “Everyone.”


After finding out that everyone and their grandmother knew about my love for my best friend, I had an added stressor. The day passed with me tapping my foot on the tiles, hiding in the bathroom, and watching Y/N with eager eyes. She didn’t look up at me once. Dustin was actually teasing me less and being more comforting after he saw how antsy I was actually feeling. I could feel everyone's eyes at my table burning into me. But still. I didn’t look away. She sat at another table. She never does that. She sits beside me, a queen beside her king. But there she was till she finished eating and left. She looked solemn, like she didn’t enjoy her new seating arrangement.

When the clock struck three, I found Steve Harrington's car parked outside the school. I was blinded by an emotion I rarely experienced. It was green, it was red. I slapped my hands on the open window sill.

“Jesus! Munson! What the hell, man?”

“Why’d you lie to me? She’s ignoring me, Harrington. Ignoring. I know you know I like her, apparently fucking everyone does. So, why didn’t you tell me that she’s ignoring me?” I was blinded by fury. Jealousy. Anger. “Why are you picking her up? Why can’t she even get in a fucking car with me?”

Sighing, Steve’s brown eyes met mine, I see the regret and the pity. “It’s- It’s not you.”

“Really? Why didn’t she answer the phone? Why is she avoiding me?”

“Okay, okay! She told us to not answer the phone… she just didn’t wanna be disturbed. She’s not feeling well. Nothing personal…” Steve looked me up and down before sighing. “Okay… maybe a little personal…” He opened the car door and I backed away. He stood before me and finally came clean. “The other night, you said something. She won’t tell me what but whatever it was… it fucked her up. So, me and Nancy were just hanging out with her till she calmed down. When you left I asked her to call but she said no. She called me during lunch and asked if I could pick her up… It didn’t feel right ‘cause I know that's your thing but she was crying so it felt wrong to say no.”

Nodding slowly, my big brown eyes look at the floor. So, I did fuck up.

“I… I hurt her?” I met his eyes again. He nods. I lose my train of thought. Any green or red within dissipated and I was left blue. I didn't realize when I started crying or when Steve hugged me. But over his shoulder, I see her. She stood at the doors. Eyes meeting mine. Something flashes in them.

I pull away from the hug. “Thanks. See you later.”

I rushed to my van.

I rushed home.

I rushed to bed.

I don’t wait for the phone to ring. Even though it did. It rang twice.

I ignored it.

I didn’t go to school Tuesday. Or Wednesday. But I went on Thursday.

And I had a plan.


12:17 | third

Y/N was sitting at her new table, all alone and sipping on a carton of apple juice. Eddie was watching but this time with a smirk. He was going to find out what he said, if its the last thing he did. He stood from the table. Mike and Dustin’s eyes followed him but Gareth and Jeff remained looking at their food, used to Eddie’s antics. He walked towards Y/N’s table. Her elbow on the table and cheek in her palm. She wasn’t aware that he was nearing her, but his eyes never left her. He plopped in the seat across from her and placed his head in his hands, elbows on the table. He had a big smile on his face.

“Hey, sweetheart.” Her eyes widened and she put the drink down. “You've been ignoring me a bit.”

“No, just…” Her eyes move to the table.

“Avoiding? Acting like I don’t exist?” He crossed his arms on the table and leaned forward.

“I tried calling Monday.” She looked up into his big doe eyes but he was fiddling with his rings.

“Yeah, after I found out from someone else that I hurt you,” He paused and looked up, staring into her eyes, “Why couldn’t you just come to me? I thought we trusted each other? That we were best friends?”

“We are!” She leaned forward.

They were close. They both realized it. Two heartbeats racing and both oblivious.

“Then why not come to me? Why not talk about it? You know I’d always be here for you, even if I say stupid shit high.” He tilts his head, secretly taking advantage of the close proximity to examine her features and smell that shampoo she left behind on his sheets.

“That’s the problem! Okay? You’re always high or drunk. Am I that obnoxious that you can’t stand to hang out with me sober?” She stood abruptly and took her tray with her. He was sat frozen for a moment before he comprehended what just occurred. She had tossed the trash on the tray out and placed it on the designated counter. He stood and followed her outside, where he found her walking toward the phone booth.

“Uh-uh, this isn’t over, princess!” He grabs her wrist and turns her to him. “What do you mean? Of course you’re not obnoxious, why would you think that?”

“How could I not? Why else are you always under the influence? I know I don’t do that stuff so maybe I’m boring or something, I just- I don’t know.” There were tears in her eyes, she really didn’t want to have this conversation. She looks to the ground for some comfort. “It’s stupid and I’m insecure but I really just have this uncontrollable feeing that I can’t tell you some things when you’re high. I’m sorry, I know there was a better way to deal with all this and I-I’m a coward. I just- I was scared to talk about it. I feel like an idiot. I don’t mind you getting high or drunk, it’s your body so you can do whatever. It’d just be nice if you weren’t fucked up eveytime we hung out.”

He grabs her chin with his pointer finger and thumb, pulls her to meet his eyes. “You’re not an idiot. Okay? Don’t cry, baby.” He pulled her into a hug after slipping a new nickname.

“I’m sorry for ignoring you, I know you’ve been anxious lately. It was wrong of me to leave you. I’m so sorry.” She cried into his chest.

“Hey, it’s okay. I promise. I’m sorry for making you feel that way. For always being stoned. I need to ask you something, though.”

“Yes?” She pulled away.

“What did I say Friday night?”

She was silent and began chewing her lip, “Y-you… said a lot of stuff.”


“Like… uh, that I’m pretty. That you like to-to see me in your shirts and that you like how it looks like I’m yours when I wear them… You were a little jealous of Steve by the sound of it…”

His eyes widened and he swallowed. The memory flooded back in.

“You look so good in my shirts. ‘Makes it look like… like you’re mine. Yknow? Not Harringtons, mine.”

“Oh…” He muttered.


“W-Well… what’s so wrong with that? We can still be friends even if I-I want you to be mine… I would hope that wouldn’t push you away.. I… Well, I was a little jealous of Harrington because… like, you shouldn’t be alone watching movies with questionable distance between you ‘cause who knows what could happen! I wouldn’t want that especially when I want you to be mine so… and you are pretty! That’s a given, we already knew this. We all did apparently! Fucking everyone in Hawkins knows I’m obsessed with you, so I-I don’t see why it warranted you ignoring me…I bet even the teddy bear I bought you for your birthday knows, I figured you might’ve too. But I don’t see why that has to tear us apart, you’re my best friend and I can’t promise I’ll get over it! But if you marry someone else, I’ll support it because I just need you to be happy even if it-” She put her hand over his mouth.

“Shut up!” She had a mouth splitting grin on her lips. “Eddie Munson, I ignored you because I thought you were lying. I love you. The thought of you lying hurt too much. I wanted you sober so I could say that I love you. God, I hope you don’t want me to marry someone else…”

She moves her hand to let him speak, “Dear god, no. I’d rather lose my guitar…” She looks at him skeptical. “Okay, maybe not but you get it okay.”

She giggled and that sound filled his ears straight to his heart.

“You love me?” He asked, a smirk on his face.

“Yes. Took way too long to tell you.” She stood on her tippy-toes and gave him a brief peck on the lips.

“Jesus, if I knew I could get this sooner, I would’ve quit altogether…” She looked skeptical again. “Okay, fine! Not really but you get it, okay? C’mere.”

He grabbed her cheeks and pulled her in, pressing her lips against his for longer. She could feel the cold metal of his rings on her warm cheeks and the softness of his lips that danced with hers. Her hands wrapped around his waist. She didn’t realize when his tongue entered her mouth but she knew one thing.

She wanted this moment to last forever. They pulled away, eyes glazed over with pure adoration.

He whispered, “Kiss me like this everyday?” She nodded. Eddie smiled softly. “Good. You don’t have to worry anymore, sweetheart. I’ll gladly be sober with you.”

Tags :
2 years ago

Never Again

the five times he saw you with bruises and the one time you saw him with bruises.

pairing: billy hargrove x thicc!reader (f)

word count 8.9k

note: reader has thick thighs and stretch marks, i'd rather jump off a bridge than write about characters with "perfect bodies" ew. also im chubby and i dont remember what it was like to be skinny. ok ms thiccums. also readers birthday is in winter shh. this is sort of an au where billy got left back a year and he still works at pool, steves at record store and billys alive. billys a little bit ooc but who cares lmao

playlist. moodboard. masterlist.

warnings!: abuse!, domestic abuse, violence, sexual assault mentioned, mention of ro*fie/date drug, assault, fighting, bullying, depression, loneliness, anxiety, a LOT of swearing/cursing, making out (?) etc... fluff, comfort, angst.

Never Again

i. - yn pov

The cold wind kissed my skin as I stepped off the dingy school bus and toward Hawkins High. My backpack slung over my shoulder as I tug on my flannels sleeves and fidget with anxiety, walking through, past the other students that seemed to enjoy loitering. Another miserable day in hell. My combat boots smack the concrete as I enter the building, escaping from the chilly temperature into the stuffy halls and heading straight for my locker. I grab my notebook to place it in my backpack and put away my winter coat. Having earbuds in, I don’t hear the obnoxious smacking of gum and tapping of tacky flats coming toward me. Not till her hand pushes me toward the wall. One of my headphones was knocked out.

“I’m talking to you, new girl!” The voice was impossible to not recognize. Turning around to make eye contact and confirm my theory, I send a distasteful glare to Carol.

“And yet, I can’t seem to give a fuck.” I was never one to let popular kids knock me around. Seemingly everyone bullies and annoys me with ease, but I always defend myself. I only don’t speak when their whole purpose is to get a rise out of me.

Her expression changes from annoyed to offense and fury. “Listen, slut. Either you explain why you stole my bracelet and give it back or I will fuck you up.”

Raising a brow I looked down at my wrist where I had my grandmother's silver bracelet wrapped around and chuckled at the insane accusation. “This is my grandma’s, dumbass. I didn’t take your stupid fucking bracelet.”

“I beg to fucking differ, it’s one of a kind!” She yells, catching the attention of other passerbys in the hills. Suddenly I’m filled with rage as she raises her voice at me.

“Clearly not. I’m not dealing with this right now, it’s too early.” I go to walk away and escape the conversation when suddenly she grabs and tugs my arm. I land on the ground, hard, on my back.

“Nuh-uh, not till you give it back!” She straddles me, holding my hands down with her knees and starts throwing punches. “Give it back!”

How do I give it “back” if you’re holding me down, dumbass!

This was ridiculous. I was almost embarrassed for the girl. She actually threw punches… over a bracelet. It all happened so fast. My eye burned and my face was sore and my lip was stinging. Then someone came behind Carol and pulled her off of me. My face was warm and I took deep breaths. I could feel blood dripping out of my nose and my lip was busted. I swallow hard and taste blood on my tongue before rising to sit up. My vision was blurry but I could see a shape of what seemed to be Tommy pulling Carol away, the yelling reverberating in my ears. Behind me I feel someone place an arm on my back and under my knees, lifting me and carrying me toward the nurses office.

I try to see who lifted me but as we pass the bright lights in the halls, my eyes get irritated and I shut them quickly. The person is warm and I feel denim gently scraping my arm. I don’t need to wonder for long as I hear his voice. “Jesus, L/N. It’s not even twelve yet and you already got a beating?”

“Shut up, Hargrove.” My voice is so weak it surprises me. His name is even more bitter than the blood on my tongue.

“It’s almost a new record. Not one to be proud of. But it's something, sugar.”

Billy Hargrove and I constantly bickered. I hated him and he hated me but not enough to not want to get in my pants. We were often associated as his stupid friends frequently beat me to hell and he beat my guy friends. I envy him. Everyone absolutely adores him. I can pretend I don’t care about being liked but deep down, there's this irritating desire to be loved. But someone, anyone. The fear that if my own mother doesn’t love me, why would anyone else?

Billy was perfect. He was attractive, fit, and the Hawkins High king. He hardly even needed to try. And me? I was the nobody.

I hated him for it.

“I’d rather you left me on the floor, Billy!” When I wiggle to try and escape his arms, his grip only gets tighter.

He scoffs as he opens the nurse’s office door with his foot. “Don’t be so dramatic, shortcake.”

I’m sitting on a medical cot as I hear the clicking of the nurse’s heels rushing toward me. “Oh my- what happened, hun?”

I assumed Billy left the room as I explained I was in a fight to Nurse Jen. Why would he stay? But after the teacher cleaned my eyes and I was able to blink them open, I see him sitting there across the room, watching with crossed arms and a brooding stare as the nurse dabbed at my bruises. I raise a brow at him and he only sends a sly grin in response. When the nurse finishes up with my bruises and busted lip, she looks up at me with soft brown eyes. “Can you have someone drive you home?”

“I’ll take her home,” She and I turned to Billy as he spoke. “Still live out of town?”

I nod softly, surprised he remembered that from the party a few months ago that my best friend dragged me to. He had to drive me home and dropped me off after someone tried to roofie me. As I said, this school is hell.

The nurse nods, grabbing my hand and helping pull me up. At first, it was like it all rushed to my head, the world began to spin, blurring slightly. It cleared quickly and I stumbled slightly. Billy rushes forward to grab my arms and hold me up. Surprisingly, his expression is filled with genuine concern. “Alright, c’mon, L/N.” He lifts me up just as he did before and carries me out to the car. The nurse left me with an ice pack for my head and packet of bandaids. What the fuck do I do with this? Billy sets me down in the passenger seat of his camaro. He begins driving after a heavy sigh. Who would’ve thought I’d wake up, go to school, get my ass kicked, and then get driven home by Billy Hargrove. I giggle childishly at the thought while staring out the window. “What’re you laughing at, sugar?”

“This is… not at all what I expected from my day…” I shake my head and frown. “Billy Hargrove, the man who hates me for everything but my tits, driving me home.”

He scoffs, “Is that how you think of me? Really?”

I nod fervently, wincing as it hurt my jaw. “Absolutely.”

He’s silent. Just for a moment. “Jesus, that’s… a low point of view.”

“Well, you never really treated me with a high regard… not till this moment and that party a few weeks ago. You aren’t really that nice to me. You’re just snarky and pervy.” I continue to mumble under my breath about how everyone is always mean to me but Billy isn’t listening after what I said about him.

He stares blankly to the road before him as he drives. The radio buzzing silently and I purse my busted lips as I look over to him. His gaze is concentrated and pensive. “I’m not that shitty of a person, Y/N.”

I swallow hard. “Sure.”

“I’m not!” He seemed genuinely angry, sincerely aggravated. “I have fuckin’ morals.”

“Then quit whining and act like it.” I huff, leaning to look out the window. He grunts, choosing to keep quiet and ignore me.

The rest of the car ride is silent. One hour of complete silence, other than the light sound of Metallica playing on the radio. I dozed off but every time I’d feel my eyes close, Billy shoved me, mumbling something about “concussions.”

Pulling up to my house, I rush to get out but Billy darts to my side of the car. “What’re you doing?” I say, shocked.

“You can hardly walk, sugar. I’m helping you get inside safely.” His tone is sarcastic but intentions are pure. I would roll my eyes if they didn’t hurt so much.

I let him help walk me inside my house. My parents were at work and I’m secretly grateful for Billy driving me. My mother would’ve screamed at me for making her drive all the way back and maybe even done worse. As I sit on my mattress, I look to Billy who helped me up the stairs, through the pavement and drove me from school and finally I gathered the courage. “Billy…” He looks into my eyes after finding pain relievers in my drawer and placing them on my bedside table. His blue eyes were hypnotizing and I finally understood why all the girls fawned over him. “Thank you. You don’t understand how much you just helped me.” I give him a small, warm smile.

His gaze flips between my eyes and lips before he takes a deep breath, “Don’t thank me, sweetheart, it’s the least I can do. Lemme go get you some water. You got any snacks or pajamas I can bring you so you don’t have to get up too much?”

I nod carefully. Billy was being soft. He was gentle and kind. I guess he’s trying to show his morals like I suggested. “In the drawer, top shelf is my jammies, there's chips in the kitchen. I-I’m only allowed to eat the potato chips, though…”

He nods, not asking too much. He grabs the pajamas from my drawer, a large t-shirt that I stole from my ex, and sweatpants. He laid it on the bed and left for the water and chips. Quickly, I got dressed and tucked myself under the blankets. Billy was quick, walking into my room with a bag of chips and a glass of water. He placed it on the bedside table and I quickly took the pain relievers with a large gulp of water. He looks around my room, his eyes landing on a book, journal and pencil on the desk in the corner of my room. He grabs them and places them beside me. “Do some reading and drawing or something and get some rest in like two hours.You don’t wanna get a concussion, trust me.”

I laugh, dryly. “Thank you, Hargrove.”

“When do your parents get back?”

“Uh, depends. My dad comes back around nine and my mom… My mom varies. It could be six on a good day or midnight on a bad day.” I sigh, grasping the book before opening to where I left off.

His brows furrowed and I saw the expression on his face shift as he tried to decide whether he should ask questions or not. He chooses not. “Okay… make sure not to get into trouble? See you around, sugar.” He ruffled my hair and just like that, he left.

ii. - yn pov

I didn’t want to come to this party but my best and only friend Rachel had forced me here. Well, more so, threatened to leave me home alone with my mother. So there I stood, next to a bowl of spiked punch, as people sent judgemental glances my way. I was completely fine minding my own business, till a pretty girl with a ponytail so tight it practically pulled her hairline out. I recognized her as… Natalie? Nicole? One of those for sure… “You’re the new girl, right? The one who stole Carol's bracelet?” Her speech was slurred and she seemingly was clueless to the concept of personal space.

“I’m new but I didn’t steal Carol's bracelet. If she told you otherwise then she’s a lying, delusional bitch.” Okay, maybe it was harsh. However I couldn't find it in me to care at the moment. I wanted to go to sleep.

She snarled her red lips and with a bitter tone, “Well, that ‘b-word’ is my friend so watch what you say, freak. What are you even doing here? I didn’t know they were inviting losers?”

With a sarcastic smile, I cross my arms, “Aw! Well, duh! That's why they invited you, silly!”

She gasps before clenching her teeth, “At least I’m not a virgin with no freaking friends.”

It was so easy to piss these people off, I didn’t need to put in the effort of getting physical. But I was so very tired and restless, I wasn’t in the mood frankly. I just grabbed her pretty and oh so perfect blonde ponytail and dumped her head in the spiked punch bowl. When she pulled back, she wiped the punch out her eyes and screeched. “Whore!” Huh, so she can curse.

“But I thought I was a virgin?” I send a snarky smile to the brat. Bad idea.

She tackled me and pathetically smacked me while straddling me. It wasn't as bad as Carol, however I still had some bruises staining my skin, so it hurt. And this time, I had my hands to cover me. It wasn’t enough though as she smacked me harder and harder. The crowd just chanted “fight, fight, fight” before someone finally pulled the rabid beast off me. I sighed heavily before trudging out the door.

My thoughts race. I’d rather walk home than stay there a second later. I don’t care if my house is twenty minutes away by car and forty walking. Rachel can yell at me in the morning, I don’t care.

But just as I make it to a street corner after fifteen minutes of walking, I notice a light shining behind me. The street has been empty since I first started walking so, out of curiosity, I turned to check who it may be.

“Oh my god.” I rolled my eyes as I noticed the familiar camaro driving toward me. “Do you just have a sixth sense or something?”

“Another beating, Y/N? Jesus, that's two in under a month, what happened?” Billy leans his head out the car. The street corner was getting cold so I stuck my head in the car to sneak some warmth.

“Well, Nicole was being disrespectful so I shoved her face in a bowl of punch and she decided to assault me. Plain and simple, Hargrove. Care to give me another ride home, please? I really don’t wanna walk in heels and bruises.” I pout, slight playful flirtation in my eyes as he rolls his and tilts his head to motion me to hop in.

I giggled at the music choice. “What's funny?”

“You’re playing metallica again, it’s like fuckin’ deja vu.”

He laughs, shaking his head, “I can’t believe you can laugh when you look like you’ve been fucking run over. You get into too many fights. I’m being serious, it’s reckless and dangerous, sugar. You gotta stop.” He scolds me like a child.

I huff, sarcastically, “Okay, dad. Since when did you give a fuck what I do? Figured you couldn't care less.”

“Like I said last time, I got morals. If I see someone who doesn’t deserve a beating all bruised up, it's pretty upsetting, shortcake.”

I laugh, sarcastically. “Well, you’re surely getting better at showing it. Seriously, do you think carrying my bag for me to two classes is gonna make me think you have morals? Or saying bless you when I sneeze? That's just manners, Hargrove, I’m concerned you just started saying bless you and thank you to people. It's basic respect.”

He stops, rather aggressively, in the middle of the empty road. “Don’t you talk to me about respect like you’re my fucking father. You can't seem to avoid getting your ass kicked, what are you a child? Desperate for attention? A masochist? What? What's wrong with you that you so desperately need to get assaulted every day? Mommy not giving you enough attention at home?”

That felt like a slap across the face. Especially since my mother couldn’t care less if someone hit me. She’d fully support it. The comment made my eyes water, every word leading me closer and closer to the tears that started rolling down my rosy and bruised cheeks. His angry expressions alter to one of shock and perhaps even a flash of guilt. He opened his mouth to speak but he was speechless as I cried silently beside him. “Fuck you, Hargrove.”

He bit his pursed lip and started driving again. It was quiet for a bit till he gathered his courage to speak again. “Listen… that… that wasn't cool of me. I’m-I am… sorry. That was fucked up. I shouldn’t have said that. I just-I don’t like seeing you like this. I don’t know why. It really fucking bothers me though.”

The word sorry sounded like he choked just trying to get it out. He was so clearly not used to apologizing however I couldn’t find it in me to care. He tried. And it seemed genuine. That impressed me more than I could imagine. “Just… take me home please.”

The rest of the drive is silent till he’s pulling over in front of my house again. I catch my breath and wipe my tears as Billy hops out and walks to the passenger seat, opening the door for me. It was chivalrous and honestly surprising. I looked at him with a questioning gaze as he walked me to my door. Mentally, I celebrated being able to walk, unlike last time. “Hey, I was wondering … that shirt you wore last time? Where did you get it from? It looked familiar.”

I raise a brow at his question. “Uh, its my ex boyfriend’s. I never threw it out and he never picked it up so I just… kept it? I guess.”

He hums. “Here…” He pulls his denim jacket off and hands it to me before tugging his white shirt off and swapping that for the denim jacket. “Wear that… It’s really weird to wear your ex’s clothing. Creepy.” I can see him visibly gulp.

“Yeah?” With a lopsided grin on my face, I look down at the white t-shirt in my hands. Then I met his hypnotizing blue eyes once more. They were filled with something indescribable. Something different from the usual lust, gloom and humor that filled them. Something I didn’t quite understand yet. “You’re really confusing, Billy Hargrove.”

He laughs. It was a nice laugh too, I'll admit. Still hate him though, definitely. Definitely hate him, Mhm. “Tell me about it, Y/N L/N.” He raises both brows, looking between my eyes then my lips before walking backwards. “See ya’ round, shortcake. I gotta go find my sister, stay out of trouble, please.”

“See ya’.” There's a part of me that celebrates seeing him go, then some forbidden, sadistic, masochistic part if me cries deep down and begs him to come back mentally. “Asshole.”

iii. - third pov

Billy started acting weird.

Whenever Y/N passed him in the hall, he ignored her.

No snarky remarks or flirtatious lines. He stopped being cruel to his sister, he waited more patiently for her after school. He was using manners with teachers and other students and actually showed up for class. He was doing better in school in general and he showed up on time. She’d find him watching her when she’d look up to find who was burning a gaze into her flesh. It was always him. But when she tried to speak to him, he gave one word answers and walked away claiming he had something to do.

You’re really confusing, Billy Hargrove.

Tell me about it.

He’s playing with my feelings. Her thoughts race. Except there are no feelings, I definitely hate him. Right? So why does it hurt when he ignores me? When he passes without a word or a glance. Why did it give me butterflies when I caught him looking at me or how, not so discreetly, looked over in the morning to see if I got off the bus before going in just to know if I was around. What would he do if I wasn’t? Why did I want to know? Was it so strange to miss our dynamic? Our banter?

Nonetheless, she continued her life as usual. Weekdays were school till three, work at the arcade till six, taking the bus home, shower, sleep. Weekends were work from seven to three, taking the bus home, yoga, shower, study, sleep. She only had about one or two friends, so there wasn’t much “hanging out” squeezed in. Except there was a disruption in her schedule on this particular day. Saturday. Noon. In front of the arcade, Max is sitting beside Y/N with a deep frown on her lips.

Max came in at her usual eleven in the morning and all went smoothly till some grown man came and gave her trouble for “hogging” the machine. So, in an attempt to defend her, Y/N walked up and asked him to leave. Which resulted in a bruised cheekbone, split lip and broken wrist. Now they sit on the curb, waiting for Max’s brother to pick her up so Y/N can go to the hospital and receive treatment.

“Are you sure Billy will take me? He didn’t seem too happy last time he saw me all bruised up…”

His words imprinted in her memory, joined by those blue eyes that filled with concern. If I see someone who doesn’t deserve a beating all bruised up, it's pretty upsetting, shortcake.

“Last time?” The redhead's eyebrow quirks.

“Yeah, he gave me a ride once… twice. Whatever, just… are you sure he won't be mad?” Worry lacing her tone.

“It’ll be fine, Y/N/N,” She takes a pause, placing a hand on Y/N’s knee. “And who cares what that asshole thinks anyway?”

The older girl releases a small laugh, “Yeah, who cares…” She did. She cared too much. She didn’t know when it happened or how. She couldn’t even admit to herself that it had. But she grew fond of the blond curlyhead casanova.

“And also… I didn’t get to say thank you. No one really defends me like that… You looked really badass, at least.” Max giggles.

With a pained smile, “No problem, kiddo. I can’t believe he broke my wrist, though, that's still so crazy to me.”

“Yeah, that was crazy. Hey, your eyeliner is still intact?” The statement was more of a question as she questionably clung onto whatever she had in mind to cheer Y/N up.

The pair giggle till the familiar rumble of Billy’s camaro can be heard speeding toward the arcade. It skids to a stop and Billy comes rushing out the car toward the duo, who stood quickly. “What the fuck happened, Y/N? Didn’t I tell you to be careful?”

“Hard to remember what you said when you haven’t even acknowledged me till this moment.”

“Sweetheart, It's hard to not acknowledge such a hot chick so don’t spout such bullshit. No what the fuck is going on with your wrist?” He goes to grab her wrist but she yelps in pain and he pulls back quickly, his previously flirtatious expression filled with genuine concern.

“The dude broke it…” She had broken wrists before. He had broken legs, ribs, jaw, arms, feet, fingers. She’s had numerous broken bones, fractures, sprains. She wasn’t too panicked about the wrist. But the pain never felt nice.

His eyes flash back to hers, anger spirling her new favorite shade of blue, “Dude? A fucking guy did it? Is he still here?”

“No, he… he left.” She looks him up and down. He was wearing a red button up and she could see a peak of his chest. His cheeks flushed red in anger, and Max? She was thriving. She hasn’t felt so joyous in years. Suddenly it all made sense. Why Billy was so nice, so respectful, so much… happier?


“Okay… let’s go. I gotta get you to a hospital.”

Max sat in the back and her bright blue eyes flicked between the two sat in the front. Curious and intrigued, she hung on every second.

“Do you have an addiction to getting your ass kicked?”

“I guess so.”

More silence.

He looks at her and then back to the road. Then he takes a double take. “You look good in my shirt, by the way.”

It was then she realized she was wearing the very shirt he gave her off his back the last time they actually spoke. “Thanks.”

Max covered her mouth to disguise her smile.

Billy actually likes someone? And it's Y/N?!

“Y’know… I’m probably gonna get fired. I’m really gonna need a new job. Actually, to be honest… I pay the majority of the rent at my house… My mom… she doesn’t really…” Y/N clears her throat as she chokes a sob that threatens to leave her with teary eyes. “She doesn’t really pay rent. She works but… not for rent.” She wipes her face with her unbroken wrist. Then wiping the tears on her jeans.

Billy could feel his heart drop at the sound of her broken voice. “I’ll help you get a job. I promise. I’ll see if you can work at the pool with me or maybe I could get Harrington to let you work at the record store. I will help get you a job.”

She let out an exhale and a laugh, “Did you know the first day where you found me all bruised up in December… It was my birthday. I turned eighteen. No one said anything. Except for Max and my best friend. My own mother forgot. Or she just didn’t care.”

She was staring blankly at the road. All Billy could get out was a weak apology as he reached over to grasp her unbroken hand. Max beamed.

As they parked in front of the hospital, Y/N stepped out. “You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Max thought her cheeks were gonna break by how wide her smile became. He’s worried, how cute.

“I’m fine, Hargrove. Now, just… I’ll see you Monday, okay? Don’t… don’t ignore me?”

“I won’t, I promise.”

“You made a lot of promises today, hope you mean 'em’.” She smiled and walked into the emergency room. Max quickly ran out of the car to switch to the front seat and buckled in with a massive grin on her face and a “I-know-your-secrets” glare in her eyes.

“Oh god, what now, Max?”

“So… In love with Y/N, are we?” She smirked, tilting her head. “No wonder you’re so nice.”

He scrunched his face in mock disgust. “What? No! She’s just- We’re just kind of… friends now, I guess. It’s platonic.”

“Really? You held her hand and Oh Y/N I’ll get you a job, I promise, I’ll protect you, My princess, where is she? I care so much about you! Oh! I love you so much-” Her mocking tone and giggling was cut short as Billy suddenly stepped on the gas suddenly. Her laughing only intensifies.

“Shut up! It’s not like that. She’s just… Okay, I never met anyone as incredible or strong and unpredictable. She is the funniest, smartest yet somehow densest person I know and I don’t know if I wanna scream or kiss her but she’s the strongest most fucking irresistable woman I know and I have to stay away from her or else I get all these… emotions… I guess, that I can’t fucking deal with, okay? But it’s just… temporary. We’re platonic!” He just sounded like a contradicting machine that wanted to convince itself of a lie.

Max grinned one last time. “Sure, Billy, sure.”

iv. - third pov

Max’s joy only lasted a week.

Billy made an effort to speak to her but everytime he grew awkward. It was unfamiliar to him. And Y/N? Max hardly recognizes her. Her wrist was covered in a white cast with blue wrapping and the bruises she received at the arcade were healing well. But she was limping. She was covering her face. She was wearing long sleeves, even though it was now March and the weather was warming. It worried Max. Poor girl didn’t know what to do. So she went to Billy. Told him her concerns.

“What do you mean limping?“

“Limping! What else does it mean?” Even in serious conversations, her sarcasm never failed. “It’s been really warm lately and she still wears that black hoodie and sweatpants. She’s hot cause she always asks for the air conditioner so I don’t know why she doesn’t just take it off unless…”

“Don’t…”His heart kicked up, “You think… you think more bruises?”

“Yeah or she did something herself….” She frowns in concern. Shaking his head, thoughts filling with the worst of the worst, he begnis marching down the halls, searching for his shortcake.

He bumps into Carol who squeaks like a mouse and stumbles. “Billy, what the fuck?”

“Have you seen Y/N?” He was frantic.


“Y/N! Have you seen Y/N!” Carol was startled till an expression of realization overtook her features.

“Oh! New girl?” She shook her head, “No, I haven’t seen her today-“

“Then you’re useless. And she’s not even fucking new, she’s been in this school longer than me, Catherine.” He rolls his eyes and begins walking once again.

“It’s Carol-“

He walked completely off, effectively cutting her off and sending a simple message. You’re irrelevant.

Finally catching a glimpse of a girl in a black hoodie and sweatpants, he grips her shoulder and tugs her into the nearest supply closet. “Take off your hoodie.”

“Woah, I know you’re a horny bastard, Hargrove but at least ask me to dinner first-” She chuckles, rolling her shoulders.

“I’m not kidding, Y/N. Take off your hoodie or explain.” His expression was stern in the dimly lit closet.

Silence. It was then they noticed the closed space, they were so close that one inch forward and their noses would touch. She could explore his blue eyes and well defined facial structure, the spiral of his curls and count his freckles and he could sink in her eyes and imagine the taste of her lips. God, he can’t stop staring at her lips. But he grasped her chin and tilted her head side to side to observe a few new fade bruises, she smacked his hand. She stares at him with a blank expression. “There's just… it’s just… more bruises. Nothing serious.”

Scoffing, “From who?”

Shaking her head. This one was different. She couldn’t tell him who did this one. “Billy, I’m not comfortable talking about this right now. Okay? It's really personal and I-I just want to get through the day so I can go to sleep. Even if everyday on the bus home is like a sentence to hell…” She mumbled the last sentence, raising her able hand to brush a strand behind her ear.

“Why? What's at home?”

“Nothing… just my mom and I never really got along well. It's nothing bad, just frustrating.” His eyes had not looked at hers since the silence. His eyes have been trained to her lips. Watching her form every syllable. “You know, I got eyes you can look at, too, right?” She smirked.

“I-I am looking at your eyes, you just can’t tell 'cause it's dark.” His eyes flick to hers.

“If we’re calling my lips my eyes then sure!” She tilts her head playfully. The air in the small closet was tight and hotter and hotter by the second.

He smirked, “Well, about taking your hoodie off…” His hands tug on her collar to push her body closer to his. She scoffs and pushes him to the wall.

“In your dreams, Hargrove.” She walks out the enclosed space but Billy follows close behind.

“I’m just saying, if all this time I just had to take you to dinner, I would’ve done it long ago!” He walks side by side with her. “No, but seriously, if it's personal then that's okay. I understand, just, y’know Max told me who broke your wrist and now he has a concussion so…”

She stops abruptly and turns to him. “What?”

“I figured out it was Bryce Turner so I found him at his job and knocked him out, no big deal,” He shrugs, “He hurt you, that's not right.”

She looks at him, entirely suspicious. “What the hell changed? You see me bruised up once or twice and suddenly you care about me as a person? Suddenly you defend me? What the hell, Billy?”

He exhales, heavily, glancing around the halls. “Can we not talk about this here? It’s really not that serious, I just know how it feels to take a beating, I’ve been in a few fights myself if you can’t tell.”

Shaking her head, “No, a few months ago, you couldn’t fucking stand me. You only bared my presence to get a chance to fuck me. So, is this just a trick? This is all an act, this new you? Is it real? Or is this an elaborate plan to fuck me, Billy? Because I’m sick of everyone in my life using me.”

He opened his mouth to speak but he didn’t know how to tell her. He couldn’t tell her. He shakes his head, “I’m not trying to use you, it’s… it’s unrelated. I promise. I’m sorry I made you feel that way, though.”

Sharing blank stares, she bites her lip. “Another promise, hm?” He bows his head. “See ya’, Billy.”

She wanders off from him, off to her next class. He’s left alone in a crowded hallway, heart sunk to his stomach and a new anxiety he didn’t appreciate.

v. - yn pov

Sobbing uncontrollably on a Sunday night, walking in the rain to Billy Hargrove’s house at two in the morning was not my ideal experience. But my life never went according to plan.

The cut on my lip down my chin and bleeding nose was evidence enough, let alone the numerous fresh black and blue marks covering my cheeks and body. A solid handprint outlined in red on my wrist when she yanked me toward the front door. My tailbone still ached from when I fell ass first into the pavement. She screams demanding me to leave “her” house, even though I pay the majority of the rent.

My ribs were healing well from the last time she hit me but after her recent blows, they ached and stung. My wrist is still wrapped in a cast that shouldn’t be wet. My ankle, that she had smashed on the wooden ground when I refused to get out of bed and she dragged me off it, now had shards and fragments of glass lodged in the arch of my foot from the vase she had thrown at my foot. The wet concrete was incredulously painful against my feet which were clad in only socks. My mother doesn’t really think to give me shoes before throwing me out. She just knows she wants me out and doesn’t care what condition I’m in whilst “out.”

It was humiliating to be walking towards Billy Hargrove’s house for support, for help, for comfort. When in September he and I hated each other. Sure, he tried to seduce me but that was a joke. No one found me attractive, he was making fun of me. Right? So, why in December, on my birthday that no one ever celebrated, did he lift me in his arms and help me get medical attention? Why did he care? That's what I clung onto as I took steps closer and closer to his house. The bright hope lying in that memory. Billy Hargrove cared even a little bit.

I didn’t really have anyone else. My best friend was in Florida visiting her grandmother and all my family was in New York. All I had was Billy.

His door was intimidating, but my body shivered so aggressively and my heart thumped so heavily I realized I had no choice. With eyes filled with many tears, my vision was blurry, my throat dry, body wrenched and my heart aching… I knocked on his door. The sound hardly made it over Metallica playing faintly through the door, the only sign other than the turned on living room light that he was there.

I knock again. “Jesus, M… can’t you, at least… door?” I could hear him faintly through the door. Suddenly, it swung open and there he stood. A red button-up tucked into jeans clung to his frame well. His expression switched from anger to shock and concern.

“Y/N, what- what the fuck happened?”

“I-I’m so-so sorry, Billy… I don’t have anywhere to go, I just- I would’ve called but I can’t get in my house so I- I just walked her and I- fuck, I just need help, please!” Each word came out with a choked sob. He gently grabbed my elbow and, with a softness I couldn’t imagine ever coming from him, he pulled me in for a hug. “Billy, y-you’re gonna get wet-”

“Jesus, I don’t care. C’mon, let me take care of you. We’re lucky my parents are gone.”


After gently taking out the shard in my foot with a tweezer, and asking Max for her tweezer in the first place, he gave me some medical alcohol, ointments, bandages and wraps to use after a shower. He even gave me a new wrist cast, which I’d have to ask later why he has it. He left me another one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers while he let me take a shower. When I got out, he was wearing a t-shirt and boxers. There were too white mugs and chocolate chip cookies on the coffee table as well as a mountain of VHS tapes. He was wrapped in a red blanket and his foot tapped anxiously on the wooden ground. This is new… certainly not unwelcome but new.

“Uhm, thank you…”

His head snapped in my direction at the sound of my voice.

“Did you walk here?”

“Oh- uh, yeah… more so limp but yeah…”

“Jesus Christ, Y/N, what's going on? Who did this to you? I’ve never seen you cry like that, it… it hurt and I got really scared for you… are you okay?” His eyes were always so pretty to me. How the blue could tell so much about him, what he was feeling, thinking. I could see so much truth to his words, so much concern.

Sighing, I bite the bullet. Its stupid, but I really trusted Billy. “My mom has been like this since I was ten…” I train my eyes to the ground. The pattern of the wood was far less horrific than those gorgeous azure eyes. “Ever since my biological dad left, she just…changed. She likes to drink. All her money goes to that. I basically hold up everything rent wise and financially… I want to forget her tonight, please. I’ve been so scared and… and tired for so long. I feel strange and stupid for telling you this but its not like I have many friends or anyone you can tell that would ruin my life so fuck it… I really just don't wanna think about her… okay?”

The silence after my words is what motivated me to gather the courage to meet his eyes. Pursed lips and a sigh, Billy looks back at me. “Yeah. Okay, whatever you need, shortcake.”

I give a curt nod, “Thank you,” I sniffle and look at the table, “What’s all this?”

“Oh, well, I asked Max for some of her VHS tapes and she made cookies with Susan before she left this morning so… I thought… maybe, these would make you feel better? And I made her swear to keep this a secret and not tell any of her little shit friends.” His cheeks actually turn a shade of red and I let out a giggle as I sit beside him. He tosses the blanket over my head. “Don’t laugh at me, I’m trying to be nice!”

“Okay, okay!” I pick up the VHS tapes and shuffle through them. The Shining, Nightmare on Elm Street, Carrie, The Breakfast Club, The Outsiders…

“Lets watch Nightmare on Elm Street…Johnny Depp is pretty…” I giggled and bit my bottom lip.

“Wow, okay, am I not?” with a faux hurt expression, he lifted a hand to his chest and smirked.

Rolling my eyes, “That’s not what I said…”

Raising a brow, “So, you’re saying I’m pretty?”

“Yes, Billy Hargrove. You are a beautiful man.”

His smirk shifts into a soft smile, “Thank you, you’re beautiful yourself, babe.”

New nickname, adding that to my list of favorites.

“Thank you. Seriously.” I hand him the VHS to put on and lean back. I pull the blanket to cover my bruised stretch marks. “I would’ve called before coming but… y’know.”

He places a hand on my cheek. “You and I… are more alike than you think, sugar. No matter how awful you think I am… I will always care about you. I know I’m an asshole but… you kind of changed my life with all these marks and trouble. You’re… you’re my favorite type of trouble.”

It was like my insides were melting and I swallowed hard, my heartbeat speeding up. “Really?”

His thumb brushes against my cheek as he nods. “Absolutely.”

“That’s… really cheesy,” I giggle, embarrassed, “But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think it was sweet. You’re my favorite trouble, too, Billy.”

A brief moment of silence as he looked down to my lips. It was like time stopped and I swallowed my heart. “Can I kiss you, sugar?”

Briefly, my eyes widen before whispering, “Please…”

His lips touch mine instantly, they are soft but urgent. Slipping his tongue past my lips, I feel my body erupt into flames. I place my hands on his thighs and I hear him drop the VHS before he puts both hands on my cheeks. He was so warm, so soft, yet his kiss was so needy and deeply affectionate. My broken wrist remains on his thigh but my other hand moves to run my fingers into the back of his hair, gripping gently. He groans and I swear, I felt my heart stop. That's when he pulled away and I caught a glimpse of his glazed eyes and slicken lips.

“I could do that everyday, for the rest of time…” he muttered. I couldn’t tell if he was speaking to me but I didn’t care. I could hardly focus on anything but the sweltering joy growing in the very pit of my stomach.

Our moment is interrupted by a small voice clearing their throat. I drop my hand to my lap. We look over to see Max with a smirk on her face, red hair pulled into braids. “I knew you liked her, you idiot!”

“Get out!” He grumbled.

She simply laughed, unphased, “No, no. Thank you, now Dustin owes me fifteen dollars!” She runs to her room, presumably to grab that darn walky talky.

With a small smile, I raised a questioning brow and scrunched my nose. “You like me?”

Rolling his eyes, he picks up the VHS and moves to put the movie on. “No… yes. I don’t know…” He plopped back on the sofa. “C-can we just watch the movie …?” Oh, how I love to make him blush and stutter….

I giggled and intertwined my fingers with his. “If it's any consolation, I like you. I like you a lot, Billy Hargrove.”

His blue eyes brimming with adoration. He nods, enthusiastically. “Okay… yeah. I like you a whole lot….”

vi. - billy pov

Y/N went back home the next day. It had been four weeks since that night and I still haven’t kissed her again. I’ve been afraid to touch her lips again. I know she said she likes me. But I also know I’m not good enough for her. I only just started to be nicer to Max. I only just started to try. So, I went back to pushing her away.

But the night was young and I already found myself covered in bruises and blood seeped through my shirt. Although the weather was cold, there was a thin line of sweat covering my skin as I drove down the streets to the one person in the world who didn’t make me feel like shit. The one person who made me feel like I meant something. The night was filled with bloody fists, tears and screaming matches. But she was full of love, care and a gentleness that I could never get at home.

As I park out her house, I see her light is the only one on.

With a deep breath, I climb the tree in front of her window and peer into her room. She’s lying on the bed under the covers, a book in her hands. I purse my lips and knock on her window softly. Her head turns toward the window. slightly startled, her expression instantly fills with concern and that damn look she always gives me that always makes me feel warm. She pulls the covers off and instantly rushes to the window, I instantly notice something. She’s wearing my shirt.

She always looks so good in my shirts, god, she drives me crazy.

She slides the window up and I meet her eyes. “Billy, what-what are you doing here?!”

“Uh, if you let me in, I’ll explain everything…” She nods, shifting over to the side to let me in.

I climb into her room and sit on her bed, the creaking of the window shutting numbed out in my numerous chaotic thoughts. Suddenly, she’s beside me, running her fingers through my curls and placing her now healed hand on my thigh. “Talk to me, Billy. What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you cry…”

Biting my bottom lip, I briefly muster the balls to meet her eyes before looking back at her carpet. “Remember when you came to my house at two in the morning?” She nods. “Remember when I said we were alike?”

You and I… are more alike than you think, sugar.

She nods, warily.

“My dad… he punishes me. Harshly. He… he does it a lot but tonight, I guess I really got on his nerves. He blamed me for my mom leaving and kicked me out the house. I know I’ve been a piece of shit lately but with all these feelings I have for you and the shit my dad says… I can’t find it in me to put you through all my bullshit. But here I am… I don’t fucking know, I can’t stay away from you… I’m sorry. You’re… all I got, sugar.” My eyes filled with tears once again, the millionth time of the night. Her fingers reach up to wipe my tears and I lean into the warmth of her hand.

“It's not your fault.” She simply states. Not a second of hesitation, not an ounce of doubt.


“Your mother leaving, Hargrove. That's not your fault. And as for us? We’re fine, just don’t ignore me. It’s not up to you whether I ‘deal with your shit’ and don't talk about yourself like that. You’re fucking incredible. I like you for a reason, dummy. Anyway, you're safe here. I’ll take care of you.” I look up when she stands and walks toward her door. I almost whined thinking she was leaving, but she locks the door and walks back toward me.

“Jacket and pants off, c’mon, time for bed.” I laugh, dryly, her determination to take care of me making my heart palpitate. I begin to undress, uncomfortably in my bruised state and she reaches in her bedside drawer and pulls out a first aid kit. “Lie down.”

I do as the lady says and lie flat like a starfish in the center of her bed. She sits beside me and opens the kit, beginning to treat me. I take it as an opportunity to admire her features. From her hair to her lips to my shirt on her body. She smelled wonderful. Like a dewy spring morning. Her lips looked shiny after her tongue swiped across them. She finishes and brushes a few stray strands of hair out of my face. “I really do like you, Billy. Don’t leave me in the dark like that ever again, okay?”

I nod. At this moment, as I look at her face, I realize I’d do anything she asks. “Whatever you want, babe.”

She shut the light off and slipped under the covers, I followed suit. There was a brief pause of comfortable silence. Till I got to thinking. I never felt such an intense feeling, relationship, trust, experience. She was an acid trip. She was peace. She was heaven and she was chaos. She was everything and I was set on living for my everything. It was at this moment I realized why I had felt so protective, so needy for her attention, so caring, careful and intrigued, so pliable and submissive to her every whim.

I had fallen in love.

This wasn’t good. The moment I realized it, it was like it was fighting to get out. Like it needed to get out before it grew more and broke my heart. She’d leave me, just like my mother.

But the voices, the doubt, it didn’t matter when I felt her shit beside me and her voice relaxed me like melatonin or a cup of tea in the morning. I was more of a beer and party at night but god, I could get behind this feeling. This indescribable high she had me set on. I was absolutely in love with her. I adored her. I was enamored. Max was right. It pissed me off beyond words… but holy shit, Max was absolutely right. I was head over heels and it was fucking terrifying.

“Are you okay, Billy? Do you need anything? Water? Food? Maybe clothes? I could steal some of my stepdads clothes… or you could wear some of my oversized stuff-”

“I’m good, princess. Thank you. I just… I really need to tell you something.” It was gonna come out. It had to. It had to or I was going to explode. I roll over to face her, only to find that she was already facing me. Even in the dark, I could trace her features. It was committed to memory. Imprinted in his mind. I certainly didn’t hate it. “Y/N. Don’t laugh. Okay? If you laugh, I’ll leave and sleep in my car.”

She nods. “Okay, Billy, just spit it out!”

“Fine. I-I… I love you. Like… love-love you. Like I wanna kiss you and hold you and hold your hand. I wanna… maybe… I don’t know, get married one day and live far, far away together. All by ourselves, happily alone…”

It was quiet. From what I could see in the dark, under the streak of moonlight hitting her just right, she was shocked. Her bottom lip pulled under her teeth. “I love you, too. I want all of that and more, Billy… but you can’t ignore me. Okay? Talk to me… I just wanna be there with you. For you.”

I have never smiled that big since I was kid, surfing in the waves with mom.

“Run away with me.” My voice was soft as I stared mindlessly at her lips.

“Billy…” She sounded cynical as she shook her head.

“C’mon. We both hate this town!” I place a hand on her hip.

“Think about what's here, though. Max. School. My best friend. Billy, be logical!” She was always so smart. So careful and meticulous. But I wasn’t having it. We could worry about the details and kinks later. For now. I just wanted to convince her to get away with me.

“I am! We’ll leave after graduation. I’ll save up money to get us someplace nice far away. Maybe back to Cali or we can even go to New York. I’ll go wherever, as long as it’s with you. So they can never touch us again, okay? Never again.”

Another beat of silence.

“Fuck… fine! Okay!” I celebrate with a mouthed ‘yes’ and a fist to the air, she rolls her eyes. “I hate the effect you have on me, Billy Hargrove.”

“Oh please! Get over here…” I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into me and smothering my face in her hair, taking a whiff of the scent and smiling brightly. I pull back to place my lips on hers, gently. Reveling in the feeling of her lips on mine again after far too long. “I love you so much.”

Sure, we can just be dumb teenagers with stupid plans.

“I love you more.”

But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t okay with that. Especially not when the cold wind of Hawkins kisses my skin as it brushes through the small crack in the window and I doze off, holding my love in my arms.

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1 year ago

“i’m tireddd.”

*in a whiny voice* “i’m tired.” *mocking them*

this is sooo eddie coded

ty for feeding my grumpy eddie obsession anon — grump!eddie's boyfriend instincts take over when you're sleepy (ditzy!reader-ish, established relationship, fluff, 0.6k)

bug's one year celebration ♡

There’s something heavy in Eddie’s lap. Something heavy and warm and smelling like a fresh shower.

He fights open drooping eyelids, not knowing when he’d dozed off or how long he’d dozed off for — or exactly when you crawled haphazardly into his lap. He figures it couldn’t have been that long ago. ‘Cause his show is still on, and you’re still shifting to get comfortable over his legs.

“What are you doing?” he asks you, voice thick with sleep until he clears it away. 

You’ve got yourself curled in a tight ball, trying to make yourself as tiny as possible so you can fit more of yourself in his lap. The effort is futile. Only half you thrown over half of him. It doesn’t look comfortable in the slightest, but you settle with a contented sigh like you are, anyway. Eddie smooths a warm hand over your back and lets you lie there, on top of him.

“Laying on you,” you answer, muffled against him.

“Okay… Why?”

“‘Cause I love you.”

“Boo,” he moans. “Too vague.”

You whine. “Today was just so long, and I’m sooo tireddd.”

“Aww, you’re tired?” Eddie coos in a mocking voice. “You poor baby.”

He uses his sarcasm to compensate for how sweet he is to you. He acts annoyed but grabs a blanket from the back of the couch to drape over you anyway. Even goes as far as to swaddle you in it when he resituates you in his lap, sitting you more wholly over his thighs.

Vulnerability has always been hard for him, only ever feasible when he pretends it’s insincere.

“Is this better?” he mumbles into your hair.

You hum, warm against his neck. “Mhmm.”

“Good. ‘Cause you’re blocking the TV.”

“Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this,” you tease and pull slightly back from him. The tip of your nose runs up his jaw to the apple of his cheek. “There’s a reason I call you Teddy, you know?”

“And why’s that?”

“Because you’re soft. And fuzzy. And you love to cuddle.”

Eddie squints at you. “…You just made all that up.”

“You can like me, you know? We’re not in high school anymore, Teddy.”

“I always liked you,” he scoffs and holds you tighter against him, one arm around your back and the other beneath your knees. “Even before you knew I existed.”

“I always knew you existed!”

“Yeah? Since when?”

“Mr. Hauser’s Sex Ed class. Freshmen year. He was like, ‘That’s how the homo sapien male holds an erection—’” You recite it like it’s something you think about often. A reminiscent smile pulls at the corners of your lips. “—And the boy with the grown-out buzz cut behind me said, ‘Actually, Mr. Hauser, I think an erection is better held in the hand of the homo sapien female.’” 

Eddie laughs at the long-gone memory and starts to sparkle with it.

“And I’ve been smitten over that boy ever since,” you tell him with a sickly-sweet smile.

He scrunches his nose in disgust, still not used to the affection you show him so effortlessly. “You had a crush on me in ninth grade?” he teases like he hasn’t loved you since eighth.

“Uh-huh,” you nod. “Still do.”

“That’s so gross,” he grumbles like a storm cloud right before hugging you that much closer. 

He holds you with firm hands, suffocating in the best of ways, with every intention to melt with you. The bridge of his nose smushes into your neck. He inhales deeply, filling his lungs with the scent of your shampoo. His exhale fans warm against your skin.

“Too gross to kiss?” you wonder in a tiny voice.

“Yes,” he answers quickly as he pulls away. “But I like gross, so…”

You press a smacking kiss to his plush grin. Then another for good measure. You hug him closer and bury your face into his neck. “Mm. You taste like a TV dinner,” you mumble into his skin.

Eddie tries hard to hide his laughter. It bubbles from his throat like sunshine, anyway.

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2 years ago

Do you wanna touch me? (oh yeah) || Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

Do You Wanna Touch Me? (oh Yeah) || Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader

Summary: When you and Eddie take a different route in the Upside Down, you come across a strange fungus that leaves you with some unintended side effects.

Couple: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

Category: Smut

Content Warning: sex pollen, graphic smut, masturbation, penetration w an object, pillow humping, best friends to lovers, mild dubcon due to the nature of sex pollen, but mutual attraction and pining is underlying it all, implied bisexual reader

Word Count: 6k

Do You Wanna Touch Me? (oh Yeah) || Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader

When you said you would follow Eddie Munson into hell, you hadn’t meant literally. But you’d followed him to Rick’s, laying low and sneaking supplies when you could. It didn’t occur to you at the moment that by being loyal to your best friend, you might also incriminate yourself in the murder investigation. And then you followed him to Lover’s Lake, then Skull Rock, and then back to Lover’s Lake. You dove in after him without thinking and immediately regretted it when you were struck with the fact that you were a really shitty swimmer. 

And then you were in hell. Rabid-looking bats, scary vines, Steve Harrington spitting out ichor while blood oozed from puncture wounds. You had come through on your promise to Eddie so many times over that he would never be able to pay you back for it. And you ruined your favorite shirt with fucking interdimensional bat blood. 

There wasn’t time to cry over spilled milk in the Upside Down, so you trekked on towards the Wheeler’s. Everything had been fine, for a little while. Maybe it was a bad idea to split up the way that you had, but Eddie swore he could get you to the Wheeler’s faster if you just cut through this sketchy sliver of woods. Steve, Nancy, and Robin were going to stick to the safe path, but Eddie was stubborn, and you couldn’t let him go off alone. 

“This fucking sucks,” you muttered, grimacing at the wet slap of your clothes as you moved. “I got this top at Gadzooks before Starcourt closed, my shoes are probably ruined, and my hair looks like shit.”

“Poor, poor baby,” Eddie said mockingly, pushing out his bottom lip in a false pout. You rolled your eyes and shoved him lightly enough that he didn’t careen into the nest of vines to his right. “I’ve got it worse. Do you know how fucked leather gets when it gets wet and then dries? And my rings. I’m gonna have to polish the shit out of them.”

“I dunno,” you said, casting a sideways glance. “They look kind of badass caked in nasty bat blood.” Eddie grinned wolfishly, his canines glinting in the soft grey light. You slammed into something solid suddenly, and it took a few moments to realize that he’d thrown his arm out.

“Do you see that?” Eddie asked, lowering his arm a bit, but still holding it in front of you. You furrowed your brows, but it wasn’t long before you spotted it in the distance. A layer of a bioluminescent fungus had grown on one of the trees, making it glow an eerie blue in the low light. 

Against both of your better judgments, you drew closer, brows knit at the peculiar sight in the peculiar place. It looked so inviting, glowing softly, enticing you closer. The vines were a hive mind but this… this seemed different. Eddie caught your hand before you could touch it, giving you a warning look. 

“I dunno if it’s smart to touch the glowing tree in the interdimensional realm, Sweetheart,” Eddie warned gently before releasing your hand down by your side. Disappointment that you couldn’t place flooded your chest, and you frowned as you looked at the glowing fungus, practically pulsing with light. 

“Yeah,” you agreed quickly, shaking your head at your own base impulse. It just felt like further proof that you weren’t cut out for shit like this. Fantasy was better left to DnD campaigns and Tolkien. “Yeah, we should leave it.”

And you would’ve left it well enough alone if a tremor hadn’t shaken the very ground you stood on. You yelped, reaching out for Eddie before you both fell against the tree. At the disturbance, the fungus released a cloud of spores that you both choked on, flooding every sense in your body. When the dust settled, you and the metalhead were practically covered in the faintly glowing dust, eyes wide with worry. 

“Okay, that wasn’t my fault,” you said quickly, like you had to settle the record before you got another tick in the shit at interdimensional travel box. You were conscious of the feel of your tongue in your mouth, how it moved to form each syllable. The dust on your lips tasted like blue raspberry candy and burned your nostrils, dripping down the back of your throat. Without thinking, you licked your lips again, savoring the taste. 

Eddie nodded wordlessly in response, and you watched the bob of his throat as he swallowed hard. Your gaze followed a bead of sweat as it traveled from his hairline down his throat, right until it disappeared under his dirty shirt collar. “We tell anyone about this and they’ll… you know, they’ll freak the fuck out.”

“Yeah.” You nodded. The words had a taste in your mouth, like iron. You had never tasted words before.

“Yeah,” Eddie echoed. “So, let’s keep this between us for now. Deal with it later.”

“Mhmm.” You could feel the vibration in your throat as you made the words, still tasting blue raspberry on the back of your tongue that was so sour made your jaw ache. And still, you walked to the Wheeler’s, carefully, focused on any minute change in your bodies, any sign of infection.

It started as a warmth. Sweat trickled down your back in small rivulets and you were hypersensitive to the way the drop navigated the divot of your spine. It wasn’t supposed to be anything but cold in the Upside Down, but you were flushed, warm head to toe, clammy with a thin sheen of sweat. 

Eddie wasn’t looking too hot either. Well, he looked hot, physically. He just wasn’t looking well. His bangs stuck to his forehead, tacky with sweat. There was a notable pink flush to his cheeks— like he’d just gotten through running a marathon. His lips were dry and cracked— you watched as his tongue darted out and licked them, desperate for moisture.

The rest of the trek was slow-moving. It was a miracle when you made it to the Wheeler’s without collapsing onto the dingy, vine-covered ground and giving up. You needed something. But you couldn’t put your finger on what that was. Water? Sleep? All of the above? You huffed with frustration as you joined Nancy, Robin, and Steve inside, who had not-so-happily waited for you to join them. 

“Some shortcut,” Robin said with a wry grin. You couldn’t miss the suggestive waggle of her brows, which made your stomach twist with longing. A tiny part of you was extremely loud in its frustration that you hadn’t been getting fucked in the forest.

“Shut up,” you said with a huff as your cheeks burned. It was impossible to hide the frustration that had been building and building. You just wanted to get out of the upside down and away from everything shitty happening in your life. And get fucked. You were caring less and less about the order. 

In the back of your mind, you knew that you weren’t being incredibly helpful, but there was no part of your mind unscathed by the effects of the spores.

In the dark, fucked up version of Nancy’s room, you doubled over, bracing yourself against a vine-free patch of wall as nausea wreaked havoc on your body. It hurt. You felt empty in ways you would never have noticed before— so hungry you could have devoured anything in your path. 

“Hey, you alright?” Robin asked, anxiety lacing her tone. 

“‘M fine,” you lied, trying your best to give a convincing smile. “Just a little nauseous. Probably because I swallowed a metric shit ton of lake water.” Robin looked skeptical but nodded regardless.

 Eddie was hiding it better than you— the only giveaway was how quiet he’d gotten. It was unlike him to not pitch in with a quippy remark every so often, but he was dead silent as the five of you communed with Dustin through the Lite Brite.

Both of you tried to ignore it the best you could until you got to Eddie’s trailer. By then, the heat coursing through your veins was painful. It was like all the blood in your body had been set to a slow boil. And the need. You could put a name on it now that you had been living with it for the better part of an hour— so present it had become as much a part of you as your soul. It wasn’t hunger in a literal sense, not emptiness that you would yearn to fill. It was pure, carnal desire. The most primal version of it that existed. 

“Are you okay?” Steve asked finally, pulling you aside from the group. His hand felt like ice against your burning skin and you gasped, practically moaning at the relief. Your heart pounded as you looked at him, feeling as if you were only seeing King Steve for the first time ever. 

He was really pretty. Robin was pretty. Nancy was pretty. And Eddie. Fuck the real Hawkins. All you wanted to do was pile into the alternate, evil version of Eddie’s bedroom and rip everyone’s clothes off with your teeth. 

His brows furrowed at your reaction, but he squeezed your arm and the pressure of his touch made you fucking whimper. “Sorry,” you whispered, chest heaving. “Fuck, Steve, I’m so sorry.”

“You’re fine,” he insisted, but concern knit his brows regardless. When he dropped his hand you nearly fell to your knees and begged for more of his touch. You were nauseous without it, craving it like a drug. “But are you okay?”

“Mhmm,” you said despite your fear that you would burn up into ash if you didn’t satiate the burning craving within you.

It was a fucking miracle that you made it through the gate— that you could climb the stupid rope without getting off on the knots in the bedsheets between your thighs. The first thing you did back in the real Hawkins was make a beeline to the sink and drink from the tap like you’d just gotten out of the desert. You groaned at the mineral taste, and wanted to cry when the cold water didn’t do shit to cool you down or kill your raging libido.

Eddie practically pushed you aside to get a turn, sticking his tongue out like a dog, lapping at the water and moaning. His hair was falling into the sink, getting wet from the tap. You wedged yourself between him and the counter, craning your neck to drink at the tap where it poured off his chin messily. He finally huffed in frustration and shut off the tap, moving to stand against the fridge with his chest heaving. You licked the water off your lips and whimpered at the loss of closeness.

“Is that normal?” Erica piped up. It would have been refreshing to hear her speak her mind so plainly if it didn’t draw all the attention to you. 

Well, it already had been on you, but you hadn’t noticed the way the others stared in your direction, confusion furrowing their brows, until then. In the time you and Eddie had spent drinking from the sink, everyone had gotten through the gate. You didn’t even have it in you to feel shame for being caught so ravenous, so you wordlessly wiped the water dripping down your chin.

“Shit,” Dustin said, voice dripping with every ounce of annoyance he could muster. “This is why I should’ve been on the boat. Rule number one of traveling in the upside down?Wear protective gear. You think breathing in interdimensional dust is healthy?”

“D’ya think that tree poisoned us?” Eddie practically slurred, his tongue heavy with the effort. There was simply too much happening at once— his body was burning up, he was painfully hard and straining against his tight jeans, and Dustin was freaking him out. 

He was so close you could practically smell him— heady and salty with sweat. You had to swallow down the urge to mouth at the skin of his neck and taste him fully, to draw your tongue through the sweat and grime on his skin, bite down into his skin and taste blood too. It was a primal urge, something you had never quite felt before.

“Tree?” Robin piped up nervously. “What tree?”

Eddie waved a hand lazily. “It glowed. It was, uh, blue. Tasted blue too.”

Your body was practically vibrating with need. Every stupid word out of Eddie’s mouth was burning a hole in the pit of your stomach. The fact that he was speaking seemed like a waste of time. You wanted to lick the words off of his tongue. 

“And you… ate the tree?” It was Steve this time, his stunned eyes wide. 

“No,” you said quickly. “It was a fungus, I think. There was some sort of earthquake and it knocked us into the tree. And then there were spores and I think it’s really fucking us up.”

You could hardly focus. You tore open the freezer, retrieved a bag of frozen peas that looked to have been from the late seventies, and held it against the back of your neck. It was useless, the heat was everywhere. 

Nancy approached you carefully, slow like she was afraid you’d flee like a frightened rabbit. You could feel the heat of her body as she stepped close, radiating off of her alongside the barest remnants of her perfume. The barest press of the back of her hand against your forehead made your legs feel like jelly. You pressed back against her touch, eyes fluttering shut, heart hammering. Your breath was shuddery as she felt your cheek, her hands dainty and gentle against your burning skin. 

Her hand was so close. It would take nothing to just turn and press your mouth to her skin, to lick and bite and relish in everything you could get. You had to shake the thought from your mind. You didn’t want to fucking bite Nancy. 

“I think the spores from the tree infected us,” you said suddenly, pushing Nancy away with a firm palm to her shoulder. Your heart thrummed, desiring more contact, and you had to wrench your hand away. “And until whatever it is works its way out of our systems, you all need to leave, just to be safe.”

“What?” Lucas asked incredulously. “That’s crazy, we aren’t just going to leave you here with a portal in the ceiling!”

“They have a point,” Nancy piped up. She nodded at you and turned to the group. “The people at Hawkins Lab used to put on full hazmat suits to go into the upside down, but we went in without any protection at all. Maybe it’s best if they stay here, shower off any remaining spores, and wait to see if they feel better with time.”

“That’s crazy,” Dustin pushed back. “Look at them!” He gestured over to the two of you, but you weren’t sure what he was pointing to. Maybe you looked worse than you felt, which was saying something.

“Max’s house is right over there, so we won’t be too far. A few of you can stay with Steve over there, and the rest of us will go on a supply run for first aid supplies. I’m thinking the school nurse’s office is the best bet.” Nancy clapped her hands once, like a judge banging a gavel, and it was set in stone. 

Dustin frowned at losing the argument, but still tossed a radio in your direction. You barely managed to catch it, too overwhelmed by the heat flooding your veins. “If you feel like you’re going to die, just radio.” 

You managed an eye roll in his direction before they were all out the door. You sighed, tossing the ice pack onto the countertop. It had already melted at the contact of your hot skin, leaving a puddle beneath it on the laminate surface. 

It was barely one full minute before you broke. 

“I think those spores had some fucked up type of aphrodisiac effect,” you said, meeting Eddie’s eyes. It was like his pupils had swallowed up all the warm brown, leaving only a dark, hungry gaze. “Tell me it’s not just me feeling that.”

“Feel like I’m going to melt out of my skin. I’m horny out of my goddamn mind.” He groaned, running a hand over his face. “Why the hell does an alternate dimension need a fungus that makes people want to fuck?”

You shook your head. “Doesn’t matter. It’s only getting worse, isn’t it?” He nodded and you sighed. “I keep feeling like…” You trailed off, cheeks burning hot with shame. “Like if I don’t get what I want, I’ll hurt someone. Like if I hold out any more I’ll have to feed the hunger some other way.” You couldn’t even bring yourself to say the words, that you were desperate to bite into the muscle connecting his neck and shoulder and rip and tear. That wasn’t you. None of this felt like you.

“Maybe we just need to give in,” Eddie said, barely able to meet your gaze. It was good, you decided, because if he met your gaze you didn’t know if you could hold yourself back, and you needed to. 

“Yeah,” you said, breathy and weak. Your legs were crossed, and you were incredibly conscious of the way the seam of your jeans felt when you squeezed your thighs. “Yeah, like make ourselves cum, and then it’ll be over, right?”

“Yeah. Jesus fuck, that sounds real fuckin’ nice.”

And that was all the discussion either of you needed. Shame was out the window, replaced with the burning hot need for release. If something were to put itself between you and the door to Eddie’s room, you would’ve ripped it apart with your nails and teeth.

You collapsed onto the floor of his room, practically tearing off your top with frantic desperation. Your shoes and socks were kicked off and lost, pants tugged down your legs. You practically had to peel your panties off of yourself— they were sopping wet. 

In the back of your mind, you felt like you might need a tetanus shot after laying naked on Eddie’s floor, but then your fingers were brushing through soft curls, nearing your clit, and the thought left your mind. 

The moan that escaped you was broken and desperate, louder than you had ever been in your entire life. The barest touch was like a jolt of lighting licking up your nerves, making your legs twitch. If it were any other day, you would’ve cum just from the otherworldly need that the spores had flooded your body with, but it wasn’t enough.

Bare touches were for losing your virginity in the back of someone’s car or shy hand stuff in the back row at the Starcourt movie theater. You needed to cum hard and fast. You made desperate circles around your clit, aided by wetness gathered from your soaked entrance. You felt like a live wire, and yet your peak was just out of reach. 

Every time you felt yourself nearing the finish, you lost it and had to chase it desperately to no avail, hips bucking into your touch pathetically. Like fucking Sisyphus himself, each time you got there, you came tumbling back down. The orgasm being held just out of reach was the worst kind of torture. Your cunt ached with need, your clit over-sensitive from the desperate attention you gave it.

It went on like this until you groaned with frustration. Without even thinking to ask, you flipped over and grabbed one of Eddie’s pillows from the floor beside you. In a moment of sheer desperation, you straddled it, folding it so you had something firm to rock against, and began desperately humping against it. Your fingers dug into the carpet as you worked your hips, desperate for something to grasp while you used the rest of your body to chase your high. 

“Holy fucking shit, sweetheart.” You hadn’t even acknowledged that Eddie was in the room until those words slipped past his lips.  His attention made a wave of sheer pleasure rock you to your core, the best you’d felt since Steve grabbed your arm. 

“‘M sorry, Eddie,” you gasped, shuddering at the feel of your clit against the plush fabric. “Just need more. Fuck. This is so gross.” The frustration was going to kill you. Angry tears slipped down your cheeks, but you kept grinding against the pillow despite the futility. 

“‘S okay,” he insisted. “Can’t— fuck— can’t get there either, huh?”

Your bottom lip poked out in a desperate pout as you shook your head. A frustrated cry escaped your throat, akin to a desperate whimper, and you knew you must have looked utterly pathetic in front of him. Fuck it. “You— uh— you got a hairbrush, Eddie? Somethin’ you won’t miss?”

“Huh?” He asked, chest heaving as he leaned back against his wall. His cock was a desperately flushed red, practically pulsing in his hand. It was at least a little comforting to know he was in a similar position as you. “Why do you—“ You saw the recognition light up in his eyes, the way they went wide with surprise and that same hunger you felt. “Oh. Fucking hell, sweetheart. Go ahead. Should be somewhere around here, dunno.”

It was disgusting. You knew it in the back of your mind as you ran your hand along the top of his dresser without looking, just searching for something you could use. Any other time, you wouldn’t have needed more than your fingers on your clit to get off, but your entire body was pleading for you to be filled up entirely. You practically cried with relief when your fingers brushed the prongs of a hairbrush, and you wasted no time in ripping it from the dresser and lying back on the floor. 

The prongs of the brush were sticky with layers of dried hairspray, and the handle was worn from continuous use. For a moment, you hesitated, your lips twitching in a tiny frown. But then you thought, for just a second, about how fucking good it would feel to have something thick and nice inside of you, and you caved. 

It wasn’t the first time you’d used a seemingly innocent object to get off. In the past, you’d used your own hairbrush with only a little bit of shame afterward. This felt different than sheepish experimentation. This felt needy and pitiful. It slipped in easily— you were so wet that it made obscene noises with the slow push within you and each subsequent drag out. 

It was better than just your fingers. So much better. You cried out wantonly, tears beading at the corners of your eyes with each deliberate press against the spongy spot within you. 

Eddie groaned, and when you turned to look at him, you found that his gaze was already on you. You held eye contact as you fucked yourself, mouth ajar so moans could slip past freely. His hand was practically a blur from how desperately he was stroking his length. Your mouth watered at the sight, and you realized then what was holding you back from your peak. 

“Need to touch you, Eddie,” you said pathetically, your words broken by moans and whimpers. “Gonna die if I don’t touch you.” And there was no element of exaggeration to your words. Every cell of your being felt like it was going to swell and burst if you didn’t feel him, warm beneath you. Or on top of you, inside you— fucking anything. 

“C’mere,” he said, and you swallowed hard, tossing the hairbrush to the side to be forgotten hopefully for the rest of your life, however short that may be. You had to crawl across his worn-down carpet to reach him, your legs weak and more like gelatin than muscle.

You watched him extend his hand, shivering at the barest brush of his fingertips against your shoulder. His cock twitched in his lap when he felt your skin buzzing against his. 

His touch was like ice against your burning hot skin— the kind of refreshing you only feel with a drink of water after days in the desert. It ignited a need within you to simply touch. You settled in his lap, chest heaving at the contact, and pressed your chest to his. You rested your head against his shoulder, relishing as relief flooded your veins. 

“Feels good,” you said weakly, your lips brushing his skin. He tasted salty with sweat, musky with grime. Any other time you would’ve pushed him off to shower and gone to shower yourself (because, truthfully, you weren’t better off after your days on the run). But you relished in him, whether it be some subconscious need, or the spores invading every bit of your being. Without thinking, you laved your tongue along the column of his throat, moaning at the taste of his skin. 

His hands roamed the expanse of your body, never staying in one place for too long. You arched into his touch when they found the divot of your waist and he ran his thumb along your skin. 

The hunger was still there— more of a slow boil than an intense burn after the instant relief that simply touching him had given you, but you could feel the ache and need. You ground down against his lap, shuddering with each delicious brush of your clit against the length of him, heavy between you. His head fell back and knocked against the wall as he groaned, holding you firmly against him. 

“Don’t stop,” he gasped, his fingers dimpling the supple flesh of your ass, leveraging you closer. “Feels so good. ‘M almost there, I can fucking feel it.”

The sharp sting of a bite made you cry out as he dug his teeth into your shoulder. Hot tears welled up along your lashline not because it hurt, but because it felt so fucking good. 

You could feel every cell of your body aching to finish, for a reprieve from the ungodly desperation wreaking havoc on your body. Nothing was good enough. Even touching him, as delicious as it could be, did nothing to satiate that hunger. 

“Need more, Eddie,” you managed with great effort. “God, it fucking hurts so bad.”

“I know,” he gritted out. His lashes were wet with frustrated tears that he refused to let himself shed. He needed this as much as you did. “Let me make it better.”

You nodded wordlessly as you raised your hips up, positioning yourself just above the head of his cock. He bucked up, unable to stop himself, and you whimpered at the briefest brush against your clit. He stroked your hair as he guided himself to your entrance, holding your gaze as you sank down onto him. 

For all of the noise you had made before— the feeling of Eddie inside of you, stretching and filling you rendered you silent. Your mouth fell open in a silent moan, breath staccato as you stilled and felt your walls clench around the welcome intrusion. 

Eddie mumbled something that could have been interpreted as praise against the column of your throat— tight, warm, wet, perfect. He wrote the words into your skin with each bare brush of teeth and tongue as he spoke. His hands were firm on your hips, holding you down so he was buried deep within you, just completely sheathed and pulsing with need.

You could barely trust your wobbly thighs as you raised your hips just enough to drop back down onto him. Your eyes rolled back at the sensation, more intense and delicious than you had felt from any sexual experience in your entire life. You wouldn’t have been one to get off just on a guy putting his dick in you on any other occasion, but even with your clit being totally ignored, you felt your finish creeping up. And that was all from one measly movement. 

With a valiant effort, you continued riding Eddie, the silence of that initial stretch broken by your pornographic moans and the slap of skin against skin. The closer you brought yourself to your finish, the louder you got— going from soft moans to desperate cries.

The debauched, sinful noises escaping the lips of your best friend only served to spur you on. God, he just sounded so pretty. His lips were wet and parted to allow the swears and groans he couldn’t hold back. 

Your orgasm was like a sudden strike of lightning— igniting every cell, every fiber of your being. Your nails bit into Eddie’s shoulders as you fucked yourself through it with sporadic, jerky movements of your weakened hips. It felt like your heart might explode right through your chest when you finally came down, still buzzing with hunger, but deliciously fulfilled. 

After you raised up to slip off of him, you reached up with a trembling hand to stroke Eddie’s cheek with your thumb, smiling softly as he leaned into your touch. “Did you… y’know?” You asked, suddenly bashful. That’s how you figured whatever spores got into your system had fully worked themselves out. 

Eddie swallowed, shaking his head. “I’m a gentleman,” he said, his voice weak, but still biting with humor. “I needed to make sure you got off first. Isn’t that what nice guys do?”

You pressed your forehead against his, breathing in the stale air between the two of you. “Eddie, you’re my best friend, and I love you,” you said as a preface. “And it’s because I love you, that I’m asking you to use me to work out whatever it is that’s left in your system. It’s not gonna go away until you do. So lay me down and fuck me until you can’t anymore.”

Okay. Maybe there was still a little something kicking around in your veins. You were about to apologize for being crass when he practically tackled you onto the piles of blankets and bedsheets on the floor behind you, narrowly missing a toppled acoustic guitar. 

Your eyes were wide as you peered up at him, hair falling around him like curtains framing his beautiful face. In your daydreams, you might have imagined something like this— his arms caging you in, a lovestruck look of devotion in his eyes. Maybe that was there, buried beneath the haze of lust as he looked down at you like a meal he wanted to lick off of a plate. 

“Tell me if you want me to stop,” he said insistently, holding your gaze. You nodded wordlessly and held one of his hands in yours, squeezing encouragingly. The sight of him was enough to have that familiar, sick ache burning in your belly.

He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, then he pushed inside of you. 

No matter how you felt the first time, this was better. In your clearer state of mind, you could feel everything, sense everything. It wasn’t just you and your chase for climax anymore. You were there with him.

He practically collapsed on top of you, groaning out a desperate, “Fuck,” against your ear. His breath was hot against your skin, coming out in short pants as he fought himself for control. With him pressed on top of you, his weight bearing into yours, you could feel his heart hammering in his chest, pulsing against yours.

“C’mon, baby,” you encouraged, wrapping your legs around his hips so you could leverage him closer. He groaned deeper and let his head rest against your halo of hair. “You’ve gotta move. Give it to me— I can take it.”

His first desperate thrust stole the air from your lungs, so all you could do was brace yourself with nails digging into his shoulders. By the time you caught your breath, he was fucking you animalistically, panting and grunting into your ear. 

“Fuckin’ shit,” he groaned. “Feel so good.” A particularly rough, deep thrust made you cry out and you dug your heels against his ass to push him deeper. 

You knew he wouldn’t last. It was impressive that he’d managed to hold off when you were in his lap— warm, wet, and cumming harder than you had in your life. He wanted to be a gentleman then, but he wasn’t now. And thank fucking god for that. 

He was holding out as best as he could— trying to extend the euphoria of fucking you for as long as possible. His hands squeezed yours like a lifeline as he pounded into you, the moans ripping from his throat guttural and animalistic.

He came without warning, practically trembling as he buried himself deep within you. It felt like it lasted forever— hips shallowly thrusting as he shot off rope after rope of cum inside of you. When he finally felt his orgasm reside, he collapsed on top of you— sweaty and spent. 

You stayed like that for a while. Until he was soft inside of you and the heat, sweat, and stickiness between you made him (very reluctantly) pull out of you and roll onto his back. 

As he caught his breath, you stared up at the water-stained ceiling of his room. You couldn’t feel any effects of the upside down lingering within you, like you had now settled back into yourself.

The quiet was unsettling, but it felt wrong to disrupt it any more than necessary. So as sweat cooled on your skin, you reached for the corner of a blanket to tug around your body.

“You okay?” Eddie asked suddenly, staring up at the same water stain as you. 

“Mhmm,” you replied. You were sticky between your thighs— a mix of both of your releases. You needed a shower but couldn’t bring yourself to move. “You?”

“Yeah, I’m… I’m good.”

It went quiet again, and this time you relished in it. If any of it were normal, you’d turn on one of his tapes and try for some post-sex cuddles. But it wasn’t normal, and the familiar wash of regret settled over you. 

“It’s kind of fitting, I guess,” Eddie said, turning on his side to look at you. You blinked at him expectantly with wide eyes until he got the hint and explained. “Things are getting crazy, you know? With everything that’s happening, this could be our last night on Earth.”

You turned to your side and shoved his shoulder— weakly, because all of your energy had been completely sapped out of you. “Don’t be an idiot, Eddie. We’re gonna be fine.”

He smiled in the characteristically mischievous way that always managed to get him off of the hook when it came to you. “Of course we are. But I’m just saying, this was a hell of a way to spend what might be our last night. I’m glad it was with you.”

He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on your lips, hesitantly, like he was worried that now that you’d come to your senses you’d push him away. You leaned forward and kissed him back with every ounce of energy you could muster. With each gentle brush of your lips and tongue, you wanted to convey how much you loved him. More than a friend, more than a fuck, but more than just a boyfriend. He was everything. 

“Maybe when this is all over…” you trailed off, sheepish. Your lips brushed his as you spoke. “We can try this again for real. Like, without the weird upside down spores in our system.”

He nodded and kissed your forehead. Really, you should have radioed everyone else by then to let them know you were safe and had gotten through it (while sparing the how). But he just wanted to hold you, and you were content in his arms. 

It might have been his last night on Earth, or maybe he was just being dramatic. But he was slowly convincing himself that ‘86 was definitely his year.

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2 years ago

Look at part two too <3 it's a master piece

Moral Of The Story

Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader, slight Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader

Requested?: Yes

Summary: Steve was still in love with Nancy, it was clear as day. 

WC: 4.1k (this is going to be a wild ride)

Warning/s: VOL 2 SPOILERS! swearing, very much angst, mentions of knives, guns, lmk if I missed anything!

Note: Eyeing a part 2 tbh, let me know if you want it! feedbacks, likes, and reblogs are appreciated, please let me know your thoughts!



Do you remember the saying “Trust your gut”?

Sure, you had no problems trusting your gut feeling before, but now you were having a hard time doing that now. How could you?

You loved Steve without a doubt, you’ve poured all the love you had for this man, you think, ever since the first time the two of you met at your job at Scoops Ahoy, which led to discovering a secret base and even getting drugged with Steve. That whole ordeal led the two of you even closer, and before the two of you could realize, you had fallen for each other.

Approximately a year into the relationship, that’s when things started going south as problems with the Upside Down emerged again, finding yourselves with the group of kids who were more knowledgeable about this stuff rather than anyone. And that’s when Steve started seeing Nancy again.

Trust your gut, right? It was more like; how could you not trust your gut when your boyfriend still looks at her like a lovesick puppy?

You could see it, hell everyone must’ve also seen it in a way, even in the Upside Down in Eddie’s trailer when Vecna was grabbing ahold of Nancy, as her eyes rolled almost to the back of her head Steve was there, although you already left the gate and were in the original Hawkins, you could see through the gate. You could see through how Steve panicked, cupping her cheek, and shouting out her name, then shaking her shoulders.

Then the panic came in when Nancy didn’t respond. You also didn’t realize how long you had been biting your lip in anxiety as everyone stared through the gate.

That’s when you heard a loud gasp as Nancy came back, her body feeling faint as she almost fell to the ground, but thanks to Steve, he catches her, wrapping his arms around her. His hand on the back of her neck for support, slowly going over to her cheek as he whispers, “It’s okay, I’m right here.” Nancy looks at him, catching her breath. “I’m right here.”

That was the last thing you heard before you couldn’t take it anymore, you were heading out of Eddie’s trailer, slamming the door, making Eddie glance and look for you.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

cherry bomb. | steve harrington

Abstract: “I’ve been spending too much time with Robin, probably. I get nervous and I just start talking, and I don’t really think about what I’m saying beforehand.”

You chuckled, shifting closer yet, and brought your other hand to his face as well, cupping his cheeks to make him turn his head slightly in your direction - his eyes moved over your face, from one side to the other, lips and then eyes.

“Do I make you nervous, Harrington?” you asked amused, a grin on your lips as your voice lowered. His breath caught in his throat, the tip of his tongue darting between his lips - you looked down at his mouth then, head slightly tilted, and he was suddenly aware of how close the two of you actually were.

“No,” he breathed out - then, because your smirk grew, he sighed. “A little,” he admitted, voice softer, hand inching up towards your knee.

Words: 8.9K (this wasn’t supposed to be this long, apologies)

Warnings: (f!reader, r has tattoos); minors dni. swearing, mentions of alcohol, usage of light drugs, teasing, flirting, pet names, smut, the smallest hint of praise kink, the smallest hint of sub steve too (blink and you’ll miss it), fingering, dry humping, hickeys, like a lot of hickeys and other lovebites, protected sex (wrap it up people), some fluff unedited

Author’s note: based mostly on the song cherry bomb by the runaways, but also some other bits of the album - if i missed some warnings please do tell me

also on AO3 - masterlist


It was easy to stand out in a town like Hawkins - the smallest hint of being different would immediately bring people to look at the person with sneers of diffidence and a scoff on their lips.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

Posters on the Wall | E.M. x Reader

Posters On The Wall | E.M. X Reader


Summary: Your bedroom is covered in posters of your celebrity crush; Kirk Hammett. It's not until Steve points it out that you notice a... similarity to another metalhead you know.

Smut, afab reader, PWP

Warnings: Daddy kink, spanking, degradation, name calling (slut, whore, bitch), slight breeding kink, unprotected sex, fingering (f rec), penetrative sex, creampie, slight praise kink.

5.1K words


Your best friend Steve had been in your room many times before. There were no new posters, no new knick-knacks, which is why it was strange he suddenly seemed so darn interested in them. "You know..." He started, putting one hand on his hip and the other on his chin. Oh god, this can't be good. 

"You really have a type. Have you ever noticed?" He motioned to a couple of posters on your wall. They were primarily of popular metal and rock bands, but there were some solo posters of members you were crushing on. Kind of. Mainly Kirk from Metallica, but who could blame you? Kirk was 21 when he joined the band in 1983 and had the perfect looks and talent for you to swoon over. He was your favourite. 

"What do you mean? A type?" You questioned, putting quotation marks around the 'type'. Steve laughed and pointed at a poster of Kirk that was hung right above your bed. "You don't see it?" He asked, eyebrows raised. You shook your head and shrugged. 

"These guys look an awful lot like someone we know, don't you think?" Steve gestured at a cluster of pictures on your wall. Amongst the photos of musicians and actors, there were a few strewn about of your friends. "I still don't get it, Steve." You sighed as you glanced at the picture of Robin, Eddie and you that Steve had pointed at last. 

"You're genuinely telling me that your lady-boner for Mr Hammett here has nothing to do with your crush on Mr Munson?" Steve scoffed. Your jaw dropped as you turned to glare at him. 

"I do not have a crush on Eddie! Are you insinuating Kirk looks like him? That's what you were getting at?" You crossed your arms defensively. Your brows furrowed as you thought it through. Kirk and Eddie didn't look alike, did they? Steve could practically see the cogs turning in your head. He knew he was digging up an unspoken topic; your feelings for Eddie. 

He didn't know what happened that night in the Upside Down. Nobody did, except Dustin, Eddie and you. The three of you refused to talk about it. Steve and Robin had discussed it and decided it must've been insanely traumatic. Hell, Eddie had almost died. Almost. Everybody had made assumptions about how you felt, but that incident settled it. You were in love with him, whether you knew it or not. You couldn't not be, not with the way you looked at him after that. 

You shrugged it off and tried to ignore Steve's insinuation. He trotted down the stairs as you collected your things to head over to Eddie's trailer. Your eyes fell on the poster of Kirk hung above your bed, followed by the picture of Eddie and you on your bedside table. Maybe they did look kind of similar? You sighed as you shook your head at the idea. You closed the door behind you and followed Steve down the stairs and out the front door. 

The drive to Forrest Hills was strangely muted. Steve informed you Nancy had had to cancel, but otherwise, it was silent. You'd picked up Robin along the way. As usual, she immediately started chattering your ears off, breaking the silence. Steve pulled up and parked next to Eddie's van. 

The man of the hour was already stood in the doorway, smoking a cigarette as he leaned against the doorframe. You didn't get to do this often; hang without the kids. You enjoyed their presence, but now and then you needed this. You think you all did. 

Eddie invited you in, and you settled on the couch with Robin and Steve. Eddie prepared some drinks and snacks on a tray and balanced it on his hands as he took it to the living room, a bag of chips clamped between his teeth. He set everything on the table and clapped his hands, waving them in the general direction of the cups. "Self-service, ladies and gentleman." 

The night was relaxed, consisting of just games and fun chatter. When Robin finally brought up the topic of celebrity look-alikes, you glared daggers at a snickering Steve. 

"I mean, it has to be Swayze, right? Eddie argued. You had been first, followed by Robin. Nobody could agree on which celeb looked like Steve, though. 

Robin shook her head in disagreement. "It's Rob Lowe, I'm telling you." Steve scoffed. "So I just look like I should play in Youngblood? Because that's what I'm hearing. I don't even like hockey. Besides, Hargrove looks way more like Rob Lowe than I do." 

You ended up agreeing that, yes, Steve just looked like he belonged between the generic heartthrobs. 

When Eddie came up, Steve remained exceptionally hushed with a mischievous look threatening to spread across his face. You and Robin named a couple of famous actors and musicians before she turned to you and hit you on the shoulder repeatedly. 

"Oh! That guy you had the wet dream about last week! The Metallica one on all those posters in your room!" Robin looked like she'd solved string theory as your face turned red. "Robin!" You whisper-shouted in a horrified tone, putting a hand over your face in embarrassment. 

"It's Kirk Hammett," Steve spoke up. 

"Yes! Thank you! You look like Kirk Hammett!" Robin exclaimed. You loved her, but God, did you want her to shut up like three sentences ago. Did she not hear what she was insinuating? That you’d had a wet dream about an Eddie look-alike? You wanted the couch to swallow you whole.

Eddie’s expression was illegible as he turned to Steve. “You know Metallica members, Harrington?” 

“Just the one. I guess you’ve never been in that bedroom because you definitely would've remembered. The guy is everywhere. It’s kinda creepy, actually. Can’t change in there, feel watched.” Steve shuddered at the thought. 

“Well, I guess I do see a similarity. I think it’s mainly the hair, though.” Eddie smirked smugly as he leaned back in the chair. 

The discussion changed to one about hair, Steve’s to be precise. Yet you kept feeling Eddie’s gaze on you. You sighed as you reached for a chip and turned to Robin when the boys were busy discussing shampoo. “You couldn’t just have named anyone else?” 

Robin shrugged. “They look alike. I don’t know what you want me to say.” She stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth. 

You watched Eddie as he playfully argued with Steve. The scar on his jaw was slowly fading, becoming less prominent. You guess he did kind of resemble Kirk if you squinted. You could admit Eddie was a handsome guy. Was Steve right? Did you have a crush on Eddie? 

You imagined yourself with Eddie on a lazy Sunday morning. Sleeping in, making breakfast, arms wrapping around you as a kiss was planted on your cheek. Heat rose to your face when you realized that was definitely something you could see in your near future. 

You tried imagining the same scenario with Steve, and although he too was handsome, the image wasn't accompanied by the same warm, longing feeling. Did you have feelings for Eddie? 

Steve and Eddie immediately noticed your flustered expression. Eddie was merely curious, giving you those big questioning puppy eyes. Steve, however, seemed to have caught on. The knowing smirk as he glanced at Eddie before raising his eyebrows at you told you enough. His body language screamed ‘I told you so.’ 

You really, really wished you could control thought processes. While the domestic scene was adorable, your mind flashed back to Robin’s words and the implication they’d made. You’d told her about the dream in confidence. You hadn’t gone into detail, but she’d heard enough. Clearly, it had stuck. 

And now you were stuck. The imagery of that night returned, but the hands trailing under your shirt were clad in familiar rings. The top you took off was suddenly one you recognized all too well. The chest your fingers traced was now adorned with tattoos and scars, the sight of which you were well acquainted with. 

Dream-Kirk had morphed into Dream-Eddie, and your breathing quickened when you realized the new mental images had you clenching your thighs, wetter than you had ever been. Was your superficial crush on the guitarist just a projection of your feelings for Eddie? 

Eddie had been observing you while he talked with Steve and Robin. You were being uncharacteristically quiet. He noticed the occasional flush of your cheeks and pressing of your legs. You were lost in thought, drink untouched in your hand. He turned to offer you some chips or anything else to your liking.

"Sex?" You were startled as Eddie spoke to you directly. You nearly dropped your drink as your jaw dropped in shock. "What?" 

"I asked if you wanted some snacks. Where's your head at?" Eddie raised his eyebrows teasingly. The ghost of a smirk danced on his lips as he watched you squirm and scold yourself. Where was your head at? 

"Yeah, sorry, thanks. Guess I'm just a little... distracted today." You sighed as you took the chips from him. You munched on them silently as you sat there mortified. Of course, he didn't just fucking turn to you and ask you for sex. 

"What's on your mind?" Eddie asked. You shook your head and chuckled. You glanced at Steve and Robin, who were lost in conversation. "Just, earlier..." You trailed off. Why you were even being honest, you didn't know. 

"Oh, I can totally catch you up on which hair products Harrington uses. Apparently, it's this Farah Fawcett hairspray he— Hey! Ow!" He exclaimed in pain when you hit his shoulder. 

"You know that's not what I meant, Eddie!" You muttered loudly.

"Hey, I was just giving you an out if you didn't want to breach the whole 'wet dream about my look-alike' topic." He laughed. You sighed as you looked up at him, your thighs involuntarily clenching at his expression. You weren't sure what he was thinking. His eyes darted to your thighs as he took his bottom lip between his teeth. 

Your trance was broken by Robin clearing her throat. "It's getting late, your uncle is probably coming home soon, and I don't want to bother him. Should we go?" Steve nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah, I guess that's probably for the best." Eddie put his hands on his thighs as he pushed himself out of the chair. "C'mon, I'll drive you guys home." He motioned to Robin and you. 

"No, that's okay. I'll take Robin. We live close anyways." Steve smiled. He openly winked at you as he said it. Bastard. Eddie neglected the fact that you lived closer to Robin than Steve did and agreed to be the one to take you home. Perhaps it was time you had a grown-up conversation with him about how you were feeling. 

You got in the passenger seat and watched Steve and Robin drive off. An energy you were unfamiliar with filled the van. Tension, maybe? Mutual anticipation? You didn't dare turn to Eddie or open your mouth, afraid of what would happen if you did. 

He started the van quietly. You watched as his right hand gripped the gear tightly, knuckles turning white. The left was holding the steering wheel for dear life. You'd hoped the grumbling engine would've broken the suspense hanging in the air, but it did no such thing. 

You were almost convinced you'd been imagining things. That Eddie didn't feel what you did. That his breathing wasn't actually any different than usual. That he wasn't being weirdly distant. But all your worries were resolved when his right hand slowly found its way onto your thigh. The strained gasp that left your mouth shouldn't have been as relieved, as suggestive as it was. 

"Tell me about the dream." Eddie finally broke the silence. You didn't know his grip on the wheel could tighten even more, but it did. The hand on your thigh was gentle in comparison, fingers tracing circles on the inside that had shivers going up your spine. 

"I'm not sure I want to." You confessed quietly, looking out the window. 

"Look at me when I talk to you, princess." Your eyes widened at the nickname. His voice had a tone you'd never heard from him before. "C'mon, tell me."

You hesitated, opening and closing your mouth a couple of times. You didn't know where to start. "I guess it starts at a concert. And yo-he's playing the guitar. And I guess that's kinda... hot? And then the concert ends and we... y'know?"

Eddie chuckled at your reluctance. "Shit, I'm gonna need a bit more than that, sweetheart." He squeezed your thigh as he spoke, rubbing it a bit to encourage you to keep talking. 

"It's nothing special, really. Just some making out and shit." You huffed, not wanting to go into detail. You tried to recall the dream as vividly as possible, and you were starting to doubt if it had ever even been about Kirk, or if it had been Eddie all along and you'd just convinced yourself it hadn't been. No matter, all the images were of Eddie now. They were consuming you slowly. 

"If it's just the thought of making out with me that's been getting you so hot and bothered all night, I can't wait to find out what happens when we actually do, baby." Eddie's hand crept higher and higher up your thigh, eyes never leaving the road. 

"It wasn't about you, Eddie." You scoffed. Your gaze was fixated on his profile, but he didn't let up. 

"As long as you've got yourself convinced." His smile was mocking you when he finally made eye contact. Your eyebrows furrowed. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" You questioned. Were you really that transparent all evening? 

"It means you're soaked, sweetheart. And have been since you got the thought of me stuck in your head earlier." He said it like it was the most obvious fact in the world. Like he told you the sky was blue, and the grass was green. A whimper left your throat when his finger traced the hem of your panties. How hadn't you noticed his hand coming up again? 

"That's right, baby. Feel what I do to you? What the thought of me does to your pussy?" He stroked you through the dampened fabric. There were no longer any words coming from you, just sounds. 

You mustered as much willpower as you could and spoke. "Eyes on the road, Munson." It was meant to sound confident, but Eddie knew he had you right where he wanted. Wet and desperate.

"I'm doing fine over here. It's you we should be worried about. Are you still breathing? Or have you just completely given up on all human function?" His chuckle was dark. Who was this person, and what had he done to sweet, loving Eddie? He was ridiculing you, and you were eating it up. How did he know which buttons to press so damn well? 

"I'm breathing." You mumbled. Eddie snickered and shook his head. "More like hyperventilating. Speak up." Eddie finally stopped rubbing your clothed cunt to shift the gear and park his van by your house. You hadn't even noticed you'd arrived. 

Eddie clicked and undid your seatbelt and motioned for you to get out of the car. You opened the door and put your feet on the gravel, knees weaker than you'd expected. The cold breeze blowing through the trees made goosebumps appear all over your body. 

You walked to the door and unlocked it, not checking if Eddie followed you inside. You knew he never intended on just driving you home. He was coming inside. 

You walked up the stairs and heard the front door close and lock. Eddie caught up to you and slapped your ass as you walked towards your room. “Nice house. Can’t believe I’ve never been here.” He mumbled as he walked up the stairs. 

As soon as the door to your bedroom was opened, Eddie closed in on you. His hands found their way to your hips as he pulled you close. He looked around the room for a little and smirked. There were a lot of posters here. 

He pulled you close and put a hand on your chin, tilting your face to his and kissing you softly. Even when he felt like ravaging you, he wanted your first kiss with him to be good, memorable. He felt you melt into his touch, relief washing over you when you finally got to put your lips against his. 

When he pulled away, a whimper nearly left you. You managed to hold it in, but your anguished expression was obvious. “Now that that’s out of the way…” Eddie sighed as he towered over you and walked closer, making you walk back towards the wall. 

He pushed you against the wall harshly, pressing his lips to your neck. "I understand what Harrington was getting at, now. Totally feel watched in here. Kinda hot, not gonna lie." He laughed as he pried your legs apart with his knee. He could feel the heat radiating from you as he pushed his knee against your cunt. "You into that kinda thing, baby? Maybe next time I'll take you somewhere with real people. Give 'em a little show." 

You moaned as he sucked a bruise onto your neck. "You'd love that, wouldn't you? You're a filthy little slut who likes being watched." His hand shot up your shirt and groped your clothed breast roughly, pressing his lips to yours once more. The knee between your legs was torturing you, never quite giving the right amount of pressure or friction. You tried to grind down to seek it, but Eddie's hands went to your hips and stilled them instantly. 

"Nu-uh, sweetheart. Only I get to play with your pussy. It's mine now, isn't it?" His kisses had stopped as he observed your expression, trying to read how far he could push it. You nodded wildly, silently pleading for him to continue. "Yes! All yours!" You whined and tried to pull him back into you. 

Eddie grinned at your desperation, bringing his knee up just once to watch you keen. You tried to grind your hips down again but huffed in frustration as he held you in place. He reached for your arms, putting them above your head. He undressed you with ease, only leaving you in your bra and panties. "You look fantastic, sweetheart." 

"Thank you, daddy." You sighed with your head thrown back, waiting for the touch of his lips to return. When they didn't, your head whipped back down as your eyes searched Eddie's face in confusion. 

"What did you just call me?" He questioned cynically with his eyebrows raised. Your heart sank when you realized your mistake. You'd called him 'daddy', a thing you'd known about yourself but didn't dare mention to any of your friends. 

"Eddie, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." You stammered, reaching for your shirt to put it back on. Eddie tutted as he took it from your hands with a teasing smile. "No, baby. It's alright. You're gonna stay right here for daddy, right?"

You nodded wildly and pushed your back against the wall again, awaiting his next move. When he reached to turn you around, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. A harsh smack landed on your ass as you yelped, whipping your head around to look at the perpetrator. 

"Use your words for me, baby. No nodding or shaking your head, only 'Yes, daddy' or 'No, daddy.' Understood?" He asked, threatening to land another smack on the stinging area. You nodded before catching yourself. "Yes, daddy." 

"Good girl." 

The two-worded sentence sparked something new in you. A desire you weren't aware of. A need to please Eddie. You'd do anything to hear those words again. 

"You like it when I call you a good girl? Made your legs clench, baby. So cute." Eddie whispered in your ear as his hand slid from your ass to your folds, rubbing softly over the fabric. You whined as you searched for more friction. "Yes, daddy. Please." You didn't know what you were begging for. You just needed him to do something. 

You were still facing the wall when he pulled at your hips, bending you over. You put your hands against the wall to steady yourself. 

He snapped the waistband of your underwear harshly before pulling them down your legs. He ensured his hands were touching you at all times, leaving trails of goosebumps wherever they went. His finger dipped between your folds, collecting the juice on his finger. He put his hand to your lips and bent forward to whisper in your ear. "Taste yourself for me, baby. Taste how much I turn you on." 

You took his finger in your mouth right as he pushed another inside your cunt and swirled your tongue around it. Never in a million years would you have believed anyone who had told you this morning that coming nightfall, Eddie Munson's fingers would be knuckle deep inside your mouth and pussy. Yet here you were, and you were loving every second of it.

"That's right. So fucking wet for me. It's embarrassing. Do you have no self-control? Couldn't even think straight when our friends were around. How am I supposed to take you anywhere in the future if you're just gonna be a horny bitch?" Another smack landed on your ass. You grumbled a defence around his fingers, but it was unintelligible. 

Another slap. "No back talking, sweetheart. If you're gonna behave like a brat, you're gonna get treated like one." 

His fingers left your mouth, allowing you to speak again. "Eddie, please." You begged. 

The fingers inside you found a cruel rhythm, curling right under the spot you wanted them to. His other hand, still wet with your saliva, found your clit and started rubbing circles around it. You struggled to stand upright, the arm reaching down your front being the only thing left to support you. "That's not my name, is it, baby?"  

You shook your head, struggling to keep it up between your arms resting against the wall. "No, I'm sorry, daddy." 

Eddie chuckled at your wanton apology. "That's alright, baby. You can make it up to daddy by lying on your bed for me." 

You nearly tripped over your own feet with the speed you tried to get to your bed. The poster of Kirk above it got your attention, and suddenly you understood Steve and Eddie. You did feel watched. Eddie followed your gaze and rested his knee on the bed, leaning over you to rip the poster from the wall. 

"Just you wait and see, sweetheart. In a few years, I'll be your celebrity crush." He smiled as he crumpled the poster and threw it to the floor. 

"You already are. I'm kind of starting to believe my crush on Kirk was just me convincing myself I didn't have a crush on you." You confessed honestly. 

Eddie's hand slid up your thigh as he put a hand beside you, leaning over you. It was only now you noticed he was still fully clothed. 

"That's cute, baby. You have a crush on me?" He smirked when he reached behind your back to finally relieve you of your last piece of clothing. You put your hands over your face in embarrassment. You let him take your bra off and eagerly watched as he took off his shirt. 

You watched him unbuckle his belt, and nerves settled in your stomach. Were you actually going to have sex with Eddie? You saw his bulge through his boxers and genuinely felt your mouth fucking water. Jesus H. Christ. 

You got on your knees and shuffled to him to pull his boxers down. He stepped out of them and let out a relieved sigh when your hand cupped his balls as the other gripped him at the base. He was rock hard, dripping precum from the raging red tip. You gave it a small lick, collecting the liquid on your tongue. The salty flavour of Eddie took over your senses. 

His hips bucked and he put a hand in your hair. You bent forward to take him in your mouth, but his grip on your hair stopped you. "Next time, kitten. Just give it a little kiss for daddy, will you?" He asked sweetly. You nodded with a pout, but puckered your lips, pressing a peck to the head of his cock. 

"Attagirl." He gently pushed you on your back, climbing over you as he left a trail of kisses up your body. Your fingers discovered his torso, tracing the scars that adorned it. He used to be self-conscious about them, especially when they were more prominent, but you thought they were sexy as hell. They proved he was a hero. 

His hand swiped between your folds, appreciating how wet you were and collecting as much of it as he could. He spread it over his dick sloppily, making an obscene squelching noise as he did so. The smile on his face was lewd when he observed you squirming in anticipation. "Didn't bring a condom, baby. Gonna fuck you raw. Gonna fill you up with my cum." He groaned. 

You relished in the idea of being filled to the brim. You wanted Eddie inside, now. You tugged at the necklace that dangled in front of your face and pulled him close. That earned you a smack to the tit. A high-pitched cry left your mouth as you watched him in shock. "Desperate fucking whore. I'll fuck you when I feel like it. You're gonna wait patiently, or there will be consequences." 

You didn't know whether to be scared or even more turned on at the threat. 

He positioned his tip at your entrance and slid inside agonizingly slow. You shuddered as he bottomed out, a guttural moan bubbling from your chest. This was pleasure in its rawest form. He dragged his dick back out at the same agonizing pace before knocking the breath out of you with a harsh thrust. 

"Jesus, fuck, Eddie." You tried to hold onto anything to steady yourself. Everything became too much. His brutal pace increased as he gave your other tit a smack. "Was so easy for you when you slipped up, baby. How do you keep forgetting now?" 

"'M sorry, daddy." You were delirious when he brought his hand down to rub at your clit. The feeling of his tip hitting the right spot over and over and over, combined with the friction on your clit, was getting you close at a rate you'd never experienced. You weren't going to last if he kept this up. 

"Gonna cum already? Feel so good on daddy's dick? Fuck, baby, you're already getting tighter." Eddie rambled as he drilled into you. You were an incoherent moaning mess, a jumbled mix of 'Daddy', 'Eddie' and 'Please' leaving your mouth. He didn't bother correcting you anymore. You were too far gone. 

He pinched one of your nipples in tandem with pinching your clit, drawing pained moans out of you. It hurt so good. "Like it when it hurts, slut? Can't cum without the pain?" He asked accompanied by lethal jabs at your cervix. You hated how it nearly sent you over the edge. How he was able to bring out the worst in you. How he knew what you needed, even when you didn't know yourself. 

Your moans and whines were increasing in volume and quantity. Eddie could feel you were close and started chasing his own release. He grabbed your shoulder, using it as leverage to push as deep and fast as possible. 

You felt him twitch inside. He was no longer talking, just grunting and moaning as he watched your tits bounce with the rhythm of his thrusts. His free hand went back down to your clit and put a delicious amount of pressure on it, rubbing in time with the slapping of his balls against your skin. 

"Gonna fill you up. Gonna breed that little pussy full with my cum." He groaned. With a few last thrusts and whines from both parties, he stilled and spilt inside. The feeling sent you over the edge, one last exclamation of "Daddy!" leaving you as you came. He stayed inside a bit longer, admiring your sweaty, heaving shape as you came down from your high. 

He slowly pulled out and admired the cum spilling from your pussy with a proud look. He bent down and licked some of it up, making you hiss at the sensitivity of your spent cunt. He chuckled and looked up at you. "Hi." He smiled. 

"Don't you 'Hi' me when you just gave me the best orgasm of my life, Munson." You groaned. He just laughed and dragged his body back up and told you to open your mouth. A mix of cum and saliva dripped from his mouth to yours. 

"Swallow, baby." He smirked. You did as you were told and showed him your empty mouth. "Good girl." He bent down and kissed you softly, in stark contrast to the proper fucking he just gave you. 

Eddie plopped down beside you and looked around the room properly for the first time. He noticed more details now, like the number of pictures of him that were sprinkled in amongst those of Kirk. "If I were to cut my hair, would you still like me? Because it seems like that's your thing." 

You laughed and looked around your room. "Yeah, I'd still like you, dumbass."

"Good, good. When Corroded Coffin blows up, you're gonna have to deal with a grand bout of jealousy, babe. That's gonna be me up on girls' walls." He stated matter of factly. 

"I think I'll manage." 

"Yeah, just go running to Kirk. Maybe by that time, I'll even be able to introduce you." Eddie smirked as he lay on his side, putting a hand under his head to support it. He gazed down at you with an expression you'd never seen on him before. A mix of glee, pride and admiration. 

"In your dreams, Eddie." You scoffed as you pushed against his arm, making his head fall back to the mattress. 

"Actually, in your dreams. Isn't that how we ended up like this, anyways?" 

Tags :
2 years ago

Feel Something

Feel Something

Summary: You're still struggling after the Upside Down. You find Eddie's stash in a desperate attempt to feel something.

Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Drug use, heavy drugs, cursing, mentions of death, self-harm, mentions of ED, mentions of trauma and PTSD.

Genre: dark shit, angst, light fluff

A/N: I'm not mentally in a great place, so I'm writing dark fics™ (PS, I'm fine, I'm just stuck in my own head.) I also have a killer bought of writers block and it's hindering me from completing my multi-chapter story, so I'm writing one-shots in order to remedy that.

You know exactly where Eddie’s stash is. Not just his weed, that shit was everywhere, but his harder stuff. The stuff he rarely sold, the pills, the K, the coke. It was all in a small wooden box in the back of his closet. Eddie had left the trailer earlier in the morning, going to see Dustin and rest of Hellfire for their first game since the events two months ago. You’ve been living at Eddie’s place ever since you got back from the Upside Down, both of you struggling to come to terms with what had happened. Eddie’s body was massacred afterwards, the demobats tearing his ribs, chest, and neck to shreds. After he got out of the hospital, it was hard for him to do a lot on his own, so you helped him around the house with whatever he needed. Your scars on the other hand were mental, having witnessed your friends in mortal peril, almost seeing Eddie eaten alive, watching the town you grew up in tear apart at the seams. Not wanting to add another burden onto Eddie’s plate, you kept your struggles hidden. You made excuses to not leave the trailer, saying you needed to clean something or do laundry whenever presented with plans. When Eddie and Wayne would leave for work or errands, you would break down in solitude, sobbing and screaming until you passed out from exhaustion. Sleep brought no reprieve, all you saw was Eddie dying every time you closed your eyes. Your brain constantly flashing images of your friends choked out by vines, of Max bleeding from her eyes and floating in mid-air, of the swarm of bats that descended onto the trailer as you and Dustin scrambled to get away, Eddie choosing not to follow you. There was no escape. You had stopped eating, food repulsed you. To keep up appearances you would choke down a few bites so Eddie wouldn’t catch on, but a sick part of you liked the nagging hunger, it made you feel something, anything, after being numb for so long. 

Eddie was progressing in his recovery, his gaping wounds were now sore pink scars, and he had started seeing his friends again about a month ago. Immediately after he got out of the hospital, he was just as fucked up as you. The two of you not leaving his bed for weeks, too afraid to let go of each other, not willing to talk about what happened. All you did was get high, and try to sleep. The nightmares didn’t let you stay asleep, and you both would frequently wake up screaming, or crying, or both. When you couldn’t sleep you would fuck, no romance just pure carnal need, trying to tire each other out in the hopes of being able to sleep for more than an hour. You love Eddie, and you know he feels the same, but you were both still in survival mode.

You haven’t seen the rest of your friends in a while. They had come to the trailer a few times at Eddie’s behest, and you had genuinely enjoyed their company, laughing and talking while you all gathered in the small living room. It felt like old times, if only for a few hours. They had all tried to move on, busying themselves with work or school, so they didn’t come around often anymore.

You knelt down onto the beige carpet in Eddie’s room and started to dig through his closet. Sifting through piles of old band tees, D&D manuals, and other assorted paraphernalia, you reach your arm all the way into the back corner underneath a shelf and feel the carved wood of the box you’re searching for. Pulling it out carefully, you crack open the lid and sort through its contents, finally finding the small baggie of whitish powder at the bottom. 

“Gotcha.” You whisper to yourself. 

You hadn’t slept again last night, another terror waking you up. Eddie was normally awake too, having similar nightmares to yours, but last night he was sound asleep. The tears that he normally would wipe away from your eyes flowed freely as you laid there and stared at his peaceful face. For the first time since you got back from the Upside Down, you felt completely and utterly alone. Your mind started to wander, and your thoughts turned darker: “What if he gets tired of you? He deserves someone sane, someone who has their shit together and can support him.” Hours passed, and you pretended to be asleep when you felt Eddie stir awake. 

Eddie wouldn’t be home for a few more hours, and Wayne had just left for work. The trailer was quiet, which you preferred, enabling you to hear every small sound inside or outside. You take a beer from the fridge and pop it open, walking back to the small bathroom off of the kitchen. Pulling the small baggie from your back pocket, you carefully tap out a small mound of powder onto the counter, maneuvering it into a neat line with a business card you had found on the fridge. You cocked your head to the side and bent down, plugging your left nostril with your finger as you positioned the other against the counter. Inhaling roughly, you finish the line and step back sniffling, waiting for it to kick in. The reflection in the mirror is someone you don’t recognize. Pale and gaunt with red rimmed eyes, pupils starting to blow out from the drugs you just ingested. You were a physical representation of your trauma. The poster child for “a cry for help.” 

The bathroom started to warp, and you made your way back to the bedroom. The bed seemed so far away, and you collapsed onto the floor, curling up next to Eddie’s dresser. 

You’re shaking. All you see is black, but you can hear a muffled sound from far away. All of your limbs feel like they’re floating, like you’re drifting through space. Your brain registers that someone is shaking you, and the words they’re chanting come into focus. Someone is crying your name. Your eyelids weigh a ton as you slowly lift them open, the room fuzzy and dull. Eddie is on the floor with you, cradling you in his arms as he shakes your shoulders. “

Y/N! Please, don’t leave me, I need you!” The warm tears streaming from his eyes fall onto your face as you bury your face into the side of his neck. 

“…Eddie…” you groan, not strong enough to hold him, but mustering enough to nuzzle his jaw. 

“Jesus Christ—“ his voice cracks as he holds you tighter, crushing you into this body as he rocks you. “—I thought I lost you. What were you thinking?”

You look up at him, and you wish you hadn’t. The look in his eyes can only be described as broken. He was scared, more scared than you had seen him in the Upside Down, and it breaks your heart. 

“I just…I just wanted to feel something, Eddie. I’m sorry. I wanted my brain to shut off. I wanted to feel anything besides fear…” you cry, feeling your strength slowly creep back. 

He doesn’t respond, just continues to rock you as he runs a hand through your hair. 

“This is my fault.” He mumbles as he rests a cheek on your head. “I saw you withering away and I refused to confront it. I’ve been so preoccupied with my own shit that I neglected you, and I’m so sorry.” 

Your body sits up so quickly you get dizzy. “Eddie don’t. We’ve both gone through some horrible shit. We went through hell and back, both of us. We’re dealing with it in different ways, mine just happens to be…self-destructive I guess.” 

“I threw all of the drugs away.” He looks towards the closet and you can see the box is gone. “Please promise me you won’t do something like that again, I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.” The tears in his eyes threatened to fall as you brought a hand to his cheek. 

“I need help, Eds. I can’t keep living like this…” your words come out as barely a whisper. Eddie nods and turns his head to kiss your palm. “I know. I’ll talk to Robin and Steve, and we’ll get you into therapy or someone to talk to. We’ll figure this out, okay? You’ll never have to go through this alone. I love you, I’ll always love you.” 

You crane your neck upwards and meet his lips, kissing him soft and slow. He grabs a handful of hair from the back of your head, and you can feel tears running down his face. Pulling away, you kiss each tear streak, and then his lips one more time. “I love you, Eddie.”

Tags :
1 year ago

A Place to Land

(Billy Hargrove x Female Reader)

Synopsis: You told Billy you love him. And he knows it's time to break up with you.

Warnings: Minor language (I don't think I use the F word), angst to fluff, insecure Billy, drunk Billy

Word Count: 3495

A/N: I'm actually really proud of this one. I think I fixed what was bugging me about it a few weeks ago. Please let me know what you think! I also recognize this is not one of the requests I have in my ask box. I will get to those, but I am weak to the little gremlins controlling my hyper-fixations.

A Place To Land

The day Billy realized he loved you, he knew he had to leave. It was only a matter of time before you broke up with him. He felt it when he woke up from nightmares, and you held him.

He felt it if he wanted to leave a party early because the crowds reminded him of how claustrophobic his mind felt under the Mind Flayer’s influence—he thought your frown was annoyance.

Your look of pity each time he didn’t answer you because he flashed back to that time killed him.

Before the Mind Flayer, he wondered why you agreed to that initial date with him. He was an asshole—so angry at everything. Angry at himself. What did you even see in him?

Your date had to be one of his favorite memories. He took you to see The Goonies, bought popcorn to share, and when he took your chin and turned you to kiss him, you waved him off after the third one. He would’ve been irritated; any other girl and he’d have considered the night a bust, but you were so invested in the screen that he couldn’t help his lips turning up. He wasn’t sure you realized you grabbed his hand at one point in your excitement at the film. Neither of you pulled away until it was over to gather your things. He had thrown an arm around your shoulders and tugged you into his side. And when you asked if he wanted to go to the diner down the street, a little jump in his stomach made him say “yes.”

It felt…nice…that someone wanted to spend time with him. Maybe he was interesting enough without sex.

He’d never laughed as hard as he did that night. You were funny and kind, sweet and smart—and dammit—the way you smiled at him? You were so goddamn beautiful. He was hooked.

Now, after the Mind Flayer—after he found out this wasn’t your first time dealing with that creature—he knew he loved you. He felt the beginning of it that first night. And that meant you would hurt him. That meant you would leave.

Exactly like his mom had.

But Billy was a coward.

The day he had decided to end it, he kept pushing it back. He had picked you up, and you smiled, and he thought, “Tomorrow.”

You were in the middle of a date, sitting across from one another, and he had imagined that smile turning into a sneer. He had been so close to blurting it out. Then, you giggled and intertwined your fingers with his.

Then, Steve invited everyone over for a BBQ. He had tackled you into the pool, and when you both emerged, you laughed and splashed him. He warned you with the biggest smile, and you started swimming to the other end of the pool.

Billy watched it all. And he felt sick.

It wasn’t jealousy. It wasn’t angry enough to be jealousy. It was like confirmation. One day, you could have this when you were no longer tied to him. If it was happening now, then it’d happen in the future.

He had to break up with you.

No matter how much it’d kill him.

He pulled in front of your house, barely getting out of the car before you were bounding toward him.

You were so excited to see him that you couldn’t even wait for him to reach the door.

He shook his head slightly. He had to do this, had to beat you to the punch.

“Hey, Billy! How are—”

“We need to talk,” he said, avoiding your eyes.

“Oh? What about?” You tilted your head, scanning over his tense posture.

He let out a slow breath. Just rip the bandaid off.

“I’m breaking up with you.”

“What?” Had you heard him correctly?

“I’m breaking up with you,” he repeated, jaw clenched.

You took a tentative step forward.

“Billy, I—what do you mean? Are you okay?”

It didn’t make sense. You were attached at the hip yesterday; Billy couldn’t keep his hands off you, and now he wanted to break up?

What the hell was going on?

He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets to hide his whitening knuckles. He didn’t trust himself to not grab hold of you.

“I mean, it’s over. I don’t love you.”

You furrowed your brow, inhaling shakily. “I love you, Billy. I’ve been telling you for weeks now. I know you haven’t said it yet, but that’s okay! I’d never pressure you into—”

He had to cut you off if he was gonna get through this.

“And I’ve realized I don’t love you. What? You gonna make me stay with you?” He wished he could get through this without looking at you, but then you wouldn’t believe him.

You’d be okay. You may hate him now, but you’d move on. And he’d never have to know the pain of you leaving him—of you having an everlasting disdain for him. This hate would only be temporary.

“...You know I won’t,” you whispered. “I’d never force you to do anything.”

He'd had enough of that his entire life.

He nodded. “Then I guess we’re over.”

He turned to walk back to the driver’s side, pulling the door open with more force than needed.

“I don’t believe you.” You managed to get out before he got in.

He stopped. His hand was on the car's roof but didn’t look up.

It gave you a bit of hope.

“I don’t believe that you don’t love me. I see it every time you look at me.” You sniffled. “I know you, Billy. You never would’ve been with me for this long—through all this shit—if you didn’t love me.” You wiped at your tears. “But if this is what you need to do, then I guess you have to do it. And I’ll still love you. That’s never going to change.” You took in a shaky breath. “So, when you’re ready, I’ll be here. You’ll never lose me. I promise.”

He didn’t know how you could read his mind. But it had always been like that. You could anticipate what he needed before even he knew.

He wanted to run to you, to scoop you into his arms and apologize, but that nagging in his head wouldn’t stop. The image of you and Steve smiling and laughing. That phone call with his mother—Billy begging her to take him, too.

It felt like you confessed to him just yesterday—that warm feeling in his chest froze over.

You’d leave him eventually. Even if you didn’t think you would, he’d do something to change that. He’d ruin the best relationship he ever had, and then you’d be gone.

He blinked rapidly, getting into his car and speeding away. But not before glancing in his rearview to see the tear tracks streaming down your face.

It had been three weeks since Billy broke up with you, and every day your chest seemed to hurt worse. You had spent the first few days hopeful, convincing yourself Billy would be at your door any moment to apologize and explain why he did what he did. It didn’t fully sink in until the fourth day that he was serious.

You had arguments, of course, but Billy was always quick to remedy the situation. He didn’t like when you were angry with him. He said it put a pit in his gut because it reminded him of his anger toward his father. Even if it wasn’t nearly the same thing, Billy still hated the idea that you could ever loathe him that much.

But you didn’t hate him—could never hate him. You just wanted him back, but you didn’t know how to do that. You had called but either gotten Max or nothing at all. You had driven by several times, but Max and Billy weren't home, or he ignored you because—of course—he could tell it was you by your knock.

By week two, you were almost positive you had done something to him. However, you had no idea what. You played through every moment you spent with Billy, and the closest thing you could come up with was that you were a bit clingy. And even when you asked Billy about it, he said he liked it!

That was a few months ago, and he wasn't one to hold his tongue if something bothered him. It was one thing you loved about him. Even though it may come off as harsh—which he was working on—nothing ever festered with him. There was no chance of growing regrets.

You had barely gotten any sleep the past few weeks.

Lying in bed in one of Billy’s shirts, you tried to take your mind off everything with a book when the phone rang.

You sighed but got up to answer anyway. At this hour, it was either Robin or Steve.


You waited a moment, no one speaking, and then a deep breath came through.


“Max?” You furrowed your brow. “Is everything okay?”

You’d spoken to her plenty since your break up, but she had never called you after ten. You gripped the phone tighter, ready to listen to anything she had to say, and hoped she was alright.

“I don’t…It’s Billy.” She waited for your response, and when you didn’t give one because of your surprise, she continued, “He’s been drinking a lot since your…since you know…and I’m worried. This is the worst it’s ever been, and I…I don’t know what to do.” She let out a shaky breath. “Can you please come over? I think he needs you.”

Your heart was in your throat. Part of you wanted to refuse. Billy ended things. There was no way he wanted to see you.

But the selfish part of you wanted to see him, to make sure he was okay, to maybe get some answers out of his inebriated state. Even if you didn’t want to hear them. So, you told her you’d be over soon. Not bothering to change, you threw on shorts and shoes and grabbed your keys.

You didn’t know what to expect when you arrived. Billy could hold his alcohol, but you didn’t know what frame of mind he was in. The fact that Max called you to begin with set you on edge.

You barely knocked on the door before Max ripped it open.

“Hey.” Her mouth pinched. “He’s in his room. He was…He turned off the music ten minutes ago. I’m not sure what he’s doing.”

You nodded. “...You said he’s been doing this since we…since he—”

“Yeah, I’m not sure what to do anymore,” she said.

You placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll try to figure out what’s going on.”

You weren’t sure if you knocked or not on Billy’s door. The thumping of your heart drowned out the taps.

His slurred “go ‘way, Max” made it nearly stop. Just how long had he been like this?

“It’s me, Billy.”

He opened the door faster than Max, eyes wide as he took you in, almost as if he couldn’t believe you were here.


The glassiness of his eyes made you want to pull him close and tell him everything would be okay. That whatever was going on in his head, you could face together.

“Is s’tha’ really you?” His knuckles brushed your cheek, testing to see if this was another daydream. And when he made contact, he breathed, “I miss s’you.”

Your nose tingled. “I miss you, too, Billy.”

A singular tear slipped down his face as he cupped yours.

“Hey,” you cooed. “It’s okay.” You wiped it away. “Everything’s okay.”

He shook his head adamantly. “I’m sorry. M'sorry…sorry…”

His shoulders shook, and he could no longer look at you, head hanging low.

You hushed him softly as you led him back into his room and closed the door. His apologies continued until you sat on his bed and pulled his head into your neck.

You brushed through his curls and blinked back your own tears. Never had you seen Billy like this.

He had gotten better at telling you what he felt but still kept a lot to himself. This…This was a sadness you couldn’t handle seeing in him. You wanted nothing more than to take it away—fix it—so you could see that brilliant smile again.

“I lo’you.” He burrowed further into you. “Love you.”

They were quiet confessions, but they held so much conflict.

You were relieved, almost ecstatic, but he was drunk. It might just be because you were here, comforting him.

In any other scenario, you’d be the happiest person alive. However, with every “I love you,” a knife seemed to lodge into your heart.

“I love you, too,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Everything’s okay. I forgive you.”

He squeezed you tighter in response. All he wanted was to be closer to you. Like that could erase what he had done.

With another kiss, you gently guided him away so you could meet his gaze.

“Let’s get you ready for bed, okay?” You tucked a stray curl behind his ear, and he nodded. It seemed he was content to do whatever you said.

You helped switch his shirt to a clean one and handed him a pair of boxers, covering your eyes when he didn’t hesitate to remove the ones he wore.

“How’s that feel? A little better,” you asked, combing through his hair with your fingers.

He hummed, leaning in.

“Good,” you said. “I’m gonna get you some water and aspirin for tomorrow.”

When you went to pull away, his hand shot up to grip yours.

“Please,” his eyes were near watery, “please, don’t leave me.”

Maybe you were imagining it, but his plea felt like it held so much weight.

He was asking you to stay with him, to sleep beside him so he wouldn’t feel so vulnerable in an already vulnerable state. But it also felt like he was asking you to not walk away from him. That even though he broke up with you, he regretted it. And hoped you would want him back, accept him and all his mistakes. All his flaws.

Either way, the answer was the same.

“I’ll always be right here, Billy.” You squeezed his hand. “You get settled, and I’ll be right back.”

He slowly nodded, letting your hand slip from his.

And when you came back, Billy was on his side, facing the door, a space for you wide open.

Once you got in, he nuzzled into your chest, arms securely around you.

“Love you,” he mumbled, already half asleep.

“Love you, too,” you whispered, heart in your throat.

There were three blissful seconds of peace, of the comfort of an arm wrapped around your waist when you woke up. Then last night flooded back.

Billy drunk.

Him crying.

And saying he loved you.

And you had said it back even though you were afraid the next day would bring you more hurt.

He might not remember.

Or worse, he might not have meant it.

Looking up at the peaceful expression on his face pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind.

He’d feel like shit today, so the least you could do was make him breakfast and ensure he was alright.

You had managed to switch positions throughout the night. He had held you like always.

You carefully slipped out and into the kitchen. And as you worked, you prepared for the worst.

The ache in his chest might’ve been worse than the one in his head. The sun hurt his eyes, and the cold spot beside him bit at his torso.

You had been there.

He couldn’t remember all of last night. But you had been standing outside his door. And the smell of your shampoo clung to his sheets anew. Back where it belonged. The day it had worn off, he had buried his face in his pillow, desperate for one part of you to still be with him.

But you weren’t here anymore.

He swallowed the aspirin, wondering if Max had put it there. Maybe she took pity on him and was making him breakfast.

The bacon made his mouth water. He just hoped she wouldn’t want him to open up about last night. He didn’t want to relive it, especially when you had left before he woke up.

He dragged his feet in the hallway, one hand grazing the wall with the other rubbing his eyes.

He would've plopped down at the table. He would’ve tucked his head in his arms and maybe drifted in and out until Max nudged him. Instead, he stopped and stared.

You were still here.

His heavy steps must have alerted you because you glanced over your shoulder and gave him a small smile.

“Morning,” you said softly.

“Hi,” he said, blinking once, then again.

You motioned for him to sit at the table, and he did without another word.

You hadn’t left him.

After placing some food down, you sat across from him.

He wasn’t sure what to say. He wasn’t even sure he was awake right now. After everything he put you through, you stayed.

His mind was still foggy. Add that to the thoughts racing through it, and he didn’t know where to start. Thankfully, you spoke first.

“I miss you,” you whispered, hands folded atop the table.

He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. “I miss you, too.”

Without his notice, his hand had sought yours out, his fingers sneaking underneath to trace your palm. “I miss you so much.”

Your answering squeeze was like a switch—it made things brighter.

“I’m right here,” you said.

He nodded, not even trying to keep the smile at bay.

He believed you. Last night was proof. He was at one of his lowest points, and you had shown up—you had stayed.

Still, the smallest part of him had to hear you say it.

“Promise?” He locked eyes with you, pleading.

You took his hand in both of yours. “I promise,” you said. “I love you.”

He let out a disbelieving laugh. “I love you, too.”

You brought his hand up to kiss his knuckles, and he could feel your smile against his skin.

He needed you closer.

Tugging at you, he muttered a “come here,” guiding you onto his lap and pushing his nose into your neck, breathing into you. “I love you so much.”

You said it back, running a hand through his messy curls, then trailing your thumbs around his ears down to his jaw, holding him gently so you could kiss him. You wanted to savor every second of this. You had a lot to discuss, but right now? You just wanted to be with him.

His grip tightened as he returned the kiss.

He wanted to apologize again, to tell you how much he regretted what he said. Before he could, you looked at him as if you couldn't get enough.

“As much as I would love to continue kissing you, I’m starving. And you need to eat.”

He laughed, a genuine, full-fledged laugh, something he hadn’t done in weeks.

You tried pushing off his lap, but he wouldn’t let you budge.

“I’m just gonna get my own plate,” you said, giving him a quizzical look.

He shook his head. “Eat off mine.”

And with the contentment and hope on his face, you couldn’t argue. So, you swiped a piece of bacon, taking a bite as he kissed your shoulder.

"This mine?" he asked, pulling at the hem of your shirt.

"Yeah. I've kinda been cycling through all the ones in my closet," you said.

He hummed, a sullen look crossing his features.

"Been wearing your ring," he muttered, fishing out his Saint Christopher to show you the ring hanging on it.

You toyed with both pieces, rubbing your thumb over the face of the original, then set it back to his chest. You pressed your palm against his heart, and he placed his hand over it.

You leaned your forehead against his, closing your eyes.

He took a sharp breath, then relaxed.

When you finally looked into his eyes, they held security. He trusted you. And he would continue to trust you with something he didn't trust anyone with.

As you ate, one of your arms stayed around his shoulders, sometimes playing with his hair or rubbing his neck. His stayed firmly around your waist, his fingertips grazing up and down your side, trailing further to your thigh.

It was perfect, this moment. Every laugh Billy brought out of you, every kiss you gave him, every word said; it was all a balm. He wasn’t completely healed, he knew that, but he also knew you.

You had reassured him, given him a place to land when he never thought that place existed. You loved him. And that meant you weren’t going anywhere.

Tags :
8 months ago

cherry cola and popcorn (s.h.)

Cherry Cola And Popcorn (s.h.)
Cherry Cola And Popcorn (s.h.)
Cherry Cola And Popcorn (s.h.)

Steve Harrington was never one to repeat dates with you, someone he wanted to be his high school sweetheart for the rest of his life. But, when he realized how much you loved drive-in movie dates, he had to put that in the rotation of your dates. Tonight, though, was couples night at the drive in, and something just had Steve turned on. – 2.1K words

Steve wanted to get you flowers. Your favorite flowers, specifically.

He didn’t really get anyone flowers until he got with you, and he saw how much you loved getting them, so stopping by your house to pick you up for the movie before walking in to watch you lovingly cut the flowers to put into a vase.

Cherry Cola And Popcorn (s.h.)

After picking his favorite bouquet that reminded him of you, he walked back to his car and drove to your house to pick you up – aware of the fact that what he probably just thought up would most likely happen.

So when he knocked on your door and you opened it up, a black dress with a cherry pattern dotted all over the fabric and your neckline dropping low to show off slight bits of your pretty tits.

“Hey baby!” You giggled when you saw him, quickly taking the flowers. “Oh, they’re so pretty! Thank you, Stevie,” you leaned forward to kiss his lips as he walked inside, his hand settling in the small of your back as he followed you in. “What movie are we watching tonight?”

Steve hummed softly, kissing your temple. “Mmm, not sure. It’s Couples Night, so I’m assuming a romance.”

His words made you groan, sighing softly. “I hope it’s not one of those cringy ones.”

He smiled as he watched you take the flowers out of plastic, starting to take off the leaves and trim the stem. He knew you would do that, that’s how you always took care of your flowers.

“Would you rather that or erotica?” He laughed as you groaned, sighing.

“Honestly? Erotica,” you giggled as you cut the stems diagonally. “Better than some damn cringy ass romance.”

“You don’t like romance, baby?” Steve came behind you, holding your hips with a smile, tucking his face into the crook of your neck with a smile. “You don’t think I romance you?”

“I like the way you romance me,” you leaned back into him, smiling widely as you tilted your head to the side so he kissed against your skin. “Not the cringy romances on TV.”

He hummed softly as he let his hands trail down the smooth fabric of the dress, tilting his head slightly. “I love this dress. Is it new?”

You smiled, nodding. Steve always noticed the little things. “Mhm. Just got it.”

His hands started to go lower on your sides, his lips kissing firmly against your neck. The feeling made your head spin as you inhaled deeply, slowly putting the flower food at the bottom of the vase before filling it up with water.

“Think it might be my new favorite,” he whispers, biting his lip. “Definitely my new favorite, to be honest… looks so good on you.”

You hummed softly, nodding as you put the flowers into the vase. They fit perfectly. “Reminds me of cherry cola.”

He smiled. You loved cherry cola. “Then why don’t we go get your favorite from the drive in?”

You hummed, nodding. “Definitely. I got some allowance, too.”

Steve shook his head, kissing under your ear. “Uh uh… I invited you out, I’m paying.”

He was always like that, always a gentleman when he started taking you out on dates – and you at some points hated it. He really wanted to do as much as he could for you, and you hated it as much as you loved it, just because you really wanted to give back to him.

Still, he wanted to make sure that you knew that you could repay him in other ways, like wearing this pretty dress.

“Come on,” he whispered, smiling. “Let’s go. I don’t want us to be late.”

You hummed, nodding as you grabbed your purse and both of you walked out. He opened the door for you like a gentleman, helping you inside before going around and quickly getting in. Starting the car, he pulls you to the center seat making you giggle, wrapping one arm around your form and softly kissing your head before he drives off.

You let your hand settle on his thigh, tracing patterns against the denim before going up and down steadily. Steve knew how to hide the fact you were turning him on, for fucks sake, he had been hiding you ever since he met you.

So, as you drove towards the drive-in movie theater, the only thing on his mind was getting you that cherry cola. And, of course, some popcorn for himself.

Most of the time in this relationship, he wasn’t the one to think about himself, your pleasure and your happiness over his own. That was just the type of person that was in this relationship, his relationship with you.

So when you both finally got to the drive-in movie theater he painstakingly had to draw his attention from your fingers and to the teenage boy at the ticket stand. Steve had seen the guy around the school, and he looked even more tired here than he did at school.

Steve tipped him after buying the tickets, weaving through cars to get as close as possible to the screen as you started taking off your seatbelt. He turned off the car as you tugged at his jean jacket.

“Come with me to the snack shack?” Your voice was slightly whiny as you looked up at him with wide eyes, teasing him.

How could he say no to that?

So, he followed you to the snack shack, his hand continuously on the small of your back as you both went through the line where he watched you order a large and medium bucket of popcorn, with two cherry colas and a box of your favorite candy before you got to the cashier.

The girl told you the price and you held your hand out to Steve, your boyfriend already putting his wallet in your hand as he gathered everything that you had purchased, positioning his arms expertly as you paid. You kept his wallet with you as you both walked back to the car, commercials playing as you got in and he passed you the drinks so he wouldn’t spill before going around.

He passed you the popcorn as you stuck a straw into your bottled cherry cola, sipping on it as Steve pulled you closer, softly kissing your head as you popped a piece of popcorn into your mouth.

“Want some?”

Steve shook his head as you pouted slightly, looking back at the screen as you fixed your dress. His hand slowly pulled away from your shoulders, fixing his position to the side as he let his head duck down to kiss into your neck.

His kisses were hot and wet, open mouth against your neck as you inhaled shakily, tilting your head to the side as you set the bottle and box of popcorn in his cupholders. “Stevie-”

He hummed, shaking his head into your neck as his large hand started to bunch up your dress. “Fuck, baby… I told you this is my favorite dress… it’s doing something to me, I swear,” he whispered against your neck, his tongue trailing the expanse of your collarbone. “Can I baby? Please?”

You couldn’t focus on his words, tilting your head back as his hands slowly explored your body, one gently pushing apart your thighs to let his fingers trail up and down your slit while the other cupped your braless tits.

“Please baby? I want you so bad, I promise I’ll be gentle…”

Steve was never gentle, not unless you needed him to be. And right now, with the way he was sucking and digging his teeth into your skin, you didn’t need him to be gentle.

“You don’t have to,” you whisper as he smiles into your neck, finally pulling away from your neck with slightly puffy lips. “J-Just… don’t make it so obvious.”

“Come here baby,” he whispered as he shifted you to the driver's seat, pressing the small switch on the side of the seat to lean his seat back. You yelped, not expecting it as he slowly ducked under your dress, groaning as he trailed his nose into your inner thigh. “Fuck, you never wear panties under dresses like this… it drives me fucking insane.”

You gasped as he nudged his nose against your clit, a breathy exhale against your fluttering cunt making your thighs twitch.

“Spread your legs for me baby…” he puts one of your feet on the resting spot meant for a driver’s foot and the other on the slight lift of the floor for the middle seat. “Mmmm, your cunt looks so fucking pretty…”

You could only imagine how you looked, absolutely soaked and your lips puffy as he let his tongue trail circles around your clit. His fingers slowly massaged against your entrance, his blunt digits making you squirm slightly as you whined and started to roll your hips.


“I know, babe,” he murmured, nodding into your slit as he let his tongue flick against your entrance to taste your perfect essence. “Fuck, you taste so good… so fucking good.”

You pushed your hands under your dress, bunching it up at your waist and lifting it to see Steve licking languidly up and down your slit. A shiver ran down your spine as you watched him, his eyes never leaving yours as he sucked against your clit, a whine leaving your mouth as he slowly pushed his fingers into you. He always stretched you out with his fingers before he pushed his tongue into you and used it to make you cum countless times.

“Steve,” you groaned as you tilted your head back, your thighs shaking as you held the back of his head, pulling him closer. “Fuck, Stevie-”

“I know,” he whispered against your clit, languidly pumping his fingers in and out of you. Your walls clamped down on his digits as he flexed them inside of you, slowly pushing all of those special buttons that drove you insane. “I know, baby, I got you. I know what makes you feel good.”

Oh, you knew that he knew what made you feel good.

He let his teeth trail your clit just how you liked it, and he let you guide his face with slight tugs on your hair as you bucked your hips. He let you fuck yourself on his fingers, only languidly pumping until he heard your moans get louder, pushing his fingers deeper and rougher to hit that special spot inside of you that he knew would make you come undone.

His fingers inside of you felt so good, he knew what he was doing, he always did. You knew as soon as you came on his digits, he would use his tongue to fuck into you until his jaw ached.

So that was what was on your mind as you whined loudly, bucking your hips into his fingers as his lips continued their assault on your clit, sucking and nibbling against the sensitive bundle of nerves that began to puff up at his constant stimulation.

“Come on baby,” he whispered against your clit, groaning softly as he pushed his fingers in down to his knuckles. “Cum.”

You wailed as your hand pressed against the window, trying to steady yourself as your other hand kept his face in your cunt, bucking your hips into his mouth as you groaned loudly. He laughed against your cunt, groaning as you continued to use his fingers, your walls clamping down onto his digits making him shift his mouth down to your entrance.

He twisted his hands so that his wrist was up, curling his fingers inside of you and opening his mouth as though you were giong to cum like a faucet.

You basically did, hips bucking on their own as your hand pressed into the window, your other fingers tugging his hair back as he stayed close to your cunt, wet squelching filling the car as you wailed. He was always so good at this, so so good…

When you finally came down from your high, hips rolling lazily with soft whines as he pulled his fingers out of you and looked up.

“You don’t think we’re done, do you baby? The movies still got time left, and I’m not leaving this damn drive in until I fuck you.”

Cherry Cola And Popcorn (s.h.)
Cherry Cola And Popcorn (s.h.)

I do not ever give consent to my work being published on other platforms or being translated at any point, even if it is a request. If my work is on any other platform, it’s without my permission. Your media consumption is not my responsibility.

Cherry Cola And Popcorn (s.h.)
Cherry Cola And Popcorn (s.h.)

© asterias-record-shop

Tags :
2 years ago

and they were roommates || e.m

And They Were Roommates || E.m

pairing: college!eddie munson x virgin!female!reader

summary: after a dorm pairing mix-up, y/n is stuck with eddie munson, her crush since highschool. eddie overhears y/n talk about how she’s a virgin on the phone with her best friend and offers to take her virginity.

warnings: smut, fingering, p in v, raw doggin’ ( 😭 please practice safe sex everyone‼️) , overstim, squirting, insecurity, and probably more that i forgot!

a/n: hello. okay so first lets pretend gareth graduated in the class of ‘86! yes! and i also have no clue what an RA is or does so yeah! dont come for me pls.


part 2

-i’ve tried to proofread this, but i’ve read it too many times to catch any lingering mistakes. i did change the tense after finishing this so it’s likely it might switch around here and there.

reblogging is totally fine but pls dont steal my work!! (if its even steal worthy😭)

it was the summer before your first year at college. you decided to stay closer to your parents and Hawkins, despite what had happened over the past couple years. today was the day your mother was helping you move into your dorm that you were sharing with your best friend taylor. you thought that you guys had done a pretty good job, and turned around to admire your work. unexpectedly, the door opened startling you, and causing you to jump a little.

“eddie?!” you exclaim. “what in the world are you doing here?” god. you didn’t even know he graduated.

“what,” he replies nonchalantly, “can I not come into my own dorm?” he looks around glancing at all the band posters you had hung up, secretly admiring them.

“um.. I think you’ve gotten it mistaken munson,” you say with a chuckle. “this is my dorm that im sharing with my friend taylor,” you say, wanting him to leave as soon as possible.

“oh, thats weird then,” eddie responds, “ the RA told me this was matter of a fact my dorm that i’m sharing with my friend gareth, y/n.”

you didn’t know what to do. you wouldn’t mind sharing a dorm with eddie, except you had a massive crush on him since freshman year and you were still planning on rooming with your best friend anyways. you needed to figure out what was going on.

“y/n?” you could hear from the other end of your phone. eddie glanced over at you with a quizzical look as he was still standing awkwardly in the middle of the room fidgeting with a loose thread in his jeans.

“hi tay! so um a bit of a problem on my end. i know you’re not coming to move in until tomorrow but munson just came in saying this is his dorm with his friend gareth. do you know what’s going on?” you said into the phone.

“oh shit,” you heard taylor say. “y/n, is eddie still with you?” she questioned, to which you responded with “yes.”

“put me on speaker please,” taylor said. exasperated, you sigh and click speaker, still confused about whag was happening. “ok munson, gareth was supposed to tell you this, and i’m sorry y/n i have no clue how i forgot….” taylor says with an anxious tone. “so um me and gareth are actually going to share a dorm because we’ve been dating for over two years now, and the RA already approved the switch. we didn’t know that it would mean you two would become roomates. i’m so sorry y/n,” taylor says nervously waiting for your response since she knew you had a massive crush on eddie. you look up at a shocked eddie with a gaping mouth. a couple seconds pass.

“WHAT?!” you exclaim into the phone, pacing back and forth. what would this mean? you’re stuck with the man you have had a crush on for more than four years? and sleep in the same room as him? what if he brings a girl over?

“ughh” you groan, “its okay tay. we can talk about this later, for now just let me help munson move in I guess…” eddie looked at you even more shocked. no way was y/n actually letting me move in, he thought to himself.

“ok munson. it’s official i guess. move in whenever you want, but you must keep your stuff on your side of the room,” you said while sighing. “god im going to regret this.

“okay princess , but trust me i’ll make sure you don’t.” he says with a wink and left to gather his stuff, leaving a flushed you in the room to think about what had just happened in the last 30 minutes. did you really just agree to let eddie be your roommate? you groaned. what did you just get yourself into?

it had been 3 months since eddie moved in, and well things had been going rather smoothly.

“y/n” eddie says one day after an especially long day of classes that had you both slumped in your respective beds.

“what?” you groan.

“how come you never bring any guys around?” eddie questions, his face still pressed into his pillow making his words come out muffled.

“what did you say?” you questioned, not sure if you had heard what he said right.

“how come you never bring any guys over? to you know, hookup or something?” eddie said, this time his head was lifted from the pillow and now facing you.

you suddenly felt like the room was getting a little hot and your face flushed a very bright red.

“um well you know, I’m just focused on my studies,” You said, turning away from him in embarrassment. “what about you? i thought i’d be kicked out more often so you could do your thing with girls,” you said with an strained laugh to cover up your grimace. eddie chuckled.

“nah don’t worry about that. i always go to the girl’s dorm. it’s easier either way,” he said shrugging. suddenly you felt insecure. why would eddie want to be with you? he was more experienced and you were still a virgin. no way he would want to be with someone so inexperienced. obviously you had masturbated before, and had used sex toys, but you had just never had sex with another person. at the same time, although it felt messed up, you felt yourself getting wet thinking about eddie having sex.

“something on your mind y/n?” eddie asked.

“no.” you responded and he thankfully dropped it. you quickly passed out from your fatigue, and it seemed eddie did too. it’s not long until you were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing. You groaned and picked it up to see who was calling you at this ungodly hour. the caller id read “tay💓”. you turned your lamp on and picked up, but not before you turned your volume to the lowest to not wake up eddie. she immediately started gushing to you about how she and gareth hooked up in the car. you laughed to yourself about her enthusiasm.

“guess what y/n!” taylor whisper-screamed.


“me and gareth… we finally had sex for the first time!! i know it seems a bit late but gareth wanted to wait and i respect his wishes. it was so amazing and he was so gentle and sweet!” taylor said sounding happy. you couldn’t help but feel a bit insecure that all your friends had their fair shares of boyfriends and sexual encounters except for you.

“thats so great..” you replied more quiet now, not that taylor seemed to notice.

“but y/n, i need your help. what should I do? i want to tell gareth how much it meant to me that he decided to trust me and have sex with me, but i’m not sure how to express that.” she whispered, presumably not to awake gareth in her dorm.

you playfully rolled your eyes from your end of the phone. “taylor! you know i’ve never had sex before! god. i’ve never even had a boyfriend,” you said, realizing how pathetic that sounded.

“right...” taylor said and you grimaced. “i’m so sorry y/n, i honestly forgot!“

“no no no! its ok! anyways got to go tay. good luck!” you say while hanging up.

you sigh and fall back onto your mattress.

“you’ve never had sex before?” eddie questioned.

your eyes go wide. no. he couldn’t have. did he hear your entire conversation? you felt so embarrassed.

“no, I haven’t” you said sheepishly.

“jesus christ y/n, you’re missing out so much” eddie said, both of you staring at the ceiling from your beds.

“well maybe one day,” you responded to eddie with a sigh.

“i could show you.” eddie replied quietly, turning to look at you, as your eyes were as wide as saucers. you really did like eddie. you thought he was hot, funny, nice, and interesting to talk to. but you thought he wouldn’t want to do that with someone as inexperienced as you.

“are you sure? i mean i’m super inexperienced, i’ve only kissed guys before…” you said, instantly regretting how much you’d already shared. you didn’t want to finally ruin your chance with eddie.

“jesus y/n, that just makes you even hotter,” he said with a smirk as you walk over to his bed. “but are you sure you want to lose your virginity to me? i mean i know that it means a lot to other people, but I’m not sure about you, and we can do whate-“

“oh god Eddie just shut up and kiss me,” You said, breathily cutting him off whilst getting on his bed and straddling him. you suddenly felt really horny, and you felt a wet spot growing on your panties. you started to kiss him gently, which progressed into a more rough make out . when your lips finally disconnected, you got a good look at him. the light from your lamp shined onto him, and he looked incredibly hot under you in his plaid pajama pants and a thin white t-shirt that said Hellfire Club on it. his hair was ruffled up a little, and his lips were swollen from missing you. you could also feel his erection under you. you start to grind your hips onto his, both of you guys letting out moans and whimpers.

“are you sure you’ve never done this before?” eddie joked, moaning immediately after as his eyes rolled to the back of his head from the pleasure. eddie’s grip on your hip tightened as his hips bucked up. you chuckled but didn’t respond as the pleasure was starting to build up. you could feel your impending orgasm, so you got off of eddie to strip. eddie got the message and started to take off his clothes too, leaving you both naked. eddie brought his hand down to your thighs and starts trailing them up to your pussy.

“eddie. stop teasing-“ you whine out, but eddie caught you off guard and suddenly thrusted two of his fingers into your cunt. you moaned at the sudden contact as eddie’s fingers thrusted in and out of you.

“so wet, and all for me?” eddie said with a grin. you moan in response as you were too divulged in pleasure to form words. he slowly added another digit and soon had you shaking on top of him. the only sound in the room was your moans and the lewd sound of eddie’s fingers thrusting in and out of your wet pussy. and eddie’s occasional praises of course.

“you’re doing so good princess,” eddie groaned, admiring the mess of you that he had created. his other hand that was on your hip moved down to your clit and started rubbing it in circles. that was all you needed to push you off the edge. you started shaking and writhing while moaning profanities as your juices dripped from eddie’s fingers to his lower abdomen.

“fuck eddie,” you said trying to catch your breath, “that felt so good.”

“yeah princess? well we aren’t done,” he responded while smirking at you.

eddie quickly flipped you over so now he was on top and hovering over you. he peppered your face with kisses as you giggled. you felt the tip of his cock teasing your folds.

“c’mon eddie stop being such a tease,” You groaned.

“alright y/n,, but before we do this, I need to know that you’re totally okay with this.”

“please eddie, just do it,” you whined out, and that was all he needed before entering you.

he started off gentle, as his cock entered your pussy. even though he had already stretched you out, it still burned. you winced and eddie noticed, but you signaled that you were okay. he stayed inside you, not moving until you said you were okay with him moving. he started to thrust in and out gently, and the pain started to subside into pleasure.

“oh my god eddie this feels so good,” you moaned out.

“oh baby you feel so tight,” eddie moaned out. he thrusted in and out of you at a quicker pace letting out low groans and moans. the squelching sounds of your wet pussy as eddie penetrated you unmercifully turned you on even more. he quickly took your tit in his hand and started sucking on your nipple. he left hickeys around it, making sure to mark you as his, you let out a pornographic moan as you felt another orgasm forming. eddie took your moan as a sign of encouragement, and kept going. his moans vibrated against your sensitive nipple, leaving you in a hazy state of pleasure and ecstasy.

“oh eddie!” you moaned out when he moved his hand down to your clit.

“im gonna come sweetheart,” eddie whispered as he let out an erotic whimper.

“m-me too,” you stuttered out.

eddie started to quicken his pace, leaving you in a moaning and writhing mess under him. your reached your high fairly quickly and you came all over eddie’s cock as you squirted on his hips, legs and the bed. that was surely going to leave stains for him to clean up later. eddie came inside of you soon after as his hips stuttered and bucked up into your over sensitive cunt. you whimpered as you were shaking under eddie from all the stimulation.

“that was so amazing,” eddie said with a raspy voice as you were both coming down from your highs. before you could respond, eddie moved down and connected his lips with your pussy. he licked a stripe up to your clit as you tangled your shaky hands into his hair, as you were still sensitive from your last orgasm. eddie lapped up all your juices and his cum from your dripping and pulsing cunt.

“you taste so good darling,” eddie said while coming back up to kiss you. he smirked as he knew you could taste your own cum on his lips.

“t-thank you eds,” you said breathily.

“no problem y/n,” he responded with a cheeky smile. “so… do you still regret letting me move in?”

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2 years ago

thank god for flimsy doors || e.m

Thank God For Flimsy Doors || E.m

pairing: college!eddie munson x roomate!reader

summary: after roomates y/n and eddie have sex, they can’t seem to break the tension until one day, eddie walks in on y/n touching herself.

warnings: smut! mutual masturbation?? idk. vibrator, fingering, nipple play?? eddie walking in on reader🫣

a/n: someone asked for part 2 so your wish is my command + i put “eddie’s pov” but its really more narrated in third person.

reader is 19, eddie is 20.


part 1

it had been a couple weeks since you and eddie had hooked up and fucked, but neither of you really spoke about it afterwards. it was perhaps as some would consider it, a heat of the moment thing. in fact, you and eddie sort of just stopped talking all together. you wondered if the sex was really that bad to him, and even chuckled to yourself thinking about it. although you were a bit disappointed that you hadn’t had any more sexual encounters with him, or any encounters really, you still got yourself off thinking about eddie’s fingers thrusting in and out of your cunt and his lips wrapping around your nipple.


it had been a particularity stressful day, as you had two exams that day and more long classes afterwards. you came back to your dorm and immediately slumped onto your bed, still holding your backpack. eddie’s backpack and stuff was on his desk, but he wasn’t in the room. you concluded that he was probably out with some friends as he mentioned that he would be gone sometime this week to catch up with steve. you shoved your backpack off your bed as it landed with a thud, and changed into comfier clothing which consisted of one of eddie’s shirts of a random band, and some pajama shorts. you looked over at eddie’s bed and couldn’t help but recall the image of the two of your bodies tangled up in a steamy moment. you took a closer look and could still see stains on his mattress from your squirt and cum. your face flushed thinking about that night, and you started to feel really horny. you quickly decided to “relieve some stress,” in the form of masturbating. as any horny teenager in the universe did, you masturbated quite often even before you lost your virginity to eddie. you lied down on your rock hard mattress, and traced your hands up and down your body where eddie’s hands were that night. over your nipples, over your stomach, over your hips, and over your inner thighs. you moaned as you rolled your nipple inbetween your fingers. you pulled open your bedside nightstand and fumbled around until you felt your bullet vibrator. you shimmied your shorts down, and your shirt hiked up above your breasts. you glided the vibrator ontop of your inner thighs, and through your arousal until it reached your clit. you turned the vibrator on and moaned loudly. you hadn’t had time to masturbate or come since the time you had sex with eddie because of all the studying for exams. you bit your lip to conceal any loud moans that definitely would have left your mouth, as to not draw any attention to your dorm. the doors were pretty thin and flimsy. your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the pleasure you were receiving. the vibrator sent heavenly vibrations against your clit, making your body writhe in ecstasy. you sucked on two of your fingers, pretending it was eddie’s dick, before bringing them down to your pulsing hole and thrusting them in slowly. small whimpers and moans left your mouth.

“oh eddie! just like that” you moaned out, pretending that your fingers were his dick penetrating you. your body shook from the pleasure as your thighs started to quiver.


eddie’s pov.

he had just come back from having a nice dinner with steve and catching up with him. it was quite fun talking to an old friend, especially after all of the chaos that had ensued a couple months prior. eddie approached the door in a giddy mood, unable to wait to share the news with you that steve and nancy actually started dating again. that was until he heard your moans. he couldn’t believe it. did you actually invite a guy over to the dorm? you and eddie had a silly but upheld “go to the person you’re fucking’s dorm” policy, and eddie couldn’t believe you would break it.

“ugh, what the fuck y/n” he muttered under his breath, unsure as to whether he should burst into the room and expect to find you in a compromising position with a random guy, or if he should wait until you’re done. it didn’t help that eddie was getting painfully hard from hearing your moans, getting flashbacks to the night a few weeks prior.

“oh eddie! just like that,” he heard. he stood shocked infront of the door. he was extremely hard and horny at this point, and he needed to relieve himself. against all moral thoughts, eddie slipped into the room to see the glorious sight of you with your fingers thrusting in and out of your pussy at an almost alarmingly fast rate, and with a vibrator held up to your clit which had you shaking and writhing on your bed. eddie couldn’t help but palm himself through his jeans at the view of you, even though it felt wrong in every way. although he was trying his hardest to not make himself seen, he let out a guttural moan as the tip of his cock leaked precum under his jeans.


your pov:

you were so incredibly close to orgasming, as had it not been a fraction of a second later that you heard eddie moan, you would’ve come. you whipped your head around yelped as you quickly scrambled to cover yourself.

“eddie! what the fuck are you doing here,” you exclaimed as you let out an empty cry from your almost ruined orgasm. you chucked a pillow at his head.

“ow! dammit y/n, what was that for?” eddie said wincing.

“for being a perv and watching me get off, and for stopping me right before i was about to come!” you exclaimed, groaning into your hands that were covering your face in embarrassment. you still hadn’t fully realized that eddie munson just walked in on your fucking your fingers at the thought of him. you grimaced, wondering whether he had heard your moans.

“first, i am no perv!” he said, crossing his arms. “second! what am i supposed to do? you just look so fucking hot getting off thinking about me. i bet you were imaging those fingers were my fingers. or perhaps… my cock?” eddie said with a smug smirk.

you groan yet again from embarrassment. how could he read you so easily.

“um so could you like get out, i really need to uh finish what i was doing before you disrupted me,” you said with a scowl.

“or maybe i could watch?” eddie said, seemingly already knowing your answer.

fuck. you got really wet just thinking about eddie fucking his fist as you got yourself off. you moaned imagining it without even realizing.

“well then, i’ll take that as a yes,” he said with a grin.

he situated himself on his bed as you resumed your previous position. you took the vibrator and held it against your clit as your fingers thrusted in and out of your wet pussy. you moaned loudly as you looked over to eddie with hooded eyes to see him palming himself through his jeans, letting out low groans.

“you’re so hot when you’re close to coming.” he said. “you know, whenever i’m jerking off, i think about you grinding your hips down on my cock as you’re leaving hickeys all along my neck, or when you start to writhe ontop of my dick as you’re close to coming and you tighten around me,” he moaned out. you whimpered thinking about eddie getting off to the thought of you. eddie was now fucking his hand as his hips were bucking up and his eyes were rolled back. his hair was strewn all over his pillow, and his shirt was pulled up to above his belly button. his jeans were right below his ankles as his breathing got heavy. you could see a lot of precum leaking from his red tip. oh what you would do to suck him off right now. he moaned and whimpered as he chased for his orgasm. the sight of eddie was all you needed to snap the coil that was building up, and you came all over your fingers with an extremely loud moan, sure to make everyone in the hall disgusted. “fuck, eddie.” you said as you came with your eyes clenched shut. your vibrator was still against your clit, making you shake a little as you rode out your orgasm to overstimulation. you opened your eyes and turned your head just in time to see eddie squeeze his eyes shut and open his mouth as he let out a string of “fuck”, “shit”, “y/n” and groans as his come spurted all over his hand and his lower abdomen, and even on his shirt. you both were panting, trying to recover from your pent up release. truth be told, eddie hadn’t jacked off for two weeks, which was a long time for him. it was because anytime he jerked off, he would think of you, but then would feel guilty and disgusted with himself for imagining you that way.


eddie’s pov:

he and y/n both looked at each other, unsure about what to say. both of them had still not moved, and laid still naked. they both moved to get clothes on before y/n sat up and opened her mouth to say something.

“ so… what does this mean for us? because we are definitely more than friends now,” she said with a chuckle.

eddie didn’t really know how to respond. he really had grown a liking towards y/n, and even started to foster a not very little, massive crush since he moved into the dorm with her.

“well um, i’ve got to confess something,” eddie said, scratching the side of his neck.

“okay, i won’t judge. i swear.” y/n said, holding up her pinky in a silly pinky promise gesture.

“i’m going to be honest with you y/n, i have been harboring a massive crush on you. i can’t stop thinking about you, and how sweet, funny, and not to mention hot, you are. if you don’t want to be friends anymore i totally understand.” the usually very confident boy said, making eye contact with the floor.

“holy shit!” y/n said, catching eddie off guard.

“what?” eddie asked meekly, hiding his face in shame thinking you were rejecting him.

“oh my god i’ve had the biggest crush on you since highschool!” y/n blabbered out.

holy shit. eddie thought to himself. does y/n actually like me back?

“you little shit! you made me think you were rejecting me,” he said with a pout.

“way to ruin such a romantic moment eddie,” you replied sarcastically while smiling like a fool.

“well then, ms. y/n l/n, will i have the honor to call you my girlfriend?” eddie asked with a large grin.

“yes you absolutely do, mr. eddie munson,” y/n said, walking over to eddie and pulling him into a passionate kiss.


your pov:

“i’ve missed talking to you y/n,” eddie mumbled. “i was so upset that we kinda stopped speaking a few weeks ago.”

“me too eds. i missed you so much” you replied. you both fell asleep cuddled in each others arms, and glad to have broken the tension that was driving you two apart.

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