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2 years ago

Okay here are my thoughts on volume 2 and season 4 as a whole:

-Will being pushed to the back was so unnecessary. Him and El are kinda the main characters of this show and there was a lot of El which was rlly nice but Will really wasnt there this season and why? Like i genuinely dont understand why. I missed him hes my favorite character

^ And mike and johnathan too?? like usually mike is so important hes like comes up plans and shit and he just wasnt?? there?? and i kinda feel like mikes character was nuked this season. His (and Wills) whole plotline this season was around his relationship with El... come on I want to see little micheal wheeler fight monsters with his friends. and ive also seen a lot of people reminding us how caring he was in season 1 and 2 and yeah. he rlly was and i miss that i dont believe that puberty hit and now mike only cares abt el like his character doesnt make sense anymore and i dont know why

- I honestly lowkey hated the cali plot and i rlly feel like the show would have been a lot better if the byers never moved. like they had to relocate bc of El and Joyce wanted a fresh start or something i dont remember but they very easily could have just not wrote that in. I just think that a lot of problems ppl are having with this season could have been avoid if the byers never moved.

-Aryle... hes definitely great. But i know hes a fun character but thats kind of ALL he is. he is literally just a comic relief and is pretty useless throughout the whole season besides driving the cali gang which could have easily been done by johnathan instead of introducing a whole new character that probably isnt going to stay next season because hes supposed to be in california (which you know this whole problem could have been avoided if the byers never moved)

-the way our characters were split this season was a little weird but also not? like it made sense bc the groups this season were based off of just where everyone was but like i said, i wish the byers never moved. plus all the fan favorites were in hawkins and sometimes it felt like that was the only important storyline happening. like the cali gang just felt so behind compared to what was happening in hawkins

-my whole life would be infinitely better if every season was still set during halloween each year

-As much as i love this show, I think some of its charm has been lost... As our characters (mostly talking abt the kids here because they have always been the main focus since the beginning) have grown up it feels like maybe the duffers and writers of the show have focused a little too much on the fact that they are growing up and having relationships instead of focusing on what the show was originally about. a fun sci-fi show with monsters and kids saving the day and having little lighthearted relationships in the corner. I dont know if my point if coming across right but like it felt like theres just a little too much focus on the characters romantic relationships and honestly i dont care!! i want to watch monsters and kids figuring out how to defeat them in a fun 80s aesthetic! i am tired of the drama between stancy and jancy and as much as i would love byler i would be okay with mileven if they would have focused on their relationship less bc like i said earlier his relationship with el was mikes entire plotline this season. which just makes me sad because i usually love his character. yes even thought hes a little shit thats what makes him so loveable, because hes a little shit and he used to care abt saving all of his friends

This kind of ended in a rant but those were the problems I had with this season. I was definitely disappointed with a lot of stuff in volume 2 but I still enjoyed watching it as much as I could because this show is still really good and means a lot to a lot of people. I hope the duffers can like fix themselves because I would hate to see this show get like ruined because of bad writing in the later seasons.

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I am not emotionally ok after ST4 Vol. 2. THE MOOD SWINGS I had during the last episode were CATASTROPHIC. I’m gonna miss them so much idk what to do w myself.

Time to go read st fics till I fall asleep 👍🤭

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2 years ago

Okay let’s go.

In season 4, El freaks out at the roller rink and we can't say that Mike reacts very well to that, which El notices by the way. Mike doesn't come near her, doesn't try to reassure her or hug her, he stays next to Will and watches her cry and shiver. On top of that, when they're at the table, he adds a comment that causes El to run away and accentuate his grief. He told her the next day “I was a little upset in the moment.” “I mean, it just was so crazy. It happened so fast.” but if we make the comparison with Mike's behavior in season 2 we realize that when Will acts strangely, that he is haunted and suddenly starts shaking, he never leaves and always stays with him, even puts his hand on his. And I think in this context we can even mention the scene "Crazy together" because here Mike doesn’t tell El that they will be crazy or monsters together.

And before all that he says “I don’t really understand” which means he needs El to talk to him to understand. Let's a parallel with the dialogue he has with Will next: Will says “I didn't say it” and Mike answers “You didn't have to” (and besides an “emotional and tender” music is just playing after this precise sentence mmmh) unlike El, Will doesn't need to say anything to be understood by Mike, here's what to remember.

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2 years ago

New analysis:

S4 ep5: Mike and Will talk when they're sitting on the car, in addition to being a parallel to other scenes like the one with Jancy for example, there's the “emotional and tender” music again, and Mike says “I should've explained myself. Maybe Eleven would've taken me with her and things would be different.” “I didn't know what to say” yet it would have been easy to know what to say, he had to tell El that he loves her and long before that moment, and maybe nothing of that would have happened; and explain WHAT Mike? There shouldn't be anything to explain, Mike loves El and tells him so or he doesn't (at least not romantically). Especially since in episode 4 he says “if I would’ve said that thing” so he KNOWS basically what he should have said.

Then Will continues by saying “Sometimes I think it’s just scary to open up like that.” he mainly talks about himself and his feelings for Mike but he adds “Because, what if... what if they don’t like the truth?” and Mike nods at that exact moment, meaning he agrees with that sentence. Except that if Mike tells El he loves her, El would be happy so why wouldn't she like it? What I mean is that the only truth Mike could tell about his feelings that El wouldn't like is that he doesn't like her (and maybe he loves someone else, you know what I mean?)

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2 years ago

When Mike arrives in California Will is happy and wants to hug him but Mike is distant. A lot of people said it was because he realized that he missed Will a little too much and that he feels a little more than friendship for him, that's why he doesn't get too close to him and is embarrassed. But what if it was also because he was jealous and hurt? At the beginning of the previous episode, El writes to Mike “Will is painting a lot” “Maybe it is for a girl? I think there is someone he likes” and Mike is not at all ok with that, especially when he sees that Will took his painting with him. That's why he has a hard time getting in touch (literally and why he rarely speaks to her while he's gone) with Will.

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2 years ago

In the van Will says “We could just play D&D and Nintendo for the rest of our lives.” And Mike answers “Yeah. Totally.” smiling, and even if he looks depressed I don't know if you realize it, but there is still a remarkable development: in season 3 he said "we're not kids anymore. I mean, what did you think, really? We were just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?” He wasn't for it at all and was hurtful, whereas now he's ok with it and HE SMILES and we keep seeing him smile even when the focus isn't on him, look, I'm not lying !

In The Van Will Says We Could Just Play D&D And Nintendo For The Rest Of Our Lives. And Mike Answers
In The Van Will Says We Could Just Play D&D And Nintendo For The Rest Of Our Lives. And Mike Answers
In The Van Will Says We Could Just Play D&D And Nintendo For The Rest Of Our Lives. And Mike Answers

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2 years ago

So the "I hate who I am" proves that we are actually in Will's pov from the beginning and no doubt that the script of the last episode will prove to us that the change of pov is done at the end of it- here, to announce that Mike's thoughts will be more front and center in season 5 because, you know, Mike has everything in his hands, Will is going to be in danger again and Mike is the only one who can realize that is HE who must to save him.

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2 years ago

They are the same. And if Mike is the same as Will that means Mike loves Will, right? Both would like to grow up but they can't, they are afraid.

"Growing. Changing. And I guess... If I’m being really honest, that’s what scared me."

They Are The Same. And If Mike Is The Same As Will That Means Mike Loves Will, Right? Both Would Like
They Are The Same. And If Mike Is The Same As Will That Means Mike Loves Will, Right? Both Would Like

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2 years ago

Look at the light on their face (and around them) one side is blue, the other side is yellow.

"When blue meets yellow in the west"

Need I remind that they are for the first time together in the west?

(oh and their clothes are also almost entirely blue and yellow)

Look At The Light On Their Face (and Around Them) One Side Is Blue, The Other Side Is Yellow.
Look At The Light On Their Face (and Around Them) One Side Is Blue, The Other Side Is Yellow.

Then, remember the previous scene: Mike says "I asked for vomit green and I got vomit green" and looking at Will "Isn't that awesome?"

Blue and yellow make green.

Do I need to explain more?

Look At The Light On Their Face (and Around Them) One Side Is Blue, The Other Side Is Yellow.
Look At The Light On Their Face (and Around Them) One Side Is Blue, The Other Side Is Yellow.

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2 years ago

I was rewatching season 4 and noticed this: did you see that the arrow is yellow? And that Mike gets it on the forehead? Forehead ! (Mike is the heart and Will is the soul ofc (and Mike's soul maybe))

Oh and the arrow can also be a reference to Cupid, you know?

I Was Rewatching Season 4 And Noticed This: Did You See That The Arrow Is Yellow? And That Mike Gets

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1 year ago

Sooo I was still watching the van scene when I noticed THIS thing I've never seen before...

and it really scares me😶

Do you also see the eyes up there??

Sooo I Was Still Watching The Van Scene When I Noticed THIS Thing I've Never Seen Before...
Sooo I Was Still Watching The Van Scene When I Noticed THIS Thing I've Never Seen Before...
Sooo I Was Still Watching The Van Scene When I Noticed THIS Thing I've Never Seen Before...


Sooo I Was Still Watching The Van Scene When I Noticed THIS Thing I've Never Seen Before...
Sooo I Was Still Watching The Van Scene When I Noticed THIS Thing I've Never Seen Before...
Sooo I Was Still Watching The Van Scene When I Noticed THIS Thing I've Never Seen Before...

I’m going crazy.

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8 months ago

i’m rewatching stranger things and wondering why they would electrocute henry in a room right next to the room eleven was in? was that on purpose? did they want her to see?

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2 years ago

I can`t believe that I had to go through this eddie-was-left-behind-when-he-could-have-been-saved trauma again eddie kaspbrak, eddie munson, come on, boys, we`re leaving because you deserved so much better 

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2 years ago

Steve would absolutely lose to a child lmao

ineffablejackass - ☆𝖂𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊☆

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2 years ago

Steve “I will forcefully take care of you” Harrington + Eddie “I have no concept of healthy care habits” Munson

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