lauriscrafty - Laur is Crafty
Laur is Crafty

Hi! When I'm very bored, I have a tendency to take on impractical projects. I'm bored relatively often. …Wanna see the pics? Current Project: Cooking Dairy Free Recipes Pending Project: Decorate My Bedroom

84 posts

24 Of 365

24 Of 365

24 of 365

Went around today, picking up a few essentials for my next project. Forgot the eggs, so I won't be able to start until some time tomorrow evening, which means I probably won't be finished until Wednesday. If the recipe is good, I'll pass it on.

More Posts from Lauriscrafty

14 years ago
40 Of 365

40 of 365

Figured some shit out half way through the making of today's video. Was going to reshoot the entire thing, but I ended up going to a student art show at the library, then I got distracted by the TV... now it's late and I'm tired and the redo will have to wait for tomorrow.

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14 years ago
35 Of 365

35 of 365

Was desperately bored and restless tonight. In frustration I grabbed the D50 and the new tripod, then headed over to the community pool. I spent just over an hour there, from 9:28 to 10:37, and took over 50 photos. Started the evening listening to Molly Zenobia, but it really got going when I switched to Neutral Milk Hotel. Can I mention again how much I love night-shots?

Had trouble deciding on a photo, so I picked one of my favorites, and put the rest in a photo set on flickr. Most of the +50 pictures were crap, but there are 13 or so I like.

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13 years ago
44 Of 365

44 of 365

Tonight's dessert: Lavender Mint Ice Cream with Earl Grey & Lavender Cream Drop Scones. I don't think I really care for either recipe very much. Certainly not enough to share. If I attempt either again and it comes out better, I'll share then.

The reason I don't like the ice cream is because it's rather lumpy. My folks have convinced me that I tempered the eggs correctly, so I think it's just fat from the cream? Either way, I don't like the residue it leaves on the spoon. And the scones are just... weird. I've never made drop scones without butter before, and I had to add an extra cup of flour to make the batter thick enough. Like I said, weird.

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14 years ago

37 of 365

I just want to acknowledge first that, yes, this does suck. If I were to do it again, I would do quite a few things differently. BUT! I had fun doing it and I think I will do more of them. Next time, obviously, no flash... I almost went back and started over again when I saw how icky the lighting was, but I wanted to just go through with it as quickly as possible, before I lost my nerve.

Another one inspired by Franky from Skins. The song starting to play is "The Taming of the Hands That Came Back to Life" by Sunset Rubdown

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14 years ago
39 Of 365

39 of 365

Great evening. Had fried catfish and fried okra at Scruby's, followed that up with a green tea frappacino, and finished with Glee-WhiteCollar-RoyalPains on TV. Austen was acting crazy hyper while we were watching TV, but so was I, so we were able to take it out on each other. He eventually passed out on a pillow... I'm still kinda wired.

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