lauriscrafty - Laur is Crafty
Laur is Crafty

Hi! When I'm very bored, I have a tendency to take on impractical projects. I'm bored relatively often. …Wanna see the pics? Current Project: Cooking Dairy Free Recipes Pending Project: Decorate My Bedroom

84 posts

46 Of 365

46 Of 365

46 of 365

At the library, updating Tumblr... yeah. Let me show you my dedication to this project!

No, honestly, it's more my addiction to the internet. I was getting legitimately twitchy and irritable without it. Spent the entire day watching Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, snapping at the dog, and eating leftover scones and ice cream. Those scones and ice cream turned out pretty great, looking back. Totally re-doable.

The library closes in an hour and ten minutes, I need to go make the most of that.

More Posts from Lauriscrafty

13 years ago
51 Of 365

51 of 365

Austen got an extreme makeover! He looks hilarious, and so much smaller. Scrawny like some kind of rat, it's amazing. All day I just kept looking at him and cracking up.

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13 years ago
Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare Of Moloch! Moloch The Loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch The Heavy Judger Of Men!

 Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men!

I've been obsessed with this one photographer lately, and decided to reread the story that got me into him in the first place. It also happens to be the story that once had me listening to Howl on repeat for a week. It's not even a very good story? But I love what it's left me with.

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13 years ago

I have fallen in love with my sister's charmingly strange little apartment, and had to document it's absurdity.

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13 years ago

59 of 365

It seems I'm slightly obsessed with this window and this tree. One day, I'm going to miss it terribly.

School starts tomorrow, I'm feeling pretty tense about it. Did absolutely nothing to prep today, but last night I cleaned my bird's cage, so at least there's that done. Wish me luck, Universe.

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13 years ago
48 Of 365

48 of 365

Whenever I pull out my 100 Shadow Palette, I feel like some kind of artiste.

Had a meeting with school today, so I put on makeup for the first time in... a while, I don't even know. Probably since my friend Jim moved to Orlando.

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