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This is as adorable as funny. Loved it!!!
I’ll protect you
Alive!Luke Patterson x Reader

Request by @dylanstilinskiposts: Hi there! Are your requests open? If so, would you be interested in one that’s Luke Patterson x reader, but also features reader platonically with the whole gang where they’re at a party and reader gets super drunk or something and basically everyone has to take care of her or thinks she’s hilarious?? Basically I’m a simp for protective Luke and the friendship between the whole gang 😂
A/N: Hahaha it’s 3 am😂 Let me know what you think please! I had fun with this and I wish I made it longer, but I don’t have any energy/ideas lmao😂 If you catch any mistakes, no you didn’t.
WC: 1.5K
WARNINGS: Underage drinking
“Y/N, get off the table!” Luke’s head snapped around at the sound of Alex yelling over the music, followed by a mess of what he immediately recognized as your giggles. He cursed to himself as he stepped from Julie to find you, standing on top of the table with a drink in your hand and lip-synching to a song that was playing full blast. “Y/N!” Alex shouted again before he saw Luke making his way over rather quickly. “Thank god.” Alex mumbled and relaxed a little, knowing you would listen to Luke. Hopefully.
“Hey Y/N! How about we get you down from there?” Luke said carefully.
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These three own my heart. Just saying.

No me pasa😭
This is truly a blessing of a fanfic, can’t wait to read more!!
@ Charlie | Charlie Gillespie
A/N: I dedicate this fic to the wonderful @jatpsmut who listened to my ideas and really supported me throughout the writing process! Thank you so much for all the help, I probably wouldn’t have posted this fic without your encouragement!! 💕💕
(and @ Charlie if you see this, please send her a birthday message on 17 March! 😉)
This one is a bit shorter than my other fics because I’m busy at work at the moment but I might write a second part if I find the time/inspiration (I already have a vague idea for it). Hope you enjoy this one! :)
Pairing: Charlie x fem!reader
Word count: 2,110
Warnings: probably some typos because I’m tired and can’t concentrate while I’m proofreading this rn 🙈
Summary: Y/N writes JATP fanfiction and decides to leave little notes to Charlie at the end of her fics but she doesn’t expect anything to happen. To her surprise, she suddenly starts receiving replies to her notes and it turns out that it’s Charlie.

Y/N Y/L/N had never really been involved in a fandom until she had watched Julie and the Phantoms. She’d also never really written fanfiction before and she had never even considered messaging a famous person. But something about Julie and the Phantoms had been different. Somehow the show had felt special, so she had made a tumblr account and soon she’d been sucked into a world of fan theories, crazy discourses, and writing stories about the show’s characters. She enjoyed reblogging things on her blog, coming up with stories about her favourite characters and talking to the friends she made along the way but she never expected anyone from the cast and crew of the show to ever find out about her blog or her fics. She was just having fun without a care in the world. When she saw a video in which Charlie mentioned that he thought Julie and the Phantoms fans wrote really well, an idea formed in her mind but little did she know, that this idea would turn her life upside down.
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ALL I WANT - L. Patterson

Pairings: Alive!Luke Patterson x Alive!Reader
Summary: After a whole year together, the last thing Luke expected to come out fo your mouth were those three little words that had the power to change everything in your relationship.
Song: All I Want by Olivia Rodrigo
“Lu...Luk... LUKE!”
The green-eyed boy is snapped out of his daze as Julie, his newly added bandmate, snaps her fingers in front of his face. Soon, the talented singer following your gaze to see Y/N.
It had been two months since you both had broken up, but apparently Luke hadn’t realized it had been an actual breakup until he saw you under the arms of Lacross star player, Ian Lancaster.
Nobody had known how the two of them had happened, but Y/N and Ian seemed really happy as you talked in the school’s hallway oblivious to the hurt look on Luke’s face.
“Luke, you can’t blame her for moving on” Julie whispers softly, “You didn’t see her when you and the guys left to find your sound. She was heartbroken”
The beanie-head boy stares at her friend with hurt on his green eyes before looking once again at his, apparently, ex-girlfriend.
Y/N laughed at something the lacrosse player said before grabbing his hand to pull him with her down the hallway.
What had he done?
Both Luke and you were laying on the boy’s bed cuddling as he talked to you about the plans the band and him were making. After the unexpected leaving of Bobby from Sunset Curve, the three best friends were finding it hard to work again so they were adamant about finding their sound again.
Yet they knew something was missing.
“What about Julie?”
Your words have Luke looking at you in confusion as you mention your best friend.
“What about her?”
“What about her? She can sing like an angel!” she exclaims with a smile, “I feel she would be perfect, you should think about it”
The boy looks at you weirdly before nodding with a sigh, he was willing to try anything as long as the band didn’t break up. He wasn’t ready to give up on his dream yet.
As the conversation about the band is over, Y/N turns on Luke’s computer to look for a musical on Netflix. Luke groaning as soon as he sees you click on High School Musical, him being a fan of music didn’t mean he was a fan of musicals.
But you loved them so he watched contently, not without groaning jokingly every time.
You’re halfway through the movie when Y/N pauses it turning unexpectely to the brunette making him stare at you in confusion. Before the boy can question what happened, Y/N blurts out three little words without thinking.
“I love you”
Luke finds himself staring at you from across the class you both share, his gaze staring intently at you as you write in your red-leather notebook. That notebook that you never let anyone but him read, your songbook.
Feeling his gaze on you, Y/N turns towards you with a frown on her face. Neither tearing off their gaze from one another. Y/N feeling her on-the-way healing heart break a little as she sees the green eyes she hasn’t been able to forget.
Nevertheless, you weren’t about to let him pull you back to him. Not after what he had done. Though you did want an explanation, you weren’t sure you were ready to hear it.
Still, as you stared at him you couldn’t help but wish he’d just been able to handle the situation differently.
Y/N stared with wide eyes at Luke as he paced around his room anxiously. As soon as you had uttered those three words the boy had leaped off of his bed and had started pacing.
His eyes were wide with confusion and fear as he stared at you from his nervous walking. You didn’t dare utter another word afraid to say something that would make him run out of the room.
Finally stopping his facing, Luke faces you once again looking at you with an unreadable look on his face. The words he lets out are enough to break you apart.
“We need to break up”
The ringing of the bell is enough to snap you out of your daze, making you rapidly pick up your stuff to get out of the room where Ian awaits you with a big smile.
You feel the relief flood through you as he grounds you once again. Ian is the one person who had made you see your true potential in the music industry after he heard you sing while also being the only one that had been able to ground you back to the real world and step back up, leaving Luke behind.
You both had started seeing each other after Luke had fleed Los Angeles with Reggie and Alex to find their sound again, leaving you behind without even a goodbye.
Ian had met you when you both had bumped into one another as you skated alongside Willie -Alex’s boyfriend and a good friend of yours- at the skating rink. Neither of you expected to become friends and much less something else since he was a senior like Luke and you were a junior.
But you had been surprised as he asked you out, happily accepting and allowing him to hold your hand as you got out of the dark place Luke had left you in.
Seeing him waiting for you out of your class brought a smile to your face as you ran to hug him, ignorant to Luke’s sad stare at your back.
With a sigh, the Patterson boy heads to the cafeteria going straight to sit with his bandmates as soon as he gets his food. Julie, Reggie, Alex, and Flynn already there chatting happily with one another.
“Hey Luke” says Reggie happily.
The boy is about to reply when the bassist cuts him off, “Y/N!”
Everyone turns to stare at the h/c beauty that enters the cafeteria with Ian’s arm around her shoulder. Her e/c eyes find Reggie’s and a small soon breaks out of her face, her feet soon carrying her to the table they reside.
Ian stares at you in confusion as he sees you get out of his grip and run towards the table her former boyfriend sits at.
“Reggie” you say happily before smiling at everyone else at the table “Hi guys”
All of them greet you excitedly, Luke smiling happily your way hoping you’d stay there with you like the old time. Maybe that way he could fix what he had broken.
Julie was about to invite you to sit down when Ian appears by your side leaving a sweet kiss on your cheek, erasing Luke’s smile completely. Flynn and Julie turn to one another sharing a worried glance before staring at Luke, Alex and Reggie already looking at their friend in worry.
Said boy, though, keeps his gaze on his food. His hands resting on either side of his tray gripping it tightly to stop himself from lashing out, knowing he had no right to do anything.
As soon as you left Luke’s house, the boy had run out of his house running towards Reggie’s house after shooting a quick text to the band’s group chat asking to meet there.
Both Alex and Reggie are waiting for him when he comes running through the door with tears running down his red cheeks. His best friends jumping out of their sits to go to his side in worry.
“Luke” calls Reggie out softly “What happened?”
That is all it takes for the boy to break down, falling to the floor as sobs wreck through his body. The events that had just happened finally catching up to him, letting him know the gravity of them.
“Luke. buddy, you’re scaring us” states Alex with wide eyes, “What happened?”
The boy sobs louder, Y/N’s words repeating over and over in his head and the ones he blurted out in his panic state. How could he have said that to you? He had meant to say it back.
“I meant to say it” he whispers “I-I meant say i-it back. I me-meant to say it”
Alex and Reggie share a worried glance before hugging Luke from each of his sides making sure the boy knows he’s not alone.
Sometime later the boy would finally calm down enough to explain softly how he had broken the best thing he had ever had. Both reassuring him that he just needed to talk to you.
But he didn’t.
Instead that night, the three of them started planning their plans to head out to look for their band’s missing sound. Not knowing how different things would be once they came back.
“Should we go eat, babe?”
You stare at your best friends with doubt, wanting more than anything to sit down with them and catch up, but as you stare at the way Luke grips his tray and avoids your gaze you know it is better if you don’t.
“Yeah... Sure, let’s go” you smile at your friends “See you later, guys”
Walking towards the table where all the Dirty Candy members and the Lacrosse team players sit at, you can’t help but turn once again to stare longingly at the table where the best people you had ever met sat.
Although, as you and Carrie talked about the new song you were writing happily you couldn’t help but think that not everything was so bad.
“You should definitely sign up for the talent show” Carrie mentions with a sweet smile “Your voice is amazing, people should definitely hear it”
The strawberry blonde shows you the pamphlet with the information and you can’t help but stared at it in wonder. Were you ready to sing in front of a crowd about your most vulnerable feelings?
You give the pamphlet back to the leader to Dirty Candy with a small smile, “I haven’t even finished the song”
Julie opened the door to find you crying on her porch, she barely had time lo look at you before you jumped into her arms. Sobs coming out of your small figure.
Confused, the hispanic girl hugs you back trying to soothe you. She grows more worried with every sob and she can’t help but wonder what happened, the last message you had sent her was before you left your home to go to Luke’s house.
“Y/N/N, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”
You sob louder, “H-he brok-broke up wi-with me”
That’s all Julie needed to hear to pull you up to her room and call Flynn. Both girls staying by your side all night watching sad movies and cursing Luke when you couldn’t hear them.
The latina nearly going over to knock some sense into him when two months later, just before school started, Luke sent her a text inviting her to join the band. Only agreeing once Y/N basically begged her to and once the boys agreed it was her band now.
Though it was pretty obvious after the first band practice that the brunette boy wasn’t over you, asking Julie about you every chance he got. Julie’s weak romantic heart giving in to his puppy-eye look and finding it in herself forgiving him for hurting you.
And, low key, wanting you both to talk it out and fix it.
Though after you told her happily about Ian it was obvious it was not happening, and even though she tried the hispanic didn’t feel like that was the right thing. But she was happy as long as you were happy.
You stared in disbelief at the scene in front of you. Ian repeating the same words he had once said to you to another girl at the skating rink. You were pretty sure he hadn’t seen you yet, but that didn’t stop you from waking over to him and landing a good punch to his nose.
Both of you groaning in pain after the collision, your e/c eyes staring at your red looking hand with a grimace.
“We’re done” You spat through gritted teeth before turning around to go back home.
The tears making an appearance as soon as you know you’re far enough. How could this be happening again? Ian had been so perfect, yet turned out to be nothing but a liar. And Luke? He had left you as soon as you had figured out the depth of your feelings.
All you wanted was love, real love that lasted, why couldn’t you find a good guy? Was something wrong with you that every time you thought you had it, it left?
Why couldn’t everything just be like those musicals you loved were the perfect boy came to you?
You arrive home muttering a weak greeting to your family before going to lock yourself up in your room, instantly being met by the hundreds of photos of you and Luke that you still hadn’t been able to take off your walls.
With a sigh, you throw yourself to your bed, tired to keep on crying for the heartbreak you were once again feeling.
Your gaze finds your red-leather songbook, sighing before grabbing it and sitting up. Opening the notebook on the recent son you were writing you head to your keyboard, sitting down ready to blurt out your feelings.
Julie, Flynn, and Carrie stood by your sides at the talent show with excited smiles adorning their beautiful faces. Neither could believe you were actually about to sing.
Dirty Candy and Julie and the Phantoms already having performed meant the girls were glued to your sides waiting anxiously for your turn to get on stage.
You turn your stare towards the crowd, instantly finding Luke and the boys looking at the ongoing acts. Your nerves coming back as soon as you realized you were next.
“I can’t” you whisper “I can’t do this, not with everyone watching. Not with him watching”
Your three friends instantly catch up to what you mean, Julie taking her job as your best friend and putting her hands over your shoulders as she stared at you with determination in her brown eyes.
“Yes, you can. This is for you, not for either of them” She reminds you “You. Can. Do. This”
Your gaze finds your other two friends who look at you with beaming smiles, giving you the confidence you need to get on stage as soon as your name is called.
You see the grand piano in the middle of the stage and walk slowly towards it, everyone’s eyes glued to your figure.
Two more classmates join you, one with a violin and another with a cello, but they stayed out of the main view making it known that this was your presentation. With a nervous breath, your hands graze the piano keys before looking towards the crowd.
Your gaze catches Ian’s frown and Luke’s confused yet happy smile.
Closing your eyes you let Julie’s words rang through your ears. This was your moment, this was for you.
Your fingers starts playing the chord for the intro, your eyes finding Ian’s as you starts singing the first verse. Memories of his time with you coming to your mind as you wonder if any of it was actually real.
“I found a guy, told me I was a star He held the door held my hand in the dark And he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face Does he think that I'm the kinda girl who needs to be saved”
With hesitation, your e/c find Luke’s green eyes. He looking at you in awe as you sing your heart out. Singing everything you’ve been feeling since the moment he left you.
“And there's one more boy, he's from my past We fell in love but it didn't last 'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway And I say that I'm through but this song's still for you”
The tears threaten to fall down your face as all your insecurities come crushing back. Memories of all the nights after Luke left that you spent in your bed crying youself to sleep wondering why you hadn’t been enough for him.
“All I want is love that lasts Is all I want too much to ask Is it something wrong with me All I want is a good guy Are my expectations far too high Try my best but what can I say All I have is myself at the end of the day But shouldn't that be enough for me Ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh”
Tears start falling down your cheeks as you let yourself be vulnerable. Your feelings out in the open for everyone to see as you crave for a love that’ll finally not hurt you.
“And I miss the days When I was young and naive I thought the perfect guy would come and find me Now happy ever after it don't come so easily”
Your voice grows stronger as you come back to the chorus, your eyes finding your friends’ in the crowds, all staring at you with proud smiles.
Luke, though, he is amazed by you. By your talent and your passion. Just when he thought you couldn’t be more perfect there you were proving him wrong.
Sadly, the fact that you were in so much pain -thanks to him- made his eyes fill up with tears. Falling before he can realize he is crying.
“All I want is love that lasts Is all I want too much to ask Is it something wrong with me, oh All I want is a good guy Are my expectations far too high Try my best but what can I say”
Your voice becomes softer as does your playing, the outro of the song being played by just you, the voilin and the cello falling silent as you finished the song.
“All I have is myself at the end of the day And all I want is for that to be okay”
Your gaze catches Luke throught the standing ovation, both with your eyes filled with tears, before you take a bow and proceed to get off the stage feeling yourself unable to breathe if you stayed there longer.
You had done it, the weight off your shoulder finally being lifted as you let everything you had bottled up down.
A smile crepts up your face as tears of relief fall once again down your face.
It was over.

I’m currently writing a Luke Patterson x Reader One Shot about soulmates, but I was wondering if you guys had any requests for one shots that you’d like :)
I’m new to Tumblr so I don’t know how much of it works, but if you have any requests just be sure to let me know. It can be any Julie and the Phantoms (cast or character) x Reader you may have.
Ghost Out! :)