Lawful Good. Geek. Multifandom. Movies, TV shows and Games. I've written some fanfiction, feedback is appreciated!
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No Place For Promises

no place for promises
chapter 24: hell to the liars
Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3
“Look at him,” Isaac chuckles, nodding in the direction of Brett, “someone’s not used to getting punished.”
Stiles looks up from the unacknowledged text messages he sent Lydia hours ago. His stomach contorts painfully when all the possible reasons for the lack of an answer wash over him at once - she’s hurt, she’s in danger, she lost her phone, she doesn’t care - and cranes his neck.
Brett slams the coffee pot on the counter and turns around with a scowl. Not used to being punished is an understatement. The guy acts as if he’s never been grounded for a minute in his life. Which he probably hasn’t. Stiles can’t imagine Satomi is the type of woman who goes for this type of punishment. She probably resorts to a very long conversation during which she tells you what you did wrong and why what you did was wrong. Stiles isn’t a hundred percent sure if it worked on Brett. Still, he knows he’d be all over the place if his dad hadn’t occasionally sent him to his room or given him a ban on watching TV or playing video games.
He glances at the bedroom door. Jordan might be sleeping, but since he can still hear the sounds of a movie, they can’t be a hundred percent sure, and nobody wants to risk getting caught sneaking out. Not even Theo and Brett.
“I didn’t even want to be at that stupid party.”
Stiles’ gaze jumps towards the couch, where Theo flips through the pages of a police report, his most obnoxious chimera all but sitting on his lap. No matter how much he enjoys that Tracy has to suffer just as much as they do, seeing her glued to Theo’s side grinds his gears. It shouldn’t, and he knows as much, but her mere existence makes him want to break something. Everything has gotten worse after that stupid not-kiss. Yes, their mouths touched, but Stiles didn’t reciprocate, so it wasn’t a kiss. It needs two to kiss.
“Y’know,” Isaac whispers, snapping his fingers in front of his face, “I’d be careful with that glare if you don’t want her to spontaneously combust.”
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Stiles: Danny Mahealani? More like Danny Phantom.
Stiles: ‘Cause like, where the fuck did he go?
Theo: Every time I wake up next to Stiles, I think ‘yeah this is exactly where I’m supposed to be’.
I agree that they didn't have to explain everything to detail and could even leave somethings more as a mystery, but they didn't explain so much, a lot of information was left out not just about magic but also about werewolves, wich are the main supernatural creatures on the show. And to make matters worse there were so many retcons! They had an amazing premise, the mythology they used for the werewolves was something different from what we usually see, and they could have done so many cool things with that but it feels like they didn't know where to go with it after a while, specially after S2.
It's sad because the potential for an amazing story is right there, but a lot of it was let go to waste.
WAIT, stop, hold on… how do the wolfsbane and the spiral thingamajig magic work? Why is that a glamour? I’m very confused. Was that ever explained? Or is that just a thing that happened?