Lawful Good. Geek. Multifandom. Movies, TV shows and Games. I've written some fanfiction, feedback is appreciated!
785 posts
While Im Trying To Work Myself Up To Recording The Spark Stiles HC Podcast Episode, Feel Free To Share

While I’m trying to work myself up to recording the Spark Stiles HC Podcast Episode, feel free to share your own HC for us to discuss via ask/submission or have your question featured as part of this episode by submitting a voice message below.

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More Posts from Lawfulgeek

no place for promises
chapter 34: through the woods
Warnings: / (heed tags for further information)
You can read it on AO3
“Stiles,” Theo stops, staring at him. His eyes are wide, almost comically so, if not for the fact that panic thickens the air in the room, that Stiles feels as if something is about to rip him apart from the inside.
His hands shake as he wipes them frantically on his shirt. No. No, no, no, no. There is no mercury. There cannot be any mercury. He is not a chimera like the others are. He hasn’t been created through science. He has not been turned into a chimera like the others. This is — this shouldn’t be happening. This can’t —
Hot pain cuts through his head. He squeezes his eyes shut, pressing the balls of his hands against his temple. The magic lashes out again, hits him like a whip from the inside, threatening to break free.
His head feels as if it’s on fire.
More panic. His own. That of those around him.
“Stiles!” Theo’s voice snaps him back into the here and now. Something is wrong with the leylines, has been since earlier today - and now Stiles is paying the price, but he won’t be the only one. If he can’t control his magic any longer, if he cannot keep it locked up, people will get hurt. Theo will get hurt. Jackson. Scott. Everyone in his vicinity will be punished alongside him.
Punished for something they haven’t done.
He has to get away from Theo, yet the moment Stiles takes a step back, the world around him seems to unfreeze.
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Steo Day 2020 Collection

When we came up with the idea for SteoDay, we initially hoped that we could bring the Steo fandom together and a little bit of life back into the Steo Tag.
You more than delivered. We still can’t believe how many contributions you guys created for this event. You really knocked it out of the park!
We had 55 submissions from 19 different contributors!!!
Let it be known that June 29 will forever be Steo Day!!!
There are so many of you that we hadn’t gotten to know before this, and we think it’s brought us all a little bit closer. Us becoming a tighter community means only great things for Steo Fandom at large.
I want to thank @hisaribi and @msmischief101 , who run @steodiscord for partnering with us on this and welcoming us onto their server. We hope this has made everyone more comfortable in depending on their fellow Steos for encouragement and inspiration as we continue to create for Steo Fandom. Please encourage fellow Steo Fans to join the Discord as we continue to welcome new people into the fandom.
An extra big THANK YOU to our Official SteoDay Rebloggers, who showed love to every post.
@impractical-matters - @mercheswan - @colethewolf - @snaeken - @thisdiscontentedwinter
It was an honor to work with you all to put on this great event.
Special thanks to @scerek and @fytwolf , who made sure every single one of our contributors got the VIP treatment.
We want to thank each and every one of you. Everyone who contributed something and everyone who reblogged or liked the posts, thank you for making our first SteoDay such a blast! We couldn’t be happier, and we definitely couldn’t be more proud of this fandom. Working with you has been absolutely amazing, and we’d love to do it again in the future!
Thank you for making SteoDay as amazing as it was,
Your @steoevents Mods
@msmischief101 & @fandomslash

Little Red & The Wolf by: @impractical-matters
Winter Holiday by: @impractical-matters
Autumn Comfort by: @impractical-matters
Winter Comfort by: @impractical-matters
Steo Fuckboy & Gym Slut AU by: @fandomslash

Steo Karate AU by: @mercheswan
Wolf by Wolf by: @msmischief101
Steo Pride AU by: @fandomslash
Best Day by: @msmischief101
Bad Behaviour by: @msmischief101
Married at First Sight by: @snaeken
Kids Steo AU by: @sunel0
Nuclear Post Apocalypse Steo AU by: @sunel0
Art student!Stiles and model!Theo AU by: @sunel0
Medical!Steo AU by: @sunel0
Forest witch Stiles Steo AU by: @sunel0
Genie!Theo Steo AU by: @sunel0
The Mummy Steo AU by: @sunel0
The Fifth Element!Steo AU by: @sunel0
My contribution for Steo day by: @steoxthiles

My Little League Friend by: @mercheswan
Codename: Chimera and Void by: @mercheswan
The Chimera’s Emissary by: @mercheswan
He is mine! by: @mercheswan
What the hell are you wearing? by: @msmischief101
beautiful stranger by: @msmischief101 - [AO3 LINK]
Cold Summer by: @msmischief101
Steo human AU by: @sunel0
Human!Fem!Steo ballerina & skater girl AU by: @sunel0
First meeting through the years Steo AU by: @sunel0
Ghost!Steo AU by: @sunel0
In a meadow starred with flowers by: @tiniestawoo
Harry Potter Steo AU by: @whoishisaribi w/ @sunel0
The secrets that we keep by: @auriette

Broken by: @bundibird
Baggage Is More Entertaining Than You by: @colethewolf
Lies At First Sight by: @fandomslash
Regular Mission by: @lawfulgeek
The Accidental Wedding, or He Stole my Knight by: @notsalony
All of Our First Impressions by: @siberianthewriter
Love, Stiles by: @tamerofpickles
Hello, Goodbye by: @ultimate-fangirl34
Crime & Punishment by: @bundibird
The Night We Met by: @tabbytabbytabby

Steo Day Promo #4 by: @fandomslash
Steo Day Promo #2 by: @fandomslash
Steo Day Promo #3 by: @msmischief101
Steo Day Promo #1 by: @msmischief101

Shameless by: @fandomslash
New Movie by: @incorrectsteoquotes
Forever by: @fandomslash

Two Blue-Eyed Betas: Stiles & Theo by: @colethewolf
Stiles Stilinski and Theo Raeken - Teen Wolf by: @snaeken
Steo Royals by: @fandomslash

For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
Part II of a little social media AU: where Stiles goes to college and realizes that his summer fling from less then a week ago is on his floor on the dorms, gets bullied into partying by Jackson, and this time he’s just resigned to accept his fate.
Part I

Thanks @sunel0 for the aesthetic! 💖
So, 89 years later, I finally managed to finish the story. Sorry, it took me ages, nonnie. I hope you’re still around, and you’ll enjoy what I came up with.
The prompt was: “We’re in an abandoned lodge in the middle of nowhere. Sure, you’re totally right, nothing bad could ever happen here.”
As per usual, you can find my story on AO3 as well!
the final game
“A little heads-up,” Theo says, slamming the driver’s door shut, “if we get killed, I’ll break up with you.”
Stiles rolls his eyes. “We both know that’s a big fat fucking lie.” Slinging his backpack over his shoulders, he turns to the cabin he’s planning to inhabit for the weekend. “Being the possessive little shithead that you are, you’re probably already scheming how to lock me down for all eternity.” It looks smaller than it did on the website. It’s also in desperate need of a renovation. Or eight. Hopefully, the owner didn’t forget to put the key under the doormat. Because the other option was leaving the door unlocked for them, and although Stiles is ready to deal with a demon, he’s not ready to find himself face to face with a knife-wielding maniac at the back of beyond in the middle of the night. Theo might be supernatural but he’s a heavy sleeper. A couple of weeks ago, Stiles had to kick him five times until he finally got a response. Come to think of it, maybe he ignored him.
The car beeps, and Theo pushes his keys into the pocket of his jacket. “Not if you keep dragging me into bullshit like this for the rest of our lives.” As if he doesn’t enjoy their little trips. They both know Theo wouldn’t be here if he really didn’t want to. Sure, Stiles can be convincing, doesn’t mean Theo lets him get away with everything. He’s playing favourites, but he does draw a line.
A twig snaps underneath his right foot when Stiles marches towards the building. “Oh, come on. It looks charming.” He doesn’t know what’s worse - the door that’s not even going to keep the wind outside if that forecasted storm does come around or the amount of money he paid for the sad excuse of a cabin that’s probably held together by whatever supernatural entity has nothing better to do than terrorise humans.
“It’s haunted,” Theo announces, scowling down at the step creaking under his foot.
Stiles grins and makes an all-encompassing gesture towards the front door. “Nothing bad is going to happen.”
“We’re in an abandoned lodge in the middle of nowhere. Sure, you’re totally right, nothing bad could ever happen here.” Theo grabs his arm before Stiles gets even close to the door. What does he think is going to happen? He won’t be cursed just because he touches the fucking doorknob.
“You are the crown prince of theatrics.”
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The secrets that we keep

“I missed that.”
“What?” asked Stiles, turning the brittle page of the leather bound book he was holding.
“You reading to me.”“I- what? I wasn’t,” Stiles set the book aside, a steady heat creeping its way up his neck and ears, “not intentionally.”
“Find anything?” Theo, who was crouching in front of a dusty old bookshelf, pushed himself into a standing position before he gave Stiles another book.
“It’s the last one,” he said, looking tired around the eyes. They have been at the Hale vault for hours and still no success on finding any new information on what they were dealing with.
“You used to, read to me.”
“When? In a parallel universe I know nothing about?” Stiles frowned, wondering quietly if there was some supernatural gas leaking in this room. Because Theo was definitely hallucinating a different past.
“At the hospital-”
“We were never together at the hospital” Stiles index finger stopped moving over the page he was looking at and his eyes shifted quickly over to Theo.
“Not now. But as kids.” Theo kept on, taking a seat next to the pile of books Stiles had already looked into. He picked one and opened it on a random page, as if his body needed the physical reminder to stay in the present while his mind was clearly in the past. “I was stuck in hospital for- I actually don’t remember what,” he chuckled tiredly. “All I know is that I wandered the floors. It was night and I was bored and couldn’t sleep, and then I heard your voice. You were sitting on a hospital bed with a woman.” “Mom…” Stiles whispered as the scene played out right before his inner eye. “You were reading her the Prisoner of Askaban and I remember how jealous I was that you had the book and I didn’t.” “I’ve gotten it for my good grades. I was so happy to finally read it to her.” Stiles whispered now, eyes beginning to water a bit. “I came by every night just to hear you read it to her.” Theo paused and Stiles took this moment to look up from where his eyes had been locked on the book in front of him. “I never got to hear the end, though,” finished Theo, keeping his eyes fixed on his hands in front of him. “What happened?” Asked Stiles carefully. A single look from Theo was enough to know who had ended their nightly routine. Stiles swallowed the uneasy feeling that was settling in his stomach and reached out to the other. His fingers brushed over the soft fabric of his pink hoodie before his hand set on Theos shoulder in a firm but friendly grip.T
They both knew this wasn’t forgiveness or absolution, but it was something. A start. Maybe. “Let’s finish this,” Stiles said, when he pulled his hand back a few seconds later, “It’s getting late.” —- It was only a couple of days later when Theo stumbled into his apartment and straight into his bed; bloody clothes be damned. He had just saved everybody’s lives, he could care less about dirty sheets. And with the adrenalin leaving; his body began to hurt and throb in places he didn’t even know he took a beat. He was just about to doze off when he felt his phone vibrate against his thigh. He stayed still for a few seconds hoping the caller would just give up and let him sleep. He wasn’t in the mood for some pep talk about his “too risky behavior.” He saved the day, what else was there to talk about? But when his phone kept vibrating he couldn’t take it anymore. One quick look at the Caller ID made his heart skip a beat and his eyes roll at the same time. “Stiles?” he asked, feigning annoyance and hiding his surprise. “You saved my life, so shut up and listen. I don’t have all night and this book is long - ‘Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways.’ ” Theo shook his head in disbelief but smiled before he closed his eyes, trying his hardest not to fall asleep again. _____ Find me on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24728518