lawva-girl - Law's #5 supporter :D
Law's #5 supporter :D

24, intp, she/her, pro-palestine, one piece and apothecary diaries enjoyer

599 posts

Lawva-girl - Law's #5 Supporter :D - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago


Howling like crazy right now

perhaps…… kisses you 😳 and holds your hand 😳😳😳😳😳

I fear I need more …. The wolf inside me howls endlessly ….

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5 months ago

perhaps…… kisses you 😳 and holds your hand 😳😳😳😳😳

I fear I need more …. The wolf inside me howls endlessly ….

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5 months ago
5 months ago
Who Does This Guy Think He Is

who does this guy think he is

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5 months ago

found family but it's. me and my tumblr mutuals

5 months ago


“your hair is so pretty”

With a deep voice and she had septum I’m ending it


5 months ago


5 months ago

A new movie?? Focusing on Nami?? And we'll probably see her interacting with a little girl that wants to be just like her?? I'm OBSESSED already!!

A New Movie?? Focusing On Nami?? And We'll Probably See Her Interacting With A Little Girl That Wants

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5 months ago

I think everyone really needs to see this aki art.........

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5 months ago

me after my mutuals continue to be the best

Me After My Mutuals Continue To Be The Best

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5 months ago

happy fullmetal alchemist day and also mean girls day to all those who celebrate

Happy Fullmetal Alchemist Day And Also Mean Girls Day To All Those Who Celebrate
Happy Fullmetal Alchemist Day And Also Mean Girls Day To All Those Who Celebrate
5 months ago
Happy October 3rd!

Happy October 3rd!

This has been my destress doodle that I have been working to death for weeks

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5 months ago

i need to be put down wtf is wrong with me

5 months ago

Genuinely losing it today bc I might have gotten mono FROM MY ATUPID SISTERS STUPID ASS BOYFRIEND

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5 months ago

must a show be good? can it not exist just to change you irrevocably

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5 months ago

Portrait Photography headcanons

Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Law, Kid, Nami, Perona

total wc: 1600(ish)

Mainly fem reader, Its gender neutral in reality buuut i dislike the idea of men reading this.... (photography opinions let me know if you want to hear me yap about it)

Portrait Photography Headcanons


•as soon as he finds out ur a photographer he begs to see your work, if it’s printed he’ll prob ask for a copy (i just see him as a collector!)

• won’t ask you to take pics of him but one day he’s messing around on the deck of the sunny and ussop brings out water balloons

• seeing him slightly wet, and running around with no shirt on… motivated you.

• you take a couple shots and look, immediately realizing you need to print some!

• the photos show off his physique, not too big but definitely toned. His hair is wet and sticks to his head a little, plus he has a small sunburn coming on, giving him a natural blush. He’s sporting a cocky smile that only comes on when he’s being competitive, and he looks handsome enough to kill.

• zoro is interested in the print (i know what you are zoro) buuut luffy wants nothing to do with pictures of himself.


•HATES being on camera

• he will always be sleeping in any shots you get of him. Unfortunate but it is what it is

• he thinks you look great while taking photos though, and will watch you watch others.

• he admires the focus you have, but also loves to test it. Calling your name when he sees you take your final action before the shot, scaring you when you are looking through your viewfinder, covering the lens of your camera… he’ll mess with you endlessly

• everytime you catch him, you of course get mad and he just laughs (bring back zoro laughing) and walks away from you.

• but to get back at him, you snap a few photos of his back as he walks away..

• and wow does that man have a back, the muscles are so toned and big that you can see each one clearly through his shirt, dabs of sweat rest on his neck, where his tanned skin looks like it is glowing. Thankfully you used the right exposure to capture the details in his arms as well, with tiny scars dotting his skin like freckles. He’s looking to the side, with a beer bottle in hand. It’s just enough that you can see his profile, but not his entire face. The bottle is straight up in the sky as liquid is held in place (in the photo) against his lips… it’s definitely a picture you would keep just for you.

• zoro discovers a print and slices it 20 ways before discarding it into the sea. He doesn’t realize that you have more copies, and digital back ups :)


•he would def object to you taking any photo of him, arguing that you should be photographed instead

• silly boy abt seeing his pics

• ofc would love and support you

• would ask to be taught how to take pictures good so he could take them of you instead

• but he wouldn’t mind seeing like action shots of himself cooking

• hed prob be like “this is how you see me Cherie?” Jaw dropped maybe

• I think he might get an ego about it if zoro was in the room….

• once again they would be action shots of him cooking, closeups on his hands cutting things or seasoning meat perchance..

• he’d always look focused and his cigarette smoke would reaaaally set the mood of the collection I think

• the final photo (of like the session of collection of them) would HAVE to be the final plating of the dish.

• side note sanji would absolutely relate to you, creating things is human nature and (if you were a photographer) he would relate to that soooo much, taking things that exist already and making them more beautiful or enhanced and possibly an experience is something he understands I think….



•he would blush and shy away from the camera

• prob get angry as well

• he would always be behind you when the camera is out, like DEtermined to not be in any shots

• I think it comes from, perchance, a fear of being perceived? Like he feels like he doesn’t deserve to be around so he tries to avoid any proof of it maybe (pls kill me if you disagree)

• he would compliment your work very technically, for instance “you picked the perfect exposure for this shot” and whatnot

• I think he’d try to be objective about it all

• the vibe of photography for documentation rather than photography purely as an art form

• but I think he would show you the photos in his medical books, of like diseases and cells and bodies, and ask you what you thought

•kinda a means of learning about why you like photography, but also because it’s actually changing the way he thinks about even the most basic of pictures he sees

• obvi eventually you would sneak a couple of photos of him, while he would clean his figures or coins, whenever he was distracted pretty much

• the first time, you told him right away and asked if he wanted them to be deleted. But when he saw the faces you had captured his brain like clicked in place

• hed look focused, with a slight smile and soft ish eyes, his hair fell in the perfect way somehow and you truly thought he was the most handsome guy on the planet

• the photos would have an air of “crazy man surrounded by silly things” (pls ignore this if it sound crazy I have such a specific vision in my head)

• I think he wouldn’t react, at first, but later he’d look at them again and slowly understand how you saw him, and how it wasn’t a crime to just exist with the things and ppl he liked


•he would force you to take pictures of him.

• like genuinely force… he would touch up his own makeup, pick out a wardrobe, give you notes on the vibe and lighting he wanted, it would be a full week of work

• I just know he isn’t shy in any way and would keep copies hanging on the wall, they came out great so you would keep a smaller version in your wallet (hehe)

• he would Not let you take all of the credit (def would tell people it was all his idea)

• I think he’d try to sell them somewhere, but the price would be too high and no one would buy them

• at the end of the day he cherished them so much bc it was an excuse to hang out with you and flirt and stuff, not that he would need an excuse to do it

• he also would love to see you working the camera and any lighting apparatus, reminding him of you drooling over him while he would work on his stuff

• now he gets to drool over you :D


•the camera LOVES her

• in this fake world you took her bounty picture, and you and her made them into cards to sell (like you would for an idol or whatnot)

• she loves having intimate moments with you though, and those photos would NEVER see the outside of her room.

• they are kept under lock and key so none of the gross boys will see them, it’s just for you and Nami to love and appreciate eachother

• I think she would force you to let her take shots of you, with her being so beautiful it was easy for you to self deprecate, and she wanted to hear no more of it

• she would prove to you how beautiful you were, getting all the right angles and lighting

• seeing the pics she would take of you def would change ur mind about yourself, if Nami, BEAUTIFUL Nami could see you in that way how could you not?

• I think beyond that the two of you would take pics of the guys on the ship doing stupid stuff, like luffy hitting zoro on accident or something

• you two would share in those moments, glances, touches, laughter, you and Nami were meant to last


•she would love taking pics of you, with you, and you taking pics of her? She would love every bit of it

• she would get annoyed if you invited anyone else to the two of y’all’s sessions, even if she knew it was just friendly

• I think she would get jealous if you took pictures of other people, turning into her whiny mode if you did

• she would strive to be your muse, wearing creative outfits and doing her hair and makeup in fun and pretty ways to catch your attention

• ofc it would work everytime, and you would go running to her

• Perona always looked amazing in pictures (and she would LOVE when you include her ghosts) so you always wanted to take pics of her

• I think the relationship between you two would grow a bit like artist obsessed and muse… I feel like she’s kinda crazy and would like lowkey manipulate you into it? But I mean I believe reader is smart enough to be aware of it but choose to play into it

• she would show off to zoro and mihawk, something something “I have a relationship and you two aren’t even close to getting one” followed by her cute ass laugh

(THANK YOU SO MUCH @head-empty-just-ace YOU SAVED ME)

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5 months ago


lawva x law x mika when???

right now ! come over, hes asking for you

5 months ago
Help This Is Exactly The Mood Of My Last Four Brain Cells Right Now

help this is exactly the mood of my last four brain cells right now

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5 months ago
5 months ago