He/They/it Jackal/Bandersnatch I do art :) || Even in death I still server 💅✨
431 posts
They Are Indeed (x2)!

They are indeed (x2)!
Their custody battles mostly devolve into heavy weapons fueled screaming matches till dad Storvis’s New boy toy Inquisitor buddy comes to drag him away or the skits and Gali come to get CentipedeMech

Every arbites member who’s had to delegate their matches fears the time the emperor’s will calls upon them again to act as referee for the duo—
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( X )
Were you referring to Azriel? Probably. But Boltr is glad to have an ego boost

Is it a trap? Maybe. Does Az care? No.

Guess who’s out of ideas again so it’s time for more oc dumps

Mostly just me dicking around with AdMech design ideas this time around UwU—
C0c71 - (he/they/Any) Silly tech priest, idk lol— not much lore stuff for him tbh. The little guy just kind of vibing helping run his forge world with his ArchMagos and friends, let him live idk. Can you tell my inspo for them tee hee?

Can you tell I h8 drawing clothes? Let me show off their silly robot bodies
Az-M0D3u5 - (They/Them/Any) A snake themed heretek, I decided perhaps a Techpriest from a forgotten forge world, originally started near the sort of outskirts of its galaxy only to find it was much too unstable to be a viable forge world and thus abandoned. Most of the elites and those important got out fast leaving those who couldn’t scramble together as quickly if they had means to leave at all to fend for themselves.
Feeling abandoned by the Omnissiah and the closest thing to family they have ever known? They turn to forbidden teachings and seek to survive in the desolate wasteland of a planet they’re forced to call home. Using various xeno’s technologies to try their very hardest to stabilize their own little corner on this forgotten hellscape. They aren’t doing half bad tho!
Some inspirations for the imagination are definitely mad max meet fallout meet 40k (obvi) this barren wasteland filled with people chomping at the bit to use what little resources they have left to survive while blowing eachother to bits 🥰

8r-14n - (it/they) servitor? Weird, too human shaped. Not a fan. ServoSkull? Cute. Not cuddly enough tho— wel fear not!!!!! Has 8r-14n have the solution for you!!!!!! Brain in goop and become Pubby :)
Who made em? Fuck if I know. Why they a silly Pubby? Let them live, what are you? An Arbites? Stop questioning the silly fella so much!!!
Needless to say they’re just kind of- glorified ServoSkull built for extra murder cuddles 🥰

Since you guys seemed to love Mosh and Fret so much I decided to post a few doodles & some “human” forms for them :3
Messy first sketches!!! They’re so ugly 🥺🥰

Here’s mosh!

He’s got a thicker brick wall sort of build and is the older and taller of the brothers. He’s very hard core rocker so just spirit but got that glam rock aesthetic in his armor and some on his typical outerwear (not depicted). Lots of crazy jewelry and things with even crazier bright colors and patterns. It’s something the brothers share UwU
Next here we’ve got Fret!
He is a bit slimmer and shorter in build and Ig for lack of a better word is the space marine equivalent of a twink? Though this is only due to his shorter stature and slimmer build then most, compared to any average human he’s still about 7 feet tall and a brick wall of a man lol, he just isn’t as beefy as most of his brothers 🥰
Similarly to his brother he has a lot of brightly colored fashion choices (also not depicted) but has a good few more piercings then his big brother seeing as he’s got a few more lip piercings as well as a few more ear piercings then Mosh.

A really quick fun fact is that Mosh’s helmet has a tiger patter while Fret has a Cheetah pattern! Tho they also have the makeup styles of such too, I just have Fret’s on him currently in the doodle above ^^”


Fret also gets a heart motif a little with the helmet , not to mention they have mirrored shoulder pads/patterns/colors

Which OC has the strongest bite?
Probably C4n1d, baby is built to kill🥰, most of my other Admechs don’t have mouths, though outside of Admechs a few of my chaos ocs (who I haven’t really posted much about) probably compete pretty easily.
If I had to rank them it’d probably look a bit like this:
Big brother B (A Khorne beserker, and companion to my blood pact guardsman)

Fret & mosh ( Noise marine brothers)

Atreus (a commissar— he’s my little freak with his fangs and human flesh cravings—)

And I think Galileo. He’s got some pent up rage under all them niceties and commissar professionalism he wants to go ape shit
That’s just a bit loose and silly with em UwU
Mantis ArchMagos might compete with crushing strength tho— his raptorial legs aren’t a joke— same with Logis. Crunch force on that claw is scary, especially when it means they can crush tech priests like tin cans—
Summoned once more!
Yeah this tracks—

@m0rbidm1nk @krynnmeridia @v01d-c3rv1d43 if you’d all like to ofc :3
Tag game!!!
Do this quiz
And this picrew

And tag people(obviously)
@anartistwithamask @gummy-axolotl @shadowthegay @auseryoumayknow @copper-ichor @moonysfavoritetoast @alexthescaredenby @invaderxeya @fungal-boy-witch-yay @artists-void @hazbin-hotel-lucifer-simp @ka1-the-pr0ot @theautumnalcat