lees-chaotic-brain - lee's chaotic brain
lee's chaotic brain

18𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒊'𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒔

715 posts

Okay! Results Are In! After I Finish My Current Event Request Clingy Gojo Will Be Out, And Then You Dying

Okay! Results are in! After I finish my current event request clingy gojo will be out, and then you dying in shibuya while they watch will probably be out after Halloween, which is when my event ends. The links to my event masterlist and guide are below!

Event Masterlist | Event Guide

I'll probably get to all of these ideas at some point, I was just wondering if you guys have a preference or not?

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More Posts from Lees-chaotic-brain

1 year ago

I Love Spandex (Gojo Satoru x Reader)

You are a gymnast.

Note: This is completely self-indulgent bc i'm a gymnast and I wanted to write this. Sorry not sorry??

CW: Idk fluff and like him telling you he thinks you're hot, he a horny horny man, insecurities, kind of hurt/comfort??

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I Love Spandex (Gojo Satoru X Reader)

While your boyfriend Gojo knew you were a gymnast, you had never invited him to one of your competitions.

You loved how powerful and confident you felt in your sparkly leotard as you flipped and spun around the equipment. However, you were the slightest bit insecure.

Without a single soft feminine curve to speak of, you were slender, but every part of you was packed with muscle. From your rough calloused hands to your broad "man-shoulders," you felt that you resembled a man more than a woman in the way you were built.

And while Gojo saw you everyday, you were irrationally paranoid that if he saw you actually out on the equipment, and the way your muscles were made more prominent by the strain, he would become less attracted to you.

Alas, your nosy boyfriend had begged, and cajoled, and bribed you until you finally caved and allowed him to attend one of your competitions.

You had done well, winning bars and beam, and ending with a 38.5 all around. But the nerves you felt now, approaching your boyfriend, made the nerves you felt waiting to salute the judges seem insignificant.

Mustering up the courage, you walked up to him.

"Hey Sat-"


His eyes lit up as he bounded towards you.

"You were amazing! Oh my god why haven't you let me come to one of these things before?!

He picked you up and spun you around before setting you down and grabbing your hand. Confused, you let him drag you along, unsure of what he was doing.

Running to the nearest person, he wrapped his arm around your waist and began to loudly brag.

"See her? This is my girlfriend. My girlfriend. And she won! My girlfriend is the BEST."

Blinking up at him, you chuckled nervously and apologized to the poor lady.

"I'm so sorry about him, I honestly had no idea he was about to do that."

"Don't worry about it."

The older lady waved it off with a smile.

"He's just excited about his girlfriend. It's cute."

Blushing, you thanked her and dragged your boyfriend off by his arm into a corner.

"Babe, I would want to do this right now if I was dating me too, but your coach is right over there-"

"You aren't embarrassed of me?"

You blurt, unable to keep your insecurities hidden anymore.

Your boyfriend blinks owlishly at you.

"Embarrassed-what baby, no of course not."

He steps closer and grabs your hands.

"Why would you even think that?!

Shyly you tried tugging your hands from his, but he wouldn't let you.

"C'mon babe, talk to me here."

You averted your gaze.

"I-I don't know, you don't think that I'm unattractive?"


Your boyfriend looked at you in shock and horror.

"Why would you even think that?!"

His gaze darkened.

"Who do I need to kill?"

"No one I just, I mean look at me!"

You gestured at your body frustrated.

"What is this-"

He copied your gesture.

"Supposed to mean?"

"Don't make me spell it out!"

"No, please. Do spell it out for me. Why would you ever think I find you unattractive?"

"Satoru! Seriously! Have you never noticed that I'm built like a man? My hands are gross and calloused. I'm not delicate or curvy. I-"


You stop mid sentence, your mouth still open.

He sighs and pulls you into his chest.

"Babe. I wouldn't change a single thing about you. You are literally the sexiest person I have ever met. Well except for me of course."

"But my muscles and callouses-"

"Do you think my muscles and callouses make me unattractive?"

"Well no, but-"

"No buts."

You make a little sound of protest against his chest.

"Babe. Wanna know something I discovered about myself today?"


You mumble against his chest, starting to calm down a bit.

"I love spandex. Especially on you."

Startled you look up at him.


"You heard me. You have no idea how unbelievably hard I was watching you earlier. Like-"

"Satoru, what?"

"Like we are going to be busy tonight."

His eyes lit up like a little kids.

"Do you think that you could wear your leotard to bed tonight?!"

"Wait, you got turned on watching me compete? You weren't like grossed out?"

"Grossed out? Sweetheart I got blue balls from watching you. The way it hugs your ass, I mean GYAT-"


You smack his arm laughing.

"Alright. You've convinced me."

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you give him a quick kiss.

"Thanks for making me feel better."

"Of course babe."

He looks at you mischieviously.

"You can make it up to me tonight. In your leotard."

That's all! Thanks for reading! I'm taking requests rn so if anyone has any lmk!

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1 year ago

It's 🌗 Anon again! I just have a crack (neon) version for Yuji (pink) with #4! (After specific age, you feel a tug to your soulmate.)

Yuji lives in Sendai & Reader lives in Tokyo, so pull is soft.

But after Yuji moves to Tokyo (after eating a finger), the pull is harder. And annoying.

Sometimes when they're far+ but close-, they trip to their direction.

Other times, when they're relatively far- & close+, they either fall on the floor thanks to the force, or accidentally jump two steps forward thanks to the force.

One day, after tripping and nearly falling on their face, they go to the park to relax. But when locked eyes, they're literally thrown at each other and roll down the small hill. (Reader on top and Yuji at bottom after landing.)

P.s. Reader's a jujutsu manager in training, so they meet a lot now.

-🌗 Anon

oh i can already feel my brain running off the rails with this one. i changed the scenario in the ask a little bit, sorry. anyways, i'm literally cackling at my own writing rn. hope you find the half as amusing as i did.

Attractive (Yuji x Reader)

CW: crack fic like idk what i'm on, swearing, reader is a little unhinged like me, characters ages don't make sense just go with it

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It's Anon Again! I Just Have A Crack (neon) Version For Yuji (pink) With #4! (After Specific Age, You

When you discovered that you had a soulmate on your sixteenth birthday, you were thrilled. So thrilled in fact, that you didn't stop to think about the repercussions of your soulmate trait being fucking magnetism.

At first, it was fine. A gentle tugging sensation once or twice a day was hardly bothersome. If anything it was comforting.

But a couple weeks after your birthday your soulmate must have moved closer or something, because the once gentle tugs were now a violent force that sent you careening into everything and anything at random moments throughout the day.

After four months of that, it would be an understatement to say that you were sick of randomly being yanked into walls, shoved onto your face, or suddenly stumbling back.

Your friends all did their best to help you to find your soulmate, but seeing as they were jujutsu managers in training and isolated on a small separate part of Tokyo Jujutsu Tech campus, there wasn't much they could do.

You decided to let it be, trusting fate to eventually unite you with your soulmate.

At least that's what you told yourself.

And it would be a lot easier to be content with that if your soulmate wasn't a fucking lunatic.

For reasons unknown to you, your soulmate was constantly changing speeds and directions at a whirlwind pace.

If there was a decent amount of distance between you two, the force wasn't too strong so while you staggered around in different directions for a few minutes during his sporadic bouts of insanity.

But when he was close to you it was a whole different story.

His hyperactive monkey routine would toss you around like a rag doll, sending you careening into walls, ceilings, and any of your good-intending friends trying to catch you or slow you down.

After the twenty third time it happened in one week (yes you counted), you decided enough was enough. You were going to get back at him.

Informing your friends about your revenge plot, you grinned maniacally.

Finally. You were going to give him a taste of his own medicine.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Yuji Itadori had no idea what was going on. Ever since he moved to Tokyo, he had been feeling the tug of his soulmate trait, but it had never been this strong.

Even at it's worst, the force had never been enough to make him more than stumble a little in one direction or another.


Screeching like a banshee, he flailed, searching for anything to grab onto.

Woken by the noise, a half-asleep Fushiguro poked his head out into the hallway to see what was happening.


Yuji shrieked flying towards him.


Blinking, the sleepy raven haired boy rubbed his eyes again.

"It's too early for this."

He mumbled, retreating into his dorm again and closing the door behind him.



The loud sound informed the said traitor that the wall at the end of the hallway had successfully stopped Yuji's crazed flight.

Hopefully he didn't break the wall.

Fushiguro thought to himself as he climbed back into bed and closed his eyes.

That would be really annoying.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

A couple more months had passed since your impromptu revenge flight courtesy of your friends cursed technique, and it was time for you class to go meet up with the first year jujutsu students so you could be paired up.

You were so excited to meet the person you were going to be paired up with for the remainder of you high school career, that you didn't notice your soulmate bond going crazy, making you trip even more than usual as you walked to where the two classes had decided to meet.

No, you didn't notice it until you arrived and made eye contact with a certain pink haired boy.

Then the two of you were flying at each other like super-charged magnets, the force of your collision knocking the two of you to the side and down a little nearby hill.

Tumbling down the hill, the two of you screeched and yelped as you bounced over little dips, sharp stones, and each other.

When the two of you finally rolled to a stop, your soulmate lay sprawled on his back with you draped haphazardly over him.

After taking a couple of seconds to catch your breath, you realized the position you were in and rolled off, a slight blush tinting your cheeks.

Groaning, the pink-haired boy sat up next to you rubbing his neck.

You made eye contact and he beamed.

"Hi there soulmate! I'm Itadori Yuji! What's your name?"

You told him, still in a state of semi-shock.

"That's a pretty name!"

He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Say, I never imagined that my soulmate would be this attractive."

And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you met your soulmate and boyfriend.

All it took was months of comedically timed yanking from your bond, and one god-awful pun.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

i'm so sorry for how unhinged this got. if you made it this far, thank you for reading the ridiculous crack fic.

<3 Lee

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1 year ago

I'm actually dying

I'm Actually Dying

i cannot whoever noticed this deserves a medal im cackling

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1 year ago

Hi there! I love your gojo x reader stories so much! And I saw a post that your requests are opened or I assume. After the jjk leaks I've been having gojo brain rot and I was wondering if you could possibly make this idea into a story?

My idea was that the fem reader is absolutely TERRIFIED of thunderstorms after fighting a special grade spirit who used lighting and thunder. She has PTSD and is receiving help to get over the fear but it's so bad that she hides under tables, beds and in closets as she sobs. I think it would be a cute augst/comfort/fluff idea of having gojo hearing her yelling after a loud thunder only to find her room 'empty' but she is hiding in the closet or under the bed sheets trembling and silently sobbing. And he of course does what he do best and be a good boyfi and conforts his little cry baby!

If you don't wish to do this I completely understand! Keep up the good work! ❣️🫰

omg thank you so much! also, this idea is amazing! i love it so much!

Shelter From the Storm (Gojo x Astraphobic Reader)

CW: PTSD, mentions of death, mentions of therapy, phobias, panic attacks, fluff, gojo satoru is a good boyfriend

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Hi There! I Love Your Gojo X Reader Stories So Much! And I Saw A Post That Your Requests Are Opened Or

Stepping into your shared apartment, Gojo waited expectantly for you to come and greet him with his kiss. Instead a dark apartment welcomed him as rain pattered against the windows.


He called out, kicking off his shoes and entering.

"Where are you?"

He saw your shoes, bag, and uniform jacket when he came in so he knows you're home. The question is where.

As he turned and began walking down the hallway to your shared bedroom, there was a blinding flash of lightning, and a deafening clap of thunder that seemed to shake the small apartment.

But that wasn't what caught his attention.

No, what caught his attention was the muffled shriek of terror that accompanied the thunder.

Bursting into the bedroom, he scanned it, prepared for the worst.

But the room was empty.

That's strange, he could've sworn he heard you scream...

Another loud clap of thunder split the air.

A high pitched whimper emanated from beneath the bed.

Concerned, Gojo walked over to the edge of the bed, and crouched down, peering underneath it.

"Sweetheart? You down there?"


You stammer out, voice shaking.

"Yeah baby, it's me. Are you okay? What are you doing down there?"

He can see your shaking form, curled up in a ball under the bed and his heart aches.

"C'mon baby. Let's get you out from under there."

Reaching under the bed, he tried to pull you out but you curled in on yourself more, refusing to leave your sanctuary.

Sighing, he pulled his hand back.

"What's going on? What are you afraid of? What can I do to help? C'mon baby talk to me."


Your voice is hoarse from screaming, and Gojo feels a pang of guilt for not being home earlier.

"You're afraid of the thunder?"


You mumble, before jumping and yelping as there is another loud boom.

"Hey, hey hey hey,"

He soothes, scooching closer to the edge of the bed. He contemplates the narrow gap before deciding to go for it.

Unfortunately, your giant boyfriend could not wedge himself under the bed with you.

Annoyed, but not discouraged, he came up with the next best option.

"Stay here sweetheart, I'll be right back, okay?"

You give him a tiny nod, and that's all the confirmation he needs before sprinting around the apartment gathering all the pillows, blankets and stuffed animals he could find. For good measure he also found a couple flashlights, a pair of headphones, a few of your favorite snacks, and a huge weighted blanket you usually reserve for camping.

Rushing back into the bedroom, he dumped everything onto a pile next to the bed and got to work.

A couple short minutes later, your boyfriend has successfully constructed a blanket fort right next to the bed so you can crawl out from under it and straight into the fort without having to expose yourself.

Your boyfriend had outdone himself. It was a huge blanket fort, high enough for both of you to be able to sit up in, and wide enough for the two of you to curl up with plenty of space.

Squeezing in after you, Gojo set the snacks in the corner and turned on the flashlights after double checking that the weighted blanket stopped any flashes of lightning from entering your little abode.

Satisfied that it was sufficient, he turned his attention on you.

You were a wreck, still in your uniform pants and undershirt, with mascara running down your cheeks.

"Hey baby."

He said gently, opening his arms.

"Let me take care of you, please."

You nod against his chest.

He pulls back, making sure to keep an arm around you at all times, and starts making a mental priority list.

By the time he's done fussing over you, he's removed all your makeup, helped you into your favorite pajamas, set up the headphones with loud, comforting music, fed you a couple snacks, and is cuddling you.

Needless to say, you were still a little tense, but you fell asleep rather quickly in the safety of your boyfriend's arms.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

After you had fully calmed down the next morning, you sat down with your boyfriend feeling that you owed him an explanation.

He reassured you that you didn't, but you wanted to tell him, especially after how sweet and careful he was with you last night.

So over your cups of coffee, you tell him all about the special grade that used a cursed lightning technique appeared out of nowhere when you were in junior high. About how your older brother, who had been attending Tokyo Jujutsu High at the time tried to defend you.

Tears begin to stream down your face, grief and guilt still plaguing you all these years later. Moving around the table and wrapping you in his arms, Gojo gives you the time you need.

Continuing, you tell him about how help arrived, but it had been too late. About how they had to pry you off your brother's charred body, the residual smell of ozone filling the air. About the years of trauma and PTSD flashbacks that followed any bright flashes of light or loud noises.

You explain the consequential years of therapy that allowed you to watch fireworks again, and helped you to work through (some of) the guilt.

And finally, you give him your therapist's phone number, explaining that you still meet with them once a week, and that if you ever get too out of control during a storm you can call them and they should be able to talk you down from your panic attack.

Needless to say, your boyfriend was completely understanding. He spent the rest of the day reassuring you that he didn't love you any less because of it, and that he was going to stay by your side.

Later he researches PTSD and panic attacks, trying to learn more about them so that he knows what to to.

He reaches out to your therapist, and asks for advice, because his heart breaks when he thinks about what you went through, and wants your therapist to know that there is nothing he wouldn't do for you.

Finally, he sets up storm notifications on his phone, so the instant there is even the slightest chance of a storm he can drop everything and be by your side.

And it quickly becomes a tradition to build a blanket fort every time there is a storm. Even once you begin to overcome astraphobia, Satoru refuses to stop, needing you to know that he will always be there, your own personal shelter from the storm.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Thanks for requesting!! I had so much fun writing this! If anyone has any other requests send them in! Also feel free to invade my ask box. I don't mind. Anyways, I hope this was what you were looking for!

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1 year ago

Bakugo, K. With fluff (maroon) and #4 gravitating towards your soulmate at a certain age

oh I love this!!!! i'm sorry, I might have added a little bit of hurt/comfort. i couldn't help myself.

It Was Always You (Bakugou x Reader)

CW: swearing, you don't take care of yourself so Bakugou does, slight spoilers, not entirely canonically accurate

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Bakugo, K. With Fluff (maroon) And #4 Gravitating Towards Your Soulmate At A Certain Age

While you were as excited to meet your soulmate as any other person your age, you weren't eagerly counting down the days to your eighteenth birthday like other kids.

No. While the war had finally ended, it was hard for you to adjust back to normal life after spending the last two years fighting for your life, as well as the lives of your friends and innocent civilians.

But, transition you must, seeing as the war was over and it was time for you to resume your normal life.

Well, as normal as it got for hero course students.

All of Class 1-A had been given an extensive break to recover physically, and to begin to cope with the mental scars they all bore.

You had always been a bit of a loner, caring deeply about all your classmates and treasuring the friendships you had built without ever becoming close with any of them.

So naturally, while everyone else sought support from the others that they had forged unbreakable bonds with, you withdrew into yourself, always ready to be there if anyone needed it, but never going to anyone when you yourself needed support.

This didn't go unnoticed by a certain spiky haired male.

After he was sure he understood what you were doing, he wasted no time calling you out on it.

Stepping out of Uraraka's room after allowing her to cry on your shoulder and soothing her for the last hour, you were confronted by none other than Bakugou himself.


He tilted his chin up at you.

"We need to talk."


You said confused, and a little tired.

All you really wanted to do was go back to your room and read a book to keep the night terrors away. But if he needed something of course you were going to be there for him.

"Where do you want to talk?"

"You'll probably be most comfortable in your room. We're going there."

Grabbing your wrist, he spun and marched you in the direction of your room.

A little bewildered, you allowed him to push the door open and sit you on your bed before closing the door behind the two of you.

"Bakugou, what's going on? Are you okay-"

"That's what I should be asking you."

He interrupted you, pulling you desk chair in front of your bed and sitting down.


You stared at him, unsure you understood what he was saying.

"Don't think I haven't noticed what you've been doing lately."

He leaned back in his chair.

"What-what have I been doing?"

Racking your brain you tried to come up with anything that you could have done to set off his explosive temper, but came up empty.

"I don't think I've done anything lately-"

"Cut the bullshit."

He cut you off mid sentence.

"You're always supporting others without expecting any support in return. How long are you going to keep this up? I'm not the only one who noticed either."

He folded his arms over his chest.

"I've heard the other extras talking about you, and how their worried about how you're doing."

He squinted at you.

"You clearly haven't been taking care of yourself. When was the last time you ate? Hell, the last time you slept more than a couple hours?"

Your guilty silence was answer enough.

"Tch. Dumbass."

He scoffed, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder.

"C'mon, we're going down to the kitchen to get some food in you. After that, you're going to bed."

He glared at you.

"And actually sleeping."

You wince. He saw right through you. You were just going to turn off the lights and wait for him to leave before getting back up.

And that wasn't the last of your little lies he would see straight through.

After that night, he seemed to make it his personal mission to take care of you, to ensure that you were sleeping and eating, as well as getting the emotional support you so desperately needed.

After a couple months, you began to do better and started to take care of yourself on your own.

But during the last couple months of Bakugou being by your side practically 24/7, it felt weird without him around, so the two of you continued to spend time together.

Somewhere along the way you became close friends, each of you going to the other before anyone else if you needed something, or wanted to share something with someone.

And at some point after that you had fallen for him.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Months had passed since you realized you were in love with your best friend, and life had gone on.

Waking up, you went about getting ready as you always did. What was not normal was the hard pull that knocked you to the ground?

What was that?

Looking around, you shrugged and chalked it up to your clumsiness and finished getting ready.

Opening your door, you felt another hard tug, this one causing you to crash into the opposite side of the hallway.

Staggering back, you had just managed to recover your footing when you were yanked several feet to the side, shooting down the hallway.

After it happened several more times, you resigned yourself to your fate and allowed whatever the strange force was to bully you in the direction it wanted for a couple more minutes.

Just as you were about to yell for help, you collided with a warm, solid mass and collapsed beside it.

Panting, you looked over to see Bakugou of all people laying beside you.

"What the fuck was that?!"

You blurted, sitting up straight.

"What just happened?"

Bakugou slowly sat up next to you, with an expression of amusement, shock and affection on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Have you really not realized?"

He asked, tilting his head at you with an amused expression.

"We're soulmates."


You jolted, looking at him like he had a third head.

"But your soulmate traits don't show up until both you and your soulmate are eighteen! And I'm only seventeen-"

You stopped abruptly, and Bakugou looked smug.

"Wait...it's my birthday, isn't it."

"Damn right it is."

He smirked at you.

"How did you forget your own birthday?"

Flustered you tried to splutter out an answer, but stopped short when he leaned in, ghosting his lips over yours.

"Can I kiss you?"

He murmured, his warm breath fanning across your face.

Breathless, you nodded.

Leaning in to close the last of the distance between the two of you he captured your mouth with his own.

Eagerly, you kissed him back, melting against him.

When the two of you seperated for air, you looked at him.

"So, are we...a thing now?"

He huffed a laugh.

"I mean, yeah, we're soulmates, and I thought kissing you made my feelings pretty clear."

He brushed a piece of hair out of your face.

"What about you? Do you wanna be a 'thing?'"

You nodded, but something was still bothering you.

The ever observant Bakugou picked up on it instantly.

"What? Something's bothering you. Do...do you not want to be with me?"

The slight fear on his face made you panic.

"No- no! I want to date you! Of course I do! It's just that I-"

You ducked your head shyly, hiding behind your hair.

"I wanted to date you before I knew we were soulmates. I mean I think I'm in love with you, and have been for a while. And I-I don't want to to feel like you have to be just because we're soulmates-"

"I'm in love with you too."

Your mouth dropped, and the tips of his ears turned red.

"I was going to ask you out anyways, but I wanted to wait until after your birthday, so that if I wasn't your soulmate, you could meet them without feeling tied to me."


You breathed, your eyes filling with tears.

"It's Katsuki."


You corrected yourself.

"I love you."

You beam at each other.

"I love you too."

He kissed you again.

"It was always you for me, soulmate or not."

You couldn't agree more.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Thank you so much for requesting! I had so much fun writing this! Keep the event requests coming!

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