leetaste - Bokkie

đŸ“· : @realstraykids

365 posts

Venom Channie Is Just Omg

venom channie is just omg



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More Posts from Leetaste

1 year ago

a roller coaster of emotions đŸ„č

 A Roller Coaster Of Emotions
 A Roller Coaster Of Emotions
 A Roller Coaster Of Emotions
 A Roller Coaster Of Emotions

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1 year ago

gotta do the things i did to remember it again😭đŸ„č

leetaste - Bokkie

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1 year ago

One Last Dance | Chapter 8

One Last Dance | Chapter8

pairing: Minho x fem reader

genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, major character death (I am apologizing now), friends to lovers, soul mates, first love, roommates

pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)

warnings: swearing

summary: Childhood best friends Lee Minho and L/n Y/n are in their final year of university. While both of them are in love with each other, the only thing keeping them apart is Minho’s fear of change. As both dancers prepare for their lives after college, will Minho finally let fear rule him and his emotions or will he finally gain courage before he loses Y/n forever?

word count: 1,856

screenshot count: 11

taglist: closed!

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©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.

One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8

"Are you concussed or do you actually not know the difference between your right and your left?" Minho yells after pausing the music.

The two of you have a few midterms together and you've spent nearly every day in the studio together working on your midterm performances. Except, Minho has been nitpicking every little you do. He's always been good at picking up mistakes while dancing, the mirror being his biggest aid. You're used to it. Both of you keep each other in check when you're dancing, catching each other's mistakes, and helping when a move is proving to be difficult. This time, Minho's pettiness is getting the better of him.

"What the fuck did I do now?" You yell back, frustrated with him.

"You're supposed to jump with your right leg and land strong on your left! You're doing the opposite!"

"That's because jumping on my left makes the most sense based on my footing partition from the compass spin! And I get to jump higher, making me stay in the air longer. You should try it instead of throwing a fucking tantrum!"

"I'm not throwing a tantrum. I just don't want to get a failing grade because you're too busy fuking the neighbor to practice." He says under his breath. He walks back to his starting position and barely waits for you to get into your before pressing play. Annoyed, you walk over to the counter and unplug Minho's phone from the sound speaker.

You're tired, not just physically, but mentally. Midterm season has always been the busiest season next to finals. The first four days of the week are often full of exams, which can either be one or two performances that you have to prepare for. On the last day, there is always a showcase. Unlike the monthly evaluation showcases, the midterm showcase is exclusive to upperclassmen and mandatory. The school thinks it gives the underclassmen motivation and relaxation after a week of torture. On top of your rehearsals for the showcase and midterms, you also have to work. Minho knows that. Despite being a complete asshat for the past week, Min still picks you up from work every night. And in the little free time you have left, you're choreographing the dance for your first round of company auditions. You wish you had the free time to get laid, at least you'd be relieving stress instead of dealing with Minho.

"Y/n!" Minho yells in annoyance.

"I'll plug your phone back in when you tell me what crawled up your ass and died. Because my dancing isn't the issue here and you know it." You cross your arms and keep Minho's phone close to your chest.

"Just plug it back in so we can finish practice and we can go see your boyfriend." He spits.

"This is about Chan?" You raise your eyebrow at him.

"I don't care what his name is," He grumbles as he walks over you to you. He tries to grab his phone back but you tighten your grip.

You watch as Minho's eyes turn cold and his jaw clenches. It's not a look you're unfamiliar with. You've seen it over the years and more frequently over the past week. But now you know why he's been stomping around the apartment like a broody teenager for a week.

"You do not get to do that," You say cooly. Minho looks up to actually look up at you, his eyes dripping with spite.

"Do what?" His hand rests gently on your arm.

"Be jealous," You say simply.

“I am not jealous of you and what’s his face.” He scoffs, backing up from you.

“Really? Because I don’t think you’ve spoken a full sentence to me that didn’t have to do with dance or school or the cats after I came home from hanging out with him last week.”

“Look, just do whatever you want with whoever you want. I don’t care, Y/n. You’re not my girlfriend.” He says as he walks back to the middle of the studio.

"I am painfully aware that I'm not your girlfriend. Believe me." You drop your arms and clench your fists. Your heart is pounding and you can feel the heat rushing to your face.

"Don't get mad then since you moved on onto, or should I say under, our neighbor." His back is turned to you as he says it, he doesn't have the balls to say it to your face.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I'm not dating Chan. Or anyone else for that matter."

"Oh, so you're just fucking and making out with random men in front of our apartment. Great. That's really great, Y/n. You're such a--"

"Such a what?" You push yourself off the counter and walk up to Minho, getting into his face. "I'm such a what, Minho? I fucking dare you to finish that sentence. Say it to my face."

Minho's face softens a bit, reading the anger and pain on your face. He hesitates, licking his lips as he thinks about something. You watch his hand twitch, clenching, and unclenching. You know he wants to reach out and touch you. To hold your hand or something but he hesitates.

"That's what I thought."

"You know," Minho takes a deep breath, "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to make me jealous."

"After all these years, do you honestly think that's who I am? Okay, if that's what you want to believe, I'm making you jealous on purpose. Because my whole world revolves around you even though you don't care." You throw Minho's phone at him, his quick reflexes allowing him to catch it.

"I don't care?"


"I don't care?" He asks again, mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"No, you don't" You spit back.

"Okay, fine, I don't care." He sighs, pulling his hat off and pushing his hair back before pulling the hat back on.

"You really don't." You cross your arms again.

"No, you're right. I don't care." He walks past you and heads back to the sound system.

You can't help but get annoyed at his reaction. You're not sure what you want from him, but this isn't it. You can't help but let out a frustrated scream, making Minho jump.

"Why the fuck are you screaming?" He yells, holding his ears.

"Because you're driving me insane!" You scream back.

"How am I making you insane?"

"Are you serious?" You pinch the bridge of your nose and take a deep breath to calm yourself down. The range of emotions he's making you feel in a short amount of time is starting to give you a headache. "Look, I get that you're scared of what happens to us if we start dating and it doesn't work out. I get that. I respect that even. But that doesn't mean you can act like a toddler who doesn't get his way when I move on or I'm with someone else. That's not fucking fair."

"It's not fucking fair for you to parade your newest fuck toy around. You know how I feel about you."

"Then fucking date me or shut the fuck up! You either are my boyfriend or my best friend! If you're my best friend you'd want me to be happy no matter what. But because you want to be miserable I have to suffer for it too! That's not how any of this shit is supposed to work!" You feel your face getting wet, angry tears breaking the barrier and flowing down your face.

"I don't want to be miserable and I'm not doing shit to you. I love you, and you can't fucking see that. That's why I'm like this because I don't want to hurt you when I fuck everything up." He finishes hooking up his phone and walks back to the center of the room.

"You're fucking everything up right now! You're hurting me right now! Because I love you too and I really, really don't want to anymore!"

"Then let's just never bring this up again! Let's go back to being just friends before either of us confessed our feelings to each other and--"

"Fuck this," You scoff, brushing past Minho to the counter.

You start throwing all of your things in your bag. You quickly swap your dance shoes for your everyday shoes and throw on your jacket. You make sure to shove your phone and keys in your pocket before zipping up your practice bag and slinging it over your shoulder.

"Where the hell are you going?" Minho groans.

"Home," You say as you walk to the door. Your hand is on the doorknob and you pull open the door.

"We haven't even run through the entirety of any of our exam performances."

"So I can listen to you criticize my dancing for another hour? Fuck that."

"So you're going to sink both of our grades because you're mad at me."

"I'm leaving because I feel sick to my stomach and have a migraine. I don't want to be in the same room as you right now. But you're free to stay here and pretend everything is fine while you dance. I'm going home."

"Great, I'll carry you through our performances like I always do." He grumbles under his breath getting into position again.

That's one of the things you hate about Minho. Both of you are competitive, but he always has to have the last word, even if he doesn't mean it. Especially if he doesn't. You know this, and yet you still drop your bag to the floor and walk over to him. Before he even realizes what is happening, you grab his right arm and sling it over your shoulder while you also take your right leg and position it between his legs. You swiftly knock him off balance with your hip and use your full body weight to toss him over your shoulder.


Minho lands flat on his back, gasping for air. You know he didn't get hurt, just had the wind knocked out of him. You know how to safely flip him. You didn't want to hurt him, just shut him up.

"W-what...the...fuck...Y/n?" He pants, trying to catch his breath.

"Go to hell, Minho." You spit before going back to the door, grabbing your bag, and leaving.

You know the smart thing to do would be to cut ties with Minho. Move out, and avoid him at all costs. But part of you can't. You two are forever tethered together, whether you like it or not. A part of you knows you're never going to love anyone the way you love Minho. A larger part of you doesn't want anyone other than him. As much as it hurts, you're holding out for hope that Minho's feelings for you will overpower his fear and one day you'll be together. But just like you, he's stubborn as hell. He may never give in to his feelings for you, and deep down inside, you don't want to accept that.

One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8
One Last Dance | Chapter8


Buy me a coffee?



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1 year ago

baby bump

Baby Bump
Baby Bump

group: stray kids !

pairing: idol!kim seungmin x f!reader

genre: angst with a happy ending

warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, established relationship, seungmin is referred to min, pup, and minnie, pregnancy, suggestive towards the end???

authors note: i love kim seungmin. that is all i have to say about this. this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)

wc: 3250

“no no no”

this can’t be happening. 

you flip over the pregnancy tests to see 6 pink lines staring right at you. you took three, just to make sure you weren’t pregnant, but the tests didn’t come out the way you wanted them to.

you hear the front door close, and quickly scramble to hide the tests. walking out of the bathroom, you see a tired seungmin. his features are soft, relaxed, but his eyes are cold. 

“how was work?”


you frown, “i can tell, would you like dinner?”. “dinner sounds nice”

seungmin loves coming home to you. you’re his safe space, and it’s like all his problems disappear when you’re with him. he loves you a lot, and you know it.

after heating up the leftovers, you hand him his plate and you both sit at the table. his expression isn’t quite placeable, but if you were to guess, he looked pretty upset.

“what’s wrong minnie?”

his head jerks up at you quickly, your voice bringing him back from his thoughts. “oh
 just comeback stress”

you hold his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. he seems to loosen up at this, and starts eating. 

you’re scared to tell him the news, but figured you’d tell him after the comeback mayhem has died down.


seungmin hasn’t been home a lot lately, and you’re just starting your eighth week of pregnancy. you recently got a checkup while seungmin was at work.

you’ve been throwing up a lot recently, but you figured it was normal in your first trimester. hopefully seungmin doesn’t notice anything’s wrong. he’s been a lot less attentive anyways.

“im home!”, you hear him yell from the front door.

“go shower, foods almost ready!”, you yell back.

you figured he’d appreciate you making his favorite meal when he got home, maybe it’d even cheer him up a little.

once he got back, you start setting out the food.

“how was your day?”


he had been answering that question the same way for weeks. it was always just ‘exhausting’. you just hoped that one day he would just respond with ‘good’, but he never did. 

there was nothing you could do to help with his work, but you could help at home. once you both finished your food, you brought him to the bed and peppered kisses all over his face. 

his soft giggles let you know you’ve succeeded, and you slowly start to calm down with the kisses. “seungmin


the words sit right at the tip of your tongue. you have to tell him now, it’s the perfect time, but instead, you blurt out something else.

“i love you”

his heart swelled, “i love you too pup”, he smiled while he gave you a kiss.

you both drifted off to sleep that night, safe in eachothers arms.


it’s your 3rd month in right now, and if you’ll be honest it’s getting really hard to hide your baby bump.

seungmin hasn’t been home that much lately, he’s been working so late that he has to stay at the dorms. it’s getting harder and harder to do everything by yourself, and you can’t find the perfect time to tell seungmin about your baby either. 

you’ve been getting weaker, and your hormones were out of balance. random waves of whatever emotion passing through at different times, you just wanted to have seungmin by your side. he always knows how to calm you down.

you’re laying in bed now, scrolling through your phone, waiting for seungmins text to see if he’ll be coming home for the night. 

you slowly felt yourself drift off to sleep, but you tried to keep yourself up to wait for him. you felt too tired to stay awake anymore.

you wake up to your phone ringing hours later, ‘dog kisser’ it read. what would hyunjin be calling you for at almost four in the morning? you immediately picked up.

“hello?”, you cleared your throat once you heard how raspy it was.

“sorry, did i wake you? i was just calling to tell you that seungmin staying at the dorms again tonight”

 thanks jin”

your tone threw him off. “what’s wrong y/n? are you okay?”

you ignore the question, “is seungmin still working?”

“uh yeah i think so, im worried about him y/n. he hasn’t slept at all, you should probably talk to him.”

 okay, i will. you should sleep now hyunjin. 

“i will, you get some rest too. you sound tired”

you say your good nights and goodbyes, but you can’t seem to fall back asleep. you’re lying in your bed, your eyes wide open. you just want to cry, you’re so worried for seungmin, but from all the tears you’ve cried these past days, your eyes have dried out.

as much as you try to cry to finally get that release, they don’t leave your eyes. you can feel your heart cracking more and more every second you think about how seungmin must feel right now.


seungmin came home for once the next day, but it was extremely late. he came home to see your sleeping figure on the bed.

seungmin feels guilty for always being home so late. he doesn’t know the last time he’s heard your voice in person. 

tears well up in his eyes. he can’t imagine how terrible you must be feeling right now. what good is a boyfriend who can’t help his pregnant girl?

he quickly takes a shower and meets you in bed, careful not to shake you too much. he wants you to get as much rest as you can. he quickly bends down to kiss your baby bump, then your forehead. it’s become a routine at this point, since the only times he sees you is when you’re asleep.

he wants you to tell him when you’re ready


its been a month. seungmin has stopped coming to the house completely, but he still manages to find time to call you everyday. his work has become more hands-on, so he has to be at the dorms and studios more often. 

he makes sure he’s understanding of how you’re feeling, making sure not to undermine any of your feelings.

it’s been so difficult without him, and you really do want to tell him, but you know it’ll make everything worse for him.

it’s been difficult for him too. he hasn’t told you but he’s been crying himself to sleep every night. the guilt is eating him alive, and there’s nothing he can do to help the pain. it’s gotten so loud that even jeongin has been able to hear him cry some nights.


seungmin comes home one night a week later, and he just can’t do it anymore. he’s been thinking about it for a while, but it was also kind of an impulsive decision. seeing you fall asleep on the couch waiting for him broke something in him.

tears start streaming down his face as he crouches down in front of you. he kisses your small baby bump again. he realizes you’ve been wearing thicker and looser clothing to hide it.

“y/n. y/n wake up”

your eyes slowly start fluttering open. your smile reaches your eyes after seeing your boyfriend after so long. you reach for his face, but he pulled away. that’s when you knew something was up.

“what’s wrong my love?”

his heart shattered right there and then, but it was too late. there was no way you could piece it back together for him, and neither could he. 

“i can’t do this anymore”

you look at him, head tilted in confusion. “what do you mean minnie?”

he stays silent. you begin to worry. did something happen at work? did his-

“i want to break up.”

oh. you weren’t expecting it, that’s for sure. you wanted to stay strong though. you figured being sad all the time probably wasn’t good for the baby.

you contained your tears as well as you could, but couldn’t seem to make out any words. your hands shook as you reached for his. 


seungmin truly didn’t have an answer to that, not one he could tell you at least. he couldn’t tell you that the reason he’s leaving is because of his own guilt. he knows it’s selfish, but he couldn’t come home to you like this anymore. he couldn’t break you any more than he already has.

he hesitated for a bit, but eventually got something out. “i don’t think i love you anymore.”

lying to you hurt him more than anything else. he wished he could tell you he still loves you, but he knows that wouldn’t allow you to move on. that was unfair to you, and he didn’t want to make it any worse.

“did i do something?”

“no.”, he responded coldly. you’d never heard his voice like that before, not when he was talking to you.

you were at a loss for words, and your tears finally started falling. harsh sobs racked your body, and it was getting hard to breathe. through your struggles, you still managed to get a couple words out.

 i thought

“you thought what?”, he responded quickly.

“i thought
 you w-were the one

hearing those words broke his entire soul. he didn’t know how long it’d take him to recover after that. he truly thought he was going to die right there. that it was a bad nightmare and he’d wake up any second. but he didn’t. 

“well, i’m not.”

he began to get up, he couldn’t bear to see your face anymore. it was so difficult for him to lie to you. 

“don’t go
 please. stay with me, i’ll be better i- i promise”, you yelled through your tears. he was already darting towards the front door, but he turned around.

“bye, y/n”

an apology sat on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t let it out. quickly, he walks out the door before he can look back. there was no reversing what he had just done. he was certain he had just lost you forever.

before he actually left the estate, he lingered there for a while. it hurt him more, but he knew he deserved it. he heard you cry for hours that night, you never left your spot at the front of the door.

he brought you food from the convenience store and left it at your door, quickly ringing the doorbell and running back to his car, and leaving for good.


he felt like the worst exboyfriend in the world. how could he just leave you like that? it’s as if he treated you like you were nothing. like his baby meant nothing to him.

you regretted not telling him before. you still feel guilty about it, you’re carrying his baby girl and you couldn’t even find the courage to tell him.

seungmin went to the only person he could. chan.

chan was always down to earth, and gave the best advice. seungmin was in need of exactly what chan had to offer.

“chan please what do i do”

“please seungmin calm down, i can’t tell you anything until you chill”

chan helped him deal with his own feelings, but as much as he wanted to help his friend, he knew it was seungmins fault in the first place. 

seungmin really wanted you back, but he knew he couldn’t do that. he knew he’d just break you even more. he couldn’t play with you like that. but he just needed you back by his side.

you’re shot out of your thoughts by your phone ringing. 

“ji? what’s up?”

“y/n you need to pick seungmin up. please

your heart dropped at the thought of him again. the man that broke your heart with no explanation, and left you to pick up the pieces on your own. 

“why? what happened”

“i don’t know. he’s not okay
 he hasn’t left his room and there’s just crashing and wailing”

wailing? you’ve seen seungmin cry but wailing was rare. something was up. there was a different part of the story that you weren’t aware of.

 i don’t think i’m in proper condition to drive right now.”

“fine then. ill get changbin hyung to pick you up. please? it’s urgent.”, he begged.

 okay just- let me get ready”

you quickly throw on some clothes, careful to hide the bump. you knew you were going to tell seungmin once you got there. it was too much to hold on your own. 

changbin came to pick you up, and the drive there felt like torture. you just wanted to see seungmin again. as much as he hurt you, you missed him a lot.

you made small talk with changbin, but not much. he knew you were nervous, but he tried to distract you as much as you could. 

once you made it to the building you ran as fast as you possibly could.

you ran to his room and knocked. 

“seungmin it’s me. please open the door

seungmin rushed to open his door. he thought he was hallucinating.

your heart fell to your stomach when you saw him. bloodshot eyes, dark eyebags. his hair was a mess, he was a mess. his clothes were everywhere, things from his desk scattered all over the floor.

you slowly make your way into his room, careful not to scare him off. 


he slowly sunk to his knees in front of you, his mouth hung slightly agape.

he begins to smother your bump in kisses. your mind goes blank. he starts crying even more when he sees how big it’s really gotten, holding it in his two hands. 

he sunk down even lower, and he just hugged his knees and cried even harder.

you were at a loss for words. you didn’t know he knew, but you didn’t think you did a great job at hiding it anyways. you sat on the bed silently, right next to him. he was still crying just at the foot of the bed.

“i’m so sorry
”, he mumbled out. 

it was the only thing you could hear him say within all the mumbling. 

“please, i’m so sorry”

“y/n, i’m so sorry”

his hands shook as he crawled towards you, tears hitting the floor with a splash. 

“i love you so much. i lied y/n. i love you to the ends of the world. i just
 i didn’t know how much longer i could take seeing you like that. i thought it’d be better for you if i just left. you could’ve moved on and found someone better. your baby could’ve had a better dad, one who was actually present in their life and-“

“seungmin. you’re rambling”, you cut him off.

“i know i am, but i really have to explain. i want you back so bad y/n. you haven’t left my mind at all. i need you y/n. so much it hurts. i haven’t been the same since i met you. i’ve been so used to keeping to myself but then i got attached. i miss you. i miss us. i just knew i couldn’t keep hurting you
 so i left. but now i just regret it and i was so stupid and-“

he stops talking when you reach a hand down to him and help him up. his knees wobble as he stands, but he gets up and sits down on the bed.

“i’m so sorry pup

you didn’t answer him, you just held him for a bit. you let him cry into your chest, even though you were still in pain. you were glad you had some closure now. you knew that he still loved you, but you couldn’t take him back. you had to know that he wouldn’t do anything like that again. 

“seungmin, you have to start telling me these things. if anything, take a break. you can’t let all of this pile onto you, there has to be some way you can let it out. talk to me, please.”

“do you still-“, a hiccup, “-love me?”

you couldn’t help but smile a little. you wipe the tears off of his face and pinch his cheek a little. “of course i do min. i don’t think i could ever stop”

“be my wife”

your heart jumped right back up. “what?”

he quickly ran to go grab the box that was on the floor, pulling out a gorgeous black diamond ring.

“i love you y/n. i truly want to spend the rest of my life with you. take me back, please.”, his voice was sincere, still shaky from all the crying. 

you were in shock, you really wanted to accept but you were scared he’d leave again. “promise me you won’t leave me again seungmin”

“i won’t. i promise if i get you back i’ll never let you go”

you let out a light sigh and smiled. you wrapped your arms around him, foreheads touching, “i love you minnie”

he held your wrist and put the small band on your finger. 

letting out a shaky breath, he pulls you in for another kiss. his tears dripped onto your nose as he pushed you further onto the bed, now hovering over you.

“i love you so much y/n. thank you”, he says between kisses. you can feel him smile against you, his velvety lips waltzing with yours.

he cups your baby bump with his hands and kisses all around it.

“how far in are you”, he smiled up at you.

you couldn’t resist the way his gentle eyes looked at you. he just looked so adorable like this right now. you use your hands to cup his face and pull him up. 

you stare into his eyes, “i’m six months in
 she’s a girl”. tears leave his eyes once again, kissing you softly.

“i love you both so much, i promise i’ll never leave you again.”

he kisses you again, this time more sensually. soft ‘i love you’s echoing throughout the room. you missed him so much, you were happy he finally realized it.

his hands travel up your waist, still kissing down your neck. light red heart-shaped splotches appear all across your collarbone.

every kiss feels like your heart and body is being set on fire. you were so happy to finally have him after so long.

suddenly, the door flings wide open, the boys all piling on top of eachother like dominos.

“YOHHH I SAID NOT TO LEAN ON THE DOOR”, you heard changbin yell.

“IM SORRY JEEZ- I COULDNT HEAR BECAUSE THEY WENT QUIET”, hyunjin yelled back. you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. they all scramble to get up and leave the room. 

chan lingers for a little bit. “congratulations you two”, he says with a bright smile, “you’re both going to be amazing parents”

seungmin settles down next to you on the bed, hugging your body as tightly as he could. “can i just hold you for a bit?”

“of course minnie”, you couldn’t help but chuckle at how much he looked like a puppy right now.

“i missed you y/nnie”

“i missed you so much more min.”

his hand meets yours and he gives it a squeeze, playing with the dainty diamond that decorated your ring finger. he was ready to start this new chapter of his life with you, as long as he had you and his baby girl by his side.
