If you talk shit about Garfield Logan I will slap you like Will Smith at the Oscars
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Legend--wolf - I Write Stuff Sometimes. - Tumblr Blog

TIL “Yankee Doodle” was written by the British to mock americans. “Doodle” is thought to come from the German “dödel”, meaning “fool” or “simpleton” and “macaroni,” a flamboyantly stylish type of dress, painting the Yankees as morons who thought placing a feather in one’s cap made them a “dandy.”
via reddit.com
Beast Boy: I'm making a Biopic about my life, You wanna play Mento, Dick?
Nightwing: I don't want to be your father.
Beast Boy: Oh good, you already know your lines.

so does this mean that some sects of christianity can be considered a cult because uh
America has a weird relationship with cults where they’re terrified of small cults (or organizations they think are cults) but completely normalized massive cults that hurt many more people (eg: LDS Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Amish, Scientology, most Megachurches)
Cyborg: So... You and Starfire? Starfire and you?
Nightwing: stop.
Changeling: The Alien Princess. Visitor from another World.
Nightwing: I mean it.
Cyborg: An Extraterrestrial.
Changeling: ET Phone Home.
Cyborg: Did you help Starfire 'Phone Home', Wing?
Changeling: Did you Boldly go where no man has gone before?
Changeling: You kiss that alien, Dick!?
Nightwing: I'm going to send both of you to prison. I'm going to arrest you and send you both to prison.

excuse me what
Why are you lgbtq+? wrong answers only GO
Mr. Fantastic: Your Ex-Boyfriend is going to kill us all, Charles.
Professor X: Your Ex-Boyfriend Has killed us all, Reed.
i hate looking at this

There's a story in the comics in which Mantis briefly turns into a baby. I'm not sure what it's called, the whole arc was time/space nonsense with Starhawk. Point being, while baby Mantis was cute, she did not look like a bug.
Baby Mantis should look like a bug. So I tried to make a growth chart for Mantis, starting with a bug.
From left to right: Baby (0-12 months), Toddler (2-3), Small Child (5-8ish), Tween (10-13), Teen to Adult years (14+)
"we have to accept trump is going to win" blah blah yeah yeah. French medias and politicians were saying the same about our own far right a month ago. They ended up 3rd.
@americans don't listen to your local idiots. They don't know what they are talking about. Go out and vote, help your community and keep hope alive yourself
Everyone who thinks that their vote doesn't matter needs to see this.
Your vote matters more than you think, and it could mean the difference between a state where you can criticize the failings of the government and infrastructure without fear of being persecuted, or a state where they throw you in jail with no due process and where you will never see the light of day for "thought crimes."
Conservatives are trying to limit the voting power of minorities and younger voters. This is not an accident. They are afraid because they know younger people tend to skew left.
Most of the people they don't want to vote have fallen into the "my vote doesn't matter" mindset. They are trying to silence those who are voting.
In France [July 7, 2024], a crowd reacts to election results showing a defeat for the hard-right political party that was expected to win big until the French people voted in greater numbers for leftists and centrists instead. This follows the complete rout suffered by the right-wing Conservative party in Great Britain just three days prior, on July 4th.

ok wait, reblog if you’ve cried at least once because of math, doesn’t matter which grade i’m trying to prove something
ok wait, reblog if you’ve cried at least once because of math, doesn’t matter which grade i’m trying to prove something

Bill watching the fandom blame Mabel for Weirdmageddon:

all the years of manipulation and hard work just for someone else to get the credit
ok but for real, why was Mabel so villainized she didn't deserve that
is there anyone here that actually hates her still
I fell off my scooter because I wanted to know what would happen if I tried to drive onto the grass from the sidewalk
Fun fact: you will fall.
scars in fiction: I got this trying to save my lover from an assassin- but tragically, I was too late. now I carry the mark of my failure with me always, and I can never forget~
scars in real life: so I was trying to open macaroni sauce with a paring knife

Titans #13 - "Dark-Winged Queen VI" (2024)
written by Tom Taylor art by Daniele Di Nicuolo & Adriano Lucas

fuck this shit up

but you're not denying it so checkmate motherfucker
reblog if you'd go on a roadtrip with your pfp