
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 2026
Summary: Alex hasn’t heard his girlfriend’s voice in a week and becomes moody. But luckily an impromptu FaceTime session turns his frown upside down. Inspired by Cybersex by Doja Cat
Warnings: It’s schmutty, mention of choking, hint of spanking
Author’s note: After being a very long time fanfic reader, I decided to take the plunge into writing and of course I start with smut. Enjoy!
Alex must have woken up three times throughout the night. He rolled over on his side to check his phone only to see that it was nearly six in the morning. Sighing as he rubbed his face, he contemplated if it was even worth trying to go back to sleep since he had to be up in two hours anyway.
It probably wasn’t the best idea to go out drinking with Marco last night. What was supposed to be an attempt to put him into a better mood just turned him even more sour. It was going alright until Marco took a moment to answer a call from his girlfriend. Alex tried but all the alcohol wasn’t helping him to hold back from rolling his eyes at every term of endearment his friend used while on the phone.
Not usually the jealous type, he couldn’t help be anything but that. He knew being in a long distance relationship was going to be hard but it was really testing him as of late. It had been six months since he last held you and at least a week since you even had a chance to FaceTime or talk on the phone. Even your text messages had been lacking and were mostly one word responses.
Alex knew that you were very busy at work. With September being the most popular month for weddings and you being the main cake decorator, you pretty much lived in the bakery. It was a struggle to not be upset with the unintentional silent treatment he was getting from you.
Checking his messages once more to make sure he didn’t miss something from you, he saw that the last text sent was a poorly written one from him saying what he guessed was that he was drunk and missed you too much. He tossed his phone on the bed. It was about nine at night your time, he was sure you were already asleep. You didn’t even send him your usual goodnight text.
Maybe this was the beginning of the end. He pouted as he held onto his pillow. All he could picture in his head was some random guy (who he lovingly named Fuckface) wooing you at your workplace by saying how much he loved your cakes with a perverted eyebrow wiggle and then you would giggle in response. He knew this was illogical. You were more likely to punch a guy in his face if they used that line on you but Alex was too moody to care.
A series of pinging noises from his phone interrupted his nightmare where his best girl becomes Mrs. Fuckface and he is unable to object because he lost his voice. Rolling over, he blindly reached out to find out where he tossed his phone. Looking at the screen, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling when he saw multiple messages from you.
I don’t know about you but I feel fucking miserable
Alex had let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He was glad to hear he wasn’t alone in his feelings.
I’ve been missing you way too much too and dealing with all these engaged couples is not helping
I’m pretty sure I brought our Yelp rating down one star with how bitchy I’ve been lately
And even worse I started looking through those pics we took my last night there and I thought i could get myself off but all it did was make me miss your hands and tongue and that beautiful dick
He was definitely not going back to sleep after reading that. It wasn’t just pictures that were taken. There were a couple of videos, one in particular showed off what his tongue and fingers were capable of.
Instead I just took a few of my own pictures so at least it can give you some joy when you wake up. I love you so much, baby boy
The messages that followed were pictures of you in a red lace thong (a mutual favorite color) and nothing else. You made sure to include a few where the main focus was on your beautiful ass. He stroked his hard dick through his sweatpants as he remembered the handprints he left the last time you two were together.
He grabbed a bottle of lotion off his nightstand and squeezed some in his hand. It was coconut scented and he may or may not have stolen it from your toiletry bag when you weren’t looking. He would claim that he liked how soft it made his hands but really the scent made it seem like you were in the room with him.
He pulled his sweatpants down a bit so he could wrap his hand tightly around himself. Just as he was scrolling through the pictures and about to get lost in the fantasy of you slowly riding him, he realized that you had just sent these pictures. You were awake!
Taking hold of his phone with both hands, he scrambled quickly to get you on FaceTime. “Please still be up. Please answer me, baby,” he whispered to himself.
His screen then lit up with your face. He could see that you were now clothed, wearing one of your old band tees that you declared not suited for public viewing and had a satin scarf wrapped around your curly hair. You were obviously ready to go to bed but fuck it, he was going to be selfish. He needed you.
“Alex! You’re awake!” You greeted him with a large smile on your face. “I thought you would still be sleeping. I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
He really did miss hearing your voice. “I was already up, I couldn’t stay asleep. Even if I was, you’re always worth waking up early for.”
“Aww, my poor baby. Why can’t you sleep?” You questioned as you slid down from your seated position to get more comfortable in your bed.
“I’m sad and grumpy, ” he looked at the screen to see you pouting back at him. “The last time we actually talked to each other was a week ago. As Marco says, I’m a total bastard when I don’t get enough Y/N time.”
“How is Marky-Mark doing?”
“Y/N, I think we both know that I’m in no mood to talk about him right now. Especially after looking at all those pictures you sent me.” He smirked as he brought his hand back down to grab hold of his dick. “I hope you still have those panties on.”
You giggled then bit your lip, “I don’t know. Do I?” You switched the view of your phone to give Alex a glimpse of your hand tucked inside of the lacy garment. He noted the slight movements of your hand. What you were doing exactly was hidden from his view but he had a very good idea.
“Fuck,” he drawled out in his native tongue as he slowly started stroking himself. He quickly switched his view so you can see the effect you were having on him. He made sure to slightly twist his hand on the way up before stroking down again. It was a poor imitation in comparison to what you were capable of but it would have to do.
You giggled. “English, please,” you said even though he knew you were very familiar with all the curse words. It was an inside joke between you two about the time when you were riding him reverse cowgirl, grinding your hips down on him. He was pleading and begging you to stop before he came. He was too far gone to realize he said none of it in English and even if he did, you were too busy coming to even care.
You spread your legs and then moved your thong to the side in an attempt to give him a better view of your trimmed mound. You gave a small moan as you went back to drawing circles around your clit and started to speed up your movements. “God, baby. I need you so bad right now.”
“T-tell me what you need me to do,” His strokes were starting to quicken now that he was treated to your uncovered pussy. He was salivating over how wet you were. Would it be crazy if he booked a flight to you right now just so he could bury his face in you and lick every drop you gave him?
He watched as you started to plunge two fingers into yourself. His eyes rolled back into his head as he tried to match his strokes with yours. To hear you moan out his name on shallow breaths, it made it feel as though you were right there with him. Like you were on top of him, squeezing your tight pussy around him as he desperately brought his hips up to meet yours.
“Curl your fingers for me.” The long drawn out moan let him you know you had followed his direction. “Now I believe I asked you a question, Y/N.” If he was there with you, he’d probably add a smack to your ass at this point.
“I need--I wish you could fuck me so hard right now. I love the way you hold onto my hips so tight.” You were practically whining now. “Fuck, baby. I love it when you mark me up.”
He tried his best to hold off but as soon as you said that, he was gone. His eyes shut and he bit down on his lip as he came hard, spilling onto his stomach and all over his hand. He groaned out through the aftershocks of his orgasm.
“Are you almost there, baby?” he asked a bit out of breath moments later. He had since pointed the camera back to his face. He slid his tongue across his bottom lip, teasing you with one of the many things he knew you needed right now.
You whined out what sounded like an affirmative while you stroked your fingers in and out of your moist folds, desperately trying to come. He laughed at this.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he flashed a smile. “Remember the morning before you left? We fucked so long and hard on the table and you said I took your breath away. Then I wrapped my hand around that beautiful neck. I really did take your breath away. Didn’t I, princess?” He was nearly making himself hard again from the things he was saying.
“FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.” You yelled out as you came. Out in public, you would scoff at anyone who would dare to call you a princess. But Alex knew it had an opposite effect when they were together especially when he was feeling particularly nasty.
You took a few shuddering breaths in a sad attempt to calm yourself before pointing the camera back to your face. You rolled over to your side and gave him a smile as you tried to stay awake, “I love you, baby boy.”
“I love you, my sweet girl.” All Alex could do was stare at you as you closed your eyes. His sweet girl. Or at least you used to be before your last visit, before you shyly asked if he was willing to try some new things. You were apparently unaware that there was nothing he would deny you.
Your breathing started to slow down and deepened. Well that’s one way to put her to sleep, he thought to himself. His eyes were starting to become heavy. He looked at the time, he’d get at least an hour nap. After cleaning himself up with a discarded shirt, he propped his phone against his pillow so he could fall asleep next to you. This was as close as he was going to get to it for the next three months.
“I think it’s safe to say this to you now. The next time we’re together again I’m going to ask you a very important question. I hope you’ll say yes,” he said to you as you slept. He gave a small smile before closing his eyes.
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More Posts from Leilabeaux
“He eats her out, they fuck, insert one-liner, end scene”

Good luck on your boom boom scene though! 😄 I have a mobfic in my head and I’m not looking forward to describing the intracacies of the two rival mobs and their feuding and the products they exchange between each other.
Do you ever just like see a scene play out in your head but you can’t for the life of you figure out the words to make other people see the scene that same way?

Confession time: I have never actually watched Vikings.
Hold the gasps please.
I do have a potential modern AU story idea floating around in my head of Mob Boss Ivar where the Reader is the wife/girlfriend of his rival who could possibly be Oleg or an OMC.
I feel like I read enough about Ivar that I have a fair understanding of his character. But let’s be real, I should probably watch the show.
Is it absolutely necessary that I start it from the beginning or will I be okay starting at season 4? I’m not bothered at spoiling things from myself. I just don’t think I have the patience to go through three seasons before AHA makes an appearance.
I would fucking die. Maybe I should stop writing my Alex fics. Just in case.
Marco reading Fanfic. Not going to lie, I panicked.
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter Three

Masterlist | One Two
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 3799
Summary: A trip to the strip club. What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Warnings: There is schmut! Hint of F/F (it’s a strip club, this was bound to happen), possible infidelity, cunnilingus
Author’s Note: I thought this story was going to be three chapters but I’m going to need one more to wrap this part of their story up.
This is such a bad idea. If you were sober, this more than likely would have been your first thought as you paid your cover at the front of the club. All the free drinks you’ve consumed throughout the night were starting to catch up with you. Although you were still able to speak clearly and walk steadily enough, you knew you were not of sound mind. You also knew that it wasn't entirely the alcohol to blame as you cast a glance towards your new found friend.
Ever since Alex had mentioned taking his jacket off of you, you have been stuck between taking him up on his offer and keeping him at an arm's length. You were enjoying spending time with him but as the night went on, your resolve to keep him out of your room, and ultimately your pants, was starting to deteriorate. When you asked him what he wanted to do for the remainder of the night, a small part of you was daring him to say what you knew he really wanted to say.
When he mentioned that he and Marco had thought about going to a strip club, you couldn’t help but giggle. They were two young men visiting Sin City, the answer to your question should have been obvious. Maybe he thought you would never pounce on the idea but he was going to learn that sometimes you were full of surprises.
You definitely were not a stranger to strip clubs especially after spending your birthday and first night in town at one. And there may or may not have been one point in your life where you waitressed at one. Bi was still convinced you probably did more than serve drinks but you enjoyed being the little shit that you were and refused to confirm nor deny it.
You originally thought coming here would take some heat off you and put some necessary distance between you two. The less Alex stared at you, the less likely you would climb onto his lap. As Alex draped his arm over the back of your chair, it was starting to be clear that you thought wrong. You had hoped that he would be too distracted by the naked woman on the main stage but when you felt his hand softly caress your arm, you only had one lingering thought in your head. Fuck.
“Well, shit. I know I can’t do that one,” you admitted after watching the dancer transition into an inverted split while spinning around the pole. You leaned forward in your chair to mainly get some space but also to throw down some bills onto the stage.
Alex tossed his own tip down before turning to look at you with his mouth slightly agape. You could already see the wheels turning in his head. He slid his tongue across his bottom lip. “Can’t do that one? I think you need to elaborate on that, my sweet girl.”
You shook your head after stealing a sip of beer from his bottle. “Wait, your sweet girl?” you asked with an eyebrow raised.
He looked surprised as if he didn’t even notice what he said, “Yeah? You’re a girl? And you make sweets?” You snorted at his bullshit answer. “Now tell me what you meant.”
“No, I don’t think I will.”
You’re not sure how it was possible with you two sitting in separate chairs but he somehow pressed up closer to you and lowered his mouth down to your ear. His warm breath tickled your neck. “I think I’ll just have to find a way to convince you to tell me.”
Oh damn. You looked into his eyes before glancing down to his lips. The smell of his cologne was seeming more intoxicating than all the drinks you’ve had so far. Why did he have to smell so good? He was so close and for the first time tonight, pushing him away was the last thing on your mind. Just as you were about to press your lips against his, a high pitched voice startled the two of you.
“Hiya! How’s your guys’ night going?”, a busty blonde asked as she sat herself on the arm of Alex’s chair. Sensing now that she may have interrupted the moment, she got back to her feet immediately, “Oh I’m sorry! Did I ruin the mood?!”
“Yeah, we were kind of talking,” he stated bluntly, obviously frustrated at her bad timing.
“No, you’re fine,” you uttered at the same time.
The bubbly dancer wrinkled her brow in confusion before putting a wide smile back on her face. “Either way, let me make it up to you. How about a private dance for two for a slightly reduced price?” She asked, possibly hoping to make another couple hundred before the end of her shift.
“You know, it is his first time visiting this lovely city,” you grinned. As if he knew where you were headed with this, Alex started shaking his head. “And I think it would be absolutely tragic if we left here without him getting one lap dance.”
Clapping her hands, the blonde bounced with excitement. She took both your and his hand in hers as she led you to the back where the private rooms were. “I was hoping you would say yes! I’m Harlie, by the way, and you two are in for a treat.” She looked over each shoulder to take the two of you in. “Or maybe I’m the one who’s in for a treat.”
You both settled onto the plush couch while Harlie closed the door and got the music ready. You looked over at him, expecting him to have his eyes on the scantily clad woman but was surprised to see him staring at you instead.
“What?”, you mouthed to him. Just as he started opening his mouth to respond, he was interrupted by the sounds of a slow, sultry song playing over the room’s speakers.
“Because I’m such a gentlewoman, ladies first!” She untied her bikini top and playfully threw it in Alex’s face before straddling your lap. “Now I only make this exception for the hot girls only,” she giggled as she took your left hand and placed it on her chest, giving you a chance to gently palm her large breast. You looked up at her as you allowed your thumb to graze her nipple, provoking another giggle out of the dancer.
You turned your gaze over to the man sitting next to you. His eyes focused on where your hand was before looking down, watching as Harlie started grinding her hips against yours to the beat of the music. Sliding your other hand over to meet his, you started to caress the back of his hand. His eyes looked up to meet yours while he turned his hand over, interlacing your fingers with his. Once again, a high pitched squeak pulled both of your attention away from each other.
“You guys are just so cute! So what’s the occasion tonight?” Lifting your hand off her chest, she kept it in her grip as she eyed your wedding band, “Are we celebrating an anniversary?”
“Oh no, we—“ Alex started to protest before you chimed in.
“We actually...have not been married for too long. I think it’s been almost two days now. Isn’t that right, baby boy?” You flashed him a grin.
He raised his eyebrow before giving a small laugh and nodding his head, “My sweet girl is right. We hadn't been engaged too long but I didn’t think I could wait one more year to marry her. So we went to that little white chapel straight from the airport and said our vows before God and Elvis.”
“Elvis?” You tried to contain your own laughter, “That’s right, he did officiate the ceremony.”
Harlie, who had since vacated your lap, could only stare at the two of you as you both tried to hold in your snickering. Trying to bring the mood back around because she was working after all, “Well, how about I get a bit of a show? Let me get a kiss between you two.”
The laughter stopped. Alex looked at her then back at you, “Uh, no...that’s okay. Y/N is a little shy. Not that big on PDA.”
Surprised that he wasn’t trying to take advantage of the request, you leaned in closer towards him. “My hand was just on her tit, dear. I think we can give her just one small kiss,” you reasoned with both him and yourself. Maybe just get one kiss out of the way and he and any temptation would officially be out of your head.
He barely let you finish your sentence before pressing his lips against yours. You could have ended it there but instead you chose to bring your hands up to softly cup his face in your palms, closing your eyes and deepening the kiss. Opening his mouth, he slid his tongue against your upper lip as if silently asking you to let him in. You, being quite the opportunist, first took a chance to give his bottom lip a small nip before granting his wish.
Alex groaned out before gliding his tongue against yours, grabbing a hold of your hips and pulling you onto his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck while you moaned into the kiss. Feeling the hardening bulge underneath you, you couldn’t stop yourself from grinding your hips against him. Both of you were so lost in each other that you forgot that you two were not alone.
Harlie grabbed her discarded top and started to put it on as she made an exit out of the room. She had already been paid and was sure the newlyweds wouldn’t mind being left alone for the remaining two songs. The bouncer standing guard at the backroom entrance raised his eyebrow at her when he saw she was leaving without her customers.
“I’m just giving them some alone time. I think they have about five minutes left and after that you can give them the boot.” she said to the imposing wall of a man. He still had his eyebrow raised but offered no response, “C’mon, Lenny, they’re in loooove. It’s so sweet, I might even have a cavity now! Haven’t you ever been so in love?”
“Yeah, three times exactly. And I’m still paying all three of them alimony.” He looked straight ahead doing a scan of the crowd in front of him, “Fine. But you’re on cleaning duty if they make a mess!”
Harlie stood at attention and then gave him a salute, “Ay! Ay! Captain!”
The elevator ride up to your floor seemed like an eternity. Part of it due to all the other guests in front of you trying to get off on their respective floors and also because of the man currently behind you, holding you close to his body. After being told kindly to leave the club and get a room by the stone faced bouncer, you two were having a hard time keeping your hands off each other.
His hand was underneath your t-shirt, fingers splayed across your stomach. It may have been your mind playing tricks on you but you were sure Alex was slowly trying to slip his hand under your waistband. Sneaking your hand behind you, you started to rub him through his jeans. You smiled to yourself as he tried to cover his groan up with a cough.
Upon seeing that you two finally arrived at your floor, he took your once preoccupied hand in his and led you off the elevator. He made it obvious that he was as in much of a hurry as you to get into the privacy of your room.
You stood in front of your door and with shaky hands tried to find your key which seemed to be lost in the void of your purse. Alex certainly wasn’t helping as he stood behind you, alternating between leaving kisses and softly biting your neck.
His laugh sounded muffled against you, “My sweet girl, needing a little bit of help?” He went back to gliding his tongue over every bite he made. You were grateful that his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist or you would have collapsed onto the floor by now.
As soon as you were able to locate the damn thing and get the door open, you quickly pulled him inside. His mouth was on yours before the door was even shut closed, his hands once again underneath your shirt crawling up your back. You brought your hands on his chest to push him away which caused him to look down on you with confusion.
“Let me make sure Bi isn’t here first,” you whispered before crossing the living area to check her friend’s room. After you popped back out, you gave him a thumbs up to let him know the coast was clear.
Alex had his hands in his pockets, busy studying the layout of your two room suite. “I think you could fit mine and Marco’s room just in the living room alone.”
“Well, I figured that I only turn 30 once. You know, go big or go home.” You dropped your gaze down to his crotch as you said “go big” before looking back up at him with a smile. “I can give you the grand tour if you like?” You walked over towards him, closing the distance between you.
Pulling you back into his arms, he brought both his hands down your back to give your ass a tight squeeze, “Just your room if you don’t mind.” He smiled before lowering his head to give you another open mouthed kiss, his tongue gliding and twirling against yours.
You slowly walked him backwards toward your room. He blindly searched for the light switch to illuminate the room as you two passed the doorway. Breaking away from him, you attempted to take off your jacket but his hand grabbed yours, stopping you from doing so. You raised your eyebrow at him.
“I think I made you a promise at the beginning of our night,” he cheekily said as he slowly tugged his jacket down your arms, leaving it in a heap at your feet.
You took a seat on the bed and scooted toward the headboard, leaning back on your elbows. Alex crawled over to you until he found his way between your legs. Sitting up on his knees, he lifted his shirt up and over his head.
“Oh fuck me, baby boy,” you moaned out as you took your time to appreciate his toned torso, biting your lip as you dragged your nails down his abs.
He leaned over you with his bent arms on either side of your head, caging you in. He softly laughed, “Trust me. I’ve been trying.” He dipped down to capture your mouth with his while he rubbed his clothed hardness against you.
Your hands gently clawed his back as you whimpered into the kiss, bringing your hips up to meet his. You weren’t sure if you could get any more wet, your lace panties had since been destroyed since the impromptu lap dance you gave him at the club. You just knew you were desperate for some quick relief.
With your eyes shut so tight, you felt him trail kisses from your mouth down to your neck. He pushed your shirt up to expose your chest which was still barely covered by your black lace bra. He lavished and peppered the tops of your breasts with wet kisses before pulling down on one of the cups, his tongue reaching out to tease the pebbled skin.
You whined out his name, arching your back as your fingers tangled themselves into his hair. Feeling his warm breath moving further down your body, you looked down to see him staring back up at you. Somewhere along the way, you must have pulled his hair tie out as his long hair was now framing his face.
He sat up on his knees, grinning as he unbuttoned your jeans before sliding them and your panties down your legs. You held your breath when he began to lower his head down. The two of you held each other’s gaze, neither of you wanting to be the first to break eye contact but you couldn’t stop yourself from closing your eyes and tilting your head back when you felt his mouth on your wet mound.
You had started to grind your hips up against his face while his tongue circled and flicked against your clit. You continued to moan out loud as you felt his arms wrap around your thighs, trying to weigh you down. You slid your hand up one of your thighs to grab a hold of his, lacing your fingers with his, while your other hand clenched the sheets next to you.
When you felt two of his fingers penetrate you, working their way in and out of you slowly as he sucked on your sensitive bud, you begged out loud, “Please, baby! Please!” Your cries echoed in the room, mixing with the sounds of his assault on your pussy. Sounds that you would have thought to be obscene but you weren’t currently in the mind space to care.
You jolted up with one arm behind you, keeping you upright, as Alex curled his fingers and began to rub against that sensitive spot inside you. Your other hand tangled in his hair once again, roughly tugging at his locks causing him to groan out loud against your mound.
You had let out a long drawn out moan as you came, your legs still shaking even though he held a tight grip on one of them. You fell back against the bed and covered your eyes with your forearm, trying to steady your quick, shallow breaths. A few moments later, you could feel him crawling his way back up, the heat of his body hovering over you.
“Oh no, where did my sweet girl go? Why is she hiding?” He jokingly asked before he pulled your arm away from your face. You smiled sweetly up at his flushed face. “Oh! There she is, I found her!” He whispered loudly, looking down at you as if he was committing your face to memory.
You palmed his face in your hands, swiping away with your thumbs the sweat and your wetness that was on his cheeks and at the corners of his mouth. You brought your head up to leave the softest kisses down his face, starting at his forehead, then the tip of his nose, his cheek, and before leaving just a whisper of a kiss on his lips.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, making sure there was no part of your body untouched by his as he pressed his lips against yours again, his tongue forcing his way into your mouth. He broke away from you to give more attention to your neck, alternating between kisses and small nips.
An uneasiness began to wash over you, you felt it starting in your heart. The look on his face wasn’t unfamiliar to you. A mix of desire, affection, and possibly love. You’ve seen it before just on another man’s face. You closed your eyes and were overwhelmed with all the moments you were treated to this look—from across crowded rooms, as you stood in your kitchen after hearing the front door open, as you walked down the aisle. The tears started to well up in your eyes.
“Stop, Alex. Please stop,” you whispered, trying to hold back your tears.
Though you were sure he was confused, he was off of you and sitting back on his knees as soon as he heard you say please. “What’s wrong?” he asked with a look of concern on his face.
“I can't do this. I’m--I’m--I’m sorry,” you stammered, the room was starting to look blurry as the tears fell down your face. You got out of the bed and started putting your pants on. “I shouldn’t have brought you here. I’m so sorry, I’m just not--I’m not--”
All Alex could do is sit on the bed as you paced the room and wiped the tears from your face, his brow furrowed in worry. He pulled you back down on the bed, “Y/N, just sit. Please breathe for me, swee--just breathe.” He held back on his term of endearment for you.
You took a few deep stunted breaths to calm you and your heart. You looked at him and apologized once again.
Pulling you into a hug, he shushed you, “Don’t be sorry. I shouldn’t have let it go this far.” He pressed his forehead against yours. “I shouldn’t have kissed you but I couldn’t help myself. You were just some woman I saw at the airport. How can you be this deep in my head already?”
You pulled yourself away from him, staring at him with a small look of confusion. At the airport?, you wondered to yourself. He shouldn’t be saying any of this. You wanted him to say it was just sex and there was no hard feelings. But after looking into his eyes, you realized that this night was nothing but feelings.
Alex stood up, putting on his discarded shirt. He raked his fingers through his hair and he gave a rough exhale. “If I was your husband, I’d be here with you on your birthday. I’d agree to all the corny tourist things you want to do but honestly, we probably wouldn’t get around to it because I’d make sure you would never want to leave this bed.”
“Alex, you really don’t know. He--,” you tried to explain to him but he cut you off.
“I know, I know. He’s not a romantic,” he gave an aggravated sigh as he rolled his eyes. “Y/N, I might be young and I may have never been married before but I think a good husband should do the things that make you happy even if it’s not his thing.”
Your sadness instantly turned to annoyance. Even though a part of you agreed with him, you were damned if you were going to let him start to badmouth your husband. Taking a calming breath, you turned your eyes down at your clasped hands in front of you, “I really think you should leave.”
You didn’t bother to look up. You listened as his footsteps retreated out of the room and towards the front door, only letting the tears fall again when you heard the door shut. You fell back onto the bed, shaking your head, “I’m just not ready for this yet.”
End Notes: I originally was not going to let them get that far before bringing in the heartbreak. But I decided to treat you guys. Anywho...poor Alex, poor reader. What do we think her issue is? Do you think they will get together again?