Alex Hgh Andersen X Reader - Tumblr Posts

Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 2026
Summary: Alex hasn’t heard his girlfriend’s voice in a week and becomes moody. But luckily an impromptu FaceTime session turns his frown upside down. Inspired by Cybersex by Doja Cat
Warnings: It’s schmutty, mention of choking, hint of spanking
Author’s note: After being a very long time fanfic reader, I decided to take the plunge into writing and of course I start with smut. Enjoy!
Alex must have woken up three times throughout the night. He rolled over on his side to check his phone only to see that it was nearly six in the morning. Sighing as he rubbed his face, he contemplated if it was even worth trying to go back to sleep since he had to be up in two hours anyway.
It probably wasn’t the best idea to go out drinking with Marco last night. What was supposed to be an attempt to put him into a better mood just turned him even more sour. It was going alright until Marco took a moment to answer a call from his girlfriend. Alex tried but all the alcohol wasn’t helping him to hold back from rolling his eyes at every term of endearment his friend used while on the phone.
Not usually the jealous type, he couldn’t help be anything but that. He knew being in a long distance relationship was going to be hard but it was really testing him as of late. It had been six months since he last held you and at least a week since you even had a chance to FaceTime or talk on the phone. Even your text messages had been lacking and were mostly one word responses.
Alex knew that you were very busy at work. With September being the most popular month for weddings and you being the main cake decorator, you pretty much lived in the bakery. It was a struggle to not be upset with the unintentional silent treatment he was getting from you.
Checking his messages once more to make sure he didn’t miss something from you, he saw that the last text sent was a poorly written one from him saying what he guessed was that he was drunk and missed you too much. He tossed his phone on the bed. It was about nine at night your time, he was sure you were already asleep. You didn’t even send him your usual goodnight text.
Maybe this was the beginning of the end. He pouted as he held onto his pillow. All he could picture in his head was some random guy (who he lovingly named Fuckface) wooing you at your workplace by saying how much he loved your cakes with a perverted eyebrow wiggle and then you would giggle in response. He knew this was illogical. You were more likely to punch a guy in his face if they used that line on you but Alex was too moody to care.
A series of pinging noises from his phone interrupted his nightmare where his best girl becomes Mrs. Fuckface and he is unable to object because he lost his voice. Rolling over, he blindly reached out to find out where he tossed his phone. Looking at the screen, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling when he saw multiple messages from you.
I don’t know about you but I feel fucking miserable
Alex had let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He was glad to hear he wasn’t alone in his feelings.
I’ve been missing you way too much too and dealing with all these engaged couples is not helping
I’m pretty sure I brought our Yelp rating down one star with how bitchy I’ve been lately
And even worse I started looking through those pics we took my last night there and I thought i could get myself off but all it did was make me miss your hands and tongue and that beautiful dick
He was definitely not going back to sleep after reading that. It wasn’t just pictures that were taken. There were a couple of videos, one in particular showed off what his tongue and fingers were capable of.
Instead I just took a few of my own pictures so at least it can give you some joy when you wake up. I love you so much, baby boy
The messages that followed were pictures of you in a red lace thong (a mutual favorite color) and nothing else. You made sure to include a few where the main focus was on your beautiful ass. He stroked his hard dick through his sweatpants as he remembered the handprints he left the last time you two were together.
He grabbed a bottle of lotion off his nightstand and squeezed some in his hand. It was coconut scented and he may or may not have stolen it from your toiletry bag when you weren’t looking. He would claim that he liked how soft it made his hands but really the scent made it seem like you were in the room with him.
He pulled his sweatpants down a bit so he could wrap his hand tightly around himself. Just as he was scrolling through the pictures and about to get lost in the fantasy of you slowly riding him, he realized that you had just sent these pictures. You were awake!
Taking hold of his phone with both hands, he scrambled quickly to get you on FaceTime. “Please still be up. Please answer me, baby,” he whispered to himself.
His screen then lit up with your face. He could see that you were now clothed, wearing one of your old band tees that you declared not suited for public viewing and had a satin scarf wrapped around your curly hair. You were obviously ready to go to bed but fuck it, he was going to be selfish. He needed you.
“Alex! You’re awake!” You greeted him with a large smile on your face. “I thought you would still be sleeping. I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
He really did miss hearing your voice. “I was already up, I couldn’t stay asleep. Even if I was, you’re always worth waking up early for.”
“Aww, my poor baby. Why can’t you sleep?” You questioned as you slid down from your seated position to get more comfortable in your bed.
“I’m sad and grumpy, ” he looked at the screen to see you pouting back at him. “The last time we actually talked to each other was a week ago. As Marco says, I’m a total bastard when I don’t get enough Y/N time.”
“How is Marky-Mark doing?”
“Y/N, I think we both know that I’m in no mood to talk about him right now. Especially after looking at all those pictures you sent me.” He smirked as he brought his hand back down to grab hold of his dick. “I hope you still have those panties on.”
You giggled then bit your lip, “I don’t know. Do I?” You switched the view of your phone to give Alex a glimpse of your hand tucked inside of the lacy garment. He noted the slight movements of your hand. What you were doing exactly was hidden from his view but he had a very good idea.
“Fuck,” he drawled out in his native tongue as he slowly started stroking himself. He quickly switched his view so you can see the effect you were having on him. He made sure to slightly twist his hand on the way up before stroking down again. It was a poor imitation in comparison to what you were capable of but it would have to do.
You giggled. “English, please,” you said even though he knew you were very familiar with all the curse words. It was an inside joke between you two about the time when you were riding him reverse cowgirl, grinding your hips down on him. He was pleading and begging you to stop before he came. He was too far gone to realize he said none of it in English and even if he did, you were too busy coming to even care.
You spread your legs and then moved your thong to the side in an attempt to give him a better view of your trimmed mound. You gave a small moan as you went back to drawing circles around your clit and started to speed up your movements. “God, baby. I need you so bad right now.”
“T-tell me what you need me to do,” His strokes were starting to quicken now that he was treated to your uncovered pussy. He was salivating over how wet you were. Would it be crazy if he booked a flight to you right now just so he could bury his face in you and lick every drop you gave him?
He watched as you started to plunge two fingers into yourself. His eyes rolled back into his head as he tried to match his strokes with yours. To hear you moan out his name on shallow breaths, it made it feel as though you were right there with him. Like you were on top of him, squeezing your tight pussy around him as he desperately brought his hips up to meet yours.
“Curl your fingers for me.” The long drawn out moan let him you know you had followed his direction. “Now I believe I asked you a question, Y/N.” If he was there with you, he’d probably add a smack to your ass at this point.
“I need--I wish you could fuck me so hard right now. I love the way you hold onto my hips so tight.” You were practically whining now. “Fuck, baby. I love it when you mark me up.”
He tried his best to hold off but as soon as you said that, he was gone. His eyes shut and he bit down on his lip as he came hard, spilling onto his stomach and all over his hand. He groaned out through the aftershocks of his orgasm.
“Are you almost there, baby?” he asked a bit out of breath moments later. He had since pointed the camera back to his face. He slid his tongue across his bottom lip, teasing you with one of the many things he knew you needed right now.
You whined out what sounded like an affirmative while you stroked your fingers in and out of your moist folds, desperately trying to come. He laughed at this.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he flashed a smile. “Remember the morning before you left? We fucked so long and hard on the table and you said I took your breath away. Then I wrapped my hand around that beautiful neck. I really did take your breath away. Didn’t I, princess?” He was nearly making himself hard again from the things he was saying.
“FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.” You yelled out as you came. Out in public, you would scoff at anyone who would dare to call you a princess. But Alex knew it had an opposite effect when they were together especially when he was feeling particularly nasty.
You took a few shuddering breaths in a sad attempt to calm yourself before pointing the camera back to your face. You rolled over to your side and gave him a smile as you tried to stay awake, “I love you, baby boy.”
“I love you, my sweet girl.” All Alex could do was stare at you as you closed your eyes. His sweet girl. Or at least you used to be before your last visit, before you shyly asked if he was willing to try some new things. You were apparently unaware that there was nothing he would deny you.
Your breathing started to slow down and deepened. Well that’s one way to put her to sleep, he thought to himself. His eyes were starting to become heavy. He looked at the time, he’d get at least an hour nap. After cleaning himself up with a discarded shirt, he propped his phone against his pillow so he could fall asleep next to you. This was as close as he was going to get to it for the next three months.
“I think it’s safe to say this to you now. The next time we’re together again I’m going to ask you a very important question. I hope you’ll say yes,” he said to you as you slept. He gave a small smile before closing his eyes.
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter One

Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 2999
Summary: Reader was looking forward to a simple girls trip to Vegas to celebrate her birthday but it looks like it may turn to something more.
Warnings: walking in 6-inch heels, drinking with strangers, getting in a car with a stranger (I’m just saying that you should use your situational awareness)
Author’s Note: I was going to post this tomorrow but I currently cannot sleep even though I need to be up in five hours. I should be fine, it’s only 12 hour shift. 😒 The plan is to have this be a 3 or 4 chapter story as long as the outline in my head doesn’t go missing. Enjoy!
Despite a string of your favorite songs being played and being treated to a few free drinks--the only plus to the ridiculous birthday tiara your best friend made you wear, you just weren’t having a good time. You leaned on the bar in an attempt to give your feet some relief from the six-inch heels that Bianca roped you into wearing. Replaying your previous conversation in your head when you even dared to suggest wearing a pair of flats for their night out...
“I just want to be comfortable, Bi”, you whined while trying to keep a steady hand on your cheek while applying your eyeliner. There was no need to ruin your near perfect wing over this.
“You can’t wear your converses with a freakum dress”, Bianca yelled out from the living area of your hotel suite.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. One: it wasn’t a crime to not wear heels with any dress and two: your friend is out of her mind if she thought you were going to wear that dress outside of this room. This trip to Vegas was supposed to be a stress free trip to celebrate the start of your dirty thirties by enjoying public drinking, losing a bit of money, and eating your feelings in all you can eat crab legs. Unfortunately, your friend decided you owed her at least one night out dancing.
“Maybe I’ll just stay here then,” you said quietly to yourself.
You looked back into the mirror only to see Bianca standing by the door behind you with a look of disgust on her usually gorgeous face. “You can’t go to Vegas and not go out to the club and dance! You’re turning thirty, not sixty! Next you’ll be telling me you want to be in bed by midnight!”
“Actually, I’d like to be in bed by ten at the latest. There’s this salt grotto yoga class that starts around nine a.m. that I really want to try.”
“Salt grotto yo--girl, you’re killing me. No, no, no. You need to spend time at the club, not yoga.”
And so here you were, three minutes after ten with no end in sight and trapped in a dress that Bianca claimed looked hot on you. You would never admit it but she was right. The golden sequin long sleeved mini dress looked perfect against your brown skin. It had a deeper v-neck than any dress you wore before so you trusted the double sided tape would do its job. You were feeling yourself a bit and may or may not have checked yourself out in every mirror you passed. When your friend caught you once, you claimed you were making sure all the goods were tucked in where it belonged.
Looking over your shoulder, you scanned the crowd to see if you could spot your friend. It took a few beats but you were able to spot the tall blonde who was currently busy giving a very lucky guy what was basically a free lap dance on the dance floor.
“Jesus, child’s gonna grind his dick off.” you laughed into your drink. You knew you didn’t have room to talk, some odd years ago that was you on the dance floor, attempting to find a Mr. Right out of a club full of fuck boys. Fiddling with your wedding band, you were fortunate you hadn’t had to deal with that for years now.
As you downed the rest of your drink and got ready to order another one (hopefully another free one), you were engulfed in a hug. Alarmed at first until you looked down and saw the familiar tattooed arms of your friend.
“Y/N, I found you!” Bianca said into your ear as she squeezed you in a hug. “Come on, let’s go! This guy I met has a spot up in the VIP section!”
You turned your back against the bar to face your buzzed and possibly love struck friend. “Ugh, Bi. You know just being in the club is not my thing. I have no interest in being in the VIP either.”
“Please! I know it’s your birthday and all but this guy is so cute and his accent got me going like a water fountain.”
“I could have gone without the visual. Thanks.”
“Y/N, he has this friend--”
“Bi, no”
“Let me finish, just talk to him and keep him entertained.” Sensing that your stubborn self wasn’t going to budge, she decided to add “You know they have comfortable couches that you can sit on and get off your feet for a bit.”
“Well, why didn’t you lead with that?!” you yelled out.
Not allowing another moment to pass for you to change your mind, Bianca took your hand and led you to the other side of the club where the exclusive area was. You stumbled trying to keep your bearings while you tried to maneuver on the death traps she was on. You looked on and saw you were being led to a large black L-shaped couch occupied by two men who were in the middle of a conversation. Both of them stood up when they noticed you two approaching.
Well, I guess chivalry isn’t dead, you thought to yourself.
“Y/N, this is Marco,” she gestured toward the man next to her who now had his arm wrapped around her waist. “And this is his friend, Alex,” she said before mouthing out for you to be nice.
Alex took a step forward and held his hand out which you accepted. You quickly shifted your gaze up and down to take him in. He wasn’t bad to look at and if you were to be honest with yourself, he was fine as hell. The first thing you noticed, other than the fact that he towered over you which was not a rare thing with your short stature, was his smile. Beautiful, friendly and the warmth of it seemed to reach all the way to his blue eyes. A nice change from the predatory gazes and wolfish smiles you were getting while lingering at the bar.
“It’s nice to meet you”, he leaned down to say into your ear, aware that the booming music of the club making it hard to have a normal conversation. Your knees buckled slightly and you tried hard to convince yourself it was the shoes. If his friend sounded anything like him, then you had a complete understanding as to why Bianca was swooning so hard.
He motioned to the couch and stepped aside as you girls shuffled between the coffee table and couch to take a seat in the inner corner.
“So, how’s your guy’s night going?” Alex asked as he sat down next to you while Marco took his seat next to Bianca.
You were about to say that you were tired and ready to throw your shoes into the pits of hell but Biance beat you to the punch.
“We’re celebrating her birthday!” she shouted out.
“Birthday? How old are you?” questioned Marco as he draped his arm over Bianca’s shoulders.
Alex leaned toward his friend and gave him a light smack to the head, chastising him. At least it sounded like he was. You couldn’t even place what language he was speaking.
“I’m sorry for my friend he has no manners”, he apologized while flashing you a smile.
“I appreciate you defending my honor. It’s not that big of a deal to me. Now if he asked me how much I weighed, I might have to cut a bitch. But let’s see, I’m thirty years and…” you looked at your watch, “two days old now.”
Just as Alex seemed set to ask another question, the server returned with a round of drinks that were ordered while you were all taking your seats. You smirked to yourself as you observed her leaning over in an attempt to bring more attention to her plunging neckline. You couldn’t blame her. You were once a server in your past and wouldn’t hesitate to flirt or display your assets for extra tips but as she tried to make eyes with Alex, you had a feeling she was trying to get more than tips. Either the man was oblivious or just a courteous host who wanted to make sure you didn’t feel ignored.
A gesture you were very appreciative of since it seemed like your friend was currently occupied trying to get acquainted with Marco’s mouth. You turned your back towards them and raised your eyebrow at Alex after taking a sip of your drink. Both of you trying to ignore what your friends were upto.
“Are you having a good birthday at least?” he laid his arm across the back of the couch behind you. Smooth, you thought to yourself. It’s been over a decade since you were last in this position. Hope he doesn’t think he’s going to get lucky like his friend over there.
“It hasn’t been too bad. This night is more for Bianca than me since I’ll be ‘torturing’ her tomorrow with the cheesy things I want to do. If it was up to me, I’d probably be in bed by now.”
He laughed, “it’s not even midnight yet!”
“I know, I know!” you joined in with his laughter. “Bianca likes to say that I’m an official old lady but clubbing is not my scene anymore. I usually like to just stay home, catch up on my shows, and be in bed by eight at the latest.”
You went on to explain that, other than the fact the small city you lived in wasn’t known for it’s exciting nightlife, your early bedtime was mainly because you worked in a bakery. This led to him asking about all the sweets you could make him and you showing off all of your cake masterpieces you had saved on your phone. There was no moment where you felt like he was just humoring you, he seemed genuinely interested in what you deemed to be your craft.
“I just feel blessed to be doing something that I love,” you said as you put your phone away. “I’m sorry, I’m sure you didn’t want to spend your night talking about cakes and cookies.”
He shook his head, “Please, I don’t think you should ever apologize for talking about anything you’re passionate about.”
“Well, what about you? What do you do or what are you passionate about?”
“I am very passionate about being your potential cake tester,” he laughed as you rolled your eyes, “Just kidding. I am very passionate about photography.”
“Oh, so you’re a professional photographer?”
“I don’t know if I feel comfortable saying that I’m a professional yet, I’m still learning a few things,” he smiled coyly as he looked down toward his drink. “I just love trying to capture the beauty of the world in a way people don’t usually think of or getting those candid moments when someone doesn’t think anyone is looking. When they’re more open and have their guard down.”
“Well, remind me to not be around you and your camera. I like to be prepared for all pictures that are taken of me. Most candid shots make me look like a hot mess,” you joked. Those shots of you were thinking of were usually taken after you consumed multiple shots of alcohol.
“Oh, I really doubt that,” he said while he brought his gaze up and down, not even trying to hide what he was doing.
“Hey, Y/N!” Bianca shouted towards you, unknowingly interrupting the moment between you two, “It’s about eleven now but I’m feeling ready to go.”
Hallelujah, you thought. Although you were enjoying your conversation, there was a part of you who didn’t want to be further tempted by this man sitting in front of you.
You stood up to follow your friend and Marco as they both walked toward the exit hand in hand. Now you had no idea what exactly you stepped on but you cursed it and your shoes to hell as whatever it was caused you to stumble toward the ground. Luckily, a pair of arms wrapped around your torso, preventing your face from becoming close friends to the dirty club floor.
“Woah, are you okay there?” Alex said into your ear as he held you against him.
Good lord, he smells good, you thought to yourself. A part of you was enjoying the feel of his body against yours before you remembered he had asked you a question,“Yeah, I’m fine! Just fine!” you tried to steady yourself as you distanced yourself away from him. “These fucking shoes will be the death of me though.”
“Why wear them if they’re such a pain?”
“Apparently you can’t wear flats with a dress like this,” you brought your hand down your body to bring attention to the said dress.
Alex didn’t even try to stop his gaze from following your hand before he brought his eyes back to yours. “I don’t know. I think most people would be more distracted by the dress than what you’re wearing on your feet.” He ended his sentence with a bite of his bottom lip causing your cheeks to flush instantly.
You were grateful for the cool Vegas night air when you both stepped outside to meet up with your friends. Marco nodded his head over to the side, signaling to Alex to follow him.
Bianca grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to her.
“Okay, so a bit of a change of plans. I know you’re probably ready to go to sleep. So I’m just going to go with Marco to his hotel.”
“Mmhmm. Just leave me all by myself in our room. It’s only my birthday weekend but that’s fine if you want to spend it dicked down,” you gave a few fake sniffles to guilt Bianca over leaving you for some guy she met a couple hours ago. Honestly, you were happy for your friend but you never missed an opportunity to be a little shit.
“I mean, Marco’s friend isn’t too bad looking. Your fun-sized self could probably climb that man like a tree, I wouldn’t judge.”
You sighed and started twisting your ring around your finger. It was starting to become a nervous tick by now, “Bi, you know I ain’t doing that.”
“I know. I just think you should have nothing to feel guilty about if you wanted to try something new,” she said as she turned her gaze towards where Alex was standing. “I’m only saying this because I love you. You deserve better than what you have right now.”
“I love you too. But I just don’t know.” The two of you embraced as you tried to stop yourself from tearing up.
“You going to be okay, girl?” Bianca looked down at you and asked.
“I’ll be good,” you took a sharp inhale to stop any tears from falling, “Go on and have fun. Make sure you limber up though. Don’t want you pulling anything. I intend on taking you to that yoga class tomorrow.”
Bianca rolled her eyes as she pulled herself away from you and walked over to the Uber where Marco was waiting.
After ordering your own ride, you glanced over to watch on as your friend’s ride drove away and saw Alex sitting on the bench in the ride share area, hunched over trying to light a cigarette. You slowly walked over to him and took a seat next to him as you waited for your own ride to arrive.
“You decided not to go back with them and call it a night?”
“I don’t know, I’m not ancient like you,” he smirked at you as you pretended to be offended by his comment. “No, I didn’t feel like being a third wheel and I probably wouldn’t be falling asleep anytime soon. Marco’s not exactly quiet.”
“Yeah, I feel you on that one. Unfortunately, my poor ears have been exposed to sounds Bianca can make. Let's just say she’s a very enthusiastic performer,” you shivered both from the traumatic experience and from having more skin being exposed than you were used to.
“That’s great.” Alex took a drag of his cigarette. “I guess I can walk down the strip until the coast is clear.” He looked up and saw you trying your best to stay warm but failing. He stood up to take off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders before sitting back down.
“Thanks but you really don’t have to. My ride should be here soon,” you tried to protest but he just shook his head instead. You were sure he’d refuse to take his jacket back if you handed it to him.
You looked on toward the road, contemplating to yourself. You’re so close to a comfy bed and those million thread count sheets. You don’t owe this kid shit. Not your fault Bi got a hold of his friend and wants to ride his face raw. But it’s so sad for him to be wandering around by himself and making company with all the other lonely people on the strip. And he even gave you his coat. He can’t be that bad to be around. ARG! Fuck it.
“Hey, what is your stance on buffets because I don’t think I’ve had real food since lunch,” you offered, changing your original plans of just ordering room service.
“Honestly? They’re pretty much germ traps but it’s worth it if the food is good.”
“I knew we were on the same wavelength. Come on, I think that’s my Uber pulling up.” You said as you stood up and started walking toward the black sedan with Alex following close behind.
“Where are we going?”
“First stop is my room,” he raised an eyebrow at this statement, “where you will wait in the hallway while I change into some comfier clothes and shoes that won’t kill me.”
End Notes: Do you think our dear Reader will force poor Alex to wait in the cold hallway? Or is she just ready to risk it all? What will they choose at the buffet? Do you enjoy dining at a buffet? All these questions may be answered...eventually.
Confession time: I have never actually watched Vikings.
Hold the gasps please.
I do have a potential modern AU story idea floating around in my head of Mob Boss Ivar where the Reader is the wife/girlfriend of his rival who could possibly be Oleg or an OMC.
I feel like I read enough about Ivar that I have a fair understanding of his character. But let’s be real, I should probably watch the show.
Is it absolutely necessary that I start it from the beginning or will I be okay starting at season 4? I’m not bothered at spoiling things from myself. I just don’t think I have the patience to go through three seasons before AHA makes an appearance.
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter Two

Masterlist | One
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 2590
Summary: Alex and Reader enjoy some dinner, drinks, and games. Could this be a date?
Warnings: Toying with infidelity, people freely scrolling though someone else’s phone with no disregard
Alex pressed his back against the wall next to your hotel room door. With his hands tucked into his pockets and his legs crossed at the ankles, he waited for you to come back out. He tried to downplay the large smile on his face but it was hard. The theme of his night was playing it cool and to not seem like a lovesick fool but he was in disbelief over his luck. When Bianca said she was going to bring her friend over, he was temporarily stunned to see the same woman that had caught his eye at the airport two days ago.
He was waiting in baggage claim with Marco who was busy listing all their potential plans during their stay when he got distracted by a faint coconut scent that floated by. He looked over to see you walking past him going toward the baggage carousel. Whatever his friend was saying was now just background noise as he couldn’t help but stare at you. You were smiling and seemed like you were making small talk with an older couple next to you as you waited for your own bag to appear.
Just as he was fine-tuning his plan to approach you with his not-so-smooth line of “Excuse me, Miss, I think you dropped this dollar. By the way, you are beautiful and will you please let me take you out sometime”, he looked up to find that you were gone. After being caught up on the one who got away, Marco reassured him that there would be plenty of other women he could hit on. He had to agree with him because what were the chances he would run into you again? Obviously, it was greater than he thought.
The sound of the door opening brought Alex out of his thoughts. Your curls were now in a messy bun on top of your head and just as you promised you were dressed more comfortably in simple tee, jeans, and your chucks which he figured probably felt like walking on a cloud to you after being in heels most of the night. He also noticed that you still had his jacket on.
“Sorry, I’ve decided that I’m keeping this. I think it looks better on me anyway,” you said with a mischievous smile as you tucked your hands into the pockets.
“I can’t really argue with you on that one. But I’ll be taking it off of you one way or another.” He countered, instantly regretting his choice of words. No more saying out loud how you want to take her clothes off, he thought to himself.
You raised your eyebrow in response, “Hmm..I doubt it. Don’t worry, I’ll give it back to you eventually.” You turned down the hallway, going toward the elevators with Alex following close behind you.
He once again felt like luck was on his side when you didn’t throw his jacket in his face and politely tell him to fuck right off. He reminded himself to reign in the comments and glances he’s been giving you before he scared you off and you decided to cut your night short. But as he became distracted by the slight swing of your hips, he thought that maybe he was in over his head.
The trip to the buffet was just one elevator ride down to the second floor of the hotel you were staying at. Although it featured various cuisines to choose from, you and Alex both bee-lined toward the sushi bar and unashamedly stuffed your faces full of raw fish while washing it down with beer.
You declared yourself full as the busboy picked up your empty plates so he had a look of confusion when you left and then came back to the table with a brownie topped with ice cream. Without needing him to say anything, you quickly responded that there is always room for dessert.
If he only knew how much you enjoyed your sweets, he would have waited a moment before taking a sip of his beer. You gave a soft moan as you took the first bite of your brownie. Unprepared to hear such a sound come from you, Alex had choked on his beer and gave a few coughs to clear out his throat.
“Don’t die on me, kid. Maybe you should try sipping slowly,” you giggled and then brought another spoonful to your mouth. All the drinks you’ve had so far was giving you a warm buzz.
“Kid?”, his voice raspy as he was still trying to clear his throat. “I’m only seven years younger than you!”
“Only seven years? Aw, you really are a baby boy!,” you said with wide eyes. You couldn’t stop giggling when Alex started pouting and crossed his arms across his chest. “Don’t be a Mister Grumpy Gills! I’m just being a little shit. You should be honored, I’m only mean to the ones I like.”
Alex took another sip of his beer before leaning back in his chair and continued to pretend to be hurt by your teasing. Even if he were, he imagined it would be hard to stay that way for too long. All you would have to do is flash him a smile and all would be forgiven.
You had set your spoon down and rested your chin against your fist as you started to stare off toward the fountain display at the center of the restaurant. He pulled out his phone and decided to take advantage of the moment, capturing a couple shots of you. It wasn’t his camera but it will have to do for now. As he got ready to take another picture, he glanced at your left hand and noticed the ring you were wearing.
Alex’s heart fell. Why didn’t he notice this before? Were you wearing it this entire time? His mind went back over the past three hours he had spent with you so far and he couldn’t recall you mentioning a husband or any form of a significant other. He didn’t want to confirm what he knew to be true but he had to.
“How long have you been married?” He asked as he tried to erase the look of disappointment that he was sure was all over his face.
You appeared to be startled. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the interruption or because of the question itself. You brought your hand down and glanced at the offending ring on your finger. “About eight years,” you answered simply.
“And why aren’t they here with you? Turning thirty seems to be pretty significant, I know if you were my wife I’d be busy spoiling you and celebrating it with you,” Alex was tempted to add in bed but now really wasn’t the time.
“He wasn’t able to come. That and me and Bi wanted to have a girls only kind of trip. He’d probably be miserable doing all the corny touristy things I love to do,” you cracked a smile at this. “He’s the one treating us to all of this anyway so it’s like he’s here in spirit.”
“Is he a good husband?” He groaned internally because he couldn’t stop asking questions that he didn’t want to know the answers to.
You tilted your head as if to ponder his question before nodding, “Yeah. Definitely not perfect, but yes.”
With the warm smile on your face after you spoke, Alex figured right then and there that he stood no chance. He tried to take some consolation in the fact that you were at least being treated with the respect you deserved. He downed the rest of his beer with a large gulp as he prepared to wish you a good night and pray that your friend had already vacated his room so he could sleep his sorrows away.
His intentions were interrupted by your small gasp. “Hey! Let’s gamble and lose some money!” You didn’t even give him a chance to answer as you stood up from your table and marched over to the casino floor.
He got up from the table and quickly followed. Wounded or not, he wasn’t going to deny you anything.
“You were up fifty dollars! Why didn’t you stop playing?” Alex could have sworn he only took his eyes from your machine for one second and then he looked back to see you were down to the last dollar.
“Because I thought I could get more but then I didn’t. So I decided that I just wanted to break even but...uh, then I didn’t,” you pulled on the handle of the slot machine and then frowned when you came up empty once again.
He could only laugh at your sad explanation. Now he understood why after you withdrew $100 from the ATM, you handed him the cash and declared that he was in charge of the funds.
“Maybe we should hit up the tables?” you suggested as you slipped off the stool, making sure to not forget your free drink that a server had previously offered you. Maybe not so free since you were now down twenty dollars.
“I guess if you want to lose your money even faster,” he said. He pulled out his phone and tried to get a shot of the rows of lighted up slot machines, thinking it would make an interesting picture.
“Ooo! Let me see!” You pulled down his arm so that his phone would be more at your eye level Smiling up at him, you asked, “Do you have any others?”
He scrolled through his photos to find the ones he had taken when he was back home before handing his phone to you. He didn’t know why but he was nervous as you flipped through the album. There was a part of him that was seeking your approval, a part of him that wanted to make you proud.
“Alex…,” you looked up at him in amazement before going back to scroll through his pictures. “I don’t claim to have the eye of an art critic but these are good. Like real good.”
“I mean they’re okay--” he started to say before being interrupted.
“Uh-uh, you don’t need to be humble around me. ‘I don’t feel comfortable saying I’m professional yet’, my ass,” you said mockingly as you flipped through his photo album.
“I just meant that I don’t get paid to do it,” he tried to defend himself.
“I think you could if you wanted to,” you were taking a sip of your mixed drink when you paused at one picture in particular. He could have sworn he saw a tinge of red starting to flush across your cheeks. “Oh. Ohhhh...I’m sure a gal would pay a pretty penny for this one. Did you put this one on your tinder?”
You pointed the screen toward him to let him see what you were referring to. Taken in the privacy of his own bathroom, Alex was wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his phone as it took a picture of his reflection. He lept toward you trying to take the phone away from your hands before you delved even deeper into his photo album but you were too fast for him. With your back pressed against his chest, he again tried to wrestle it from your grip but again he was coming up empty.
“And what is this one, I see?”
He quickly tried to think if he had any other incriminating pictures that he forgot to delete. Embarrassed, he looked down at the screen fully expecting to see his own dick staring back at him but instead all he saw was you. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
“Were you expecting me to find something else? Should I keep searching?” you asked cheekily.
“Nope!” He finally managed to get his phone back, “I think you’re done.”
“Laaaame.” You whined as you continued walking between the game tables, trying to decide what you wanted to try out. “I am very surprised you managed to get my good side. It usually takes me about twenty tries before I get a decent pic.”
“I don’t know, I think all your sides are good sides,” he stated while falling instep with you.
“Ha, no but thanks for the ego boost. You’re such a charmer. Be sure to keep that up when you get that special woman in your life.”
“Your husband doesn’t try to charm you?”
“He does in his own ways.”
“But not in the way you like.”
“I’ve always been such a hopeless romantic and not. He isn’t the type to buy ‘Just Because’ flowers but he would wake up early during the winter to scrape my windshield and make sure my car was heated before I left for work.”
“What are ‘Just Because’ flowers?”
You paused to mull over your response, “When it’s just an ordinary day, no obligation because of a special occasion or holiday, you give someone you like or love flowers just because you knew they were having a bad day or just because you wanted to see the smile or just because you were thinking of them. Whatever the reason is, it’s just because.” You continued walking and didn’t hear a reply from him, “Sorry, was that cheesy? I did warn you that I was a hopeless romantic!”
“No, not cheesy at all,” he said as he gave a glance down at you. “It’s sounds like these flowers would have meant a lot to you. Have you tried telling him this? I don’t think you should go another eight years without it.”
“It really doesn’t matter much now.” You polished off the rest of your drink before leaving the glass at a vacant slot machine. “Onto a more cheerful topic, I think I still have at least two more hours left in me before I officially need to pass out.”
“Just two?” He takes a seat on the stool in front of you. With him seated and you still standing, it gave you the opportunity to look him straight in the eyes.
“Yes, it’s way beyond my bedtime.” You crossed your arms across your chest. Although you were more clothed now, he was finding it hard to stay focused on your face. “So I feel I’ve been controlling this entire outing. Is there anything you wanted to do?”
Alex gave a small gulp. He felt tempted to pull you closer to him, to have you trapped between his legs only so he could make his answer clear. But instead he kept his hands to himself. “I’m fine gambling for the rest of the night.”
“That’s nice of you but that’s not what I asked. What do you want to do? Or better yet, what were yours and Marco’s plans before me and Bianca so rude interrupted it?”
You stepped up into the back of the SUV, scooting over to give Alex some room to get in as well.
“Are you Y/N?” your Uber driver asked. After confirming this, he continued reading off his app screen, “And you two are going to the Sapphires Gentlemen’s Club?
You and Alex looked at each other. You giggled at what he was sure was the flush he felt that was taking over his cheeks. All he could think to himself was, this is such a bad idea, kill me now.
End Notes: So, yeah. Looks like they are wrapping up their night with a bang, whether that includes a literal bang. Who knows? Still think our dear reader is ready to risk it all? Are you good at slots (pssh, I’m not!)? Would you allow a stranger to have completely access to your photo album?
My Teeny Tiny Masterlist
Want to see what I’ve been reading? Check out my Fic Recs.
Alex Høgh Andersen
Luck Be a Lady | One Two Three Four
Reader was looking forward to a simple girls trip to Vegas to celebrate her birthday but it looks like it may turn to something more.
Alex hasn’t heard his girlfriend’s voice in a week and becomes moody. But luckily an impromptu FaceTime session turns his frown upside down.
Alex washes some dishes. That’s it.
The Best Angle
He just wanted to take your picture.
Ivar the Boneless
In My Sights | I II III
When Ivar’s contracted kill is taken out right in front of his eyes, he didn’t expect it to be at the hands of an old friend.
Second Chance
A young woman doesn’t realize there’s more to her boyfriend until it’s too late.
The Stolen Queen Series
When Heathen King Meets Christian Queen Ivar finds more than just gold when he raids the Kingdom of Powys.
Lost Reader gets lost in the forest after Ivar decides to let her go.
Learning Ivar is able to learn more about Reader as her walls slowly comes down.
The Secret Visit Vikings are known to bury their treasures. Ivar, on the other hand, chooses to keep his most precious treasure in a cabin in the woods.
Want on my tag list? Ask me to be tagged in any future update! Also comments/reblogs will also earn you an automatic tag for the next update for that story.
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter Three

Masterlist | One Two
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 3799
Summary: A trip to the strip club. What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Warnings: There is schmut! Hint of F/F (it’s a strip club, this was bound to happen), possible infidelity, cunnilingus
Author’s Note: I thought this story was going to be three chapters but I’m going to need one more to wrap this part of their story up.
This is such a bad idea. If you were sober, this more than likely would have been your first thought as you paid your cover at the front of the club. All the free drinks you’ve consumed throughout the night were starting to catch up with you. Although you were still able to speak clearly and walk steadily enough, you knew you were not of sound mind. You also knew that it wasn't entirely the alcohol to blame as you cast a glance towards your new found friend.
Ever since Alex had mentioned taking his jacket off of you, you have been stuck between taking him up on his offer and keeping him at an arm's length. You were enjoying spending time with him but as the night went on, your resolve to keep him out of your room, and ultimately your pants, was starting to deteriorate. When you asked him what he wanted to do for the remainder of the night, a small part of you was daring him to say what you knew he really wanted to say.
When he mentioned that he and Marco had thought about going to a strip club, you couldn’t help but giggle. They were two young men visiting Sin City, the answer to your question should have been obvious. Maybe he thought you would never pounce on the idea but he was going to learn that sometimes you were full of surprises.
You definitely were not a stranger to strip clubs especially after spending your birthday and first night in town at one. And there may or may not have been one point in your life where you waitressed at one. Bi was still convinced you probably did more than serve drinks but you enjoyed being the little shit that you were and refused to confirm nor deny it.
You originally thought coming here would take some heat off you and put some necessary distance between you two. The less Alex stared at you, the less likely you would climb onto his lap. As Alex draped his arm over the back of your chair, it was starting to be clear that you thought wrong. You had hoped that he would be too distracted by the naked woman on the main stage but when you felt his hand softly caress your arm, you only had one lingering thought in your head. Fuck.
“Well, shit. I know I can’t do that one,” you admitted after watching the dancer transition into an inverted split while spinning around the pole. You leaned forward in your chair to mainly get some space but also to throw down some bills onto the stage.
Alex tossed his own tip down before turning to look at you with his mouth slightly agape. You could already see the wheels turning in his head. He slid his tongue across his bottom lip. “Can’t do that one? I think you need to elaborate on that, my sweet girl.”
You shook your head after stealing a sip of beer from his bottle. “Wait, your sweet girl?” you asked with an eyebrow raised.
He looked surprised as if he didn’t even notice what he said, “Yeah? You’re a girl? And you make sweets?” You snorted at his bullshit answer. “Now tell me what you meant.”
“No, I don’t think I will.”
You’re not sure how it was possible with you two sitting in separate chairs but he somehow pressed up closer to you and lowered his mouth down to your ear. His warm breath tickled your neck. “I think I’ll just have to find a way to convince you to tell me.”
Oh damn. You looked into his eyes before glancing down to his lips. The smell of his cologne was seeming more intoxicating than all the drinks you’ve had so far. Why did he have to smell so good? He was so close and for the first time tonight, pushing him away was the last thing on your mind. Just as you were about to press your lips against his, a high pitched voice startled the two of you.
“Hiya! How’s your guys’ night going?”, a busty blonde asked as she sat herself on the arm of Alex’s chair. Sensing now that she may have interrupted the moment, she got back to her feet immediately, “Oh I’m sorry! Did I ruin the mood?!”
“Yeah, we were kind of talking,” he stated bluntly, obviously frustrated at her bad timing.
“No, you’re fine,” you uttered at the same time.
The bubbly dancer wrinkled her brow in confusion before putting a wide smile back on her face. “Either way, let me make it up to you. How about a private dance for two for a slightly reduced price?” She asked, possibly hoping to make another couple hundred before the end of her shift.
“You know, it is his first time visiting this lovely city,” you grinned. As if he knew where you were headed with this, Alex started shaking his head. “And I think it would be absolutely tragic if we left here without him getting one lap dance.”
Clapping her hands, the blonde bounced with excitement. She took both your and his hand in hers as she led you to the back where the private rooms were. “I was hoping you would say yes! I’m Harlie, by the way, and you two are in for a treat.” She looked over each shoulder to take the two of you in. “Or maybe I’m the one who’s in for a treat.”
You both settled onto the plush couch while Harlie closed the door and got the music ready. You looked over at him, expecting him to have his eyes on the scantily clad woman but was surprised to see him staring at you instead.
“What?”, you mouthed to him. Just as he started opening his mouth to respond, he was interrupted by the sounds of a slow, sultry song playing over the room’s speakers.
“Because I’m such a gentlewoman, ladies first!” She untied her bikini top and playfully threw it in Alex’s face before straddling your lap. “Now I only make this exception for the hot girls only,” she giggled as she took your left hand and placed it on her chest, giving you a chance to gently palm her large breast. You looked up at her as you allowed your thumb to graze her nipple, provoking another giggle out of the dancer.
You turned your gaze over to the man sitting next to you. His eyes focused on where your hand was before looking down, watching as Harlie started grinding her hips against yours to the beat of the music. Sliding your other hand over to meet his, you started to caress the back of his hand. His eyes looked up to meet yours while he turned his hand over, interlacing your fingers with his. Once again, a high pitched squeak pulled both of your attention away from each other.
“You guys are just so cute! So what’s the occasion tonight?” Lifting your hand off her chest, she kept it in her grip as she eyed your wedding band, “Are we celebrating an anniversary?”
“Oh no, we—“ Alex started to protest before you chimed in.
“We actually...have not been married for too long. I think it’s been almost two days now. Isn’t that right, baby boy?” You flashed him a grin.
He raised his eyebrow before giving a small laugh and nodding his head, “My sweet girl is right. We hadn't been engaged too long but I didn’t think I could wait one more year to marry her. So we went to that little white chapel straight from the airport and said our vows before God and Elvis.”
“Elvis?” You tried to contain your own laughter, “That’s right, he did officiate the ceremony.”
Harlie, who had since vacated your lap, could only stare at the two of you as you both tried to hold in your snickering. Trying to bring the mood back around because she was working after all, “Well, how about I get a bit of a show? Let me get a kiss between you two.”
The laughter stopped. Alex looked at her then back at you, “Uh, no...that’s okay. Y/N is a little shy. Not that big on PDA.”
Surprised that he wasn’t trying to take advantage of the request, you leaned in closer towards him. “My hand was just on her tit, dear. I think we can give her just one small kiss,” you reasoned with both him and yourself. Maybe just get one kiss out of the way and he and any temptation would officially be out of your head.
He barely let you finish your sentence before pressing his lips against yours. You could have ended it there but instead you chose to bring your hands up to softly cup his face in your palms, closing your eyes and deepening the kiss. Opening his mouth, he slid his tongue against your upper lip as if silently asking you to let him in. You, being quite the opportunist, first took a chance to give his bottom lip a small nip before granting his wish.
Alex groaned out before gliding his tongue against yours, grabbing a hold of your hips and pulling you onto his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck while you moaned into the kiss. Feeling the hardening bulge underneath you, you couldn’t stop yourself from grinding your hips against him. Both of you were so lost in each other that you forgot that you two were not alone.
Harlie grabbed her discarded top and started to put it on as she made an exit out of the room. She had already been paid and was sure the newlyweds wouldn’t mind being left alone for the remaining two songs. The bouncer standing guard at the backroom entrance raised his eyebrow at her when he saw she was leaving without her customers.
“I’m just giving them some alone time. I think they have about five minutes left and after that you can give them the boot.” she said to the imposing wall of a man. He still had his eyebrow raised but offered no response, “C’mon, Lenny, they’re in loooove. It’s so sweet, I might even have a cavity now! Haven’t you ever been so in love?”
“Yeah, three times exactly. And I’m still paying all three of them alimony.” He looked straight ahead doing a scan of the crowd in front of him, “Fine. But you’re on cleaning duty if they make a mess!”
Harlie stood at attention and then gave him a salute, “Ay! Ay! Captain!”
The elevator ride up to your floor seemed like an eternity. Part of it due to all the other guests in front of you trying to get off on their respective floors and also because of the man currently behind you, holding you close to his body. After being told kindly to leave the club and get a room by the stone faced bouncer, you two were having a hard time keeping your hands off each other.
His hand was underneath your t-shirt, fingers splayed across your stomach. It may have been your mind playing tricks on you but you were sure Alex was slowly trying to slip his hand under your waistband. Sneaking your hand behind you, you started to rub him through his jeans. You smiled to yourself as he tried to cover his groan up with a cough.
Upon seeing that you two finally arrived at your floor, he took your once preoccupied hand in his and led you off the elevator. He made it obvious that he was as in much of a hurry as you to get into the privacy of your room.
You stood in front of your door and with shaky hands tried to find your key which seemed to be lost in the void of your purse. Alex certainly wasn’t helping as he stood behind you, alternating between leaving kisses and softly biting your neck.
His laugh sounded muffled against you, “My sweet girl, needing a little bit of help?” He went back to gliding his tongue over every bite he made. You were grateful that his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist or you would have collapsed onto the floor by now.
As soon as you were able to locate the damn thing and get the door open, you quickly pulled him inside. His mouth was on yours before the door was even shut closed, his hands once again underneath your shirt crawling up your back. You brought your hands on his chest to push him away which caused him to look down on you with confusion.
“Let me make sure Bi isn’t here first,” you whispered before crossing the living area to check her friend’s room. After you popped back out, you gave him a thumbs up to let him know the coast was clear.
Alex had his hands in his pockets, busy studying the layout of your two room suite. “I think you could fit mine and Marco’s room just in the living room alone.”
“Well, I figured that I only turn 30 once. You know, go big or go home.” You dropped your gaze down to his crotch as you said “go big” before looking back up at him with a smile. “I can give you the grand tour if you like?” You walked over towards him, closing the distance between you.
Pulling you back into his arms, he brought both his hands down your back to give your ass a tight squeeze, “Just your room if you don’t mind.” He smiled before lowering his head to give you another open mouthed kiss, his tongue gliding and twirling against yours.
You slowly walked him backwards toward your room. He blindly searched for the light switch to illuminate the room as you two passed the doorway. Breaking away from him, you attempted to take off your jacket but his hand grabbed yours, stopping you from doing so. You raised your eyebrow at him.
“I think I made you a promise at the beginning of our night,” he cheekily said as he slowly tugged his jacket down your arms, leaving it in a heap at your feet.
You took a seat on the bed and scooted toward the headboard, leaning back on your elbows. Alex crawled over to you until he found his way between your legs. Sitting up on his knees, he lifted his shirt up and over his head.
“Oh fuck me, baby boy,” you moaned out as you took your time to appreciate his toned torso, biting your lip as you dragged your nails down his abs.
He leaned over you with his bent arms on either side of your head, caging you in. He softly laughed, “Trust me. I’ve been trying.” He dipped down to capture your mouth with his while he rubbed his clothed hardness against you.
Your hands gently clawed his back as you whimpered into the kiss, bringing your hips up to meet his. You weren’t sure if you could get any more wet, your lace panties had since been destroyed since the impromptu lap dance you gave him at the club. You just knew you were desperate for some quick relief.
With your eyes shut so tight, you felt him trail kisses from your mouth down to your neck. He pushed your shirt up to expose your chest which was still barely covered by your black lace bra. He lavished and peppered the tops of your breasts with wet kisses before pulling down on one of the cups, his tongue reaching out to tease the pebbled skin.
You whined out his name, arching your back as your fingers tangled themselves into his hair. Feeling his warm breath moving further down your body, you looked down to see him staring back up at you. Somewhere along the way, you must have pulled his hair tie out as his long hair was now framing his face.
He sat up on his knees, grinning as he unbuttoned your jeans before sliding them and your panties down your legs. You held your breath when he began to lower his head down. The two of you held each other’s gaze, neither of you wanting to be the first to break eye contact but you couldn’t stop yourself from closing your eyes and tilting your head back when you felt his mouth on your wet mound.
You had started to grind your hips up against his face while his tongue circled and flicked against your clit. You continued to moan out loud as you felt his arms wrap around your thighs, trying to weigh you down. You slid your hand up one of your thighs to grab a hold of his, lacing your fingers with his, while your other hand clenched the sheets next to you.
When you felt two of his fingers penetrate you, working their way in and out of you slowly as he sucked on your sensitive bud, you begged out loud, “Please, baby! Please!” Your cries echoed in the room, mixing with the sounds of his assault on your pussy. Sounds that you would have thought to be obscene but you weren’t currently in the mind space to care.
You jolted up with one arm behind you, keeping you upright, as Alex curled his fingers and began to rub against that sensitive spot inside you. Your other hand tangled in his hair once again, roughly tugging at his locks causing him to groan out loud against your mound.
You had let out a long drawn out moan as you came, your legs still shaking even though he held a tight grip on one of them. You fell back against the bed and covered your eyes with your forearm, trying to steady your quick, shallow breaths. A few moments later, you could feel him crawling his way back up, the heat of his body hovering over you.
“Oh no, where did my sweet girl go? Why is she hiding?” He jokingly asked before he pulled your arm away from your face. You smiled sweetly up at his flushed face. “Oh! There she is, I found her!” He whispered loudly, looking down at you as if he was committing your face to memory.
You palmed his face in your hands, swiping away with your thumbs the sweat and your wetness that was on his cheeks and at the corners of his mouth. You brought your head up to leave the softest kisses down his face, starting at his forehead, then the tip of his nose, his cheek, and before leaving just a whisper of a kiss on his lips.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, making sure there was no part of your body untouched by his as he pressed his lips against yours again, his tongue forcing his way into your mouth. He broke away from you to give more attention to your neck, alternating between kisses and small nips.
An uneasiness began to wash over you, you felt it starting in your heart. The look on his face wasn’t unfamiliar to you. A mix of desire, affection, and possibly love. You’ve seen it before just on another man’s face. You closed your eyes and were overwhelmed with all the moments you were treated to this look—from across crowded rooms, as you stood in your kitchen after hearing the front door open, as you walked down the aisle. The tears started to well up in your eyes.
“Stop, Alex. Please stop,” you whispered, trying to hold back your tears.
Though you were sure he was confused, he was off of you and sitting back on his knees as soon as he heard you say please. “What’s wrong?” he asked with a look of concern on his face.
“I can't do this. I’m--I’m--I’m sorry,” you stammered, the room was starting to look blurry as the tears fell down your face. You got out of the bed and started putting your pants on. “I shouldn’t have brought you here. I’m so sorry, I’m just not--I’m not--”
All Alex could do is sit on the bed as you paced the room and wiped the tears from your face, his brow furrowed in worry. He pulled you back down on the bed, “Y/N, just sit. Please breathe for me, swee--just breathe.” He held back on his term of endearment for you.
You took a few deep stunted breaths to calm you and your heart. You looked at him and apologized once again.
Pulling you into a hug, he shushed you, “Don’t be sorry. I shouldn’t have let it go this far.” He pressed his forehead against yours. “I shouldn’t have kissed you but I couldn’t help myself. You were just some woman I saw at the airport. How can you be this deep in my head already?”
You pulled yourself away from him, staring at him with a small look of confusion. At the airport?, you wondered to yourself. He shouldn’t be saying any of this. You wanted him to say it was just sex and there was no hard feelings. But after looking into his eyes, you realized that this night was nothing but feelings.
Alex stood up, putting on his discarded shirt. He raked his fingers through his hair and he gave a rough exhale. “If I was your husband, I’d be here with you on your birthday. I’d agree to all the corny tourist things you want to do but honestly, we probably wouldn’t get around to it because I’d make sure you would never want to leave this bed.”
“Alex, you really don’t know. He--,” you tried to explain to him but he cut you off.
“I know, I know. He’s not a romantic,” he gave an aggravated sigh as he rolled his eyes. “Y/N, I might be young and I may have never been married before but I think a good husband should do the things that make you happy even if it’s not his thing.”
Your sadness instantly turned to annoyance. Even though a part of you agreed with him, you were damned if you were going to let him start to badmouth your husband. Taking a calming breath, you turned your eyes down at your clasped hands in front of you, “I really think you should leave.”
You didn’t bother to look up. You listened as his footsteps retreated out of the room and towards the front door, only letting the tears fall again when you heard the door shut. You fell back onto the bed, shaking your head, “I’m just not ready for this yet.”
End Notes: I originally was not going to let them get that far before bringing in the heartbreak. But I decided to treat you guys. Anywho...poor Alex, poor reader. What do we think her issue is? Do you think they will get together again?
My Teeny Tiny Masterlist
Because I’m hoping I will write more, so might as well get this started.
Luck Be a Lady | One Two Three
Reader was looking forward to a simple girls trip to Vegas to celebrate her birthday but it looks like it may turn to something more.
Alex hasn’t heard his girlfriend’s voice in a week and becomes moody. But luckily an impromptu FaceTime session turns his frown upside down.
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter Three

Masterlist | One Two
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 3799
Summary: A trip to the strip club. What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Warnings: There is schmut! Hint of F/F (it’s a strip club, this was bound to happen), possible infidelity, cunnilingus
Author’s Note: I thought this story was going to be three chapters but I’m going to need one more to wrap this part of their story up.
This is such a bad idea. If you were sober, this more than likely would have been your first thought as you paid your cover at the front of the club. All the free drinks you’ve consumed throughout the night were starting to catch up with you. Although you were still able to speak clearly and walk steadily enough, you knew you were not of sound mind. You also knew that it wasn’t entirely the alcohol to blame as you cast a glance towards your new found friend.
Ever since Alex had mentioned taking his jacket off of you, you have been stuck between taking him up on his offer and keeping him at an arm’s length. You were enjoying spending time with him but as the night went on, your resolve to keep him out of your room, and ultimately your pants, was starting to deteriorate. When you asked him what he wanted to do for the remainder of the night, a small part of you was daring him to say what you knew he really wanted to say.
Keep reading
My Teeny Tiny Masterlist
Because I’m hoping I will write more, so might as well get this started.
Alex Høgh Andersen
Luck Be a Lady | One Two Three
Reader was looking forward to a simple girls trip to Vegas to celebrate her birthday but it looks like it may turn to something more.
Alex hasn’t heard his girlfriend’s voice in a week and becomes moody. But luckily an impromptu FaceTime session turns his frown upside down.
Ivar the Boneless
The Stolen Queen When Heathen King Meets Christian Queen | Ivar finds more than just gold when he raids the Kingdom of Powys. Lost | Reader gets lost in the forest after Ivar decides to let her go. The Secret Visit | Vikings are known to bury their treasures. Ivar, on the other hand, chooses to keep his most precious treasure in a cabin in the woods.
In My Sights | When Ivar’s contracted kill is taken out right in front of his eyes, he didn’t expect it to be at the hands of an old friend.
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter Four

Masterlist | One Two Three
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 2161
Summary: Reader has some regrets and she learns something new about Alex.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: And this is where I leave you. ::tips hat and rides off into the sunset:: On a real note, sorry for the lack of updates. Work and personal life has been hectic and wearing your girl down.
The bright lights of the Vegas Strip illuminated the living room enough that you didn’t bother turning on any lights as you left your bedroom. Now dressed down in your worn-out, oversized hoodie and pajama shorts, you walked over to the wet bar and pulled a bottle of vodka down from the shelf, not caring how overpriced it was. You thought about grabbing a glass but instead shrugged and took a swig straight from the bottle.
Settling on the wide marble ledge, you looked past your reflection in the window to peer down at the sparse traffic on the streets. You felt so physically drained after all the tears you’ve shed. You rubbed your bare face in embarrassment, mortified over letting all your emotions get in the way and ruining what was otherwise a nice evening.
Now that you weren’t in the middle of a panic attack, you regretted reacting too quickly when you told Alex to leave. You wished you could have him come back or at least text him so you could explain yourself but you two never took a moment to exchange numbers. Not like it would make much of a difference anyway, you were sure he was grateful to get some distance away from your crazy ass.
You didn’t bother looking over when you heard the door unlock and open. The clicking of heels confirmed it was your best friend doing her walk of shame, or stride of pride as she lovingly called it.
“So I didn’t see any sign of your Lover Boy when I snuck out of Marco’s room,” Bianca teased. You could hear her plop down onto the couch and then soft thuds of what you assumed were her shoes being dropped on the floor. “Is he here? Did you wear him out? Why are we sitting in the fucking dark?”
Light had filled the room after she clicked on a lamp. Although you were no longer crying, you knew your red, puffy eyes would give you away when you turned to look at her.
“Oh my god! What the fuck happened?” She rushed over to join you on the ledge. “What did that fucker do?”
“He didn’t do anything,” you gave a small smile, trying to put her worries to rest but as all the emotions from the night went through you again, you couldn’t stop your eyes from welling up.
Bianca wrapped her arms around you, comforting you until you were ready to talk. Her hand rubbed your back as you softly sniffled into her shoulder.
“What happened, sweetie? Are you sure he didn’t do anything? Because I won’t hesitate to put my shoes back on and kick his ass if I need to.”
“No, Alex was sweet and a total gentleman the entire night. So you can calm down with all of that.” You pulled away from her, drying your face with the back of your sleeve before giving her a quick run through of your night. “We were kissing and everything was good and...I don’t know. It felt familiar.”
“Familiar how?”
“It was like being with Trevor again. I know him and Alex couldn’t be anymore different but it somehow felt the same. And then all I could think of was him and how much I missed him. I just felt guilty like I was cheating on him.”
Bianca shook her head as she took your hand in hers. “Y/N, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Trevor's been gone for almost two years now. It’s perfectly fine to move on whether if it’s a relationship or just sex. I know he would want you to be with someone who makes you happy.”
“It still feels too soon, maybe I’m not ready to be with anyone. Ugh, as if being with Alex would be possible especially after I freaked out on him,” you clasped your hand on your forehead, grimacing over that memory. “And I basically told him I was married.”
“What? Why?” Bianca looked at you like you were crazy.
“He saw my ring and asked how long I was married. So I told him eight years.” It technically wasn’t a lie. You had been married for about eight years before a deputy stood at your doorstep, telling you that your husband would never be returning home. “You know I hate the pitiful look people give me when they hear I’m a widow. And I thought it would be easier to push him away if I pretended that I was a faithful wife. But fuck, man, I couldn’t even keep that up!”
“It’s not too late to tell him all of this. I think I might remember what room they’re staying in.”
“Okay, even if he doesn’t think I’m crazy after all of that, I don’t think me and him would work. He’s young and I barely had the patience to deal with Trevor when he was that age. And he doesn’t even live in this country,” you tried to reason with her and maybe with your heart.
“Okay, he’s young and he doesn’t go here. So what?”
“I just think getting into a long distance relationship after losing your husband is a disaster.”
“Or it could be something beautiful. I’m sorry, Y/N. But if this boy could give even a fraction of happiness that Trevor gave you, then I’m all for it.”
You gnawed on your lip as you considered what she was telling you. You were too scared to take the risk. You were convinced that it would only end in heartbreak and you weren’t sure if you had enough strength to deal with another one of those again.
“I think I’m just too tired to deal with any of this right now...or ever.” You turned toward the window, staring at your worn down reflection. Definitely too damn tired.
The snow outside of your kitchen window was coming down hard and didn't show any signs of stopping. You sighed to yourself while emptying the remainder of the wine bottle into your glass, silently praying that you wouldn’t find yourself snowed in in the morning.
You sat on the couch, pulling the cozy throw up to your chin and trying to get comfortable while your lovable dog and cat duo, Dallas and Leeloo, were busy fighting over the spot next to you. Unfortunately for the young feline, it seemed like the elder Labrador was coming out to be the winner.
You sipped on your wine as you scrolled through Hulu for something to distract you from your headache of a night—your first and definitely last Tinder date.
You had spent twenty embarrassing minutes waiting for your date to return after he excused himself to the restroom. There was no devastation on your part. You didn’t feel the same chemistry in person that you had over messages but you were willing to at least wish him a good night like a decent person. You deleted the app on your way out, already convinced that nothing good would be coming from it.
You weren’t even mad at this guy. All of your annoyance was aimed at Bianca who had spent the last six months encouraging—nagging and begging—you to go out and start dating. She claimed that it was officially time for you to start moving on but you suspected she just wanted you to see how wrong you were for letting the potential Mr. Right in Vegas get away.
You’d never tell her but she was right and you didn’t need a string of bad or mediocre dates to find that out. The nights you used to spend in bed wondering how life would be if Trevor was still alive were now spent thinking of what could have been with Alex. From the small amount of time you spent with him, you knew he would be the caring, supportive boyfriend who’d hang on every word you said and whisper into your ear to ease any of your self doubts and do anything to make you smile.
You had tried to search for him with the very minimal details you knew about him, during one very lonely night spent with a bottle of whiskey, but none of the Copenhagen based photographers named Alex turned out to be the one you were looking for. It shouldn’t have been too shocking but your drunk self still took it a bit hard, spending part of the night lying on the kitchen floor and crying into Dallas’s fur.
You gave up on finding something uplifting to watch and settled with the historical drama you had been slowly working your way through the past few months. You originally didn’t think a show about Vikings would be your cup of tea as you were more of a sucker for the period pieces with more extravagant, vibrant costumes but it came highly recommended by your Vegas fling. He said it was a pretty good show. After three seasons and nine episodes, he definitely wasn’t wrong.
You were down to the last ten minutes of the episode where Bjorn was going up to his brothers’ cabin. You had downed the rest of your glass only to spit it all out, your pets scurrying away to avoid the spray, when grown Ivar rolled over to show his face.
“What...the fuck?” You whispered to yourself as the scene cutaway. Your mouth hung open and your eyes were glued to the screen.
“What the fuck?” You repeated again when you saw Marco on the screen next to Alex. “Why would they do that to his hair?”
As soon as the episode ended, you sat still with your brow furrowed. You went through all the conversations you had and didn’t remember him saying he was an actor nor that he starred in this “pretty good” show.
You grabbed your phone to do a quick google search of who played Ivar. Alex Høgh Andersen. This entire time you had access to his name. If only you had given in to your urge to binge watch the show in one sitting you would have had it sooner.
You pulled up your Instagram and typed in his name. As you were about to click on his account, you quickly changed your mind and threw your phone next to you on the couch as if it scorched you. You weren’t seriously going to stalk this man on the internet, you were a whole grown woman who was definitely too mature to be drooling over some pictures.
Getting up to get ready for bed, you left your phone where it was so it would be less of a temptation. But you found that you couldn’t help but stare at it through the mirror as you aggressively brushed your teeth. Your curiosity was beginning to get the best of you.
You quickly rinsed out your mouth and walked toward your couch but then turned around, shaking your head as you headed down the hall to your bedroom. Leeloo and Dallas sat next to each other in the living room, both looking down the hall and not bothering to follow as if certain you’d be back.
“I’m just going to look at a few pictures. Just see what he’s been up to,” you explained to no one when you returned for your phone. Standing in the middle of your living room, you looked through his posts from the funny videos to his beautiful photography. You thought maybe you spent too much time scrolling through when you found yourself unable to stop staring at his well defined arm as he hovered over a mattress.
It wouldn’t be too crazy if you sent him a message to catch up and see how he was doing. Or would it? What would you even say? “Hi, remember me? The woman you ate out in Vegas. You know the one who broke down before you got a chance to get it in? Oh, and remember how I said I was married? Surprise! I’m actually a widow and lied because I got scared over you being so into me and even more scared when I realized I may have felt the same.”
You kept going back and forth over what you should really say to him, typing one thing only to immediately delete it. Seemed like anything you wrote came out sounding awkward or just dumb.
“Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me? It’s Y/N. The baker you met in Vegas.” It was enough to start a conversation but would he think you’re only contacting him because you now knew he was an actor. Your thumb hovered over send as you contemplated your choice.
You looked up at the clock and sighed out loud. You couldn’t afford to waste anymore time on this unless you wanted to be a zombie when you went into work in the morning.
You brought your thumb down and hit send. Fuck it.
End Notes: This is the last chapter of this part but not the end of their story. So don’t be too mad at me. Will Alex read her message? Will they ever meet again? Does Reader need to tell Bianca that she was right?
Tags: @castielsangelsx @xbellaxcarolinax @didiintheblog @jzr201 @kaitieskidmore1 @eroguroshoujo
Second Chance

Pairing: Original Male Character/Original Female Character, Ivar/Female Reader
Word Count: 4,129
Summary: A young woman doesn’t realize there’s more to her boyfriend...until it’s too late.
Warnings: Schmut, Oral (female receiving), restraints, dubious consent, safeword denial, rape, non consent choking, murder, mention of drug use
Author’s note: hi! I’m still alive. 😊 Life has been just a tad bit difficult for me (and for the rest of the world too) so I just haven’t had the motivation to write. Anywho, I actually intended to post this for Halloween but I got stuckity stuck stuck. If you’re still with me even after all those warnings, I hope you enjoy!
When her boyfriend first brought her to his home after their fifth date, she noted the quiet of his neighborhood which differed greatly from the bustle of the city that was always outside of her own window. Four months later, she found herself pressed against his door, sending a silent prayer up to any available deity in hopes that A: his neighbors couldn’t hear the lewd noises coming out of his townhouse and B: he would never ever ever stop twirling his tongue around her aching clit.
She banged her head against the door as another loud moan ripped from her throat. Her hands, which were completely useless at muffling her cries, were now holding onto her lover’s locks while she rolled herself against his face.
If she weren’t so hungry and desperate to come, she would have been disgusted to see the position she was in. Though she wouldn’t exactly call herself a prude, she preferred any sexual activity to take place in a bed with the bedroom door closed. Maybe it was her hormones or the fact that he had been away on a business trip for the past week that when he pushed her against his door and whispered in her ear that he was finally ready for his dessert, she did nothing to stop him from dropping onto his knees. His cane clattering to the ground next to him.
Placing a hand against her chest, she attempted to steady her breath. Her body couldn’t stop shaking as the sweet man below her continued to glide his tongue along her wet folds, lapping up all the juices she had to offer. She wrapped her fingers around the pendant that had fallen between her breasts. A gift he had given her during that night’s date which was a celebration of their four month anniversary. He praised it as the reason why they were together in the first place.
He had brought the necklace into her store to be appraised. Though she was very firm on never getting involved with her customers, especially ones who would have a different woman on their arm every week, she couldn’t resist his smile and found herself jotting down her number for him. She was disappointed that she didn’t see or hear from him again until he finally returned months later. Determined to give him the cold shoulder for ghosting her, she couldn’t help but melt all over again from his charms and agree to let him take her out.
She eyed the piece of jewelry. Though it was not exactly her style as she had preference toward minimalist modern jewelry, she couldn’t deny that it was a gorgeous piece. She found herself instantly drawn to it when he first took it out of the case. It seemed familiar to her as if she'd seen it before but he claimed it had never been on display at another store nor a museum. It was an old heirloom that was kept in the family vault until recently.
When he was a boy, his grandmother told him that it was a treasure found by the ancestor he was named after, a famous king who gifted the necklace to his wife. After the sudden and unexpected death of the beautiful queen, he refused to marry another. With her necklace around his neck, the king felt that she would always be with him and another woman would have only been a poor, lonely substitute. It had been rumored he wore it close to his heart until he was gray and close to death himself, only taking it off to hand over to his most favored nephew.
She wasn't well versed in Norse or Viking history to judge the validity of the old woman’s tale but it was all romantic nonetheless.
“You swear you love it?” Her lover was back on his feet and at her side. Taking the pendant away from her, he held it between his finger and thumb. “We could always find something else if you like.”
“I swear I do. It’s just that you’ve given me so much tonight and I feel guilty that I have nothing to give you in return.” She looked down to the floor when she admitted this.
It’s how she felt for most of their relationship. Her best friend teased her over her guilt and insisted that she should just enjoy being spoiled by her “sugar daddy”, a term she immediately scoffed at. He was more than that to her. It felt as if she waited centuries for him to come into her life. She truly loved him more than any man she had ever known even after only being together for such a short amount of time.
With his fingers under her chin, he lifted her head back up so he could press his lips against hers. She opened her mouth, inviting his tempting tongue to twirl around her own, sharing with her the heady taste of her sex. His hands began traveling down to cup her ass as he walked backwards toward the stairs.
“I’m sure I can think of something you could give me.” He smirked before leading her to his bedroom.
Mere moments later she was laying in the middle of his bed wearing nothing but her new necklace. Arching her back, she gasped when she felt his naked length slide against her clit.
“Do you trust me, my love?” His words felt warm on her neck but still her body shivered.
Furrowing her brow, she thought it to be an odd question to ask at this time but she answered honestly. “I trust you with all of me. My heart, mind, and body. It’s yours.”
“I was thinking we could try something new tonight.” He reached above her head toward his headboard.
The clanging of metal took her aback. Turning her head to the side, she watched as he pulled the shackle from behind the pillow. That was definitely something new. If she was honest with herself, she wasn't into anything too kinky. She tolerated a smack or two on her ass with past boyfriends but being restrained wasn’t exactly her thing.
As she looked into his hopeful eyes, she figured she could at least give it a go once. She took a small gulp, “If I don’t like it, you will take them off, right?”
“Of course, I would. I will never hurt you.”
“Then I guess we could try.” With a small nervous smile, she raised her arms over her head. The click of the metal closing over her wrists made her jump but any lingering fears were washed away with just a press of his lips on her forehead.
Her head pressed back on the pillow when he slipped into her wet heat. The metal bit into her wrists as she pulled at the restraints, her arms aching to wrap themselves around her lover’s body.
“Oh fuck, Christian!” She gasped out as he began to roll his hips against hers.
His body stilled over her, bringing his lips to her ear as if he had a secret to tell, “Could you call me Ivar?”
It shouldn’t have been too odd of a request as it was technically his first name but she had only referred to him by his middle name ever since their initial introduction. He told her that his family, except for a few elderly relatives, and friends have called him Christian since before he could even remember.
Had her head not been so clouded with pleasure, she might have taken a moment to ponder what he was asking. Instead she looked up at him, she bit her lip before flashing him a smirk “Ivar...will you please make me come?”
One thing she was always positive of was that sex with him was never boring. Even from the first time she was with him, it was as if he knew her like the back of his hand and all the things that would draw her to the edge and back. But she never knew of the animal that could be unleashed from just a simple name change.
She wrapped her hands around the chains, trying to hold on for dear life as he slammed his hard length into her. His muffled groans were falling hot and wet against her neck. With her legs hooked up around his hip, she pressed her heels into his ass, pushing him to fuck her harder.
Just as she felt her next orgasm slowly take over her body, his hands circled around her neck. Nervousness began to pool in her belly. This was something she knew she wasn't into.
His moans turned into rough mumbles of a language she couldn’t understand. At first she thought it was the Norse she heard him speak with his family before but this was completely different and, with the sudden roughness of his voice, had her feeling uneasy.
“Christian...Ivar…” she struggled to get out when his hands began to tighten around her. “Stop...can’t breathe.”
She had hoped the rattling of the chains would get his attention but when he finally looked down at her, he didn’t loosen his grip instead he continued his relentless pace. He said he would never hurt her. The tears started to flow from her eyes as her heart began to break.
The pendant that laid against her chest started to become hot, burning her skin while his chants grew louder. It all ended with a roar that echoed in the spacious room as he gave one last thrust when he came inside of her.
Before her vision went black, the last thing she would remember is his eyes changing into an unfamiliar, intense blue. She wasn't sure who this beast on top of her was but she knew this man was no longer her sweet Christian.
The only sound left in the room was the unsteady breaths Ivar took as he looked down into her eyes. He waited for them to blink or move, anything to let him know that his love had finally returned to him, that everything he did wasn’t for nothing.
Slipping off to the side and rushing to unlock the shackles, he jostled the still body next to him, hoping the violent shakes would do something. He had been so sure that he followed all the steps correctly and said the right incantations but as more seconds passed, doubt and worry began to overwhelm him.
Ivar took a bruised wrist into his hand, pressing a gentle kiss against it before setting it down next to him, the blood smeared against his lips. “Please come back to me, my love. I can’t go through this again, I can’t spend another lifetime without you.” He stifled his tears as he made his pleas.
He brought his gaze down to the charmed necklace he had gifted you. He glared at it as if he could use his mind to force it to unlock what he desired most. He held the pendant between his fingers, the heat that managed to singe the skin it laid on had already started to dissipate.
Centuries had passed from when you first trapped your soul inside of it.
Though you had survived many battles by his side, the birth of your and Ivar’s son Baldur was more than your body could take. All the spells and potions taught and passed down to you by the women in your family were of no use and only prolonged the inevitable.
Ivar remembered that night clearly. You laid nearly as lifeless then in your large bed as the body next to him now, the dim light of the torches revealing the pallor of your clammy skin. He held your weak hand tightly in his own, refusing to let you go, demanding then begging for you to get better as he was fearful spending the rest of his life without you.
With your last bit of energy, you had conjured a spell that would send your soul into the pendant that adorned your neck upon your last breath, assuring him that you would always be with him as long as he kept it near.
And so he did, only removing it as he laid on the ground of the battlefield, blood spilling from his fatal wound. He enclosed it in the hand of Hvitserk’s youngest son with the strict instruction for him to give it to his expectant wife.
From that moment, a tradition was born. The necklace would be passed down to a favored married relative for the next several centuries, its magic protecting the couples so they would spend a happy lifetime together. Something that it’s original owners were denied of.
It was only until that tradition was broken by Ivar’s 18th great niece who chose to give it to her only unmarried grandson who was as defiant in settling down as he was with using his first name.
The elder woman had simply hoped the necklace’s magic would bewitch Christian into finally finding a wife. She had revealed this to him when he introduced his new girlfriend to her, unaware that she was actually speaking to her ancestor who had miraculously possessed him months ago.
By that time, Ivar had fully adjusted into his new life as Christian Lothbrok. The shock of being in the 21st century was beginning to wear off along with the pounding headaches from the merging of their memories. While he still had no clear answer as to why he woke in his nephew’s bedroom, his nose crusted with cocaine, and not in Valhalla being greeted by the Valkyries, he suspected it had everything to do with the pendant.
He knew his soul had to have been pulled into it just as yours was. But why did it choose to release only him and why did it skip all his other past descendents, forcing him to take over his aimless nephew, a man who Ivar discovered spent the majority of his time blowing through his trust funds and bedding a steady rotation of women.
He didn’t have much of a problem with the latter at first. That is, until he found you.
He nearly tripped over his cane when he walked into the jewelry store and saw you waiting for him behind the counter. Well, the reincarnated version of you who went by a completely different name and had a very cold shoulder.
After much convincing, or more like begging, he quickly got you to warm up to him.
Ivar couldn’t help but rejoice, believing he finally had you back. Unfortunately, it had only taken him two dates and a few late night conversations to realize that he celebrated too soon. While this woman had your looks and kind nature that was where the similarities ended.
She shied away from conflict and covered her eyes during every gore scene of all the horror movies that Ivar had come to love. You, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate plunging your dagger into a man’s eye after he dared to criticize your battle strategy. Gleefully smiling with his blood running down your face, you told him that you hoped he could finally see your point.
He had hoped her simply handling the necklace would allow your past self to possess her but when that didn’t work, he had lost any hope of getting you back. Even the smallest of your spells were beyond his capabilities, forget about the one that could reverse the original spell. So he continued on with his new life, accepting his future with the meek girl.
That is until he received a call from the professor he consulted long ago. They specialized in Vikings history and claimed to have an abundance of knowledge in Volvas and witchcraft even though they knew nothing of any spell runes you left behind nor much about you other than your untimely death. The good for nothing fool finally proved themselves useful, telling Ivar that they’ve uncovered some runes that would be of interest.
The very runes that brought Ivar to where he was now, in bed with a cold body.
He knew he should be worrying over what to do with her corpse. Murder was harder to get away with in modern times than during his first lifetime but still he didn’t feel the need to rush. He was sure there was a member of his family who would be willing to throw enough money to get things covered up for him and keep the Lothbrok name out of the press.
He looked down at her one last time. The poor girl. He never stopped to think that no matter how the night turned out that she would have always been a victim to his desperate selfishness. It wasn’t her fault that she wasn’t the woman he truly desired.
“I’m sorry I did this to you but I had to try.” He lamented out to the quiet of the room. With a soft brush of his hand over her face, Ivar closed her eyes forever.
Sleep never came easy for Ivar, the constant pain in his legs even in this modern age made sure of that, but he knew it would be even harder to come by tonight. He couldn’t escape the frightened look on her face when he closed his eyes. He knew in it his heart it wasn’t truly you who he was killing but still, it pained him. The sounds of her stunted breaths haunted his dreams until the shaking of the bed shocked him out of his slumber
Looking over to his left, he was alarmed to find that the sounds he heard weren't just his guilt tormenting him but was coming from the once deceased woman next to him.
Her back was arched while her head dug into the pillow. Her hands tightly grasped the sheets before suddenly wrapping around her throat, clawing and scratching at the delicate skin as she struggled to take a breath.
Not wanting her to harm herself any further, Ivar was quick to get on top of her and grab hold on her wrists. Her eyes were shut so tight, tears rolled down her cheeks as if she was in the midst of a horrible nightmare.
“Wake up! It’s only a bad dream!” He knew it was a risk. It was likely she would come out of this remembering everything he did to her but he needed to do something fast.
Suddenly, her movements ceased as she inhaled deeply. Ivar was startled by her eyes opening, the color of them changing into something that seemed more familiar to him.
Her eyes widened as they landed on Ivar. He was sure he might have seen a hint of red before she threw a fist into his jaw. She scrambled to get out of bed but, unfortunately for her, he was able to recover fast and wrap his arms around her waist, slamming her back down on the bed. His hands tightened around her wrists, holding her arms down.
“You need to stop and calm down.” Ivar didn’t care that this was the worst set of words to tell a frantic woman, especially one who previously had the life choked out of them.
“Get off of me!” her raspy voice shouted while trying to wrestle her arms out of his grip.
Ivar was sure she didn’t know any modern day Norse nor would she know the language he had grown up speaking. That could only mean...
“Y/N? Please stop it’s me, Ivar” The body below him froze. His heart overjoyed, it worked! Everything he did actually worked!
Spitting into his face, you gave him a look of disgust, “How dare you. You’re not my king.”
You once again tried to buck him off of you but it’s no use as he pressed his body down against yours. He tightened his grasp on your wrists, holding them captive over your head. You began screaming for him to let you go and he knew he had to do something before his neighbors decided to call the police.
“You knew you were going to leave me!” Ivar released a wavering sigh when your screaming stopped and you looked up at him with confusion. “You told Hvitserk that you dreamt of Hel waiting for you by the river. You said you knew she was going to bring you to Helheim soon. You told him to never tell me but you should have known better than to trust Hvitserk with anything.”
Your eyes began to water as you scanned him up and down, carefully studying the man hovering over you, looking for anything else to let you know it was him.
Freeing your arms, he took one of your hands, pressing your palm against his face. “It truly is me, my love. I know you didn’t want me to know because you knew I would have sacrificed all of Kattegat to Hel if she would spare you.”
“Ivar? My Ivar?” you softly questioned, tears welling up in your eyes. “You look a little different.”
He laughed. “I look like our nephew.”
“Our nephew?” Looking around at your surroundings, your brow furrowed in confusion “Where are we? What happ-”
Tightly shutting your eyes, you grimaced in pain before crying out in agony. Ivar knew all too well what you were going through. The constant migraines for months from the memory merge were the worst. He had to get you to the bathroom soon before you made yourself sick in bed.
It was a struggle trying to support your body as he supported his own with his cane while he ushered you into the ensuite bathroom. That was over an hour ago. You both were now seated on the floor next to the toilet. Your head in his lap as his hand smoothed down your hair.
“You know she hated when you did this.” the echo of your voice sounded heavenly to his ears.
Ivar assumed you had fallen asleep moments ago. The whole night had to have taken a toll on your body. “Oh? Going through her memories already?”
You giggled. “As much as I can without my head hurting. She felt like you were treating her like a dog. I rather like it.” You paused as if you were pondering another memory. “Poor thing died so sad, so afraid.”
“It was a small price to pay to have you here with me.”
“She has so many sweet memories with you. It’s surprising that you weren’t gentler with her.”
“I did exactly what the runes said I had to do. ‘To bring back a life, you must take a life.’”
You rolled your eyes at him. “It didn’t have to be by force, Ivar. You could have poisoned her. I’m sure you remember at least a few of my favorite recipes. She could have died peacefully in her sleep. Short and sweet.”
“Well maybe your family should have added that in the footnotes.”
“Did you ever love her more than me?” You pondered, relaxing again to his touch as he went back to running his hand over your hair.
Ivar scoffed at your silly question. “Never. I don’t think it’s possible for me to love anyone more than you.”
You smirked. “Except our son.”
Ivar stilled his movements for a beat before continuing, “Y/N, do you know how all of this happened? I thought your spell would only take your soul into the pendant.”
“I...I‘m really not sure. I thought so too. It was my grandmother’s spell. I only ever heard of her speak of it, I wasn’t sure if it would even work. I just remember wanting to be with you and with Baldur always. I prayed to the Gods and begged for a second chance.”
That must have been it, why he had possessed Christian, why he had found The young woman and ultimately you. The Gods’ favor have finally shone down on them.
“Then we should make the most of this life. We can get married and have a family again. We can grow old together this time.” He pressed a kiss against your temple before whispering into your ear. “This life will be our second chance”
Tags: @xbellaxcarolinax @youbloodymadgenius @castielsangelsx @revolution-starter @momowhoo
I lost my tag list so I tried to go through my comments to find whoever wanted to be updated. If you want to be on this list, let me know.
Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen x Female Reader
Word Count: 517
Summary: I saw pictures of Alex doing dishes and this is what happens.
Warning: a wisp of schmut and tease of fem dom/male sub
It was the sound of clinking dishes and splashing water that woke you up from your nap. The living room was dark with only a little bit of light coming from the kitchen. Pulling back the throw that you knew your sweet boyfriend covered you with, you rubbed your eyes as you got up from the couch.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep. You and Alex had enjoyed a delicious roasted chicken dinner while the two of you caught up on the latest episode of your favorite show. After getting full and warm, you laid back and got comfortable, sliding your feet onto his lap. You didn’t even get past ten minutes of the show before deciding to rest your eyes for one second.
Taking careful, quiet steps to the kitchen, you paused and leaned against the doorway. You couldn’t help but bite your bottom lip as you watched him. While you were always appreciative of him washing the dishes, you were even more grateful for the view you were blessed with. His back muscles straining against his fitted shirt, his triceps flexed as he used more force to scrub down the roast pan.
You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his midsection. You couldn’t stop a small giggle when he flinched, clearly not expecting you to be up.
“Thought you’d still be napping on the couch.” He looked over his shoulder and smiled down at your sleepy face. “You should go to bed. I’m almost done here, baby.”
You gave him a small squeeze before pressing a kiss on his back. “Mmm...such a good boy.”
It was just a harmless comment to you but you were amused when you felt Alex take a stuttered breath before continuing to rinse off the plate.
“,” he quickly cleared his throat when his voice cracked. You could see his cheeks were flushed when he peered down at you again. “It was, uh, really nothing.”
This was an interesting development. You would have never guessed that this would be a thing he was into. Or even a thing you were into, you thought when you felt the familiar warmth pool in your belly.
“Alex?” You whispered into his back. Your fingers slowly trailed down his stomach before softly brushing against his hardening length.
“Yes?” He fully turned around as you backed away from him. His mouth was agape, his eyes looked dazed. The water from the plate he was still holding onto carelessly dripped onto the wooden floor.
Your voice turned low and sultry as you held his gaze. “Make sure you go straight to our room after you’re done. I need to make sure my good boy is rewarded for a job well done.”
“Yes, ma’am...I mean, Y/N. I’ll be right there.” His sweet voice was so soft, you wanted to melt but you had your role to play.
“It’s okay, baby. Ma’am is fine.” You flashed him a grin before turning around to race straight to your bedroom. You two were going to be in for a long, fun night.
Tags: @xbellaxcarolinax @castielsangelsx @revolution-starter@momowhoo @peachyboneless @punkrocknpearls
In My Sights III

Masterlist | Two
Pairing: Ivar/ Fem Reader
Word Count: 3570
Warning: None? 7 years bad luck?
Summary: A meeting with two brothers from Vestfold takes Ivar off guard.
Author’s Note: Well, this part was a long time coming. That means I will have part four ready next year.
The dining room was sparsely occupied that early afternoon with women who lunch, businessmen on lunch breaks, and their quiet chatter. The Vine had long been considered a historical landmark in Kattegat and was formerly a struggling fine dining restaurant. It had only gained popularity with the upper class once Aslaug Lothbrok, a well-known Götaland socialite who was newly married and new to the city, started to make her presence there. Though it’s popularity faded over the years, it was still preferred by the old money elite. Mostly for the staff’s discretion rather than the food and ambience.
It was for that reason why the Lothbrok sons preferred the establishment for their business lunches. Extra care was also usually taken with a generous tip to the host to ensure no other guests would be seated next to their table but today it was turning out to be a waste of money as the hushed voices from their corner of the room began to grow.
Ivar drummed his fingers against the table as he brought the cup of coffee to his lips, glaring across at his three older brothers. Apparently, the idiots had forgotten the importance of discretion as they were busy bickering over why their associates called for today’s meeting. He hoped the clinking of his cup when he set it down roughly onto the saucer would disrupt their chattering but, to his annoyance, still they continued.
Leaning back in his chair, his left hand mindlessly traced the carved out dragon on his cane, last year’s birthday gift from his dear Uncle Floki, while he scrolled through the day’s news on his phone. One particular article detailed the resignation of a Mercia diplomat after the unexpected death of her eldest son, mentioning that authorities were looking for a red-headed female who was last seen with him for questioning.
Good luck finding her, Ivar thought to himself. He had given up all attempts at trying to find you or any information about you after a year upon your meeting. After coming up empty through hacked databases and facial recognitions, he concluded that you were virtually a ghost or at least knew very powerful people who worked hard to keep you hidden. All he could do was sit and wait until he heard from you again, hoping his right hand and the memories of your last tryst would keep him satisfied till then.
He felt his slacks tighten as he got lost in a memory of you trapped underneath him as he pounded into your sweet cunt. The whines of you begging him to make you come he heard in his head were interrupted when Ubbe pounded his fist on the table, causing the glassware to shake.
“For fuck’s safe, Ivar, get off your fucking phone!” His older brother harshly whispered, checking over his shoulder at the other patrons, finally aware of the scene they were making.
“And why would I do that, dear brother?” Ivar still had his eyes turned down to his phone as he sent you the link of the article and a brief message: You’re on their radar. I wonder what you’re willing to do to make sure I don’t turn you in. Throwing his phone on the table, he raised an eyebrow as he bestowed Ubbe with his undivided attention. “So I can join you fools in biting our fingernails, worrying why they called for a meeting at the last minute?”
“They” were two brothers from Vestfold, owners of a large fishing company based out of their hometown and, most recently, out of Kattegat as well. To the public eye, it was assumed that it was hard work, determination, and a wise investment from Ivar’s father that turned the once struggling business into a multi million dollar success. But the young men currently seated at the table knew that the wise investment was generous compensation throughout the years for hauling more than just fish on their boats. Whether it was guns, stolen art and, for a very brief moment in time, opiates, Halfdan and Harald provided safe transport for anything the Lothbroks were running.
“You're not the least bit worried? What if they’re wanting to pull out of our deal? The Rus are not going to be pleased if we’re not able to deliver their shipment.” Ubbe wrung his hands as he thought of the worst. He was not looking forward to telling the Rus leader of any potential delays. The man wasn’t the most level headed or understanding and honestly, he creeped him out a bit.
Hvitserk nodded his head in agreement. “They might be. Remember, they were wanting a cut of our profits the last time we met with them but Ivar thought it wasn’t a good idea…” He pursed his lips in disapproval before cutting his eyes toward the youngest Lothbrok.
If Ivar had rolled his eyes any harder, he would have given himself a headache. “They’ve been doing the same job for our family for nearly twenty years, nothing more and nothing less, and have been paid fairly for it. Maybe a little too much in my opinion but I will honor our father’s wishes. Still they have no business being greedy. If it wasn’t for the Lothbroks, they would still be hauling fish into a sinking dinghy.”
“There are probably others who are looking for a way to transport their shit and all they need is a smug asshole like Harald to offer his services.” Hvitserk swirled his drink in his glass, taking a sip before continuing. “I think we should give them at least half of what they were wanting.”
Ivar gave an aggravated sigh and was ready to shoot down what he thought was the stupidest thing to come out of his brother’s mouth.
“I don’t know, I think Ivar’s right.” Sigurd chimed in. “They should be grateful for all our father did for them, not bite the hand that feeds them.”
The other men at the table sat in silence as they stared at him in confusion. It was thought that Sigurd would rather eat a bullet than agree with anything Ivar had to say.
“I changed my mind. Give them everything they ask for.” Ivar had joked, he would never admit out loud or to himself that he appreciated his least favorite brother taking his side. Officially done with the conversation, he picked his phone back up. He held back his smile as he read the new message: Anything you want me to do, handsome. But first, you’d have to find me.
Ubbe looked up from behind his nerve-wracked hands toward the lobby and gave a sigh. “Thank gods, they’re finally here...and of course he brought his fucking girlfriend. To our illegal business lunch meeting. Great.”
Hvitserk gave a quick and quiet wolf whistle as his eyes studied the woman on Harald’s arm, from head to toe. “Is that the same one he brought to your birthday party? Didn’t she have different hair and was a bit taller?”
“How can you not tell? I thought you fucked her while cake was being served?” Sigurd questioned.
“All I remember was the back of her head, to be honest.”
Ivar couldn’t hold back the snort at Hvitserk’s comment. Whatever smart ass response that was about to come out died on his tongue as he looked up at the woman that was being led to them. This was definitely a new girlfriend because if you were the one Hvitserk had fucked in the coat check room, he was going to have one less brother.
As always you looked like perfection to him but he knew your presence, or rather your outfit, was causing a bit of a stir in the restaurant especially among the older women who were busy clutching their pearls. From the plunging neckline of the loose dark green silk shirt to the matching miniskirt with a side-slit it was tucked into, your ensemble was far from the acceptable dress code of the Vine but the host knew better than telling Ivar and his brothers that their guest would have to leave, no matter how many complaints he’d get from the other patrons.
“Can you two shut the fuck up before he hears you?” Ubbe scolded Hvitserk and Sigurd before standing up to greet their guests. Shaking Halfdan’s hand before moving onto Harald, “Gentleman, I’m glad you could finally join us.”
Halfdan gave a frustrated sigh as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and plopped himself down on an empty seat. “Believe me, it wasn’t my fault.”
“Oh come on, brother. We didn’t keep you waiting that long.” Harald slapped a hand on his shoulder before parading the young woman on his arm. “Boys, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Veronica.”
Ivar instantly wished he had ordered something stronger than coffee. He didn’t want to believe for a moment that you would choose to be with someone like Harald but you did warn him before that he hardly knew you.
In his opinion, the Fishmonger wasn’t much to be desired. And if it was money you were after, Ivar’s funds could have kept your excessive shopping addiction quelled more than the mere pennies the other man had. He knew he could satisfy you in that way and others.
Patiently sitting back in his chair, he watched as you politely smiled while you shook hands with each of his brothers. Hvitserk was unaware how close he was to a dinner knife to his thigh after lingering a second too long while kissing the back of your hand. Fortunately, Harald had the good sense to pull you away.
Ivar balanced his weight on his cane as he stood up to introduce himself, taking a risk and gently caressing his thumb against your hand. “Lovely to meet you, Veronica.”
Although you said nothing back, he didn’t miss the small smirk that briefly graced your face letting your alleged boyfriend lead you to your seat.
“I hope you boys don’t mind her being here. I know we try to keep these meetings to ourselves but I’ve been a little busy and this beautiful thing has been missing me.” He kissed the back of your hand, causing you to giggle. “Didn’t even want to take my card and go on a shopping spree.”
“I swear you won’t even hear a peep from me.” You promised, miming zipping your lips closed while you took a seat across from Ivar. “Harry’s shop talk ends up sounding more like gibberish to me anyway!”
Ivar had to focus to not show his confusion when he heard you speak. The words coming out of your mouth sounded as if they were dipped in saccharine and nowhere near the lower sultry tone he was used to. He hoped to himself that you would stay true to your promise and remain silent.
Unfortunately, promises meant nothing to his brothers.
“So what do you do for a living, Veronica?” Sigurd asked while cutting into his beef tenderloin.
You gave him a closed smile, dabbing the corners of your mouth with your napkin as you swallowed your last bite. “Oh my goodness! Nothing as important as what you gents do! I worked in this cute little boutique over in Vestfold before Harry whisked me away!”
“Wow, you must have made a killing in commissions.” Ivar couldn’t resist this opportunity to make you sweat, if that was even possible.
He was sure that hint of confusion on your face seemed authentic to everyone else. “No? Actually, I worked hourly...”
You were cut off by an annoyed groan from Ubbe as he rubbed his face, the food on his plate was barely touched. “Harry...I mean Harald, why did you call this meeting?”
“You couldn’t wait a few more minutes until we were done eating? I’d expect mommy to have taught you some manners.” Harald sighed and tossed his napkin on the table before leaning back in his chair.
Ivar didn’t miss you curling your hand around your knife. The tension surrounding the table definitely wasn’t missed by you.
Before Ubbe could respond, Halfdan had cut into the conversation. “Look, we know the last meeting didn’t go well.”
“Actually, you shot one of our men in the head.” Hvitserk stated, staring at Harald as he made his point.
Halfdan quickly interjected, “One of our captains went rogue. Was convinced by some mysterious buyer to deliver your last load of weapons to them. Don’t worry, we took care of the problem”
The younger Lothbrok brother stayed silent while his brothers voiced out their displeasure. You took a sip from your glass, your eyes cutting back and forth to the men surrounding you.
“Oh, did you?” Ubbe questioned incredulously. “Because there shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place.”
“Yes, we did.” Harald finally broke his silence with an emphasis on every word. “The man liked a good drink...a little too much. It was unfortunately only a matter of time until he drunkenly stumbled off his boat. I’m sure the medical examiner we paid off would attest that it was accidental drowning. As for the guns, they’re on another boat with a crew we know we can trust.”
“The buyer? Do you think it was the Saxons?” Sigurd suggested to the table.
“No, they thrive on letting it be known when they screw us over. I suspect they either are or know someone close. In either our circle or yours. I just hope our actions show that we are loyal and can be trusted.” Harald regarded that last statement to Ivar, knowing his silence throughout the exchange meant he was the one he had to win over.
The young man grinned as he sat back in his seat “You know, before you got here, my brothers were saying they didn’t think you deserved any part of our profits but I personally think a five percent cut of every successful shipment is reasonable.”
A smirk slowly spread against Harald’s face. “I think that sounds very reasonable.”
Ivar slowly made his way to the front of the restaurant. The remainder of lunch was uneventful other than the mindless chatter of Hvitserk and Sigurd asking you 20 questions. Ubbe promptly left after taking care of the bill and with so few words.
He rolled his eyes in disgust as he watched Harald wrap his arms around you, not even trying to be modest as his hands grabbed your ass. He had to fight the urge to not cut the man’s hands off for touching something that belonged to him.
You squealed and playfully swatted his chest. You gave a quick glance at Ivar as he slowly approached. “Baby, I’ll meet you outside. I just need to touch up my lipstick real quick.”
“Okay, lovely. Don’t be too long, we have a plane waiting on us.” He pressed a quick kiss on your lips before letting you go. He walked out of the restaurant, not even noticing that Ivar was close by.
Your heels clicked on the marble floor and you peeked over your shoulder toward Ivar, giving him a small grin before you made a quick turn into the washroom.
Ivar looked around to make sure there were no eyes on him as he made his way in the same direction as you. He didn’t expect his brothers to worry too much about him. He would’ve been surprised if one of them had waited for him especially since he took his own personal town car to the restaurant.
Before he could even walk through the door, you yanked him in by his tie then pushed him against the adjacent wall. He barely had time to react when he felt your lips against his own. He wrapped his arm around your waist and groaned when your hand tugged down on his locks.
Usually you enjoyed taking your time kissing him, teasing with a soft touch of your hand at the back of his neck, savoring every small whine he made when you nipped on his bottom lip. But today was different as you rushed to deepen the kiss. Both of you knew that if you were gone too long, Harald would come hunting for you.
When you broke away from him, you looked into his eyes, stifling a soft giggle. “Hi there, handsome.” You teased, your voice finally back to normal.
“Gods, that voice you were putting on was annoying.”
“I don’t know. Harald seems okay with it.” You pushed yourself away from him, walking over to the sink and pulled out a tube of lipstick from your clutch.
Ivar stayed put against the wall, watching as you leaned over the sink to look yourself in the mirror.
He repeatedly tapped his cane on the tile, “Is he why you said no?”
“Said no to what?” You stayed focused on reapplying the red color on your lips. You couldn’t help but laugh when you looked up and saw the annoyed look Ivar was giving you.
You smooth a finger around your lips, cleaning up any smudges. “I’m not his girlfriend, Ivar. He thinks I’m the very expensive call girl he hired to keep him company over the weekend. Just your basic girlfriend experience.” You dropped the lipstick back into your clutch before closing it with a snap.
“Your client wants him taken care of?” He walked over and propped his hip against the counter next to you. “That would save me some money in the long run. One less brother to pay.”
“No…” You looked down at the porcelain instead of looking him in the eyes. “I’m just collecting information on him by any means necessary.”
“Any means necessary?” While Ivar usually admired your dedication to committing to your undercover work, he found himself not liking the idea of you following through on this one. “Y/N, please tell me there’s a target on his head.”
You quickly glanced up at him through the mirror before turning to lean against the counter. You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “At the moment, no.”
“Goddammit, Y/N” Ivar pinched the bridge of his nose. Though the thought of someone else hands over your body aggravated him, the idea of another man inside of you incited him. “Are you going to fuck him? Have you fucked him?”
“Ivar…you and your brothers were waiting for a reason. It would have been suspicious if the hooker refused to fuck him.” You stated as if that was a reasonable explanation.
“How much is your client paying you? I’ll double it—fuck it, I’ll triple it if you just walk away now.”
“No one is paying me. I’m on my boss’s orders.”
“And who do you work for again?”
“Tsk, tsk. You already know that if I told you, I’d have to kill you and I don’t want to have to mess up that pretty face. Again.” Pressing up against him, you gently brushed your thumb over the faint scar that went across his cheek. A sweet parting gift from one of your earlier encounters with him.
“Tell me what information you need and I’ll get it for you.” He leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. “Just...just don’t go with him.”
You cradled his face in your hands. For a brief moment, there was a look that Ivar had seen on your face before, a mixture of pity and sadness. You shook your head then pressed a gentle kiss on his lips before you walked away from him.
“Please don’t hate me, handsome.” Through the wall length mirror ahead of him, he saw you turn to face him after pausing at the closed door. “You can be mad and you can curse at me until we’re old and grey. Shit, you could even throw another knife at me but I think it would hurt me more if you hated me.”
You waited a moment for him to say or do anything, but when all you got was silence, you walked out of the door.
Ivar took a deep inhale to try to calm the anger that was beginning to flow through his body. He turned toward the mirror, his knuckles going white as he grabbed onto the edge of the sink. No care when his cane falls to the ground with a resounding smack.
When he was younger, he had got into some trouble after he hit a classmate with a rock. The therapist his Uncle Floki took him to after the incident told him to try counting to ten whenever he saw red.
He closed his eyes, letting out an exhale at every count in his head.
On five, he could see you.
Six, Harald slowly walking up behind you.
Seven, him taking you into his arms.
Eight, his tongue sliding up your neck.
Nine, his hand trailing down to your center.
Ten, you softly moaning out Harald’s name.
Ivar screamed out in rage and punched the mirror. He didn’t even notice the pain in his fist until his breathing evened out. He straightened out his tie the best he could with the distorted reflection in front of him. Flexing his injured hand, he reached over and grabbed one of the towels laid out on the counter, wrapping his hand in it.
If Harald didn’t have a target on his head before, he fucking did now.
Tags: @xbellaxcarolinax @castielsangelsx @revolution-starter @momowhoo @peachyboneless @punkrocknpearls
@love-all-things-writing @peoniesandbooks5 @spotgaai2000 @walkxthexmoon @youbloodymadgenius @trip2themoon @zo3st3rmonro3
The Best Angle

Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen x Fem Reader
Word Count: 1129
Summary: Alex just wants to take your picture.
Warnings: Schmut including brief oral (female receiving)
Author’s Note: This was originally inspired by this TikTok which I shared with my dearest @punkrocknpearls who is a very bad influence and had to bring up Alex and his camera.
TikTok Prompt: We were in front of a mirror. He stopped in the middle of it, handed me my glasses and said “watch yourself to see how pretty you are while I fuck you.”
You were sitting back on the bed, legs crossed in front of you. The bottom half of your face you covered with the magazine you were pretending to read while watching your boyfriend set up the tripod and his camera at the foot of the bed. You couldn’t help but blush and then cover your entire face when he looked up from what he was doing to smile at you.
The bed dipped as Alex crawled over to your side. He pulled the magazine away and threw it to the ground. He took your hand in his own and gave it a soft squeeze.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I’d never force you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” He reassured you.
“No, I told you it was okay.” You shook your head but then brought your gaze down to the bedspread. “I’m just a little shy. What if your camera only gets all of my bad angles?”
“There’s no such thing.” He cradled the sides of your face in his hands as he brought you in for a deep kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth to dance along yours. Pulling back, he gave you a small peck on your lips. “I just want you to see what I see. When you’re under me, when you’re over me.”
He pushed you down onto the bed, his lips were at your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. “I want you to see the gorgeous face you make when I’m so deep inside of you. Fuck, baby, I get so hard on set when I think of how pretty you look when you come on my dick.”
You let out a whimper when you felt his hand slide down into your panties, his fingers circling around your clit. You were already dripping wet for him. It was always like this. Just a single touch from him and you were gone.
“It’s okay, baby. If you don’t want to do this, tell me and I’ll put my camera away right now.” He pressed his hardness against your thigh, rubbing against it.
You brought your head down to kiss him before whispering against his lips, “Where do you want me?”
The drops of sweat and tears were falling from your face and down your body. Alex’s arm was wrapped around your chest as he held onto you while he pounded into you from behind. The two of you were positioned in the middle of the bed, facing toward the camera. He wanted to make sure to get your entire body in the shot for when you eventually came again.
It had been over an hour ago since he took the first picture. The camera was pointed down to you, your head just barely hanging over the foot of the bed while his face was buried in your pussy. You at first tried to put forth your best model face that would make Tyra proud but all effort was lost when Alex started flicking his tongue against your clit.
Hearing another flurry of clicks from the camera shutter, you were surprised his camera still had memory left. You weren’t even sure if you had anything left as he continued his brutal pace behind you.
“Nuh-uh, I think you have one more left in you, baby.” He breathed out into your neck. You didn’t even remember saying anything out loud. “Just look at yourself there in the mirror.”
You let out a giggle as you stared at the mirror behind the camera, it was too far away for you to see the two of you clearly without your glasses. You felt Alex stop his movements before letting out a laugh himself.
“Oh! Let me get them for you. Don’t move!” He ordered, stretching over to the nightstand to fetch your glasses and hand them to you.
You gasped when you felt him penetrate you again before you even had a chance to put them on.
“See how pretty my girl is.” He was giving you slow, hard thrusts that had you crying out while your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Come on, beautiful, pay attention.”
You finally brought your eyes forward and caught his gaze in the mirror. He looked just as gone as you were, his face slick with sweat. You shut your eyes tightly when you felt his fingers circling around your clit again.
“Fuuuck, look at you taking my dick so good, baby. You’re always so tight for me, always so good for me. Come on, baby, come for me one more time. Please?” He rushed his whispers into your ear.
Jesus, this man’s whines were going to be the death of you. You gave a glance at yourself in the mirror, your mouth was open wide but no words were forming until your orgasm hit you. Bringing your hand back and around his head, your fingers tangled themselves in his long locks. You tugged down hard as you screamed out his name.
You could barely hear the rush of the camera clicks over your moans as Alex got the final shot he was looking for. He tossed the remote control to the side and then wrapped his arm around you, his hold on your shoulder tightened. His pace was relentless but sloppy as he spilled inside of you.
You looked up at the mirror one last time. You looked like a sexed up mess and you doubted there would be a good picture in that camera but no part of you cared.
After a quick shower and getting into your pajamas, you were both cuddled up under the covers. Your head was on his shoulder as you laid at his side with his arm around you. His camera was in his other hand, holding it up as you two looked at the screen, scrolling through all the shots he got that night.
“What are you doing?” You asked when you saw him going to delete an image.
“I wasn’t really going to keep them.” He confessed to you. “I wouldn’t want to risk this falling into the wrong hands. This was just...a fantasy I had.”
You nibbled on your lip and pondered what he was telling you. “How about we keep just one?” You smiled up at him.
Alex clicked through all the pictures, going back and forth to see which one he wanted out of the hundreds taken. He landed on one of the last ones. The one of you just as you were coming. Your mouth was hanging open, your glasses were skewed. His face brushed up against your neck as he was in mid thrust.
Now that one truly had the best angle.
Taglist: @xbellaxcarolinax @castielsangelsx @revolution-starter @momowhoo @peachyboneless @punkrocknpearls @love-all-things-writing
Lights Above Our Heads || Alex Hogh Andersen x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄

Summary: A charming spectacle awaits you when Alex takes you on a tour of the mountains
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 1289
Authors: Fenrir & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Watching the Northern Lights

It had been one of the coldest winters in a long time. A cold winter like this would freeze the blood of anyone who didn't take sufficient care to stay warm at heart and core. However, despite the coldness engulfing the world, Alex decided to take a little trip with you, his beloved girlfriend.
As Alex crossed another snowdrift while wearing a thick, red, 66°North jacket, thick, black pants and boots reaching slightly above his ankles, and a black hat pulled over his head, he glanced over his shoulder to see if you followed him. "Is everything okay there, Y/N? We're close!"
Angrily waving your hand at him, you nodded, saying, "It's fine! I'm just questioning my life choices here!"
As Alex made his way back to you through the snow, he offered you his gloved hand as he improved the camera case on his shoulder. He made sure you were walking after his traces in the snow, saying, "Come on, I'll help you."
Sighing deeply, you squeezed his hand and vowed to never let him drag you on another adventure again.
As the two of you walked up an icy, snow-covered hill, he reminded you firmly, "With all due respect, hun, you've always wanted it yourself. I want to see the northern lights, that's what you've been repeating like a fucking mantra."
You bit back a little sarcastically, "With all due respect, hun, I don't want any more trips if it means freezing my ass off in a mountain of snow!"
"You don't have to be a drama queen. It's not that bad," Alex commented, squeezing your hand a few times. You haven't been far north, trust me, it can be much worse."
After walking in silence for a bit, Alex made a brief stop near a fallen fir tree, all covered in snow. "What a beautiful scenery, isn't it, darling? Can you pose for me?"
As you walked up to him, rubbing your hands together, you murmured, "It's going to cost you, love."
"It will cost me, okay, but what?" He teased back.
"A kiss," you smiled, tapping your cheek.
Alex didn't need to be told twice - he hugged you, pulled you closer, but before kissing your cheek, he rubbed your noses together.
Before pulling away to pose for him, you laughed and grabbed his chin to kiss him properly.
While Alex was setting his camera, he instructed you what to do with your hair falling from underneath your woolen hat. As soon as he put the lens on, he took several shots, changing the parameters every time to achieve more depth from the pictures. "You make the perfect model, sweetheart."
As you winked at him, you replied, "I want to hear that when you take care of me once I get sick again."
He gave you a look with an eye roll. "Don't make a duck face, baby, we're not taking a selfie."
"Why! I look sexy with a duck face! You could take some fun pictures, so we have a souvenir of our trip."
Even though he didn't want to admit it, you were right. As Alex packed his camera back into its case, he sat down on the fallen fir tree next to you. "Thank you for taking a week off from work. It has been quite a while since we were somewhere together."
With a soft aww sound, you kissed his cheek. "The first reason is that I wouldn't let you go alone, and the second is that you asked so nicely that I couldn't refuse, plus I needed a break from my job."
Alex wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, enjoying the moment and your presence while staying silent. "Is it okay to continue climbing the hill now? Have you rested?"
"A few more minutes?" You asked, nuzzling closer to him. "I just want to savor the moment a bit longer."
In the moments before he commented, Alex straightened his back after noticing something. "Babe, take a look at that!"
The aurora lights played above. In the midnight blue, the northern lights were a river of green.
Taking a moment to look up, you whispered quietly, "Wow... Is that it?"
"Yes, yes it is."
You said eagerly, "C'mon! Don't sit like a stick! Grab your camera and take some pictures! And we should take a picture together! With lights in the background, it will look so pretty hanging in our bedroom."
"Don't worry, they won't vanish anytime soon," he assured, resting his chin on your shoulder while looking up while making sure to hold you as close as possible. "Let me savor this moment a little longer."
Your smile softened, and you took his hand, moving even closer. As you nuzzled him, you whispered, "You know? I love you."
"I love you too," Alex mumbled quietly and kissed your cheek after. "Despite your sometimes bratish behavior. Even if you are easily offended by irrelevant things. No matter how moody you are."
"You like it when I am bratty. You simply love to put me in the right place."
As Alex slowly opened his camera case, he said, "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, especially when I'm fed up with your bullshit." He asked you to hold his Canon camera while he set the tripod after making all the adjustments.
You scoffed loudly, "For sure babe, I will remember this next time." When he wasn't looking at you, you took the opportunity to gently poke his ribs.
Alex mounted his camera on the tripod and set the self-timer. After wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you closer, looking down at you for a moment before kissing you.
Once you were certain the picture was perfect, you kissed him back and pulled away to say, "I love you so much, my talented fiancé."
As Alex went to look at the outcome, he raised both thumbs up with a smirk on his face. "It's perfect! Can't wait to frame it, but let me try something else!" After turning the self-timer again, he returned to you and picked you up in bridal style; his eyes never left yours. "I love you."
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you confessed, "I love you too. I love you more than anything."
As Alex stopped paying attention to the camera, he kissed you tenderly for long enough that he had to break the kiss in order to breathe. As soon as he set you down, he adjusted the hat on your head, so you wouldn't get colder; and then he headed back to take more pictures of the northern lights. "I'm so fucking glad we came to Norway, darling."
You stared up at the sky and the beautiful lights dancing above, thinking about all the memories and plans you two had shared.
The sky shimmered with the green and yellow hues of the aurora; the silence of the spectacle added to its charm. The two of you were just staring silently into the dark as you enjoyed the silence and the stars above. In those moments, all your troubles seemed to fade away, and the world seemed to be at peace. Lights danced in front of you and stretched across the sky. Color was dancing across the sky and it almost appeared to be putting on a show, just for the two of you.
Slowly, you improved your scarf. "My happiness is the same as yours, Alex."
Alex turned his camera into recording mode and pointed it at the sky, then he returned to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders after sitting by your side. "I love you, Y/N."
Your hearts were set ablaze by the northern lights dancing silently above your heads.