|| I write for Marvel, DBZ, Anime, POTC, MDZS, Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts & Sebastian Stan (Send me requests or questions and I'll write them ♡ I do imagines and stuff for ships, just send me an ask!) || REQUESTS ARE OPEN ♥♡♥
50 posts
Would You Mind Writing One Where Bucky Learns The Reader Likes To Draw And He's Just Fascinated By It?
Would you mind writing one where Bucky learns the reader likes to draw and he's just fascinated by it? Please and thank you, doll!
I Have Finished!!!!!
More Posts from Lelewright1234
If You Ask Me I Will Do
"Hello everyone. I am opening up my request box. I'm taking request for Marvel one shots. If you like one done, please send me a message in my ask box with a description of what you like it to be."

I didn’t make Rouge because she’s actually supposed to be in the new Rio Olympic Games. I think the girls would like a challenge!
Have you ever written anything for sonic?
Oh no! I don’t think that I have though! Are you trying to ask me about a request or something else?
Chapter 3: Anger
Summary: Through the first 9 years of your life, you always knew that you was special but you never knew how special you are. Being the daughter of Tony Stark and the youngest avenger was a life of danger and excitement. With all the family and love in the world you still felt alone and helpless. Everything felt alright until that one night that didn’t just change your life but your fate.
A/N: This is my first fanfic. If you like it, i will be continuing this story. i hope you enjoy and I would love your feedback. I will tag you if you want to be tagged.
"Don't Hurt Yourself" (FOR BEGINNING)
“Anything Can Happen“ (FOR BEGINNING)
“Friends” (FOR MIDDLE)
“Karma” (FOR MIDDLE)
"Hikari Yo" (FOR ENDING)
A/N: Sorry but this chapter is very long so be prepared to read. Don't be rude about it, it's my first time doing this I love you all!!!
Warning: Angst,Fluff, Language
Part 1 Part 2

TIME JUMP. months later….
Everyone was really getting annoyed by my whining. "Please?" "No." "Please?" "No." "Pretty please?" I cried. "The physical appearance of the word doesn't change anything. It's still a no." Tony explained. "Pretty please with sugar on top?" "I'm not going to eat the word either. No." "PLEEEEEAAAAASEEEEE?" you whined. Tony Stark clutched his head while walking away. "(Y/N), for the love of god, stop asking!" Please can I go outside?" Tony Stark crouched down to your level, "No, (Y/N), I promised your mom and myself that we would never lose you again. Now deal with it"
Your lower lip began to wobble and two fat tears began to pool in your eyes. Tony's eyes widened in alarm. "Oh no, god no, please no." You drew in a deep breath. "Don't, please, don't!" Tony begged. You burst into tears, bawling loudly and throwing books and toys all around the room. “Oh great I did it again” Tony sighed. "Stop crying, (Y/N), please stop crying!" You continued to cry, knowing that Tony would give in eventually. "Come on, (Y/N), stop crying before your mother comes in. "Mommy!" you shouted, running into the living room. "MOMMY!!!" Pepper dropped her book and ran over to you, thinking something had happened to you. "What? What is it? What's wrong?" She asked, as she saw you crying then gave Tony the death stare. "Tony, what did you do?"
Tony P.O.V
"Pepper calm down she just wants to go outside but I told her no" he explained while backing away slowly. Your mom picked you up, comforting you. "It's okay..." she said, perfectly calm. Your mom frowned, still holding you. "Daddy's boring." I said while wiping my eyes and throwing a toy at him. “(Y/N), now why would you do that...” your mom looked at you, trying to be stern. "It's not nice to throw things." "Daddy not nice!" you told her while crying on her shoulders. But what we didn’t know was those words set him off. “ME NOT NICE!!!” “ME BORING!!!” Tony’s eye twitched slightly while laughing and walking to his lab. (Y/N) looked at Pepper in confusion and shock.
“Don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll go and talk to daddy, okay?” Quickly, she put you down and wiped your tears away, kissed your soft cheeks then walk downstairs to the lab . Tony and Jarvis was there, discussing about something. Tony?” Pepper then interrupted their conversation. Both of them looked at you. “May I talk to you?” Tony gazed at her before leaving his desk. Pepper then came from behind and hugged him. “So, Is there a certain reason why you don’t want us to go?” She asked him. His body tensed under hers. “Please, for (Y/N). She needs to go outside. She is captured in this house ever since the hospital. Come on, just for a few hours. I promise she won’t get hurt. His eyes were locked with hers. He looked at Pepper intensely and it seemed like he had trouble giving an answer. Several minutes later he sighed. “Fine. But only until 5 pm. “YAY!!!!!!!” (Y/N) screamed. “This is going to be the best day ev--” *cough**cough*. They both turned around and looked at me in shock and worry. “(Y/N) sweetheart are you alright.” they said while checking my temperature. “I’m fine- *cough* really- *cough* I am- *cough*” as I cried in pain. “But (Y/N) your eyes are glowing yell--” Tony whined. “NO LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!” (Y/N) yelled while running out the room and upstairs.

“C’mon you guys” I yelled while pulling them to the park. “Calm down (Y/N) we’re here” It was one o'clock in the noon when we arrived at New York Central Park. From now on you had four hours to spend some beautiful time with your family.It has been a while since you were outside and it felt good to feel the wind blowing in your face, pushing your hair behind. You inhaled, filling your lungs with fresh air. “So (Y/N) What are we doing now?” mom asked. ” I just shrugged your shoulders. “Well it’s up to you, Love.” she said as she was hugging me. "Daddy, can I play tag with the others childs!" You smiled brightly. He then looked at Pepper in worry. "Pretty please?". "I don't know sweetheart", your mother replied. "Pretty please with a box of donuts". "(Y/N) we don't know these kids". "Pretty please with a box of strawberry,vanilla, and chocolate donuts smothered in rainbow sprinkles." "(Y/N) , what do you take your father for?" "AND A ICE COFFEE!!". Pepper sighed in defeat.“Alright, (Y/N) just don’t go too far. ” “Ok I won’t” while running away. You were befriended to a 11 year old girl. “I caught you!” Then you abruptly ran away from her. “Hey, that’s not fair!” You heard her whining behind you. After a few rounds of tag and hide and seek,both of you were lying on the ground then I started getting very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open, trying not to yawn but my eyes became heavier and heavier until they shut.

As you woke up, you noticed that I wasn’t at the park anymore. I was underwater again but this time the place looked like New York. I started to panick“WHERE IS EVERYONE? and WHERE IS MR.BUBBLES!!!! ” I started to cry then I saw my doll on the floor and decided to put it up. Then all of a sudden a big robot came out of nowhere and just looked at me. I'm scared to move; I'm scared to cry but I didn't want to be alone. But the robot reached out his hand and got on one knee to be at my level. When I reached out and touch his hand, his face turned green & his picked me. I just smiled and hugged him back while whispering “Daddy”.

(Y/N)!!!(Y/N)!!!!!(Y/N)!!!!! WAKE UP (Y/N), Pepper cried in panic. My dream ended abruptly, as I was shaken back into reality. My eyes opened, my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids when I blinked. “Mommy where am I and how did I get here” I asked. “You fall asleep while me and your father got us some dinner”, “Look there he is.” “Pepper how our princess doin--”.(screams) "A stranger!""No back away". They both looked at me in shock. “(Y/N) what are you talking about sweetheart, it’s me your dad” he said as he walked closer to me. “No Daddy” I cried. Then Tony dropped the food to the ground while staring at Pepper. She was as speechless as he was “No your not daddy and no touching!" I screamed as I turned my head to my mother…..

Quote of Chapter:
If this what you truly want.
I can wear her skin over mine. Her hair, over mine, her hands as gloves, her teeth as confetti, her scalp a cap, her sternum, my bedazzled cane. We can pose for a photograph, all three of us, immortalized.
You and your perfect girl....
Why can't you see me?
Everyone else can
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@ ghostssss @ agentofthenightingale @ sparrowb07 @ thejulietfarciertlove @megafandomfangirl @ ultrawholockedunicorn @ dyingformyships @snowyseba Seba