Tails Miles Prower - Tumblr Posts

Same pic, but with Tails.

Sonic bottle cap collection

Everytime I find one in the wild, I buy it.
I am still on the hunt for the legendary Knuckles cap.

Every Tails is a FNAF or Minecraft kid and I will stand by this statement

my recent Sonic art that I like! ♡

I'm starting a collection of tails wearing bow-ties feel free to add

He is so emo and cringe, I love him.

So I’m actually working on an au of my own! It’s going to be a “The Walking Dead” Sonic au! I’ll be making the rest of the cast, but so far here we have Sonic as Rick Grimes, Shadow as Daryl Dixon, and Tails as Carl Grimes!
I’ll post more of this au soon, so if you are interested make sure to follow or follow the tag it falls under!
Redraw scene from turning red

Sonic heroes Z
(P.s This is from Powerpuff girls Z.)

Sonic, tails, and knuckles (powerpuff girls z)

got myself a new pair of brushes and decided to mess around with them doing daily sonic character drawings for about 30 days or so! so far, i've done these characters

No Matter How Sweet and Nice
A fight with Eggman leaves Sonic and the others thinking Tails is dead. However, that's not exactly the case as they find out 6 months later when Tails is still alive...but working for Eggman. And worse, he didn't know who they were, believing them to be intruders, leading to a fight between robots and animals, which leads to Tails being knocked out and kidnapped, taken to what was once his home. It started with just constant eyes on him and constant coddling by strangers telling him they're his "friends". When he tried to leave and became much more violent in hurting them to free himself, he found himself in even more watchful eyes and needles that force him to sleep when he becomes too harmful, becoming a prisoner to them in his eyes no matter how much they try to deny it.
(basically an angsty Tails fanfiction because I can't get enough of these)
He hated it here.
There was nothing more horrible than a place like this, Tails was sure. They keep constantly following him, watching him, making sure he wasn't trying to leave. They said it was to make sure they knew where everyone was in case of emergencies, or because he "looked lonely and needed a pal", or because of another lie they thought of on the spot; he knew better though. It was annoying, and frustrating because he was aching to leave. But every time he was caught and the escapes he recently did was now blocked off. Trying to leave through the vents, doors, and windows, they make sure someone was with them at all times, a constant guard to make sure that he stays within the walls or to notify them if their prisoner escaped. Tricking them into leaving him alone caused everyone to now not let him be alone no matter what he did or said.
Yes, He was referring to himself as a prisoner. Because that's exactly what he was here. Being constantly monitored, never allowed to move out of the area, and not being allowed to go back home. His true home. Not this fake one they insisted was. If it was he wouldn't have had to be brought here, he wouldn't feel like this in the first place, and they certainly wouldn't mind if he was left alone for five goddamn minutes! No this was a prison, not a home. It might be their home, but not his, never his.
He wanted to go back home. Sure, it wasn't stable, at all, but at least there he wasn't constantly coddled and watched over like a baby. At least there he was respected and left alone to do his own thing. Here he found none of that. Here, he was constantly monitored and made sure not to go out of line, his accusations were ignored and denied; being told the complete opposite of what he knew. They showed him pictures, that could be photoshopped (it was easy to do), told him stories (lies), and tried to get him to remember the things he "used" to do. It never worked, mainly because to him it never happened. He never understood the emotions that formed on their faces, ones of sorrow and anger, or the utter heartbreak in their eyes.
He knew about some of them, and those were the ones who monitored him the most. There was a pink hedgehog named Amy, very kind and understanding, however, she coddled him the most, and acted as if he didn't know some things. It didn't come off that way at first, but over time he began to realize she thought that way when she constantly assured him simple things; snow, food, and other things he KNEW were harmless weren't going to hurt him. It came off as a tiny bit reassuring, but now it was just annoying. He didn't like that, while he wasn't rude or cruel to her, they weren't friends as she insisted.
There was another one, Knuckles, a red echidna, the "last one of his kind". He could see it being true, he hadn't ever seen any other echidna anywhere. With the lies he's been told, he doesn't know what to believe about them. He felt intimidated by the echidna, the rough and aloof behavior towards him not exactly helping measures. Knuckles always seemed angry around him. It was never at him, but something must've happened for Tails to change his attitude when the fox would enter the room. Going from being in a conversation to suddenly go quiet, the fox could always feel his intent stare on his back until he left. It was odd and creepy in the fox's opinion, so he tried to keep his eyes on the echidna at all times in case he tried something.
Then there was the one who visited and monitored him the most. A blue hedgehog; Sonic. Tails never understood him. The hedgehog was very friendly and always wanted to spend time with him. Tails didn't understand why. However, the hedgehog's ability to break the sound barrier was something the fox found fascinating. It was impossible, but the speedster managed to do it somehow. His fascination with the blue mammal's power did not deter him from eyeing the hedgehog with caution, no matter how friendly and caring he was towards him. He never understood why the urchin was so caring towards him. Why he cared when Tails stayed up later than the others, or when Tails didn't eat or drink water, or when the fox didn't bathe himself, and so much more than the fox, who didn't think those things were important. The kitsune found it weird, and as a result, he maintained an aloof and distant attitude toward what was stated to be his "former big brother".
It was Sonic who brought him here, in this godawful place that it is, as stated by the others to refuse to leave without him. The hedgehog was also the most against letting the fox go back to Robotnick. Tails never truly understood why, but he gave up trying to understand, now all he was, was frustrated at the rodent.
The fox was currently walking alongside the hedgehog around the village, amongst the scenery he found himself fond of. The only good thing in this awful place. It was a beautiful forest, trees scattered with emerald green leaves, birds singing their songs within, below critters scampered across the dirt ground, hiding or running through the many bushes. It was peaceful and calm. A perfect place to relax and listen to your thoughts. Unfortunately, he couldn't exactly relax with a prattling hedgehog beside him, constantly asking him things he didn't care about. The two-tailed canine only responded with short answers and nods. He didn't bother to try and leave, nothing the hedgehog would catch him in a heartbeat. Literally.
The only way he spoke to them, was not to share any information with them that they could use against him or the doctor but to respond with a simple yes and no what whatever stupid question they have.
He soon found himself trailing into thoughts of the doctor. What was he doing now? He probably already found out the fox was missing, but probably never figured out that he was kidnapped. Maybe he thought the fox ran away, or worse maybe thought the fox was betraying him. The fox found a multitude of thoughts that begins to fill his brain.
What would he do if he thought of the latter? Would he hunt him down?
What if he found him? What would he do?
Would he listen if the fox tried to explain that these crazy people kidnapped him?
What if he didn't believe him?
What if the doctor disowned him?
Where would he go?
If he was kicked out what if these psychos find him again?
And if he escaped again what would he do next without anywhere to go?
What if he never got out of here? Why won't they let him leave?
What about his inventions? Would he be able to keep them?
Would the Doctor destroy them?
What would he do if he does?
Or what if the doctor kept them?
Would he take the credit for them?
What would Tails do if Robotnick used them on him?
What if he died, then all of this would-
"Tails? Are you alright?"
The young canine was snapped out of his anxious trance by a soft call of his name and a gloved hand on his shoulder. The fox snapped out of his thoughts and met the worrying green eyes of his monitor. He noticed he was breathing rapidly, frozen on the path. He placed his hand on his chest as he began to inhale and exhale deeply, calming himself. The blue hedgehog eyed him with concern, asking once more.
"You ok buddy?"
The fox was about to snap at the hedgehog to not call him his 'buddy', but refrained. Instead, he simply nodded.
The hedgehog frowned.
"You sure? You just suddenly stopped walking and started breathing like that. Have something on your mind?"
The fox's lips drew into a straight line. An unreadable expression formed on his face as he shook his head. Didn't want to deal with having to talk out his feelings and "trauma" with Amy again. He turned to keep walking, only to stop when the hedgehog responded.
"Was it about him again?"
The kitsune clenched his teeth in a mixture of emotions, mostly frustration at how the hedgehog could somehow read him like an open book. He turned back to the waiting azure mammal, shaking his head once more. It was now the hedgehog with an unreadable expression on his face, and once again Tails couldn't see what he was thinking. He previously found out pretty soon that the urchin had a rivalry with the doctor for a while. When the fox couldn't "recognize" him or anyone who mentioned Robotnick he saw a mixture of emotions form on the hedgehog's face. Sorrow, sadness, anger. Tails couldn't understand what all that meant.
That mixture of emotions was still present on the speedster's face. Sad and heartbroken, with a deep undertone of anger and self-blame. He never understood why he made that expression every time the doctor was mentioned by him and anyone else. But he did know two things: It made him hella uncomfortable and he was tired of it.
"Stop it."
The hedgehog's eyes widened at his usage of words other than 'yes' and 'no' but soon melted into one of confusion as he tilted his head.
"Stop what?"
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like...that! I don't know! Being all sad or angry or...whatever when ANYONE mentions him or I don't remember something you guys think I ever did. It's freaking me out!", The fox's gloved hands waved in the air as he spoke, lead on by a rush of adrenaline. The blue blurs face changed as he spoke, becoming one even more sad and regretful, scratching behind his quills as he spoke.
"Sorry, bud. It's just...what he did to you...it's not right. He shouldn't have messed with you in the first place. I should have been there to-"
"No no no... I'm not listening to you go 'I should have done this' Or 'this wouldn't have happened if I had...' because none of it happened in the first place. Me and you aren't best friends, we never were. Because if we were wouldn't have I remembered you?!"
"Yeah, you would have. He changed your memories buddy. He made them all wrong and-" The young kit grabbed at his head as he said those stupid words again. Gloved hands began to grasp at the orange fur, covering his ears.
"Not this again! My memories are fine! There's nothing wrong with them. You're the ones who need to get your brain checked because I'm not who you think I am!"
"No Tails, I KNOW what I remember. You're the smartest kid on the planet. You've stopped Ol' Egghead a million times with machines he couldn't dream of building. You're a friend to everyone here. You're my best friend, my little brother."
The grip on his fur became harsher.
"No No! Stop it! My memories are fine! You're the ones trying to change them, you all are. I was fine where I was before you had to drag me here where I don't belong! I was home with my family-"
"No. Eggman is NOT family, and that was NOT home. This is your real home, me and the others are your family Tails.", gloved hands moved to gently pry the fox's hands from ripping his fur out. Pulling the distressed child into a hug he continued to speak.
"Me and the others are your family. You're home. We'll make sure you get your memories back to normal, and we'll never let him get his hands on you again. You're ok here little buddy. You're safe. I promise." The blue hero gently stroked the fox's head, trying to get him to calm down. The kit continued to sob into the hero's fur, denying those things, murmuring about how he's a liar. There was a moment of calmness, before the fox's eyes widened and he suddenly ripped himself away from Sonic, beginning to scream and hyperventilate.
"No!-You-Y-your lying-You're a l-liar! My memories are f-fine, y-you're the one trying to ch-cha-ange them! I-I don't w-wanna be here anymore. I n-never wanted to be-e here! I want to go home...I want to go home! I wa-ant to...", the rest became nothing more than broken sobs, shrieks, and incoherent blubbering. The hedgehog tried to move closer to the kit, trying to calm him down, only for the child to bite into his arm and began to scratch him, his yelps and pleas for the fox to calm down went unheard by the manic person addressed. The others began to crowd around them, hands grabbing onto Tails as they attempted to pull him off, the fox's claws digging even further into the rodent he had trapped underneath him. Blood stained his gloves, and more of the ruby-red liquid was around his muzzle and in his mouth, leaving a strong metallic taste on his tongue.
He continued to shriek and cry in his state of hysteria until a needle was dug into his arm and he began to lose consciousness, his struggles getting weaker...
and weaker...
...and weaker...
Until everything went black...
The fox thumped his mitts together in boredom. Now they restrained his hands again. Great. Having his hands restrained meant that he now couldn't manage to pick up anything, not even utensils, having to ask someone to help him eat or to ask someone to take them off, meaning the person would stay in the room with him. They said it was temporary, and that they would come off when they were sure Tails wouldn't attack anyone else. This wasn't his first time doing this. He had bitten and scratched others in this place before, he can even still see the leftover bite marks or scratches that haven't healed yet on their arms and, for Knuckles, left ear.
It had happened when Knuckled was monitoring him, Tails didn't exactly remember what he said, but it cost the echidna a part of the left ear, not enough to make him go deaf, but enough that it was noticeable. It caused the echidna to be warier about what to say to the fox from then on. Amy had two bite marks on her right arm, and scratches coating the back of her hands, hidden by fresh gloves. Only she, Tails, and the people who were there when he attacked her knew they existed. She had tried to calm him down from his usual hysteria using one of those horrible syringes, saying something about a seizure. Saying she was sorry. She also became more cautious toward him. They both didn't monitor him that much after that.
Sonic had the worst of them. Bite marks and scratches coated his arms, one bite mark on his left shoulder and his legs were slightly bruised when the fox kicked against him one time.
But even though Tails did that he continued to spend time with him, acting like none of that happened. He didn't understand why the hedgehog ignored his attempts to shove him away. He found it a little insulting, but over time his anger and hatred towards this prison and everyone in it gave way to defeat and an overarching depression formed that made everything slower, it made him care less and less about what was happening around him. He couldn't bring himself even try to escape. They were just going to catch him over and over. What was the point?
There was hardly anything of his interest to do here. He couldn't tinker and build anything because someone had to be with him all the time, he didn't like it when people watched him work, made him anxious. The things he wanted to build would've gotten him out of here, so they'd probably stop him anyway. The thing he hated the most was how...nice they were.
Honey-coated words assuring him, comforting him, telling him everything was ok, and the one they repeated the most; we'll get your real memories back. What were they trying to do to say that? His memories were perfectly fine! He lived with Robotnick, not Sonic, like everyone else, including the rodent, wants him to believe. He's not going to let them win.
No matter how sweet and nice, a cage is still a cage to the one trapped.
However, he's not sure what to truly believe anymore. He thinks he doesn't belong here but...he doesn't think he lived with Robotnik anymore either. The memories he had of the doctor didn't feel real. The picture's the people here showed him can't be real either. It...just doesn't feel right.
He sighed as he gazed outside, currently laying in his bed. Sonic was in the other room, bandaged and snoring away. He doesn't know the hedgehog keeps lying to him, telling him he's his brother. He was the one who took care of him. He was the one who took him under his wing. But...Tails just didn't know anymore.
Didn't know which past was real or fake, didn't know what to believe, and didn't even know if he was right at all.
He hated this.
He hated Robotnick, always stealing the credit for the machines HE made. For destroying "failed" inventions.
He hated his old home, always so cold and empty. Wanting someone to talk to.
He hated this stupid place, everyone's eyes on him. Making sure he never stepped out of line.
He hated everyone in it, never letting him leave. Making him stay in this prison.
He hated Sonic, for bringing him here. Never leaving him alone.
He hated himself for being so easily fooled by everyone. Letting them confuse him.
He hated his mind, for never being clear on what was real. Which memories were fake.
He hated everything, for not making sense. Nothing ever did anymore.
The kit moved away from the window and curled up into his bed. There was no point trying to get out the window, the hedgehog was a light sleeper, and would wake up to the slightest creak of the floorboards. Even if he did get out, someone outside the village would tell them where he was and keep him there until they came and got him, reassuring him, telling him they weren't mad. These maniacs probably told everyone in this zone. He brought the covers over his body and tried to relax.
Tomorrow was another day.
He didn't know what to think of this place anymore.
It probably wasn't true anyway.
A Chance Meeting Chapter 1: Something New
On the planet of Mobius, mobians and humans lived together, but what if I told you there were other species that co-existed alongside them? Little creatures, scurrying under your eyes, taking little things you wouldn't notice like sewing pins, crumbs of food, bottle caps, left-out tape, whatever they need to survive, and unnoticeable to the beans they stole from. Miles Prower is one of these tiny creatures. He's a borrower, doing whatever it takes to survive in this big, unpredictable world. After witnessing his parents get caught and never seen again, he vowed to never trust a bean, to never let them see him. He stayed away from beans, living in the forest and away from the other borrowers that would mock him for his two individual tails.
So far, he's managed for years, now eight years old and living in a small cave he made in a burrow under a tree. He's lived long enough to know what to do with different predators, know where to find food, and also has a hobby of inventing on the side. That all changes however when a blue hedgehog in a red plane crashes onto the island.
(Or I just had to create a Sonic Borrower crossover because it is a crime that there is a shocking lack of any I could find)
Mobius was a beautiful planet. Beautiful forests and nature-filled lands covered practically all of the planet. Fresh lakes and oceans were filled with lush and colorful sea life, filling the fresh air with the calming scent of fresh or saltwater. On this planet, there weren't only humans living here, but anthropomorphic animals as well.
They were called Mobians. Animals who would walk on two legs, act exactly like humans, and wear clothes. Humans and mobians lived happily co-existing among each other, seeing each other as equals. But what if I told you another race lived among humans and mobians? Little critters that scurried underneath your own eyes, taking things you wouldn't care to notice, just to survive.
Tiny people who could also manage to talk, cloth themselves, and act exactly like a mobian. They weren't shrunken, they were just born that way, tiny warriors born to survive. These were borrowers. Tiny people who lived underneath the floorboards or lived in secret tunnels made in walls of humans or mobians and took small things like forgotten sewing pins, bottle caps, ripped cloth, and whatever else they could use for survival. They lived off of many rules, all of them to ensure they could be safe and stay alive.
One of them was the most important: never be seen by a bean.
That was what they called both humans and mobians alike. It's quite odd they were called that, perhaps it was a mistranslation from the word 'being', or maybe someone mistook it for that. Nonetheless, that was what the bigger people were known as. Beans were dangerous. There had been many horror stories passed down on what happened to creatures like them who were seen and caught.
Extermination, domestication, bodies ripped open and studied, and many more could make the bravest adult of the race shudder in terror. Because of that, they vowed down generations to never be seen or caught by humans or mobians.
Borrowers weren't limited to one animal, there were many borrowers of different species, dogs, cats, wolves, tigers, bears, birds, foxes, hedgehogs, and many more. The many differences were that they were tiny beings, the tallest adult being 7 inches tall. Another thing that they had that mobians didn't was certain features of their legs, nose, tails, and ears of that of a rat or mouse.
An odd mix of features if seen by a bean, but to another fellow borrower, it's natural. However, while having mouse features on some that are quite odd, having multiple limbs is odd even for borrowers.
That's what Miles Prower knew his whole life.
Just a tiny genius kid living on his own in the deep beautiful but dangerous forest, under the safety of an abandoned bunny burrow dug in the base of a tree. It was a nice and quaint little home, with many things he either kept for survival or collected along the way. Another thing you might notice is the many blueprints and inventions he created, made out of used bottles, bottle caps, balloons, paper, and even gears!
Miles had a gift for inventing, having been fascinated and passionate about the subject. He tinkered and made many kinds of inventions that would help him. Like a dome made out of several sand-filled straws, kept together with ducktape coloring the surface so he wouldn't see roots or dirt thrown on him every time a bean walks by, a makeshift lightbulb made by what once a broken nightlight before Miles came upon it. He took care in fixing it, separating the bulb from the power block and adjusting it so it functions like a normal lightbulb so things wouldn't be dark all the time.
He made a whole grappling hook, made of fish wire, a hook, a broken piece of plastic, and an engine he stole from a little toy car. He even made a device that helps crack open walnuts with just a paperclip and a pair of tweezers. Scattered all around his home, small blueprints were scattered about the tiny domain, blueprints of things he had thought of to help him and were yet to be made.
Truly Miles Prower had a gift. However, no matter how innovative and helpful these creations made were, there was one thing that always cast him out from the other borrowers:
Miles Prower had two tails.
He had the typical characteristics of his fellow borrowers, small mouse ears, long legs with padded feet like that of a rat, and a narrow snout. He even had bandages, made from leftover pieces of cloth, wrapped around several different places of his body from encounters with other predators. He was a little fox, having bright orange and white fur, and sharp predator-like teeth he made sure to chew hard foods like apples or seeds to keep his teeth from overgrowing his tiny body, and the orange and white tail. Or in this case, tails. They were long and skinny with short stubby orange fur ending in soft, fluffy white tufts at the end, like the other borrowers.
Nobody knew why he had two, he was just born with them. Other borrowers would constantly mock and make fun of him for them, calling him a freak or calling him 'Tails', which he absolutely hated. They were already weirded out by his inventions, seeing them as 'dangerous' and 'unnecessary'. But no matter how much trouble his inventions caused for the weekly portions of the clan he resided in, his parents never blamed him or pushed his dreams down. His mother and father always used to tell him to ignore these kids, that he would create something that would change borrower kind.
How he missed them.
If someone were to ask where his parents were he would simply reply that they were gone and that they had been a long time, but he wouldn't tell you what happened if asked, he'd simply walk away and ignore the rest of the conversation, not wanting to open up old wounds. It had been four years, Miles was eight now. He had managed on his own for a long time, making sure to stay far away from beans.
Back then he had been innocent, happy, and carefree. Now he was focused, serious, and constantly cautious. He knew the dangers of beans now, and the high stakes of his kind were always in. That was part of the reason he left and ventured out into the forest, so he wouldn't put the others in more jeopardy. He was only four back then when he went on his own but somehow managed on his own against the wild.
Now he knew more than how to survive. He knew where the best place to view the star was, where the fullest berry bushes were, how to tie a double knot when climbing, how to bandage and treat wounds and cure infections that may be caused by a bite from a critter with possible rabies or neglecting to clean the wound properly at first. He still had a bandage on his right arm from being attacked by a bird for stealing some worms.
Yes, he grew and matured, but that didn't mean he was happy. He was satisfied at best. Long days of surviving became nothing more than dull and empty. Miles Prower wasn't lonely, however. That was ridiculous, he was doing just fine on his own. He didn't need someone around to be another mouth to feed, a dependent weight to carry. He was perfectly fine on his own!
He just wished there was something more exciting out here. Something other than trees, berry picking, lizard skinning, or gazing at the endless white dots in the sky. He wanted something new . Something exciting.
Miles was bored, to say the least. He needed some excitement. Some adventure. Miles didn't exactly see wishes coming true, his past wishes of being accepted and not having his food stolen by the other kids. They never came true until he made them by leaving.
So imagine his surprise when one day, while he was carrying a lizard he killed back to his hut, a rising of smoke in the direction of the beach. At first, he was confused, as hardly anyone went there. Next to come was heart-pounding curiosity. This was something new.
What was out there? What was causing that smoke? He was just brimming with all sorts of questions related to the mystery smoke. All of them were itching to find out. He should really go back to his home and do what he normally does; focus on getting through the day and surviving. But his curiosity was overriding his survival instincts, nobody ever came out here, no beans or other borrowers. Nobody did other than him or his fellow critters.
Fear began to take hold of the little fox, as suspicions began to rise in his mind.
What if it was something dangerous? Maybe if he found out what it was he'd know what to do later. If it was something that threatened his home or his territory he'd know to move. The thought of moving made his heart pang, but it was always better safe than sorry. The now-forgotten lizard fell to the ground as the fox began to move toward the direction of the mysterious smoke, both excitement, and uneasiness beginning to bloom in his chest.
Bright blue eyes stared in both awe and brimming excitement at the machine before him. It was a plane! A big beautiful red plane. He had heard and read about the beauties, but had never seen one in real life. Not until now. It was as amazing and huge as he thought it would be. Sleek metal. Big wide wings. It was everything he ever dreamed up beside the fact that it was currently in disrepair. Smoke seemed to be coming from the engine, perhaps there was a new need for an engine, or perhaps something was busted. He had read plenty of books about planes, including reading and studying how planes work, he could probably repair himself if he had the right tools...
and had the right height.
While the plane was beautiful and amazing in every way, there was just one problem. The plane belonged to a bean. A bright blue hedgehog with white gloves and red and white shoes was glaring at the plane, muttering something. He seemed to be mad and Tails made sure to stay out of sight. A mad bean was dangerous. Most prone to violence. Most prone to death. As lovely as the plane was, nothing was worth dying for. The hedgehog seemed to be mad at the plane. Seemed to be... talking to the plane?
Ok. That was odd.
The hedgehog looked at the engine, waving away the smoke from his face before glancing at it. He groaned in annoyance before slamming it back down. Jumping off the plane he appeared to be pondering something, his hand on his chin and his foot tapping abnormally fast. He took a glance at the forest, Tails ducked behind a bush for cover, and his eyes lit up. He turned back to the plane, smiling, and turned back towards the forest, newfound determination in his green eyes.
Before Tails could even blink, the blue urchin suddenly shot off in a blue blur, causing the small fox to yelp out in surprise, hanging onto the bush to avoid being blown away. When the backlash died down, the fox was left in utter shock and confusion. Eyes wide he murmured out one question.
"W-what just happened?"
That was impossible. Nobody could go that fast. It was impossible. But that hedgehog just did it right before his eyes. A shiver went down the borrower's spine. He would have to stay far away from the bean. If he was that fast, the fox didn't stand a chance. And sadly away from the plane. He looked back at it with sadness and longing. This was the first time he's ever seen a plane up close. He was hoping it would be abandoned or unoccupied. But no, it was used by the most dangerous species to borrower kind.
This was pretty close to his home, wasn't it?
Yeah, this wasn't too far. It was in his territory. In fact, this was extremely close to his stargazing spot. This wasn't good. He loved watching the stars, not to mention, he needed to stay far away from beans. He saw what happened the last time he was caught. He saw what happened if borrowers were seen and caught. His mind began to come up with different ideas. He couldn't torment the bean. It'd only make him angry and possibly more dangerous. He couldn't let himself known to the hedgehog so he couldn't leave any notes asking him to move. Not to mention the plane was even bigger than the urchin, he probably wouldn't be able to lift it.
Wait, the plane.
He looked back at the plane. The perfect plane save for certain smoke coming from the engine. Someone would fix it eventually. After all, it looked like the hedgehog crashed on here or was forced to land because of the broken engine. Once it was fixed the bean would leave. He just had to wait.
He sighed sadly and looked at the plane one more time before turning and beginning to head off to his burrow.
What a shame. He just wished he could see and explore the plane. Well, he can't stay too long, the bean would probably come back with another bean. No matter what he couldn't be found out.
It was too dangerous. He just hoped the hedgehog would leave soon.

Sonic was murdered stop beatboxing!

✨Sonic 2 sketches✨
Just doodles I did behind my notebook in class XD
The drawing of Tails and Tom was for an idea of this post. Credits to @hinacu-arts
The reference for the Super Sonic drawing was from this post. Credits to @quimser