|| I write for Marvel, DBZ, Anime, POTC, MDZS, Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts & Sebastian Stan (Send me requests or questions and I'll write them ♡ I do imagines and stuff for ships, just send me an ask!) || REQUESTS ARE OPEN ♥♡♥
50 posts
Leah Acorn (My New Sonic Oc)

Leah Acorn (My New Sonic Oc) ♥
A black-haired young chipmunk that may have the royal blood and who just loves the style of Amy Rose!~
More Posts from Lelewright1234
Thank you so much @mdzsfan for tagging me, I’m so glad and happy to know that I make you smile.
Origin of my username: My username is actually my real nickname that both my friends and my family have called me all my life (well I have many other different special nicknames but this is also special to me as well!). I had added the word right to it but instead of spelling it "RIGHT"; I had spelled it "WRIGHT" just to make it very cute and childish!!~
Favorite Colors: Pink, Purple, Blue, Black, Yellow and White.
People who make me smile: @feifood @sweetchup @kpopmademyday @mdzsfan @queenofallimagines @hunterxhunterimagines @duchess365 @myfavoriteandroid @shina-moon-art @yumingyesfairy and so much more!!~
Starting a new tag game!
This one is complicated, but I hope you like it! If you get tagged, reblog with the meaning/origin of your url, your favorite color, and tag at least 5 people who put something on your dash that made you smile. Not just followers or mutuals, anybody that posted something that ended up on your dash. I’ll start.
URL: tribblemakingalicorn. I joined tumblr for Star Trek (Tribble) and KOTLC (alicorn). I’m also a troublemaker, so tribblemakingalicorn!
Favorite Color: Currently its any shade of teal to indigo. I’m partial to periwinkle.
Five people who made me smile today: @tikkunolamorgtfo @enbies-and-felonies @im-a-blood-sokka-for-you @make-kotlc-gayer @rowark
Have you ever written anything for sonic?
Oh no! I don’t think that I have though! Are you trying to ask me about a request or something else?

Happy 36th birthday, Christopher Robert Evans! (June 13, 1981)
Brains are just noisy. We analyze the past, we worry about the future. Our consciousness is very spread out, and as a result, it’s hard to stay present. And if you can kind of stay present and know that that’s all that you have in life — life is just a series of nows — if you can kind of surrender to that, you can never lose.
"I See Beauty"
.Request By: @zoesmama2024
Summary: Can you make a one shot where the reader had just lost her arm and had to get a prosthetic. She is feeling down about it and feeling out of place. Bucky runs into her and helps her overcome her sadness.
A/N: This is my first request and I’m excited. So I hope you like it, but don't be rude about it, it's my first time doing this and I tried my best to stay on topic. love you!!!
Warning: Fluff

Reader’s POV
I woke up in pain and sweat. Then it stopped. 'Alright it’s no big deal,' I thought to myself. Then I realized my hands were shaking and my heading was pounding badly. I felt like screaming but I didn’t want to want everyone up especially Bucky. I tried to get up, no I needed to get up but it didn’t work. Finally I had managed to roll out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water and went over to the sink. Then I started feeling dizzy and my legs went nude. The glass broke. Suddenly I fell to the ground.
"(y/n)!" Bucky yelled and you heard the bedroom door slam open. “(Y/N) is that you?” Bucky asked in worry.
Bucky’s POV
I ran into the kitchen and saw the glass and (Y/N) on the floor. She was a mess. She was having deep breaths and then she was crying really hard. I swiftly, but gently, picked her up and carried her to the couch. I sat her down on my lap and she stayed curled in a ball. I didn’t know what to do so I had checked her pulse. She was alive that’s good but she was shaking and silently crying.
“(Y/N) please wake up””Please, just tell me what’s wrong” I cried.
“What’s my purpose in life with this thing?” She screamed.
I gave her a questionable look. “Doll what do you mean by that?”
“NO NO nevermind” She tried climbing out of my arms.
“Doll please let me help you” I said while watching her limp back to the kitchen.
Reader’s POV
"No, I’m fine, really I am" I whined while sighing in pain.
"I insist (Y/N) because you're putting too much pressure on your le-- ", he said, starting to walk from the couch.
I looked up at him, my face twisted with confusion. Then I had snapped. “Why are you helping” I felt angry, and muddled. He stared at me whenever I’m were near and never I needed to know why.
"Why do you always want to help me Bucky, I'm nothing with just one leg" I questioned while silently crying.
He looked up, with eyes full of shock. He stuttered, looking for words to express his feelings, but couldn't. Every emotion in his mind was drawing him to you, but he couldn't tell how he felt about you. Was it love? He had a need to protect you, to care for you, to receive attention from you.
I dropped to my knees while crying to the ground. “This all happened to me so fast I-- just-- want--”.
Bucky's emotions finally pieced together. His mind no longer felt cloudy, it felt clear and he realised, he loved you.
Bucky walked closer to me then picked me up. "Shhhhhhh. Shhhhh. It's ok. It's ok." “ (Y/N), I will love you no matter how body parts you have on your body.”Then he kissed your forehead. You looked up at his blue crystal eyes. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again”.

"Thank you, Bucky" I said as I kissed his cheek.
Somehow I managed to fall asleep calmly in his arms, despite all of the leg pain. He just smiled at me and carried me to my room.
"Anything for my doll."
Without love There's no need to prophesy Without love There would be no blue skies Without love We're all just wasting our time Love's the key to eternal life Love suffers long and it's kind to all (All the time) It never fails, helping others (Never seeks her own) Love always bears and endureth all Without love everything would fall Love is the greatest gift that (God has given us) It never leaves Love is stronger (Than anything) I can have faith to remove mountains But it means nothin' without love Love is the greatest God has given us It never leaves Than anything I can have faith To remove mountains Love is the key (It's the greatest gift) Love is the key (It forgives all things) Love is the key (It's the greatest gift of all) Love is the key We need love, we need love
If you have any request please send them in. Tagging these wonderful people because I love them.
@justthinkingofwaystoavoidbusses @smilexcaptainx @ swtltlmrvlgrl @bovaria @ vixenwinchesters @youlightmeupfinn @zoesmama2024@mydragulesebastian @crazybarnes @ butcanipetyourdog
@ ghostssss @ agentofthenightingale @ sparrowb07 @ thejulietfarciertlove @megafandomfangirl @ ultrawholockedunicorn @ dyingformyships @snowyseba
"Colors of Rainbow"
Request By: @silentwaters4
Summary: Would you mind writing one where Bucky learns the reader likes to draw and he's just fascinated by it? Please and thank you, doll!
A/N: So I hope you like it, but don't be rude about it, and it may be short but I put thought into it soo have fun. Love you!!!!
Warning: Fluff, A little bit of Angst but really Funny

Bucky’s POV
" God I soooo bored?" I sigh. I looked around the living room to see art pencils and papers all over the floor.
“Where the hell did these art supplies come from ” I asked while raising my eyebrow. Then I realized that (Y/N) was standing in the middle of the room.
"Oh there you are, I haven’t seen you all day". I lightly tapped her shoulder." Hey doll?" "Doll?!!". She still didn’t answer. “(Y/N)?!!!!!” I yelled.
She then jumped and dropped a sketchbook right on her foot. “Good God what have done….. Again...” I said while backing away slowly.
Reader’s POV
I was hopping in pain. "GOD DAMNIT–SON OF A-!“. Then I turned around and noticed who was standing behind me.
"Bucky?" “ Oh my god, I didn’t see you standing there” I giggled in embarrassment while picking up my sketchbook.
“Whatcha got there (y/n)?” Bucky walked up to me and took the sketchbook from me. I panicked and turned around to grab it back but he was too tall.
“Bucky! Give it back please!” I cried. "(Y/N) what are you hiding from me" "Is is something special" He said as he smirked.
“Sketchbook? You draw?” Bucky raised his eyebrow.
“Crap…” You face palmed with a sigh.
“ (Y/N) I didn’t know you could draw like this…”"It's so colorful with rainbows everywhere" he laughed.
Then I looked down and started to whine.
Bucky then realized what he did. "Wait, I'm sorry, doll! I didn't mean anything wrong it’s just so beautiful, how come you never told me about this.
I then looked up. “I thought that you wouldn’t like it because of all the rainbow colors and how childish & crappy it looks” I explained.
“(Y/N), Leah are you kidding? This is amazing!!!!!!” Then he picked me up and spin me around in circles.
“Wha--, Bucky?!!!!!” I screamed in shock.
Then he kissed me while screaming “MY RAINBOW COLORED ARTIST!!!!” “I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!”
"Yup!" "That's who I am" I yelled while blushing in joy.

If you have any request please send them in. Tagging these wonderful people because I love them.
@justthinkingofwaystoavoidbusses @smilexcaptainx @ swtltlmrvlgrl @bovaria @ vixenwinchesters @youlightmeupfinn @zoesmama2024@mydragulesebastian @crazybarnes @ butcanipetyourdog
@ ghostssss @ agentofthenightingale @ sparrowb07 @ thejulietfarciertlove @megafandomfangirl @ ultrawholockedunicorn @ dyingformyships @snowyseba