Sebastain Stan - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

If You Ask Me I Will Do

"Hello everyone. I am opening up my request box. I'm taking request for Marvel one shots. If you like one done, please send me a message in my ask box with a description of what you like it to be."  

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7 years ago

"Colors of Rainbow"

Request By: @silentwaters4

Summary: Would you mind writing one where Bucky learns the reader likes to draw and he's just fascinated by it? Please and thank you, doll!

A/N: So I hope you like it, but don't be rude about it, and it may be short but I put thought into it soo have fun. Love you!!!!

Warning: Fluff, A little bit of Angst but really Funny

"Colors Of Rainbow"


Bucky’s POV

" God I soooo bored?" I sigh. I looked around the living room to see art pencils and papers all over the floor.

“Where the hell did these art supplies come from ” I asked while raising my eyebrow. Then I realized that (Y/N) was standing in the middle of the room.  

"Oh there you are, I haven’t seen you all day". I lightly tapped her shoulder." Hey doll?" "Doll?!!". She still didn’t answer. “(Y/N)?!!!!!” I yelled.

She then jumped and dropped a sketchbook right on her foot. “Good God what have done….. Again...” I said while backing away slowly.

Reader’s POV

I was hopping in pain. "GOD DAMNIT–SON OF A-!“. Then I turned around and noticed who was standing behind me.

"Bucky?" “ Oh my god, I didn’t see you standing there” I giggled in embarrassment while picking up my sketchbook.

“Whatcha got there (y/n)?” Bucky walked up to me and took the sketchbook from me.  I panicked and turned around to grab it back but he was too tall.

“Bucky! Give it back please!” I cried. "(Y/N) what are you hiding from me" "Is is something special" He said as he smirked.


“Sketchbook? You draw?” Bucky raised his eyebrow.

“Crap…” You face palmed with a sigh.

“ (Y/N) I didn’t know you could draw like this…”"It's so colorful with rainbows everywhere" he laughed.

Then I looked down and started to whine.

Bucky then realized what he did. "Wait, I'm sorry, doll! I didn't mean anything wrong it’s just so beautiful, how come you never told me about this.

I then looked up. “I thought that you wouldn’t like it because of all the rainbow colors and how  childish & crappy it looks” I explained.

“(Y/N), Leah are you kidding? This is amazing!!!!!!” Then he picked me up and spin me around in circles.

“Wha--, Bucky?!!!!!” I screamed in shock.

Then he kissed me while screaming “MY RAINBOW COLORED ARTIST!!!!” “I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!”

"Yup!" "That's who I am" I yelled while blushing in joy.

"Colors Of Rainbow"

If you have any request please send them in. Tagging these wonderful people because I love them.

@justthinkingofwaystoavoidbusses @smilexcaptainx @ swtltlmrvlgrl @bovaria @ vixenwinchesters @youlightmeupfinn @zoesmama2024@mydragulesebastian @crazybarnes @ butcanipetyourdog

@ ghostssss @ agentofthenightingale @ sparrowb07 @ thejulietfarciertlove @megafandomfangirl @ ultrawholockedunicorn @ dyingformyships @snowyseba

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8 years ago


Wow Between This And The News Spot Seb Is Seriously Pushing Me To Get My Shit Together.

Wow between this and the news spot Seb is seriously pushing me to get my shit together.

Neither Cold nor Timid is my new moto!

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8 years ago

guys if you think sebastian stan is attractive reblog this. my friend thinks i’m the only one who thinks that.

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7 years ago

This is so accurate

Sebastian Stan: *posts a video of singing in a car*


Sebastian Stan: *posts A Video Of Singing In A Car*

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6 years ago
Why Are You Even With Me, (Y/n)? You Deserve So Much More Than What I Can Give You! You Deserve To Be

“Why are you even with me, (Y/n)?  You deserve so much more than what I can give you! You deserve to be with someone who truly makes you happy.” Bucky said as tears were falling from his eyes.

You looked at Bucky, heartbreaking. You hated seeing Bucky like this.

“After all, I did as the Winter Soldier…,” Bucky said as he walked out onto the balcony of the Avengers headquarters.

“You know that wasn't’ you, Bucky. That was all Hydra’s fault.” You said, trying to comfort Bucky.

“It may have been Hydra’s fault, but it was still my hands that

You walked over to Bucky, you make you take his flesh hand and place your other hand on his scruffy cheek.

“It’s because I am in love with you, Bucky. I want you. All of you. Your flaws, your mistakes, your imperfections. I want you and only you.

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8 years ago
Meeting Sebastian Stan At Wizard World Was Amazing. He Is Seriously The Nicest Person I've Ever Met.

Meeting Sebastian Stan at wizard world was amazing. He is seriously the nicest person I've ever met. He's so kind, and clearly loves his fans. He's perfection. There's not a thing about him that I don't like.

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