Avengers Imagine - Tumblr Posts

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes x OC
Premise: Jean Grey and Wanda Maximoff find themselves sharing a rare moment of peace and quiet at their apartment.
Warnings: Lesbian Relationship, WxW, Fluff, Kissing.
A/N: This is a short fluff piece for me and one of my comfort ships. I also wanted to write this to celebrate International Women's Day but oh well. After the events of Wandavision, i felt the need to write something sweet and comforting. I'll be doing a ScarletPhoenix series at some point soon, alongside a lot more of these kinds of works. I hope that you're able to enjoy this as much as i have!
To see my Masterlist.
There wasn't enough time in the world, in Jean's opinion, to be able to describe just how much she loved Wanda Maximoff. There would never be enough stars in the sky that could replicate the galaxies that lay in the other woman's eyes, or any rearrangement of matter that could ever feel the way Wanda felt in her arms.
Truthfully, this love and passion that she had for the other scared Jean to her core. Afraid that losing such a flame would leave her without light for the rest of her life. Their love was such a delicate but powerful thing. Something that they both understood to be honest and genuine. Something pure despite living in a world designed to take that away from them.
But here they are, sitting on the sofa at their apartment. The days where they could leave behind the worries of their crime-fighting lifestyle and take a moment to enjoy each others company. These opportunities being scarce as the evil of the world grew more and more each day.
"Jay, come and taste this." Wanda's voice beckoned for her partner, who was returning to the sofa with two cups of freshly made hot chocolate. Jean eyed her girlfriend suspiciously before noticing the bowl of sweets in her hand.
"Candy? We haven't even started watching the show yet." Jean couldn't help but say in a humorous tone as she joined the raven haired woman on the couch, placing their beverages onto the table in front as to prevent any spillages.
Wanda shuffles closer to Jean, picking out one of the candies and lifting it to the womans mouth. Not knowing what it was, Jean raised a brow before opening her mouth to eat it. Trusting that Wanda wouldn't have given her something she wouldn't like.
"It's good, yes?" Wanda beamed innocently, her eyes searching for an answer in her partners expressions. Jean could feel a burst of cherry flavouring in her mouth, with a hint of what tasted like strawberry as well. The ginger haired woman immediately nods, her eyes widened in excitment at the taste.
The reaction caused Wanda to giggle and cuddle into the other, almost instinctively. Jean finishes the treat before noticing from the corner of her eye that the microwave had been left open from when they had made popcorn together.
"I thought i closed that," Jean murmurs, leaning forward as her eyes glowed a faint golden colour. Within seconds the microwave had closed shut, in a controlled manner. She lay back on the couch again, her arm sneaking behind Wanda to get more comfortable.
"What show do you want to watch first, darling?"
There was an assortment of boxsets laying on the table, some of them personally bringing them nostalgia and others giving room to form new potentially nostalgic memories.
"Modern Family?" Wanda responds, almost as though she was proposing a question rather than an answer. Jean nods, letting the woman take charge over their first selection of television consumption for the night.
"It's really good, you'll love it." Jean tells Wanda, smiling warmly at her. Already knowing what to expect with the family sitcom.
Wanda nods, her hand flicking up as a scarlet hue forms. The disk leaves its package, being carried and placed into the player.
"You know, it's hard to find dvds anymore. We could've just streamed half of these shows." Jean points out, reaching for some popcorn.
"Where's the fun in that, hunny." Wanda proposed, grinning as the Television turned on and began to play their desired show.
Wanda pulls Jean back onto the sofa after setting down the bowl of candy, wrapping her arms around the others frame.
"I love that we can spend time together like this," The girl comments. Her tone loving, filled with peace and comfort. Jean agreed, humming in response as she held the woman closer to her. Not wanting to let go.
"I wish we could do this more, though." Jean adds, sighing slightly as she gives Wanda a slight squeeze. Her head resting into the others own. It was Wanda's turn to agree.
They both watched the show together, the first episode being their source of entertainment for a little while. They spent most of the night laughing, giggling and enjoying their snacks. It was these kinds of moments that made them both appreciate life more.
When midnight came around, they had both decided to rest. Jean struggled to keep her eyes open, feeling too comfortable in her lovers arms. The two of them had even summoned over a blanket to keep them warm.
"Baby," Wanda cooed. Her fingers delicately running through the others hair. Jean stirred slightly, opening her eyes to look at the other with a small smile.
"I love you, Jean."
Hearing this made Jean's heart flutter like mad. It wasn't the first time she had heard it, or the last, but each time those words left Wanda's mouth it only made her feel even more aware at just how lucky she was to have such a beautiful person in her life.
Jean leans forward, her hand cupping the womans cheek. Wanda didn't need to read her mind to know that she was going to lean in for a kiss.
"I love you too, Wanda." Jean mutters against the others lips before letting them connect. Wanda returns her actions, their eyes shut as they basked in each others mutual and shared passion.
For each of them, it had felt like they had been touched by an angel. A moment of time that they wanted to spent forever in.
When they finally pulled away, they looked into each others eyes. Wanda's scarlet orbs didn't frighten Jean, nor did Jean's golden orbs and slightly cracked skin frighten Wanda. They both were able to see the beauty in every part of one another.
The End.
lock, stock, and barrel

summary: your dog locks you out of your car. the locksmith who shows up to let her out? is kinda hot
pairings: scott lang x reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: you have a big dumbass dog (but a cute dumbass) and your dad is your wingman (and if you dont have a dad im ur dad now have you taken your meds today? wanna go fishing?)
a/n: this is based off of a tiktok i found, which you can watch here (x) nobody requested this but i love scott so much. big love.
A van pulls up to the house, and parks in front of the driveway. It’s repurposed, definitely, with the words “X-Con Security Consultants” lovingly (read: clumsily) painted (read: scrawled) onto the side.
“That’s Hank Pym’s kid,” your father says to your mother, and she scoffs.
“No he’s not, he's the intern boy,” she argues, but you don’t care who’s son he is or if he’s interning. He’s beautiful. He has a wide smile on his face as he makes his way from his sketchy van with a bag of tools in hand.
“Scott!” Your father greets, leaving your mother to grumble amongst herself about the man’s origins.
“Hey! Morning, sir!” Scott calls back, and your father gives him a firm handshake. Your father doesn’t notice the pain in Scott’s eyes when he does this, but you do, and you like him immediately for it.
Your father leads the conversation as he guides him over to your car, you shamefully stand by the passenger side, treats and toys in hand. You come around to greet them both.
“—it’s good for extra cash since our expertise is locks and security,” Scott finishes, and your dad listens with intense curiosity.
“Tell Pym I said hi,” he says, before noticing you.
“Ah, Scott, here’s the culprit,” he says, leading him over to you.
“Technically, Delilah is the culprit, dad,” you complain, and he scoffs a little.
“Who locked her in there?” he says playfully, and you gasp.
“She did!” you say, laughing, and there are smiles all around.
“Hi,” you say, introducing yourself, and Scott holds out a hand for you.
“I’m Scott,” he says, and you notice his hands are firm and soft, “I’m here to save your dog. And also your car.”
You smirk, “Thank you.”
You notice he smiles a lot, which is not something you mind. He places a small work bag down on the ground near your driver’s side. He bends his neck at awkward angles to try and make out where your buttons are through your tinted windows.
“Tell him what happened,” your dad encourages, crossing his arms with an ‘I told you so’ look on his face, though it doesn’t apply to this situation.
“I put her in my car to take her on a ride, and I was walking around the other side to get in, and she hit the lock button,” you say sheepishly, staring at Delilah.
Your father laughs and shakes his head, telling you to call him if you needed anything, returning inside to catch the rest of the baseball game for a team he couldn’t care less about.
“It happens to the best of us. She’s really cute,” he says encouragingly, and you smile, because she’s not the only cute one in your general vicinity.
“Hi Delilah!” He coos, and she barks at him.
“Delilah, no,” your mother scolds, and she stares at you from the passenger seat with her tongue out.
“Well, I see how it is,” he mutters, and you laugh. He looks back at you when you do and you notice the light on his hair and how he squints just a little bit when he smiles. He turns back to your car, and works a car door wedge into the window of the driver’s side door. His focus is intense.
“Where you guys headed?” He asks, budging the wedge in and turning a crank on the side.
“We were just going on a ride. I kinda wanted to take her to get Starbucks, but now I’m not sure she deserves it,” you say, crossing your arms, knowing full well Delilah would get her puppuccino anyway.
“Aw, of course she does,” he says, looking at her panting at him through the glass.
“Isn’t that right, Delilah?” He says. She pays no attention to him. But it’s okay. You’re paying enough attention for the both of you.
“She has beautiful eyes,” he muses, and you hum in agreement.
“You have really nice eyes too,” you compliment accidentally, and you can feel the heat on your face as you try to play it off.
“Thank you,” he says, and you note his smile in the reflection of your car window as he falters with the wedge and the crank.
“Can I get you something to drink?” you say, and he stops.
“Uh, sure,” he says. He kneels down in your driveway to look for something in the small bag of tools he brought with him.
“I think we have coke? And orange juice probably, unless you want like, a water or something,” you say, and he accepts the water offer.
You turn to leave, but your mom is already halfway in the house.
“I can go get it,” your mom says, throwing you a smile over her shoulder.
You’re stuck in an awkward silence for a few minutes as he wiggles and pushes and tinkers with wires through your window. He pulls out a malleable wire and shoves it through the window wedge. You watch him work, with precise hands and concentration plastered on his face. But soon enough, with persistence and skill, Scott unlocks your car from the inside, carefully removes the car door wedge, and subsequently frees your poor pooch from her automated prison.
He opens the door, and Delilah moves to the driver’s side to smell Scott. She jumps out of the car and starts sniffing around him, her leash hanging limply on the ground.
You retrieve it and let Delilah do her thing.
“Thank you so much,” you say, as he crouches down to say hello to your pup.
“Ah, it’s no problem,” he says, and begins speaking to Delilah in a baby voice, “especially when I meet cute puppies like you, yes I do, yes I do!”
Delilah is loving the attention, and she smiles as he pets her behind the ears. You give her butt a few taps and go to speak to Scott again, but your mom returns from the kitchen.
“I cut up some fruit for you guys,” she informs, like you two were best friends having a sleepover. She balances two cold bottles of water, and, sure enough, a plate of fruit she stole from a platter sitting in your fridge.
“Mom,” you whine a little, and your dad follows soon after, in pursuit of the fruit.
“I’m alright, ma’am. Thank you though.”
Your mom yells your dad’s name in the direction of the front door, clearly not seeing him behind her. He steals a chunk of fruit off the platter and complains, “I’m right here, woman,”
“Oh,” she says, laughing in your direction, before she informs him Scott had gotten Delilah out.
“Someone had to,” he grumbles, and he runs back inside to grab his wallet.
You watch as Scott stands and grabs his bag, smiling at Delilah and turning to return the stuff to his van. Delilah decides to follow him.
“Delilah, please,” you beg, and she stops pulling on her leash, sitting like a good girl. You watch as he puts some things in his truck, fiddling with something in there, before you realize you’re staring.
You open your driver’s side door, letting Delilah hop in that way instead, and climb in after her, bumping her off your seat. You stare at her intently. She smiles back, none the wiser.
“You, are going to be the death of me,” you assure her, and you're startled by a knock at your window.
You expect Scott, but it’s your dad. You roll down your window.
“I asked specifically for Scott,” he assures, and smiles at you.
“Dad,” you groan, head thumping your headrest. You sigh.
“Don’t be weird,” you plead, and he scoffs.
“When have I ever been weird?” He asks, followed by, “Don’t answer that.”
You absentmindedly pet Delilah.
“You want his number?” he asks, credit card in hand. You turn in your seat to look at Scott. He’s walking around to the other side of his van for something.
“Not from you!” you muse, and that’s all your dad has to hear, grinning in triumph.
“Dad!” you whisper harshly, “Don’t be weird!”
“I won’t!” he says, mocking your raspy whisper.
You watch in your rear-view mirror as your dad goes up to Scott and hands him his credit card. Some words are exchanged, and then your mother goes up to him too. You decide you can’t watch anymore, and you hide your face in Delilah’s fur.
“Delilah, what are we gonna do?” you say, and her ears perk up, because in her mind, you two are going to Starbucks for puppuccinos.
“Not that, Delilah. Scott is so cute,” you inform her. She already knows, her eyes tell you, and you look back over at them.
Scott is smiling at your car. He sees your face, and he waves, causing your parents to look over at you. You blush, and wave back at him. Your dad sends you a signal, but you don’t know what it means, and your mom’s exaggerated wink is overkill.
You sigh and check your phone. No alerts, alarms, or notifications to take your mind off of the situation.
You hear Scott’s truck start up, and he pulls away as easily as he pulled in, and that’s that. Just another candle in the wind, a cute guy you’d never see again. But apparently, your parents had other plans.
Pulling out of the Starbucks drive-thru, you pull into a parking spot to let Delilah enjoy her cup of whipped cream. You take a sip of your icy beverage, and you hear your phone ding. Checking your notifications, you realize it’s from an unknown number, and your heart jumps thinking who it could be.
Opening your phone, Delilah whines in anticipation for the whipped cream in the Starbucks cup in the holder.
“Hang on, ‘Lilah,” you say and you open your phone to read the message.
did delilah get her puppuccino?
You smile at the text, and move to take a picture while you let Delilah go to town on her treat. Your phone chimes again and you hold the cup with one hand, skillfully checking your messages with the other.
it’s scott by the way. didn’t know if you could tell.
You text back Delilah’s picture. You could tell it was Scott.
“Delilah,” you say, “thank you so much for locking my door. You’re such a good girl,”
She knows. She decides to accept her payment in puppuccinos from now on.
Can someone help me find this fic?
I've read it awhile back and it's a Steve Roger's imagine. The reader stayed up late all night in the living room of the avengers tower working on things on her computer. Then Steve wakes up because he can't sleep and him and the reader talk all night.
I've been trying to find this story everywhere but I can't find it. If anyone knows it I'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much!!!!!❤
If you haven't done this headcanon yet cohld you please do Being Tony Stark's youngest child with soul stone powers? Please and thank you.
(so…… not entirely sure what soul stone powers are but here we go)Being Tony Stark’s youngest child with Soul Stone powers:
So in this alternate universe when Tony snapped with the Infinity Gauntlet, he survived and also somehow managed to absorb a little bit of power from each stone, although no one knew until he had you
Somehow, you had absorbed energy from the Soul Stone through him
Your powers manifested from the day you were born, but you didn’t realize and neither did anyone else until you were almost a teenager
Always seemingly having very good intuition about people, and growing up you always seemed to know things about people which they didn’t even tell you
Trying to rationalise it and thinking that you just forgot when people told you certain memories, even though looking back, it was clear there were some things you couldn’t have known without your powers
It becomes evident when you accidentally bring up a detail about when Tony was stuck in space after losing to Thanos the first time
Because Tony didn’t talk about it with anyone, not even Pepper, hearing you ask him what it was like seeing Carol outside his ship when he thought he was going to die
“How… how did you know that?” “You told me, didn’t you?” “No. No, I definitely didn’t.”
Thus, Tony starts investigating your powers, and him doing everything he can to understand what’s happening so he can help you through it
Piecing together things he had always noticed in you growing up, but had dismissed because he didn’t think he was possible for you to have powers
Like how you knew some of Morgan’s memories, just like they were your own, only the memories you knew happened before you were even born
Him contacting Nebula and Thor for help, and Nebula being the one to deduce your powers are from the Soul Stone
“I have never seen the Soul Stone’s powers manifested in someone… yet I imagine this is what it looks like”
Always being able to peer into your father’s soul, since he is closest to you after all and you spend so much time with him
“You were so sad and heartbroken in the past, dad.” “Well I’m not sad anymore, now that I have you and Morgan. Also, what did I tell you about getting into my head?” “It’s not in your head dad, it’s in your soul.”
Slowly learning how to use your powers for something other than looking in people’s souls
Learning that you can also use your powers for the deceased when you hear Natasha for the first time, whom you recognized through your father’s memories
“I talked to Natasha today.” “You- what-” “She says she’s proud of you, dad, and everyone else.”
And Tony realizing just how powerful you are when he sees you testing out your powers on one of the plans on your window sill, and he watches you kill it and bring it back to life
And he knows that given enough time, you could probably do the same with people, too
tags: @proudchocolateaddict / @myfriendmagislit / @fire–pheonix / @sheridans-dynamos / @beautifulbows924 / @writinqss / @woah-imagines / @steve-rogersirl / @musicallisto / @gofandomsandotherstuff / @melannchoholic / @diskateatscake / @just-shuri / @bru-spanner / @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 / @thisismysecrethappyplace / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @fairytalesforever↳ want to be added to the tag list?
pairing: avengers x black!reader
word count: 202
summary: after scrolling through tiktok you go around singing ‘castaways’ by the backyardigans and soon so does the team.
warnings: none
a/n: i have been humming this song non stop.
masterlist & requests

i had been scrolling through tiktok when the song castaways by the backyardigans came up on my for you page.
ever since then i had been going around the tower singing the song and doing a little dance. every little thing i did i was singing the song, i just couldn’t help it.
i was walking into the kitchen for breakfast humming it, as i walked into kitchen i saw everyone looking at me.
“i have been singing that damn song all week” tony admits and i giggle.
“it’s so catchy for no reason” sam yells
“right” steve yells in hold his hand out to sam
“i swear i haven’t been able to get it out of my head” bucky groans and i giggle
“i heard my brother humming it while he was reading the other day” thor says as loki’s eyes widen.
“like sam said it’s catchy, it actually one of the only midgardian songs i like” loki admits bluntly.
“it’s so cute” wanda says and we all agree.
“i find it rather enjoyable myself” vision says and i smile
“it’s the fact that we are grown ass adults singing a children’s song” sam says and we all bust out laughing.
3 in the morning
pairing: tony x black!reader
summary: tony’s really beat up after a mission and your left to clean his wounds.
warnings: none

“what crawled up your ass” tony asks as i waddle into the infirmary.
“i don’t know maybe that i was woken up by jarvis at three in the morning asking me to clean you up” i waddle over to the cabinet and grab the first aid kit before walking back over to tony.
i grab his face gently and look at all of his cuts, “you really got your ass beat” i mumble as i grab an alcohol wipe. i look at tony as i open up the wipe and he gives me a look and i giggle before wiping the cut on his eyebrow.
after at least twenty minutes of tony being dramatic i get to his last cut, “i swear you’re trying to hurt me on purpose” he states and i chuckle.
“tony you’re just being a baby” he looks at me offended before swatting my ass harshly “ow that hurt” i whine and he chuckles “you ass” i roll my eyes before cleaning up the mess i made.
“thank you sweetheart” tony comes up from behind me a circles his hands around stomach and rubs my bump, he leaves a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek making me groan.
“oh tony come on” i try to get away from him but his grip is too tight “tony please” i beg but he doesn’t let go of me “tony!” i giggle as he leaves a another wet kiss on my cheek.
i turn around and face him, i caress his cheek and smile “i love you anthony” i coo and he smiles.
“i love you too”
hope you understand
pairings: loki x black!reader, thor x black!reader (platonic), odin x black!reader (platonic), frigga x black!reader (platonic)
summary: loki takes you to asgard to meet his parents but things don’t go as planned
warnings: odin being an ass, yelling, swearing, just heartbreak
a/n: this hurt to write and also should i make a part 2???

“are you excited love” loki asks jumping onto the bed with a big smile spread across his face “yes i am i finally get to meet your mother and father” i look at him as i put my curling iron down.
“is your brother already in asgard” i ask and he nods “yes he’s there for some battle” he rolls his eyes dramatically making me giggle. “loki he’s protecting your home” i reason and he smiles “come on love we have to leave soon” he warns and i nod.
i turn my curling iron off and unplug it before grabbing the white flowy sundress i had laid out and put it on. i walk over to my vanity and fix my hair, making sure i look good so that i dont embarrass him.
“you ready lo- wow” i look over and see loki smiling at me “how do i look” i ask nervously making his smile grow wider. “you my love look stunning” he walks up to me aves wraps his arms around my waist “no woman on asgard could compare to you” i smile shyly at his compliment.
“alright heimdall is waiting for us” he says as he pulls me out of the room “loki i don’t have my shoes on” i tell him through my giggles. he looks back see me and with a wiggle of his fingers i have my gold sandals on “now you do” he says making laugh.
we walk out of our apartment and loki, wraps his arm around me tightly before yelling, “heimdall!”. a rainbow bridge that loki called the bifrost surrounds us and pulls us up into space.
i cling on to loki tighter and he chuckles “i’ve got you” he assures with a smile and i smile back. we are pulled through the bifrost and walk into a circle structure where a man is standing and holding a sword.
“welcome to asgard” the man greets and i smile “you must be heimdall it’s nice to meet you” i smile and he smiles back. “they wait for you” heimdall looks at loki and he nods before grabbing my hand.
we walk into the palace and i look around in awe as i admire the gold pillars that line the hallways and the ceilings painted with the most beautiful art i have ever seen.
when we get to the throne room loki looks at me in my eyes “are you ready” he asks and i nod hesitantly, he nods at the guards and they nod back before opening the doors. loki grips my hand tighter as we walk into the room, odin is sitting on his throne with frigga and thor standing in either of his sides.
loki and i stop a few feet away from the steps that lead to the throne “mother, father” loki addresses them with a nod. “i see you have brought her” frigga says as she walks down the stairs “she’s gorgeous” she admits as she walks up to me.
“it’s nice to finally meet you dear” she smiles at me and i return her smile “it’s nice to meet you as well” she looks at loki with a smile before looking at me again. “has he been doing alright” she asks and i nod “he’s been great” i assure making her smile.
“lady y/n it’s lovely to see you again” thor nods my way and i smile at him “its great to see you again too” he smiles at me before his expression changes back to soft smile he had before.
“that’s enough” odins voice booms as his staff collides with the ground, i wince at the harsh sound before turning my attention to him. “you have brought the mortal you have been talking about” he says as he looks at loki “father she has a name” loki argues. i put my hand on his arm to let him know it’s ok and not to argue with his father.
“if i may i would like to have a word with loki alone” odin says and i look at loki confused and he nods before handing me over to frigga who takes my hand. as we walk away from the throne i look at loki one more time before walking out of the throne room.
loki looked at his father confused as the doors you just walked out of closed “what was that” loki asks raising his voice. “leave her” odin says making loki scoff “i’m not leaving her i love her” loki argues.
odin laughs at loki’s confession “you fell in love with a mortal” odin yells “thor did so whats so wrong with me falling in love with one” loki asks but odin doesn’t answer.
“do what i told you or i will” odin warns before leaving loki in the throne room all by himself.
“did i do something” i ask thor and he shakes his head “you did nothing wrong” he assures and i nod hesitantly before frigga walks back into the room and pulls thor out to talk.
i play with my fingers nervously as they talk. my mind going a thousand different places wondering, each place worst than the last.
soon loki walks into the room and i get up to hug him but he stops me, i look at him confused and he shakes his head. “we’re done” my heart stops as those words leave his mouth.
“what?” tears cloud my vision as i look at him in disbelief “we’re done” he repeats as the tears fall down my eyes.
“why” i ask trying to keep my voice steady “i don’t love you anymore” he looks at me with a straight face as he says it. “is it because of something i did” i ask and he scoffs.
“you’re a mortal of course you did something wrong” he raises his voice making me flinch, he’s never raised his voice at me. “i could never love or even like a mortal, you are nothing but a waste of space, brainless matter that mopes around all day” he says calmly as the tears fall down my face
“brother” thor warns “shut up” loki yells at his brother “you never meant anything to me, you never will mean anything to me because you are nothing but a pathetic mortal” loki spits at me as i stand there shocked, embarrassed, hurt.
“that’s enough y/n come with me” thor says as he walks over to me and guides me out of the room and into another. i break down in thor’s arms letting out the most painful cries he had ever heard in his 1500 years of living.
frigga walks over to loki’s shaking body and hugs him as he cries into her shoulder “he made me do it mother i never wanted to hurt her” he sobs into her shoulder making her heart break. “i know” she rubs his back gently as he cries into her shoulder “i know”
frigga looks back at odin who had a read less expression on his face before turning back on to her son who was in need of comfort.
as loki cried he hoped that one day he could tell you or at least understand why he did what he did.
3, 7 and 9 for Loki
It takes a lot to make Loki sick, so when he does he's an absolute bear and wants to be doted on. Plus, kisses make the ache/hurt feel better.
You Make It Better

Loki x reader
Words: 347
Based on:
3. Acts like a baby when they’re sick
7. Secretly loves nose/forehead kisses
9.Gets cranky when they’re tired
“Darliiiinnggg,” dragged a hoarse voice coming from your bedroom.
“I’m coming,” you say, putting the finishing touches on the hot tea.
Loki was sick, or something of the sort. You didn’t exactly know what it was and at first when you pointed out he was ill, he declined, claiming that he doesn’t get sick. But it was obvious; the tired eyes, the unusual unkempt look, his more irritable than usual tone, it was obvious that he wasn’t well.
After disagreeing with you for about an hour, you’ve somehow done it. You’ve convinced him to take a nap and the moment his body hit your bed, his attitude melted and he did a complete one-eighty.
His voice that was booming before was now soft with each word.
Currently finishing up, you slowly step into the bedroom with the cup in hand. Across the room, there Loki lay waiting for you.
“I made you Peppermint tea,” you said, holding it out.
He gently pushed your hand to the side, “I don’t need foolish tea,” he said. “Okay, what do you need then? Cold water? A warm towel? A cold towel?”
Despite being unwell, that didn’t stop a grin from spreading along on his face, without a word he tugged you downwards and you leaned lowering your head closer. Bringing both of his warm hands to your cheeks he continues to pull you. You expect him to stop sometime, but he pulls you until your lips are against his forehead. Then he leans back satisfied, “much better,” he says with a wink and you shake your head with a grin.
“Get some rest,” you say, turning around to leave the room. “Wait!” He shouts and you turn back, “I need one more thing.”
“What’s that?”
His arms extended out, “Your warmth.”
Although a little bit surprised, you can’t help but grin to yourself, who would’ve thought that the man who used to abhor romance would be laying in front of you begging for your cuddles.
You climbed into his arms making yourself the little spoon before you relaxed against him.
Incorrect quotes
Y/n: Wanda, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Wanda: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Y/n: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Peter
Incorrect quotes
Y/n: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Nat: You and me!!!
Y/n, tearing up: Okay.
Incorrect quotes
Y/n:have you ever heard the joke about the gaslighter?
Y/n:yea you have
Wanda:no i haven’t
Y/n:you’ve literally heard already
Y/n:yes you have
Wanda:your crazy
My niece has a cheer, popcorn fundraiser plz go buy some popcorn from her it will help with her dues and cheer stuff

Someone needs to write an imagine about a love triangle with Aphrodite’s daughter(demigod) who is in a love triangle with Hephaestus child and Clarisse La Rue(established relationship Myb?) and Mr. D is just there for the show.?

Imagine: Daredevil joins Avengers.
Request by: @deliciousbouquet90

„Soo… He is like..” Tony looked at Steve over papers that he held in hand, frowning softy.
“Blinde… Yea I know that… but he is good, it took me a while to make sure about this but he is good, really good.” Steve said. “Like really really good. You should see his skills, the things that he can do. He fights like normal person, even better. He fights like a real hero.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Come on, Steve! This guy’s blinde, blinde like a mole. I don’t believe you, how someone like he can even call himself a hero?”
“Have you read newspapers? He is all over them… maybe we should at last try… give him a chance. Pleaseee Tony.” Steve sighed sadly making kind of a puppy eyes.
“Okaaaay! Fine!” Tony muttered. “If something will happen, it will be your responsibility, Cap.” Man said.
“It always is my responsibility..” Steve said quietly to himself.
“What?” Tony frowned.
“No! Nothing! Thanks, Tony.” Steve said and left.
Matt felt a bit uncomfortable, he didn’t really know this new place very well. He also wasn’t really sure about him joining Avengers, it was so out of place. Well yes, he was a hero but he wasn’t like any member of Avengers. However he came anyway.
Cap and Bucky walked into room, Steve looked at Matt and then at Bucky. Bucky only shrugged and sat on a couch.
Steve smiled at Matt and offered him hand. “Mathew Murdock, am I right?”
“Yes, Captain, but Matt is enough.”
Tony walked into the room and looked at Cap. “Steve…. He is blinde. He for sure won’t see your hand.” He laughed.
Steve smiled awkwardly and immediately his face became red. Bucky rolled his eyes and took Tony’s empty cup from a coffee table. “Hey! Devil! Catch this!” He yelled and threw cap into Matt’s direction. Man caught it without problem. “I knew that second guy was there.” Matt said happily.
Tony blinked and frowned softly. “Whatever! And YOU! Never threw my stuff” He growled and left. Bucky only laughed. “I love to piss him off.”
“Um… Thanks Bucky. So… Matt? Welcome to Avengers?” Bucky only facepalmed when Steve again offered his hand to Matt, this guy was just too nice.
Matt smiled and nodded. “Thank you Captain Rogers.” Matt said and took Steve’s hand. “I hope that cooperation will be successful.”

Author: Cass Gif: X X
Under The Setting Sun || Chapter I

Words: 1705
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: When the world is falling apart, the only thing that humanity needs are heroes. Namely the united heroes. In an uneven fight against the forces of evil, they will have to lay down their fate on the edge of the providence. Which of sides will suffer a defeat and which will plunder in glory after a delightful victory?
Author: Manaick
A/N: This is our interpretation of Avengers: Infinity War {We based our story on the trailer and our own premonitions regarding an upcoming movie}. Hope you will enjoy it.

This was their only home. The spaceship was simply constructed of something iridescent. Straight lines were forming the walls, a large window at the front was allowing to navigate properly. The frame around the surroundings was filled with ominous brittle silence, for there was no gravity to hold them firmly nor was there gravity to supervise their zeal and minds. They somehow knew that something was around.
The blackness engulfed their thoughts. Stretching out in front of them, the unknown studied their fears, courage and knowledge. There was no life here. That was simple, no thriving population, no signs of past living. The darkness had overcome any sense of purity, consumed all hope of cleanliness and had wiped out all desire. "Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Loki said without conviction in his voice, looking at the dark emptiness of space in front of him. Thor looked at his brother with a soft frown. "Yes, of course, people there love me. I am very popular." He explained, gazing at his brother from time to time. "Let me rephrase that. Do you really think it's a good idea to bring ME back to Earth?" Loki repeated himself a bit worried. "Probably not, to be honest." Thor said. "I wouldn't be worried, brother... I feel like everything's gonna work out fine..." After these words something has happened. Suddenly, both brothers saw a huge spaceship, emerging out from the darkness of space, right in front of their ship. Both men were looking up in disbelief of the view. "I think you spoke a bit too early, dear brother..." Loki spoke with a bit of irony in his voice. "What is that?!" Thor asked out loudly. "No idea, brother... But I have a bad feelings about this..." Loki muttered, watching the ship carefully and taking a little step backwards.
A wry smile crushed on his lips as he watched the ship in front of his one. "Kill 'em all. No hostages." His voice echoed from the walls of the great hall of his ship. Sitting in his spacious chair, he rose his huge hand, calling a specific person by this gesture. "Yes, my master?" a tall woman stood in front of him, her figure tensed but her eyes never left his. "I want to have this gem now. I've been chasing it for too long. Find it." Blue-haired woman gave a slight nod and turned around to leave the hall. "I count on you, Proxima." A formidable voice could be heard. She stopped for a second, however she didn't turn around. She tightened the grip on the spear she was holding in her hand. "I won't let you down, master." After these words, woman left leaving the Titan alone.
It didn't take aggressors long to crush the main gate of Asgardian ship, which were separating passengers from the vacuum. Titan's warriors entered the other ship quickly, they didn't leave too much of a maneuvering field for others to defend. Valkyrie was ready to fight with Hulk and volunteers that offered themselves. "We can't let them win! Fight, brothers and sisters! Fight, Asgardians!" Woman yelled and everyone started to attack. Hulk, using his superhuman strength smashed several aliens easily. Valkyrie did same, killing few of the Titan's warriors. "Thor! We ain't gonna push back this attack, there's too many of them!" dark haired woman yelled looking around for the God of Thunders. Thor, hearing this, threw a gaze at his brother. "We have to stop them!" Loki's heart was pounding hardly inside his chest. "Any ideas, brother? I just hope it's not gonna include the GET HELP action, isn't this?!" Loki growled darkly finishing one of the enemies off.
Everyone who was able to fight was doing that. Man. Woman. No exceptions. Asgardians have united to defend aliens. To protect their last piece of something that once was their home.
Some men tried to take all children to safe place, namely to the bridge chamber of their ship, unfortunately they failed. Others could only hear loud screams and howls of their compatriots when Thanos’ aliens broke to the room.
A string of screams unraveled from Thor's tongue, like yarn unfurling, as one of the creatures advanced. It's slick skin shimmered with hot anger along with it's dark, cold eyes. Every step it took rattled his bones and struck his heart. Thor tried to dodge a swing from its massive claws, but it struck his side and he tumbled into the floor. He could hear nothing, all was silenced, the yells of the Asgardians, the hisses of the creature, all inaudible. All he could do is feel. Feel the cold ground pressed against his form, the heat from the pain, and the rhythm of his terrified heart. He looked upward through the huge window in the front part of their ship, into the stars. Thor closed his eyes as he felt a searing pain.
"Brother!" Loki knocked another enemy down and rushed to Thor.
With few agile movements he killed the huge creature.
Black haired man knelt down next to Thor and pressed hands to his wound.
"Hold on. Just don't decide to faint, okay?" Loki tried to sound as calm as it was only possible, but he knew how faltering his voice was at that point.
Thor involuntarily pushed Loki's hand off.
"I am alright.. People.. Save as many as you can. I'll be fine.." with a loud hiss Thor got back onto his feet.
Loki nodded and once again he threw himself into a combat.
The fight against the enemies was continued.
The battlefield lay quiet, for it was now a graveyard of the unburied. Mad Titan's army was much stronger than people of Asgard. A lot of blood was shed before the fight has ended. Many people died devoting their lives in the fight against the invaders. Their eyes were as immobile as their limbs. Their souls had long departed to the celestial places to walk with the ancestors. The battle was lost, the enemy had won. Thor was laying in the second chamber of the Asgardian ship, being beared up by Valkyrie and Banner. Suddenly, the violent sound of crushing metal rented the air with a shower of sparks. The bulkhead has been destroyed. A tall purple person has entered the main chamber without hesitation.

"Proxima!" tall man yelled aloud.
Midnight came out of the shadow, her hands were covered in clotted blood. "I've looked everywhere. No signs of Space Stone, my mas...." Titan put his large hand up in the air silencing her. "I feel it. I can smell it" he said deeply and a mischievous smile crawled on his lips. He took few huge steps ahead and he entered another chamber. "Oh! Look at that!" chap stood in the middle of the room looking around until his eyes fell on the Valkyrie, Bruce and Thor. "Space Stone. Where's it?" Valkyrie slowly dropped her head down closing her eyes shot and squeezing Thor's hand hardly. "Who're you?" Banner asked simply getting up of the floor. "I've asked you a question, mortal!" Titan vociferated audibly. It didn't take long for Banner to get frenzied by emotions and within seconds he has changed into his green version. As he turned into Hulk, he attacked the purple tall man, unfortunately unsuccessfully. With one hit, Titan has sent Hulk to the floor so easily. "Anyone else?" he laughed wryly. "And now. Where's the Space Stone?" The silence was inscrutable. "Aa I can see, none of you will be useful. You're all gonna die." Proxima approached her master and she prepared her spear aiming at Thor with a rude smile on her lips. "STOP!" Titan and Midnight both turned around. Loki was standing in the passage, his dark hair were put behind his ears. "Well, well, well. The God of Mischief himself" Titan laughed grossly. "I thought you're dead. But they kept you alive. Great." Loki raised his mouth corners in a grimace and he slowly entered into the chamber, stepping above dead bodies of his fellows. "Could I interest you in negotiations?" Loki asked carefully going into Titan's direction. "I'm in possession of something which might be precious to you." Thanos narrowed his forehead. "Continue." Loki threw a brief glance at his brother and rest of the team. He reached his hand ahead. A blue light of Tesseract glowed around.

Thanos didn't say a word, he only nodded at Proxima. She once again aimed her spear at Thor. "Give it back to me, Loki. And in my generosity I'll let you all free" Thanos reached his large hand towards Loki. "If you won't cooperate, I'll make you all suffer. Do you really want to have them on your conscience?" Titan pointed at three people behind him. "Decision is up to you."
“No! Loki, no! You can't!” Thor leant his weight on his elbow. “Don't do this, brother! It's too powerful to be entrusted into his hands!!!”
Proxima made few long steps and slapped Thor’s face with her spear. Loki looked briefly at Thor and turned Tesseract in his hand few times observing delightful cold light of the object. With a deep sigh, man made few more steps and handled Tesseract to Thanos, bowing his head a bit. "I'm doing this with a pain in my heart. It would be more useful in my hands.. Now, let us free." Thanos took Tesseract in his hands and within a second, in a coruscation of light, he pull the little blue stone out of it. Smiling proudly, Thanos put the stone at the one of free places on his glove. The smile didn't get off his disgusting lips. He looked at Proxima above his shoulder and uttered. "Kill them and destroy the ship." Loki paled more after those words. "You promised.." Thanos giggled darkly. "Don't trust anyone but yourself. And you'll come with me." Titan left the chamber and went back on his own ship while two of the aliens pulled Loki behind them leading him in the same direction. "NO!!! NO!!!" The last thing Loki heard was screams of Thor and sounds of scuffle. "I'll come back for you, brother" Loki whispered under his breath.

Gifs by Cass
Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan@choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman
The Soul World Paradox

Summary: Peter Parker wakes up in the new place to him. Quickly he finds out that he is trapped in the soul world among other heroes that were affected by snap of Thanos' fingers.
Warnings: none!
Words: 1767
Authors: Beast
Request by: @kastrup-sofie Request: I have a request Action takes place at Soul Stone. After IW all avengers and heroes who were wiped away from Earth, meet there and they accuse each other of things that happened. And, f.e. Quill screams at Strange, Spidey think Bucky is Jesus and he is Heaven, T'Challa cries after his sister and Okoye Something funny ^^

There was nothing but darkness all around him.
Second later, he heard some voices.
A sudden thought ran through his head; he knew some of the voices.
He slowly opened his eyes. At first, he blinked few times, giving his sense a time to get used to the lightness.
He saw a blurry figure that was leaning towards him.
"Are ya okay, kid?" asked a strong, deep voice.
He blinked again and slowly raised a hand to cover his eyes a bit.
Within seconds, his vision became less blurry and it got a proper acuity.
He blinked few more times and he cocked his brows before asking out loudly: "Jesus?"
Bearded face above him got brighter with a smile that appeared on other man's lips.
"Uhm. No. I'm not Jesus."
Peter shook his head and sat up slowly, being supported by a bionic arm.
"Oh! Mr. Barnes!" boy rubbed his eyes with thumbs, breathing deeply. "Mr. Barnes... What has just happened?"
Bucky, who was kneeling next to Peter, smiled sadly.
"I have no idea, kiddo. I think, however, that something pretty bad happened."
Peter nodded, confirming that he understood what Bucky has said a second before.
Young man looked around once again, when his eyes were fully adjusted to light.
He was sitting at the sandy ground, some flora were around them, mostly a dried bushes.
A bit ahead Peter noticed Black Panther. King was kneeling down on the ground, hiding his face in his palms while mumbling "SHURI... OKOYE..." on and on.
A bit on the right, there was Falcon with Wanda. Man was helping Scarlet Witch to get up on her feet again. She was trembling all over her body, Peter could easily noticed an anxiety in her eyes when she looked at him briefly.
On the left, Peter Quill was walking in the circle while Drax was trying his best to calm his mate down.
"Quill, stop it, for fuck's sake, I can't focus when you keep on walking like a weirdo," Drax sighed as he stretched his back.
Peter's eyes wandered to Bucky again.
"I think that the Wizard has spoiled something..." Boy mumbled quietly, trying to get up.
Bucky blinked but offered his metal arm to Peter. When boy was standing unhesitatingly on his feet again, Bucky rested hands on the hips.
"What? Wizard? Did you hit your head that badly?" he tilted head aside, blinking in disbelief. "What are you talking about, kid?"
Peter shrugged casually.
"Suddenly me and Mr. Stark were on the other planet, I suppose. And there was the Wizard and he was having that amazing cloak that was doing all the things Wizard has wanted. and then they appeared, I don't know any of them, I mean, I didn't know them back then," Parker pointed at Drax and Quill and Mantis, which just joined her friends. "They called themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy but God's my witness that I don't believe them, they simply were trying to stop that big, purple dude that was pretty angry and came out of nowhere. But they found out that he killed his daughter that was his girlfriend," Peter again pointed a finger towards Quill. "And he got offended and because of this we didn't manage to take that shining glove out of the purple dude's hand, Mr. Barnes," Peter took a deep breathe, he was trying to present everything as faithfully as it was possible.
Bucky's eyes were getting opened wider with every sentence said by Peter.
Finally, after few long moments of silence, inquired: "What the hell? What?"
Peter rolled his eyes. "Please, Mr. Barnes, don't make me say it all again, I'll get lost."
"Hey! Barnes! What the fuck have you messed up this time?!" Falcon yelled looking at Barnes, shaking a dust off of his back.
"Hey! Get off me, Wilson!" Bucky snarled loudly, he was clearly angry at the moment. "Maybe you've just blew a wrong piece of an energy field around Wakanda, huh!?"
T'Challa looked first at Sam, then at Bucky, he slowly approached Barnes.
"Easy, my brother," he said as he put his gloved palm with claws on Bucky's bionic arm. "We have to gather everyone and figure some plan out, White Wolf."
Bucky gave a slight nod. Peter opened his eyes wider.
"White Wolf? It sounds pretty cool, Mr. Barnes!"
When Bucky along with Sam managed to gather everyone at one point, T'Challa got on the large piece of stone that was laying between some bushes.
"I'm T'Challa, the son of King T'Chaka. I'm the king of Wakanda," he shortly introduced himself. "I have no clue what happened but I feel that Thanos somehow succeeded to snap his fingers like he said he will," Black Panther looked around carefully. "Last thing I remember was that I was trying to force my friend to run and then there's is a blank spot in my mind," he sighed deeply. "I don't know you, guys," T'Challa rubbed his claw agains his jawline as he looked at Guardians. "Who are you?"
Peter Quill was simply standing with arms crossed over his chest.
Mantis was one who spoke her mind aloud.
"We're Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm Mantis. This is Drax," she pointed at muscular man. "That's Peter Quill and we have Groot over there," Mantis smiled a bit and waved to the tree-figure that was walking towards them.
"I AM GROOT!" Tree mumbled sadly and as he walked closer, he sat down on the ground shaking his head in thoughtfulness.
Suddenly, everyone heard a strange noise, something between a click and chuck.
A tall man dressed in a red cloak appeared among them out of nowhere.
"Mr. Wizard!" Peter clapped his hands. "I was scared we lost you once and for all!"
Before Bucky asked an obvious question, man raised his hand up, asking voiceless of silence.
"There was no other way," man sighed, taking his cloak off.
Material shivered softly and floated straight to Peter, placing itself on boy's arms and rubbing his back a bit.
"I'm Doctor Strange," black haired man spoke. "And I gave the Time Stone to Thanos."
There was a silence for a long moment.
T'Challa got off the stone and ran to man, punching his stomach with hand curled in a fist.
Within a second both men were laying down on the ground, struggling and grunting.
The cloak was trying to help its owner by hitting King of Wakanda time after time.
"STOP IT, FUCKERS!" Someone shouted out loudly, a strong and deep male voice nearby them.
Everyone raised their heads in that direction, T'Challa Strange also stopped fighting.
In front of them all was standing a tall, well-built, black man. He was wearing a black, thick coat and an eye patch.
"Nick Fury..." Bucky whispered under his breath. "So this didn't happen only to us in Wakanda..."
"I don't know what the fuck did you do, guys, but I am fucking pissed off." Fury placed hands on his hips, his face was full of anger. "And you, man," he tilted head towards Strange. "Are you fucking kidding me? How could you just passed Time Stone to that fucking alien?!"
Strange pushed T'Challa off himself and slowly got up.
"There was no other way. I've traveled through many possible endings of all the situation we were having, and I swear, we managed to win with Thanos only by this one time when I gave him the Stone," Stephen explained carefully.
T'Challa snorted in disbelief, he knelt down on the sand.
"We have no idea what is going on with those who survived," he mumbled. "Shuri... Mother... Okoye... Nakia..." a single tear rolled down king's cheek. "I just wanna know if they are fine."
"If they did survive," Drax shrugged with consternation.
"Oh, c'mon!" Bucky shook his head with spite. "Stop saying this like they would be gone, okay?!"
Mantis came to Bucky and put her hand on his cheek.
"Easy now..." she whispered softly, smiling at him. "Let me help."
Within second, Bucky calmed down, his breath began to be more balanced.
"Vision..." Wanda was crying quietly, nuzzling to Sam. "So that was the reason he turned back time... He was having Time Stone..."
"So, you wanna say it's over now?" Peter blinked few times. "No, I don't agree, we gotta go back and help them! They need us! They need us, am I right, Mr. Barnes!?" he asked desperately, looking at Bucky.
Former Winter Soldier remained silent, he only lowered his head.
"Great," Fury rubbed his temples with gloved hands. "We are fucked."
"I AM GROOT!" Groot wailed sadly.
Fury looked at the tree and cocked his head aside.
"I saw aliens dropping down from the sky but it's my first time seeing a talking tree," he stated.
"We gotta figure some plan out," Peter nodded to himself. "We gotta go back. Mr. Stark will help us."
"Yea, especially Tony," Bucky snorted, chuckling darkly. "He is no one but a playboy that thinks he can do anything he want, kid. It's not a good example for someone like you."
Peter narrowed his brows.
"I beg your pardon, don't be such an..." boy hesitated. "An ASSHOLE!" he yelled and immediately covered his mouth. "I am sorry, I'm just being anxious now..."
Bucky rolled his eyes and turned with his back to Peter.
"Listen, guys," Wanda wiped her tears away. "I think we won't be able to come back to Earth until Thanos has Stones. Our last hope lies in those who stayed there," she came to T'Challa and patted his back slightly. "We can only wait, hoping they'll find a way to release us."
"I agree with her," Strange rubbed his beard. "I hope Tony understood what I was trying to tell him. Besides..." he turned to face Star Lord. "If you wouldn't hesitate then, we most likely would have won, Peter."
Quill only clenched his teeth, he turned around and slowly walked away, hiding his tears.
"I AM GROOT," Groot got up and staggered to his feet, swaying a little, he approached Star Lord, trying to hug him from behind.
But Peter refused, taking few more steps ahead.
"Leave him alone, pal," Drax miffed, looking at Groot.
"So... What's now?" Parker asked quietly.
Almost everyone remained silent but there was a dejected voice that said: "We will try to fight."
Everyone turned their head to see Star Lord who was looking up in the sky.
"We will fight when the time will come. I will fight Thanos alone if necessary. I will do whatever it will take. For Gamora."

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy
Incorrect marvel quotes
(Both being in front of a random agent)
Y/n: Peter, is this your first time as a human shield?
Peter: Yeah!
Y/n: It's my third time. You're doing great.
Peter: Thank you!
Incorrect Marvel Qoutes 2
(You're best friends with bucky and loki)
Tony: So y/n, you got a thing for bad guys gone good or something?
Y/n: What are you going on about?
Tony: You and your little gang
Y/n: I don't know what your talking about.
Bucky: We're called the broken glass kids,
Loki: and we'll cut all of you!
Bucky and loki: everyone but y/n.
Y/n: oooh, I see it now.
incorrect marvel quotes 3
Steve: When everyone in the bi-country area sees our commercial. They'll come to the tower.
Y/n: I didn't know our country was bi. Good for us.
Tony: Not that kind of bi!