lenalena009 - Vulpecula

She/Her . 19yo

310 posts

Lenalena009 - Vulpecula - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Hello everyone💖🍉

I am Bilal, one of the sons of Gaza, the place that taught us steadfastness and determination in the face of all difficulties. We lived through wars and tragedies, and survived the hell of bombing and destruction, but we did not find the security we dreamed of. So, we decided to move to Egypt ✈️ in search of a new opportunity in life.

After 150 days of leaving Gaza, we arrived in Egypt carrying in our hearts the love of the homeland and hope for the future. 💔 We started a new life, but the road was not easy. I now live with some family members in difficult and complex conditions, 🏠 and I face great challenges in obtaining residency and stability. 📜

We are now facing the pressures of alienation and living without stability, 🌍 and every day that passes is a new test of our steadfastness. 🇵🇸 Despite all this, we continue to struggle to achieve a dignified and safe life. ✊

We are currently working towards a financial goal of £5,500 💷, and we may have less than £500 left to reach this goal. 💫 Every support, no matter how small, is a step closer to the security we are looking for. 🙏

We believe that with patience and determination we will reach what we aspire to 🙂💖


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5 months ago

Hyper-specific advice because I don’t see enough of this!

make your characters have inaccurate perceptions of themselves. your character might think they’re selfish but at every opportunity they act selfless. we all have blind spots so give these to your characters too! (this works best with first person pov but I’m sure you can do it in third.)

make a character’s personality trait helpful sometimes and harmful other times. impulsivity that makes them act quickly in high-stress situations which is great but it also sometimes results in the wrong choices.

make an excel/google sheets doc for your outline. for mine i have the chapter number, the date, the character pov (since mine is first person and switches between 5 characters), a summary column, and a continuity column. my story takes place in one setting but most stories have multiple locations, so you could include a column for that, the time of day, even the moon phase (one of my wips is from the perspective of animals so that is super important for that story).

you can also use excel/sheets for keeping track of your conlang. for my animal wip i have constructed a language called Vannro and I have 300 some-odd entries into my excel doc. i have columns for the Vannro word, the English translation, etymology and derived words (for some), the part of speech, and the subject. you can easily sort in alphabetical either in English or your conlang, and also sort by excluding all entries that aren’t under the subject “derogatory” or “places” etc. I always forget what my “be” verbs are so I sort through the part of speech column so I can find “is” “was” “are” etc.

use perspective to create tension for your reader. for example, in The Blackwater Anomaly in a chapter from Rainer’s pov, we experience his nightmare, however in a later chapter from Holly’s pov, when she asks him directly, he lies and says he hasn’t experienced any nightmares. Holly doesn’t know he is lying but the audience does. I also have characters who do not get chapters from their perspective, who may or may not be lying, and so both the audience and the characters experience that anxiety and uncertainty together.

consider using deep pov. you can read some articles about it but essentially you make the audience experience the story at the same time as the character and it makes your narration more active. this can also be done in third person. this has a lot to do with “show don’t tell” (although sometimes its better to just tell). remove some “telling” words like “thought/felt/saw” and just get directly into what’s happening. instead of “Ava saw a shadow fall across her shoulder” make it “a shadow fell across her shoulder”. your reader will know who you’re talking about. this even jumps into the unreliable narrator when you change “I felt like Isaiah was blowing me off” to “Isaiah blew me off.” the former has room for doubt and makes your character seem weaker. if she thinks she’s being blown off and she’s pissed about it, make her say that! you have to make the audience believe it’s true, it makes them more invested in the character’s experiences and emotions. and then if they later find out Isaiah wasn’t really blowing them off, there was an emergency or something, both the character and the audience can feel regretful together over misreading the situation and being pissed at Isaiah. if you leave room for doubt, then your reader will just feel unsurprised during the reveal and frustrated at your character for being stupid up until then.

you don’t have to “show” everything. sometimes there’s boring parts of a narrative that no one really cares about. you can either make a break in the text to show a time skip happened when your character was driving from point a to point b or you can give a paragraph or two about the drive, just telling what happened, even include an accident on the side of the road or an unexpected and frustrating road closure. its a very mundane and relatable aspect in our lives and we don’t need to be “shown” these, we can just be told. summarize the nonessential by telling or just skip it.

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6 months ago
lenalena009 - Vulpecula

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6 months ago

Hello dear friends! ❤🤍🖤💚

🍉I am Mahmoud Ayyad, a Palestinian from the besieged and destroyed Gaza 😭😭, coming from an extended family of young children, women and elderly people ❤❤ who have been suffering😭😭 for 300 difficult days from an aggressive war.

Our lives are harsh because we lack all the basic necessities of life. Everything has become scarce and unattainable. There is no food, no water, no medicine.

So, I ask you to help me keep my family safe and alive, especially after we had lost all our sources of livelihood.Please do not leave my family to struggle and suffer these difficult days alone. You can support my campaign by donating whatever you can or by sharing my posts to reach others who can help us survive the war to safety and peace. You are helping the lives of many people with your small contribution. Every donation makes a difference in our very difficult lives. But this is a legitimate campaign and has been checked by 90-ghost.


While i cannot donate, i hope someone who can will see this. My heart is with you, may you and your family see better days

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6 months ago

Hello lm hamdi ayyad ,I humbly ask for your support by reblogging this post on your account to help save my family. As newcomers to Tumblr and GoFundMe, we are in desperate need of your kindness and support. 🙏🇵🇸🍉😔Please donate 🙏🏼Let's reach the goal as soon as possible!!! https://www.gofundme.com/f/hamai-ali-ayyad?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=customer&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_tip&attribution_id=sl:6829f712-b01e-4b79-ace7-f376582ddccc

I cannot donate, but i'll put this here so anyone who can will be able to see it. I wish you all the best and hope you and your family can be safe.

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6 months ago

hinata is the character of all time because he’s selfish. he’s so selfish! but he expects everyone else to be selfish, too; he pushes people to take care of themselves, to reach for what they want just by doing it himself. and (almost) everyone loves him for it

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7 months ago
Brazil Miku Doodle From Twitter

brazil miku doodle from twitter

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7 months ago

this is your random reminder to CHECK IF YOU'RE STILL HAVING FUN

are you enjoying scrolling tumblr? watching youtube? reading that book? playing that game? drawing that art? doing that activity? if not,


you don't have to stick to something that you are doing for fun if it isn't fun for you anymore. You can come back! If you've loved it before you are likely to love it again! but you can stop!

Don't get stuck in a loop of doing something that you think should be fun when it isn't! You can put it down for a bit! Maybe that's the very thing that will make it fun again later!

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7 months ago

you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.

7 months ago


Willian Lima | Men's Judo -66kg 🥈

Rayssa Leal | Women's Street Skateboarding 🥉

Larissa Pimenta | Women's Judo -52kg 🥉

Caio Bonfim | Men's 20km Race Walk 🥈

Beatriz Souza | Women's Judo +78kg 🥇

Rebeca Andrade | Women's Artistic Gymnastics All Around 🥈

Rebeca Andrade | Women's Artistic Gymnastics Vault 🥈

Rebeca Andrade | Women's Artistic Gymnastics Floor Exercise 🥇

Beatriz Ferreira | Women's Boxing 60kg 🥉

Gabriel Medina | Men's Surfing 🥉

Tatiana Weston-Webb | Women's Surfing 🥈

Augusto Akio | Men's Park Skateboarding 🥉

Edival Pontes | Men's Taekwondo -68kg 🥉

Isaquias Queiroz | Men's Canoe Single 1000m 🥈

Alison Dos Santos | Men's Hurdles Athletics 400m 🥉

Ana Patricia/Eduarda Santos | Women's Beach Volleyball 🥇

Team Brazil | Women's Gymnastics 🥉

Team Brazil | Judo Mixed Team 🥉

Team Brazil | Women's Football 🥈

Team Brazil | Women's Volleyball 🥉

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7 months ago

What able bodied authors think I, an amputee and a wheelchair user, would want in a scifi setting:

Tech that can regenerate my old meat legs.

Robot legs that work just like meat legs and are functionally just meat legs but robot

Literally anything that would mean I don't have to use a wheelchair.

If I do need to use a wheelchair, make it fly or able to "walk me" upstairs

What I actually want:

Prosthetic covers that can change colour because I'm too indecisive to pick one colour/pattern for the next 5+ years.

A leg that I can turn off (seriously, my above knee prosthetic has no off switch... just... why?)

A leg that won't have to get refitted every time I gain or loose weight.

A wheelchair that I can teleport to me and legs I can teleport away when I'm too tierd to keep walking. And vice versa.

In that same vein, legs I can teleport on instead of having to fiddle around with the sockets for half an hour.

Prosthetic feet that don't require me to wear shoes. F*ck shoes.

Actually accessible architecture, which means when I do want to use my wheelchair, it's not an issue.

Prosthetic legs with dragon-claw feet instead of boring human feet or just digigrade prosthetics that are just as functional as normal human-shaped ones.

A manual wheelchair with the option to lift my seat up like those scissor-lift things so I'm not eye-level with everyone's butt on public transport/so I can reach the top shelf by myself.

A prosthetic foot that lights up when it hits the ground like those children's shoes.

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7 months ago

This is Eman a Biotechnologist from Gaza. Asking for help is not easy. It's not easy at all. You have no idea how mentally and emotionally tiring this is. But when thinking that the price is my family's life, getting out of here safely and achieve my doctoral degree dream, it just pushes me more and more to do this until we reach our goal. I'm here as I try to reach out to more people asking for their help to support our family's campaign so we can survive while all you have to do is literally donating even by just the price of your morning coffee or maybe a simple breakfast, So I think I'm not asking for so much. We're really tired of living under these catastrophic conditions for a whole 10 months. Your generosity will not only change our lives but also remind us that even in our darkest hour, we are not alone. https://gofund.me/d597b8e2

Sadly i can't contribute with money, but i'll put this out here so anyone who can will be able to see it. My heart is with you, and may you and your family see brighter days.

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7 months ago
It's A Femininomenon!
It's A Femininomenon!
It's A Femininomenon!
It's A Femininomenon!
It's A Femininomenon!

it's a femininomenon! 🇧🇷

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7 months ago

when I first watched utena I noted how peculiar it was that people depicted in their coffins were always curled up in a fetal position instead of the typical coffin position of lying on their back with their hands crossed over. it just hit me now that it probably has to do with the egg speech given at the start of the student council sequences. the one inside the coffin shows the chick that died without breaking the shell, or being born. the coffin shows the safety of eternity at the cost of never growing or changing. the coffin is the egg that doesn't crack. the juxtaposition of the egg (new life and potential) and the coffin (death and stasis). the ending of Utena is open-ended, as Anthy has emerged from her coffin and has cracked the shell of the egg/her world, and now she's creating a life of her own. the coffin seems eternal but it can be escaped, that's why they aren't posed as if already dead. oh my god

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7 months ago

The heavy surrealism in RGU used to frustrate me as a new viewer, but now, I think it's such an integral piece of Ikuhara's storytelling. Because to me, the absurdities of Ohtori Academy perfectly capture how it feels to live under an abuser.

We as outside observers naturally question why there's a baseball game happening during the Student Council meeting, or how thirty cars can magically spring up in the middle of the dueling arena. And yet, the characters hardly bat an eye. Utena initially struggles to make sense of the duelists, the Rose Bride, and the Castle Said to Hold Eternity, but the more she becomes absorbed in this system, the more normalized it becomes.

We viewers fall for this, too! Show someone almost any Utena scene out of context, and they're going to have questions. Did that guy drive his car through a second-story window? Why is this boy boxing with a kangaroo?? Where the hell did all those swords come from???

"Yeah, don't think too hard about the logic. That's just how things are at Ohtori, you know?"

It's debatable to what extent the characters can perceive the visual symbolism that Ikuhara presents to us. Nevertheless, Ohtori remains a very weird place. But abusers possess the sinister power of normalizing behavior that any outsider would find absurd and unacceptable. They can — quite literally, in Akio's case — project their own version of reality onto their victims.

When Anthy gives Akio her glasses at the end of episode 39, she's rejecting the version of reality that he's convinced her to believe. Through Utena's sacrifice, she can finally see her circumstances for what they truly are.

The exit to Ohtori was always there for Anthy, but like so many real life victims of abuse, sometimes the logistics of leaving aren't what's keeping you trapped. An abuser can make themselves your whole world, and sometimes the greatest challenge can be realizing just how small, confining, and batshit crazy their rules really are.

Abandoning the life an abuser has made for you can feel impossible from the inside. But then you catch a glimpse of something beyond, something that makes you look around and ask, "How did I think any of this was even remotely normal?" And suddenly, leaving starts to feel like the most natural thing in the world.

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7 months ago

today's vetted campaigns. please continue to donate if you have the means and share as widely as you can regardless. the individuals on here go through so much every day just to communicate their stories to us - let's uphold that trust by showing them as much support as we can.

july 15th:

Hadeel Mikki (pregnant and needs perinatal care), her husband Waseem, their two young daughters, and Hadeel's mother and two brothers (they are the only survivors of her family) (€5,091/€35,000) - @hadeelmekki, verified by @/90-ghost

Aspiring doctor Malak Dader, her six siblings (they've already lost her teenage brother, and two of her younger brothers need medical treatment), and her parents (one injured, one sick with hepatitis) (€110/€25,000) - @malakabed, verified by @/90-ghost

Mohammed Al-Habil (needs urgent surgery after being shot in the leg), his five siblings (one of whom is immune-compromised and has congenital heart disease), their mother, and his widowed sister-in-law ($5,713 CAD/$70,000 CAD) - @mohammedalhabil2000, verified by @/90-ghost

Hanaa Jad Al-Haq, her husband Muhammad Hammad, and their little son Yousef (£2,675/£20,000) - @henomohammed, @hanaajad123, #246 on @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein's spreadsheet

Salam, her husband Mohammad, and their two little children (€17,365/€40,000) - @save-salam-family, verified by @/90-ghost

Aya Maher, her three younger siblings (two under 18), and their mother (€4,920/€25,000) - @ayamaher444, #216 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet

The AlBalawi family of ten, including several children and two chronically ill members who need treatment (€24,200/€50,000) - @bisanalbalawi18, @elbalawi, @yasminalbalawiigaza, verified by @/90-ghost

The Ayyad family of eight, four of whom are children ($24,842/$35,000) - @aymanayyad82, @mayadayyad81, @aymanayyad1, verified by @/nabulsi

Munna Tashmali and her five children (this is the third time they've lost their home) (£3,269/£30,000) - @monashamali, verified by @/nabulsi

Maha Ibrahim, her husband Ahmed Al-Habil, and their two young children, one who is immune-compromised, and the children's sick grandfather (kr34,626 NOK/kr1,067,200 NOK) - @mahaibrahim12, @ahmedkhabil, #79 on butterfly effect project's spreadsheet

Ahmed Baalousha, his wife Islam, their three children (one a newborn), and Ahmed's parents and sister (€15,802/€50,000) - @5735765, @mahmoudbalousha4, #124 on @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein's spreadsheet

Mohammed Al Manasra (needs treatment for chronic respiratory illness and a leg injury), his wife (also sick, needs chemotherapy), their three little children, and their cat (the family has already lost many extended members) (€26,790/€40,000) - @save-mohamed-family, #192 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet

Hanaa Al-Lulu (needs treatment for a painful foot growth) and her family (€2,628/€40,000) - @enghanalulu, verified by @/90-ghost

Mohammed Hijazi and his elderly parents, including his severely injured father (€2,106/€20,000) - @savemohammedfamily, verified by @/90-ghost

Maysaa Balousha (suffers from pulmonary fibrosis and is deteriorating without treatment), her husband Muhammad, and their four children ($118/$60,000) - @tamer200333, extended family of Mahmoud Balousha (#124 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)

Mahmoud Saleh and his family (they've already lost several members, including Mahmoud's father and niece) (€5,265/€20,000) - @mide404, verified by @/nabulsi

Helping Siraj Abudayeh, his wife, and their three young children rebuild their destroyed home ($6,449 CAD/$82,000 CAD) - @siraj2024, #219 on @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein's spreadsheet

Eman, Ahmad, and their two little children (€1,653/€15,000) - @zain-leen1993, @leen-gaza, verified by @/90-ghost

not yet vetted:

Mohammad Taysir, his wife Basma, and their two little children (€0/€50,000) - @yazanfamily

Mahmoud Alkhaldi and his family of five, including his little nephew ($235/$50,000) - @mahmoudalkhaldi

Shimaa, her little daughter Juri, and several members of her husbands family (€331/€50,000) - @shimaashaban22

your help, even if it seems insignificant to you, can bring life and hope to so many people. now is not the time to give in to despair or allow apathy to stifle our actions. here is something you can do. don't pass it by.

9 months ago

In a parasocial relationship with the sky

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9 months ago
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh
Heres Part Of The Jjk Mer!au I Was Scrambling To Put Together For Mermay Aahhh

Here’s part of the jjk mer!au I was scrambling to put together for mermay aahhh

You can read my idea and rambles of this below lol

Originally my idea is that merfolks are people who are considered “sea children/witches” who die in the sea, and sea witches/children’s are descendants of a water spirit. The lineage is considered cursed cause when they die they supposedly turn into monsters (merfolks). But there are conditions for them to “turn”, one they perish in the water (drown) and they’re magical affinity needs to be strong enough. How they do know if a sea child is strong enough? They don’t. Sea children are scarce. Most don’t know they’re one. The Gojo clan/kamo clan/zenin clan exist as clans of sea children. But they’re recluse/scattered in the wind. So there’s a facility that’s dedicated to rehabilitating and studying Mers cause there’s just a lot of unknowns

To be fair the idea kind of got too dark for my liking sooo, and there’s just a lot of holes, I just drew fluffier cuter parts of the au lol. (Dw I doodles angsty bits too) idk I might just scrap the idea above haha

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10 months ago

you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.