Leverage Fic Rec:
Leverage Fic Rec:
The Not Even Subtle Job by werewolfsmile on AO3
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57632521 [Note: Must be signed in to view.]
Summary (from the author):
Parker, Hardison and Eliot are happily in love with each other. They keep their personal lives private but when it comes to those closest to them, they don't go out of their way to hide anything. Yet somehow, everyone seems completely oblivious to their relationship status. Like, come on, guys. They're not even subtle!
The different ways the rest of the team found out about our resident OT3.
Why I recommend it: A fun, humorous take on the Leverage OT3 and their friends, family and foes, set (so far) in Leverage: Redemption. Features POVs from many characters, including Breanna, Harry, Sophie and Cha0s.
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More Posts from Leverageficrecs
Leverage Fic Rec:
what space faith can occupy by Anonymous on AO3
Summary (from the author):
"Parker has never felt so bad at loving than when they pulled Hardison out of his grave."
Further plot summary (by blog admin):
A Parker character study & episode coda to The Grave Danger Job, exploring Parker’s thoughts and emotions.
Why I recommend it: I love how Parker’s perspective is written in this fic. It feels incredibly accurate to her character, and it’s a perfect coda to/extra scene for the episode. Angsty, beautiful, hits you right in the feels!

The Big Bang Job: Missing Scene (1148 words) by Independent-Fics Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Leverage (US TV 2008) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Nathan Ford, Sophie Devereaux (Leverage), Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Parker (Leverage), Alec Hardison, Damien Moreau (mentioned)
For @werewolfsmile thank you for letting me continue to scream at you about this fandom and getting back into writing.
*Polls options based on common fandom tags that co-occur with Leverage on Ao3. Not asking for any particular reason, but posting for fun and fandom discussions!
me, quietly whispering to the ao3 page of an author who doesn’t even know I exist: I am obsessed with you
Hi Hedgi! I've never submitted a prompt before but here goes:
For DHD: OG Leverage, Elliot angst in 1x03 "The Two Horse Job". Something regarding him coming home?
(Hi! Yay, your first prompt!!)
"You don't get some kind of homecoming parade," Aimee snapped, storming off.
Homecoming.Eliot takes a step back, like he's reeling from a slap. He wants to stop her, to talk to her. He doesn't move. Homecoming. Somehow that's the word that throws him, not the thought of a parade. A parade is the last thing he wants, so many people looking at him. It's the last thing he deserves, too.
But even if it was something he wanted, even if it was something he'd somehow earned...
He hasn't come home.
This place isn't home, not really. He didn't grow up here. Close enough, sure. And he spent enough time in stables like these, with horses like these, with Aimee. But that's still not right. This isn't where his Dad is. It's not where his Mom's buried.
It hits him like a horse's kick to the chest, the kind that breaks ribs, the kind that makes widows. Grief. He can't afford grief, not in the field. It still gets him, now and again, in those quiet moments like now. It's selfish and pointless and stupid. He's done so much he should regret, so much he does regret, that greets him every morning and stays with him 'til he sleeps, but this is the thing that pricks at him at random.
He should have gone back. For the funeral. He'd have caught hell for it, and a court martial, too. But maybe that would have been worth it, to be here--or close enough-- instead of there when everything went sideways, and sideways again.
He shakes his hair out of his eyes, blinks back the sun. He did come back, once, twice. Too late for it to matter.
Home is where the people who love you are, and Eliot’s not sure he’s really got any of those.