Leverage Redemption - Tumblr Posts
At the end of season 1 episode 11 The Juror #6 job Hardison jokes that he will be an astronaut. I can't seem to get screen grabs but he becomes an astronaut!
While I don't miss Nate himself, he was an absolute bastard a lot of the time, I do miss the delicious darkness he brought to the series.
"God killed you, I just made sure it stuck"
No one in Redemption carries the same demonic vibes Nate sometimes would.
Not to invoke Muppet's Christmas Carol but the line
"your future is a horror story written by your crimes"
that really described how Nate went after some of the marks.
Not sure what fandom to write for... Need to write a short fanfic
Leverage Redemption 1x04 'The Tower Job'
Eliot inserts in the con as a chef, and finds his interaction with the 'client' somewhat challenging.

[cc showed Cassolette d'escargots de Bourgogne]

Eliot regrets everything.
Leverage Redemption S02E04 The Date Night Job.
If Eliot Spencer isn't supposed to be bisexual then why does the show keep introducing us to his ex boyfriends?
Leverage fmk
spin the wheel
put in the tags what character you got!
Say what you will about redemption but the character premises for the two new leads absolutely slap. "Hardison's 20 year old hacker little sister who grew up with the highlight reel of leverage decides to join and learns the gritty details that were left out of storytime" and "guy who would probably be a mark under different circumstances decides to Do Better and get kidnapped into the team about it" are both objectively funky ideas.
The severe lack in Leverage: Redemption fic’s on ao3 is really bothering me. Are they hiding under a different tag because I’ve checked under leverage and I couldn’t find a leverage redemption tag. So if anyone knows where they might be hiding or has any recommendations, especially OT3 I would very much appreciate them.

When someone needs help… We provide Leverage
Leverage; Redemption scene where Our Mr Wilson offhandedly mentions he was once the legal rep for a guy named Gladstone who was worried someone was going to steal a knife from his museum - ooh, free shrimp! - and there actually was an attempted theft, he was half way through drawing up the report when the insurance guy found the dagger, but then he snapped it in half! Like what!!! Anyway, they got him on a reduced sentence but he definitely got done for insurance fraud. Also he got flustered by the number of beautiful people at the party and dropped a free shrimp into the champagne and maybe nearly killed a guy? Weird night! Why are you all looking at him like that haha what
I like Nate Ford, and I like Harry Wilson.
I think my favorite between the two is undoubtedly Nate Ford because he did start it all, y'know? He was unhinged and he was ruthless, but he was good. And there's a kind of complexity there for the man who is inherently good to do bad actions for the sake of good results.
On the other end of the scale is Harry Wilson who has a pretty straightforward character arc. Not that he's not complex in his own way, but he has a much kinder demeanor about him. Unlike Nate, he's not intentionally an asshole, even in his lawyering days. He just made excuses for himself which I guess in its own way is an asshole thing to do. I believe that even when he does grieve, like the loss of a marriage, he is still kind. Because when he grifts with Sophie posing as the husband seeking divorce, we get a glimpse of frustration from him, but not anger. So, when he is committing crimes you can clearly tell its not as sharp as Nate was. There is less willingness to use any means necessary to achieve the result they want. And it's not that he's not quick on the up take - he's clearly a smart man, it's just that he doesn't believe that things have to be done in A Certain Way to achieve his goals as opposed to Nate's controlling habits. Lawyers find loopholes all the time right? And they can't control judges, but they can use technicalities to their advantage, and that's what influences Harry Wilson's own judgement. Find the technicalities that work.
Not only that, Harry Wilson is a character with way more emotional depth than Nathan Ford does, and there is capacity to feel more deeply for things that matter like the Leverage team. He's not stoic with a stick up his ass - *cough* Nate, and he has great dynamics with the team that slowly - or rather very quickly, take him under their wing, and the dynamic is very soft in these instances.
Nathan Ford, for all that I love the man as a character, Harry Wilson carries a better human approach to becoming a better person. Nathan Ford was a Good Human who became a Great Bad Man. Harry Wilson was someone who went from being an arguably Great Bad man to a Good Human. And that's the approach we like to see folks.

Work the con. Make your move. Settle the score.
leverage is great because it makes real commentary on actual problems and the people behind the scenes do seem to genuinely care about those problems but also it's a show where they faked an alien abduction and one of the main characters sent another character plot-relevant petplay magazines. it's a show where one of the lines from the original finale still haunts me with how true it ultimately is--"justice or order. one day, you are going to have to make that choice"--and it's a show where there's an office parody episode that involves the same character who said that insisting in a straight-to-camera interview that he "loves foreplay." they solved the DB cooper case one time. it rules
"Let me be your inside man." -Harry Wilson
Harry Wilson is a nice man.
Gotta admit, I wasn't expecting that. I guess when I heard "fixer" and "lawyer to the wealthy," I was expecting a brash, arrogant scumbag who would eventually un-sleaze with the power of found family and vigilante justice.
But he's not?? He's likeable right off the bat, visibly vulnerable, and he latched on to the crew without any degree of chill. He's open with his emotions, comfortable with being the butt of the joke, and humble about being out of his depth. He accepts rebuke, listens to advice, and offers support with remarkable earnestness. This man is—against all my expectations—a damn sweetheart.
But the narrative makes no bones about it: Harry Wilson is—or has been, until very recently—a bad man. He's done incredible damage, blithely rationalizing it all as "just doing his job." So caught up in the rush of the challenge and the thrill of his own competence, he failed to realize that his veneer of neutrality is flimsy cover for the fact that he's slipped completely over to the dark side. He could've been one of Leverage's targets not so long ago, and he would've deserved it.
This isn't new, but it's an uncomfortable truth we often forget: evil can be nice. Evil people can be just doing their job and doing it well, then going home to dote on their family and sleep soundly at night, oblivious to the harm they'd inflicted. Their victims know they're evil, but everyone else would call them nice. Nice is not the same as good.
The interesting thing about Harry is that he actually had a paradigm shift and saw himself for what he was. Do you know how difficult that is, for a man insulated by all the trappings of wealth, success, and privilege to actually be shaken from complacency to confront his own broken humanity? There was no personal tragedy, no near-death experience nor voice from heaven giving him an epiphany. But he looked at his victims, and for once he saw them, and he took the hit. He let his self-delusions shatter, made himself sit with his shame and remorse, and now he's actively trying to make it right. The nice man on the path to becoming a good one.
So, like Hardison said: it's a start. He's got work to do. And I have high hopes for our Mr. Wilson—after all, he's found the perfect people to travel with on the road to redemption.
I’m not sure what I want more
mcsweeten being in leverage redemption and still having not a clue that parker and hardison are, in fact, not federal agents and are actually world-class criminals
or at some point between the finale and now he did find out, and then some government official gets wind of one of their heists and is jabbing their finger at a blurry image of parker and hardison mid-thievery and with a completely straight face, mcsweeten explains that guys, those are agents hagen and thomas and they are working on an undercover op and were in no way at all involved of what is inconveniencing the government now
and the government official keeps trying to explain they are criminals but mcsweeten just pulls up their dossiers and credentials and he can literally see the vein throbbing in the man’s forehead but he just smiles says that he has personally worked with agent hagen and would trust he with his life
Ennis, pointing a gun at Eliot: "Really hurts me to have to do this to you. I've quite enjoyed your company this afternoon."
Look, I recognize sarcasm, okay? I do. But Eliot has been stalling him all day and he has had that frickin lil smug smile half the time, and this whole situation reminds me of the time Eliot stalled that one lady by taking her out on a tour of the town (walking the Freedom trail, etc.), which was really just a long extended date, and Nate even referenced when telling Eliot what to do for this con, and. well.
I totally crossed my wires for a second and had this moment of "wait, does the goon think Eliot's cute? did he think he was just a big criminal himbo he wanted to kiss later but now has to shoot instead?" ahahaha