liarist - Lia Hawkins
Lia Hawkins

She/Her | 24 | 🇨🇱 | #Adom | #Adome | #moonvale | #duskwood | #QSMP | #HarryPotter | #Twilight | #Naruto

115 posts

Horario | Schedule

Horario | Schedule

El calendario se irá modificando a medida se vaya concluyendo los fanfics

The schedule will be modified as the fanfics are completed.

Lunes | Monday: Comedy (Jake)

Martes | Tuesday:

Miércoles | Wednesday: Cadenas (Neji Hyuuga)

Jueves | Thursday: Phantoms and Whispers (Regulus Black)

Viernes | Friday: Trust and Secrets (Phil Hawkins)

Sábado | Saturday: Random

Domingo | Sunday: Libre|Free

todos los fanfics | all fanfics HERE

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More Posts from Liarist

1 year ago

Trust and Secrets

Chapter 3

Jessy sent me a newspaper article that was about the body found, it was a small article of no more than 200 words. Jessy was angry that not enough importance was given to the matter.

Thomas confirmed that the body found was not Hannah's, but he was not told whose body it really was.

After the conversation with the group, I started to read the note that I had found in Hannah's cloud, it gave me the impression that she was writing to get over it. What was really going on? What was going through her mind? What was making her feel this way?

File found!

It was a document similar to the previous one, but this time, it resembled a diary. The message was much clearer. Hannah was with an unknown person, visiting a family. They discussed an incident of which we had no knowledge, and as Hannah said her goodbyes, she felt a lot of guilt.

The hacker and I debated about it, and for some reason, we felt it must be connected to something else.

I went to the Aurora to have a drink, needing to relax a bit after so much stress.

While reading the group chat, I ate some chips. They were planning a search in the woods on Sunday, and Cleo's mom was distributing flyers. Phil gave me one, but I had to pretend I didn't know what they were talking about.

I felt bad about lying to them.

Jessy began explaining everything to me, and I sent a picture of the pamphlet to the hacker.

I rested my head on my hands.

"Ade… Adeline… Wake up" I open my eyes and see Phil "You've fallen asleep, it's too late, and we're closing, do you want me to take you home?" I just nodded.

He drove me home, and before I said goodbye I dared to ask

"Should I tell the others about me?"

"I don't know if it would put you in danger, I would say no. You've never told anyone about yourself, even I don't know."

"And it's not that I don't trust you, you know that, don't you?" I asked

"I know you trust me and there are just things you don't feel good talking about, but don't worry, I'm your friend and I know you'll talk about it when you feel good about it"

"Thanks Phil."

I see Cleo's chat, she started to explain to me what it was like when she met Thomas at Hannah's house, apparently he had taken something from there. Also, it was weird that he had been able to get in, as the spare key was in Cleo's possession, and he didn't have the key to Hannah's house as they had argued, and he gave the key back to her

What did Thomas take, how did he get into Hannah's house?

I started looking on the library page for some book of legends of the place and when I found "Midnight in Duskwood" I sent the code to Jessy to go look for it at her leisure

"Adeline? I have Poke's number.

You need to call him.

His account blocks any chat requests automatically."

"Okay, I'll call."

One tone, two tones, he answers. But apparently he wasn't able to hear me properly, so he's added me to chat.

Truth be told, it was a conversation I wished to forget. Apparently Poke is no drug dealer, he's a locksmith, a very expensive one who can't write.

I discussed this information with the hacker, now we know how Thomas got into Hannah's house.

I take a break to take a shower and go out to buy some things to eat. And as I finished eating my mashed potatoes, an audio came in from Jessy. Apparently the book had been borrowed, and they didn't know when they were going to return it since they were already late in delivering it.

Chat Notification

"I already knew you were going to disappoint me again, but Dan not showing up even on the first day is pretty strong," Phil was telling Jessy.


"You swore to me that I wouldn't be sorry to give him a job, didn't you tell me like that?

"Phil I'm so sorry, I'm sure you have a good reason!"

"Yeah, but that's no good to me.

And while we're at it:

Tell Cleo not to snoop around here anymore. What do you think the customers think?

You don't need to answer."

After that last message from Phil, Jessy came to the chat to report what had happened, saying that her brother had been beating her up about Dan and Cleo, and that's when the discussion began

"You know how bad you're badmouthing Hannah when I went to see him yesterday," she said.

"It was one of those. She always dressed like that, like she was one of those."

"But if she wants men to look at her like that."

"And she was always flirting with anyone. So it was to be expected that someday she'd get one of those.""

She was completely shocked, had Phil really said something like that?

"Should I talk to him?" asked Richy.

"Yes, Richy, talk to him please."

I preferred to be the one to talk to him, but I doubt I would be completely objective.

The next private chat I see is Jessy and Dan, Dan was apologizing for missing work and asked the black Swan out in compensation.

I continued decrypting and found another picture, it was a tree with a raven logo, I sent it to the Hacker, and he told me to share it with the others, we started debating what it could be about, that the “faceless man” was after Hannah as she had “sinned”.

Then Richy said he thinks I got the image from the hacker.

The next day, I started looking at the conversations I had access to. Dan was blaming Cleo's mother for prompting her mother to go out when she is not well enough to do so, after that I talked to Cleo for a while, she told me the situation and how she felt about it.

The next private chat was Richy and Jessy, Richy was going to tell him something about me, what was he going to tell him about me? He doesn't know me, none of them know me, what is he planning?

After a while Jessy wrote me and sent me two pictures, he was asking me for help to pick out an outfit for a date, the date he has to with Dan, but in theory I have no knowledge of that

"Adeline, let's go on a date."

I didn't expect that, and I felt bad for Dan.

Jessy and I started talking about various things and then said goodbye.

Then Dan texted me saying he got stood up, he seemed a little drunk, his tongue was a little loose, I mean he was talking very easily, he said things about everyone. I think he really wanted to get it off his chest, I think he needed to.

"Don't even think about driving!"


"You're drunk!"

"I'm fine, no problem."

"Please don't drive, can't someone come after you?"

"I've got it all under control."

After that, he disconnected.

I started talking to the Hacker of the information Dan had given me. What Thomas took from Hannah's house was a bracelet with the initials J.H. on it.

An unknown number starts calling me, I answer, but only one person's breathing can be heard, please don't let someone called me while masturbating.

The call comes in again, I answer again and this time his camera is activated.

"I told you to stay out of this, but you ignored my warnings, Do you think this is all a game?"

The camera focuses on a person through the trees, it was Cleo, then the call cuts off. I feel the panic run through my body, I was going to write to Cleo, but a call comes in from Jessy.

"Something terrible has happened, Dan was in a serious car accident last night, he must have lost control. The car flipped over several times, the doctors don't know if he will survive, It's all my fault!" she says crying.

I took a breath of air, I must prioritize things, first I must write to Cleo. But she didn't answer.

"Adeline, now I have to ask you something very important.

I know it's a bit of a strange favor and the decision may have serious consequences for you.

But you can't tell anyone about that video."

I wanted to cry, I didn't know what to do or how this could have repercussions, but in the end I decided to trust him.

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1 year ago


CapĂ­tulo 1: Donde todo iniciĂł

Una gran tragedia estaba ocurriendo en la aldea de la hoja, el kyubi estaba atacando y dejando a su paso mucha destrucción y muertes. Se escuchaban los llantos desolados de una pequeña criatura. Había pasado no mucho tiempo desde que todo inició, pero aun así los ninjas creyeron que ya habían evacuado aquella zona. Kakashi se acercó al lugar donde provenía el llanto, tenía el corazón a punto de salirse de su pecho, conocía muy bien aquellas calles, sabía quién vivía cerca y rogaba para que aquella persona estuviera a salvo.

Pero sus súplicas no fueron escuchadas. Dos cabezas pelirrojas se ven, Kakashi corre en esa dirección, toma a la bebé, que al momento de sentir calor humano se calma. A unos pasos de distancia estaba aquella mujer que conocía tan bien.

—Nozomi-san… —su nombre salió en un hilo de voz al ver a aquella mujer ser aplastada por lo que era una de las casas del lugar —. La voy a ayudar, por favor, resista.

—Kakashi, cuida de mi niña… —susurró ella, mientras se alcanza a ver a lo lejos una barrera aparecer —. Cuida de Mito, que no se aleje de Naruto… que sepa de mí y de su familia.

—La tengo que ayudar, Nozomi-san

—Júralo, Kakashi 

—Lo juro, lo juro

Y antes de poder hacer algo más, más casas empiezan a desplomarse. Ahora sí que no había esperanza. La barrera estaba levantada, no podrían ayudar a Minato o a Kushina, Nozomi estaba muerta, Kakashi ni siquiera tenía la certeza de que Naruto estuviera vivo, y de ser el caso, ¿qué pasaría con ambos? ¿Los separarían? No conocía la respuesta a esa pregunta y a muchas otras que circulaban por su mente. Mito apenas tenía cinco meses y Naruto, si todo salía bien, acababa de nacer, ambos necesitan de sus padres y Mito ya los perdió a ambos.

Unos años atrás, Nozomi Uzumaki conoció a otro integrante de su clan en una misión, fue cuestión de tiempo para que ambos empezaran a salir y se casaran, pero su Kaito murió en misión antes de que Mito naciera.

Nozomi y Kushina eran muy buenas amigas, ambas pelirrojas y con un carácter similar, no fue ninguna sorpresa cuando Nozomi le pidió a Kushina y a Minato ser los padrinos de Mito. Tampoco fue sorpresa que ellos le pidieran a ella ser madrina de Naruto. Los tres confiaban plenamente en el otro para poder cuidar de sus hijos en casos de que algo les llegase a suceder, pero nunca se les vino a la cabeza la posibilidad de que algo les ocurriera a los tres la misma noche.

Cuando el ambiente se calmó y todo el peligro cesó, ahora tocaba reconstruir la aldea y ayudar a las personas que lo necesitaban. Kakashi, en vez de estar afuera junto al resto de ninjas, estaba en la oficina del Hokage con la bebé en brazos, ella estaba completamente dormida y se aferraba su ropa como si temiese que le separasen de él.

—Me gustaría pedir su tutela —dijo él, sorprendiendo así al hokage

—¿Estás seguro de eso? Tienes 14 años, es una gran responsabilidad

—Le juré a Nozomi-san que cuidaría de Mito y eso haré —el hokage asintió dando el visto bueno —. ¿Qué pasó con…?

—Estará en buenas manos, pero no debe saber la verdad, le abrumaría —respondió el anciano

—¿Entonces simplemente se le ocultará quienes son sus padres y porque no están con él? ¿Se le ocultará que es lo que posee dentro? Puede que él no lo sepa, pero la gente sí y ellos tienen memoria —replicó el de cabello gris —. ¿Siquiera permitirán que pueda relacionarse con Mito?

—No me atrevería a prohibir que se relacione con ella…

—Le ocultarán lo demás, entonces… ¿Cómo le llamarán?

—Naruto Uzumaki, si te sientes mejor, pueden decirle el parentesco que tiene con Mito, así se tendrán mutuamente.

Han pasado unos cuantos años desde ese suceso, se puede ver una cabellera rubia junto a una pelirroja correr por la aldea entre risas.

—¿Crees que el viejo se enoje? —preguntó la pelirroja

—No, nunca nos toma en cuenta ¿Por qué lo haría ahora? —respondió el rubio

Ambos siguieron corriendo hasta que Naruto se detuvo para ver unas máscaras, eso no tendría nada de malo, de no ser por el dueño de la tienda, esa persona empezó a insultar y tratar mal al rubio llamando demonio. Mito escuchó esto y regresó en sus pasos hasta donde estaba Naruto, podía ver al rubio triste, ella solo pudo reaccionar mostrándole el dedo del medio al señor que se dio la vuelta, ofendido.

—No los escuches, además, estaban bien feas esas máscaras, Kashi tiene unas más bonitas, de seguro podría prestarte una —le dijo ella para animarlo —. Naruto…

—¿Por qué me tratan así, Mito?

—Son tontos —respondió ella —. Da igual lo que ellos digan, les demostraras al mundo lo bueno que eres y yo estaré a tu lado para ayudarte y para protegerte, es una promesa.

Aquella promesa se sellĂł con un apretĂłn de manos y un abrazo.

—Ahora vamos o Kashi me va a regañar

El lazo entre ellos se fortaleció con el paso de los años y cuando entraron a la academia ninja esto no cambió, siguieron tan unidos como siempre e incluso lograron hacerse amigos de Shikamaru y Choji, ellos, a diferencia de muchos otros, se mostraron diferentes, como personas que no juzgaban, o por lo menos no demostraban interés en lo que los demás decían de Naruto.

SentĂ­an que en verdad podĂ­an confiar en ellos.

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1 year ago

Phantoms and Whispers

Sirius Black

In the Prophet and various parts of the magical world, the news spread that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban, a criminal who killed a large number of Muggles, known for working for the one who must not be named. My parents warned me to be very careful, as there was a criminal on the loose, but I don't believe he would come to Hogwarts; it would be like turning himself in.

I boarded the train and looked for Theo in the carriages; fortunately, he was alone, which means we'll have a peaceful journey.

"Hello, Theo." I greeted him.

"You took longer than usual." he said. "Did something happen?"

"Just my parents warning me to be careful this year" I replied. "They're worried about the whole Sirius Black situation."

"Don't speak as if it's a trivial matter" he scolded. "He's a dangerous criminal on the loose."

"Yes, he's a criminal and all that, but do you really think he would come to Hogwarts? That would be like giving himself up." I said.

The train suddenly stops, confusing both of us. I look out the window, and there is still a stretch left to reach Hogwarts. The window edges start to frost, and the glass fogs up; the temperature drop has been too abrupt.

"Lock the door." I tell to Theo, and he obeys quickly.

I hug myself, rubbing my arms to warm up. The lights flicker slightly, and through the door window, we see a creature in a black cloak passing by. A shiver runs down my spine, and I stand still, waiting to see what's going on. The lights return to normal, and the train starts moving again.

"What are Dementors doing here?" I ask.

"They're searching for Sirius Black." Theo says. "You said it would be foolish for him to come to Hogwarts, but if he escaped from Azkaban, nothing else will be a problem for him. I believe it's obvious what he's looking for."

"To find Potter?" I ask, and he nods. "Poor Harry, at this rate, he won't have a peaceful year."

"I'll go to the restroom to put on my uniform; you can change here," he informs me before leaving the compartment.

I close all the curtains to change my clothes. When Theo returns, I'm finishing putting on my shoes. When we arrive at Hogwarts, we get off the train and head to the carriages.

"Do we have to travel with them?" I ask, looking at Draco Malfoy's group.

"Would you prefer to walk?" Theo responds.

"Fine, but if any of them say something stupid, I'll throw them out of the carriage, that's for sure."

I enter the carriage, and Theo looks ahead for a moment before joining me. He's one of the few who can see what pulls the carriages. He witnessed his mother's death in the past.

"Potter fainted on the train" Malfoy says. "He was surely scared by the Dementors."

"Can you talk about something other than Potter?" I ask to Malfoy. "I'm not interested in his existence, I don't need to know everything about him. So, I kindly ask you to shut your damn mouth."

"My father will know about this" he responds, causing me to burst into laughter.

"You say it like you're five years old," I mock.

Silence falls in the carriage; Malfoy doesn't say anything, and his entourage follows suit. The rest of the journey is quiet and calm.

In the Great Hall, we wait for the first-year students to be sorted before starting to eat.

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts," says Dumbledore. "I want to say a few words before we begin the feast. First, let's welcome the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor R. J. Lupin. Among other news, the beloved Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Kettleburn, has decided to retire to spend more time with his remaining arm. So, let's welcome Rubeus Hagrid as the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher. Most students cheered with enthusiasm; Hagrid is indeed well-liked."

"Now, some not-so-pleasant news. By order of the Ministry, Hogwarts will be guarded by Dementors from Azkaban until further notice. The Dementors will be stationed at every entrance. Although they claim not to interfere in daily activities, be cautious; Dementors feed on your fears and cannot differentiate their prey from someone who gets in their way. I must tell all students not to provoke them. It is not in a Dementor's nature to forgive. But don't forget, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light."

"That was quite poetic" says a ghost not far from me, a different kind of ghost from those at Hogwarts. Only I can see this one.

"Are you alright, Ara? You seem somewhere else" says Theo.

"I was just thinking about Dumbledore's speech" I reply.

I begin to overhear some whispers from women saying that Sirius escaped from Azkaban, and they are happy about it. I'll have to talk to Dumbledore about this.

"Will you tell me which electives you chose? You left me curious" Theo asks.

"Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures" I answer.

"So, you don't like Divination, but you like Arithmancy?" he guesses.

"You know the answer very well" I respond.

"I have two guesses: either Divination is at the same time as Ancient Runes, or you prefer to work with a more reliable foundation like numbers" he replies.

"You're right on both counts. What electives did you choose?" I ask.

"The same as you, and I also joined the extracurricular study of Ancient Studies. Judging by your reaction, I assume you're also in Ancient Studies" he says with a smile.

"What's the first class? I haven't seen the complete schedule because I'm afraid to find out how many classes we share with Gryffindor" I say.

"We start with Ancient Runes and then have Care of Magical Creatures with Gryffindor" he replies.

"Some people just like to see the world burn. They know that snakes and lions don't get along, so why insist on putting a million classes together? In the end, it just backfires" I comment.

"Well, then, when you graduate from Hogwarts, you'll work on something to change that" he suggests.

"Theo! You sounded just like my father!" I protest. "I don't plan on working on anything related to the school" I assert.

The first class went quite well. Nothing is more interesting to me than Ancient Runes; it's a subject that truly captivates me. On the other hand, Arithmancy is something I take just to see what happens. Care of Magical Creatures also catches my attention. There are hundreds of different creatures, each requiring a unique approach. Every creature is a new world to explore.

The Care of Magical Creatures class started at Hagrid's house before heading to the forest. The book we were given seemed special; it looked like it had a life of its own, as if it had teeth and everything.

"Open your books to page 49" Hagrid instructs. I look at my book for a moment, unsure of what to do.

"How are we supposed to open this?" Draco asks.

"Stroke its spine" Hagrid responds.

"This place is a mess," Draco says, along with his group. I can't help but roll my eyes. "I'll tell my father that Dumbledore put this fool in charge of the class."

"Shut up, Malfoy." says Potter, walking towards Draco challengingly.

Draco approaches in the same manner, making funny faces, and then points behind Potter.

"Dementor, Dementor" Draco says. Everyone turns around, and when they see nothing, they look back at Draco, who now wears a cloak, saying "Boooo" to scare them.

"What a bunch of idiots and immature people we have as classmates," I comment.

I move away from them with Theo to start the class.

"Hagrid, what animal is that?" Ron asks.

"This, Ron, is a Hippogriff; they are very proud creatures" Hagrid explains.

The creature is about the size of a horse, a mix between a horse and a bird. It has wings and beautiful feathers. It seems like the kind of creature that once it trusts you, it's fiercely loyal. The kind that doesn't forget if you've done something good for them.

Theo pulls me back a few steps, and I look around; everyone has moved back except Potter.

"Well done, Harry! Come here!" Hagrid exclaims. Potter approaches the Hippogriff and bows, the creature imitating him. Hagrid helps Potter mount the Hippogriff.

"Don't pull its feathers; it won't like that" Hagrid advises.

"I wish I could ride it" I say.

"Are you sure about that?" Theo ask. "Potter's face doesn't say that he liked it"

"It's so much like his father" A blonde girl nearby says. She isn't wearing the school uniform, which makes me curious. I stare at her for a few seconds, and she turns to look at me. "Can you see me? I'm not sure if this is right" she says before disappearing.

When Potter returns and dismounts the Hippogriff, his Gryffindor classmates applaud him. Draco, who I assume is green with envy, approaches the creature roughly, causing it to startle and hit Draco's arm with its paw.

"It broke my arm! I'm dying!" Draco exclaims. "You'll pay for this, you and your damn chicken."

"Draco, the drama queen. More injury means more time in the infirmary, which translates to not seeing Draco," I comment.

"That equation has two answers," Theo says, "either not seeing Draco or having him whining all day."

"I hate it when you're right."

"Meaning always?" he jokes.

"Don't get clever with me, not with me," I say. "I have to go talk to Dumbledore before dinner. Can you survive without me?"

"Just go," he tells me, and I laugh.

I hurry to Dumbledore's office. The sooner I go, the quicker I'll be free. Wait, what was the password again? Lemon Sorbet? Lemon Pie? Lemon Curd? Anything with lemon is a good password, according to Dumbledore.

"Oh, Miss Fawley, a pleasure to see you. Were you coming to my office?" he asks.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore, there are some things I'd like to discuss with you in private," I say. Inside his office, I explain about my inherited ability and what I've been seeing and hearing.

"By the way, you describe it, I believe you're talking about Miss Marlene McKinnon. She was a former student here, died in an attack by Death Eaters several years ago." he explains. "She was a friend of Harry Potter's mother."

"I understand. What should I do, Professor?" I ask.

"There's much you're not telling me, but you needn't say it. I already know. For now, I can offer you a small help. If you ever feel overwhelmed, there's an entrance to the Shrieking Shack beneath the Whomping Willow. There you can be alone, and if you ever feel the need to scream, you can do so freely. Just be careful, and I'll teach you a spell to pass safely."

"Thank you, Professor."

As planned, I arrive at the Great Hall before dinner. There seems to be some commotion, so I approach the crowd to find out what's going on. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a copy of the Prophet on the Gryffindor table with the news that Sirius Black was spotted nearby.

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1 year ago


Chapter 1: Where everything started

A great tragedy was happening in the Leaf Village. The Kyubi was attacking, leaving behind a trail of destruction and death. The desolate cries of a small creature echoed through the streets. It hadn't been long since it all started, yet the ninja believed they had already evacuated the area. Kakashi approached the source of the crying, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew these streets well, and he prayed that the person he cared about was safe.

But his pleas went unanswered. Two red-haired heads came into view, and Kakashi rushed towards them. He scooped up the baby, who immediately calmed down in his warm embrace. Just a few steps away stood the woman he knew so well.

"Nozomi-san…" he whispered her name as he witnessed her being crushed by one of the collapsing houses. "I'm going to help you, please hold on."

"Kakashi, take care of my child…" she whispered, as a barrier appeared in the distance. "Take care of Mito, make sure she doesn't stray from Naruto… let her know about me and her family."

"I have to help her, Nozomi-san."

"Promise me, Kakashi."

"I swear, I swear."

Before he could do anything else, more houses started to crumble. There was no hope left. The barrier was up, and they couldn't reach Minato or Kushina. Nozomi was dead, and Kakashi didn't even know if Naruto was alive. And if he was, what would happen to both of them? Would they be separated? He didn't have the answers to these questions and many others swirling in his mind. Mito was only five months old, and Naruto, if everything went well, had just been born. Both of them needed their parents, and Mito had already lost both of them.

A few years earlier, Nozomi Uzumaki had met another member of their clan on a mission. It didn't take long for them to start dating and get married, but her husband, Kaito, died on a mission before Mito was born.

Nozomi and Kushina were good friends, both redheads with similar personalities. It came as no surprise when Nozomi asked Kushina and Minato to be Mito's godparents. It was also no surprise that they asked her to be Naruto's godmother. The three of them trusted each other completely to take care of their children in case something happened to them. But they never thought that something would happen to all three of them on the same night.

When the dust settled and the danger subsided, it was time to rebuild the village and help those in need. Instead of being outside with the rest of the ninja, Kakashi was in the Hokage's office with the baby in his arms. She was sound asleep, clinging to his clothes as if afraid of being separated from him.

"I would like to request custody of her," he said, surprising the Hokage.

"Are you sure about this? You're only 14 years old. It's a great responsibility," the Hokage responded.

"I promised Nozomi-san that I would take care of Mito, and that's what I'll do," Kakashi replied, with the Hokage giving his approval. "What happened to…?"

"He'll be in good hands, but he shouldn't know the truth. It would overwhelm him," the old man answered.

"So you'll simply hide from him who his parents are and why they're not with him? Will you hide what he carries inside? He may not know, but the people do, and they have memories," the gray-haired ninja retorted. "Will they even allow him to associate with Mito?"

"I wouldn't dare to forbid them from being together…"

"They'll hide the rest from him, then… What will they call him?"

"Naruto Uzumaki. If it makes you feel better, they can tell him about the relationship he has with Mito, so they will have each other."

Several years have passed since that event, and you can see a blond-haired child running alongside a red-haired girl through the village, laughing.

"Do you think the old man will get mad?" the red-haired girl asked.

"No, he never pays attention to us. Why would he now?" the blond-haired boy replied.

They kept running until Naruto stopped to look at some masks. It wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't for the shop owner, who started insulting and mistreating the blond-haired boy, calling him a demon. Mito overheard this and quickly turned back to where Naruto was, seeing the sadness in his eyes. She could only react by showing the middle finger to the offended man, who turned away, offended.

"Don't listen to them. Besides, those masks were ugly anyway. Kashi has prettier ones. I'm sure he could lend you one," she said, trying to cheer him up. "Naruto…"

"Why do they treat me like this, Mito?"

"They're just idiots," she replied. "No matter what they say, you'll show the world how good you are, and I'll be by your side to help and protect you. That's a promise."

That promise was sealed with a handshake and a hug.

Their bond only grew stronger over the years, and even when they entered the ninja academy, nothing changed. They remained as close as ever and even managed to become friends with Shikamaru and Chouji. Unlike many others, they showed acceptance and didn't judge Naruto based on rumors.

They felt they could truly trust each other.

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1 year ago

Phantoms and Whispers

Sirius Black

En el profeta y en diversas partes el mundo mágico se distribuyó la noticia de que Sirius Black había escapado de Azkaban, un criminal que mató a una gran cantidad de muggles, conocido por trabajar para el que no debe ser nombrado. Mis padres me advirtieron que tuviera mucho cuidado, ya que había un criminal suelto, pero yo no creo que se vaya a meter a Hogwarts, sería como entregarse.

Me adentro en el tren y busco a Theo por los vagones, por suerte estaba solo, eso significa que tendremos tranquilidad durante el viaje.

—Hola Theo —le saludo.

—Te has tardado más que de costumbre —me dice —. ¿Sucedió algo?

—Solo mis padres diciendo que tenga cuidado este año —le respondo —. Están preocupados por todo el asunto de Sirius Black.

—No lo digas como si fuera poca cosa —me regaña —. Es un criminal peligroso que anda suelto.

—Sí, es un criminal y todo lo que quieras, ¿no piensas que sería tonto el que fuera a Hogwarts? Sería como entregarse —le digo.

El tren se detiene confundiéndonos a ambos, miro por la ventana y aún faltaba un tramo para llegar, los bordes de la ventana empiezan a llenarse de pequeña escarcha y los vidrios a empeñarse, el bajón de temperatura ha sido demasiado brusco.

—Cierra la puerta con seguro —le indico a Theo y este obedece rápidamente.

Me abrazo a mí misma frotando mis brazos para entrar en calor, las luces fallan levemente y por la ventana de la puerta vemos cómo una criatura con capa negra pasa por delante de esta, un escalofrío recorre mi espalda, me quedo de pie esperando saber qué ocurría, las luces vuelven a la normalidad y el tren parte de nuevo.

—¿Qué hacen los dementores aquí? —pregunto.

—Buscando a Sirius Black —dice Theo —, dijiste que sería tonto el que él viniese a Hogwarts, pero si pudo escapar de Azkaban lo demás no será ningún problema para él y creo que es obvio lo que busca.

—¿A Potter? —le pregunto y él asiente —. Pobre, a este ritmo no tendrá ningún año en paz.

—Iré al baño a ponerme el uniforme, puedes cambiarte aquí —me informa antes de salir del vagón.

Cierro todas las cortinas para poder cambiarme ropa, cuando Theo volviĂł estaba terminando de ponerme los zapatos, cuando llegamos a Hogwarts bajamos del tren y nos dirigimos a los carruajes.

—¿Es necesario que viajemos con ellos? —pregunto mirando al grupo de Draco Malfoy.

—¿Prefieres ir caminando? 

—Bien, pero si alguno dice algo estúpido, lo lanzaré del carruaje, que quede claro.

Subí al carruaje mientras que Theo miró por unos segundos delante del carruaje antes de subir, el año pasado había hecho lo mismo, él es una de las pocas personas que puede ver aquello que tira de los carruajes, él vio la muerte de su madre.

—Potter se desmayó en el tren —dice Malfoy —, de seguro fue por el miedo que le dio ver a los dementores.

—¿Puedes hablar de algo que no sea de Potter? —le pregunto a Malfoy —, no me interesa su existencia, no tengo la necesidad de querer saber todo lo que le ocurre, así que te pediré amablemente que cierres tu maldita boca.

—Mi padre se enterará de esto —responde él haciendo que suelte una carcajada.

—¿Mi padre se enterará de esto? ¿Acaso tienes cinco años? —me burlo.

El silencio se hizo en el carruaje, Malfoy no dijo nada y su séquito tampoco, el resto del camino fue silencioso y calmado.

En el gran comedor esperamos a que seleccionaran a los de primero para poder empezar a comer.

—Sean bienvenidos a otro año en Hogwarts —dice Dumbledore —, quiero decir unas palabras antes de empezar el banquete, partiendo por darle la bienvenida al nuevo profesor de defensa contra las artes oscuras, el profesor R. J. Lupin. Entre otras noticias, el querido profesor de cuidado de criaturas mágicas, el profesor Kettleburn ha decidido retirarse para poder pasar más tiempo con el brazo que le queda, por lo que le daremos la bienvenida como nuevo profesor de cuidado de criaturas mágicas a Rubeus Hagrid —la mayoría de los estudiantes empezó a aplaudir con entusiasmo, es verdad que Hagrid es muy querido. —. Ahora una noticia no muy agradable, por orden del ministerio Hogwarts será custodiada por dementores de Azkaban hasta nuevo aviso, los dementores estarán apostados en cada entrada, a pesar de que dijeron que no intervendrán en las actividades diarias tengan cuidado, los dementores se alimentan de sus miedos y no logran diferenciar su presa a alguien que se ponga en su camino, tengo que decirles a todos los estudiantes que no busque que los dañen, no está en la naturaleza de un dementor perdonar, pero no olviden que la felicidad puede estar en un oscuro momento, solo no olviden encender la luz.

—Le salió todo muy poético —dice un fantasma no muy lejos de mí, este no era un fantasma común como los de Hogwarts, este era diferente, solo yo podía notarlo.

—¿Ara? ¿Te encuentras bien? Estás como en otro mundo —me dice Theo.

—Solo pensaba en el discurso de Dumbledore —le respondo.

Empecé a escuchar susurros de unas mujeres diciendo que Sirius escapó de Azkaban y que se alegraban por ello, tendré que hablar con Dumbledore sobre esto.

—¿Me dirás qué optativas tomaste? Me dejaste con la intriga —me pregunta.

—Runas antiguas, aritmancia y cuidado de criaturas mágicas —le respondo.

—¿No te gusta adivinación, pero sí aritmancia? 

—Creo que sabes muy bien la respuesta a eso.

—Tengo dos opciones, la primera que adivinación es en el mismo horario que runas antiguas y la segunda que te gusta trabajar con una base más fiable como lo son los números —responde.

—Has acertado ambas ¿Cuáles escogiste tú? —le pregunto.

—Las mismas que tú e ingresé al extracurricular de estudios antiguos —le sonrío —, por la cara que has puesto puedo suponer que tú también estás en estudios antiguos.

—¿Cuál es la primera clase? No he visto el horario completo por miedo de saber cuántas clases compartimos con Gryffindor.

—Empezamos con Runas antiguas y luego seguimos con cuidado de criaturas mágicas con Gryffindor —me responde.

—Hay gente a la que le gusta ver el mundo arder, si saben que las serpientes y los leones no tienen buena relación ¿Por qué insistir y poner un millón de clases juntas? Al final consiguen todo lo contrario —acoto.

—Pues entonces, cuando salgas de Hogwarts trabajarás en algo para que cambien esas cosas.

—¡Theo! ¡Sonaste como mi padre! —le reclamo —. No pienso trabajar en algo relacionado con el colegio —sentencio.

La primera clase fue bastante bien, no había nada más interesantes que runas antiguas, es una materia que en verdad me interesa, no una que tomo como para ver qué pasa, que es el caso de aritmancia, cuidado de criaturas mágicas, también es una materia que llama mucho mi atención, cientos de criaturas diferentes y las formas de tratar con cada una de ellas, cada criatura es un mundo nuevo.

La clase de cuidado de criaturas mágicas empezó desde la casa de Hagrid para luego irnos al bosque, el libro que se nos había pedido era algo especial, era como si tuviese vida, parecía tener dientes y toda la cosa.

—Abran sus libros en la página 49 —nos indica Hagrid, yo miré mi libro por unos segundos sin saber qué hacer.

—¿Cómo se supone que abramos esto? —pregunta Draco.

—Acarícienle el lomo —responde Hagrid.

—Este lugar es una cochinada —dice Draco junto a su grupo, se me es imposible no rodar los ojos —, le diré a mi padre que Dumbledore puso a este tonto a dar clases.

—Cállate Malfoy —dice Potter caminando hacia Draco de forma desafiante.

Malfoy se acerca de la misma manera y empieza a hacer caras raras para luego señalar detrás de Potter.

—Dementor, dementor —dice Malfoy, los demás se giran y cuando ven que no hay nada miran nuevamente donde Malfoy y le ven con capa puesta diciendo buuuu para dar miedo.

—Vaya panda de idiotas e inmaduros que tenemos como compañeros —comento.

Me alejo de ellos junto a Theo para poder dar inicio a la clase.

—¿Hagrid, qué animal es ese? —pregunta Ron.

—Esto, Ron, es un Hipogrifo, son criaturas muy orgullosas —explica Hagrid.

El animal era del porte similar al de un caballo, se podría decir que era como una mezcla entre un caballo y un pájaro, poseía alas y unas hermosas plumas, pareciera ser de esas criaturas de más cuáles una vez te tiene confianza, te es leal, de esas que no olvidan si has hecho algo bueno por ellas.

Siento que Theo me jala del brazo hacia atrás haciéndome retroceder un par de pasos, miro a mi alrededor y todos habían retrocedido unos pasos menos Potter.

—¡Bien, Harry! ¡Ven aquí! —dice Hagrid, Potter se acerca al Hipogrifo y hace una reverencia la cual es imitada por la criatura, Hagrid se acerca a Potter y le ayuda montar al Hipogrifo —. No le arranques las plumas porque no le gustará.

—Ya me hubiera gustado a mí poder montarlo —comento al ver cómo el Hipogrifo empieza a volar.

—¿Estás segura de ello? —me pregunta Theo —. La cara de Potter no muestra que le haya gustado mucho el viaje.

—Se parece mucho a su padre —dice una chica rubia, no muy lejos de nosotros, no traía el uniforme del colegio, lo que me daba curiosidad, me quedo mirándola por unos segundos y ella se voltea mirándome a mí —. ¿Puedes verme? No sé si esto está bien —dice para luego desaparecer.

Cuando Potter volvió y bajó del Hipogrifo, sus compañeros leones le aplaudieron, Draco, que supongo yo que estaba verde de la envidia, se acerca a la criatura de forma brusca, haciendo que este se sobresalte y le pegue a Draco en el brazo con una de sus patas.

—¡Me rompió el brazo! ¡Me muero! —exclama Draco —. Me la pagarán, tú y tu maldito pollo.

—Draco dramático, más lesión es igual a enfermería, que se traduce a no ver a Draco —comento.

—Esa ecuación tiene dos respuestas —dice Theo —, o no ver a Draco, o tenerlo todo el día lloriqueando.

—Odio cuando tienes razón.

—¿Es decir, siempre? —bromea.

—No te me hagas el listo, no conmigo —le digo —, debo ir a hablar con Dumbledore antes de la cena, ¿podrás sobrevivir sin mí?

—Solo vete —me dice a lo que me río.

Me apresuro para ir a la oficina de Dumbledore, mientras más pronto fuera más rápido me desocuparía, esperen ¿cuál era la contraseña? ¿Sorbete de limón? ¿Pie de limón? ¿Dulce de limón? Cualquier cosa con limón es una buena contraseña, según Dumbledore.

—Oh, señorita Fawley, qué gusto verla, ¿iba a mi oficina? —me pregunta.

—Efectivamente, profesor Dumbledore, hay unas cosas que me gustaría hablar con usted en privado —dentro de su oficina me dedico a explicarle mi habilidad heredada y lo que he estado viendo y escuchando.

—Por como usted lo describe, creo que está hablando de la señorita Marlene Mckinnon, ella fue una estudiante de aquí, murió hace varios años en un ataque de mortífagos —me explica —, ella era amiga de la madre de Harry Potter.

—Comprendo ¿Qué debería hacer profesor? —le pregunto.

—Hay muchas cosas que no me estás diciendo, pero no es necesario que las digas, ya las sé. De momento solo te puedo dar una pequeña ayuda, si te sientes muy agobiada debajo del sauce boxeador hay una entrada a la casa de los gritos, allí podrás estar más apartada y si sientes la necesidad de gritar puedes hacerlo en total libertad, solo ten cuidado, te enseñaré un hechizo para que puedas pasar sin problemas.

—Muchas gracias profesor.

Tal y como tenía planeado llegué al gran comedor antes de la cena, había algo de revuelo, así que me acerco a la multitud para saber qué pasaba, de reojo alcanzo a ver el periódico del profeta sobre la mesa de Gryffindor, Sirius Black había sido visto cerca de aquí.

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