Regulus Black - Tumblr Posts
Marauders incorrect quotes
Sirius, clenching his fists: fight me
James standing behind him, softly shaking his head, wand ready in his hand: *mouthes* do not
Marauders incorrect quotes
Sirius: Remus, you worry too much.
Remus, thinking back on everything that the marauders have done since arriving at Hogwarts: no, I worry exactly the right amount.
Marauders incorrect quotes
James: if you’re looking for someone to save you, look in the mirror
Remus: Bloody Mary finally coming in clutch …
marauders incorrect quotes
Remus: you’re right
Sirius: that’s … that’s an unusual phrase for you, Remus. Did you just learn it?
Remus: shut up, Sirius.
Sirius: oh thank Merlin, I thought you were enchanted for a second there. 
Marauders incorrect quotes
Lily: Before we go charging in to fight, Voldemort, we have to remember - he’s expecting a competent team of mighty heroes
James: and that gives us the element of surprise 
Marauders incorrect quotes
Remus, young, naive: I hope something good happens
Remus, now: I hope whatever bad thing happens is at least funny 
Marauders incorrect quotes
Lily: So, what’s the plan?
Remus: Magic
Sirius: Wing it
Lily: those are NOT plans!
James: Broom!!
Marauders incorrect quotes
*sees the McGonagall marching towards them*
Lily, who has done nothing wrong ever: She‘s coming for me.
Sirius, currently guilty of pickpocketing, setting fireworks off in the great hall, aiding and abetting, arson, various pranks: Yeah, probably.
Marauders incorrect quotes
McGonagall: I have to ground you, Potter. I am grounding you. You are grounded.
James: What about my duties as Head Boy?
McGonagall: Okay fine. Other than that. And no music.
James: The record player‘s broken.
McGonagall: Then no broom.
McGonagall: I need my broom for practice.
McGonagall: Then, no .. uh … no Sirius.
Sirius: What?!
James: What?! No Sirius?!
McGonagall: NO SIRIUS!
Marauders incorrect quotes
James: this is a perilous mission I must undertake alone
James: Gather your things Moony, Wormtail and Padfoot
Marauders incorrect quotes
James: We‘ve gotta find a way to cut down on expenses. What can we live without?
Sirius: Probably Peter.
Marauders incorrect quotes
James: Point is, we need to do some serious, complicated magic to become animagie.
Peter: But that stuff is illegal!
James: ….
Peter: Alright, I’m in.
Sirius: I’m in too. I heard the word “illegal”
Marauders incorrect quotes
James: Come on, you can’t make EVERYONE like you. You‘re not Remus.
Mary: Not everyone likes Remus, though.
Mary: No one, I just -
Marauders incorrect quotes
James: *carrying Lily bridal style and talking with her calmly*
Sirius: *sprints past, carrying Remus over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes while Remus is screaming at him*
Marauders incorrect quotes
Remus: I can’t believe we’re locked together in this room
Sirius, while subtly throwing a key out of the window: truly unfortunate
Marauders incorrect quotes
James: Good morning!
Remus: Bold statement.
What Lily says: Remus, it’s your responsibility to look after the other marauders
What Lily means: Remus, it‘s your job to keep these dumbasses from falling for every basic trick in the books because they have the self preservation skills of a bunch of toads (you too but you’re slightly better)
Marauders incorrect quotes
Sirius: I was in a race once
Sirius: Well, I called it a race, the ministry called it ‘escaping prison’.
Sirius: They’re mad when they lose.
ceo of bullying regulus, making late night posts about regulus. my opinion doesn't matter but my opinion also happens to be correct so
when i say normalize douchebag regulus, i literally mean realizing that regulus was def not a good kid. he was painted as a golden child to some extent but i figure he found some ways to weasel his way out of trouble at school and at home. even if he were headcannoned to be a prefect (which same) he gets his fair kicks out of bullying other students and proclaiming his supremacy (practically royal) and you know it
i feel like when you have this character who was clearly groomed in a way to be a bad person, theres such a stigma around writing this character true to themself or just casually skating around the bad parts because no one would want it irl lol. regulus literally climbed up his little social hierarchy of blood purity, got marked, realized his family was in danger and everything was for shit and literally toppled. he had uphold his beliefs so high 'serving the dark lord' that it fucked him over and that IS the best part about his character
and lets be real, when you're a teenager living in a brink of a civil war and you've come this far with your idealogy and had to scrap and restart from scratch you'd probably have some existential crisis? which i imagine is what exactly happened to regulus. kreacher even says as regulus is dunking the locket that 'regulus was not in his right mind'.
regulus, not having basic problem solving skills and also being a fucking teenager, was arguably suicidal and theres an entire other post talking about regulus' mentality during these stages of the wartime that describe it very clearly.
i really wish more people explored the side of regulus, who was this shit eating grin teenager, who had to rewrite his morals? and turning over that new leaf takes time. regulus is also extremely righteous, i wouldn't be surprised if he thought killing himself via drowning was his punishment for being a shit person all those years when he had the chance of being better.
i like seeing little things in regulus' pov, things that account for him being more socially aware? like "i should avoid saying that word from now" or just also being awkward as hell "yeah sorry i tried to kill you guys like last week but im better now"
do i think regulus stopped being a blood purist after the horcrux discovery? i think he was def on his way to throw the whole mentality out but was still processing how to be better. if he had lived an extra year or two then yeah i'd give it to him