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3 years ago



Pairing: Drummer!Iwaizumi Hajime x Fan!fem reader

Summary: After attending a concert of the famous "Seijoh 4", reader gets invited to the band's after party. Reader hits it off with the band's drummer, Iwaizumi and the night progresses into something more. ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP (POST TIME-SKIP)

Content Warnings: Pining, use of alcohol, sex under the influence, choking, praise, degradation, vaginal sex, fingering, hard dom Iwa, cursing, hair pulling. Please let me know if I missed anything:)

Word Count: 5.6k. This wasn't supposed to be this long but I got carried away.

A/N: This is my piece for Anilysium's 'Bad to the Bone' collab. Please check out the masterlist of the collab to see the work of the other authors and artists:)

This picture of Iwa was my inspo for this fic, so feel free to check it out! I may write a part 2 for this idk.


University was honestly a bust. After attending classes for 5 hours your brain had officially turned into mush and you were exhausted to the bone. You lived off-campus with your best friend and your place was about 20 minutes away from uni. On your bus ride home, you proceeded to follow your daily routine of listening to your favorite band, the “Seijoh Four”.

As soon as you hit play, the gentle strumming of the guitar filled your ears. As the intensity of the strumming increased, you heard the hauntingly beautiful voice of the lead singer, Oikawa Tooru. You knew nothing about the technicalities of music but you had a feeling in your gut that he hit all the notes perfectly. And then you heard it. The low but steady thumping of the drums. As the throbbing sound rose, you felt your heart jump in your chest. You loved the beat of the drums, especially when played by Iwaizumi Hajime. Somehow, whenever you heard him play, you felt a sudden jolt of adrenaline flow through your veins where your heart was filled with a sense of gallantry. It made you feel as though you could rule the world and freedom was in the palm of your hands.

Your body was buzzing with excitement and it felt as though all your exhaustion washed away with the music. This is why you loved them - The Seijoh Four. But it was clear you had a favorite and that had to be the drummer, Iwaizumi. His artistry made you feel free of the shackles of your everyday life and for that you were grateful to him, even if you never met him. His music made you crave danger, and live life like a reckless teenager.

Sometimes you thought you were just a little too obsessed with him. There was a part of you that knew you were being too delusional, but you couldn’t help but wonder what kind of man Iwaizumi was. Was he like his music? Strong, adventurous yet steady. His physique certainly indicated that. He had the best arms you had ever seen on a man. Filled with intricate tattoos, they allured you and beckoned you to be trapped in this web. You remembered the video you saw of him playing the drums, his arms moving at an unimaginable speed, head bobbing with the rhythm of the music. He looked beautiful, rugged and definitely rough on the edges, but beautiful nonetheless.

You had to snap out of this. Everytime you heard their music, you thought of Iwaizumi and then your mind wandered down the never-ending spiral of knowing what Iwaizumi would feel like. You always prided yourself in being a logical person, you never let your emotions get the best of you, so how is it that this man, who you have never even met, managed to make you feel like you would combust from the inside. You dragged your thoughts away from him and tried to think of what you would do when you got home. You managed to distract yourself for now, burdened with the thoughts of billions of assignments you had to finish.

You heaved a sigh of relief as you finally got home. You dropped your bag and fell flat on the bed. You felt your eyes close shut and soon your body followed. But right before you could fall asleep, you felt the bed shift and when you opened your eyes, your best friend and roommate - Olivia, was staring right at you. And then she screamed. Startled, you got up with a jolt and looked at her in surprise. “What happened? Is something wrong? Why did you scream?” you frantically asked her.

Olivia started to jump around the room, squealing in excitement. “Bitch! You’re not gonna believe what I have. After this, you will have to admit that I am the greatest friend ever” she was practically screeching at this point. You rolled your eyes, “Well I won't know unless you tell me right?” And then you noticed that she seemed to be hiding something behind her back.

“Okay... okay sooooo...., I got us tickets to ‘The Seijoh Four’s’ show this Friday!!!” she squealed. “Oh-my-god no way! How did you manage to do that?! Oh my god, I can’t believe it!” you were screaming and shaking with excitement.

“Annnd that’s not all. So remember I told you about Kuroo, the guy from my economics class? Well he is friends with the band members and he has passes to the afterparty and he’s cool with the both of us tagging along. Do you believe that?! Omg, we could probably meet the band!!” she said excitedly. You didn’t quite know how to react. You were excited, obviously, but your mind immediately wandered to being able to see Iwaizumi up close and you felt a buzz through your body. You pulled Olivia in a bone crushing hug.“Thank you, thank you so much! This is honestly the best piece of news I’ve heard all week and it’s just what I needed.”


Friday couldn’t come any faster. You and Liv were excited to say the least and had planned everything, including your outfits. Your classes seemed to be moving slower than usual, or maybe it was just because your mind was filled with thoughts of the concert. You always felt connected to their music and to think you were going to actually hear it live sent shivers down your spine. And then there was the after party. The more you mulled over it, the more nervous you became. Would you actually get to talk to them? What would the members be like? You didn’t think they would be arrogant since they were a very underground band, but you can never tell with things like these. Most importantly, you wondered what he would be like. There was a huge possibility that you wouldn’t really be able to see him, but your mind couldn’t help but wander to the possibility that you could.

You snap out of your thoughts by the professor’s voice booming through the lecture hall. He spoke about the assigned work for this lecture and finally ended the class. This was your last class and as you walked out of the classroom the realisation hit you that today was Friday and in a few hours you would be at the concert. Not being able to contain your excitement, you hurried back to catch the bus ride home. The next few hours were spent with you and Liv gushing about how amazing tonight was going to be as the both of you dressed up for the night.

It was surreal. The concert hadn’t even started yet but all you could say was that it was surreal. The flashing lights, the band setting up their equipment, the crowd thrumming with excitement, all of it felt exhilarating. Some might say you sounded like a little kid, excited over something like a concert as though it was your first, but this was special to you. They were special to you. Their music helped you find your slice of heaven and now you get to see it right in front of you.

Liv and Kuroo stood beside you, talking to each other animatedly about how beautiful the set up was, but their voice was just a distant humming for you. You were too far gone in this euphoric sensation to make sense of others around you.

And then, it happened. The lights in the small concert hall went out. All eyes turned to the stage where the band stood, shrouded in darkness. A bright blue light shone on the lead singer, Oikawa and the crowd shrieked with excitement. The crowd was engulfed in silence as soon as he spoke. Oikawa started to belt out the first lyrics of the song, his soft, smooth voice filling all your senses at once.

All of a sudden, the entire stage was lit and the band began to play the song in all its glory. You felt the elation of the small but cheering crowd. Your eyes searched the stage till you saw him. Iwaizumi wore a white vest with black baggy pants. His body moved with energy as he banged the drums with all his might. His hair was sticking up wildly and his head shook with the flow of the music. And then he looked at the crowd and flashed them a smile. You were mesmerised. Starstruck.

It was as though the music had taken control of your body. You swayed, jumped and shrieked along with the crowd, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on your body. There was a feeling of jubilation in the crowd as if they were both firmly solid on the ground and levitating all at once. You felt electrified and at peace at the same time. Your senses soaked the music in, gulping it and feeling it flow through your veins. You had never felt like this. You were high off the music, you were flying. You looked at Liv and smiled as you threw your head back and swayed your body with the rhythm. You knew it in your bones, you’d never forget this night.

Three hours of pure heaven. That’s what the concert felt like. And now it is over, but the night was hardly over for you. As you drove to the club where the after party was being held, Kuroo told Liv and you about how he knew the band. He met them when they were in highschool. He said they always had a passion for music and had been working on it since he knew them. You wanted to know more about Iwaizumi but you didn’t question him because you didn’t want to seem like you were prying.

As Kuroo recalled stories of his childhood, you tried your best to calm your nerves. You tried not to think about how you would react if you spoke to them.

After a 30 minute drive, you finally reached the club. Liv noticed how tense you were. “Hey babe listen, I know you’re freaking out, but remember we’re here to party and have a great time. So let’s do that, yeah?” she said while pulling you in for a side hug. You felt your nerves slowly dissipate. You were here to party and that’s exactly what you were going to do. God knows you desperately needed that.

Kuroo showed his passes to the bouncer and the three of you were ushered into the club. The strobing lights and the smell of alcohol and sweat overpowered all your senses at once. You saw the bar and decided to make a beeline for it, but before you could go any further, Kuroo stopped you. “Let’s go to the VIP section, the band’s party is up there” he said. You and Liv followed him up a set of stairs and before you knew it you were in the VIP section.

It was relatively quieter than the rest of the club and the area in general looked very posh and comfortable. There was a bar on the left side and the loud music of the club was audible, but slightly muted, as though a veil had been cast over it. You looked around, trying to find the band but it seemed like they weren’t here yet. You let out a sigh of relief tinged with a hint of disappointment.

The night was going well, way beyond your expectations. After getting a few drinks in, you and Liv let loose and lost yourself in the music. You danced wildly, like you hadn’t in years. The both of you belted out the lyrics of the songs while moving against each other. Kuroo had left the both of you alone for a while, saying he was going to talk to some of his friends for a bit.

You leaned down to Liv’s ear and said, “I’m gonna get us something to drink, my throat is parched. Do you want something?” She shook her head and said, “I’m gonna go talk to Kuroo for a bit, so you’ll be okay being alone for a while?” You nodded, “yeah sure, go ahead. I’m gonna get something to drink and rest for a bit.”

You swayed towards the bar and sat on one of the stools. You needed some water before you had any alcohol right now. You asked the bartender for a bottle of water and gulped it down as soon as you got it. “You seem to dance really well. Are you a professional?” a deep voice asked you. You turned around and found Iwaizumi Hajime sitting on the stool beside you, looking straight at you. Your mind went blank for a second, it’s like you couldn’t process what was happening right now. There was a voice in your head which told you to stop staring at him and not make a fool of yourself. But you were in complete shock. Somehow, you managed to gather your wits together and said, “Uhm no, I’m not a professional but t-thank you for the compliment.” His gaze was piercing and you quivered under it. “I’m Iwaizumi”, he said while extending a hand out. You shook his hand back and replied, “Yes of course I know. Uh I mean I attended your concert.” His eyes seemed to hold contact with you unrelentingly. “I’m Y/N.” You wish you wouldn’t stutter so much but you just couldn’t believe that he was talking to you.

You were a pretty little thing, Iwaizumi thought. From the moment he saw you dancing on the floor, hips swaying wildy with the beat, he was awestruck. And then he saw you heading towards the bar and he knew this was his chance to start a conversation with you. Maybe it was your stuttering or the way you couldn’t stop staring at him that gave away the fact that you were clearly a fan. That thought excited him, maybe even slightly stroked his ego. Your nervous stutter and the way you kept avoiding his eyes was so darn cute.

“So, how’d you like the concert?” he asked. “Oh, it was brilliant. I enjoyed every second of it. My favorite part was when you guys played the second set. It has got to be one of the best performances I’ve seen live” you replied animatedly. So you were a hardcore fan, even better. It’s rare to find fans who are so invested in the details of the show and he enjoyed hearing you complimenting their work.

“Thank you, that makes me feel reassured since I was a bit nervous before the show. But your compliment has to be the highlight of my day” he replied with a crooked grin. “O-oh, I’m glad” you shyly replied while ducking your head. You were so clearly flustered by whatever he did, he was enjoying every second of it.

“Did you come here alone y/n?” he said. He had to know if you were with someone because you were too beautiful to not make a move on. “I came with two of my friends, they’re over there” you said while pointing towards a boy and a girl standing in the corner of the bar. He saw the black spiky hair and realized you were pointing towards Kuroo. “Oh! You know Kuroo?” he asked. Please don’t be Kuroo’s girlfriend, he thought. “Not exactly, he’s my best friend’s classmate and he knew we liked your band, so he got us tickets to the party” you replied. He released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. So you were fair game.

“Aah makes sense. So tell me about yourself y/n” he asked. You were nervous, but not as much as before. For some reason you felt safe around him. “I’m a literature student and I have no clue what else I want to do with my life yet” you replied while shaking your head. “Literature? Wow. Why don’t I buy you a drink and you can tell me about what it’s like studying literature” he replied while scooting his stool closer to yours.

The proximity was making your head swim, he smelled good. You didn’t want your mind going in such directions, especially when you were talking to one of your favorite artists, but you couldn’t help yourself, not when he was so close to you. “I will take you up on that drink but being a literature student is a pain in the ass is all. There’s nothing fun to it” you tried to respond with a little more confidence. You were not a fool, you knew Iwaizumi was flirting with you, at least you hoped he was.

While he spoke to the bartender, you looked at him. Gosh was he beautiful. He changed his outfit after the concert. Now he wore a black tank with black cargo pants and heavy lace-up boots. Like always, you couldn’t keep your eyes off his tattoos, they seemed to draw you in. He noticed you staring. “Do you like them?” he asked, referring to his tattoos. You were embarrassed that he caught you staring and felt your cheeks heat up. “Yeah, they’re beautiful. Do they have any special meanings behind them?” you asked. “Some do, but I got some of them just because they looked good,” he replied.

You saw an intricate pattern of an S with a 4 entwined in it. Without thinking, your hand moved forward to touch it. “Is this a symbol for the band?” you asked as though in a daze. A second later you realized what you just did and you were embarrassed to say the least. “I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done that, it just looked really beautiful” you replied. God now he’s going to think you are so weird for doing that and have definitely ruined your chance with him. But you were in for a surprise when he just shook his head and laughed lightly. “It’s alright. Yeah the whole band got matching tattoos the day we released our first song. And I don’t mind you touching my tattoos” he replied while fixing you with his stare. It seemed as though the whole mood in the room shifted and now you were aware of the tension between the two of you. You sipped your drink, while trying to calm yourself down. Oh god how were you supposed to respond to that. Luckily you didn’t have to.

Iwaizumi stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him, “would you like to dance?” he asked. This was really happening. Your mind really didn’t have time to process this. You mumbled a yes in a daze. He guided you to the dance floor and the music hit you with the realization that you were here, dancing with Iwaizumi Hajime.

He twirled you around, swaying your bodies with the music. You were happy. You felt as though your whole body was on fire and you were drunk on him. He smiled at you while pulling you close to him. “Is this okay?” he asked while putting his hands on your waist. You nodded and said, “it’s more than okay.” The song that was playing was sensual, at least it was in your head. Maybe it was the drinks, or the song, or just the presence of Iwaizumi, but you felt a surge of confidence flow through you. You turned around, your back against his front, and slowly slithered down against him. As you slid back up, his hands on your waist pulled you against him. He started swaying his body along with yours while his head rested on the crook of your neck. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered in your ears. The sensation of his breath against your neck made you shiver in his arms. His fingers kept drawing light circles on your skin.

You felt dizzy, it was like there was a fog of lust blanketing the both of you. You needed him, god you craved him. His touch was driving you crazy. You felt his lips lightly touch the skin behind your ears. You heard him ask, “Are you okay with this?” You were so drunk on this, you didn’t think you were capable of forming a coherent answer. Yet, you replied with a soft yes but it came out like a broken moan. His hands gripped your waist tighter and flipped you around so that you were facing him. You were met with his lust filled gaze and he was so
so goddamn close. You could feel his breath on your lips and if you moved slightly forward, you knew they’d touch. You felt one of his hands slowly slide up the length of your body as it came to rest on your throat. His thumb pulled at your bottom lip while he rested his forehead against yours. His voice was breathless as he asked, “do you want to get out of here?”

Iwaizumi was staying in a hotel temporarily, a few minutes away from the club. You texted Liv that you had gone out with Iwaizumi and promised to explain everything later.

While he hailed a cab, Iwaizumi clasped your hand tightly. You were nervous as to what was going to happen but you wanted this. You have never wanted a man as much as you did with Iwaizumi. The chemistry between the two of you felt like gasoline, one spark and it would light up in flames. Maybe you would get caught in it, but you didn’t care.

As the two of you got in the cab, Iwaizumi started to sense your nerves. He caressed your hand, trying to soothe you. “If you’re not okay with this then we can stop anytime, we don’t have to do anything. We can just talk and hang out with each other” he said. You were so in awe of him. He was respectful and the perfect gentleman. “I’m fine Iwaizumi, I want this just as much as you” you replied while scooting closer to him.

“Just call me Iwa,” he whispered. He was staring right at you and you felt your heart lurch. The effect he had on you was crazy. He could ask you to do anything. Anything at all and you would gladly do it for him.

The cab ride was pure torture. Your hands were clasped together but the both of you wanted so much more. His fingers caressing your arms caused goosebumps to erupt on your skin and you were losing your mind.

The walk from the elevator to Iwa’s room has to be the most sexually charged moment you have ever experienced. Iwa opened the door and you entered with your nerves all over the place. He shut the door as soon as you were inside and pushed you against it. “I can’t take this anymore, I need you” he said while his arms caged you. He leaned forward until your lips were lightly brushing against each other. You both stayed that way for a few seconds, breathing hard against each other, waiting to see who would lose first. You tried. You really tried to hold on for longer but your senses were overpowered with the feel of him. You pulled him by his tank and smashed your lips against his. He kissed you back passionately, drinking you in everytime your lips touched. He kept moving forward till there was no space between the two of you, your chest touching his. His hands ran over the back of your thighs till he lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your skirt bunching up as his hips touched yours. One of his hands wrapped around your hair, tilting your head to the side, giving him access to your neck.

He nibbled on your neck, slow at first but then biting into the skin. You mewled at the sensation. You could feel all of him. His hips pressing into yours and his lips on your skin. You were burning up, feverish with lust. You grabbed onto his shoulders, your hands fisting around his tank. “I want you. Now, Iwa.” you demanded.

Instead of responding, he walked the both of you towards the bed and then dropped you on it. You leaned against the headboard, feeling like a prey about to be feasted by the predator. His eyes never left yours as he came closer and closer till there was nothing left between the two of you. His fingers fiddled with the hem of your top as he said, “take this off for me, pretty girl.” It was like he had you under a spell where you felt compelled to listen to him. You held eye contact as you slowly lifted your top and threw it over your head.

He pulled you on top of him and started to leave little bites all over your neck and chest. His hands fiddled with the hook of your bra and then he flicked it open. The straps fell loosely around your shoulders and Iwa pulled them off completely while peppering your shoulder with kisses. His eyes went feral as he saw your breasts bared in front of him. His hand wrapped itself around your neck, putting just enough pressure to feel good and make you breathless. His lips found your left breast and you moaned at the sensation. He lightly bit your nipple while maintaining his hold on your neck. You felt euphoric. The lack of air mixed with the feeling of his lips had you grinding on him. Your hips moved on their own accord as you felt his hard-on pressing against your core.

His hand left your neck, giving you time to breathe. He started to move your waist on him, helping you grind against him. “Do you feel that? That’s how much I want you” he said while twisting your right nipple between his fingers. “A-ah! That feels so g-g-good Iwa” you moaned out. You pulled at his tank till he got the hint and pulled it off in one smooth move. He was gorgeous. You couldn’t stop yourself from running your hands all over him, especially his sculpted torso. You started to kiss his neck while your hand slid down the valley of his abs all the way to his bulging hard-on. But before you could do anything, his hand clasped your wrist and stopped you. “Wait” he said.

He moved you both to the edge of the bed and told you to stand up. You were confused but you did what he asked. He slowly started to unzip your skirt while looking up at you. Once your skirt was unzipped, it pooled around your legs. He slowly slid his hands up your legs, his fingertips brushing your inner thigh. The teasing was driving you mad and you needed him to touch you. He stopped at the apex of your inner thigh and gently kissed your clit through your panties. You jerked at the sudden sensation and grabbed his hair. He ran his index finger over your slit and you felt like your legs would give out at any moment. “I can feel how wet you are through your panties. Tell me how badly you want me to touch you” he commanded. His voice sends shivers down your spine. “Mm-mmh god all I can think of is your touch. I need this Iwa, please” you pleaded, while peering into his eyes.

He slid your panties down your legs and got down on his knees. You kicked them aside as soon as they touched the floor. He lifted your right leg and rested it on his shoulder and started to pepper it with kisses from the calf to the inner thigh. He nipped at your inner thigh and you felt his nose brush against your clit. The little contact had you keening and you thrust your hips towards his face. He started to kitten lick your slit. While his thumb drew light circles on your clit. “I-Iwa please, stop teas-” you stopped mid sentence as he dived into your pussy. He ate you out like you were his last meal. His tongue moved in and out of your hole and his thumb started to rub your clit with more fervor. You could feel yourself reaching the edge and your thighs started to tremble in his hold. He pulled his mouth off of you and slowly inserted his middle finger inside you. “I can feel you clenching around my finger. Don’t cum yet baby” he commanded. He inserted a second finger and started to thrust them in and out of you. You were so wet. You could hear the squelching sound of his fingers and your inner thighs were sticky with your slick. “God, look at that. You’re fucking dripping all over my fingers” he said patronisingly. He crooked his fingers inside you, making a come-hither motion. You felt him rub your spot inside and you were screaming at the sensation. “A-ah I- please! I’m..oh god” you mumbled incoherently. “Shh-shh s’okay I got you baby. Go on, cum for me” he whispered. Your whole body shuddered as you came apart on his fingers. Your hole fluttered uncontrollably on his fingers and your legs gave out from the force of your orgasm.

While coming down from your orgasm, Iwa rubbed your back to calm you down. After a few seconds, you sat down on the edge of the bed. Iwa stood in front of you and stroked your hair. You pulled him closer by the belt loops of his pants and started to unbutton them while looking up at him. He kept stroking your hair and looked at you with desire in his eyes as you pulled his pants down. You palmed him through his boxers, intimated by the size of him. He pulled away from you and slowly slid his boxers off, kicking them aside along with his pants. He was big. Your pussy clenched at the thought of taking all of him and you gulped.

He walked towards you, and lifted you by the waist. You clung to him, kissing him passionately. He sat down on the bed and positioned you on top of him. While the both of you kissed, you felt him positioning his length against your hole. You slightly lifted yourself up while your hands were on his shoulders for support. You looked down at where he was lined up against you, your wetness coating his tip. He lifted your chin up with his fingers and said, “I want your eyes on me the whole time. Got it?” You nodded while looking straight at him.

He pulled you down on him in a one swift movement and your eyes widened as you took all of him at once. He was just so big. You felt like you were being split in two. “Y-you’re so bi-big Iwa” you whined. “And you’re gonna take all of me like a good girl aren’t you?” he said. You nodded and started to move up and down his length while holding eye contact like he asked. “M-mh you feel so good baby. Keep moving, yeah just like that. Such a good fucking girl” he said. His praise egged you on and you started to move faster, wanting to please him. He was so deep inside you, you could feel him inside your gut. You felt your eyes dropping, feeling drunk on his cock. Your eyes shut and your mouth fell open, moaning about how good he felt.

You felt a light slap on your cheek. “I told you to keep your eyes on me, didn’t I? You’re so fucking cock drunk you can’t follow a simple command?” he scoffed. “M’sorry Iwa, it j-just feels so so good” you mumbled incoherently.

All of a sudden you were flipped over and found yourself on your back with Iwa on top of you. He pushed your thighs to your chest and started to thrust inside you at an unimaginable speed. You were seeing stars. He was so so deep. The sound of skin slapping against skin was loud and the smell of sex filled the room. Your slick was dripping everywhere. You felt an intense sensation building up inside you. This was different, you knew it was. It overwhelmed all your senses and you couldn’t think. “I-Iwa I’m oh! Fuck I’m gonna aah-” you moaned out while squirting all over his cock. Your whole body shook and quaked.

“F-fuck! That’s it, the baby. Squirt all over my cock. I’m close, m’gonna fill this pretty pussy up. You’d like that wouldn’t you? My pretty little thing” he babbled while thrusting in you like a madman. Iwa painted your walls with his cum and you felt warmth spread all over your body. He collapsed over you and the both of you breathed hard while coming down from your peaks.

Iwa cleaned you up and ran a bath for you. After helping you bathe, he wrapped you in towels and laid you down on his bed, caressing your hair. The unanswered question of what happens next lingered in the air and you worried at the thought of whether you were just a one-night stand to Iwa. You tried to come up with something to say without sounding desperate.

Iwa slid under the covers beside you and pulled you against him. “Would you like to have breakfast with me tomorrow?” he asked with a sweet sleepy smile on his face. You replied with a yes. You were content. It wasn’t much, but for now breakfast was perfect.


Taglist: @animemenapologist

All content belongs to LIASLIGHT © 2021. Do not modify or repost.


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3 years ago



So I just wanted to address an issue that has been plaguing me for a few days. I’m honestly not interested in inviting discourse of any kind but I’d like to address these things. If you don’t want to read it that’s fine just scroll.

1) I think my blog has made it pretty clear that I don’t want minors interacting with my blog. The words “MINORS DNI” are pretty simple and if people can’t follow simple blog rules then you really shouldn’t be on Tumblr.

2) This blog interacts with DARK CONTENT. That has also been mentioned in my blog very clearly. The definition of what dark content entails has also been very clearly defined. If you can’t take 2 mins out of your time to read that then you have no right to come in my inbox and give me shit.

3) Attacking people who request something is even more petty. If you have a problem with what I post, Tumblr is a wonderful app that lets you block tags and curate your internet experience.

4) DONT POST MY WORK OK TIK TOK. I think everyone knows how toxic tiktok is and I’m very uncomfortable with being on that app. Please respect my privacy and have the basic decency to follow the blog rules.

I really like being here and I know a lot of other writers do too. Don’t make this a shitty place for people.


Tags :
3 years ago

Omg this is so pretty!


check out my oikawa fic <3

Happy Birthday Oiks!

happy birthday oiks!

Tags :
3 years ago

Your new theme looks so pretty!!

Thank you đŸ„ș

Tags :
3 years ago

Oikawa missing hours. The way I want this man oh god.



Pairing: Oikawa x fem!reader

Summary: Reader is the manager of Seijoh and Oikawa’s ex girlfriend. Oikawa gets jealous of reader’s growing friendship with Iwaizumi and decides to show her who she belongs to. ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP (In their third year so they’re 18)

Content warnings: toxic manipulative oikawa, jealousy, angst, angry sex, exhibitionism, fingering, vaginal sex, degradation, slight praise, hair pulling. Let me know if I missed anything :)

Word Count: 3101 words

A/N: This is my submission for @atsumuscumslut “Fuck me right here” collab. Thanks for letting me join <33. Please check out the work of the other authors who took part in the collab.


The volleyball gym was empty and the constant thumping of the ball echoed through the court. Oikawa was practising his serves with utmost concentration. He wiped the sweat on his brow before going to pick the ball back up with a look of frustration in his eyes. His teammates had gone out for a break but he just couldn’t go out there knowing he had to face you. Seeing your face everyday, knowing just how much he hurt you and how you still managed to put on a smile and act professional just bothered him to no end. He wanted you to hate him, despise him or at least show some reaction but instead you carried on with your duties as the manager and treated him with utmost professionalism.

Had the breakup not hurt you? Did you just not care? Did he really mean that little to you?

His mind swirled with thoughts about you. Even today during practice, you smiled and joked around with the boys looking so happy and carefree. Oikawa knew he was in the wrong, since he was the one who hurt you and decided to end the relationship. But he couldn’t help but expect you to miss him at least a little. When he saw Iwa throw his arm around your shoulder and pull you in for a hug, Tooru just knew that if he faced you right now, he wouldn’t be able to control his actions or what came out of his mouth next. So he stayed back and decided to practice his serves to try and calm himself down. But so far he just managed to make himself angrier.

You lingered by the door, watching Oikawa throw the ball angrily and you couldn’t help but feel your chest constrict at the thought of how happy the both of you were mere days ago. You managed to act like you didn’t care or the fact that Oikawa leaving you hadn’t left a gaping hole in your heart that you knew only he could fix. No matter what went down between the two of you, you would never let your personal issues come in the way of volleyball since it meant everything to Tooru. So for his sake and yours, you put on a strong facade and acted with complete professional decency.

When everyone decided to take a little break you assumed Tooru would follow soon enough. But when he didn’t show up after 10 minutes, you decided you’d go and check up on him since he had a tendency to overwork himself. At least that’s what you told yourself as you walked towards the volleyball court. You knew the real reason you came to look for him was because you missed him too much and after days of pretending, you just wanted to be alone with him for a little bit even though you knew he didn’t care for you anymore.

Your eyes followed his every move and your mind was clouded with thoughts of how beautiful he was. He ran his hands through his hair, his brown eyes focusing solely on the ball, yet his mind seemed to be far away. You couldn’t help but shiver when you saw him in his element. He threw the ball up in the air with his lithe hands, jumping and then hitting it with all his might. There was an eerie sense of calmness on his face as he watched the ball bounce exactly where he wanted it to. You were mesmerised, you wanted to stop staring yet you couldn’t. He always managed to do this, to reel you in and drown you in a sea of emotions. You forced yourself to look away from his lean figure and decided to say something, anything to clear the fog in your head.

“It’s awfully stupid of you to overwork yourself right after recovering from an injury. Take a break.” You said this as you walked over to the edge of the court where the towels and water bottles were kept. Your heart was thumping out of your chest and it took everything in you to pretend like gathering the courage to speak to him didn’t almost kill you.

“And how is that any of your concern?” he spat out angrily.

You had expected Tooru to be angry but it still hurt when he spoke to you in that tone. But you knew you couldn’t give in to your emotions, especially not in front of him. “Well I am the manager of this team so the health of its members should be my concern. No?” Your voice displayed a false sense of calm, a condescending tone even, as you leaned on the wall and pretended to be nonchalant.

He snatched a towel from beside you and walked towards you till he managed to back you up against the wall. He towered over you and your faces were almost too close for comfort. Your thighs quivered at the proximity between the two of you.

Tooru didn’t know what came over him or what exactly he was planning to do. All he knew is that at this moment he wanted to be as close to you as possible and that he yearned for your touch. And he saw the way you gulped and the way your thighs shook when he came close to you. He wasn’t quite sure how you felt about him but he knew that your body was a different story altogether. He settled on following his instincts and ignoring his sense of logic altogether. His defences were withering away around you, they always had. So he resorted to what he did best, manipulated the player until they were nothing but puppets.

“Do you get a sense of satisfaction pretending like nothing happened between us? Does it feel good disregarding everything we had and just moving on without any remorse whatsoever?” he edged closer to you and saw that his voice alone was sending tremors through your body.

Tooru could feel your facade slowly breaking down. He felt the anger oozing out of you and he knew that the next words that were going to come out of your mouth were going to be harsh. He held his breath and you let out yours. “How dare you accuse me of not caring when you’re the one who ended everything we had in just a blink of a second? Were you not the same person who decided to end 2 years of being together just because you thought I would distract you from volleyball? I respected your decision and gave you space and you think that means I don't care?” you were breathless and panting hard as you said this. He didn’t back away but instead came closer until your whole body was trapped beneath his. One of his hands slammed on the wall beside you while the other hand caressed your cheeks so gently that you hardly even felt it. And then he squished your cheeks with his hand and pulled you upto to him. You knew you should try to jerk free but, his gaze lingered on your puckered lips and he was panting hard because of all the things he wanted to do to you. His eyes were brimming with anger, but also something else, something much more dark and twisted.

“Is that why you were getting so close with Iwa? Since you ‘care’ so much you decided to show it by trying to make me jealous? Well guess what babe? It’s working.” he spat out.

You could feel the tension brimming in the air and you knew that it would snap anytime now. Just when you thought something might happen, you both turned your head to the side after hearing shuffling near the door. From the window you saw that it was Iwa and you were about to move away when you heard Tooru swear and cover your mouth with his hand. “Not another word” he whispered harshly in your ears and pulled you into the equipment room.

You were disoriented for a second and before you could react, you felt yourself being pushed against the door and saw Tooru’s tall figure leaning over you. His hand was still covering your mouth and he bent down to your neck. “Your precious Iwa-chan is out there waiting for you, but you’re gonna be a good girl and stay quiet for me aren’t you?” he breathed against your neck. You unintentionally tilted your neck to give him more access. You felt his smirk against your neck and suddenly he was all over you. His hips touched yours, one of his hands went to your waist to pull you closer and the other went to your hair and pulled it back to expose your neck completely.

“You don’t own me, Tooru.” your voice was breathless and held no conviction at all. Tooru knew that you would do whatever he wanted at this moment because you were so far gone. “Oh yeah? Then call for Iwa or better yet, push me away and tell me to stop.” he said in his all too cocky tone. His hand tugged at your hair harshly and you hissed from the pain. You felt his lips touch your neck and he left soft kisses all over. You couldn't stop the little moan that escaped your lips and your hips jutted forward towards him. “Tell me to stop babe” his lips were all over you now. You grabbed his face with your hands and stared into his eyes, soaking his beauty in. You knew that right now your body was out of control and you would regret this moment but you couldn’t stop yourself from kissing him.

The moment his lips touched yours, he embraced you, yearning to pull you closer, to engulf you. His lips left yours and travelled a path from your neck down to your chest, nipping and leaving marks all over. His eyes were on yours as he slowly unbuttoned your shirt and said, “Are you ever gonna want someone else this much? You think Iwa can give you this?”. You were too lost in his touch to conjure up an answer.

You felt your breath closing up and looked down to see his hands wrapped around you. “Answer me slut” he hissed slowly. He bit your nipple through the bra and his hand tightened its hold around your neck. “N-no no one b-but you Tooru” you moaned. His hand slid up under your skirt, playing with the hem of your panties. His knuckles lightly brushed over your clit through your panties and that little contact left you breathless and needy. You rested your head on his shoulder and whispered, “I need you”.

“You need me, yeah? I bet you didn’t think of this when Iwa was hugging you right? What else have you been doing with him?” he whispered venomously while his fingers were brushing against your clit over and over again. “S-stop it Tooru you know there’s nothing between me and Iwa '' you tried to defend yourself but he was making it hard for you to even think. You couldn’t take his teasing any longer and started to thrust your hips against his hand in a bid to get more friction where you needed it.

“What do you think you’re doing? You will take what I give you, so stop acting like a needy whore.” He completely withdrew his hands from your pussy. “Tooru please I can’t take it anymore” you whined out, desperate for his touch.

He opened his mouth to respond but before he could say anything, you both heard Iwa calling out your names. You were startled and were about to push Tooru away but he held your hands and pushed them above your head. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he said, “what makes you think I will stop just because Iwa is around? Or are you too worried about what Iwa-chan might say if he found you here?”

He slid his hands up, all the way to the waistband of your panties and in one smooth tug, pulled them down. They pooled around your legs and you kicked them off. He bit your ear and his index finger started rubbing slow, deliberate circles on your clit. “Aa-ah feels so g-good!” you moaned out. He swiped his fingers over your wet slit and brought them up to your mouth. “Suck.” he commanded as he pushed them past your lips. You greedily lapped at his fingers while looking him straight in the eye, swirling your tongue around them for good measure.

“You’re such a whore” he bit out. He pulled his fingers away from your mouth which resulted in a pop sound and before you knew it, he had two of those fingers shoved into you with a single thrust. You threw your head back in both pleasure and pain. Tooru used his other hand to cover your mouth in order to silence your moans. “Quiet” he harshly whispered.

His fingers started to fuck you in a slow but controlled pace and you were losing your mind. Just as you were getting used to the pleasure, he turned around and knotted his hand around your hair. He forced your head towards the little window in the equipment room and you saw Iwaizumi standing there with his phone in his hand. You were scared that he could see you but then realized that the window was tinted from the outside, so Iwa couldn’t see you both. Tooru started to increase the pace of his fingers and you clenched around them. “You’re such a whore, getting turned on by watching Iwa. This is the filthy shit you like huh?” he whispered. You were too lost in the moment to respond but all you knew was that this was turning you on. You were so wet and his thrusting fingers inside you were making a loud squelching sound. It all felt so lewd. Lewd but so good. He twisted his fingers inside you and found your spot. “F-fu-fuck I’m gonna cum pl-please oh god!” you were practically incoherent at this point. “Yeah that's a good girl, cum on my fingers baby” Tooru said, in his husky voice. You were putty in his hands and came apart, your moans muffled by your own hand. You were so lightheaded from your orgasm that your head fell back against him where your sensitive neck was exposed to the chill ventilation in the room. He let you breathe for a minute before saying, “I am not done with you yet.”

Tooru bent you forward so that your hands were resting on the window in front and your back was slotted against his front. He started to slowly grind against you and you moaned from the sensitivity. “I’m gonna fuck you and your eyes should be on Iwa-chan the whole time. Is that clear?” he commanded. You knew that this was wrong on so many levels but you missed Tooru and you missed his body, you craved him and would do whatever he asked at this moment. “Y-yes” you whispered slowly.

Tooru pulled his dick out of his pants and moved his hand up and down the shaft. He started to rub himself on your wet folds, you moaned when his dick rubbed over your clit. “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?” he bit out, and pushed himself inside you in one single thrust. You both groaned at the intrusion and he slowly started to thrust in and out of you. “H-hn faster p-please!” you begged. He obliged and started to thrust into you with all his might. “O-oh my god f-fuck!” you moaned as you threw your head back. You felt a harsh tug on your hair as Tooru guided your head back towards the window, “I told you to look at him. Look at your precious Iwa-chan and tell me if he could fuck you like this” he groaned when your walls started to clench around him. Watching Iwa so unaware and unsuspecting of what was happening right behind him made you moan. This was driving you over the edge. You had to bite into your hand when Tooru started to play with your clit while thrusting inside you. “Answer me baby. Tell me if he could give it to you like this” he groaned. “Hm-hnn uh no, n-no one can, just you” you were a babbling mess as he rammed into you. He twisted his hips and repeatedly started to hit your spot. You screamed out loud.

You noticed Iwa froze, as though he heard something. Tooru bent down and whispered, “now look what you’ve done. Iwa definitely heard you, what is he going to think about his precious manager?” His words made you clench around him and Tooru groaned at the sensation. “So fucking filthy” he said as he started to thrust into you harder. It was all too much for you, the feeling of Tooru inside you, the fact that Iwa most likely heard you and Tooru’s filthy words. You could feel your peak approaching for the second time and your whole body felt as if it would break if Tooru kept pushing into you like this. “I’m go-gonna cum Tooru. Fuck it’s too much. Oh god!” you sobbed. “Not yet” he commanded. You whined and begged but he didn’t budge and just kept thrusting into you. You were crying now, tears falling down your cheeks as you tried to follow Tooru’s wishes. “Please please p-please” you chanted, hoping he would give you the reprieve that you desperately needed. His thrusts started to slow down and you knew that he was close. “F-fuck cum for me” he groaned. That was all you needed to let go and your pussy clenched around him, your thighs shaking as you approached your orgasm. You kept chanting his name the whole time, not caring who might’ve heard you.

But you should have because Iwa was looking right at you through the window. You blushed and panicked, embarrassed that Iwa caught on to what happened. You pushed Tooru off of you and hurriedly started to put your clothes back on. He lazily pulled his pants up while staring at you intensely. “We need to talk after practice,” he said. He pulled you in for a hug and kissed you on your forehead. You relaxed against him, feeling calm. You both knew you had a lot to talk about but for now staying like this was perfect.


Taglist: @fiaficsxo

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