little-bumblebeeee - A chemical overreaction
A chemical overreaction

Anarchy • Minor

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More Posts from Little-bumblebeeee

1 year ago

idc who you are I know you're dancing when hey ya comes on

1 year ago

get yo fn dog bish

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1 year ago

mechanic!eddie is so dear to me. he starts off every morning with his mane tied up extra tight and extra secure but always ends the day looking worse for wear. his bun always makes its way down to the nape of his neck and his hair somehow manages to work it's way loose from its hair tie. his curls stick to his throat and his bangs stay plastered to his forehead (though the bang situation has since been remedied with those little solid head bands. thank u very much stevie <3)

his fingers are shockingly bare. eddie can't wear his rings while on the job and he used to be incredibly grumpy about it. he feels naked without his hands full of jewelry. but he learned to get over it bc cleaning the grease out of the crevices of his rings is a bitch and losing one of his pieces while elbow deep in someone's car just didn't seem worth it. but his precious rings are never far. the occasional clink of metal that comes from his breast pocket is proof of that.

when it gets too hot, you'll catch him with the top half of his overalls hanging down by his waist. his white muscle shirt does nothing to hide his tattoos and scarred skin. people tend to stare and eddie can't blame them. the scarring is extensive and gnarly. he's long since learned to ignore those people though. but the one set of eyes he can't ignore (won't ignore) belong to steve. he looks at eddie differently. his stare is one of adoration and tenderness and understanding. and sometimes his eyes are full of heat and want and eddie has to shoo him out of the shop because oh my god I'm at work, harrington !!

and despite doing the most manual labor he's ever done in his life, his hands have never looked nicer. eddie probably has the prettiest pair of hands of any mechanic ever and (of course) it's all thanks to steve harrington. because every weekend without fail, eddie finds himself under gentle care of a pretty boy. steve sits him down at the end of every week and pampers him. he trims his nails and cleans beneath them thoroughly. he clips off the stubborn hangnails that somehow always appear and rubs ointment into the small sore spots they leave behind. steve massages his hands with this fancy soft smelling lotion that always leaves his calloused palms feeling baby smooth (steve left an extra tube of it in eddie's vab bc he noticed how much he seemed to enjoy the stuff) and when his hands are spotless and healing, steve finishes his little ritual with kisses. he runs his lips over eddies knuckles and lays a kiss on each fingertip and at the center of both palms. the way his mouth touches him feels like worship and it never fails to make eddie's cheeks glow red.

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