++posting very irregularly++ [ 25 | German | She/Her ] Anime and Gaming Enthusiast. Fan Artist and Cosplayer (at least I try). Expect much content of Fullmetal Alchemist, The Witcher and Overwatch- and maybe any other game/anime I'll get obsessed with ;D sideblog: @littlegamergirl
206 posts
5. Koyomi Araragi (Monogatari Series)
5. Koyomi Araragi (Monogatari series)

Oh God, he looks so disproportionately O.o. But it was kinda funny to draw a half-naked man ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
thundersheep liked this · 8 years ago
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The used prompt is from @randumbdaze. Thought I could use it for some Edwin fan art 😊

Oh splash splash, wet wet
The used prompt is from @hanjizoeisdabomb. When I saw this sketch of someone who has water poured over him, I thought that would suit Mustang the most :) (since water makes him useless). Mabye Riza did it because he said/did something dumb...could be possible!
Yoshioka Futaba from Ao haru ride? Loving your art btw keep up the good work!! ^.^

Aww thank you :3!!
Here’s the finished “master piece” (it’s definitely not a master piece). I’m very sorry for the blue stains on her legs :(. Hope you like it anyways ^^