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Livinlavidalostaf - Just Another Mom Blog - Tumblr Blog

so many problems with no answers to show
“Please please please
Please just make this pain stop, please just let me die
Please I don’t want to survive anymore
I can’t survive anymore
Please I don’t want to live anymore
I can’t live anymore
Please I don’t want to be here any longer
I can’t be here any longer.”
I don’t know who I am anymore...but did I really even know who I was?
Kinda wanna die kinda don’t wanna break my mother’s heart
for people I’m worth less than zero. and I always knew it. I’ve never done anything.

You need a private talk? Just send me an ask!:)

I’m tired of chasing people who don’t care about my existence.
I am a fuck up. I will always be a fuck up.
Voldemort: Tell me everything you know about Harr-
Lucius: My Lord, no-
Voldemort: "No"? You dare say no to me, Malfoy?
Lucius: Of course not, my Lord, just don't say his name, I beg you-
Voldemort: Harry Potter?
*crashing and banging upstairs*
Draco, tumbling down the stairs looking noticeably dishevelled: DID SOMEONE SAY HARRY POTTER??!!?!
Lucius: Please kill me, my Lord
Voldemort: Lucius what the fuck
Peak Slytherin is, when you can verbally obliterate your enemy but get anxiety when it comes to ordering food from a complete stranger.
Peak Slytherin is, when you over think something so much you don’t even realise that you are talking out loud until someone stares at you weirdly because you just yelled at thin air to shut the fuck up.
Peak Slytherin is, when you can multitask a thousand things and still fuck up a simple task such as drinking water.
Peak Slytherin is, being so dubious and scientific that you can get all the research done in one night and still not do do it b ed cause you can’t see a good enough reason to do it.

Hi! I’m sorry if this is triggering in any way but I was wondering if it’s normal for a parent to get mad if you try to say that you’re struggling in any way? (like emotionally struggling or being really stressed for example) Also I hope you’ve been doing ok
Parents getting mad at you when you are struggling is abusive. Especially if they make you feel like you have to apologize to them for feelings you can’t control. This is the main way my mom abused me. Some of the Classic™️ things they do is…
Try to put the blame if you. (You’re just being crazy/stupid/ over reacting. It’s your fault)
Try to put the blame on them so you feel guilty and end up apologizing (So It’s all my fault/ so I’m a failure as a parent)
Invalidate your feelings. (Just get over it/people have it worse/you’re overreacting)
Diminish or discredit you based on age. (You’re being such a baby/you’re too old to be making this big of a fuss)
I hope this helps
How do you deal with the "calm before the storm" phase? Y'know, after something happened but then everything is oddly calm and it's terrifying because you still get the nightmares from it but it hasn't happened in a while and you think you're going crazy? I'm ready to call CPS as soon as the storm comes back (I have a plan) but I feel like I'm making up what happened and it's killing me not to know if I'm over reacting or not.
calm before the storm. What i like to call it Hurricane prep
-Move your dresser to near the door so you don’t have to move it far when you need to block the door.
-horde waterbottles (preferably metal so they keep your water at a cool temperature. they also don’t crackle when you drink them)
-Blankets just in case they decide to shut off the heat in your room
-Jackets for the same reason
-Food. My recommendations: trail mix, granola bars, kit kat, apples. Anything you can find that won’t go bad. Cans are tempting but require a can opener, a place to drain the liquid and in most cases heat.
-Drinks. Water is going to get boring. If you can get those powdered drink mixes or water flavors. I keep some minute made lemonade in a small bag. There are also that Mio (i think) little drink flavorings that come in a little squirty tube? those are good. they have ones with caffeine, vitamins, and electrolytes.
-First aid. just in case
-knives forks spoons. Go to a fast food restaurant. Order whatever. take double a few sets of those plastic utensils.
-money just in case
-YOUR MEDS!! If you have any. Just in case they deny you your medicine, take a few days worth if you can.
That's all I have. Followers, you are more than welcome to add your own tips.
he sees you when you’re sleeping he knows when you’re awake his name is harry potter and he should really stop using the marauders map to stalk malfoy
hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s insanely thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!

Lee Jordan as Quidditch commentator
I will go DOWN with this ship

I don’t understand how something like this exists, and yet, there are only 348 fanfics revolving around this paring on ao3.
This shit caught me off guard and I didn't realize that I would LOVE IT
We need more Neville/Draco shippers dammit
I ship Draco/Neville so hard it hurts.

I wish I knew more people that shipped it. ‘Cause then I’d hug all of you.
every single one of you let me love you

Never 😏

draco, probs surprised by his bf harry, mind immediately in the gutter
so my trip was cut a bit short but I did get to ride at least <3