206 posts
Look, Gemini, You've Been Pretty Helpful So Far.. BUT WOULD IT KILL YA, TO DITCH THE SECRETS!
Look, Gemini, you've been pretty helpful so far.. BUT WOULD IT KILL YA, TO DITCH THE SECRETS!
Just tell Lunar and the others EVERYTHING! Forget what Leo, or Taurus, or Libra or whatever anyone else says! Tell them everything cause now we've got some new person named Cetus???? To worry about! Also
From the very little we hear from him, it looks like he's actually wanting to kill Lunar. How can you trust a guy who we've been told WILL threaten Lunar's family's life! If you have someone who's prone to doing that, DON'T GIVE HIM THE JOB OF DESTROYER! Also, he wants to kill F.C. A CHILD! Negative star power or not, he's still a kid! He deserves a chance to live have a life, look for a way to separate the negative star power from him don't just kill him!
Seriously, if Dark Sun's (Dusk's) plan involves the death of the Astrals, not gonna lie, I might root for Dark Sun.
The Astrals are cool, I don't hate them as characters, I wanna make that clear. I think their neat, but their also the type of characters that I love to hate cause they act like gods but are far from perfect. In conclusion...
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More Posts from Llamaisllama777
TSAMS,LAES,MGAFS review time!

So, Goodbye Eclipse, I guess it's nice he had a kinda little redemption arc, it's sad to see him go but it's for the best. Also the ending has me worried they really hammered it home that Earth really cares for Sun. Davis, Reed, DON'T DO THIS TO ME! DON'T MAKE ME SAD!
Also, can we talk about the differences between Earth and Lunar's expressions.

Earth looks sad and concerned...

And Lunar is just like, " And this affect me,how?"🤣 Seriously bless the person who makes their thumbnails.

SOLAR'S COMING BACK!!!!!! Eclipse actually did it. He saved Solar. But Sun does bring up a good point. "Why is Dusk(Dark Sun) helping? Why would he? What does he get out of it? WHAT IS DARK SUN'S GAME?!!?!?!?

And last but not least, Moon's coming back soon too gonna be a great reunion! But new problem... SUN KNOWS! Sun knows Monty and Puppet are bringing back Moon, and he clearly isn't happy, I mean, why would he? He's trading one Moon for another, and I feel like Sun is just done with Moons altogether(Maybe that's Dark Sun's goal? 🤔 make him hate Moon and ditch his family?) . Also, the ending.... are.. are they hinting that Henry help Creator build Sun and Moon! Are Sun and Moon technically Henry's kids?

Sundrop's omnitrix
(The Nova-trix)
Since I'm a massive Ben 10 and Tsams fan, I made an omnitrix for Sun. Here is the design and the aliens he would have in it. The aliens surrounding the watcha are the ones he would unlock instantly, and the ones next to those are the ones he'll unlock later in his adventures.
Thanks to @shi404 for the name idea. 🌞 ☀️

Haven't actually seen this episode yet but he's back! The og Moondrop has returned. Let's see how well this goes.

This went surprisingly well. I saw the thumbnail and thought, "Oh, dear, is Sun not accepting Moon back?" I mean, I wouldn't blame him if he did. But thankfully, everything seems to be going well, and now Moon basically has to get speed ran the Tsams lore. I love that. 🤣 also, his reaction to Lunar having powers is amazing! Glad to have you back Old Moon.

Earth is learning tech. This is going to come in extremely handy later. I can feel it. Maybe Moon can teach her, which would be a good bonding experience. Also...


So, Dusk (Dark Sun) removed Old Moon from Moon, which is VERY NOT GOOD! but silver lining Monty got Old Moon back. So, it looks like we're getting an Old Moon vs. New Moon fight, and I can't wait to see who comes out on top!
Also, I feel really bad for like everyone involved here. They're all going through so much they all deserve a LONG vacation after this. Also, Sun not carrying about Moon anymore is exactly what I wanted. @ikamigami has pointed to me that Sun is always dealing with the consequences of Moon's actions, and he very much fed up with it. This maybe Old Moon and not New Moon but Old Moon was far from a saint, too. I can imagine that even though Old Moon didn't commit those actions, he's still kinda responsible for them. His actions caused ALL this, leaving the kill code in Sun, creating the portal, etc..etc.. All Moon! Even if Old Moon isn't New Moon, He's still Moon, and I don't see any of them forgiving him anytime soon.

Ruin as Billy the puppet. Finished.