Viva La Revolution - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Look, Gemini, you've been pretty helpful so far.. BUT WOULD IT KILL YA, TO DITCH THE SECRETS!

Just tell Lunar and the others EVERYTHING! Forget what Leo, or Taurus, or Libra or whatever anyone else says! Tell them everything cause now we've got some new person named Cetus???? To worry about! Also


From the very little we hear from him, it looks like he's actually wanting to kill Lunar. How can you trust a guy who we've been told WILL threaten Lunar's family's life! If you have someone who's prone to doing that, DON'T GIVE HIM THE JOB OF DESTROYER! Also, he wants to kill F.C. A CHILD! Negative star power or not, he's still a kid! He deserves a chance to live have a life, look for a way to separate the negative star power from him don't just kill him!

Seriously, if Dark Sun's (Dusk's) plan involves the death of the Astrals, not gonna lie, I might root for Dark Sun.

The Astrals are cool, I don't hate them as characters, I wanna make that clear. I think their neat, but their also the type of characters that I love to hate cause they act like gods but are far from perfect. In conclusion...



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8 months ago




I am so happy they took a look at the fan songs, Mrs_shadow deserves more recognition, plus this was also my first time listening to 'I'm not him'

Very good song! šŸ‘ also, Earth and Lunar's little head pops during this was cute, and Lunar was absolutely vibing with his song.



The Goose jokes were funny, I hate to admit it, but they were also congrats. Sun, now you can turn people into Geese and light them on fire!!! I'm sure that'll come in handy.

Also, with all these D&D references in TSAMS,LAES, and Davis' Fnaf chronicles, I think it would be so much fun playing D&D with these guys.

And now on to MGAFS...



Only one thing about the new lore confuses me, and I hope they clear it up, 'Puppet/Charlie thing' to be precise. Oh, and real quick, I'ma just say it...


Yes Puppet shouldn't have gone back home knowing there was negative star power there


The Astrals had to know something like this would happen, and I don't want to hear them say something like, "We didn't think anyone be stupid enough to go there" Well someone did and it's your fault! They knew something like this could happen and didn't warn Puppet and Monty why...?

Cause don't care about other dimensions just this one! Understandable.... TO A POINT!

I really hope that Dark Sun's plan involves the death of at least most of the Astrals cause at this point the Astrals are just more trouble than their worth. I really hope someone puts the Astrals in their place soon. Sun? Dark Sun? Lunar? Anyone?

11/10! šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘

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6 months ago

Hey so I'm angry at YouTube now over what I learned they did yesterday, from what I learned apparently the reasons the Lunar and Earth Show got deleted. So one of the reasons YouTube deleted the channel was cuz they accused the voice actors of partaking in scams relating to Lunar Plush bootleg merchandise of one of their characters being sold on TEMU. But Davis made it clear on his Twitch Stream that him and his colleagues were not taking part in that and they were accused of this. And the second reason which Davis pointed out was because of one of their characters called "Dazzle the Deer" and over the fact that they revealed their backstory about what happened to Dazzle when she was alive and called "Evelyn" which which involves Sun getting possessed by BloodMoon and murdering her, and YouTube deemed it to violent resulting in what is happening now. Davis also said they had three requests sent to YouTube already to try and get the show back up and running but they were all denied, he made it aware to us that he only had one request left and if it gets denied then the Lunar and Earth Show will be gone for good. So he asked us his viewers to get the word out to try and make everyone aware of the situation any way possible on all platforms we have. And since Davis doesn't have an account here on Tumblr and there's a lot of people I saw here who are fans of the show i wanted to help by starting here so I wanted to make awareness of this to try and get people to make noise and get YouTube to reinstall the Lunar and Earth Show so it's not gone forever.

Davis Explaining the LAES situation:


You heard 'em folks. We have to get in contact with YouTube! Also really YouTube wants to argue about Dazzle now?!šŸ™„ Now?!


YouTube's logic is so stupid! You have dozens of Fnaf videos on YouTube some actually show the actually death of the kids! Why are you just going after Lunar and Earth show?!

Someone go to YouTube's official YouTube channel and Twitter accounts and explain to them respectfully mind you why their logic is flawed and how if they are going after the Lunar and Earth Show cause of Dazzle they have to go after EVERY Fnaf thing literally ever! And also explain to them that the creators aren't connected with the stupid temu Lunar plushies!

If any of you live near YouTube headquarters, try old-fashioned sign and chair protesting or maybe make an appointment with whoever can help with this situation.

If you're religious, pray to God and Mary they help us save laes

If you can draw, draw protest artwork and send it to youtube on Twitter or on your own channel

If you can write, write a letter to youtube explaining the situation.

If you work at YouTube/know someone at YouTube see what they can do. Maybe they can set up a meeting with someone who can help get the show reinstated!

But remember, be respectful and don't harass anymore who works at YouTube and don't be mean. We want the show back, but we have to be respectful.

We are not gonna lose the Lunar and Earth show!

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6 months ago

We are not giving up! Go to Twitter and write a strong, worded but respectful message to YouTube and TeamYoutube. <- (YouTube's accounts) explaining the full situation and maybe tell them what the Lunar and Earth show is cause they probably don't know if we're being honest. Lot of YouTube channels out there. Don't give up!

Let's talk about the bring back laes movemet.

As someone who's dealt with this YouTube bullshit before, I said on the tsbs server for the younger fans who are upset and panicking, it would take about two weeks maximum for YouTube to do anything.

Well, two weeks came and gone, practically half a month, within that timeframe, we are looking at a year.

While I do think Davis has the right idea, on "respectfully make some noise" and I do think he has the best intentions I don't think he knows what to do to get YouTube's attention and it's a frustrating situation. So I understand his frustration.


YouTube does not go there. They won't see it.

What you actually have to do as an audience is to @ The YouTube team on Twitter.

And while fanart to @ YouTube corporate is.... Ummm.... Fine??? Like they legitimately won't understand.

YouTube sorts through lots of emails and correspondence a day. They are a corporate run account.

It's like sending a picture of fanart to your boss about asking for a raise.

It just doesn't work and isn't appropriate for the situation.

Tagging things as #bring back laes or #save laes is... Better.

But, tagging YouTube in those things, they wouldn't know what laes is.

What has been shown to work. Is @ YouTube. And fully explain the situation and why you are atting them. Pretend you are writing a formal letter and this is the first time YouTube has ever heard of the situation.

This is the best possible method with the tools provided to us.

If you feel unconfident with your letter writing skills, feel free to use a template.

The number one best option to get YouTube to not drag their feet is for any of the VAs to do one of two things: Threaten Legal action. Which I don't think any of them are inclined to do, and likely don't have lawyers. Or actually KNOW someone who works for YouTube corporate. Which unfortunately I don't think they do.

So yeah. Strongly worded letters @ 'd over Twitter work best. Tumblr and Instagram noises will be far quieter, and fanart will just be misunderstood.

Good luck getting the channel back.

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9 months ago
Loving This Can We Declare Independence Now? I Wanna Reform This Stupid Government And As Long As We

Loving thisā€¦ can we declare independence now? I wanna reform this stupid government and as long as we are tied to Britain, we canā€™t actually work on anything (source: Gough Whitlam, google why he was kicked out of being prime minister)

(Context: Australia just had a public holiday for ā€œkingā€ English lizard boyā€™s birthdayā€¦)

The fact that the state of the world isā€¦ the state of the world, while some geezer wears a bunch of shiny stuff without doing shit is appalling. Wasting that much money on a figurehead while homelessness EXISTS is ridiculous. And thatā€™s not even touching on everything else going on, thatā€™s just the bottom line; people starve while a guy who does nothing but inhibit progress wastes the fragile construct of money that this society lives and dies on.

Can you tell Iā€™m a bit fed up with this shit?

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4 years ago
I Was A Police Officer For Nearly Ten Years And I Was A Bastard. We All Were.

ā€œI was a police officer for nearly ten years and I was a bastard. We all were.

ā€œThis essay has been kicking around in my head for years now and Iā€™ve never felt confident enough to write it. Itā€™s a time in my life Iā€™m ashamed of. Itā€™s a time that I hurt people and, through inaction, allowed others to be hurt. Itā€™s a time that I acted as a violent agent of capitalism and white supremacy. Under the guise of public safety, I personally ruined peopleā€™s lives but in so doing, made the public no saferā€¦ so did the family members and close friends of mine who also bore the badge alongside me.

ā€œBut enough is enough.

ā€œThe reforms arenā€™t working. Incrementalism isnā€™t happening. Unarmed Black, indigenous, and people of color are being killed by cops in the streets and the police are savagely attacking the people protesting these murders.

ā€œAmerican policing is a thick blue tumor strangling the life from our communities and if you donā€™t believe it when the poor and the marginalized say it, if you donā€™t believe it when you see cops across the country shooting journalists with less-lethal bullets and caustic chemicals, maybe youā€™ll believe it when you hear it straight from the pigā€™s mouth.ā€

Read the full article here.


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4 years ago

How do we ensure public safety w/o police? Check out this list on alternatives to policing

Alternatives to Police (PDF) by Rose City Copwatch (2008)

Alternatives to the Police by Evan Dent, Molly Korab, and Farid Rener

The Avant-garde of White Supremacy by Steve Martinot and Jared Sexton

Broken Windows is On Hiatus: Community Interventions We Can Enact Now for Real Justice by Hannah Hodson

Can We Build an Anti-Policing Movement that Isnā€™t Anti-Police? by Radical Faggot

Citizens, Cops, and Power: Recognizing the Limits of Community by Steve Herbert

Feeling for the Edge of your Imagination: finding ways not to call the police

A New Yearā€™s Resolution: Donā€™t Call the Police by Mike Ludwig

Not Calling the Police by Prison Culture

Origins of the Police by David Whitehouse

The Other Side of the COIN (PDF) by Kristian Williams.

Policing is a Dirty Job, But Nobodyā€™s Gotta Do It: 6 Ideas for a Cop-Free World by Jose Martin

Policing Slaves Since the 1600s by Auandaru Nirhan

The Shanti Sena ā€˜peace centerā€™ and the non-policing of an anarchist temporary autonomous zone: Rainbow Family peacekeeping strategies (PDF) by Michael Niman

Stop Kidding Yourself: The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People by Sam Mitrani

We Donā€™t Just Need Nicer Cops. We Need Fewer Cops by Alex S. Vitale

What Does It Mean to Be Anti-Police? by Alex S. Vitale

Where abolition meets action: women organizing against gender violence (PDF) by Vikki Law

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4 years ago

elijah mcclain was an unarmed 23 year old black man who was murdered by aurora police officers in august 2019. his last words were "im an introvert. im just different, thatā€™s all. im so sorry. i donā€™t have a gun. i donā€™t do that stuff. i dont do any fighting. why are you attacking me? i dont even kill flies. i dont eat meat...all i was trying to do was become better. i'll do all are phenomenal. you are beautiful. and i love you. try to forgive me. im sorry." and these words should be ringing in our ears forever. please go to this link to see ways you can help get justice for his case, we cant forget him

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4 years ago

i know we live in a male-dominated society and that creates a lot of problems but when it comes to celebrating milestones and accomplishments for diversity and change, please try to keep in mind that mostĀ ā€œmale-dominatedā€ spaces arenā€™t actually dominated by black men, gay men, trans men, disabled men, or men of color, so when we see those men making history itā€™s important we donā€™t look at it as just another man succeeding in a space biased toward male success, but as an amazing and much-needed milestone in the fight for diversity and for the recognition of marginalized groups!!! Iā€™m looking at you, fellow white women! We have allies in marginalized men; donā€™t write them off!!! Celebrate them!!!Ā Support them!!!!Ā 

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4 years ago

one thing that i hope will really come out of this situation with blm is that we will really take a step toward being truly united in the US. i hope we will be able to acknowledge all the bad things our country has done and move forward. i hope the selfish lack of compassion that so many people possess gets frowned upon and we can place people in our government who think of the people not power.

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4 years ago

Just told my therapist that the reason that I can't go to a new school is bc I'm not allowed to be a "queer socialist" in front of my cousins.

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8 months ago

This shot from the new glitch video lowkey feels like a declaration of war against corporate animation

This Shot From The New Glitch Video Lowkey Feels Like A Declaration Of War Against Corporate Animation


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1 year ago

Bro our government sucks actual ass, This is why I wanna ascend to another country that isn't America.

aglitchysylveon - A Corrupt Plane Of Existence

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