206 posts
I Just Thought Of Something Kinda Of Funny ...
I just thought of something kinda of funny π...
Ya wanna know what would be funny
I..if Nexus leaked the July 16th footage online for the world to see what really happened to those kids and as one last middle finger to Moon and the others. Ha ha... ha..
It's not funny. BUT IT WOULD BE STINKIN AWESOME! I can already taste the angst! I can see the thumbnail in my mind.
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Just finished watching this episode and HOLY COW!
TSAMS EPISODE analyzation: Solar is back

Hey, this is a new thing I'm gonna do on here where I analyze and theorize on things that happen in TSBSCU (The Security Breach Show Cinematic Universe). Today's episode: Solar is back.
πΆGuess who's ba... you get it. Solar's back.
Our favorite techie is back and...

He looks just like how he does in thumbnails! π² I'm so stinkin' happy! He looks so good! I thought this would translate well in vrchat, BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO LOOK THIS GOOD! Like dang! Props to the modelers and @ayyy-imma-ninja this looks so good! I always did love her designs for Solar. So, Solar wakes up and is obviously confused. One minute, he's home with Sun and Moon getting Thanos-ed by Ruin, and now he's in some strange lab he's never seen before. Thankfully, Solar is a smart guy and decides to try the computer and calls Moon. Now, if I was in Solar's place, I wouldn't be so smart, and I probably would panic and do something dumb like walk out onto the surface of the sun π Moon comes and picks up Solar and tells him "Oh ya the Moon you knew turned evil and tried to kill our sister also I'm not the Moon you knew, I'm the Moon you use to know."
Moon, give him a minute! He was literally only alive for 2:39 seconds. Moon give him a breather first! Anyways, Solar obviously doesn't believe him cause. Why would anyone believe that someone they've known for so long just went nuts and tried to kill his sister and has been replaced by his oldself.
Moon takes Solar home. Solar reunites with Sun and Jack. Jack yells the loudest, "FATHER!" He can and then runs to him like a golden retriever, and that is so STINKIN' CUTE!

Okay, anyways past how cute this is.
Sun breaks it to Solar that...ya.. Moon went bonkers and now goes by Nexus and to kill Earth, and of course Solar doesn't take it well. The Moon he knew. The Moon, who was his friend. The Moon, who was his brother. Turned evil and tried to kill Solar's sister... ya. He's gonna need a few days to recover from that.
Lunar and Earth are gonna be SO HAPPY when they find out Solar's back.
Now, before I get to the theorizing, let's take a look at Solar's new design and some clever design decisions in Solar's design.

Face is now more expressive, and he isn't stuck with a permanent grin, which I didn't have a problem with, but I like how expressive his face is now.

He's got some SKINNY ARMS! Eclipse made him so skinny and I find that hilarious.

There is now a metal plate over where the wires are on the back of Solar's head. Clever! Now, if Solar ever gets into a fight, no one can pull any of the wires on the back of his head for an advantage, which is a major design flaw in Sun and Moon, the robots meant to be around literal children who like to poke and pull everything they touch. Seriously, what stops someone from yanking the wires on the back of their heads and defeating them instantly. Moon pulled one of the plugs on Ruin's head to turn off Ruin's vision, so this was a smart design choice by Eclipse and the modelers and @ayyy-imma-ninja

I guess Eclipse sewed Solar some new pants and ran out of felt. I don't care if that's not what happened. This is what I think happened. THIS IS MY HEADCANON NOW!
Lastly, Eclipse gave him socks, and we all know why AS A FORM OF TORTURE cause everyone knows wet socks are a form of torture. That is my headcanon on why he gave him socks. (That does sound like something he would do just to spite Solar)
And lastly

He sit. I love the body movements on Solar, like the little point he does at his feet is just wonderful I don't know why but I love the little movements they do in this show like Earth's little ππ she does. I love it. It's tiny details like this that makes the show feel more real. You know?
And now on to the theorizing.
Here's what I think will happen next on with Solar's character on TSAMS.
We will inevitably get a Solar confronts Nexus in vrchat episode.
So, I have three ideas on what will happen next
Idea #1 Solar decides to see for himself despite everyones warning and finds away to meet uo Nexus either physically or with holograms of something point is Solar will confront Nexus, and they get it to an argument about what Moon did and Solar will be desperately trying to reason with his brother, asking him to come back and maybe they can fix this whole mess but Nexus will refuse and Solar will leave heartbroken and will tell Nexus as he leaves. "I'm so disappointed in you." To which Nexus will probably have a mental breakdown and may start to regret what he did.
Idea #2 Solar confronts Nexus they get into a whole argument about what Nexus did they fight and as Solar is about to leave Nexus captures Solar and is gonna keep him captive and either use him as bait for Sun and Moon or keep him hostage until he sees things Nexus' way.
Idea #3 they get into a fight, and Nexus, in a fit of rage, kills Solar. <- This is the least likely idea.
Idea #4 Solar decides to stay with Nexus. Not to help him with anything, no. But to keep an eye on him. Make sure Nexus won't hurt the family in any way and maybe to save Nexus from himself. Basically, solar becomes Nexus' Jiminy Cricket, trying to sway Nexus from the side of evil and it may lead to a similar thing to idea #1 or #3
Now, onto the biggest question we still have...
How does Solar being back benefit Dark Sun?
I thought Solar wouldn't actually come back, that the machine would malfunction and release a ton of negative starpower into the world, which would make the Astrals come to earth faster. But instead it actually worked! Solar is back but now how does this help Dark Sun?
Theory #1 Solar coming back will force Nexus deeper into this dark life cause Solar will reject what his brother has become and abandon him and that will cause Nexus to become even worse and go full villain if he wasn't already before.
Theory #2 Solar being back will force Sun out of the family spotlight. Allow me to explain. Solar will have everyone's attention for a while and Sun will probably feel left out cause Earth and Lunar will be spending all their time with him, Jack will want to spend time with Solar now too and he may take Dazzle with him so she can properly meet Solar and Sun will start to feel like he's losing everyone and that all he will have is Moon cause eventually they will all move on. Lunar may die or become a god and have to leave them all, Earth has her own life and stuff she probably wants to do. Maybe she'll start her own daycare away from Fazbear or something, and Dazzle may even "move on" one day leaving just Sun and Moon and I think Solar being back will cause Sun to start having those fears that one day everyone will leave him. Now, I'm not saying Sun doesn't want to be with his brother, but we all know Sun is still dealing with all the trauma Moon inflicted on him and we know one day something or someone will cause Moon to slip and do something that hurts Sun physically or emotionally and this may push Sun into the grasp of Dark Sun. I think whatever Dark Sun is planning involves pushing Sun away from his family and maybe turning Sun into second Dark Sun. Solar may be the catalyst for Sun abandoning his family, like how his death led to Nexus abandoning the family. Hopefully, though, this part of the plan will fail, but seeing as how Dark Sun's plan has been working pretty well so far, I think this part might actually happen.
I hope you all liked this and the theories I came up with. Let me know what you all think.
So, I've seen a lot of talk about the possibility of Sun maybe adopting Dazzle, and I would love that, but I want to know what does TSAMS fandom think?
Starting off with a wholesome one

Aw, Lunar and Earth show, when the other shows give us chaos, you give us wholesomeness. Earth and Eclipse's friendship is just amazing! She's the only person who ever gave Eclipse a chance and proved to himself that he can be good and that he does care, even if he wants to believe he doesn't. Earth, you did the impossible! π π π I also loved the little talk with Earth,Lunar, and Monty at the end. I just like it when the characters interact and have normal experiences and not have to worry about monsters, or villains, or other dimensions. They deserve a little break by the end of all this.
Next show!

and about the Stitchwraith none the less.
So massive spoiler 3,2,1,
The red crystal that gave Stitch his power that is now in F.C. ya, that one...
So, F.C. is in more danger than we thought! If Taurus or Creator find out about this, let's just say it won't be pretty! And to make matters even more interesting, Molten was MADE by the Crystal or from it. This star power is some crazy stuff if it can create a being that is effectively a living portal!
Molten has proven to be a great ally so far, we're gonna need all the help we can get if we want to stop Dark Sun and the other villains. Also, Molten is beginning to piece together why he was made and what he was built to do. He may have been built to hunt down and capture/kill anyone who posed a threat to the Creators, making ya wonder who these threats were? Are any of the still around? Are they betteror worse than Creator? Let's hope we don't find out.

or something like that? She cut her strings! Is this like if Shadow takes off his cuffs he gets more powerful is it like that? But does it come at the cost of everyone's memories of her? Cause she said she'd have to restring 40 years of her life? What does that mean? Did she just pull a "No way home?" In exchange for more power?
The fight between Puppet and Puppetmaster is gonna be some dragon ball level poo!
Puppet is done playing nice, and I'm genuinely scared of what she'll do and what she'd be willing to sacrifice to win. Eclipse, you have really proven your metal out there helping Puppet and the others even though you don't have to. ππππ Eclipse whether you like it or not. You're one of the good guys now! Davis, thank you for the Eclipse redemption arc.
11/10 π π π

I really love these Q and A videos they've been doing lately. A lot of interesting questions were asked in this episode, and two things I want to talk about that were brought up
1. Monty
2. Nexus
Monty treats Earth like a princess, and that is adorable! Monty does really love Earth, and it shows. Monty, yes, has his flaws (and crimes). Earth admits it as much, but when push comes to shove, Monty is a good person. He loves Earth and her family and wants to keep them safe. When poo hits the fan, Monty is there to help the family. He's the only one who is on Moon's level of intelligence next to Eclipse. He's Lunar's best bud next to his brothers and he is willing to risk bringing the wrath of the Astrals down on himself just to help and protect Lunar, and while yes, Monty and Sun have and probably will continue to butt heads, he loves that family TO DEATH! He shows he loves them and would do anything for them. Monty really has changed since the beginning of the show.
Now, onto Nexus...
Nexus, look, I'm sorry for what you went through. Losing Solar like that was hard, and I get it you were grieving. Everyone was grieving, and when you found a way to bring back Solar, you all jumped at that. And you felt a lot of pressure to bring him back not just for your sake but for them and also feeling pressured by Old Moon to "Protect the family" and "Do what it takes to keep them happy" you were under a lot of pressure I get it and you probably feel betrayed by them... but Nexus, you betrayed them first. You complained that Earth wasn't helping. She offered you help, but you rejected it! She asked multiple times. "Are you okay?" And you said "ya." Which was a lie. Even during family therapy, you lied and said you were okay. You weren't. You were willing to go behind everyone's backs and kill someone to bring Solar back. That's not okay. Even if it was a bad person like Ruin or Bloodmoon, that's still not good. Plus, you don't even know if Solar wants to come, and you forcing back to life in such a way probably wouldn't have gone over well. And when they all try to tell you that you are going over the deep end, you pushed them farther away, saying you don't care. And then after, they are forced to lock you in a cell to stop you from doing something stupid that you will regret look I get it you felt betrayed but Sun didn't mean to leave you in that cell for that long he got sucked into another universe and had to deal with Joker from Persona. He was gonna come back sooner, Nexus, he was. And then you get the idea to be the villain cause they are treating you like one.. Nexus, they aren't treating you like the villain, they were trying to stop you from doing something stupid. Then you go and try to kill Bloodmoon and are willing to let YOUR OWN SISTER die just so you can destroy Ruin and Bloodmoon. That's not right! And you act like you got betrayed? Buddy, YOU BETRAYED THEM FIRST!!!!!!! They didn't abandon you and try to kill you. They extend the olive branch to help you and help you work through your problems, but YOU said no. Not them. You went off the deep end and were going to do something the family wouldn't like, and something they knew wouldn't be good/would hurt you. They were trying to protect you cause you were their family, but you didn't care. You tried to kill your own sister. You called her "collateral." That is not cool. Whatever is making you out like this, maybe it's a shard of a Wither storm making you act like this, or maybe there is some chip in you making you like this, or maybe you did just snap but whatever the reason everything you did was not okay. You hurt your family, and depending on if this is really all Nexus' actions or he's being influenced by something will determine if he deserves some forgiveness or not.
If he is influenced by something, then ya, you deserve some forgiveness
But if this is just all him, then Nexus, you deserve NO forgiveness. You hurt your family, you tried to kill your own sister, and that is something that is hard to forgive. Don't expect them to cause no one would blame them for not forgiving him. No one like that deserves forgiveness.
Also fact I learned about Earth. Her favorite Mlp character is Fluttershy, same as Moon.

Well, Sun finally gets to relax... can't say the same for Moon tho.
Emperor Eclipse has re-entered the building yall!
So, Nexus is sending drones to Emperor Eclipse's dimension and Dark Sun has sent spies there to find the Wither shard, and now Moon and Emperor Eclipse have made a deal to help each other get rid of Nexus and Dark Sun. Add another ally to the list. Emperor Eclipse will be a very helpful ally, but he is an Eclipse, especially an Eclipse that won, so keep an eye on him.
Emperor Eclipse is actually kinda menacing, I don't know why? Maybe it's just the fact he won in his universe or his dimension or just his presence it scares me.

Eclipse and Puppet look super cute in the thumbnail! I'm sorry just had to say that.
So,Eclipse has been doing some dimensional tinder hunting and stumbled upon a new universe that spawned from the destruction of the 5,000 universes that Ruin destroyed. So this universe is like a patch-job universe. A universe made up of bits and pieces of the universes that got destroyed. So, in this universe, Roxy isn't around she was discontinued by the company, and Foxy took her place in this universe. Sun and Moon aren't separated yet in this universe, they might not even be the daycare attendent here? Freddy might not exist in this universe, and Henry might own Fazbear in this universe, not William. Also, Monty still exists in this universe. You can't escape him, Eclipse.
Puppet seems to like this place, Eclipse seems to like it too. So, it seems like Eclipse, Puppet, Foxy, and F.C. Will be leaving soon. What will become of the channel? Will Monty have to find a new co-host? Will Puppet and Eclipse take over the channel? Also, Puppet mentioned that if they take F.C. the Astrals may come after them. So, that might be a problem.
Good news Solar is coming back soon! π π
So, all and all awesome episodes, I loved all of them. The LAES one was cute, TSAMS gives us some more allies, and MGAFS gives us a look at a universe we may see a lot of soon.
11/10 π π π