206 posts
Hey, TSAMS Fans! Remember This Picture?
Hey, TSAMS fans! Remember this picture? 👇

This art is drawn by one of the thumbnail artists named Kiwi, and I love this art so much! I want to draw more of the TSBS characters as Marvel characters, but out-of-the-box ones. Give ideas on who you want me to draw as who and I'll do my best to draw them.
We already have
Sun as Deadpool - Sunpool
Solar as Wolverine - Solverine
Jack-O-moon as Gambit - Jackgambit <- (not a great name but couldn't think of anything else).
Who else should be Marvel-fied
Moon as Spider-man?
Earth as Thor?
Lunar as the Hulk?
Please 👉 👈 and thank you.
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Thank you The Lord!


Sunpool & Solverine & Dazzlepool!
Pardon Solar's language, folks. Also, Solar, watch your mouth. There is a kid here!
Also, thanks to @artemis-pendragon for the template.
I like how this turned out.
Sun's side-profile was a PAIN to draw! But worth it!
You wanna know a kinda dumb theory I have about TSAMS and EAPS
(The EAPS' Sun IS Dark Sun from the past!)
Yes, dumb theory I know... BUT HEAR ME OUT!
This Sun appears to some knowledge when it comes to tech related things, seeing as how he juryrigged the lightswitch, to not turn off the lights. (Dark Sun is very smart)
He dislikes his Moon. (But to be fair, most Sundrops probably do. This isn't exclusively a Dark Sun thing.)
And it's no secret that Puppet and Eclipse have not made the best impression on him. (They did force him to make a life or death choice within the first couple of days of meeting him.)
And he's now being forced to share his body with Moon. (He may see this as them taking away his freedom)
This could all lead to Sunrise snapping and becoming Dark Sun. But I hear you. "Llama, They dimension traveled not time & dimension travel." And you are probably right. (I did say this was a dumb theory but also possible one.)
But we know very little about this universe as well as Dark Sun's universe. What if when Ruin did all this dimensional "purification" stuff, it cause a rift not just in dimensions but time! I mean, there is a possibility that happened too. dimensional stuff and time stuff are probably closely in-twine. What if this "new" dimension is actually Dark Sun's universe before he became Dark Sun and that Puppet and Eclipse's interference and influence will cause him to become Dark Sun!
It also kinda feeds into another theory I have that the TSAMS and ALL TSBS are stuck in a time-loop (This is based off something Dark Sun mentioned in the Monty and Foxy show in the episode where Dark Sun visited Foxy, and off a comment on that video)
Tl;DR Puppet and Eclipse not only dimensional traveled but time traveled into Dark Sun's universe and will cause Sunrise to snap and become Dark Sun.
Is it dumb theory? ... yes. Is it full of holes?... ya.
Does it feel like something the show would do? Also, YES!
But hey, that's just a theory...

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
Welcome to another episode of Davis has to be in two places at once.
I like having Sun and Monty hang out it is really weird having them talk in a friendly manner and not trading insults or Monty trying to extort money from Sun and Moon. Lunar sleeping in the box room is priceless, and I want to see the inside of the Nutella room. And now on to the big thing I want to talk about
Spoilers in 3... 2.... 1....
Monty wants to ask Earth's hand in marriage!!!!!
Oh my gosh! Yes!
I love how Sun and Lunar were just like WHAT?!
I do agree with them. Wait, maybe at least a few more months or another Year Monts, but I also get where he's coming from they are all dealing with so much and could die at any minute. Why wait? But also, Monty, I'm pretty sure you still have plot armor. You'll be fine. You can wait maybe another eight months or another year. But none the less, I'm mega happy for them!
Also, did anyone else think Sun had some hesitation giving Monty his blessing, or when Monty told them that he wanted to marry Earth, Sun was a little hesitant about it. Obviously, Sun isn't Monty's biggest fan like at all. So, for a minute, he was probably thinking, "aaahhh, do I really want to be related to this guy?"
Love the hesitation there, Sun. What would have happened if he told him no? That would have been a sight to see. Sun just says no, and it starts a Sun v Monty arc? Or maybe an Earth v Sun arc?! All I'm saying would have been a sight to see.
Can't wait to see what will happen if Monty asks Moon and Solar about this.

So, GR! Ballora is trying to make some friends. Huh, I wonder why no one wants to be your friend? HMMMM? I really wonder why?! 😑😑😑
Anyway, Eclipse throwing shade at Puppet there at the beginning. Love it. GR! Ballora still can't get Puppet's name right, good to know.
Sunrise is taking sharing his time..... "well."
Ballora and Moon being friends is something I didn't know I needed till now.
Monty in this universe needs to chill a bit, she be crazy. 🤪 I mean our Monty is too but still.
They should really find away to make that Ballpit not as deep cause that is a lawsuit waiting to happen... and just when I was thinking Henry in this universe would make Fazbear better than it is in our universe.. guess I was wrong.
Eclipse.... what do you mean that you have something at the bottom of the ballpit? Eclipse, did you build a portal generator in that pit?!
Someone take away the blueprints to that thing! No one should have this! It causes more trouble than it solves! But it is Eclipse, so what do I expect?
The ending was cute. Puppet got to have a little girls' night with GR! Ballora and Monty. Never would've taken GR! Ballora as a Deadpool and Wolverine fan kinda love that.
11/10! Can't wait to see what happens next 👍
Also, I still hate YouTube for the Laes situation. I know they'll get it back soon, but dang, I really hate YouTube for that! YouTube fix your poop! Bring back the Lunar and Earth show! They did nothing wrong!

Eclipse... Puppet... if you wanted to make a good impression on Sun and Moon.... you kinda failed at that!
Eclipse is right. This Sun is selfish, but he's letting too much of his own feelings towards our Sun get in the way. He really wanted to kill this Sun. He might need to talk to Earth about those violent urges.
Puppet may be threatening to kill someone, but it isn't the best idea. I know they're trying to make sure the bad things that happened in our dimension don't happen, but... is this really the best way to go about it? This probably could have been dealt with in a more peaceful manor but I mean, this works too. But seriously, they might wanna start being nicer to Sun and the others... we don't need two Dark Suns.
I did really like this episode, tho. 👍