llamaisllama777 - LLAMAISLLAMA777

206 posts



Ladies and gentlemen....


They are back!

I am so happy that LAES is back! This is my favorite of the shows. Sorry, tsams, it just is.

Okay, on to the episode

Monty, Sun, Lunar, and Moon are playing Mario party. It's nice having them all play together all friendly-like just for fun and not for content.

Earth is freaking out. Just like us.

Earth's upset because her and Lunar just basically lost all the memory's they made and Lunar is just over here like "MY MONEY!"

It's nice to have them comfort Earth cause not gonna lie, I would be freaking out too. They gone for 3 weeks!

And it looks like we missed "his" arrival.


Dang, you, YouTube.

Just when their plot was starting to develop.

Lunar and Earth basically get told [Beep] off by what I can only assume is a YouTube agent. Twice.

I wonder if youtube was that jerky to the creators in real life? I mean, probably not but still.

Lunar and Monty casually bashing the other love that. And Earth agreeing with Lunar love that 🤣 I mean they're not wrong Monty.

Also, I love how they censored the spoilers by bleeping them. I want to know what they're saying.

I loved the ending, all of them just chilling while they wait for the channel to come back. Heartwarming. I hope the creators at least got a little rest while they waited for the channel to come back.

Someone in the comments also decoded what what Moon is saying and what the computer is saying. It translate to "Wait until you see what we got planned for tomorrow" and "Wait until you see what happens this week" or something along those lines. We are in for one crazy week.

Taurus is coming/is here.


Not only is LAES back, but so are the gaming videos... maybe. Having Old Moon and Solar play together is nice. Old Moon may not be "Solar's Moon," but they still work well together. I like having them bond. It's neat. I love having the gaming videos back, even if it's temporary. 😊


Lefty... buddy.. pal... never say those words ever again.

11/10 I'm so happy LAES is back!!!!!!


Oh.. you're still here? Sit down let's talk a bit.

Enjoy the rant about YouTube.

YouTube really messed up things didn't they? Three weeks, no laes. Look, YouTube is dumb.. but I didn't think they were this dumb!

YouTube, you guys need to FIX YOUR POO!

We could have lost The Lunar and Earth show!

Thank The Lord we didn't.

But this was too close a call! youtube has done a lot of dumb things, but this is the final straw for me! I was okay when you took away the dislike button. I was fine when you started not showing me the notifications for things, but then you didn't respond for a long time when a certain incident happened. And it took you way too long to respond and retaliate. Wow. Alright, I don't like you anymore. Then THIS! THIS!

This. Was. My. Final. Straw. I love these shows and if you go after one of them you might as well go after all of them!

You claim they're scammers. They're not. They don't have any connection to those knock-offs!

You say the show is "Too violent".... really.

We never see Evelyn's death! We never see the July 16th incident! This is like one of the most kid-friendly fnaf series ever. And you take them down!

I don't want anyone to get taken down, but if you were, why not go after one of the more violent fnaf series. Like that one series where William is a cannibal or baddington's series. No, you go after them.

YouTube, you are a hypocrite. You never learn. You may never learn until some other company makes a rival to YouTube and starts stealing your business will you?

I think we all need to start giving YouTube more scrutiny cause they need to learn to actually do their job and not rely on some bot. * Please note that we have no idea if a bot from YouTube is the reason why laes got deleted, but it's the most likely theory.

If you think YouTube is doing something wrong. Don't be afraid to speak up.

Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.

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More Posts from Llamaisllama777

7 months ago



Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!

Welcome to another episode of Davis has to be in two places at once.

I like having Sun and Monty hang out it is really weird having them talk in a friendly manner and not trading insults or Monty trying to extort money from Sun and Moon. Lunar sleeping in the box room is priceless, and I want to see the inside of the Nutella room. And now on to the big thing I want to talk about

Spoilers in 3... 2.... 1....

Monty wants to ask Earth's hand in marriage!!!!!

Oh my gosh! Yes!

I love how Sun and Lunar were just like WHAT?!

I do agree with them. Wait, maybe at least a few more months or another Year Monts, but I also get where he's coming from they are all dealing with so much and could die at any minute. Why wait? But also, Monty, I'm pretty sure you still have plot armor. You'll be fine. You can wait maybe another eight months or another year. But none the less, I'm mega happy for them!

Also, did anyone else think Sun had some hesitation giving Monty his blessing, or when Monty told them that he wanted to marry Earth, Sun was a little hesitant about it. Obviously, Sun isn't Monty's biggest fan like at all. So, for a minute, he was probably thinking, "aaahhh, do I really want to be related to this guy?"

Love the hesitation there, Sun. What would have happened if he told him no? That would have been a sight to see. Sun just says no, and it starts a Sun v Monty arc? Or maybe an Earth v Sun arc?! All I'm saying would have been a sight to see.

Can't wait to see what will happen if Monty asks Moon and Solar about this.


So, GR! Ballora is trying to make some friends. Huh, I wonder why no one wants to be your friend? HMMMM? I really wonder why?! 😑😑😑

Anyway, Eclipse throwing shade at Puppet there at the beginning. Love it. GR! Ballora still can't get Puppet's name right, good to know.

Sunrise is taking sharing his time..... "well."

Ballora and Moon being friends is something I didn't know I needed till now.

Monty in this universe needs to chill a bit, she be crazy. 🤪 I mean our Monty is too but still.

They should really find away to make that Ballpit not as deep cause that is a lawsuit waiting to happen... and just when I was thinking Henry in this universe would make Fazbear better than it is in our universe.. guess I was wrong.

Eclipse.... what do you mean that you have something at the bottom of the ballpit? Eclipse, did you build a portal generator in that pit?!

Someone take away the blueprints to that thing! No one should have this! It causes more trouble than it solves! But it is Eclipse, so what do I expect?

The ending was cute. Puppet got to have a little girls' night with GR! Ballora and Monty. Never would've taken GR! Ballora as a Deadpool and Wolverine fan kinda love that.

11/10! Can't wait to see what happens next 👍

Also, I still hate YouTube for the Laes situation. I know they'll get it back soon, but dang, I really hate YouTube for that! YouTube fix your poop! Bring back the Lunar and Earth show! They did nothing wrong!

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7 months ago


Thank you, God!

And thank you all. We did it!

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7 months ago

Hey so I'm angry at YouTube now over what I learned they did yesterday, from what I learned apparently the reasons the Lunar and Earth Show got deleted. So one of the reasons YouTube deleted the channel was cuz they accused the voice actors of partaking in scams relating to Lunar Plush bootleg merchandise of one of their characters being sold on TEMU. But Davis made it clear on his Twitch Stream that him and his colleagues were not taking part in that and they were accused of this. And the second reason which Davis pointed out was because of one of their characters called "Dazzle the Deer" and over the fact that they revealed their backstory about what happened to Dazzle when she was alive and called "Evelyn" which which involves Sun getting possessed by BloodMoon and murdering her, and YouTube deemed it to violent resulting in what is happening now. Davis also said they had three requests sent to YouTube already to try and get the show back up and running but they were all denied, he made it aware to us that he only had one request left and if it gets denied then the Lunar and Earth Show will be gone for good. So he asked us his viewers to get the word out to try and make everyone aware of the situation any way possible on all platforms we have. And since Davis doesn't have an account here on Tumblr and there's a lot of people I saw here who are fans of the show i wanted to help by starting here so I wanted to make awareness of this to try and get people to make noise and get YouTube to reinstall the Lunar and Earth Show so it's not gone forever.

Davis Explaining the LAES situation:

- https://youtu.be/VWFG0LO9oU0?si=-NY8vzCip0QzKLeh

You heard 'em folks. We have to get in contact with YouTube! Also really YouTube wants to argue about Dazzle now?!🙄 Now?!


YouTube's logic is so stupid! You have dozens of Fnaf videos on YouTube some actually show the actually death of the kids! Why are you just going after Lunar and Earth show?!

Someone go to YouTube's official YouTube channel and Twitter accounts and explain to them respectfully mind you why their logic is flawed and how if they are going after the Lunar and Earth Show cause of Dazzle they have to go after EVERY Fnaf thing literally ever! And also explain to them that the creators aren't connected with the stupid temu Lunar plushies!

If any of you live near YouTube headquarters, try old-fashioned sign and chair protesting or maybe make an appointment with whoever can help with this situation.

If you're religious, pray to God and Mary they help us save laes

If you can draw, draw protest artwork and send it to youtube on Twitter or on your own channel

If you can write, write a letter to youtube explaining the situation.

If you work at YouTube/know someone at YouTube see what they can do. Maybe they can set up a meeting with someone who can help get the show reinstated!

But remember, be respectful and don't harass anymore who works at YouTube and don't be mean. We want the show back, but we have to be respectful.

We are not gonna lose the Lunar and Earth show!

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