Reblog If You Want - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

I'm hero 😊


If you want to, that is... please do. It's nice to.

llamaisllama777 - LLAMAISLLAMA777
llamaisllama777 - LLAMAISLLAMA777

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6 months ago

Davis’s statement on TLAES.// SHARE!!

MAKE SOME NOSIE PEOPLE! Now we have to go yell at YouTube to bring the Lunar and Earth show back! They think it is some sort of scam thing cause of the Lunar temu plushies!

They aren't the ones making the plushies YouTube, you dolt!

Go to YouTube's official YouTube channel and tell them this! Minus the dolt part.

Go to anywhere where YouTube has an account and complain. Tell YouTube they made a mistake! If YouTube wants to be dumb let's make them wise up!

Let's see what else Davis has to say. Keep an eye on his accounts and share whatever information he tells us. But as for now, Rise up! ✊️ and tell YouTube the stupid mistake they made!

And if you are religious, pray. We could use God's help on this.

The Lord is our help.

And one more thing.... please be respectful. We don't need to make the youtube overlords mad. We need to realize their mistake, yes, but be nice. We don't youtube thinking we're some kinda of mob or hit force.

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6 months ago

Hey so I'm angry at YouTube now over what I learned they did yesterday, from what I learned apparently the reasons the Lunar and Earth Show got deleted. So one of the reasons YouTube deleted the channel was cuz they accused the voice actors of partaking in scams relating to Lunar Plush bootleg merchandise of one of their characters being sold on TEMU. But Davis made it clear on his Twitch Stream that him and his colleagues were not taking part in that and they were accused of this. And the second reason which Davis pointed out was because of one of their characters called "Dazzle the Deer" and over the fact that they revealed their backstory about what happened to Dazzle when she was alive and called "Evelyn" which which involves Sun getting possessed by BloodMoon and murdering her, and YouTube deemed it to violent resulting in what is happening now. Davis also said they had three requests sent to YouTube already to try and get the show back up and running but they were all denied, he made it aware to us that he only had one request left and if it gets denied then the Lunar and Earth Show will be gone for good. So he asked us his viewers to get the word out to try and make everyone aware of the situation any way possible on all platforms we have. And since Davis doesn't have an account here on Tumblr and there's a lot of people I saw here who are fans of the show i wanted to help by starting here so I wanted to make awareness of this to try and get people to make noise and get YouTube to reinstall the Lunar and Earth Show so it's not gone forever.

Davis Explaining the LAES situation:


You heard 'em folks. We have to get in contact with YouTube! Also really YouTube wants to argue about Dazzle now?!🙄 Now?!


YouTube's logic is so stupid! You have dozens of Fnaf videos on YouTube some actually show the actually death of the kids! Why are you just going after Lunar and Earth show?!

Someone go to YouTube's official YouTube channel and Twitter accounts and explain to them respectfully mind you why their logic is flawed and how if they are going after the Lunar and Earth Show cause of Dazzle they have to go after EVERY Fnaf thing literally ever! And also explain to them that the creators aren't connected with the stupid temu Lunar plushies!

If any of you live near YouTube headquarters, try old-fashioned sign and chair protesting or maybe make an appointment with whoever can help with this situation.

If you're religious, pray to God and Mary they help us save laes

If you can draw, draw protest artwork and send it to youtube on Twitter or on your own channel

If you can write, write a letter to youtube explaining the situation.

If you work at YouTube/know someone at YouTube see what they can do. Maybe they can set up a meeting with someone who can help get the show reinstated!

But remember, be respectful and don't harass anymore who works at YouTube and don't be mean. We want the show back, but we have to be respectful.

We are not gonna lose the Lunar and Earth show!

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6 months ago

We are not giving up! Go to Twitter and write a strong, worded but respectful message to YouTube and TeamYoutube. <- (YouTube's accounts) explaining the full situation and maybe tell them what the Lunar and Earth show is cause they probably don't know if we're being honest. Lot of YouTube channels out there. Don't give up!

Let's talk about the bring back laes movemet.

As someone who's dealt with this YouTube bullshit before, I said on the tsbs server for the younger fans who are upset and panicking, it would take about two weeks maximum for YouTube to do anything.

Well, two weeks came and gone, practically half a month, within that timeframe, we are looking at a year.

While I do think Davis has the right idea, on "respectfully make some noise" and I do think he has the best intentions I don't think he knows what to do to get YouTube's attention and it's a frustrating situation. So I understand his frustration.


YouTube does not go there. They won't see it.

What you actually have to do as an audience is to @ The YouTube team on Twitter.

And while fanart to @ YouTube corporate is.... Ummm.... Fine??? Like they legitimately won't understand.

YouTube sorts through lots of emails and correspondence a day. They are a corporate run account.

It's like sending a picture of fanart to your boss about asking for a raise.

It just doesn't work and isn't appropriate for the situation.

Tagging things as #bring back laes or #save laes is... Better.

But, tagging YouTube in those things, they wouldn't know what laes is.

What has been shown to work. Is @ YouTube. And fully explain the situation and why you are atting them. Pretend you are writing a formal letter and this is the first time YouTube has ever heard of the situation.

This is the best possible method with the tools provided to us.

If you feel unconfident with your letter writing skills, feel free to use a template.

The number one best option to get YouTube to not drag their feet is for any of the VAs to do one of two things: Threaten Legal action. Which I don't think any of them are inclined to do, and likely don't have lawyers. Or actually KNOW someone who works for YouTube corporate. Which unfortunately I don't think they do.

So yeah. Strongly worded letters @ 'd over Twitter work best. Tumblr and Instagram noises will be far quieter, and fanart will just be misunderstood.

Good luck getting the channel back.

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5 months ago

The Sun and Moon show au!

God!Sun or TheGoldenSun!

[A Sun rises. A Sun and Moon show fanfic]

Moon was messing around on his computer in the daycare. "Finalizing designs." The computer said over the speakers of the daycare. "How long till completion?" Moon asked, clearly looking antsy. "5 minutes." The computer replied.

"Too long long. Expedite it." Moon said with a sense of urgency. "Will do, sir." The computer began to expedite the process. The loading bar started to move faster. First 3% then 25%, 56%, 77%, 99%, till finally the computer lit up. A big download complete box appeared on the screen.

Moon smiled widely. "Yes! It's complete!" Moon pushed a button, and Moon watched as his newest invention sprung to life. Literally. The toys jumped up, striking a similar pose that Sun and Moon would do when children would first enter the daycare.

Moon and Sun action figures.

The toys' eyes lit up, glowing a fine baby blue color. Moon picked up the sun toy and pushed the button on the back of it. The toy began to move. Moon put the toy back on the desk and watched it jump,twirl,and roll around the desk.

"Hi there!" The toy spoke in a slightly higher pitched voice similar to Sun's. "I'm Sundrop, and this is my brother Moondrop." The toy motioned for its other half to do it's thing.

The Moon toy stood up and began to do similar spins,tricks, and flips like the Sun toy had done before landing perfectly and striking a pose.

"Well, hi there, kiddie. I'm Moondrop!" The toy said in a excitable tone that was very unlike regular Moon. Moon chuckled.

"Fully operational." Moon said as he picked up the toys and turned them off. The toys' eyes faded from blue to black and said, "Goodbye, kids" and "Good night, kids"

Moon smiled and dropped the toys into a box. "Just in time for Christmas." The computer said"

"Yep" Moon replied.

"The kids are gonna love this."

"Hey, computer, can you check on how Earth and Monty are?" Moon asked as he started to box up more of the Sun and Moon toys he had just built.

"Of course, sir. According to Earth's last internet post, she and Monty are visiting the Great Wall of China and are on their way to visit the Terracotta solider statues."

"Sounds nice." Moon replied. "Still can't believe Monty is our brother-in-law in now.... sister-in-law? Them-in-law?" Moon asked, confused on what to call Monty.

Sun then walked into the daycare. "Hey, Moon. Hey, Spaniard."

"Hey, brother." Moon said over his shoulder as he moved a box elsewhere.

"Hello, Sun." The computer replied.

"What'cha doing?" Sun asked as he saw the dozens of boxes. His face lit up as he saw what the boxes were full of.

"Ahhhhhh! You finished them!" Sun said as he darted towards a box full of the toys. He grabbed one and pressed the button on its back.

The toy did spins, flips, tricks, and even sang songs to Sun. "These are so cool, Moon. Thank you. The kids are gonna love these!" Sun said in awe at his brother's craftsmanship.

"Thanks, but I really should be thanking you." Moon said with a genuine smile.

Sun looked at Moon nervously and asked, "Y.. you should thank me? W..wh..why?"

Moon found Sun's reaction was a little odd, but he just brushed it off. "Well, you're the one who gave me the idea to make these more advanced toys of us. You said you "wished the kids could take us home with them so they always have a friend with them.""

"Oh, ya, I.. I did say that."

Moon placed a hand on Sun's shoulder. "Hey, bro, you okay?" Moon asked, concerned with how his brother was acting.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be okay?" Sun said as he brushed Moon's hand off his shoulder.

"You just sound... I don't know... nervous for some reason."

"Me? nervous? No." Sun said in a very obviously nervous voice. "I'm not nervous. Why would I be nervous?"

Sun grabbed one of the boxes and started to carry it to where Moon had placed the other boxes for pick up.

Moon could see through his brother's thinly veiled lie. He was nervous for some reason.

Suddenly, it all clicked for Moon.

"Oooh. I know why you're nervous." Moon said in a somewhat mocking tone.

Sun froze with fear. "Y... you did?"

"Yep. It all makes sense."

Sun started to panick internally. "Not again! Not again! Not again!" Was the only phrase that kept popping into Sun's mind. Did his brother really figure it out again?


Sun could feel everything start to slow down. No. No. No. He couldn't do this again. Sun waited for his brother's next words with dread.

"Have a girlfriend!" Moon exclaimed.

Sun stared at his brother for a few seconds and laughed. A wave of calm washed over Sun.

"Bahahahahaahahaha! No, Moon, I do not have a girlfriend."

"Oh.... then why are you nervous?"

Sun froze again. He needed to think of a way out of this. He didn't want to lie to his brother, but he also couldn't tell him the truth. Thankfully, like clockwork, an employee walked into the daycare. "Hey, Sun. Hey, Moon."

The employee said as he waved to the two brotherly bots.

"Hey, Tim." Moon said as he returned the wave to the young employee. "Hi, Tim." Sun said as he placed the box on the floor. "What's up?"

"I got the trucks pulled. We're ready for the toys." The employee took a peak into one of the boxes.

"Yoo! These look really cool! Can I have one?" The human employee asked.

"Sure. Why not?" Moon said in reply.

"Go ahead. We're not gonna say no." Sun replied.

"Sick!" The young human employee said. "Thanks, boss!" The employee said as he pocketed two of toys and lifted the boxes onto a dolly and pushed them out the door.

"See ya, boss."

"See ya, kid." "Bye, Tim." the two brothers said as they waved goodbye to him.

"Nice kid, glad we hired him." Moon said as he walked back to his station.

"Ya. He's a good one."

Sun noticed that Tim's unexpected visit had actually saved him from having to lie to Moon and had made Moon forget their previous conversation. Sun was relieved. Sun decided to switch the topic of conversation even more.

"So, um, have you heard from Earth today?"

"Hmm? No, not yet she's been busy. Her and Monty are still on their whole exploring the world trip. From what I've heard, they're in China currently."

"Oh, nice." Sun replied.

"I'm happy for them. They've been working hard lately they deserve the vacation."

Moon nodded in agreement."We should take one soon."

"That's not a bad idea, but it'll have to wait till after the holidays." Sun said, loving the idea of taking a vacation with just his brother it would be like the old days back when it was just Sun and Moon.

"I can wait till after Christmas." Moon said as he began to tap away at his keyboard. "Where would you like to go?"

Sun thought about it. There were a lot of places he'd love to go, so it was hard to just choose one.

"I.. I don't know... Tokyo?"

Moon bounced the idea around in his head a bit but ended up rejecting it. "Nah. Germany?" Moon suggested.

Sun shook his head. "No, we went there with Freddy and Toy Chica once, remember?"

"Well, we can go again."

Sun just shook his head, no.

Moon rolled his eyes. "Vegas?"

Sun laughed at that suggestion. "What are we? Monty?"

Moon laughed at his own suggestion, too. "Ya, I can see it now, I'm cheating a blackjack while you're losing our entire business at the slots machines."

"Hey, I would not lose!"

"Suuuurrrree, buddy, sure." Moon said with one last chuckle.

Sun and Moon stayed in the daycare, talking about possible vacation locations until Spaniard spoke up. "Sirs, you got a message from Lunar."

"Play it." Moon said, not taking his attention off the computer keys.

A very loud scream was heard over the speakers. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Sun and Moon jumped with fear.

"Oh jeez!"

"Ah! What?!"

An evil little laugh was heard over the speakers.

"Sorry, guys, haha." Lunar laughed.

Moon sighed and shook his head while Sun held his chest, checking for a heart attack even though he didn't have a heart.... that he knew of.

"H..hey, Lunar." Sun said, still clutching his chest.

"Hey, guys! I'm coming over for dinner tonight. Do you want me to pick up anything?"

Sun thought about it for a minute. "Pizza, maybe? No! Spaghetti." Sun said.

Moon yelled up to the speakers. "Get me fettuccine!"

"Got it." Lunar said. "Oh by the way Monty's dad is with me. He says he's coming over too."

"Great." Sun said rather unenthusiastically. Ever since Monty and Earth tied the knot, Monty's pops had been coming around Sun and Moon's house a lot. They had no idea why. Moon's current theory is: Monty's dad is just bored and looking for some guy friends to hang out with.

"Tell him not to touch the dvr!" Moon yelled at the speaker. "I am not watching twelve hours of British soap operas with him again!"

"Got it." Lunar replied.

"When will you be home?" Sun asked.

"Umm... another ten... maybe nine minutes?"

"Okay, we'll see you then."

"Bye, Lunar."

"Bbbbyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!" Lunar said as the computer ended the call.

"Has his voice gotten louder?" Sun asked.

"Don't know, but it sure sounds like it."

Sun was about to make another comment on how their brother was till he heard the fimilar jingling of bells.

Moon and Sun turned their attention to the door to the daycare. The doors opened, and in stepped a brown skinned human girl with green emerald like eyes and two pigtails that had hair ties with bells wrapped around them.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed as she ran to Sun. "Dazzle!" Sun exclaimed.

Sun ran and picked up Dazzle and trapped her in a big hug. "Ooooh, Dazzle. What brings you here? You know Daddy's working."

"Better question: How did you get here?" Just as Moon asked that question, they heard a knock on the door. Solar was leaning against the door lightly knocking on it. "Sup?" Solar said.

"Hey, Cuz." Moon said still not taking his eyes off the computer.

"Solar? You brought Dazzle here?"

"Ya, the little tike called me and asked me to bring her here." Solar said as he removed his goggles.

"Dazzle, you know you aren't allowed to use the phone unless it's an emergency." Sun said very, very lightly, scolding Dazzle.

"But there was an e..emergency." Dazzle said.

"Oh? And what was the emergency?" Sun asked.

"I missed you."

Random aws was heard from somewhere. Sun looked around the room, confused, wondering where the aws were coming from. All eyes fell on Moon who was messing with his computer.

"Sorry, I was watching some cat video."

Moon pushed the play button and more "Aw"s were heard.

Sun just smiled and shook his head. "Welp, while you're here, you wanna see the new toys Uncle Moon made?"

Dazzle gasped. "Ya! Ya! Yaa!"


"Sure. Here you go." Moon tossed Sun two of the toys, Sun caught them and handed them to Dazzle. Dazzle gasped when she saw them. "They look just like you guys!" She exclaimed.

"You think they're cool now? Just push that button right on their backs."

Dazzle flipped the toys over and pushed the button on their backs. The toys stood up and grabbed each other's hands, and did a tumbling routine. Dazzle laughed as they did.

"They're amazing!"

"I know, right?" Sun said, complementing his brother's work.

"You made those?" Solar asked as he examined the toys.

"Ummm... ya. I make toys." Moon replied.

"Since when?"

"Since forever." Moon said, kinda thinking Solar would know the answer.

"Oh, I didn't know. Neat." Solar said, complementing Moon on his toy-making skills.

"I could swore you knew." Moon was surprised, sure him and Solar weren't that close, but he figured he would at least know about his doll making hobby.

"W.. well, let's not swear." Sun said, trying to change the topic of their conversation.

"Hey, Dazzle, Your Uncle Lunar is coming for dinner."

Dazzle gasped again. "Yaaaaa! I like Uncle Lunar, he's small like me."

Sun laughed and patted Dazzle on head. "Yes, he is, and one day, you'll be taller than him."

Dazzle laughed and clapped for joy at the thought of being taller than her Uncle Lunar. Then she could pick him up like a plushie and carry him around.

Solar took a brief glance at his phone. "Hey, we should probably get going. Jack is in the car, and he's getting antsy being in there alone."

The whole room fell silent as Sun and Moon turned their gaze to Solar. Solar looked around the room, confused and slightly concerned.


"You left Jack... in your car.... unattended?" Sun asked with a hint horror hidden in his voice.

"Umm... ya. How much trouble can he really cause? He's strapped in the backseat tighter than Fort knox."

Just then, Solar felt his phone vibrate. He looked down at it, and his calm, indifferent expression faded into one of shock, confusion, and concern.

"How did he manage to crash into a lightpost?! Was he actually backseat driving or something?"

Solar exclaimed.

Moon shrugged. "Hmh? You made him. You should know."

"Well, I don't."

Solar sighed and rubbed his eyelids.

"Alright, let's go check and see if Jack is okay and if the car is still in.... driveable condition, shall we?"

Moon nodded and followed behind his cousin.

"You coming, Sun?" Moon shouted from the next room. "Ya, in a minute!"

"Okay, Dazzle, you follow your Uncle Moon and Solar while daddy deals with some adult business."

"Okie-dokie." Dazzle said just before she sped off after her uncles.

Sun smiled and let out a content sigh. Sun's expression changed from one of contentment to one of seriousness. Sun sat down on the follow and closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Sun spent what must have been a few seconds like that till he opened his eyes and was in a completely different realm. The whole place looked like space. Stars and planets littered his view. He turned his view to a very fimilar figure in the distance. Sun got up and walked over to the figure.

The figure swirled his wine glass and took a sip of it as the figure hummed a song to himself. Sun stood behind the fimilar figure.

"I'm here." Sun said with a serious tone.

The figure smiled and finished his drink. The figure turned around, revealing himself to be a variant of Sun who wore a black and red tux vest. It was Dark Sun.

"So, you are." Dark Sun said with a villainous smile. "Tell me, my little wanna-be god, how are things on earth? I saw you almost slipped up back there."

"I don't want to do this anymore." Sun said plainly.

Dark Sun looked puzzled. "You'll have to be more specific. What exactly do you not want to do anymore?"

"Lying! I don't want to lie to Moon anymore or Solar or Earth or Lunar or anyone! I'm done lying!"

Sun said sternly. He had lied to his family for too long now and had done too many things he needed to get this off his chest. He could feel the weight of his guilt and secrets crushing him!

Dark Sun let out a small chuckle at Sun's words.

"Oh, you'll keep lying cause if you decide to blow the lid off this little secret of ours and go back on your word, I can't promise I won't go back on mine. "Dark Sun said sinisterly as his eyes began to glow a deep,dark blood red.

Sun stiffened up at his dark variant's threats.

"Y... you ww.. wouldn't dare." Sun manage to stutter out

"Oh, I dare." Dark Sun replied.

"We've done a lot of good for the world, Sun," Dark Sun said as he placed a hand on Sun's shoulder. "Why ruin it just cause you feel a little guilty to bumping off some old furry?"

"We didn't kill him."

"But he certainly isn't here anymore, is he?" Dark Sun said. Dark Sun could see his words had cut through Sun.

"Good boy. Now, run along and be with your family. Oh, and remember... no one must find out what we did. I don't want you spilling your guts out to anybody. Cause if you do, I can either erase their memories again like the last thirty times or maybe.... I'll come up with a more... "permanent solution" if you know what I mean?"

Sun's eyes widened in fear. "Don't you dare touch them!" Sun yelled as he raised his hand, and a golden light formed around his hand. A blast of air was sent flying at Dark Sun. The blast sent Dark Sun's wine glass flying, and invisible force began to choke Dark Sun. Dark Sun struggled to break free from Sun's magic grasp. Dark Sun watched as Sun's eyes began to glow a gold color. Dark Sun couldn't help but laugh.

Sun confused dropped Dark Sun. "Why are you laughing?" Dark Sun interrupted his own laughter."Cause you're starting to look so much like him."

Sun's became filled his regret, and his face reflected that. Dark Sun just chuckled.

"You're starting to remind me more and more of Nexus and Golden Freddy every day, ya know that?"

Sun couldn't even bring himself to look up at Dark Sun. He just looked down into the cosmos below him.

Dark Sun placed a firm but gentle hand on one Sun's shoulders. "It's alright. I get it you don't like lying to your family, BUT you know if you told them the truth what they would have, you do."

Sun nodded his head slowly in agreement.

"As much you or they hate it,Sun, we did a good thing. Probably the BEST thing for the universe. Because of us everyone is happy. You get a peaceful life with your family with no Fazbear or Creator, Monty gets his dad back and a happy and quiet life with Earth. Lunar doesn't have to deal with the stress or fear of the Astrals and his powers, and Moon doesn't have to face the repercussions of his actions and doesn't have to worry about accidentally creating another star or Eclipse or something. We did the right thing, Sun. It may not feel like it. Heck, it may NEVER feel like it, but we did do the right thing, I assure you of that."

Sun was just silent all of Dark Sun's speech. He wanted to argue with Dark Sun, but part of him didn't want to, believing that Dark Sun was correct and that they had done the right thing.

Dark Sun patted Sun on the shoulder. "Now, run along. Dazzle and the others are probably wondering where you are. Oh, and Sun.... don't do anything stupid." Dark Sun said as he returned to his work of watching over the universe and guarding it against all magical threats.

Sun began to walk away. He looked down at his still glowing hand. He had the power to be a god. He had the power to protect his family and keep them safe. He had the power for everything to go right for once.... but this wasn't HIS power. It was Golden's, and he stole it. Sun took one last look at Dark Sun and began to meditate again.

"It's tough to be a god, Sun. But it's tougher being mortal."

Sun couldn't disagree with Dark Sun's logic. It was better to be a god and deal with the dark secrets he had to keep than to be mortal and have to go back to the way things were.

When Sun opened his eyes, he was back in the daycare. He checked his phone. He had thankfully only been gone for a minute, but to him in that realm a minute felt like ten years. Sun picked himself back up, dusted his uniform, and put a big fake smile on for all to see and began to skip out the door after Dazzle saying,

"Dazzle, wait for me!"

Hope you enjoyed part 1 of The Golden Sun au. More to come.

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10 months ago

School Drama Rant!!

I play cello in my schools orchestra in the advanced strings class, two people who are fake ass toxic ass friends lets call one Ky and the other Tay (both female ky age 14, tay age 12), so Ky is dating my I guess buddy lets call him Tjts (his initials) so ky and tjts ate dating but tjts has been hanging out with tay and calling her "love" and "timbits" even though she likes dunken donuts better and she's loves the white ass latte or frapuccino from Starbucks the fuck? anyways so ky used to sit at my lunch table and some info on ky and tjts they've fucked and ky has had multiple pregnancy scares I think like 4, 3 or 4 idfk and I honestly wouldn't have minded/cared if ky didn't wanna sit with us but she was fucking GLARING at us and so was tay and apparently tay says I always complain (which I don't i'll say something about being sleep-deprived because insomnia + sleep anxiety + other anxiety + ADHD doesn't make sleep easy)(I'm so proud of not many wrong spelled words so far, dyslexia isn't winning today) and stay says I'm mean to which I'm not and she tlks shit bout me eve though shes one of the worst bass players I've ever fucking met and I played with a base player who was on his phone almost 24/7 and he never paid attention and he played better than her the fuck and she says I play bad and I'm not confident in my music and I'm off beat when I'm not she needs to stfu so I mess up every now and then and I approach new and difficult pieces not timidly but like slower and not as confident because I never fucking played that piece anyways so we have theory since the three of them stay + ky + TJTS are always together now that they are a throuple and also stay says she is a lesbian but TJTS is a man so idfk know whats up with that but anyways, also she flirts with me all the fucking time and so does TJTS and honestly TJTS is 16 so technically if he dates TAY it's illegal at least based on what I learned if your a teenager it's illegal to date someone under 13 but yk he doesn't care bc he says "Game is Game" So yeah that what I have for now I might make another part of the rant sometime or maybe one of my friends will add to it who knows

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7 months ago

Please read this!

This is not silmarillion or fandom related, but I need you guys know something. I woke up today and checked my tumblr and it said I had a new follower with a name along the lines of "Dave Johnson." I've already blocked the account but it looked similar to this:

Please Read This!

And I was like "why would this guy wanna follow me?" So I looked at his likes and following and I saw a single account related to Tolkien. Since the beginning, I was already catching on that this is a scam, but this made me certain. To reassure myself 110%, I looked up the name and around 10 accounts with the same name appeared.


If this every happens to you, make sure to report and block the user. Never give out your personal information on social media and remeber to be safe!

Here's an article I also used

No, a lottery jackpot winner isn't giving you money. How to spot a scammer
North Jersey Media Group
Whether it's through emails, text messages or social media, someone looking to give you a fortune is just looking to make a fortune by scamm

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This deserves to be reblogged

I know I'm probably crossing into controversial territory here, but I'm so sick of logging onto Tumblr just to find people talking shit about Jimmy and wishing the most horrible things imaginable over a single fucking thing. He's not a creep, he's not a pedophile, he's not a Satanist, he's not an asshole, and he doesn't deserve even a fraction of the hate he gets. I see it all the time and it's sickening what people wish on him.

I might as well address the elephant in the room first. Lori's story is pretty hard to find information for since she couldn't tell the truth to save her life (I frankly can't stand her because of that), but I did manage to find the actual facts:

First of all, it was never a "passionate long-lasting love affair", it was actually only a few months (they never hooked up again after that, even in the 80s) and they weren't "madly in love" or whatever. I'm frankly not sure which of them technically initiated the relationship (although it's something to take into account that Jimmy is much more reserved than most musicians (like, say, Jagger), and Lori was a groupie for a reason), but it wasn't the way Lori described it at all. She wasn't kidnapped by anyone, and the version about Jimmy waiting in his hotel room with a cane and no clothes on is the most ridiculous rubbish I've ever heard. This isn't fucking West Side Story. They did meet at a show, though. He recognized her as a model since she was at least decently popular, but it's not like he was just waiting on the edge of his seat for a chance with her.

Secondly, this girl was absolutely not groomed. While there are certainly some tragic stories about grooming and pedophilia in the music industry (or just the entertainment industry as a whole, really), Lori is NOT a part of it. Most of these girls, including her, knew what they were doing but didn't care. After all, why would they? It was (for the most part) socially acceptable at the time, even if it wasn't legal. There are lots of women out there who will admit to sleeping with older men while they were 12-17, I've heard it myself. Does that make it right? No, but it's not like she was pushed against a wall or coerced in any way, shape or form. Despite how her stories change every time she tells them, she has said she looks back on her time with Jimmy fondly (Jimmy was very good to all of his lovers, but whether they were good to him is a different story that I'll get to later). Does he? Not really, no. He hardly talks about it and I can't blame him. But if he could go back, it's something that wouldn't have been repeated. He is a human being who made a mistake that just like every single one of us has, yet for some reason he apparently deserves to go to hell for it. It makes no sense to me. One mistake shouldn't define who he is as a person. And by the way, the "Jimmy Page if minors" memes aren't funny and you know it. Stop.

Anyway, as for what I said about past lovers, it's honestly tragic. First it was Jackie DeShannon, the same girl that kept him physically retrained in a hotel room against his will and assaulted him at least once, all while insisting that she loved him. And he believed it. One of her two songs about him, "Don't Turn Your Back On Me", basically gives the message of "we are going to last last forever. And if we don't, yes we will. Fake it 'til you make it, or else." It creeps me out. Next it was Charlotte, the same woman who allegedly cheated on him several times (even though he was faithful to her just like every other woman he was with), started heated arguments with him constantly (one time during a fight she even slapped him hard in the face while wearing several rings, which likely drew blood), and always retained a very "well he's okay, I guess" view on him even when they were having a baby. Jimmy, on the other hand, adored her and tried to give her the best. He even once said something along the lines of, "as long as I have Charlotte, I'll be okay" when he felt threatened. Basically, he would've crossed an ocean for her while she wouldn't have crossed a puddle for him. Their entire story actually reminds me a lot of Since I've Been Loving You, and he deserved so much better. Maybe there were even more incidents like these that never made it to the public, even though I don't think they're very well-known. Naturally there was also Lori, who was - to put it lightly - way more trouble than she was worth, and just her existence unfairly taints his reputation. There were also a few times when screaming girls mobbed the stage and started taking his clothes off, although I suppose they don't count for this bit.

But imagine if that shit was reversed. He would be crucified. And the best part? People actually turn it around to make it sound like it was him doing all of that. Absolutely rich. I really think people hate him just for the sake of it.

Another thing is his interest in the occult and how he's typically assumed to be a Satanist, because he gets plenty of hate for that, too. I'll put it this way: if I were to be super interested in, say, sharks, does that make me a marine biologist? Even if I study sharks for hours and visit the aquarium every week, even if I buy a whole bookstore about them, does that make me one? No, of course not. I don't see a difference. I know many occultists practice witchcraft and worship Satan and a bunch of really creepy things, but he's not one of them.

People also dislike him just for being a general asshole, and that's just as wrong. He's a sweetheart, a gentleman, and he's actually pretty funny, too. This is the same guy who rushed to help Robert up back when he was on crutches and fell in a studio. Robert said he'd never seen him move so fast. He's been there for Robert through a lot, and I think it should be said that the only reason he wasn't present at Karac's funeral was because he was physically unable. 1977 was obviously one of the worst - if not THE worst - year for him as far as his health; I think we all know that. He had even lost so much weight that his clothes from school were huge on him. But when the media came after him for answers on why he wasn't there, he accidentally made himself look pretty callous (as far as Jones goes on the situation, my guess is that he just already had vacation plans or figured it wasn't his problem anyway).

Also worth mentioning, Jimmy has done TONS of work for charity. He joined and played a part in Task Brazil, the ABC Trust, the Ahmet Ertegun Education Fund, Childline, Mount Sinai Hospital, MusiCares, the AIDS Memorial Campaign and Racehorse Sanctuary (I believe these are also supported by Robert, naturally).

This is also the same dorky guy who was found in a literal pillowcase by a roadie who was sent to wake him up. The same guy who sneezed while recording the Stairway to Heaven solo and grew frustrated with himself and started apologizing while the rest of the band couldn't stop laughing their asses off. The guy who knows not to take himself obnoxiously seriously and can laugh at himself, and has a great sense of humor. He's shy and reserved, but he's always been kind enough to notice when other people have needed help. He's always been a very polite "yes sir and no ma'am" kind of guy who says gosh instead of swearing and has a very soft voice. He's also the ultimate mama's boy, and still is even with her gone.

Sometimes he even says the most beautifully poetic things ever. "I'm just looking for an angel with a broken wing." "I remember when I was young I used to run along railway bridges with 250 foot drops... just dancing..." I mean, come on.

I'm not sure what about this guy is worth hating.

Anyway, that's my soapbox. Thanks.

Also can't fit this onto a picture, so just sharing as is. Thanks, anon!

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3 years ago

U hav cld probably dress up as miss frizzle n pull it off

U Hav Cld Probably Dress Up As Miss Frizzle N Pull It Off

Don’t mess with the frizz!!

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7 months ago
Im Guessing Its A Sign I Need To Watch This Show XD

I’m guessing it’s a sign I need to watch this show XD

Tagging @abyssthing198 , @jyoongim , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @redfoxwritesstuff , @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog

Look up your name in the gifs and show the first gif that comes up

Look Up Your Name In The Gifs And Show The First Gif That Comes Up

@absurdumsid @inka-boi @childofthest4rzz @tobi-draws @largefound

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5 months ago

Me when reading @fraugwinska and @redvexillum , and @redfoxwritesstuff fics 🩷🩷

you ever read a fic so good you want to sit around and discuss it with people english class style

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