If This Isnt Some Serious @sixpenceee Shit, I Dont Know What Is. No, I Dont Have A Clue As To How I Found

If this isn’t some serious @sixpenceee shit, I don’t know what is. No, I don’t have a clue as to how I found this, but you can find the book here:

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ways to cleanse your life (or, at least, ways I do)
* take a deep breath, hold, and release in a way you can hear it leaving your body (if you can’t exhale loudly, try exhaling while making a “shh” sound)
* put your phone on the charger and leave it there
* throw laundry (especially towels/sheets) in the wash
* put everything away (shoes, clothes, books, tuck it away– if it doesn’t have a designated spot, give it one, even if temporary)
* take out the trash, then do another sweep with a garbage bag to check for more
* open all the windows (if possible/applicable)
* put on a pot of coffee/tea
* put on gentle instrumental music
* drink a glass of cold water slowly
* wipe down or spritz everything with florida water or rose water
* pull things you don’t wear/use out of your closet or wherever and toss them in a box/bag for donating (think about a happy feeling you’ve had with each item as you add it, that’s a little blessing)
* clean out your purse/backpack and place in it only the items you absolutely want/need in it
* sort the apps on your phone/items on your desktop into neat folders or groupings; delete what you don’t need
* do a backup of what you need & update your operating system/software(s)
* vacuum/sweep (consider using a carpet refresher if you’ve got carpet, I use baking soda with a little essential oil mixed in– sprinkle over your carpet, leave for a few minutes, and then vacuum up)
* go through your wallet– get rid of receipts you don’t need, business cards you don’t need, etc.
* put something fresh, simple, cheap, & yummy in the oven (look up easy one-pan meals online, there are tons, my favs involve roasting carrots and potatoes); even if you don’t feel like eating much you’ll enjoy whatever you do eat & you’ll probably have some leftovers too (which makes me feel abundant, idk about y’all)
* rinse off your feet and put some lotion on them
* wash your hair
* wash your face, even if just with a wipe or some cool water
* brush your teeth/swish some mouthwash/swish some cool water (or if you’ve got a sore throat, swish & gargle some warm salt water)
* write down your favorite poem/prayer on a piece of paper and stick it where you can see it, or write a couple things you’re grateful for
* put spare change in a cup/bowl, do the same with paperclips, bobby pins, hair ties, etc. whatever little things get scattered– find appropriate place(s) for your cup(s)/bowl(s) as you go (ex. I keep my bobby pins and hair ties in a dish on my nightstand, paperclips on my desk, and coins in a jar on an altar)
* make a list of simple, broken down tasks
* spritz a pillow/stuffed animal with something nice smelling & then hug it frequently
* change your clothes/underwear (bonus points if you change into a neutral color like white, black, grey, or a nude that fits your skin)

based on this meme
/apologies if this has been done before, it just jumped into my head and I had to make it a thing before it fell back out
Here’s the FAQ I should’ve done a long time ago.
What sigils do you draw? I will do anything that sounds safe and does not harm others. However, I do not feel comfortable doing sigils about serious health issues (something like “I recover from my cold” is fine though). I also look at requests on a case-by-case basis so I might reject your sigil if it makes me uncomfortable, but I’ll try to provide alternatives.
What are sigils? Sigils are a representation of your intent (a goal you want to reach). You can use them by charging them (raising energy and putting energy into them), which would direct the energy into manifesting your intent. It’s a form of spell casting, as fundamentally you’re using it to make a wish come true.
How do I write out my intent? Think of a statement that explains what you desire. Write it out in a way that it sounds confident and concrete, not something wishy-washy. Also, write it in present tense (“I am happy” not “I will be happy.” This is because I want the statement to be true right now, whereas if you write them in future tense it may mean that the thing you want is going to happen in the future and that future may not occur soon or it may never come.
How do I draw sigils? There’s this classic method which is to write out your intent, strike out the vowels and rearrange the vowels into a symbol. This blog explains it better than I could http://thesigilwitch.tumblr.com/post/118304045694/how-do-you-make-sigils
Personally, I find that method formulaic and restrictive, so I tend to just go with the flow and use my intuition.
When drawing the sigils, try to feel the result of the sigil in you while drawing it. For example, if you want the sigil to make your friendships stronger, try to feel the joy of being with your friends and the love you have for them while you are drawing the lines. If you do this then there will be some energy in the sigil even before you actively charge it.
With drawing the actual lines themselves, I tend to draw them intuitively. For example, if I’m making a sigil about strength I might use thick, straight lines as they connote power and stability. If I’m making a sigil about luck or change, then I’ll use more fluid lines to represent flexibility. Follow your guts! Sometimes I’ll add in circles or extra lines in order to balance out the sigil too. In my opinion, what matters the most is your intent - a sigil is just the visual representation of what you want.
How do I charge sigils? For charging, some people like to charge sigils using external elemental energy so they would put the sigil in sunlight/moonlight and visualize the sigil soaking up the energy like some solar panel. Another way is to activate it by burning the sigil. Or, you could just use your own personal energy. For me, I like to put my hand on the sigil and visualize energy flowing up from my core, through my arms, down my fingers into the sigil until the sigil feels ‘full’.
I think the problem some people may have is that they find it difficult to sense energy (whether it be from an external source or from themselves). With external energy, it can be somewhat easier as you can physically feel it. Eg: if you leave your sigil outside in the sun, you can feel the actual paper getting warmer and hotter the longer it stays under the sunlight and you can use that sensation of heat to help visualize the energy.
With your personal energy, I suggest you try and find what element your energy is attuned to, what feels ‘right’. If you’re more of a fiery person, you can perhaps visualize your energy easier as flames. Your centre may be a swirling mass of magma, and you could see your energy as fire sprouting out, roaring and raging, burning its way down your arms and fingers until it reaches the sigil and lights up the lines you’ve drawn. You may feel that your energy is softer, more watery. Your energy may come from this pool of water with a never-ending bottom, the energy spilling out from the pool and rushing down your veins like water rushing down a stream until it soaks up the sigil.
Trust your intuition when sensing energy. Believe in your guts to know what feels ‘right’. Use your feelings to sense when the sigil feels ‘full’.

Goodbye, Stress: Bath & Body Works Has Released A Nano Bath Bomb That Makes Your Blood Smell Like Soothing Lavender
If you’re feeling anxious or stressed right now, here’s some great news: Bath & Body Works is turning the bath-bomb game on its head with a new product that pushes the frontier of wellness and relaxation. Earlier today, the beauty company unveiled a nano bath bomb that dissolves in your veins and makes your blood smell like soothing lavender.
Yes! We can already tell these are going to totally change the way we de-stress. Read more