Sigil - Tumblr Posts

I've finished all the Major Arcana of the deck I'm working on :)

“Let this place be made whole again.”
Uses: To heal a place, especially a home, after a trauma or hardship. To restore neutral energy to one’s surroundings.
It may help to chant “Let this place be made whole again” until the sigil is complete.
Creator: A.P. Ottovan
Warnings: This saps a lot of energy from the caster, depending on the size and connection to the place.

Dont think I posted this? Well, here it is anyway. It doesn’t really mean anything I just thought it was cool
![All In This Home Remain Unharmed [all Remain Unharmed]All In This Home Remain SafeFrom Man, Beast, Shadow,](
![All In This Home Remain Unharmed [all Remain Unharmed]All In This Home Remain SafeFrom Man, Beast, Shadow,](
All in this home remain unharmed [all remain unharmed] All in this home remain safe From man, beast, shadow, and all creatures alike Those living within this space are to remain unafraid of those things that lurk outside of it Rest is assured Peace is guaranteed The creatures of the day and night will not enter here uninvited [do not enter uninvited]

This cool Sigil I made for a DnD game. I really like it, even though itt doesn’t mean much. It’s supposed to be branded onto a hand or arm. What the sigils mean: (The Bigger One): May this one When pressed Speak to me (The Smaller One): A life taken By this one Is power given Unto me
I have an unbelievably hard time trying to get away from my past. Sure I have a lot of good memories there but I always end up thinking about something bad that I regret... I must always remember that new, better memories will always come in the future whether I wish for them or not.

“Move On From The Past”
Keep this sigil near where you sleep, preferably under the bed or mattress.
Somebody else:
Draw this sigil on the back of a photo of your target. Set out on windowsill during the new moon.
Simple Protection Sigil
One of the things we all think of is protecting ourselves from negative energy whether it feels physical or could very well be mental. We all have to take measures in protecting the mind and body from these forces and to keep a positive outlook for you, your family, and friends.
Today I want to show how something as simple as a paper Sigil can help accumulate that positive energy and protection we all so desperately need in our home and work lives.
Making a Sigil for Protection:
A sigil can be made any way you feel most comfortable with making. A sigil is a symbol that means something to the castor, not necessarily for all to know. I usually always start out by drawing a circle and, going clockwise, I write out each letter of the alphabet until the letter 'z' is near center. Once finished I will circle the first letter of what I want my sigil to mean. For this one I spelled "Protect." I continue by drawing straight lines until the last letter where I will draw another circle.

Once I have the draft done I will then practice drawing the sigil freely and make any changes to my liking until I feel that the symbol not only looks pretty, but also feels powerful.

For the final draft I marked my sigil in blue marker as blue corresponds with protection, safe journey, and intuition. Before using a sigil, I always ground myself for a few minutes thinking of the intention of my newly created sigil, letting the intention flow from you and into the symbol itself.

Now time to place the sigil! One of my favourite places to put a sigil is on the front or back door of my home so that the effects can be felt by all who enter my home including friends, family, and the spirits that wander in. You can place it anywhere you feel like it is necessary and it can be out of sight on your person or somewhere hidden in the office, work, or school that you only know about or even out in the open. The intention of the sigil will last as long as you remember that it is there and if your intentions are still flowing into it regularly.
This method can be used to make any sigil using whatever other words that you can think of and using the colours of your choice for your correspondences.
Happy sigil-making!

To Poison the Mind
Begin by mixing black mustard seeds with a blend of powdered red, chile pepper and sulphur. Reserve a few tablespoons and use the rest to cast a small working circle. Within, draw the above seal with red or white chalk.
Upon the seal, take a walnut and carefully crack it open down the “seam” doing as little damage as possible. Remove the nut from within and pulverize it. Blend the powdered nut with the reserved mustard/chile mixture and return it to the shell. You may recite a curse – naming the target, or simply spit maliciously therein with their name (and your intention) on your lips.
Seal the halves as best you can with wax from a black hex-candle (an inverted black candle that has been lit from the bottom) and wrap around with black thread or yarn nine times. You may then seal it further with the wax if you so choose.
Bury this in their yard or place it in a black bag and hang it from a tree upon their property. The madness will come.
Add a little zing to the ritual by tossing in a sprinkle of goofer dust and/or bathing the charm in crossing oil.

I designed this sigil a year ago while coping with some small tragedies. It’s a sadness catcher. Give it all your sorrow and angst and it will leave you feeling new. I’m turning it into a painting but the process is slow.

“I Take Care Of Myself”
Keep this sigil in your room, in your bathroom, on your fridge, in your purse or pocket. Keep this in areas to remind you to properly take care of yourself and your health. You deserve to be happy.
Low Energy/Effort Witchcraft
Are you perpetually busy? Never have any spoons? This might be the post for you. Note that not everything here may be considered low energy or low effort to everyone, and that's okay :)
Carry a crystal around based on what you need. I have a black tourmaline bracelet that absorbs negative vibes throughout the day. I stick it on a selenite slab when I get home to cleanse overnight, then rinse and repeat in the morning.
Put a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money. If you have time, draw a sigil or a $/£/€ on it.
Dedicate anything you drink to your deities if you have any. I dedicate water and black tea to everyone and my favourite raspberry tea to Hathor. Coffee is for Caim.
Enchant your pill case so you remember to take them on time. Enchant your pills to work efficiently. ("Anxiety begone. Ye be banished" on all of my anxiety pills ✌️)
Draw a sigil on your body wash bottle to remove bad vibes or carve a sigil in a bar of soap.
Enchant your moisturizer to repel the evil eye. I fucking love this one.
Incorporate colour magic into the socks you wear (Goths who wear hot pink socks, I'm looking at you).
Enchant your charger so it doesn't break and so you don't lose it. Enchant your phone too while you're at it.
Sorry, I love enchantments--
Match those big ol jar candles to different intentions. Burn a cedar candle to cleanse/banish. Burn a cinnamon candle to draw in prosperity. Burn a citrus candle to uplift mood. This one is fantastic for broom closet witches.
Got a humidifier? Fill it up with moon water. You're welcome ;D
Politely ask the spirits of your plants to ward your space. Feed two birds with one scone this way.
Witchy social media. Scrolling on Tumblr and learning something new about witchcraft counts as witchcraft imo. Saving tarot spreads from Instagram for later counts too. Making Pinterest boards for literally anything also counts.
Keep a digital grimoire if doing it on paper costs too many spoons. I have used Google docs & drive in the past but I currently use Notion (You can copy and paste this way!)
If you still want a physical grimoire, print your stuff out and stick it in a binder or glue it in your journal. Boom. Physical grimoire
Listen to witchcraft related videos in the background while you do other tasks or chores in your home
Preparing a meal? Toss in spices that correspond with good health and drawing in positivity, or any other intention you have
Enchant your glasses to help you focus and "read between the lines" or see what wants to remain hidden (this one is a lifesaver at my job)
How I Make Sigils

Hello my lovely friends! As you probably have seen, I love using sigils in my spell jars, and I thought I would make a little tutorial for you all about how I like to make sigils. Keep in mind there is no right or wrong way to create sigils, but this is my preferred method :)
This is the method I use copied directly from my grimoire. If you want to learn more about my grimoire and how I like to organize my witchy life, just lmk :)
You Will Need:
- A piece of paper (or a digital way to do it, I did this example on my iPad)
- A pen
- An intention
1. Come up with your intention. This should be worded in present tense, and can be as specific (I have a successful career at NASA as an aerospace engineer) as you want to make it. Normally, I would recommend airing on the more specific side, as having a clear intention in mind is essential to spell work!
2. Write out your intention on a piece of paper. For this one I will be using my protection sigil you can find here. My intention was: I am protected and grounded as I am reminded of my inner strength.

3. Cross out any vowels, including 'y'

4. Cross out any repeating letters

5. Using the chart below, write out the number correspondences

6. Draw out your number circle. Again, there are many ways to do this, but this is the method I prefer

7. Finally, connect your lines and dots! When I hit a repeating number, I add a dot to where the number was previously used and skip over it, connecting to the next number (This is pretty hard to explain via text, so I highlighted where I did it on the sigil with the numbers 5 7 1)

As you can see, I added the dot to the 7 and connected the 5 and 1 together with a line, since those are both first time numbers
8. Practice your sigil and add a flourish or two and you're done!

For @lemongrass-and-daydreams who requested this tutorial :)
Little book of coping spells
Recycled penguin book