Tarot Spread - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
The Self-Exploration Tarot Spread

The Self-Exploration Tarot Spread

Who I Am Right Now

My Short Term Goals

My Interests and Passions

My Emotions

My Inner Demons

My Fears

My Drive

My Long Term Goals

My Future Self

I recommend not using reversals for this particular spread, but you can still use them if you prefer to do so. 

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4 years ago

solitude tarot spread

Solitude Tarot Spread

this spread is used for people who just need some time alone. it helps you understand being alone and helps you to be at peace with yourself and your own mind.

card 1: why am i alone? this card can be used to tell people the root problem of something. if school or work life has burnt them out, if friends are being too clingy, why do you feel the need to be alone?

card 2: is it ok to be alone? sometimes, being alone causes us to feel lonely. sometimes, it helps us regenerate energy. this card does just that. it says what will happen as you‘re alone, and whether it‘s ok to be like that for a while.

card 3: clarity. draw this card and meditate on it. this card means a lot of things. who is there for you, the difference between being alone and being lonely, let it speak to you and tell you what it‘s trying to say.

card 4: getting back to others. we can‘t be alone forever. this card will tell you the best course of action to get back out into the world, and when.

card 5: ourselves. we are all alone sometimes. this card will hopefully connect you with all those who are alone as well. mediatate once more, and understand that none of us have to be truly alone. rethink about why you are alone.

card 6: solitude. this card respresents you, and your feelings about being alone. it represents a clear mind and unobstructed thinking.

sometimes decks will not do this spread! it requires a deep connection and it requires your deck to think outside the box, giving you the cards that don‘t necessarily mean one word answers, rather a range of information.

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4 years ago
How Is Everyone Doing? Lately, I Find Myself Getting Lost In The Demands Of Meeting Career And Life Obligations,
How Is Everyone Doing? Lately, I Find Myself Getting Lost In The Demands Of Meeting Career And Life Obligations,

How is everyone doing? Lately, I find myself getting lost in the demands of meeting career and life obligations, while also trying to pretend that everything is “business as usual” in the middle of a pandemic. We may not notice right away, but if we are not careful to respond to our body’s signals, everyday stress can easily turn into chronic stress. Little problems become big problems. Worry turns into anxiety. With so much chaos around us, it is even more important that we all take time to recognize when we need to take a step back and breath. To use a familiar flight analogy, we have to put on our own oxygen mask before assisting others. Helping yourself first is not selfish. It’s making sure that you are well and taken care of so that you can continue to do what you do. This week, I would like to encourage anyone reading this to take a break. Take some time for you. Check in with yourself. What do you need at this time to feel fully supported and safe?

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7 months ago

☽ Bella’s Tarot Tip

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⋆ ☆ ⋆ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⋆ ☆ ⋆ ✩₊˚.

For those that want to get a bit more creative with their tarot spreads: Pick a song you like and see what lyrics call to you, then play around with them to turn them into tarot prompts

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⋆ ☆ ⋆ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⋆ ☆ ⋆ ✩₊˚.

Song example: Artemísia by Noturna Régia

Lyrics: “Illuminate me, transform me, free me, inspire me”

How my tarot spread turned out:

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⋆ ☆ ⋆ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⋆ ☆ ⋆ ✩₊˚.

 Bellas Tarot Tip

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7 months ago

Fiction vs Reality — Curb Your Anxiety

Using cards can be an excellent tool to aid you in both examining and challenging yourself to help you learn and grow. Sometimes it’s not only important to understand where you’re coming from, but to push back against it.

In this post, we’re taking a peek at our fears and worries, and finding ways to become calm. (See my previous spreads: analyzing your ‘normal’, or healing your inner child.) Feel free to read through and save it for later, or take this time to breathe, make space, get out your journal, cards, and explore.

Regardless if you follow along with your cards, I do highly recommend using a journal, one that is for your eyes only. That way, you can feel free to be as open and honest as you need to be.

Fiction vs Reality Curb Your Anxiety. Question one: What is the absolute worst case result or scenario? Question two: What is the absolute best case result or scenario? Question three: What is the most likely & realistic result or scenario? The mind is very good at imagining different outcomes and frameworks, to the point where an anxious mind can easily spiral out of control. Sometimes our fears are lessons that don't apply in the current situation. How can you remind yourself of what's real?

‘To spiral’ or ‘spiraling’ is the term associated with your thoughts, emotions, or actions going in an endless feedback loop of negativity, often getting worse the longer it goes on as each thing piles up on one another — and can happen in the blink of an eye! With anxiety, especially those of us with a disorder, this can be a frequent, and difficult to control occurrence.

One moment could be fairly typical of a very normal event — perhaps you need to pick up groceries. But there are some looming clouds. What if it starts to rain? What if it’s a downpour and visibility is low? What if you get into an accident? What if you need to go to the hospital? What if your insurance doesn’t pay? Etc etc. It can go on forever if you don’t find a way to stop it, and bring yourself back to reality.

Let’s walk through an example reading with this spread using the scenario I already laid out above. (So if it made you anxious, keep reading, and hopefully it will help calm you down!) If these cards spur something in you, by all means pause reading and journal your thoughts.

I thought I’d use an oracle deck this time, to make this exercise feel more approachable. Use whatever deck calls to you, or no deck at all!

A photo of three cards from the Urban Crow Oracle deck: Upheaval, Direction, and Freedom.

Deck: Urban Crow Oracle

What is the absolute worst case result or scenario? — Upheaval

I swear I shuffle my cards, haha. But certainly this feels like a disaster waiting to happen. Perhaps that car crash is a multi-car pile up! The medical bills could be overwhelming, you may end up deep in debt that takes decades to pay off, if you ever do. Gosh, and the impact to your family, with it already being so hard to stay afloat before, how could you manage now? Your life will be turned upside down with no one to blame but you! (See how these thoughts keep building and building, growing worse and worse? But keep reading!)

What is the absolute best case result or scenario? — Direction

As the crow is bursting with light, guided by it’s knowledge that not only will the ride there be smooth and safe, with nothing but green lights getting you from your home to the store, there will be no distractions in your wake. Those looming clouds will change their course, leaving you focused on the goal at hand. Once you arrive, as you traverse each aisle, your hand will immediately reach to every item you need — and wow, it’s on sale! Everything is discounted! With that money you saved, you can easily afford that birthday gift you really wanted to get your spouse, and then some! (See how these thoughts build and build as well? To the point of absurdity. What could possibly be every fantastical thing that happens? But keep reading!)

What is the most likely & realistic result or scenario? — Freedom

And for the real deal, we have ‘Freedom’. Freedom to leave your house and drive to the grocery store. It may involve some red lights or traffic, but you’ll still get there. You are certainly ‘free’ to pick some music or a podcast to keep you entertained and relaxed. Maybe it will rain, but you have the choice to take it slow and safe. You have the freedom to pick and choose your selection of food, of course to a point within your budget. Maybe you do happen to find at least one thing on sale. And maybe you decide to pick up a pint of ice cream for dessert. (Or breakfast :P Who’s to say?) Armed with the knowledge that no matter how anxious you may feel, you have the wings to fly to another place of mind — to peace of mind. (See how mundane this was? How ‘boring’ or simple it feels? Real life is not so extreme, find a healthy spot in the middle.)

I hope you’re feeling better now ;)

So go ahead, write in your journal. Take inspiration from this example reading, use your own cards, or free-write. But write!

Ask yourself: How can you remind yourself of what’s real?


Thank you for reading! I hope to continue to blog about tarot, mental health, and similar topics. Feel free to follow, or support me on Ko-Fi.


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7 months ago

Quick Diagnosis Spreads

I have a long form post in the works about my philosophy when it comes to spreads so keep an eye out for that but I thought it would be helpful if I shared some of the spreads that I work with. 

I’m much more likely to use these spreads listed here when I’m drawing cards for myself or someone close to me. That’s usually because I’m pulling them in response to a particular situation where the bulk of the information I need is already present and I’m just looking to uncover what else I might need to consider. 

Most recently, I used the first one listed here when my girlfriend lost a stone that was very important to her at a Beltaine celebration. She felt that it was significant and not merely an accident but wasn’t sure how to figure out what had happened and why. So I used the first spread I’ll show here to figure out what had happened from the perspective of a deity she works with and how to resolve it. 

So I recommend these spreads for similar situations but I’m sure they would also make for good quick spreads when reading in social situations too where you don’t want the reading to be to lengthy but you want to give people something interesting and meaningful. 

The Story 

Quick Diagnosis Spreads

1: Past

2: Present

3: Future

4: Resolution/Ultimate Outcome

This is spread is very action oriented which is why I used it in the situation with my girlfriend - I already know my girlfriend and who she is in that situation. What I needed to know was what had happened more precisely. Also the resolution card here was very helpful because it showed us when the issue would be resolved which is separate from the future/what is going to happen next. It let us know what she had to do in order to make amends in the situation. 

The Character Arc

Quick Diagnosis Spreads

1: Signifier 

2: Past

3: Present

4: Future

I’m not a big fan of doing third party readings (though I totally respect people who do it ethically) so I don’t often use this for anyone other than myself. It helps me understand how I might be seen in a situation or what I’m bringing to the situation along with the actions that resulted. Times I’ve used this spread are after a bad date, after fighting with a coworker, and trying to locate the source of sudden anxiety. 

The Present (Elemental) Self

Quick Diagnosis Spreads

1: Current Financial/Material Situation (Earth)

2: Current Intellectual/Academic Situation (Air)

3: Current Career/Passion Situation (Fire)

4: Current Relationship/Emotional Situation (Water)

Optional 5th (not shown): Whole Self/Spiritual Situation (Spirit)

I mostly use this one when I want to check in on myself or when I feel out of balance. It’s a good weekly spread and I might go back to doing it on Sundays like I used to. It’s a good quick scan to see what’s going well and what needs some more attention. I’ve also used this spread to open with a querent at a party or social situation and then followed it up with one of the above ones when they ask “okay well how do I fix that?” It’s a little less overwhelming than bigger spreads, goes a little faster, and stays more focused which definitely has some pros when you’re trying to get through the like 10 people who’ve all decided they want readings from you and they’re going to get progressively more intoxicated as you go. 


These are just a few examples of the quick diagnosis spreads I use. Use them for others, use them for yourself. These have been working well enough for me to keep them around for almost 10 years so they’re well tested. Try them out yourself and let me know what you think! 

I hope this helps! If you have any questions, let me know!

*I never claim my way is the one true way. Take what is useful and leave the rest.

**If you wind up using this stuff in another setting, I’d really appreciate it if you could cite me. This is my art. Don’t steal, please credit.

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7 months ago

How to Use the Spiral Spread Method to Level Up Your Tarot Readings

I could wax poetic about big spreads. @goodbonestarot has written on why you should pull more cards even as a tarot newbie which I wholeheartedly agree with. There’s something really aesthetically and spiritually satisfying about having a big spread laid out on your floor, maybe a couple candles going to set the mood while you bask in a waterfall of truth. Or maybe that’s just me. 

Either way, big spreads can help you understand a situation complexly, provide a lot of opportunities for creative problem solving, and help you gain a less prescriptive/more intuitive understanding of how to conduct your tarot readings. So there’s a lot to be gained from reading a big spread from time to time. 

But big spreads are also intimidating and setting out to do a massive one all in one go can obscure some of the insights you might get along the way. Which is why I recommend spiraling them out as you need for the occasion. Below I give an example of how I do this with a “spiral spread” that I use but you can find plenty of other spreads that would work with this method too. 

Phase 1: Six Cards


1: Signifier/What do you bring to the situation?

2: Challenge/Situation

3: Past

4: Future

5: What’s at the root of your situation?

6: What advice do gods/spirits/the Universe have for you?

This level is my go-to spread for reading at parties right now. Remember that ask where I talked about accidentally making a tough guy start crying at a party? That was this spread. So even at this level it can really pack a punch. It’s enough depth that a querent usually feels like they got a proper reading but not deep enough that the details start to get lost which I feel like is important when reading in busy social situations. 

Phase 2: Ten Cards


1: Signifier/What do you bring to the situation?

2: Challenge/Situation

3: Past

4: Future

5: What’s at the root of your situation?

6: What advice do gods/spirits/the Universe have for you?

7: How do gods/spirits/the Universe see your past?

8: How do gods/spirits/the Universe see your future?

9: How does this root relate to your past?

10: How does this root relate to your future?

This was my go-to spread for many many years. I used it more when I was hanging out with friends in lowkey settings where I had plenty of time to read it out. You’ll see here that what’s built in here is the relationships between forces acting on a person’s life. If I’m going to draw extra cards, that tends to be where I get the most bang for my buck. Relationships fill out the spread and add complexity and depth without opening a whole new can of worms. This level strikes a good balance here I think. 

Phase 3: Fifteen Cards


1: Signifier/What do you bring to the situation?

2: Challenge/Situation

3: Past

4: Future

5: What’s at the root of your situation?

6: What advice do gods/spirits/the Universe have for you?

7: How do gods/spirits/the Universe see your past?

8: How do gods/spirits/the Universe see your future?

9: How does this root relate to your past?

10: How does this root relate to your future?

11: How did your past lead to the present?

12: How will your present lead to your future?

13: How do you relate to/how is your relationship with your gods/spirits/the Universe?

14: How do you relate to the root of the situation?

15: Ultimate Outcome/Resolution

I’ve only used this level of the spread a few times over the years. Usually for myself but I have on occasion used it for friends who were really going through a rough patch. It’s definitely a lot to take in which is why I suggest laying it out and reading it in phases. I consider cards 11-15 to really be more along the lines of clarifying cards than strictly part of the spread. Which is to say, pull the ones you feel are most important. I’ve pulled them just for the root or just for the future - whatever make the most sense for your situation. 

Closing Thoughts

Big spreads really do ask you to rely on your intuition and if that feels uncomfortable starting out, know that that discomfort is normal. We spend a lot of our lives being told to trust sources of information other than ourselves and while a lot of that is done for good reason, it can alienate us from all the good knowledge we have within. So big spreads are an opportunity to reclaim it. 

I really recommend writing down insights as you go or having another person do it for you because big spreads turn up a lot of them, often ones that reveal even more when considered together. You don’t want to forget anything along the way. Also seeing how you see a card at one level before you lay down the next phase can also be very illuminating. 

If you’ve not done a big spread before or it’s been a long time, I really recommend giving it a go. Life is complex, it’s important to be comfortable with spreads that are complex too. 

I hope this helps! If you have any questions, let me know!

*I do not claim my way is the one true way so take what is useful and leave the rest.

**If you wind up using this stuff in another setting, please credit me. This stuff is my art. Don’t steal, please credit. Thanks!

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7 months ago

A Spread for Cards that are Hard to Read

Do you have any of those cards that when they turn up they make you really uncomfortable and you never feel like you can properly describe their meaning to someone you’re reading for? I know I do – The Lovers, The Queen of Wands, and The Emperor have haunted me since I started reading. Cards that are difficult to read can teach us a lot about ourselves and can help guide our shadow work.

I’ve been toying with this spread a little and I wanted to put it out there for others to try out. The idea is that you let the deck speak to what’s blocking your understanding of a given card – which if you’re interested in shadow work, often highlights areas of ourselves that need to be given attention.

The spread is laid out as follows.



Shuffle the deck and find your chosen card. Place it in the first position. Take the cards immediately following it or proceeding it depending on which will have enough cards to fill every position in the spread. An alternative is to draw the card, put it in first position, shuffle how you choose, and draw the top cards to fill the remaining spots.


The first card is pretty straight forward. Choose a card that’s giving you trouble, that makes you uncomfortable every time it comes up. I think people tend to pick major arcana cards here but don’t be afraid to pick a minor card. All blocks have something to teach us

The second card is how your past influences how you read this card. It could be an event, a belief, an unresolved fear – anything really. Our past often dictates our expectations of the future. So when a card is difficult to read it often points to an expectation we’ve picked up from our past and it either challenges that expectation or confirms something uncomfortable.

The third card is how your perception of yourself is influencing how you read the first card. Similar to the second card, when a card is difficult to read it often challenges our image of ourselves. It may make us feel like bad people when we think highly of ourselves or vice versa, highlight an area we’ve struggled with, or make us question the narrative we tell ourselves.

The fourth card is how others in your life inform your reading of the first card. Often we see other people in the cards, ones we like and ones we don’t. Our feelings for or about that person will often undermine how we read this card in relation to ourselves and to other people.

The fifth, sixth, and seventh card are all what those influences can teach us about ourselves. The lessons they highlight can also offer clues as how to unblock your reading of the main card.


I hope folks find this spread helpful. I’m still tweaking it and toying with it. If you use it to create something new or come up with a different way to do a similar task, please reblog and/or let me know! I’d love to boost more materials on this.

As always, take the best and leave the rest and if you have any questions let me know!

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7 months ago

Conceptions of the Self through Spreads

If you’ve followed me at all you know I like frameworks. I have some that I’ve developed or worked with for many years but there are others I consult less regularly and still enjoy. The following are spreads based on models I’m not an expert in. I present them here mostly as a way to introduce people to the ideas they contain. If you like any of them, I encourage you to explore it more deeply and see how it can be helpful to the shadow work you might be doing.

These are meant to be fun and I’ve not tried each of them personally yet so I can’t vouch for them. But I hope they inspire people to develop their own conceptions of self.


Conceptions Of The Self Through Spreads

Ego – the part of the self that we normally think of as “the self; it is the self as we known ourselves to be

Superego – the part of the self that’s co-created with other; shaped by social acceptability and how we’re raised to think and act.

Id – the part of the self that is below conscious awareness but that influences our behavior, often deals with unseemly desires or parts of the self that are too socially unacceptable to even acknowledge

If you liked my Four Fear Types post, you’ll like Pete Walkers work. It builds on the psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theory of the self. He puts forward the idea that in people who’ve experience abuse or neglect early on, the Ego is diminished and the Superego takes its place. The Superego in some models is synonymous with the Inner Critic.

Self Discrepancy Theory


Own Actual – how you actually are, what patterns you currently have, what is realistic for you

Own Ideal – how you view yourself to be, your higher self, your best self

Own Ought – how you feel you should be, the standard that you hold yourself to

Other Actual – how you actually are with others, what’s realistic for you with others

Other Ideal – how others view you to be in the best light, how other idealize you

Other Ought – how others think you ought to be, the standard they hold you to

The Wikipedia page for this is actually really good for this theory. It has a really good chart for examining types of conflict that occur between the selves in this model. I’d really suggest supplementing this reading with it. I like this one because it points out that the self doesn’t exist in isolation, it’s constantly evolving and being co-created with others in your life for better or worse.



Earth – Home, Family, Finances, Physical Health

Air – Intellect, Communication, Logic, Anxiety/Attachment

Fire – Passion, Spirituality, Drive, Anger

Water – Emotions, Intuition, Romance, Fluidity

Spirit – Core Self, Energy, Connection to the Universe

I like the classical elemental model of the self sometimes. It can help to understand my life is not one set of experiences of efforts. It’s not singular in any way. It’s a good way to check in with myself and make sure I’m dividing my energy among different areas and not neglecting anything too much. I don’t use it too often but I still enjoy it. Apply your own training with it and create your own spread if you want. I’d love to see more variations with this one.



Individual – the Self, your characteristics

Microsystem – Family, School, Church, Friends, Job

Mesosystem – Neighbors, Family Friends, Friends of Friends, Network

Exosystem – Mass Media, Industry, Local Politics

Macrosystem – Culture, Societal Ideals and Values

Chronosystem – Life transitions like divorce/marriage/death/birth, your history

One of my favorite models I learned during my brief stint in social work. The idea is that the self is created and influence across multiple nesting levels of influence. The bigger the level, the broader and all encompassing the influence but the less acute it generally is. Chronosystem kind of bucks that trend a little a lot of people don’t use it. But I liked using this as a model for the self because again it reminds us that we’re influenced by a whole host of people and our selves are not created in isolation.



Energy – Where you gather your energy

Information – How you gather your information

Mode of Synthesis – How you work through information

Action – What you do with information

This one is purely for fun. I enjoy Meyers-Briggs even if it’s been pretty well debunked. Some folks might now know what area each letter roughly corresponds to. This was how it was explained to me by a woman who used to travel to different companies to administer the test and give seminars for employees on how to use it. I find the idea that we’re defined by our energy and how we interact with information really interesting, so I included this one here.


I hope these were an entertaining way to learn about some models of the self. If you’re an expert in any of these models and you want to expand on them – especially with regards to how they’ve influenced your shadow work – please reblog and add on! I only have a passing familiarity with these but they’re important enough I wanted to mention them.

As always, take the best and leave the rest and if you have any questions let me know!

A big thank you to all my Patrons! This post wouldn’t have been possible without sewceress in particular!

If you enjoyed this post consider supporting me on Patreon or tipping me on Paypal!

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9 months ago

Tarot card spread - Celtic cross spread

Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕

//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//

It is a very traditional and well-known spread. It provides a wealth of information about any situation. It gives a clear overview of a situation as well as the probable outcome


1. Covers - the influence that is affecting the querent or he situation

2. Crosses - the obstacles or energies working against the querent in this situation

3. Crown - the querent's ideal or goal in this situation

4. Foundation - the basis or foundation of the situation

5. Behind -influences that affected the querent or situation but are now passing away

6. Before - what is likely to happen next

7. Yourself - the querent as she sees herself in the situation

8. Your house - the influences of circumstances or people surrounding the querent

9. Hopes and fears - the querent's hopes and/or fears regarding the situation

10. What will come - the culmination, resolution, or outcome of the situation

Tarot Card Spread - Celtic Cross Spread

If you don't like the outcome result you can follow up with a short one to 3 card-reading to advise the querent about how to change that outcome

This spread can be read as several mini spreads as well

1. The cross center made up of the significator, the covering card, and the crossing card - they create a picture of the situation or conflict concerning the querent

2. Card 5, the significator and card 6 - 3 card spread = past-present-future

3. Card 6 and card 10 - show the trend of future events

4. Card 3 and card 9 - tell what querent wants, hopes for or fears are

Tarot Card Spread - Celtic Cross Spread

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9 months ago

Tarot card spread - Chakra spread

Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕

//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//

Each of the main chakras is associated with a colour and with various areas of our lives, including physical, psychological, and spiritual.

This spread focuses on one set of facets.

Tarot Card Spread - Chakra Spread

Self-preservation(Root chakra) - your survival instincts and how you seek health, prosperity, and security

Self-gratification(Sacral chakra) - how you connect to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement

Self-definition(Solar plexus chakra) - how you express personal power, will, autonomy, energy, and spontaneity

Self-acceptance(Heart chakra) - your ability to love deeply, feel compassion, and experience peace and centeredness

Self-expression(Throat chakra) - how you communicate with others and express yourself creatively in the world

Self-reflection(Brow or Third eye chakra) - how you see the world, both physically and intuitively; your ability to see the big picture

Self-knowledge(Crown chakra) - your ability to know and understand yourself; your wisdom and spiritual connection

Tarot Card Spread - Chakra Spread
Tarot Card Spread - Chakra Spread

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - Elemental advice spread

Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕

//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//

Tarot suits are usually associated with the 4 elements: air, earth, water, fire. These elements are associated with different aspects of human experience: thinking, doing, feeling, and believing

This spread gives advice in each of these areas to help you solve a problem

The cards are laid out in a way that reflects the significance of each element:  ‎♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧air - the mind and thinking - the head; 

‎♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧earth - stable and grounded - bottom of the spread; 

‎♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧fire - active energy - on the right(dominant hand); 

‎♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧water - passive element - left

Tarot Card Spread - Elemental Advice Spread

The problem

Air is associated with thinking, problem-solving, and communicating - advise you about a possible rational approach to a problem

Fire is associated with beliefs, passion, and will - advise you on how to apply this energy to solve the problem

Water is associated with emotions - suggest how your emotions are affecting the situation(are they repressed or are they controlling you or are they healthily engaged in the situation)

Earth is associated with the physical world and manifestation - tells you what action to take in this situation

Each element's advice should be interpreted as a pair with the center card

Tarot Card Spread - Elemental Advice Spread
Tarot Card Spread - Elemental Advice Spread

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - Four cards tarot spread

Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕

//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//

Four card Tarot spread is very simple and down to the point. Interpreting it is very easy.

It is a very effective way to look for very practical solutions as well as quickly, yet deeply diagnosing the problem.

Question - his card represents your question - it shows you the energies surrounding your question(it may show you much more than you expected to see)

Conscious mind - his card represents what is known - the consciousness of the situation and your position in it(it may show you what others know as well. t can be a great help or a block, depending on the intentions of others)

Subconscious mind - the third card of this spread shows you a deeper aspect of the situation(can show you something you don't know but others know, the root of the problem which is hidden below your awareness)

The outcome - are able to see most likely outcome; pay close attention to it(it also show you which action you may take in order to resolve a situation in your favour! It tells you: “No matter what's going on, become a winner - and let me show you how!”)

Tarot Card Spread - Four Cards Tarot Spread

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - Money tarot spread

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It is a very powerful spread that looks deep into your money situation.

Current financial situation - shows you energies surrounding your current financial situation(if you have money problems, you asking how to get more money, pay close attention to this card - you can start healing your financial situation right away)

Will money be coming soon? - shows you if money is coming soon or not(if it does, you may just relax; if it doesn't, you may want to look at this card and see what is blocking it -remove this block and expect more money)

Which major considerations you should take? - shows you what you want to know about your money situation in general and where you want to put your attention(it can show you a big root of your money problems that may have contributed to this particular money situation, a big single action you can take to improve your money situation; this card covers more of your overall money situation)

Sources of money - shows your best sources of money(it can also indicate sources of money you haven't thought of yet, but these sources can help you obtain money very easily)

Outcome - shows you where you are headed in a particular question about your money; can also give you a great suggestion on how to improve your financial situation.

Tarot Card Spread - Money Tarot Spread

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - Making tough decisions tarot spread

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Using tarot cards can be a good idea if you’re in the process of making an important decision (such as whether or not to accept a recent job offer, or if you don’t know if you should take the vacation you’ve been thinking about) and aren’t quite sure how you’d like to proceed.

It can be especially helpful if you’ve logically weighed the benefits and downsides of the decision but are still uncertain as to which way you should go.

If you have all the logical reasons for making one choice, but your heart is still unconvinced, a tarot reading can help clarify why that hesitancy exists and expand on why this decision can be so painful for you.

Tarot Card Spread - Making Tough Decisions Tarot Spread

Your Motivation - What excites you? What compels you forward every day? How does that affect your decision?

Ideal Outcome - In this world, what would you truly like to happen? If you could close your eyes and dream, what do you really desire to get out of these circumstances?

Your Values - What are your principles? What do you value? How does that affect your decision?

Option 1 Likely Outcome - What can happen if you take this path?

Option 2 Likely Outcome - What can happen if you take this path?

Tarot Card Spread - Making Tough Decisions Tarot Spread

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - Personality Tarot Spread

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The ten cards in this spread serve to help one look into what forms the personality of a particular person – their thoughts and concerns, their hopes and fears, their own and others’ sense of their identity, and qualities that describe them.

It looks at the goals of the person, and the influences that the past has had on them.

The layout of the spread is a circle, signifying the idea of completion, and also resembles a wheel, representing the idea that one’s personality is always changing and moving forward (as such, it is important to remember that this spread only helps on understand one’s personality at the present moment; personalities can and do change). The circular form also resembles a face, with each section of the face revealing a different aspect of their personality.


1. Central Characteristic: This card represents the most important part of someone’s personality; it is the card that best describes and sums up the the personality of the entire person.

2. Influencing Characterstic: This card influences, or complements the Central Characteristic; in many ways it also the secondary characteristic of a person, and provides a second dimension to one’s personality, adding depth to it.

3. Influence of Past: This card represents and shows the influence that this memory has had on a personality.

4. Goals of the Future: Motivation and drive is represented by this card, which shows the thing that the person is striving to achieve, and their most important desire for the future.

5. Unconscious Thoughts and Motives: This card represents the unconscious thoughts and concerns of a person, and also represents this person’s motives, and the deepest aspects of their personality, hidden from themselves.

6. Conscious Thoughts and Concerns: This card represents the person’s conscious thought. It helps one examine what the most important things are to this person, and represents their most pressing concerns, and what is most important to them at this time.

7. Public Face: This card is the public aspect of one’s identity; this is how others perceive this person, and how their environment (including other people) affects them and notices them. This card represents how they want others to see them as well.

8. Private Face: This card represents the concept of self-identity and self-image, and shows how a person really thinks of themselves. This might line up with one’s public face, but often is at least slightly different.

9. Public Desire: This is what the person wants others to think they want and what they want others to think they are afraid of; this card represents those desires made public.

10. Private Desire: This card represents one’s true hopes and fears; their heart’s desire or their deepest, secret fear. These are the desires that people keep repressed and hidden – sometimes even from themselves – for various reasons.

Tarot Card Spread - Personality Tarot Spread

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - Love spread tarot

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This spread was meant to help you think through those possibilities - maybe even in places where you might have not thought about.

This spread is all about bringing you a new vision of what your future loves could be like. That perspective is powerful, and is enough to help your search and open your eyes to what may already be in front of you.

Remember, this spread is meant to inspire and empower you on your journey towards love. Keep an open mind and heart as you explore the messages of the cards, and trust that the universe has wonderful things in store for you. Enjoy the process of envisioning your future loves, and may you attract the love that you truly deserve.


So, let's dive into the cards:

The first card represents what you currently want in a relationship. This could be qualities, values, or even specific characteristics that you desire in a partner. Take a moment to reflect on this and see if it aligns with what you truly want.

The second card is what you may be missing or overlooking in your search for love. This could be something that you haven't considered before, or something that you've been resistant to exploring. Pay attention to this card, as it may hold some valuable insights for you.

The third card shows what you can bring to a new relationship. This could be your strengths, gifts, or even areas that you need to work on. Embrace this card and recognize the power that you hold in co-creating a fulfilling and loving connection with another person.

The fourth card reveals the potential for growth and transformation in your future relationships. This card can indicate areas where you may need to let go of old patterns or beliefs, and embrace new ways of being in a partnership. Embrace the opportunities for growth that this card presents.

The fifth card represents the overall energy and potential for love in your future. This card can give you a glimpse of the possibilities that await you, and help you envision the kind of love that you deserve. Embrace the magic and potential that this card holds for you.

Tarot Card Spread - Love Spread Tarot

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - Career tarot spread

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If you've been looking for a while now, and just don't feel like you are getting anywhere, this is not uncommon, and tarot cards can help here too.

A job tarot spread  can also reveal to you what obstacles and problems might be blocking your path, both within and without. Is there an internal barrier keeping you from realizing your career potential? Are you forgetting to consider a serious obstruction that will present itself later down the road? A reading can help clarify this for you.

By using this tarot spread, you can gain valuable insights and guidance on your career path and make informed decisions to help you achieve your career goals. Remember to trust your intuition and the messages that the cards reveal to you.


My attitude regarding job search - How are you approaching the job hunt right now? What preconceived expectations do you already have? How are they affecting you?

What blocks me - What is the biggest obstacle, internal or external, that you must overcome in order to find the best career for you?

My skills - What skills do I have to offer? Which ones am I using? What ones have I overlooked? Which ones should I emphasize?

My secret weapon - What gives me an edge over other applicants? What is something that differentiates me and makes me special?

What do I need to know about myself? - What is something that I first have to understand about my own motivations before being successful in this search?

Advice going forward - What should I be focusing on? Where should I spend my energy?

There is a simple variant of this reading but also helpful when it comes to career tarot spread. Here is a simple job tarot spread that you can use to gain insights into your career path:

The current state of your career: This card will give you insight into your current job situation and how satisfied you are with it.

Obstacles and challenges: This card will reveal any obstacles or challenges that are currently standing in your way and hindering your career progress.

Goals and aspirations: This card will shed light on your career goals and aspirations, and whether you are on the right path to achieving them.

Advice and guidance: This card will provide you with guidance on how to overcome any obstacles and challenges in your path, and how to move forward in your career.

Potential outcome: This card will show you the potential outcome of your career path, based on your current situation and actions.

Tarot Card Spread - Career Tarot Spread

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - A Repeating Tarot Card Spread

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In case you need a little more than some careful thought about the card that’s following you around, here’s a short spread you can do to give you some insight.

First, you’ll have to pull out your stalker card from the deck, and place it in the first position. 

Take a few moments to study the cards and reflect on their meanings in relation to your current circumstances. Use the insights you gain from this spread to help you better understand and work with the card that’s following you around.

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The Stalker Card: What do I need to learn? - What is the message that I am finding so hard to learn?

What blocks me from understanding this card? - What is standing in the way of my ability to receive the message of this card?

How do I progress past this? - How do I conquer this obstacle? What guidance do I need to finally hear the message?

Unconscious / Hidden Factors - What is something that is unseen that affects your perception of this message?

Tarot Card Spread - A Repeating Tarot Card Spread

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8 months ago

Tarot card spread - New year ahead tarot spread

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You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been. This spread is meant to give a short summary of the past year and help you make the transition from that year’s lessons to focusing on this year’s challenges.

The meaning of a New Year tarot reading can vary depending on the cards drawn and the specific question or situation being asked about. However, generally speaking, a New Year tarot reading can be a powerful tool for reflection, setting intentions, and gaining insight into the energies and opportunities that may be present in the upcoming year.

Overall, a New Year tarot reading can be a powerful way to gain clarity and guidance as you embark on a new chapter in your life. It can help you understand the energies at play in the year ahead and empower you to make positive choices that align with your highest good.

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Last year’s major lesson - What was the biggest thing I had to learn?

Last year’s biggest achievement - What did I do really well? What is something I should be very proud of?

What you let go of last year - What habits, thoughts, assumptions were left behind?

What to expect this year - What should I know about this coming year? What should I prepare for?

This year’s biggest challenge - What will be the biggest obstacle I will have to face this coming year? What must I overcome?

This year’s theme - What will this year’s focus be on?

Advice for this year - What should I take heed of for this year’s challenges? How should I handle them?

Transition - How will this transition be like? How will I handle it? Will it be smooth or a struggle?

Tarot Card Spread - New Year Ahead Tarot Spread

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