Beginner Lessons: Misconceptions In Witchcraft
Beginner Lessons: Misconceptions in Witchcraft
Witchcraft is the Same as Wicca
This is a common misconception but it’s not true! Wicca is a religion created by Gerald Gardner with sects., rules, and a heirarchy. Being invented in 1954, it is a rather recent creation at that! Witchcraft, though maybe not known by the same name, has been practiced for thousands of years and is the act of manipulating the energy around you to achieve a goal. That being said, you can be a witch and also be wiccan, but the two are not mutually exclusive.
Witchcraft is All About Worshiping Satan and Sacrificing Animals
This is an unfortunate rumor caused by pop culture sensationalizing the craft. While some witches do, in fact, have a relationship with an entity called Satan (and there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that as long as they don’t harm themselves or others), most do not believe, or at least worship, in it. While sacrificing animals is done in a humane way in various closed religious practices, most do not.
Magick Requires My Blood
While blood magick is a thing, it is super rare and blood is not necessary in any cases. In fact, it is discouraged as it can host a lot of dangers, both medically and magickally!
I Can’t Be Christian and a Witch
This is a lie! I know several witches who integrate witchcraft into abrahamic religions. The way I see it, your relationship with God and Jesus Christ is extremely personal and will never be the same as with anyone else. It’s nobody else’s damn business, either!
I Need to Find a Coven
This is also a misconception, not helped with pop culture. While a coven definitely has some benefits, it is never necessary. Solitary work and study has a lot of benefits as well as a coven isn’t for everyone.
My Pet is My Familiar
Ah, how I wish this was always true. Truth be told, it is very rare for your house pet to be your familiar. A familiar is a being who guides and helps you through your magickal work. Your cat sitting in the room while you perform a spell, while it might indicate that your cat is attracted to the energy (or just simply likes being in your presence), is not necessarily a sign of them being a familiar. Familiars can come in any shapes and sizes such as any animal or even something not of this world such as a being that resides in the astral. Such familiars like this can even stay with the same family for several generations.
Some of these things are things that I wished I was told as a young witchling. I hope this helps anyone who needs it!
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More Posts from Loewecraft
Disposing of Spell Materials
sometimes after performing a spell, you find yourself wondering, hmm, what do i do with these ingredients? the way you clean up or put away your materials can be its own step in the ritual, and affect the spell. here are some suggestions for the different ways to end rituals or properly dispose of the materials

consider first:
📦keep it - consider if the spell seems like something you could ever possible need to reverse later. that love-attraction jar may invite people you don’t like, and need to be ended, but it’s more difficult without the original materials. keep the ingredients in a jar, box, or something, (maybe label it too) so you can easily nullify the spell if you need to.
✉wrap it up - in a jar or a pouch, if it is a spell you want to last a long time, gather the ingredients you won’t be reusing and keep them in a place you
🏺jar spells - just keep the materials in the sealed jar. this is the sort of spell that can be reused simply by shaking the jar, lighting a new candle for it or recharging its energy.
🔔cleanse and reuse - obviously you don’t want to throw your crystals or jars out after a single spell. separate the materials used and cleanse them individually, cutting the ties to the spell.
now what do i do with it?
🔥it’s been burned to ash - for banishing place it on the back doorstep and sweep it out into the wind. for releasing its energies and inviting influence, release the ashes into running water, given it is safe to return to nature (non glass, nonplastic nontoxic, biodegradable etc)
🕸bound objects - bury or keep in a box somewhere, burial for spells you will never remove, hiding for things you may undo one day.
🛡protective spells - best hung up or hidden in a corner of the house, or place over the front door of the residence.
☣non-biodegradable materials - if its something you can’t safely return to nature, and it can’t be reused because it was burned or broken, use the acting of burning or breaking to move the spell’s energies into the world. properly throw out or recycle the objects.
how to deal with a witchy burnout
most of us have been there. we lose our touch with the craft and don’t feel like doing much. we feel too tired and exhausted to put effort in it and sometimes we feels like there’s no point.
here are some tips on how to get out of this sticky situation! 🌙
drink tea ✨
yes, you heard me! drinking teas with specific herbs (like chamomile for sleep, lavender for anxiety, etc.) will help you get in tune with herbal magick. you can also stir your tea clockwise to bring forward something (like good energy or calmness) or add a sigil on the bottom with some honey (doesn’t have to be perfect). 🍵✨🌸
nature walk ✨
get in tune with those energies outside! i always find a walk on the grass helps pick up my mood (especially barefoot!!). envision the energies from the earth flowing into your body 🌱🌎🍃
witchy movie ✨
sometimes, we just need a little inspo to bring us back to our craft. watching witchy movies can bring back that spark into us! some great movies i recommend are:
the craft
hocus pocus
the love witch
practical magic
charmed (a show)
the vampire diaries (a show)
tarot ✨
start off with one card if more than that feels like it would tire you. it’s ok! you can do one in the morning by asking a simple question like “what should i focus on today?” 🔮✨💜
food ✨
incorporate some magick into the food you eat! this isn’t hard at all, especially since we all eat food everyday. simply add an intent to an herb or spice and then add it into your food. for example, add cinnamon onto your oatmeal, with your intent being that you will have abundance 🥐🍦🍩
songs ✨
songs are great to get you back into magick! listen to pagan music, celtic songs, or just look up “witchcraft songs,” “wiccan songs,” or “pagan songs” on spotify🌛🤍🌜
gratitude ✨
this one’s real simple! when you wake up, thank the universe that you got to live to see another day. you can even journal it. breathe in the air and think of how grateful you are that you’re able to do that. soak in the sun’s rays and feel the heat. 🌞🌼💛
final words...
it’s ok to take breaks! nothing wrong with that. it’s human. appreciate yourself as a person. remember, you are magickal and divine no matter how many burnouts you have. burnouts happen to nearly everyone and it’s completely normal! 🍄🐥🌈
sendin good vibez 💜
colour correspondences
red; protection, passion, love, energy, chaos, strength, power
orange; protection, confidence, strength, energy, happiness, inspiration, prosperity, success
yellow; happiness, healing, comfort, kindness, protection, love
green; prosperity, creativity, luck, growth, success, happiness, energy
blue; calming, empathy, happiness, patience, creativity, healing
purple; divine, energy, prosperity, communication
pink; fae, love, empowerment, kindness, growth, creativity, happiness, protection
black; banishment, confidence, protection, strength, power
brown; grounding, stability, protection, strength, balance
white; purity, cleansing, empowerment, strength, peace
solitude tarot spread

this spread is used for people who just need some time alone. it helps you understand being alone and helps you to be at peace with yourself and your own mind.
card 1: why am i alone? this card can be used to tell people the root problem of something. if school or work life has burnt them out, if friends are being too clingy, why do you feel the need to be alone?
card 2: is it ok to be alone? sometimes, being alone causes us to feel lonely. sometimes, it helps us regenerate energy. this card does just that. it says what will happen as you‘re alone, and whether it‘s ok to be like that for a while.
card 3: clarity. draw this card and meditate on it. this card means a lot of things. who is there for you, the difference between being alone and being lonely, let it speak to you and tell you what it‘s trying to say.
card 4: getting back to others. we can‘t be alone forever. this card will tell you the best course of action to get back out into the world, and when.
card 5: ourselves. we are all alone sometimes. this card will hopefully connect you with all those who are alone as well. mediatate once more, and understand that none of us have to be truly alone. rethink about why you are alone.
card 6: solitude. this card respresents you, and your feelings about being alone. it represents a clear mind and unobstructed thinking.
sometimes decks will not do this spread! it requires a deep connection and it requires your deck to think outside the box, giving you the cards that don‘t necessarily mean one word answers, rather a range of information.
Crystal Prescriptions
via (Not a substitute for proper medical attention!)
Angelic Communication
Astral Travel
Autoimmune Diseases
Back Pain
Bleeding - To Stop
Blood Pressure - To Lower
Cancer - General
Carpel Tunnel
Chakras - Align All
Cramps / Cramping
Crohn’s Disease
Dreams - Enhance & Recall
Eczema and Dry Skin
Edema and Water Retention
EMF Protection
Emotional Balance
Good Luck
Happiness and Joy
Health and General Healing
Hormone Balance
House Protection
Immune System
Irritated Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Job Interview
Kidney Stones
Love for Self
Love - To Attract
Mental Focus & Clarity
Mind Chatter
Motion Sickness
MS - Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle Pain
Nerve Damage
Nose Bleeds
Over Thinking
Pain Relief
Panic Attack
Past - Letting Go
Past Life Recall
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Pineal Gland
Positivity / Positive Thinking
Protection - General
Protection - Psychic
Psychic Abilities
Self Worth
Sensitive Emotionally
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sleep Walking
Smoking - Quitting
Spirit Guides
STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)
Stomach - Upset
Throat - Sore
Vampires (Energy and Psychic) - Protection from
Weight Loss
Will Power
Zodiac and Birthstones