logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

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Logi1974 - Hasenbär Auf Reisen

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3 years ago

An African sunset is a magical event, as day drifts into night in a spectacular showing of light and colour. During the sunset the sun is much lower in the sky, so the light must travel through more atmosphere and in turn through more particles in the air. Because the red, orange and yellow wave lengths size being longer it is less effected by the particles. So by the time the light gets to you during a sunset all the blue light has scattered so much that it is no longer visible and the red orange and yellow remain and the same applies for the sun rise.


Ein afrikanischer Sonnenuntergang ist ein magisches Ereignis, wenn der Tag in einem spektakulären Licht- und Farbspiel in die Nacht übergeht. Während des Sonnenuntergangs steht die Sonne viel tiefer am Himmel, sodass das Licht durch mehr Atmosphäre und wiederum durch mehr Partikel in der Luft wandern muss. Da die roten, orangen und gelben Wellenlängen größer sind, werden sie von den Partikeln weniger beeinflusst. Wenn also das Licht während eines Sonnenuntergangs bei uns ankommt, hat sich das gesamte blaue Licht so weit gestreut, dass es nicht mehr sichtbar ist und nur das Rot-Orange und Gelb übrig bleiben. Das Gleiche gilt natürlich für den Sonnenaufgang.


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3 years ago

Watch the action as Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) were called to assist in the relocation of several desert-adapted lions from the north-east, Kunene region, of Namibia. These lions were severely malnourished and in their bid to survive against hunger & starvation they had come into conflict with local communities. The Naankuse Foundation is an NGO which strives to protect the landscape, wildlife & cultures of Namibia for future generations.


Naankuses Rettungseinheit  R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) wurde gerufen, um bei der Umsiedlung mehrerer an die Wüste angepasster Löwen aus dem Nordosten der Kunene-Region Namibias zu helfen. Diese Löwen waren stark unterernährt und in ihrem Bemühen, gegen Unterernährung und Verhungern zu überleben, waren sie in Konflikt mit den lokalen Gemeinschaften geraten. Die Naankuse Foundation ist eine NGO, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Landschaft, Tierwelt und Kulturen Namibias für zukünftige Generationen zu schützen.

Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of
Watch The Action As Naankuse's R.R.U. (Rapid Response Unit) Were Called To Assist In The Relocation Of

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3 years ago

Omaruru was established in 1863 by Wilhelm Zeraua, the first chief of the White Flag clan of the OvaHerero people. In 1871, Anders Ohlsson and Axel Eriksson established a brewery at Omaruru. Eriksson had also established a trading post, which flourished and by 1878 he employed about forty whites. Eriksson's business was based upon long-distance trading between southern Angola and Cape Colony, which necessitated the establishment of regional trade routes.

The town grew around a mission built in 1872 by Gottlieb Viehe, now a museum, and was attacked in 1904 during the Herero Wars. Franke Tower was later erected to commemorate the relief by Hauptmann Victor Franke's troops of the local garrison that was beleaguered by Herero tribesmen who had risen against the German colonial presence.


Omaruru wurde 1863 von Wilhelm Zeraua, dem ersten Chef des Clans der OvaHerero aus dem “weißen Haus”, gegründet. 1871 eröffneten Anders Ohlsson und Axel Eriksson eine Brauerei in Omaruru. Eriksson hatte auch einen Handelsposten eingerichtet, der florierte, und bis 1878 beschäftigte er etwa vierzig Weiße. Erikssons Geschäft basierte auf dem Fernhandel zwischen Südangola und der Kapkolonie, was die Einrichtung regionaler Handelsrouten erforderlich machte.

Die Stadt entstand um eine Mission, die 1872 von Gottlieb Viehe, heute ein Museum, erbaut wurde und 1904 während der Herero-Kriege angegriffen wurde. Der Franke-Turm wurde später errichtet, um an die Befreiung der örtlichen Garnison durch Hauptmann Victor Frankes Truppen zu erinnern, die von Herero-Stammesangehörigen belagert wurde, die sich gegen die deutsche Kolonialpräsenz erhoben hatten.


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3 years ago

The dollar bush (Zygophyllum stapffii) is one of the Namib Desert's endemic species with a range that extends from the central Namib north into southern Angola. It is a leaf succulent and this desert shrub has a low growth feature. The round leaves, which some say resemble coins particularly when dried (hence the name), are its main unmistakable feature. There are around 30 recorded species of the Dollar bush and most of the other shrubby members of the family occur in the southern Namib and in central Namibia.


Der Dollarbusch oder auch Talerbusch (Zygophyllum stapffii) ist eine der endemischen Arten der Namib-Wüste mit einem Verbreitungsgebiet, das sich von der zentralen Namib-Norden bis ins südliche Angola erstreckt. Es ist eine Blattsukkulente und dieser Wüstenstrauch hat ein geringes Wuchsmerkmal. Sein unverkennbares Hauptmerkmal sind die runden Blätter, von denen manche sagen, dass sie vor allem im getrockneten Zustand Münzen ähneln (daher der Name). Es gibt etwa 30 registrierte Arten des Dollarbuschs und die meisten  strauchigen Mitglieder der Familie kommen in der südlichen Namib und in Zentralnamibia vor.

The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That
The Dollar Bush (Zygophyllum Stapffii) Is One Of The Namib Desert's Endemic Species With A Range That

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3 years ago

42 km south of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour is situated. The name Sandwich Harbour refers to the former harbour as well as the lagoon. Sandwich harbour is only accessible by 4x4. The harbour was founded in 1486 already by Portuguese sailors. It is not known what importance the harbour had at that time. There are sources that claim that there was a moderately sized commercial port based around whaling and small scale fishing during the 19th century. In 1884 the hard to reach harbour gained more importance as a supply harbour for the colony German South-West-Africa. This only lasted a few years as it was replaced by the harbour in Swakopmund. Today Sandwich Harbour is of touristic interest and does not refer to the forgotten harbour, but solely to the lagoon.


42 km südlich von Walvis Bay liegt Sandwich Harbour, welches früher auch Sandwich-Hafen oder Sandwichbucht genannt wurde. Die Bezeichnung Sandwich Harbour beinhaltet einmal den ehemaligen Hafen und zum anderen die Lagune. Sandwich Harbour kann nur im Allradauto besucht werden. Der Hafen wurde hier schon 1486 von portugiesischen Seefahrern gegründet. Inwieweit der Hafen schon damals Bedeutung hatte, ist nicht bekannt. Es gibt aber Überlieferungen, wonach sich im 19. Jahrhundert hier ein Fischereihafen befand, der zugleich Anlaufpunkt für Abenteurer und Walfänger war. Der schwierig zu erreichende Hafen erlangte ab 1884 Bedeutung als Versorgungshafen für die Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika, verlor allerdings nach wenigen Jahren seine Grundlage als Hafen zugunsten des Hafens Swakopmund. Wenn heute Sandwich Harbour im touristischen Interesse steht, so ist nicht der längst vergessene Hafen, sondern die gleichnamige Lagune gemeint.

42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former
42 Km South Of Walvis Bay Sandwich Harbour Is Situated. The Name Sandwich Harbour Refers To The Former

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