lokismoldertongue - Loki Smoldertongue
Loki Smoldertongue

"Gentleman by Day, Dreamer Philosopher by Night, Pervert by Choice, Rebel Artist by Fate." Thespian/Cat lover/Environmentalist/Writer/Digital Artist/Master Chef/Vampire ☮️😎www.Instagram.com/@rebel.artist_byfate

491 posts

The Devil's Finest Trick Is To Persuade You That It Doesn't Exist. So, Who Am I? I Am A Pairing Of Strange

The Devil's Finest Trick Is To Persuade You That It Doesn't Exist. So, Who Am I? I Am A Pairing Of Strange

“The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that it doesn't exist. So, who am I? I am a pairing of strange And common, Of oddball of bells And turmoil of keyboards... A harmony of prose and verse, of crimes and romance, of art and heres... " #picoftheday #tomhiddleston #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram #personalquote #lokisarmy #deviantarts #lokisilvertongue #deviantartist #digitalart #thedevilisreal #badass #poetsofinstagram #andrewsmolderpantsartworks #writersofinstagram #poetrycommunity #thedevilisaparttimercosplay #gentstyle #gentlemenstyle #lionhearted #killergaze #bluesteel #hiddlestoner #hiddlestonersunite

More Posts from Lokismoldertongue

7 years ago
...I Believe There Is Another World Waiting For Us. A Better World. And I'll Be Waiting For You There...

“...I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there...” #personalquote #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #soulmatequotes #tomhiddlestonedit #andrewsmolderpantsartworks #poetsofinstagram #digitalart #deviantartist #lokisilvertongue #insearchforsoul #soulmate #hiddlestoner #dedicated #digitalphotography #deviantart #asgardianprince #starboy #poetrycommunity #lovebeyondstars #writteninthestars

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7 years ago
Everything About The Future Is Uncertain, And The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Invent It. But

“Everything about the future is uncertain, and the best way to predict the future is to invent it. But if you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it might sound familiar...I’m burdened with glorious purpose of becoming braver, stronger and unstoppable. This is the year I will be Fierce!” #picoftheday #newyearsday #gentlemenstyle #hiddlestoner #poetsofinstagram #lokiconfessions #deviantart #mondaymotivation #writersofinstagram #motivationalquotes #newyearmotivation #lokisilvertongue #personalquote #gentstyle #smoldertongue #badass #killer #digitalart #successquotes #deviantartist #smoothcriminal #andrewsmolderpantsartworks

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7 years ago
In A World Full Of Variables, She Was My Constant. #picoftheday #personalquote #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram

“In a world full of variables, she was my constant.” #picoftheday #personalquote #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #godofmischief #digitalart #lokisilvertongue #hiddlestoner #deviantart #deviantartist #digitalartist #digitalphotography #tomhiddlestonedit #loki #soulmate #lovequotes #andrewsmolderpantsartworks #hiddlestoned #midnightconfessions #missingher #lovebeyondtime #wordsofpoetry

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7 years ago
I Have A Theory That Everyone's Crazy Anyway. And Those Who Think They Aren't, Are The Ones Who Are Even

“I have a theory that everyone's crazy anyway. And those who think they aren't, are the ones who are even crazier - because they're in denial. But if you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud. And at the end of the day, I just do my job. I love my art. I genuinely want to change the world and I really want people to see that I am always a different man; a reinterpretation of the man I was yesterday, and the day before, and all the days I have lived.” #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #quotestoliveby #quotesaboutlife #writersofinstagram #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #artistsoninstagram #deviantartist #digitalphotographer #photographer #livethefastlane #gentstyle #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #gentlemansclub #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #menwithstyle #startheweekright #motivationmonday #motivationalquotes

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7 years ago
At Some Point, When You Create Yourself To Make It, You're Going To Have To Either Let That Creation

At some point, when you create yourself to make it, you're going to have to either let that creation go, and take a chance on being loved or hated for who you really are, or you're gonna have to kill who you really are and fall into your grave grasping onto a character that you never were. #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #saturdaywisdom #gentstyle #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #artistsoninstagram #personalquote #writersofinstagram #philosopherspath #wisdomoftheday #createyourownstyle #createyourself #differentpath #differentme #gentlemenstyle

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