Killergaze - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
"I Was Told I Was DangerousBecause I Have Seen Beyond The Bounds Of Infinity And Drawn Down Daemons From

"I was told I was dangerous…Because I have seen beyond the bounds of infinity and drawn down daemons from the stars...I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness...I might scare you a little, because I'm a vampire, and I know how to do things. So would kiss the sun goodbye? And give your life to never die? Time is nothing, child of the night.." #fridayfeeling #nightofthehunter #badass #killergaze #blueyes #malemodel #vampire #galaxyvampire #starboy #devilishlyhandsome #deviantartist #deviantart #artwork #artistsoninstagram #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #mischieviousthoughts #naughtymood #naughtythoughts #fridayfeeling #coolattitude #beastmode #digitalart #vampirecosplay #digitalphotography #sinner #daywalker #morningmood #andrewsmolderpantsphotography (at New York, New York)

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7 years ago
I Am A Pairing Of Strange And Common, Of Oddball Of Bells And Turmoil Of Keyboards... A Harmony Of Prose

“I am a pairing of strange And common, Of oddball of bells And turmoil of keyboards... A harmony of prose and verse, of crimes and romance, of art and heres..." #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #smolderpoetry #personalquote #artwork #digitalart #deviantartist #artistsoninstagram #eagleeyes #portrait #writersofinstagram #deviantart #killergaze #azureeyes #andrewsmolderpantsartworks

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7 years ago
"I Might Scare You A Little, Because I'm Clever As The Devil And I Know How To Do Things. I Preach Darkness.

"I might scare you a little, because I'm clever as the Devil and I know how to do things. I preach darkness. I don't inspire hope, I control the shadows. They do not control me. It's up to you to find the light in my words." Dedicated to all #hiddlestoners ladies and girls in particular, just because... #picoftheday #personalquote #lokisdirtywhispers #thelookofapoet #smolderpoetry #lokisilvertongue #hiddlestoned #killergaze #lust #naughtythoughts #guiltypleasures #confessionsofagod #writersofinstagram #lokisarmy #tomhiddleston #sarcasticloki

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7 years ago
I May Be A Gentleman Love...but If You Keep Looking At Me Like That...with The Devil In Your Eyes...biting

“I may be a gentleman love...but if you keep looking at me like that...with the devil in your eyes...biting your lower lip...we are fucking against the nearest surface I find...” #picoftheday #lokisilvertongue #writersofinstagram #lokisdirtywhispers #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram #naughtythoughts #gentstyle #gentlemenstyle #malemodel #class #elegance #gentlemensclub #andrewsmolderpantsphotography #fashionphotography #winterstyle #britishstyle #godofmischief #killergaze #gazingintotheabyss #hiddlestoner #vampirestyle #vampirehairstyle

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7 years ago
The Devil's Finest Trick Is To Persuade You That It Doesn't Exist. So, Who Am I? I Am A Pairing Of Strange

“The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that it doesn't exist. So, who am I? I am a pairing of strange And common, Of oddball of bells And turmoil of keyboards... A harmony of prose and verse, of crimes and romance, of art and heres... " #picoftheday #tomhiddleston #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram #personalquote #lokisarmy #deviantarts #lokisilvertongue #deviantartist #digitalart #thedevilisreal #badass #poetsofinstagram #andrewsmolderpantsartworks #writersofinstagram #poetrycommunity #thedevilisaparttimercosplay #gentstyle #gentlemenstyle #lionhearted #killergaze #bluesteel #hiddlestoner #hiddlestonersunite

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7 years ago
Daddys Got A Party To Attend To! #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue

“Daddy’s got a party to attend to!” 😏😈😎#picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #smolderstyle #gentstyle #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #sharpdressedman #talldarkandhandsome #lokidirtywhispers #deviantartist #digitalart #digitalphotography #digitalartwork #writersofinstagram #godofmischief #mischieviousthoughts #artistsoninstagram #hiddlestoner #tomhiddlestonedit #naughtythoughts #killergaze #lokistyle #charmingladiessince1981 #hungryeyes

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7 years ago
They Say The Eyes Are The Apertures To The Soul. Then...See Not The Face..but Only The Eyes, Of A Diable,

They say the eyes are the apertures to the soul. Then...See not the face..but only the eyes, of a diable, #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #smoldertongue #writersofinstagram #hiddlesarmy #lokisilvertongue #gentstagram #badass #gentstyle #lokisilvertongue #lokistyle #greeneyes #diablo #devilisheyes #hiddlestoner #killergaze #badassmodeactivated #godofmischief #kingofkings #lokikingofasgard

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7 years ago
Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself...I'm That Man Your Parents Warned You About, Baby...Frozen Inside..because

“Please allow me to introduce myself...I'm that man your parents warned you about, baby...Frozen inside..because I was born in cold darkness...I enjoy the night, where I can do things that aren't acceptable in the light...I want two things: danger and play. I pray you, do not fall in love with me, for I am falser than vows made in wine. I've got secrets & lies that would blow your mind. So..Do me a favor and, if I happen to get too close, don’t get used to the view. I have a habit of leaving, and as soon as I started to see the softness in your eyes, I began making plans for fleeting.” #picoftheday #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram #lokisilvertongue #writersofinstagram #smoldertongue #quoteoftheday #personalquote #killereyes #killergaze #badass #lokieyes #greeneyes #poetsofinstagram #lokidirtywhispers #hiddlestoner #gentstyle #gentlemanstyle #talldarkandhandsome #hiddlesarmy #tomhiddleston #lokisarmy #lokistyle #digitalartist #deviantartist #diablo

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7 years ago
"The Mind Seemed To Grow Giddy By Looking So Far Into The Abyss Of Time. #picoftheday #quoteoftheday

"The mind seemed to grow giddy by looking so far into the abyss of time.” #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #smoldertongue #lokisarmy #lokisilvertongue #tomhiddleston #fashionphotography #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #artwork #fireandice #gentstyle #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #badass #digitalart #deviantartist #talldarkandhandsome #killergaze #philosopherspath #galaxyking #tomhiddlestonedit #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoner

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6 years ago
"I Am A Tale, A Book, Written In Different Languages And Styles..I Cant Be Read, Cant Be Understood..I

"I am a tale, a book, written in different languages and styles..I can’t be read, can’t be understood..I preach darkness. I don't inspire hope, I control the shadows. They do not control me. It's up to you to find the light in my words." #personalquote #poetsofinstagram #passionateartist #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #badassstyle #lokisarmy #lokistyle #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoner #tomhiddlestonedit #digitalartist #deviantartist #thedevilneverlookedsogood #talldarkandhandsome #killergaze #greeneyes #writersofinstagram #philosopherspath #nightthinker #artistsoninstagram #artwork

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6 years ago
You Will Ask For A Match And I Will Give You A Wildfire. I Dont Know How To Love Small...Look At Me,

“You will ask for a match and I will give you a wildfire. I don’t know how to love small...Look at me, let me sink into the cracks of your mind and I promise you will never seek anyone else but your king.” #picoftheday #personalquote #pervertbychoice #photography #artwork #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #lokistyle #lokisilvertongue #deviantartist #godofmischief #digitalartist #digitalphotography #deviantart #diablo #talldarkandhandsome #therebelinmewillneverdie #selfpotrait #thedevilneverlookedsogood #killergaze #rebelneverdies #gentstyle #gentstagram #portraitphotography #digitalportrait #andrewsmolderartworks

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6 years ago
I Was Told I Was Dangerousbecause I Like Undressing Women With My Eyes...The Thing Is, I Never Feel Guilty

“I was told I was dangerous…because I like undressing women with my eyes...The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures. And only foolish men suppose taking off a woman’s clothes is the best way to get her completely naked. So, I use my eyes to say a million things... You may talk. And I may listen. And miracles might happen. And I might scare you a little, because I'm a man, and I know how to do things...” #picoftheday #personalquote #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #badassstyle #blackandwhitephotography #dirtyconfessions #hiddlestoner #hiddlesarmy #portraitphotography #portrait_perfection #killergaze #godofmischief #guiltypleasures #lokistyle #lokisarmy #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilneverlookedsogood #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #smolderstyle #diablo #mischiefactivated #dirtyconfessions #blackhairblueeyes #longhairdontcare #theartistbehindthebrush (at Amsterdam, Netherlands)

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6 years ago
Ive Seen The Way You Look At Me, Eyes Darkening, A Perfect Blush Breaking Over Your Skin. You Think Of

“I’ve seen the way you look at me, eyes darkening, a perfect blush breaking over your skin. You think of me often when you are alone, don’t you? You think of how tormenting my touch would be. How delightful it would be to have me fill you. You dream of me until a name is gasping from your throat in a torrent of mews; the name of Loki.” #personalquote #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #princeofdarkness #thedevilsinthedetails #gentsstyle #godofmischief #lokistyle #tomhiddlestonedit #artwork #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #pervertbychoice #rebelbynature #lokisdirtywhispers #digitalart #deviantart #digitalartist #deviantartist #badass #talldarkandhandsome #diablo #lokisarmy #hiddlestoner #hiddlesarmy #undyingfidelity #gazingintotheabyss #killergaze #thinkers_and_writers #daydreamernightthinker #🔞 (at London, United Kingdom)

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6 years ago
My Dear, Your Mind Is A Truly Fascinating Place. I Look Into It And See The Crystal Clarity Of Your Intelligence,

“My dear, your mind is a truly fascinating place. I look into it and see the crystal clarity of your intelligence, amplifying all that enters. However, there is a shadowy area beneath the gleam that draws me in. Would you like me to explore the deliciously dark depths of your soul with my gun?” #tomhiddlestonedit #tomhiddleston #lokistyle #lokisarmy #howtoseducewomen #personalquote #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #godofmischief #naughtygod #pervertbychoice #gentstyle #gentlemanstyle #007 #tuxedostyle #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #artwork #digitalartist #deviantartist #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilsinthedetails #sharpdressedman #daddybackinaction #badassedit #killergaze #britishstyle #imaspy #secretagentman #yoursaviorishere (at London, United Kingdom)

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6 years ago
"To See Is To Devour..So, Would You Dare To Reach Inside The Vault Of A Feral Heart? Glare Into The Keyhole,

"To see is to devour..So, would you dare to reach inside the vault of a feral heart? Glare into the keyhole, eyes bound with it real what we perceive? or does the absent colour leave you lost or deceived? By the way...I’ve seen the way you look at me, eyes darkening, a perfect blush breaking over your skin. You think of me often when you are alone, don’t you? You think of how tormenting my touch would be. How delightful it would be to have me fill you. You dream of me until a name is gasping from your throat in a torrent of mews; the name of Loki.” #feelinggood #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #personalquote #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #gentsstyle #badass #talldarkandhandsome #killergaze #lokistyle #godofmischief #smirk #thedevilsinthedetails #diablo #saturdaynightfever #hiddlestoner #pervertbychoice #blackandwhitephotography #theartistbehindthebrush #smokingajoint #mischiefactivated #philosopherspath #feelinghigh #nightconversations #lokisdirtywhispers (at London, United Kingdom)

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6 years ago

“Tell me what creatures you fear, that haunts your dreams. Tonight I will shift into each one, and take you, until your scream from pleasure, not fear. I will make you long for the dark and its creatures.” #personalquote #hiddlestoner #godofmischief #writersofinstagram #lokisarmy #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilsinthedetails #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #badassery #diablo #halloween🎃 #hiddlesarmy #tomhiddleston #tomhiddlestonedit #artistsoninstagram #haunted #nightcrawler #gentlemensnight #gentsstyle #gentlemanstyle #darknessneversleeps #thedevilneverlookedsogood #sharpdressedman #killergaze #ghostsarereal #lokisdirtywhispers #halloweenmood #nightconfessions (at London, United Kingdom)

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6 years ago
I Was Told I Was Dangerousbecause I Like Undressing Women With My Eyes...The Thing Is, I Never Feel Guilty

“I was told I was dangerous…because I like undressing women with my eyes...The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures. And only foolish men suppose taking off a woman’s clothes is the best way to get her completely naked. So, I use my eyes to say a million things...You may talk. And I may listen. And miracles might happen. And I might scare you a little, because I'm a man, and I know how to do things...” #personalquote #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #godofmischief #talldarkandhandsome #diablo #malemodel #writersofinstagram #lokisarmy #artistsoninstagram #badass #killergaze #thedevilsinthedetails #nakedisbetter #naughtygod #darkhairgreeneyes #vampirestyle #vampirelover #blackandwhitephotography #digitalartist #deviantartartist #theartistbehindthebrush (at London, United Kingdom)

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6 years ago
You Know You Cannot Take Your Mind Off Me, Dear. Even As You Stand There, Pretending That You Do Not

“You know you cannot take your mind off me, dear. Even as you stand there, pretending that you do not care for me, I can hear your heart as it pounds against your rib cage. I can see your fingers twitch as they resist reaching out to touch my face, and I can taste your desire as your cheeks flush and you run your tongue over your bottom lip. You want me. All you have to do is ask, my sweet.” P.S. I’m back, you mewling quims!😈 #personalquote #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #godofmischief #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #wordporn #artwork #tomhiddlestonedit #lokiedit #snakegod #shirtlessloki #blackwhitephotography #digitalartist #thedevilneverlookedthisgood #gentstyle #pervertbychoice #gentlemanstyle #smolderpoetry #thedevilsinthedetails #tomhiddleston #hiddlesarmy #lokisarmy #hiddlestoner #badassedit #icygaze #killergaze #badassstyle #fashionphotography #guesswhosback

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6 years ago
Darling, Just Because I'm A Gentleman Don't Mean I Wont Spank You! Cause Ive Seen How Your Breath Catches

“Darling, just because I'm a gentleman don't mean I won’t spank you! ‘Cause I’ve seen how your breath catches whenever you see me in my true form. Let us find out if your warm, mortal body can withstand my icy touch.” #personalquote #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #pervertbychoice #lokiedit #lokistyle #godofmischief #tomhiddleston #tomhiddlestonedit #digitalartist #gentstyle #gentlemansclub #lokisdirtywhispers #gentlemenstyle #writersofinstagram #wordporn #naughtybynature #artistsoninstagram #killergaze #thedevilneverlookedthisgood #talldarkandhandsome #hiddlesarmy #lokisarmy #artwork #aquablueeyes

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6 years ago

“Oh, my cannot so easily trick me! I saw as you slid your hand between those glorious thighs and touched your tender heat, moaning my name between breaths. I know you want Daddy’s fat cock anywhere it fits. Now come hither, beloved. I shall caress all of your soft curves, fondle your supple breasts, and pleasure your petal-soft yoni until you are fully satisfied.” #wordporn #personalquote #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #lokistyle #tomhiddlestonedit #tomhiddleston #godofmischief #hiddlestoner #lokisdirtywhispers #writersofinstagram #thedevilneverlookedthisgood #artistsoninstagram #thedevilsinthedetails #gentstyle #gentlemensclub #pervertbychoice #hiddlesarmy #naughtybynature #tomcat #talldarkandhandsome #killergaze #touchherwithouttouchingher #wordgasms #dirtywhispers #confessionsofanaughtygod

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