Poetrycommunity - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
...I Believe There Is Another World Waiting For Us. A Better World. And I'll Be Waiting For You There...

“...I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there...” #personalquote #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #soulmatequotes #tomhiddlestonedit #andrewsmolderpantsartworks #poetsofinstagram #digitalart #deviantartist #lokisilvertongue #insearchforsoul #soulmate #hiddlestoner #dedicated #digitalphotography #deviantart #asgardianprince #starboy #poetrycommunity #lovebeyondstars #writteninthestars

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7 years ago
The Devil's Finest Trick Is To Persuade You That It Doesn't Exist. So, Who Am I? I Am A Pairing Of Strange

“The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that it doesn't exist. So, who am I? I am a pairing of strange And common, Of oddball of bells And turmoil of keyboards... A harmony of prose and verse, of crimes and romance, of art and heres... " #picoftheday #tomhiddleston #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram #personalquote #lokisarmy #deviantarts #lokisilvertongue #deviantartist #digitalart #thedevilisreal #badass #poetsofinstagram #andrewsmolderpantsartworks #writersofinstagram #poetrycommunity #thedevilisaparttimercosplay #gentstyle #gentlemenstyle #lionhearted #killergaze #bluesteel #hiddlestoner #hiddlestonersunite

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7 years ago
I Have A Theory That Everyone's Crazy Anyway. And Those Who Think They Aren't, Are The Ones Who Are Even

“I have a theory that everyone's crazy anyway. And those who think they aren't, are the ones who are even crazier - because they're in denial. But if you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud. And at the end of the day, I just do my job. I love my art. I genuinely want to change the world and I really want people to see that I am always a different man; a reinterpretation of the man I was yesterday, and the day before, and all the days I have lived.” #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #quotestoliveby #quotesaboutlife #writersofinstagram #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #artistsoninstagram #deviantartist #digitalphotographer #photographer #livethefastlane #gentstyle #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #gentlemansclub #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #menwithstyle #startheweekright #motivationmonday #motivationalquotes

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7 years ago
I Sometimes Have Moments Of Such Despair, Such Despair Because In Those Moments I Start To Think That

“I sometimes have moments of such despair, such despair … Because in those moments I start to think that I will never be capable of beginning to live a real life; because I have already begun to think that I have lost all sense of proportion, all sense of the real and the actual; because, what is more, I have cursed myself; because my nights of fantasy are followed by hideous moments of sobering! And all the time one hears the human crowd swirling and thundering around one in the whirlwind of life, one hears, one sees how people live—that they live in reality, that for them life is not something forbidden, that their lives are not scattered for the winds like dreams or visions but are forever in the process of renewal, forever young, and that no two moments in them are ever the same; while how dreary and monotonous to the point of being vulgar is timorous fantasy, the slave of shadow, of the idea...” #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #philosopherbynight #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #meaningoflove #meaningoflife #thinking #philosopherspath #writer #thoughtoftheday #confessionsofapoet #midnightconfessions #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #hiddlestoner #thinkingofher #thinkingaboutlove #loveneverdies #gentstyle #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle

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7 years ago
Even Though Im.... In Our Time Together, You Claimed A Special Place In My Heart, One I'll Carry With

Even though I’m.... In our time together, you claimed a special place in my heart, one I'll carry with me forever and that no one can ever replace. #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #quotesaboutlove #blameitonthemoon #bonjovifan #loveabadname #loveneverdies #soulrippedout #truelovequotes #poetrycommunity #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #hiddlestoner #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #digitalart #deviantartist #andrewsmolderpantsartworks #mood #midnightmood #philosopherspath #thenotebookquotes #nicholassparks

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7 years ago
If Someday The Moon Calls You By Your Name Dont Be Surprised, Because Every Night I Tell Her About You.

“If someday the moon calls you by your name don’t be surprised, Because every night I tell her about you.” And... #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #repostpic #lovequotes #becauseloveislove #soulmate #moonlightandlove #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #hiddlestoner #gentstagram #gentstyle #lovelettersforyou #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #poetsofig #artistinlove

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7 years ago
Across The Galaxy, I Search My Soul..and Find It Where I Left It..in A Dying Star So I Can Be Born...

“Across the galaxy, I search my soul..and find it where I left it..in a dying star so I can be born...” #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #smoldertongue #silentwarrior #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #hiddlestoner #philosopherspath #nightthinker #starboy #soulfromthestars #soulfood #mood #paradiselost #loveisgone #gentstagram #gentstyle #lokisilvertongue #poetry #silentpoet

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7 years ago
I Should Run And Hide, But I Feel Safer At Your Side So..I Dare To Reach Out Your Hand Into The Darkness,

“I should run and hide, but I feel safer at your side So..I dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull you into the light...'' #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #deviantartist #digitalpainting #poetrycommunity #hiddlesarmy #poetsofinstagram #poetsofig #wonderland #wonderlost #darknessandlight #dreamersandmusicmakers #dreamerphilosopher #soulmates #lightanddark #crazypeoplearemyfavorite #madhatter #johnnydeppfan #aliceinwonderland #hiddlestoner

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6 years ago
You Try To Fight Your Feelings, But Its No Use...Ive Seduced Your Mind, With Just One Look In Your Eyes,

You try to fight your feelings, but it’s no use...I’ve seduced your mind, with just one look in your eyes, and taken your body too...Fight it all you want, but you have to face the truth. It’s me you’re always going to think about! I think it’s time we should get straight to business... #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #badass #tomhiddleston #writersofinstagram #naughtygod #artistsoninstagram #godofmischief #poetsofinstagram #mischieftime #poetrycommunity #diablo #gentstagram #gentstyle #hiddlestoner #hiddlesarmy #lokisarmy #blackandwhitephoto

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6 years ago
''A Train That Never Stops Rolling It's Getting Into Your Blood.. A Need That Never Stops Growing.. He's

''A train that never stops rolling it's getting into your blood.. A need that never stops growing.. He's a poisonous one... A fever, a desperate religion...'' #picoftheday #personalquote #smolderpoetry #smoldertongue #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #lokistyle #hiddlestoner #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #kissquotes #salzburg #artwork #gustavklimtthekiss #higherstateofmind #philosopherspath (at Salzburg, Austria)

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6 years ago

A man and his thoughts are not that much different than your own, no matter what you may believe. I lay in my bed at night, staring into the ceiling as I ponder on the things that go on inside my head...I wonder to myself about what is to become of me...In a world full of variables, she was my constant. She was my gravity, the very thing that kept me grounded. I loved her like a man loves a woman he never touches, only writes to, keeps little photographs of. That man... #personalquote #smoldertongue #hiddlestoner #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #silentwarrior #silentpoet #gentstyle #gentlemenstyle #lokisilvertongue #gentstagram #poetrycommunity #quotesaboutlove #loveneverdies #thebestofme #missingher #lokisarmy #tomhiddleston #lostlove #mood #confessions https://www.instagram.com/p/BfZedcWAZ24/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11724e6t67gqq

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6 years ago

“I was told I was dangerous…because I like undressing women with my eyes...The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures. And only foolish men suppose taking off a woman’s clothes is the best way to get her completely naked. So, I use my eyes to say a million things... You may talk. And I may listen. And miracles might happen. And I might scare you a little, because I'm a man, and I know how to do things...” #quoteoftheday #personalquote #smolderpoetry #smolderstyle #tomhiddleston #smoldertongue #badass #diablo #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #artwork #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #poetsofig #tomhiddlestonedit #talldarkandhandsome #gentstagram #gentstyle #gentlemanstyle #gentlemansclub #hiddlestoner #hiddlesarmy #lokisilvertongue #naughtygod #godofmischief #mischieftime #happyeaster https://www.instagram.com/p/BhCIi6bgtp7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10ddw7n0u7hut

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6 years ago
I Would Traverse The Nine Realms; From The Highest Pinnacle To The Deepest Point Of The Sea If It Would

“I would traverse the nine realms; from the highest pinnacle to the deepest point of the sea if it would earn your favor. I would gather all the treasures of the world and present them at your feet. I would do anything for you, all you need do is ask. I love you, my precious flower. Don’t you ever doubt.” #personalquote #smolderstyle #smolderpoetry #hiddlestoner #godofmischief #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #smoldertongue #lokisarmy #lokiswhispers #lovequotes #confessionsofapoet #lovebeyondtime #beyondtheinvisible #loveconfessions #philosopherspath #beyondtime https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZ2rengVZf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1trk3tjy2bo7

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6 years ago
Love Is A Force More Formidable Than Any Other. It Is Invisible - It Cannot Be Seen Or Measured, Yet

“Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.” - Barbara de Angelis #quoteaboutlove #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #philosopherspath #nightconversations #lovequotes #dreamersandmusicmakers #lovebeyondtime #thinkingofyoualways #lostlove #vampirelove https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-IbgSA9tU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2z7m8c38vwbz

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6 years ago
February Melts Away In Tiny Drops That Dangle Like Miniature Lamplights To Light A Path Of Magic Into

“February melts away in tiny drops that dangle like miniature lamplights to light a path of magic into Spring...” #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #personalquote #poetrycommunity #poetrylover #wordpoetry #lokiedit #lokiofasgard #tomhiddlestonedit #tomhiddleston #thespian #thedevilneverlookedthisgood #thedevilsinthedetails #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #shhh #godofmischief https://www.instagram.com/p/Bubupc5Aif7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=189vodp8qhopn

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5 years ago
#repostingagoodone @withrepost The Devil's Finest Trick Is To Persuade You That It Doesn't Exist. So,

#repostingagoodone @withrepost “The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that it doesn't exist. So, who am I? I am a pairing of strange And common, Of oddball of bells And turmoil of keyboards... A harmony of prose and verse, of crimes and romance, of art and heres... " #picoftheday #tomhiddleston #personalart #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram #smolderstyle #personalquote #lokisarmy #digitalart #lokisilvertongue #smoldertongue #digitalartist #thedevilisreal #badass #poetsofinstagram #andrewsmolderartworks #artwork #tomhiddlestonedit #writersofinstagram #poetrycommunity #hiddlesarmy #thedevilisaparttimercosplay #gentstyle #gentlemenstyle #lionhearted #killergaze #bluesteel #hiddlestoner #thespian #thedevilsinthedetails #hiddlestonersunite #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilneverlookedthisgood #daddysback #watchoutforthis #godofmischief #naughtybynature #naughtygent https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXp62OorR8/?igshid=1j30b7im7qqgq

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1 year ago
Emily Dickinson. She Gets It.

emily dickinson. she gets it.

i just want to help people. if i cannot help people then how will i help myself? helping people, helps me. it makes me think less about myself and also makes me feel a little better about myself because i'm helping someone. but also how will i help others if i cannot even help myself? really, it's an endless loop. in the end i will always pick the selfless option. help someone else's heart. i shall not live in vain. maybe one day some one will come around and mend my heart. as i have done for others.

。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 - nina's book nook  ゚・。・゚

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4 years ago
Chavvi, A Curious Girl, Finds Herself In Company Of Ayush, A Mysterious Boy, In The World Where Music

Chavvi, a curious girl, finds herself in company of Ayush, a mysterious boy, in the world where Music and Arts are erased from the pages of history and only Science prevails. While they uncover history of the world they live in, they're targeted and most likely in danger. Will they sustain in such a world? Will this world accept something so magical and powerful even if it is introduced to them? Will the world understand their fight towards it? 🎶 #miracleswords ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #musicmystique #writtenword #love #dream #wordsmith #instawrite #writerslife #instawriter #wordswithqueens #instapoetry #instapoet #instapoem #spilledink #wordgasm (at Mystique) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_99AAxFzTd/?igshid=1uhss5konbgto

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4 years ago
A Map Of SARAS Through Which Chavvi's Story Travels. Chavvi, A Curious Girl, Finds Herself In Company

A map of SARAS through which Chavvi's story travels. 🎶 Chavvi, a curious girl, finds herself in company of Ayush, a mysterious boy, in the world where Music and Arts are erased from the pages of history and only Science prevails. While they uncover history of the world they live in, they're targeted and most likely in danger. Will they sustain in such a world? Will this world accept something so magical and powerful even if it is introduced to them? Will the world understand their fight towards it? 🎶 #miracleswords #musicmystique ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #writtenword #love #dream #wordsmith #instawrite #writerslife #instawriter #wordswithqueens #instapoetry #instapoet #instapoem #spilledink #wordgasm (at Mystique) https://www.instagram.com/p/CADk37BFrzp/?igshid=16t640twi3ohu

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4 years ago

He is the one if, He makes me laugh when I don't want to. He is the one if, He makes me do crazy things just for the fun of it. He is the one if, He supports you more than anyone. He is the one if, He doesn't leave you through whatever life offers. He is the one if, He can make you mad yet you can talk to him about it. He is the one if, He makes you want to cry for how much you love him. He is the one if, He just makes you smile just with his face in your mind. He is the one if, He makes your stomach curl when you see him. He is the one if, He makes your heart warm just with his smile. He is the one if, He replies with more enthusiasm than you when you say "I love you". He is the one if, He is just "if" and never continued with "but..." 💕 #miracleswords #MusicMystique ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #writtenword #love #dream #wordsmith #instawrite #writerslife #instawriter #wordswithqueens #lockdowndiaries #instapoet #stayhome #spilledink #wordgasm (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CALTPRflZjS/?igshid=ylfbzne0hw77

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