lokismoldertongue - Loki Smoldertongue
Loki Smoldertongue

"Gentleman by Day, Dreamer Philosopher by Night, Pervert by Choice, Rebel Artist by Fate." Thespian/Cat lover/Environmentalist/Writer/Digital Artist/Master Chef/Vampire ☮️😎www.Instagram.com/@rebel.artist_byfate

491 posts

At Some Point, When You Create Yourself To Make It, You're Going To Have To Either Let That Creation

At Some Point, When You Create Yourself To Make It, You're Going To Have To Either Let That Creation

At some point, when you create yourself to make it, you're going to have to either let that creation go, and take a chance on being loved or hated for who you really are, or you're gonna have to kill who you really are and fall into your grave grasping onto a character that you never were. #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #saturdaywisdom #gentstyle #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #artistsoninstagram #personalquote #writersofinstagram #philosopherspath #wisdomoftheday #createyourownstyle #createyourself #differentpath #differentme #gentlemenstyle

More Posts from Lokismoldertongue

7 years ago
Because Words Are Not Enough, I Will Love You With My Tongue...Im Not Starting With Your Skin Or Your

Because words are not enough, I will love you with my tongue...I’m not starting with your skin or your organs or your bones; I will love madly first, your naked soul. #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #midnightconfessions #lokisdirtywhispers #lokisilvertongue #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #badass #naughtythoughts #mindpenetration #midnightconversations #writersofinstagram #gentstyle #gentleman #gentlemanstyle #artistsoninstagram #poetsofinstagram #fiftyshadesstyle #naughtyking #dirtywhisperings #thesoulofapoet #smoothtalker #lokiinthesheets

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7 years ago
"You Can't Inherit Respect. You Can Only Earn It." #picoftheday #personalquote #motivationalquotes #successquotes

"You can't inherit respect. You can only earn it." #picoftheday #personalquote #motivationalquotes #successquotes #badassquotes #sarcasticquotes #badass #tomhiddlestonedit #lokisarmy #lokisilvertongue #smoldertongue #gentstyle #godofmischief #deviantartist #digitalart #poetsofinstagram #thursdaymotivation #lokiday #hiddlestoner #tomhiddleston #motivationthursday #staystrong #sharptongue #wickedgod #digitalart #happythursday #andrewsmolderpantsartworks

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7 years ago
So They Gave Me Love In Form Of Poison And Tiny Little Pills, Programming My Emotions, Teaching Me How

“So they gave me love in form of poison and tiny little pills, programming my emotions, teaching me how to feel. To act correct and talk correct and answer without knowing the question, because that, my dear, is how you get love. Yes that, dear youth, is how you'll be loved. I tried to medicate my own fucked up little mind with chemicals and adrenaline, tasting sweeter every night, shaking louder every time. Sitting wide awake in bed until the world disappears, writing poetry to concentrate on something real while waiting for the love to arrive. I've been looking for it night after night, waiting patiently for it to show up, maybe somewhere in between the state of awake and asleep, alive and not so alive, sober and not so sober. (I lost track of the difference somewhere in between.)” #lostinsilence #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #personalquote #trustyourgut #trustnoone #betrayalquotes #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #gentstagram #gentstyle #gentlemanstyle #notdumbenough #sarcasmquotes #forgivenessquotes #saturdaynightmood #beyondtheinvisible

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7 years ago
This Generation Has Lost The True Meaning Of Romance....You Should Treat Your Love Like A Queen. Give

This generation has lost the true meaning of romance....You should treat your love like a queen. Give her love songs, something with real meaning. Send her love letters. And... #picoftheday #quoteoftheday #quoteaboutlove #oldfashioned #gentstyle #gentlemenstyle #gentlemansclub #gentleman #crimsonpeak #hiddlestoner #tomhiddleston #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #digitalphotography #deviantartist #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #badass #naughtyking #lokisarmy #lokisilvertongue #lokisdirtywhispers #personalquote #tomhiddlestonedit

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7 years ago
#happynewyear #cheers #gentlemenstyle #gentleman #gentstyle #gentlemansclub #badass #coolattitude #suitup

#happynewyear #cheers #gentlemenstyle #gentleman #gentstyle #gentlemansclub #badass #coolattitude #suitup #sharpdressedman #tuxedo #coolquotes #hiddlestoner #lokistyle #writersofinstagram #smolderstyle #bondstyle #007 #champagne #happynewyear🎉

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