Cheers - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Snake? I don't remember asking about another thing with snake Jayde, that might be someone else's ask, don't delete it!

Story for Jayde the Quadcopter, they're back! And ready on stand-by for support. Check out @crossover-fraternity 's blog for the full context of this story, I garentee you'll be thoroughly entertained.

The journey from the mainline close-ish to Vicarstown to Arlesburgh harbor was one that was absolutely a hell on earth, if Satan himself ran a scrapyard Jayde was very sure they just survived his cutters torch. They had gone days of traveling day and night to get here, only stopping to sleep when they were too exhausted to continue on for the day.

They were starving, they were freezing, they were in so much pain that it was a miracle they hadn’t died on the way here. But they had finally gotten back to their quadcopter. They cried when they saw its blades over the roof of the engines sheds, they wasted no time in charging with what little strength they could muster. When they were under the machine itself they couldn’t help but sob in panted breaths, they were finally here. After being nearly taken by multiple random humans they were finally here. The pain had been worth it.

Once the adrenalin of their happiness had worn off however, they quickly realised a huge problem they had completely forgotten about. The way how to open their door was password protected, and Jayde in their current body of an emaciated python couldn’t speak. Jayde had gone from tears of joy to sobbing hysterically in a matter of less than a minute. How could they have been so foolish?! They had completely forgotten probably the most important detail about how to enter their own quadcopter.

Jayde slumped to the stone under their body, loud sobbing consuming the once still silence around them as hot tears drizzled down their scales. Gods Jayde was suddenly very terrified… they had gone close to a week without eating just to get here. They knew they had a spare body ready for use from their old army days, they just had to get that and themself into their soul chamber and they would be back to normal. But all of that would be for not…

Jayde cried as they coiled in on themselves… their stomach hurt… their ribs hurt… their head hurt… their skin hurt… all they could taste was their own dried blood from their wounds, it was so metallic that Jayde would have never complained about the smell of rusty metal for the rest of their function if they could help it. But they knew that possibility was now probably never going to happen.

‘I’ve lived for not even a decade and I’m already facing my fate… ma’am… sir… Spencer… I’m so sorry. …I couldn’t solider on any longer…’ Jayde thought as they cried. Four years spent as an air force weapon, and two spent as a body guard and chauffeur. Would Jayde have honestly changed it? No… they got to experience some of the most happiest memories they could think of on this island, and they were honestly glad they could leave this world on a high note by helping Duck and trying to assist Arry and Ben to help find their siblings.

Jayde honestly couldn’t help but reminisce… The first few hours of being alive were so terrifying to them. The second they came out of their soul chamber they were hauled away and strapped down onto a table, they were opened up and had many weapons and contraptions shoved into them. They were never referred to as having a gender, those people kept on calling them an it. ‘It was a weapon’, ‘It was a machine’. That was all they heard when they were being educated and schooled.

It was a constant schedule of boot camp, classes, and then testing. Rince, repeat. They remembered being present in the room for so many meetings to discuss plans on how to be improved upon, that they swear they might as well have drawn up the plans themself. But Jayde couldn’t help but curl their lips into a sad smile as they remembered the day they met the Duke and Dutchess of Boxford.

The Duke was visiting the base Jayde lived on for a business trip, the police force of Boxford needed permission from the army to use a new squad car that was being manufactured. And when the Duke was being given a tour of the hanger that Jayde was kept in the two locked eyes for a brief second. It was enough time for them to see something in each other and click but at the same time the army didn’t want the man seeing them.

Jayde was about to be ushered away when the Duke demanded to have a look at them. He was impressed by what he saw of Jayde and even more impressed when he saw their quadcopter. He wanted to see them in action and bring his wife along with him. The army couldn’t exactly deny his grace as they were on his land so they essentially had to let him see what Jayde was made of.

And oh did Jayde deliver when they showed how much of a tank in the air they were, knocking down dummies as if they were bowling pins, and several other exercises of flight, skill, and adaptability. The Dutchess of Boxford was actually so impressed that she wanted to meet Jayde face to face.

Fate be a harmony of melodic metal that day, as it was the first day that Jayde ever felt affection. When the two got to talking Jayde couldn’t help but stutter over their words as they knew these people were extremely important, and Jayde kept on feeling like a fool when they couldn’t answer their questions for them. Eventually when Jayde became so flustered they couldn’t speak right the Dutchess cupped their face and gave them a reassuring pet and talk. That made Jayde feel their first even powerful strong emotion.

Jayde began to tear up as the two regals comforted them and did their best to sooth them, Jayde was given a small hug and didn’t know how in the world to say thank you enough.

That day was the day that Jayde was asked to be purchased, to be turned into their personal camper van on blades and body guard.

Jayde from that day was immediately stripped of their weapons of lethality and had many of the contraptions stuffed inside them taken out. They were given disarming classes as well as combat classes, classes on how to be a host, classes on first aid, classes on cooking, and so much more.

They’re quadcopter was pulled apart from all the storage they had and hollowed out to be refurnished with lavishes of comfort. Large comfortable sofas were put in, storage for foods, a kitchen, bathroom, and anything a human could need for a small vacation.

Not long after this was done, Jayde had the honour of meeting the silver A4 himself, Spencer. Jayde at first didn’t know what a locomotive was so they first called Spencer- “Silver snake”. Oh how ironic that nickname was now… Jayde chuckled at the memory of their first conversation. Spencer didn’t know how to talk to someone who was former army material, and from a lot of stereotyping that was placed against Jayde’s origins Spencer thought that Jayde only knew how to speak in morse code. So the two had talked for a little bit back and forth in morse code before the Duke broke them up, and when they said in unison- “Yes sir” they got to having a bit of a chuckle… back then it was a decent way to break the ice at least.

“Heh…” Jayde chuckled a little at the memory before looking down to their tail. “.. / .... --- -. . ... - .-.. -.-- / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. / .... .- ...- . / ..- ... . -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / - --- / - .- .-.. -.- / - --- / - .... . / --- - .... . .-. / .- -. .. -- .- .-.. ... / .- - / - .... .- - / -.-. ..- .-. ... . -.. / .--. .-.. .- -.-. . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-” They tapped with their tail when they heard a noise come from above their head. “Password incorrect, please try again.”

Jayde shot up to looking at the entrance of their quadcopter as the speaker above the entrance spoke. The python could feel their face begin to lift up as they realised that the door picked up on their morse code! They didn’t even know their quadcopter could do that! Jayde quickly got to around were the steps for their quadcopter would drop, and began to tap on the stone again with their tail.

“... - .- - .. -.-. / ..-. .- -. .- - .. -.-. --..-- / . .-.. . -.-. - .-. .. -.-. / -... --- -- -... .- ... - .. -.-.” “Password accepted.” Jayde suddenly burst into crying again as they watched the steps fall down. Once they were low enough Jayde wasted no time in slinking in and then closing the door behind them. They zipped over to where their soul chamber was and opened it up, inside were a few clothes, a photo album, a sketch book with some pencils and the most important item that Jayde was looking for, a tape recorder.

Jayde climbed up onto their quadcopters control panel and inputted the command to have their old army codes reactivated. An automated voice spoke when they were finished. “Please provide protected password.”Jayde hit play on the recorder. “Jayde the quadcopter will solider on!” the Duke and Dutchess of Boxford’s voices spoke through the little device. “Access granted.” Jayde leaped off of the panel and speeded their way over to the middle of the room where a false lava-lamp stood, they twisted the bottom of it and like changing the nozzle on a salt shaker a hidden compartment revealed itself.

Jayde leaned in and pulled out the very heavy body that was their emergency backup body should anything have happened to them. They dragged it into their soul chamber and shut the door once they were in. Now was only a matter of time before they could get back to some sense of normality…

Story For Jayde The Quadcopter, They're Back! And Ready On Stand-by For Support.Check Out @crossover-fraternity

Hours passed as day turned into dusk, the clouds in the sky becoming a light lavender as their shadows reflected orange. The door to Jayde’s soul room finally opened up around this time with the humanoid quadcopter stumbling out on weak legs like a newborn deer. They stood up shakily onto their legs as blood dripped down their frame, they smiled as they took in a deep breath and then exhaled. They grinned into a sharp teeth filled joy as they walked over to the bathroom.

When they looked into the mirror they couldn’t help but cry tears of joy as they laughed and ran their hands over their face, they couldn’t give two cares at the moment that they looked a little different, they were just so relieved that they could speak and have hands again. The first thing they did was fill the bath tub with 1/5th’s of water and then begin to wash their body off of the blood and stray snake skin they had still on, taking a particular interest in the tail they now had above their backside.

Once they washed what they could of their body, they got to cleaning the floor of the blood that was smeared everywhere. Once everything was clean and finally dry, Jayde picked out a new wig to put on and some old clothes that the Dutchess of Boxford had given them. Once everything was set Jayde practically skipped out the door and up into the sky like a rocket, feeling more alive than the day they first flew.

They swirled in the sky like an acrobat on an aerial silk rope, diving and pulling up at the last second, all while singing to let the feeling of their freedom sink in all that more again.

“You shout it out. But I can't hear a word you say… I'm talking loud, not saying much… I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet. Shoot me down, but I get up.

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose~ Fire away, fire away~! Ricochet, you take your aim~ Fire away, fire away~

You shoot me down, but I won't fall~ I am titanium! You shoot me down, but I won't fall~ I am titanium!

Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall~ Ghost town and haunted love~ Raise your voice! Sticks and stones may break my bones~ Talking loud, not saying much~

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose~ Fire away, fire away! Ricochet, you take your aim! Fire away, fire away!

You shoot me down, but I won't fall! I am titanium!

You shoot me down, but I won't fall! I am titanium! I am titanium! I am titanium!

Stone-hard, machine gun~ Firing at the ones who run~ Stone-hard as bulletproof glass~

You shoot me down, but I won't fall! I am titanium! You shoot me down, but I won't fall! I am titanium!

You shoot me down, but I won't fall! I am titanium! You shoot me down, but I won't fall! I am titanium!

I am titanium!”

Once Jayde landed on the ground again they broke out into laughing hysterics, oh boy did that feel good to let out. They hugged themself close as their laughter eased out, and eventually stopped onto a blissful smile as they let the silence carry on across the open sunset air.

Jayde then caught their head up to the current situation, they still had friends out their that were missing and probably close to the same situation they were just in. A starving lone animal to the environments terrified for their lives. Jayde had to get a plan through their head…

Storming the building they escaped from wasn’t an option, something like that would take a whole police force and maybe even military intervention. The more responsible option was to see who was missing and join a search, but others were already doing that and that could actually leave more engines vulnerable if they went on searches by themselves.

So Jayde then had an idea pop into their head, out of probably anyone on this island they were the most combat experienced, the least they could do was probably hand a none lethal weapon to an engine for self-defence. But even that felt very little for progress, after all, Jayde was impaled by a harpoon and a close quarters non-lethal weapon couldn’t do very much against that.

The last few options Jayde could probably think of was their own quadcopter. The thing is bullet proof and incredibly dense, not many rockets would even be able to knock it out the sky. It was air tight so that also eliminated gas attacks, and of course it was password protected with loaded weapons on board. It was also hospitable…

Jayde slammed their fist into an open palm with a determined expression. They could at least tell other engines where to go if they did become turned into animals, and if their work comrades didn’t have the time to look after them Jayde could fill in. They imagined with fewer engines that meant more work was placed onto remaining ones, so that left no real time to look after the ones that had been transformed.

Jayde flew back up into the sky and made a bee-line for Knapford station, they would have to run this by the fat controller for it to go anywhere. But at least it was a start…

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6 months ago

Jay and Tim

You agree

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12 years ago

Are you having a bad day? Are there angry tears threatening to spill forth? Do you hate people right now?

Watch this video of a crowd breaking into cheers every time a toddler raises his arms and be happy again.

I love it when people spontaneously come together to create a little piece of magic.

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5 years ago

Maybe some Pearlmethyst??? 😋💫


why of course

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6 months ago
Hi Guys

hi guys

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6 months ago

oh my gosh I'm reading french!!!!!

Transcript: "Je n'arrive plus à prendre soin de moi."

Translation: "I can no longer take care of myself."

abbylikestodraw - braveAbacus - Abby

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you guys it’s mickey and ian’s wedding anniversary and the anniversary of the shameless finale and im supposed to be NORMAL AND OKAY????

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11 months ago

Honestly people shipping Predaking with canon TFP characters just feels gross. I'm not sure what lenght of time s3 spans, but while Predaking is huge and talks and walks, he definitely is a child by cybertronian standards. A baby, even. Their species lives for millions of years and he's what, one? (At most)

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10 years ago
#cheers #chin-chin # # # #

#cheers #chin-chin #干杯 #カンベイ #乾杯 #위하여

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2 years ago

Mingyu about to break the internet again

Mingyu About To Break The Internet Again
Mingyu About To Break The Internet Again
Mingyu About To Break The Internet Again
Mingyu About To Break The Internet Again

I honestly thought he was about to drop his hat in the water #prayformingyushat

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9 months ago


virgo. *shrug*

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8 years ago
Loyalty... #salud #cervezapresidente #dominicanshit #dominicano #romo #republicadominicana #cheers

Loyalty... #salud #cervezapresidente #dominicanshit #dominicano #romo #republicadominicana #cheers

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7 years ago
Cheers #haveaniceevening . . . #cheers #drink #alcohol #bar #drink #drinking #cubalibre #cocktail #selfie

Cheers 🍹✨😎😂 #haveaniceevening . . . #cheers #drink #alcohol #bar #drink #drinking #cubalibre #cocktail #selfie #gayselfie #smile #me #followme #follow #follow4follow #like #liekforlike #like4like #muscle #fitness #shredded #gay #instagay #gagym #gayfit #gayguy #gayhot #me #sunglasses #summer (presso Riccione Beach)

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7 years ago
#happynewyear #cheers #gentlemenstyle #gentleman #gentstyle #gentlemansclub #badass #coolattitude #suitup

#happynewyear #cheers #gentlemenstyle #gentleman #gentstyle #gentlemansclub #badass #coolattitude #suitup #sharpdressedman #tuxedo #coolquotes #hiddlestoner #lokistyle #writersofinstagram #smolderstyle #bondstyle #007 #champagne #happynewyear🎉

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