love9620 - Love9620

Lola| 27 years old| Disabled| Tyrus Shipper| Trans Woman| Disney Fan| Charmed Fan| Harry Potter Fan| Wicked Fan

463 posts

Heres All The New Footage From The New UK Preview, Leaving Out The Recap Of Past Episodes.

Here’s all the new footage from the new UK preview, leaving out the recap of past episodes.

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More Posts from Love9620

2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Meanwhile in another realm....

*The Mills Manor*

Charmed: A New Beginning

Alex Mills is in his bedroom working out.

Charmed: A New Beginning

Alex- Gotta get pumped before the game tonight bro...

Alex said to himself. Meanwhile his brother Asher was getting ready for his gig at A3.

Charmed: A New Beginning

Asher- I can't believe Aaron actually agreed to let my band play at his club tonight. This is going to be so lit bro!

As Asher was getting ready to leave he felt like something wasn't right. So he went into Alex's room.

Asher- Are you ok bro?

Alex- Yeah, never better bro.. why you ask?

Asher- I just had a feeling something was up bro..

Alex- Nothing going on here bro...

Asher- I see that bro.... Good luck on you're game tonight.

Alex- Thanks bro..

Asher- Just make sure you are home before the full moon tonight bro.. We don't need a repeat of what happened last time...

Alex- Relax bro.. I've learned how to control the wolf...

Asher- Have you really bro?

Alex- Yes! No go or you will miss you're gig bro!

Asher- Alright... See you later bro.

*Meanwhile in the Underworld*

Charmed: A New Beginning

Barbie- I don't have much time before the Halliwell sisters figure out my plans... I must act quickly if I want to spread fear through out all of the realms... and there by tipping the balance from good to evil... My father Barbas might not have been able to it but then again he didn't release that the earth's were connected... if it wasnt for Belthazor giving his blood to Nancy the necromancer I would have never found out about the other words... I do wonder if that little girl turned fully Demon by now... She probably has killed her sisters... oh what I wouldn't pay to have seen that!

*Meanwhile Back at A3*

Charmed: A New Beginning

Aaron- Alright how is everyone doing tonight? Good? Alright, Then we have a special treat for you all! My brother Asher and his band will be up shortly to play some songs for you all, this is their first gig so please be nice!


Asher- That was awesome bro!

Aaron- See I told you it would go well...

Asher- Yeah, but you probably already saw what would happen didn't you bro?

Aaron- What can I say it's my power...

Asher- I wish I could swap powers with you bro...

Aaron- Having Premonitions isn't always fun tho... I have to see things that I don't want to see...

Asher- Well at least it's better than Dream Leaping bro.... I can't even control it yet... every time I go to bed I enter someone's dream bro... it's like I don't get any sleep at all and need coffee just to stay awake bro...

Aaron- Well at least you got it better than Alex, I mean poor guy has two powers that he can't control... Hydrokinesis and thanks to his father he's part werewolf...

Asher- I still can't believe mom cheated on dad with a werewolf bro... like wasn't a handsome Warlock good enough for her?

Aaron- Just say Witch...

Asher- Why? We are Warlocks bro...

Aaron- Well I prefer to use Witch as Warlock can be seen in a negative light...

Asher- I get your point but why can't we take back the world Warlock bro?

Aaron- There's so many bad Warlocks out there...

Asher- So? We aren't anything like them bro...

Aaron- I know that it's just tha-

Just then Aaron sees the full moon out the window.

Aaron- Better call Alex...

Asher- Why bro?

Aaron- The moons out! Hurry, we gotta make sure he's home before he starts changing...

Asher- On it bro!

*Alex's Phone*- Hey bro, this is Alex leave a message bro...

Asher- Fuck bro! He's not answering!

Aaron- Well let's go find him before someone else does...

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Charmed: A New Beginning

Mel- Where are we?

Maggie- I have no idea...

Kaela- Is it still 2022??

Piper- Um 2022??

Phoebe- It's 2018....

Mel- No, it's definitely 2022...

Maggie- Guys... We know our earth's are connected but.. what if... what if time works differently??

Kaela- You mean each earth is in different years??

Paige- I need a drink...

Mel- Same...

After walking around for a little while, they came across a club.

Charmed: A New Beginning

Paige- A3...

Piper- Reminds me of P3...

Phoebe- Do you think....

Piper- One way to find out...

They all looked at each other debating on who should enter first.

Mel- After you..

Phoebe went to open the door when she got a flash of a woman with blonde hair and a black dress walking around in a building.

Phoebe- I think I just saw Barbie...

Mel- Did you see where she was?

Phoebe- She's in a building but... I didn't get a good look at the surroundings...

The girls entered the club.

Charmed: A New Beginning

Phoebe- Wow! Hot guy!!

Zach- Hey, Welcome to A3... what can I get you?

Phoebe- You're phone number!

Piper- Phoebe!

Zach- Hahah, I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm taken...

Paige- By chance do you know who owns this club?

Zach- My boyfriend actually owns the club.. Aaron Mills...

Piper- Dose he by chance have brothers??

Zach- Who wants to know?

Just then Aaron walked over.

Aaron- it's ok babe, they are friends of mine from out of town.

Zach- Oh ok, I'll let you guys talk.

Zach walked away think to himself "He never mentioned that he had friends that lived out of town.."

Aaron- Are you Charmed Ones?

Mel- Yes, Can you tell us where we are and what year it is??

Aaron- It's 1998 and you're in Watertown, WI.

Piper- 1998??

Aaron- Yep... So what year are you from??

Piper/Phoebe/Paige- 2018

Mel/ Maggie/Kaela- 2022

Aaron- Wow...

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5 years ago

The Key To My Heart ~Tyrus

Chapter 21

"He wouldn't hurt me." I said crossing my arms. "Tj you're a Vampire now." Cyrus said. "He won't have a choice it's in his blood." Amber added. "Jack is still my friend." I said. "Tj haven't you been listening?" Andi asked. "They kill new born Vampire's, it's what they do." Andi continued. Just then we hear howling in the distance. "They are getting closer." Cyrus said. "We have to get out of here." Amber said in a panic. "Don't worry I'm here babe." Andi said as she grabbed Amber's hand. "Tj, we have to go... Now!" Cyrus said as he took my hand in his and started running. "Cy, where are we going?" I asked. "There's a place where you will be safe." Cyrus said. "I love you Cyrus." I said. "I love you too." Cyrus replied back. We got to a little cottage in the middle of the woods. It looked like something out of a fairytale. "Lola, Lola, are you home?" Cyrus asked as he kocked on the door. "Cyrus?" Lola asked as she opened the door. "Tj?" She continued. "You know who I am?" I asked. "It's happened, hasn't it?" Lola asked and Cy nodded his head. "The End is near, come inside and I'll explain it all." Lola said as she pulled us inside her home. "Lola, who is it?" Jonah asked. "We have company." Lola said as she turned to Jonah. "Cyrus?" Jonah asked. "Hey, Jonah." Cyrus replied. "Am I missing something?" I asked. "Um.." Cyrus replied.

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Piper: I lost a sister too...

Piper said as she put a hand on Mel's shoulder.

Mel: There's so many things left unsaid...

Piper: I have an idea....

Mel: What?

Piper looked over at Paige.

Piper: One minute...

Piper walked over to Paige.

Piper: Paige did you by chance leave the book of shadows in the attic?

Paige: Heck No! I orbbed it here a few minutes ago.. I wasn't going to leave it in the House with Wyatt.

Piper: Can I have it?

Paige: Sure, but what do need it for?

Phoebe: I think I know...

Phoebe said looking over at Mel.

Piper: Wait here...

Piper said to Maggie and Kaela. They nodded their heads. Piper walked back over to Mel while flipping though the book of shadows. She then took Mel into another room.

Piper: Read this...

Mel looked at the spell in the book of shadows. While Piper placed 5 candles in a cycle and light them.

Charmed: A New Beginning

Mel: Will this work?

Piper: If our world's are truly connected then it should.

Mel: Hear these words, Hear my cry, Spirit from the other side, Come to me, I summon thee, Cross now the great divide.

Charmed: A New Beginning

Mel: Macy!

Macy: Hey, Mel...

Mel: Macy I'm so so sorry....

Macy: For what?

Mel: For not being a better sister...

Macy: Mel....... You and Maggie got to grow up together... I was just a stranger who showed up...

Mel: You weren't just a stranger... You were my sister... and everytime you tried to get close to me... I pulled away... because I was worried....

Macy: Worried??

Mel: Worried I would lose you... and look what happened...

Macy: Oh Mel, None of us could have produced what happened... but we can't change it.... all we can do is move forward... I'll always be watching over you....

Maggie heard a familiar voice and grabbed Kaela's hand and ran into the room where Mel was.

Maggie: OMG, Macy!!

Macy: Hey Maggie, My sister and Kaela our chosen sister...

Kaela: You know how I am?

Macy: Of course... Who do you think brought you guys together??

Maggie: I was right! I knew I felt you're hand in bering us together...

Macy: Like I was just telling Mel, I will always be looking over you...

Just then Phoebe and Paige ran into the room as well.

Phoebe: That's her! That's the girl from my vision!

Macy turned to look at Phoebe and Paige. She smiled at them both.

Macy: There's someone here who would like to say hi...

Piper: Who?

Charmed: A New Beginning

Prue: Me...

Paige: Prue?

Prue: Hey Paige....

Phoebe: I can't believe this... Is this actually happening...

Prue: Yes, I'm here... Sorry I couldn't show myself sooner I just wasn't ready.

Piper: We've missed you so much....

Piper said crying.

Prue: And I've missed you too... But just like Macy with her sisters... I've never stopped looking over you...

Phoebe: Prue... I- I wish....

Prue: I know Phoebe.... But I'm not here to dwell on the past...

Piper: You have a message for us?

Prue: I do... I know what caused Leo, Wyatt and Chris to turn evil...

Piper: Leo...

Paige: Chris...

Prue: Yes, it was a Demon that can travel to the other earth's...

Macy: Right now it's on the earth of three Charmed brothers...

Mel: Brothers?

Macy: Yes.... We don't know their names... but we do know that it's a Demon of fear that is doing this...

Piper: Barbas is back??

Prue: No, it's his daughter...

Phoebe: Barbas had a daughter....

Prue: I was just as surprised as you...

Maggie: What's her name?

Macy: Barbie...

Maggie: Well I will never look at Barbie dolls the same way again...

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3 years ago

Looking forward to seeing what happens next in S4 of Charmed.

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