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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


After entering the the Halliwell Manor Mel, Maggie and Michaela (Kaela) started looking around.

Charmed: A New Beginning

Maggie: I thought no one was home...

Maggie saw three women standing in front of her.

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Phoebe: We were expecting you...

Mel: Then why didn't you answer the door?

Piper: We left it unlocked...

Paige: So what are you're name's?

Maggie: Well I'm Maggie, this is Mel and Kaela... We are Charmed Ones...

Phoebe: Nice to meet you.

Piper: I'm Piper, this is Phoebe and Paige... We are also Charmed Ones...


Kaela: So how did you guys figure out our worlds were connected??

Piper: It's a long story....

Just then Diana appears in blue orbs

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Diana: Phoebe! We got a problem!

Phoebe: There's always a problem...

Diana: Yeah but the Elders say it's something huge...

Piper: I thought our Elders died...

Diana: They did I'm talking about different elders on another earth...

Paige: There's another earth??

Paige turned to look at Phoebe.

Phoebe: Oops, did I forget to mention that...

Paige: Yeah, You did!

Phoebe: Sorry!

Just then black orbs started to appear.

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Diana: Dark Lighter incoming!!

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Once the black orbs cleared there was Wyatt... Pipers son.

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Wyatt: Hello Mother Dear....

Piper: Wyatt! You’re Evil Again?? How??

Wyatt: Not Sure.. But I'm NOT going to fight it...

Diana: Quick, Paige you know what to do!

Paige grabbed her sisters along with the Vera-Danso sisters and orbbed away.

Wyatt: Diana... Diana... What are we going to do with you??

Diana: We??

Just then two voices called from around the corner... "He means us.."

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Diana: Leo... Chris... What Happened??

Leo: The same thing that's going to happen to you sweetheart...

Chris took out a green potion and was ready to throw it at Diana when she orbbed away.

Leo & Chris: Fuck!!


Paige: Welcome to Magic School...

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Maggie: Is this Hogwarts??

Piper, Phoebe and Paige laughed

Piper: No, but some times is feels like that...

Mel: This place looks so cool.

Kaela: So what is this place?

Paige: It's a school designed to help Magical creatures control their powers.

Kaela: Do you think someone here could help me get better control of my powers?

Maggie: Kaela you have control of you're powers...

Kaela: Yeah but it would be so cool to not have to hurry up and draw something for it to come to life...

Paige: You're a manifester... Interesting...

Mel: Piper are you alright?

Mel asked noticing that she had starting crying.

Piper: It's just that we tried so hard to stop Wyatt from becoming evil and now he is...

Phoebe: Oh honey, We will find away to save him again...

Piper: How! We have no idea who did this to him!

Mel: Maybe not yet, but with the six of us I'm sure we will be able to figure it out...

Phoebe: Mel is right... Everyone get to reading there has to be a book here to help us...

Diana: I found something in this book!

Phoebe: Diana?

Diana: What?

Phoebe: How did you get here before us?

Diana: I have my ways... Anyway look at this..

Diana said as she pointed to a page with the triquetra on it.

Maggie: According to this the triquetra represents three words tied together to help the greater good...

Piper: Let me see that book...

Piper closed the book to look at the cover...

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Phoebe: Hey that's the book that...

Piper: That Marisol gave us...

Paige: I haven't seen her in years...

Mel: Wait.. Did you say Marisol gave you that book?

Phoebe: Yes.. Why?

Paige: Dose that name mean anything to you??

Mel and Maggie looked at each other.

Maggie: She was our mother....

Maggie said with a tear running down her cheek.

Piper: I'm so sorry for you're loss...

Piper said putting a hand on Mel and Maggie's shoulders.

Phoebe: So Marisol must have known about the connection as well...

Paige: And it was that book that gave you the visions of the connection...

Paige said to Phoebe.

Phoebe: Well not completely... it wasn't just her but the Demon that we fought that day.. when I punched him I saw... I saw I different girl with Mel and Maggie...

Mel: Macy....

Mel said as she started to cry uncontrollably

Maggie: Mel...

Mel: I- I need a moment....

Mel said as she walked away from the group.

Phoebe: You guys lost a sister too...

Maggie: Yeah... but it's been awhile since I've seen Mel this upset...

Kaela: Let me talk to her...

Piper: No, I'll go... I think I know something that might help...

Tags :
2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Piper: I lost a sister too...

Piper said as she put a hand on Mel's shoulder.

Mel: There's so many things left unsaid...

Piper: I have an idea....

Mel: What?

Piper looked over at Paige.

Piper: One minute...

Piper walked over to Paige.

Piper: Paige did you by chance leave the book of shadows in the attic?

Paige: Heck No! I orbbed it here a few minutes ago.. I wasn't going to leave it in the House with Wyatt.

Piper: Can I have it?

Paige: Sure, but what do need it for?

Phoebe: I think I know...

Phoebe said looking over at Mel.

Piper: Wait here...

Piper said to Maggie and Kaela. They nodded their heads. Piper walked back over to Mel while flipping though the book of shadows. She then took Mel into another room.

Piper: Read this...

Mel looked at the spell in the book of shadows. While Piper placed 5 candles in a cycle and light them.

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Mel: Will this work?

Piper: If our world's are truly connected then it should.

Mel: Hear these words, Hear my cry, Spirit from the other side, Come to me, I summon thee, Cross now the great divide.

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Mel: Macy!

Macy: Hey, Mel...

Mel: Macy I'm so so sorry....

Macy: For what?

Mel: For not being a better sister...

Macy: Mel....... You and Maggie got to grow up together... I was just a stranger who showed up...

Mel: You weren't just a stranger... You were my sister... and everytime you tried to get close to me... I pulled away... because I was worried....

Macy: Worried??

Mel: Worried I would lose you... and look what happened...

Macy: Oh Mel, None of us could have produced what happened... but we can't change it.... all we can do is move forward... I'll always be watching over you....

Maggie heard a familiar voice and grabbed Kaela's hand and ran into the room where Mel was.

Maggie: OMG, Macy!!

Macy: Hey Maggie, My sister and Kaela our chosen sister...

Kaela: You know how I am?

Macy: Of course... Who do you think brought you guys together??

Maggie: I was right! I knew I felt you're hand in bering us together...

Macy: Like I was just telling Mel, I will always be looking over you...

Just then Phoebe and Paige ran into the room as well.

Phoebe: That's her! That's the girl from my vision!

Macy turned to look at Phoebe and Paige. She smiled at them both.

Macy: There's someone here who would like to say hi...

Piper: Who?

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Prue: Me...

Paige: Prue?

Prue: Hey Paige....

Phoebe: I can't believe this... Is this actually happening...

Prue: Yes, I'm here... Sorry I couldn't show myself sooner I just wasn't ready.

Piper: We've missed you so much....

Piper said crying.

Prue: And I've missed you too... But just like Macy with her sisters... I've never stopped looking over you...

Phoebe: Prue... I- I wish....

Prue: I know Phoebe.... But I'm not here to dwell on the past...

Piper: You have a message for us?

Prue: I do... I know what caused Leo, Wyatt and Chris to turn evil...

Piper: Leo...

Paige: Chris...

Prue: Yes, it was a Demon that can travel to the other earth's...

Macy: Right now it's on the earth of three Charmed brothers...

Mel: Brothers?

Macy: Yes.... We don't know their names... but we do know that it's a Demon of fear that is doing this...

Piper: Barbas is back??

Prue: No, it's his daughter...

Phoebe: Barbas had a daughter....

Prue: I was just as surprised as you...

Maggie: What's her name?

Macy: Barbie...

Maggie: Well I will never look at Barbie dolls the same way again...

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Meanwhile in another realm....

*The Mills Manor*

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Alex Mills is in his bedroom working out.

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Alex- Gotta get pumped before the game tonight bro...

Alex said to himself. Meanwhile his brother Asher was getting ready for his gig at A3.

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Asher- I can't believe Aaron actually agreed to let my band play at his club tonight. This is going to be so lit bro!

As Asher was getting ready to leave he felt like something wasn't right. So he went into Alex's room.

Asher- Are you ok bro?

Alex- Yeah, never better bro.. why you ask?

Asher- I just had a feeling something was up bro..

Alex- Nothing going on here bro...

Asher- I see that bro.... Good luck on you're game tonight.

Alex- Thanks bro..

Asher- Just make sure you are home before the full moon tonight bro.. We don't need a repeat of what happened last time...

Alex- Relax bro.. I've learned how to control the wolf...

Asher- Have you really bro?

Alex- Yes! No go or you will miss you're gig bro!

Asher- Alright... See you later bro.

*Meanwhile in the Underworld*

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Barbie- I don't have much time before the Halliwell sisters figure out my plans... I must act quickly if I want to spread fear through out all of the realms... and there by tipping the balance from good to evil... My father Barbas might not have been able to it but then again he didn't release that the earth's were connected... if it wasnt for Belthazor giving his blood to Nancy the necromancer I would have never found out about the other words... I do wonder if that little girl turned fully Demon by now... She probably has killed her sisters... oh what I wouldn't pay to have seen that!

*Meanwhile Back at A3*

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Aaron- Alright how is everyone doing tonight? Good? Alright, Then we have a special treat for you all! My brother Asher and his band will be up shortly to play some songs for you all, this is their first gig so please be nice!


Asher- That was awesome bro!

Aaron- See I told you it would go well...

Asher- Yeah, but you probably already saw what would happen didn't you bro?

Aaron- What can I say it's my power...

Asher- I wish I could swap powers with you bro...

Aaron- Having Premonitions isn't always fun tho... I have to see things that I don't want to see...

Asher- Well at least it's better than Dream Leaping bro.... I can't even control it yet... every time I go to bed I enter someone's dream bro... it's like I don't get any sleep at all and need coffee just to stay awake bro...

Aaron- Well at least you got it better than Alex, I mean poor guy has two powers that he can't control... Hydrokinesis and thanks to his father he's part werewolf...

Asher- I still can't believe mom cheated on dad with a werewolf bro... like wasn't a handsome Warlock good enough for her?

Aaron- Just say Witch...

Asher- Why? We are Warlocks bro...

Aaron- Well I prefer to use Witch as Warlock can be seen in a negative light...

Asher- I get your point but why can't we take back the world Warlock bro?

Aaron- There's so many bad Warlocks out there...

Asher- So? We aren't anything like them bro...

Aaron- I know that it's just tha-

Just then Aaron sees the full moon out the window.

Aaron- Better call Alex...

Asher- Why bro?

Aaron- The moons out! Hurry, we gotta make sure he's home before he starts changing...

Asher- On it bro!

*Alex's Phone*- Hey bro, this is Alex leave a message bro...

Asher- Fuck bro! He's not answering!

Aaron- Well let's go find him before someone else does...

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Aaron's room

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Aaron- Alex isn't in my room... I hope Asher finds him in the attic

Meanwhile In the attic

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Asher- Well Alex is definitely not in the attic...

Just then the front door slammed shut. Asher and Aaron run down the stairs.

Alex- Fuck we lost the game!

Asher- Bro, You're not a werewolf?!?

Alex- I told you I got control of the wolf bro..

Aaron- How?

Alex- I'll show you bro...

Alex lead his brothers back to the attic and grabbed the book of shadows off the table.

Alex- See it's this spell right here bro...

Aaron and Asher look at the spell.

Asher- Um bro...

Aaron- This spell is in a different language....

Alex- What's the problem bro?

Aaron and Asher looked at each other.

Asher- We don't know this language bro...

Alex- Well I can understand at perfectly bro...

Aaron took a closer look at the spell and realized something.

Aaron- Well no wonder....

Asher- What bro?

Aaron- It's written in his father's handwriting...

Alex- David? Mom actually let him write in our book of shadows?!?

Aaron- I guess so...

Alex- Bro, my dad wrote this??

Aaron- It appears that way...

Alex turned to look at the picture of their mom and his father on the wall.

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Alex- So is this like some sort of wolf magic bro? Did you know I would become a werewolf dad?

Aaron- He must have at least expected that you might otherwise he wouldn't have written that spell for you..

Asher- Yeah, in our book of shadows bro!

Aaron- Our mom might have cheated on dad with David but she must have loved him in order to let him write in the book of shadows...

Just then the picture started talking.

Amelia- I didn't Cheat!!

Alex/Aaron/Asher- Mom?!?

Amelia- Hello my darlings...

Aaron- How is this possible??

Amelia- Anything is possible when you're a spirit honey...

Asher- What do you mean that you didn't cheat? That's what dad always said!

Amelia- He wasn't telling the truth!

Aaron- So what is the truth?

Amelia- You're father and I got a divorce... He didn't take it very well... I let him say that I cheated because it made him feel better but now it's time I clear the air...

Alex- So Ryan lied about you cheating?

Amelia- That's correct... I married David a few years after the divorce. Asher you were just 2 years old at the time and Aaron you were just 3 months old... You probably don't remember that we shared custody of you boys for awhile...

Aaron- I don't remember that at all...

Asher- Neater do I....

Amelia- it was a wonderful year together...

Alex- You were only together for a year??

Amelia- Yes, you see your father was killed by a silver bullet...

Alex- So that true?!?

Amelia- It's true... But the night he died I had told him I was pregnant and he said that he was worried that if our child would also be part werewolf, he told me he knew of a spell that could help when you came of age to start going through the change so I had him write it in the book of shadows for you to find..

Alex- What do you mean come of age?

Amelia- A werewolf comes of age at 19...

Alex- Wait.. My 19th birthday was a week ago... was that you that lead me to the spell...

Amelia- Yes...

Alex- Then why did it work the first time I read it?? There was a full moon that night!

Amelia- David told me it probably wouldn't work right away... but you kept reading it right?

Alex- Yeah... and I felt like I had more control.

Amelia- See! I'm so proud of my three boys!

Aaron/Asher/Alex- Thanks mom

Amelia- Just one more thought before I go...

Aaron- What?

Amelia- Other Charmed Ones from different earth's are on the way... There's danger brewing... and they are coming to help.

Alex- What!

Aaron- What do you mean??

Amelia didn't answer.

Asher- Mom are you there?

Amelia still didn't answer.

Alex- I guess she's gone bro...

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Charmed: A New Beginning

Mel- Where are we?

Maggie- I have no idea...

Kaela- Is it still 2022??

Piper- Um 2022??

Phoebe- It's 2018....

Mel- No, it's definitely 2022...

Maggie- Guys... We know our earth's are connected but.. what if... what if time works differently??

Kaela- You mean each earth is in different years??

Paige- I need a drink...

Mel- Same...

After walking around for a little while, they came across a club.

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Paige- A3...

Piper- Reminds me of P3...

Phoebe- Do you think....

Piper- One way to find out...

They all looked at each other debating on who should enter first.

Mel- After you..

Phoebe went to open the door when she got a flash of a woman with blonde hair and a black dress walking around in a building.

Phoebe- I think I just saw Barbie...

Mel- Did you see where she was?

Phoebe- She's in a building but... I didn't get a good look at the surroundings...

The girls entered the club.

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Phoebe- Wow! Hot guy!!

Zach- Hey, Welcome to A3... what can I get you?

Phoebe- You're phone number!

Piper- Phoebe!

Zach- Hahah, I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm taken...

Paige- By chance do you know who owns this club?

Zach- My boyfriend actually owns the club.. Aaron Mills...

Piper- Dose he by chance have brothers??

Zach- Who wants to know?

Just then Aaron walked over.

Aaron- it's ok babe, they are friends of mine from out of town.

Zach- Oh ok, I'll let you guys talk.

Zach walked away think to himself "He never mentioned that he had friends that lived out of town.."

Aaron- Are you Charmed Ones?

Mel- Yes, Can you tell us where we are and what year it is??

Aaron- It's 1998 and you're in Watertown, WI.

Piper- 1998??

Aaron- Yep... So what year are you from??

Piper/Phoebe/Paige- 2018

Mel/ Maggie/Kaela- 2022

Aaron- Wow...

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


*Flashback to the earth split*

Patty- You sure you want to do this?

Marisol- We don't really have a choice...

Amelia- So once we read this spell for a new reality then what?

Marisol- We will be the only ones to remember what really happened...

Patty- Our earth will be split into three...

Amelia- We have to stop him from taking over some how!

Marisol- That's why we have to separate our earth... He can only be on one earth...

Amelia- Remember once we do this... there's no going back...

Patty- It's been done before...

Amelia- Yes but-

Marisol- We have to do this now!

Amelia- I don't want to say goodbye to my friends...

Patty- This isn't goodbye... not really...

Marisol- We will be amazing to travel through the realms...

Amelia- Hopefully he won't be able to do the same...

Patty- Don't worry... My daughter's will defeat him...

Just then a cloud of black smoke appears

Barbas- Hahaha... You really think you can vanquish me?!?

Marisol- Maybe...

Patty- Now!

Marisol- Hecite! We call on you to help us in this fight!

Amelia- Separate Our world to three!

Patty- To different realms and times we will belong!

Patty, Amelia, Marisol- Oh great mother hear our call! Make what we wish a new reality! So mote it be!!

Thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, the earth begins to shake...

Barbas- No!!

Marisol- Goodbye dear friends....

Patty- Until we meet again...

Amelia- Blessed Be...


Patty- You lost.... There's nothing you can do to get my friends now...

Barbas- Oh I'll find away dearie... I always find away....


Marisol- I think there's something wrong with the baby... like really wrong....

Amelia- Please go get it checked out...

Marisol- Maybe you're right...

Amelia- You know I am....

Marisol- I just wish....

Amelia- I know.... I miss her too... but we can't change what happened....

Marisol- I know.... I feel bad Prue had to be witness to that tho...

Amelia- Same, it couldn't have been easy...

Marisol- Have your Charmed ones been chosen yet...

Amelia- Not yet but, it will happen once we really need them...

Marisol- I suppose that should head back home now...

Amelia- Yes, I should get going to so I can take off this glamor...

Marisol- You didn't have to do that you know...

Amelia- Ik but I wanted to be safe just in case...

Marisol- It was nice to see you're mother face again anyway....

Amelia- Yeah I miss her deeply... Take care Marisol.

Marisol- Thanks... I hope you take care as well...

Amelia- Thanks...


Patty- How are things going with Marisol?

Amelia- She's worried about Macy...

Patty- I miss her dearly... but I can't show myself to her just yet...

Amelia- I know you're waiting to worn her about charity.... but don't you think you should do it soon?!?

Patty- No... I have to wait

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


*Present day*

Charmed: A New Beginning

Raven- Do you think it's time we tell our cousins the truth?

Ruby- Are you kidding?!?

Rachel- I don't think they will take it very well....

Ruby- Yeah, I don't want to upset them... I mean their mom and dad just passed away a few months ago....

Raven- But they need to know They weren't ment to be the Charmed Ones!

Rachel- We can't change the past...

Raven- But they took the power from us!

Ruby- It was an accident....

Rachel- They are the Charmed Ones... There's nothing we can do to Change that...

Raven- Actually there is....

Rachel- No! We aren't doing that!

Ruby- Aunt Amelia told you about that in confidence... We aren't going to repeat what her and her friends did...

Raven- Why Not?!? It would right the wrongs done to us!

Ruby- If we did that spell who knows what would change...

Raven- Who cares! We deserve to be the Charmed Ones!

Rachel- Ik the power of three normal gose to women buts not our fault that something happened during the power transfer...

Ruby- Well actually....

Rachel- What did you do!?

Ruby- I let them into the room

Rachel- What!!

Ruby- I'm sorry guys I wasn't expecting them to run around and ruin the ceremony....

Raven- They were toddlers! What did you expect!

Ruby- I'm sorry... but Rachel is right we just gotta move forward...

Raven- Well I can't move forward... They need to know the truth!

*The next day*

Rachel- Morning...

Ruby- Morning...

Rachel- Raven still sleeping?

Ruby- Must be... I haven't seen her...

*Text from Raven*

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Ruby- Oh boy...

Rachel- What!

Rachel looks at the phone with a disappointed look on her face.

Ruby- We have to go after her!

Rachel- Definitely!

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


*Flashback to early morning*

Raven just woke up and decided to call a taxi to take her to the airport.

Raven- Hello, this is Raven Mills... I need a wheelchair accessible taxi to take me to the airport.. this is an emergency!

Raven then hanged up the phone.

Raven- Am I really doing the right thing?

Raven said to herself as she picked up her purse and wheeled herself down the hall to the front door.

Raven- Of course I am... aren't I?

Raven's thoughts were going back and forth about her decision... Soon she arrived at the airport and asked for assistance to get on the plane.

Raven- No truning back now...

Raven picks up her phone to text Ruby.


Ruby- Did we make it in time?

Rachel- The plane hasn't taken off yet!

Ruby- then hurry, there's no time to lose!

As luck would have it they were able to set quite close to Raven.

Rachel- What were you thinking?

Raven- I....

Ruby- You know how dangerous it is to go out by yourself? What if something would have happened??

Raven- You're right... I wasn't thinking about that....

Rachel- We were worried sick!

Raven- I'm sorry...

Ruby- So you're really doing this...

Raven- Maybe... I don't know...

Rachel- Having second thoughts?

Raven- Yeah... Maybe they don't need to know what happened... Maybe some family secrets should stay secret...

Ruby- Well now that's settled... it's to late to get off the plane so why don't we still go pay our cousins a little visit?

Raven- Yeah... I'd like that...

Rachel- We haven't seen them in forever...

Raven- Guys, I promise won't go out by myself again...

Rachel and Ruby looked at each other.

Ruby- Honey it's not that we don't want you to go out by yourself it's just how long the distance is...

Rachel- Yeah the airport is all the way across town... Who knows what might have happened....

Raven- I love you both....

Rachel and Ruby- We love you too.

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Charmed: A New Beginning

Ruby- Well this is it...

Rachel- Should we knock?

Raven- Um guys... there's no ramp....

Ruby- The ramp is on the side entrance... don't you remember?

Raven- I guess not... has it really been that long...

Rachel- We haven't been here since the accident.... You know....

Ruby- The ceremony gone wrong....

Rachel- Yep....

Raven- Do you think they will even recognize us?

Ruby- It's hard to say... I would hope...

Raven wheels Ruby up the ramp and they knocked on the door.

Ruby- Hello?

Rachel- Anyone home?

The door then opens...

Aaron- Cousins! What are you doing here?!?

Raven- Just stopped in to say hello...

Aaron- Wow you must have had a long trip... How's Florida?

Ruby- It's fine... How are you guys doing??

Aaron- Kinda crazy....

Just then they heard yelling from inside...

Phoebe- Maggie liason to me!

Mel- She doesn't have to listen to you!

Phoebe- Barbie will be making a move any time now I'm trying to help you!

Maggie- By making me drink some weird looking tea?!? No thanks...

Phoebe- It's for a vision quest...

Raven- Oh a vision quest.. I haven't done one of those in ages...

Raven said as she wheeled herself into the living room.

Aaron- Phoebe, Maggie, Mel... those are my cousins Raven, Ruby and Rachel...

Mel- Ruby?!?

Ruby- What?

Mel- Nothing... That’s just the name of my Ex...

Ruby- Oh....

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning



Nancy- You sure you're still ok with giving me some of you're blood?

Cole- I'm sure... Phoebe is going to kill me anyway... This way apart of me will live on...

Nancy- You know you're cousins are still on my earth... Do you want to come and say goodbye?

Cole- Parker and Abigail have no idea who I am....

Nancy- Well if you are truly going to die.. then might as well go see your cousins...

Cole- I guess you have a point...

*End Of Flashback*

Kaela was sitting in A3 talking to Paige.

Kaela- I want to thank you..

Paige- Thank me?

Kaela- For doing this for me...

Paige- I'm just showing you how to have better control of your powers....

Kaela- And I thank you for that because my boyfriend... Deav... He was trying to help me... before he was killed...

Paige- Oh honey... I'm so sorry for your loss...

Kaela- Is It worth it?

Paige- Is what worth it?

Kaela- Trying to find love with everything we have to do...

Paige- Piper struggled with that same question... Sure our life's are complicated but Love is always worth it...

Kaela- I hope you're right...


Barbie- They are on to me... I'll leave this realm.... But what earth should I go to now... I know I'll go back to earth 2... There's still some damage I could do there.... Maybe I'll take Leo, Chris and Wyatt with me... Yes... There's so much we can do together...

Abigail- So it is true!

Barbie- What are you doing here??

Abigail- You're not the only one who can travel through realms...

Barbie- So what are you trying to do? Stop me??

Abigail- Yes! You are making the world's shift the balance to evil... We need to keep it equal...

Barbie- Hahaha, I see you're Witch side has gotten the better of you...

Abigail- So what if it has? It's our actions that define us not our nature...

Barbie- I never thought I'd see the day where the great Abigail Cane would go soft... What happened to the strong Demon overlord??

Abigail- Just because I've come to better terms with my Witch side doesn't mean my Demon side is any less strong...

Barbie- Hmmm we shall sees...

Barbie waved her hand in front of Abigail's face.

Barbie- I see your worse fear is for your brother to go dark... Well my pretty... Just you watch as I make that happen...

Abigail- No!

Barbie disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Abigail- I have to find the Charmed Ones...

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Abigail arrives at A3 looking around.

Zach- Hey Welcome to A3, What can I help you with?

Abigail- Is Michaela here?

Zach- Yes, she's talking to Paige. If you want I can take you over to her?

Abigail- That would be great, Thanks.

Zach- Right this way..

Zach took Abigail to the table.

Zach- Kaela, Paige... this young woman would like to talk to you.

Zach said as he pointed to Abigail and walked away.

Abigail- Well it's nice to know there's 3 different sets of Charmed Ones one this earth...

Paige- I'm sorry, who are you??

Abigail- I'm Abigail, I'm half Demon and also half witch.. I came for you're help as Barbie is going after my brother Parker...

Kaela- Parker... I know that name... Didn't he used to date Maggie?

Abigail- Yes!

Kaela- And that would make you the Demon overlord!!!

Abigail- Yes, but I'm not truly evil.. I gave that up awhile ago...

Kaela- Yeah, Because you fell in love with Mel.

Abigail- Can we not talk about this now.. Barbie is on here way to our earth to turn Parker evil!

Paige- So is Parker a Warlock or a Demon?

Abigail- Half Demon, Half Human...

Paige- Boy does that sound familiar...

Abigail- I wish Cole was still here.. He would have been able to help.

Paige- Did you say Cole?

Abigail- Yeah he's my cousin...

Paige- I'm sorry but we have no choice...

Abigail- Don't worry, I know you had to do what you did to keep the balance.

Kaela- Speaking of balance... What happens if Barbie wins??

Abigail- The Mulitvervse would be dragged into darkness... She's trying her best to switch every magical creature to the dark side...

Kaela- That doesn't sound good...

Abigail- It's not...


Raven- I know I said I wouldn't tell Aaron, Alex and Asher that they became the Charmed Ones by mistake but don't you guys think I should at least tell them the truth about the Mulitvervse??

Rachel- I don't think they are ready...

Ruby- That would probably send them for a trip.. If I'm being honest... maybe it's best for them to find that out for themselves...


The Vera Earth

Ray- Did you find it?

Niko- It wasn't easy but yes...

Ray- Great, let's put it up on this wall right here...

Niko- Do you think they are ok in there?

Ray- Honesty, I hope so....

Charmed: A New Beginning

Niko- I've been worried about Mel...

Ray- Same, but at least we know where her and her sisters are and how to keep them safe...

Niko- We wouldn't have known if it wasn't for Diana...

Ray- Yes, If you are listening Diana... Thank you for you're help...

Just then Diana appeared in blue lights.

Diana- You're welcome

Niko- I have a question..

Diana- Yes?

Niko- Why do you orb differently then Harry?

Diana- Things work differently on each earth dear..

Niko- I guess... I'm still trying to wrap my head around this Mulitvervse thing... but why are the other to earth's in paintings??

Diana- That's just what the spell Did.. The Video realm was just a different gateway into each painting... That was Phoebes idea... but she hasn't told her sisters yet that they live in a painting... I told her she should but she didn't want to...

Ray- I can understand why... it's a lot to take in.

Diana- That is true...

Niko- So, how long are they going to be in there?

Diana- It depends on how long it takes for them to get the information they need...

Niko- I hope they get it soon... We need to stop Barbie from doing whatever she has planned.

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