lovelychickenss - bless this mess because im stressed and depressed
bless this mess because im stressed and depressed

lost my sanity a long time ago but only now starting to realize it

49 posts

Lovelychickenss - Bless This Mess Because Im Stressed And Depressed - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago
Go Miffy Go!

go miffy go!

1 year ago
lovelychickenss - bless this mess because im stressed and depressed

I am screaming look at these photos

I Am Screaming Look At These Photos

Cut scene of Crowley sleeping on a WALL in his PAJAMAS (HE WEARS PAJAMAS ((AND BLACK SILK ONES AT THAT)))

I Am Screaming Look At These Photos

(From the Script book) He DOES wake up a mess and he DOES clean up instantly (WE WERE ROBBED OF MESSY HAIR CROWLEY)

I Am Screaming Look At These Photos



2 years ago

fathers casually dropping the craziest lore of their lives in the middle of a conversation

2 years ago

.. <- two ants kissing

2 years ago
2 years ago


2 years ago
2 years ago
Daddy Bong Legs

daddy bong legs

4 years ago
lovelychickenss - bless this mess because im stressed and depressed

did you know that if you often find yourself spending a long time in hot shower/bath it might be a sign you are actually craving the warmth of human touch

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4 years ago

hdsiofndsajkfnke how the f u ck did i not catch on to this i'm gonna cry fuck this

Yknow What
Yknow What

y’know what

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4 years ago

you sure that’s all you got buddy?

happy halloween lgbties!! what creature feature gay metaphor r u?

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4 years ago

typing “duck” instead of “fuck”

Typing Duck Instead Of Fuck

when u accidently type me instead of my 


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4 years ago

where does the hidden you-know-i-had-to-do-it-to-em guy go

getting rickrolled made me angry but getting stickbugged is so pleasant….

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4 years ago

before reading the caption i could’ve sworn the third and fourth last were the game grumps

Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings

Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically to Recreate Renaissance Paintings

Photographer Freddy Fabris has paid homage to the great Renaissance master painters using his camera instead of a brush. This unique tribute—aptly called The Renaissance Series—fuses contemporary culture with the dramatic styling of the original portraits.

4 years ago

am i stupid or does the fourth last look like an aged up arin hanson

Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings
Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically To Recreate Renaissance Paintings

Auto Mechanics Pose Dramatically to Recreate Renaissance Paintings

Photographer Freddy Fabris has paid homage to the great Renaissance master painters using his camera instead of a brush. This unique tribute—aptly called The Renaissance Series—fuses contemporary culture with the dramatic styling of the original portraits.

4 years ago

if gitchee gitchee goo from phineas and ferb doesn’t play at our wedding then why am i marrying you

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5 years ago

THANK YOU finally

Eddies Reaction Requested By @accordingtomel
Eddies Reaction Requested By @accordingtomel

Eddie’s reaction requested by @accordingtomel

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5 years ago

i’m saving this forever

“Let’s take our shirts off and kiss”



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5 years ago

thank you i’m crying

here you go you goddamn gays

5 years ago

two in one baby💖

Since I haven’t seen any mention of it yet, except on twitter, i’d also like to remind everyone that not only is June LGBT pride month, but it’s also Indigenous History month!

Please take the time to support, uplift and remember your Native, First Nations, Aboriginal and otherwise Indigenous friends and family. We are here, we exist! We have a long and winding history that deserves to be heard and respected! The word ‘Indigenous’ is so wonderful, and so expansive, and includes so many different cultures under its arms. Go out, learn about our histories and our cultures. Talk to the Indigenous people around you! We’re everywhere!

And not only that, but also be sure to give extra support to LGBT indigenous voices in this community. We are a minority that is scarcely acknowledged, and in desperate need of it. Too many times have I gotten strange looks for being so openly Native and so openly a lesbian. It’s as if that combination is impossible for people to understand. Support our content, buy from our stores! Or at least just include us!

I’d like to wish a happy LGBT pride month, and a happy Indigenous History month to everyone, but especially us LGBT Native folks. This really is our month to be open about ourselves, and I sure intend to. 💗🏳️‍🌈

5 years ago

This is a neutral post


Feel free to stop here and rest before journeying to the posts below.

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5 years ago

yeahhhhhhhh both

i wanna test something

reblog this if you want to help tucutes understand that what they’re doing is wrong, you’re in this discourse to try and help them understand that de-transitoning is worse than transitioning, and you don’t want them to go through that, they’re misinformed individuals and you want to try and educate them on things, even if it doesn’t work.

like this if you are in this discourse just because you hate tucutes

6 years ago

legit gonna make these

sweatpants that say “fool” on the ass

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6 years ago



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