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Lovesickxmina - We Are The Lovesick Girls - Tumblr Blog
i feel sick to my stomach after finding out about taeil i can’t even think straight right now. this just shows that idols are really faking their personalities huh? i thought he’s the kindest person ever. well, he’s just a man.
for people saying "there’s no proof yet". they literally kicked him out of the group, sm acted SO fast. if that doesn’t tell you anything, then get a grip.
(for context)

The taeil situation should be a harsh reminder to everyone that we DO NOT KNOW OUR IDOLS.
I don’t want to see anyone defending him. I don’t want to see anyone downplaying the seriousness of this just because he’s a well loved idol. This is a very serious situation and he does not deserve any stupid kpop stans running to kiss the ground that he walks on even as he commits grevious sexual crimes.
You don’t know him. I don’t know him. We support and fall in love with whatever side of an idol that they put on screen. No matter how much content you watch from an idol, it can never be equivalent to knowing them. It’s very easy to fake things or only show the pleasant side of yourself to fans. It has happened countless times. Can we please accept this fact?
Yes, this news is shocking. It’s always a hard pill to swallow finding out that an idol you supported turned out to be a vile criminal. But can we please stop believing that our idols are perfect angels who can do no wrong? They are human. And many of them are men. There needs to be a wall separating delusion from reality.
sm moving at light speed with a statement and swift contract split means there really ain’t no other way to spin this. incredibly shocking and disappointing news. wishing love, healing, and justice to all victims wrapped up in this situation - and former fans, be gentle with yourself. you couldn’t have known and it always hurts to have hard truths revealed like this but on the other side of the coin, let’s see this for what it is and let go. the only defending he needs is from an actual lawyer.
If I see anyone be like "this could never be my idol" or "this is why I stan this idol" it's an immediate block
You don't know these people and you never will. It could be every single one of them (we will never know)
i’m in such disbelief right now and beyond disgusted.
i really hope y’all are choosing your morals over kpop; because we do not know these men at all. i will never side with or defend a predator and a criminal, even with little to no proof. even if there is the smallest chance he may be innocent, i will always believe the victim first.
some of you, as fans of the boys for years and him in general, i know you must be feeling disappointed and betrayed. you’re not dumb for previously supporting him, as we couldn’t have possibly known. but now is the time for a reality check and it’s time to wake up and take a step back. this just goes to show that we know absolutely nothing about them.
for sm to just outright put out a statement on their own before any rumors even surfaced and immediately kick him out? this has to be insanely serious and i’m terrified of what he could’ve done. the crazy thing is with everything currently happening in korea with the telegram situation, and korean women constantly being in danger in general because of the men there, i’m not at all surprised that celebrities are being exposed. sm has protected criminals before, and held onto lucas when his scandal came out as well as other artists who have been exposed for similar crimes. i can’t even imagine the severity of the current situation. we’ve seen what happened with the burning sun, and these men are not immune to being misogynistic, vile human beings.
members have already unfollowed him and deleted posts with him in them; his best friend of 17yrs has unfollowed him. the company taking the initiative and him getting kicked out of the group in less than a second before anything even came out, no denying the claims or even trying to defend him. that should be enough to tell you and understand how serious this actually is. i am beyond disgusted with him and this whole situation.
i sincerely hope the victim is doing okay and praying for them to heal and get the justice they deserve. and remember that your love for these celebrities should always be conditional, because we do not know them. it’s their job to put on a show and show you their public persona, but behind closed doors? we don’t know what they’re actually like. we put them on a pedestal and yet we don’t know what they’re really capable of. they are still men after all. i hope the police are taking this seriously. there needs to be consequences and these women need to be protected.
let this be a lesson to all of us. they don’t know us, and we don’t know them, not really.
ALWAYS choose morals over kpop. and as women, we should be standing with the victims.
maybe not all men, but enough of them. and maybe not all men, but somehow always a man. and going forward, i will of course still be supporting nct as a whole. however, keeping the situation in mind, i will be supporting from afar for a little bit. i hope the rest of the members are doing okay, and hopefully no other members were involved, but this today, just shows that they can always surprise us. you never think it’ll be your fave, until it is.
let’s hope this causes a domino effect and more of these people are exposed and charged for what they’re doing.
sending love to anyone who has ever experienced sexual violence or has been targeted and been in a similar situation. it is not your fault and it never was!
love you all and my dms are always open if you need to vent. <3
a laugh for a coffee
# author's note ... not proofread, sorry!!!! also this is based on a tiktok i saw lmao
# setting ... non-idol!haechan, barista!yn, grumpy x sunshine
# warnings ... yns kinda a bitch lmaooo but tbh a mood, i relate ;; swearing

you knew it was an awful idea. every normal person would know. especially a person that values money.
but mark, apparently, is none of those.
standing behind the counter, arms crossed on your chest, you let out a deep sigh. your overly optimistic co-worker just shook his head.
“come on, dude! some smile won’t hurt anyone!” mark whined and looked at you like a kicked puppy.
“you sound like a typical karen right now” you grunted and noticed the first customer glancing at the flier taped to the window. their eyes widened and they rushed inside.
“see! told you it was a brill–”
“hello, how can i help you today?” you cut him off, monotonically greeting the person.
“i saw the flier, so here’s my attempt: knock knock”
you just shot a side eye to mark, who grinned.
the flier that he hung up this morning (supposedly with consent of your boss, but that you’d argue) said ‘make our barista laugh and get a free coffee! :)’
so that’s why, right now, you’re obliged to answer:
“who’s there?”
“interrupting cow” they puffed their chest out. you already felt it in your bones that it’s just a bad joke.
“interrupting c–” you tried to bounce the line back, as the joke usually goes but…
“MOO!” they mooed.
they mooed.
mark started laughing and they send him finger guns. you remained unbothered, tapping your fingers against the counter. the customer scoffed and pulled out their wallet.
“you’re a tough one, huh? i’ll just get an espresso then” they smiled and you nodded, taking the order.
“come on, dude. that was good!” mark shook his head and you went to the coffee machine, ignoring him.
you were known to be the grumpy person, quite everywhere. whether it was your class, friend group, work environment or family. but that was your attitude, and it wasn’t even all the time. you just saved your words, not caring about bullshit. besides, it was mostly towards strangers. when you opened up to mark, he later revealed that he thought something possessed you. but not everyone has to be nice to strangers and fake laugh at their terrible jokes.
mark seemed not to understand that, though, and made it his goal for today to witness that happening.
you knew he won’t succeed. it would take a really good joke or a child falling to make you smile… not to mention laughing. especially at work, when you just want to get your shit done and money earned. if you wanted to have a job that’s just for shits and giggles, you’d work in entertainment.
“oh no, not me. her. yah, y/n, come here! there’s another joke for you!”
sighing deeply, you turned on your heel.
this is going to be a horrendous day.

you were expecting the end of your shift like a small kid expects christmas. minutes were running painfully slow, hours - even slower. it felt like an extremely boring class, when you close your eyes for ten minutes but it turns out it wasn’t even a full minute.
that’s how you felt; dreadful jokes one after another. at some point you just decided to zone out, planning your tomorrow day off. your mind just fished out the orders and isolated the awful puns.
“yo, dude! hi!” mark’s voice boomed in your ear sickeningly loudly (well, maybe because he was standing right next to you).
focused on making a cappuccino (who even orders those at 7pm?), the smell of freshly grounded coffee making you wonder if you should go cafe hopping tomorrow. carefully angling the pearl white cup, you poured the milk foam from above. when the cup was ⅔ full, you lowered the pitcher with milk as close as possible and reflexively wiggled the vessel gently to create a flowery pattern. then at the end, you flattened the cup and finished the milky masterpiece with a swift move.
“it’s amazing how she does that with no emotions on her face whatsoever”
“because i’m at work, you fuck–” you wanted to growl but your eyes shot up, meeting with a new customer “oops”
the guy giggled and shook his head.
you placed the beverage on the tray, next to a warm croissant with chocolate and mark grabbed it. leaving the space to deliver the order, you stepped to the cash desk again.
“can i take your order?” your voice was cold.
maybe it wasn’t the best approach for work but you couldn’t help it. especially today.
glancing at the customer, you realized it’s one of (many) mark’s friends. his brown hair was fluffy and loosely falling on his forehead, cutely matching with the beige hoodie he had on–
“what’s up with the flier thing? even mark texted me…” he started but was cut off by the canadian himself.
“haechan, finally! how are you?” his voice was a bit panicked, rushingly coming up to you.
haechan, that’s the name. or nickname? you’re pretty sure you heard mark call him donghyuck before. maybe it’s an inside joke?
“good, actually. i wanted to grab some coffee because i’ll probably pull an all nighter today” he explained and his curious doppio colored eyes scanned you. with the corner of his lips turning upwards, he thought of something “actually, you know… i’m a student and…”
your body language spoke louder than words because he pivoted and said something else.
“whatever. but truth be told, i looked up tips on how to make a girl smile. some were really creepy, dude. ‘tickle her’ or ‘make a silly dance’? like, what kind of loser came up with those? even worse, what kind of loser would do those?” he smiled to himself. that was true - he went through quora and other wikihows. if his plan - which was mostly just yapping - didn’t work out, he planned to do a silly dance. ‘chicken dance’ was what one of the sites proposed.
“i think you forgot to mention the kind of losers who even look up such tips in the first place” you huffed and mark’s eyes widened. that’s the first reaction someone managed to pull out from you throughout today. haechan saw his friend’s face and took it as a sign. “speaking of tips, you better hurry up if you want to have a coffee. there’s other customers in the line. by the way, mark why are you still here?”
“i, uh! sorry!” your coworker yelped and rushed to the other cash desk to serve other customers.
“so?” you cocked an eyebrow and crossed your arms.
“i bet you heard an awful lot of bad jokes, huh?” he asked, poking the inside of his cheek. mark was listening, somehow managing to also listen to the last customers’ orders.
“shit, that was my plan a” haechan sighed dramatically and looked you in the eye “please don’t make me do the dance…”
the pathetic whine wanted to make you laugh itself. but you saw the pure unwillingness to do the dance… and you would never say no to humiliating a man.
and haechan seemed to notice that too. well, he also heard stories about you from mark.
“do the dance, haechan” you nodded, fighting a smile.
he let out a sigh, eyes locking with yours. there was a glint of amusement dancing in his americano-colored irises.
slowly shifting away, he started to awkwardly do the chicken dance. eyeing mark and you, pure agony on his face. it was just like a torture for both of you, really. but you noticed he was different than others and you finally cracked it out: he didn’t want to get a free coffee. he just wanted to make you laugh.
which he did.
with a loud snort, you shook your head.
“okay, you can stop. my eyes are gonna fall out…” you laughed at, well, the mix of events. him doing the dance, the desperation in his eyes and just the overall craziness of this day.
“no way dude, no way” mark laughed maniacally, the other customers’ looks judging the three of you.
haechan nonchalantly fixed his hair, as if nothing happened. then, he leaned against the counter.
“y’know what?” you asked, poking the inside of your cheek while smiling. “sit your ass down, i’ll bring you a coffee and something else. americano, i assume?”
haechan nodded and when you turned around to prepare his beverage, mark exchanged a shocked look with his friend.
you prepared a large iced americano and a cinnamon roll. on top of that, you wrote down your number on a napkin. maybe you’ll regret it, maybe not.
upon delivering it to him, the clock striked 9pm and mark told you to go, and as an apology for putting you through the torture today he said he’ll close up.
so when haechan discovered the phone number (of a girl he’s been crushing on for a month) on a napkin, you were already gone.
“told you that a funny guy–” mark started, leaning on a broom.
“shut up, man” haechan grinned, already saving your phone number.
masterlist <3
taglist. @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @w3bqrl ,,
@eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @slytherinshua

sinag | psh.
chapter twelve
pairings: park sunghoon x reader
synopsis: waiting for a great plot twist in your life, the ruthless and powerful mafia boss park sunghoon forced his way in to it.
word count: 4k
warnings: contains harrassment, violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other stuff. if you can't take this stuff, feel free to scroll away. let me know if i missed some. (please be responsible and avoid fics that contains warnings that can trigger you.)
note: reblogs and replies are highly encouraged. i truly appreciate your messages to me. it keeps me going. please leave comments and tags when you reblog! thank you so much, stay safe and ily!
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.

“Thank you.” you smiled gently at the cabin crew once she placed your tea in front of you. She flashed back this kind smile before she puts Sunghoon’s whiskey in front of him.
Your eyes trailed from the whiskey then to the man staring right at you. It almost made you gagged when you met his piercing gaze. Your stomach churns, feeling slightly on edge.
“You didn’t even say thank you.”
Sunghoon was amused. That in the middle of this situation, you still have the time to call him out because he didn’t said thank you to the cabin crew. He couldn’t help but to wonder how innocent and pure you are.
“She’s working for me. It's just right for her to do that, she’s just doing what I paid her to do.” the words coming out from his mouth almost made your ears bleed. It was unbelievable for you.
You know he isn’t nice, but he still just proves you he can be even much worst.
“Once we arrive, you will live in my mansion.” he then continued.
Your brows furrowed hardly and you carefully settle your cup down, making sure it won’t break or anything. The news just shocked you to the bone.
“Pardon?” you faked a chuckle. “You’re joking, right?”
He took a sip from his liqour and shows no reaction to his face. “Tell me, Aelia...” he says in a very husky tone.
He bat his eyes slowly while keeping his stares right at you.
“Do I look like I’m joking to you?” his placid expression and dark eyes sure tells you that he’s dead serious.
“B-But I can’t! I have a family, my parents will worry about me,” a joke. It was a big joke, you are lying because you’re pretty much sure that they won’t even care if you suddenly disappear.
Oh maybe they will because nobody will give them money anymore, but basically nothing more than that.
He licks his lips, “I will take care of it. I’ll talk to them.”
“How about my j-job? I need to show up to my office because I’m the breadwinner to my family. I h-have to send money to them.” facts. That’s very much true. You did lost contact with your parents right after they kicked you out, but then after figuring about your new found job, they started asking you for money again.
“I’ll support them, don’t worry. I won’t let them starve. And for your job...” he stalls his words, eyes wonders far remembering that you are working in a company that he actually owned.
He smiled inwardly thinking of transferring the ownership into yours instead. Right. That could work. In that way, you will be the CEO of that company, you don’t ever need to worry about being late or absent most of the times.
But then he also remembers what Jake told him. His friend mentions something about not informing you that he owns the company yet. He said it will probably cause him trouble more than benefit him.
“You don't have to work anymore. Quit your job.” he instructs strictly.
You’re completely caught off-guard so you raised an eyebrow at him, “Excuse me? I’m not going to quit my job.”
You love your job. It’s been the first time ever that you actually enjoyed your workplace. The employees were always nice at you and don’t hate you for basically doing nothing bad towards them.
“I will take care of you and everything you need so there’s no need for that.” he sounded so confident. Like the type of confidence that gives you the impression that he can buy you everything.
“Why?” you asked finding him unbelievable. “I don’t understand why you will support me and take care of me. I’m not your wife? We’re not even in a relationship.”
Because the way he said those things, its only applicable for a husband assuring his wife that he will take care of them. That she can lean on him and don’t worry about anything anymore.
His eyes brightens a bit, it was hard to tell but you manage to see it. Even if its just in a very short time.
“Do you want to change that? Want to be my wife? Let’s get married.” you are taken aback even more. The way he surprises you over and over is amusing.
He’s really losing his mind.
Your shoulder fell as you keep your stares at him. “Mr. Park, look—”
“Sunghoon.” he cuts you off. “Call me Sunghoon.”
You gulped, couldn't handle how soft the tone he just used. The way he softly said it almost sent you to oblivion. Heart thumping and stomach churning. Crazy how this man affects you just by talking gently.
“I’m dead serious here. I don’t know anything about you except for the fact that you’re Park Sunghoon, a mafia who does a lot of illegal stuff and the one who kidnapped me.”
Sunghoon’s trying so hard to listen, after all he doesn’t want to miss any of the things you’re saying. But the way you look so beautiful in front of him is very distracting. The way your lips moves everytime you talk, your hands gestures that you unconsciously do and your facial expression that absolutely adorable.
“So you want to know me more?”
Your lips hangs open, unable to find the right words to say in order to make this gorgeous man understand.
His intense gaze and smirk slowly forming his lips made you blush. It still doesn’t make sense how someone this good looking exist at your lifetime. This man have the face of somebody from a manga.
“All right. Let’s go on dates then.” his grin just grew wider at the amount of ideas for your dates that occupies his mind.
He’s down bad for you, willing to do and give everything just to please you. He knew he’s in trouble and that soon enough he’ll be a slave to you. But that’s the least of his concern.
You can drain his bank accounts, which is not possible, as long as he can have you.

“Wear this.” he said as he place this elegant dress at the bed you were laying on moments ago. You looked at it with cautious eyes. They were clearly still puffy with all the crying you just did after you two arrived at his huge mansion last night.
“I don’t want to.”
“I’m not asking. I am telling you to wear it.” he spat and sat down at the chair. He looked extra handsome today, wearing something that surely suits him well.
Your eyes darted at the dress and you can’t help but to admire it. It is undeniably beautiful, but your gaze wanders back to his suit. It doesn’t match his dark clothing.
A sundress with a pastel color, slightly doesn’t go along with his usual formal wear but totally your type of style. It doesn’t look bad, the combination is fine, just gives different dynamic. It perfectly shows how different your personalities are.
“What are you waiting for?” his tone indicates how he’s really out of patience already.
“Do you expect me to change here? In front of them?” you asked sarcastically and even motioned his men.
His eyes turned dark right away, “Leave the room.” he seriously said and without another word, they did leave.
You furrowed your eyes as you watch how he didn’t even budge from his place, “You too.”
He tilted his head at the side, “And why? I want to stay and watch.” he smirked dangerously as he scanned you from head to toe, sending instant shiver to your spine.
You felt heat rush over your cheeks and you tried to hide it by quickly crossing your arms at him. “Do you want me to change or not?”
He rolled his eyes before heaving a sigh as he stood up, “Okay, love. Hurry up.” he mumbled before walking close to you and casually placing a kiss at the side of your head before he heads out.
You were stunned at the sudden affection and you felt your heart racing. Not to mention, he dropped that endearment like a bomb. He’s totally a criminal and everything he does feels illegal.
You sighed and tried calming yourself down. This isn’t the right time to have your heart racing like crazy. He isn’t a nice person.
You head out after putting the dress and scanning yourself at the mirror for two minutes. It looks fine for you, but you feel like it would look better with some make up on and so you did.
Last night after arriving at the airport, you’re escorted into his car. It was a different from the one he used before and kind of made you wonder how many cars does he have.
He soon drove off towards somewhere. You’ve seen these types of vehicle on movies and you knew it can be really fast. But maybe Sunghoon noticed how nervous you are after hearing its roaring engine and drives in a decent speed.
The drive didn’t took long as you notice the car entering this huge gate. Just by the looks of it, you can tell that the person who owns it reeks off of money, which happen to be the same person sitting beside you.
People who wears uniform lined up by the entrance of the main mansion. The property itself is very spacious and you cannot tell how big this land it. Maybe you’ll get a better view in the morning, the dark made it a bit more hard to tell.
“Stay here.” he spat before stepping outside. A pout forms your lips at the way he commands you, but left to just follow it. The plane ride and all that happened prior to this somehow drains you, unable to even put up a fight to escape.
Besides, the view of this wonderful mansion sure took your interest. It was so elegant and beautiful. Something that everybody dreams of living in. A dreamland.
He opens your door and despite the faint glare on your eyes, you mumble a short thank you for him. He smirks then helps you get out from the vehicle.
His serious and placid expression went back the moment he faces his people. It caught your attention and watches how quick he changes his mood.
Everyone bows as you walk pass them and it made you a bit uncomfy. They’re paying respect for Sunghoon and since he’s dragging you to walk along with you, it looks like they’re doing the same thing to you.
It made you feel uneasy and ended up lowering your head for them as well. Greeting them softly while passing by. Sunghoon heard it and glances over his shoulder. He saw how you’re confused on what you’re suppose to do.
It was adorable that he craned his neck too quickly in order to hide the smile forming his lips.
The inside of the mansion is even more breath-taking. Although, you didn’t have much time to admire every part of it since it was really huge and since Sunghoon asked you to be escorted to your room so you can rest.
And now, here you are. Inside one of the big, elegant rooms of his mansion. Staring at your reflection through the big mirrors inside the fancy bathroom. It was like a dream. Even the biggest hotels you’ve been to doesn’t match the luxury of this place.
After realizing you’ve taken so much time preparing and maybe he’s out of patient already, you decided to go. Heart started thumping again out of worry.
When you stepped out from the room, you saw how Sunghoon’s eyes sparkled. He looked amused like as if he just saw something amazing. You can't help but once again blush hardly because you didn’t even fixed yourself that much.
With a few steps he approached closer, “You look so beautiful.” he stated and gently grabbed your hands before he took it to his lips and planted a small kiss.
You’re completely caught off guard and you can feel blood rushing over to your cheeks. The strong urge to resist these feelings inside your stomach are trying hard to put up a fight to unwanted feelings he’s slowly waking inside you. His intense stares are really giving you a hard time. He stood right in front of you gorgeously, his aura screaming nothing but power and dominance.
“You look so beautiful.” he repeated himself like as if the first time he said it was not enough.
With a blushing face, “C-Can you cut it out? It’s the dress that’s pretty.” you tried to avoid his eyes but then something about them kept pulling your gazes back.
Sunghoon tilted his head and leaned closer to your face with a small grin on his pretty lips, he moved his hand then slowly rested it over your waist. With soft strokes he caress it up and down, eyes never leaving your shy ones.
“I disagree. The dress looked pretty only because you're the one wearing it.” he stated firmly and you gulped as he drop a kiss at your cheeks once before guiding you out of that place.
The fresh, cold air felt amazing as it blew over your skin. He opened the car’s door for you and without any complain, you entered.
The few times that the mafia boss visited you to talk clearly taught you some lessons. He gets pissed easily whenever you don’t obey. And putting him into that mood always doesn’t end well. In order to make sure you won’t make your situation even worst, you’ve got to try not to piss him off.
“Where are we going?” you question when he made it at the driver’s seat.
His car, as expected, is like those expensive sports car you’ve only seen in movies. You don’t know much about cars, but it suits him well. This type of vehicle is perfect for the young mafia boss. Looked so cool and just by looking at it is enough to say about his status in life.
He glanced at you for a while as he started the engine. You even saw some of his men taking the vehicles just around where Sunghoon’s car.
“I’m taking you to a proper date. To celebrate that I finally found you.” he said.
Despite knowing the fact that he had been searching for you for years now, you still find it unbelievable. Not that he doesn’t have the resources and money for doing all of that, but the bigger question is why? Why would he do all these things for someone he just met once?
You still cannot understand and believe how someone like him can do all of those for you?
Your stares unconsciously darted at his direction and your stares remained. He looked extremely attractive even when he's just maneuvering the car. His biceps flex whenever he move the steering wheel.
You knew he’s a very dangerous man and not in a million times have the thought of being in a date together with a mafia boss occurred to you. At first, you really don’t believe at such people but after that one time when you witnessed a live shootout, the realization finally dawned onto you.
And now, the main proof sitting right next to you. Driving you and going out with you on a date.
Your heart aches as you watch Sunghoon beside you. The thoughts of how his image and personality strongly contradicts how gentle he treats you makes you feel a bit of hesitation of running away from him.
Something about him makes you want to stay but of course, you also want to be free again and to have your normal life. You know deep inside, you need to do something to get away tonight.
You two eventually arrived at the said fancy restaurant. He stopped his car right in front and a valley rushed to assist for the parking. Sunghoon steps out and walks gracefully on your side to open the door for you. You’re a little hesitant to accept his hand, but decided to do it.
It was a bit cold and rough. For some reason, it sent you a different kind of comfort.
Once you stepped out of his car, you get the chance to roam your eyes around to check the place. From outside, the place looked amazing. There are staffs by the lobby, waiting for customers that will arrive. If it isn’t in the situation, you would be excited and all. Its your dream to actually eat at a place like this.
“Let’s go.” he says before he slowly guided you inside, his big hand resting at the small of your back.
There’s no need to get in line as the staff recognized him right away. He walks closer and smiles brightly then bow his head.
“Mr. Park, this way to your table.”
As usual, Sunghoon didn’t say anything and just guided you gently to the direction where the staff was guiding the two of you.
Once settled at your table, the two of you ordered the food you want to eat. It was mostly him who picked since you don’t know what's the best one to try here. You leave it to him. He seems to be a regular here.
It slightly made you wonder how many girls has he brought here for a date. You frown faintly at the thought.
In the middle of waiting, Sunghoon excused himself to go to the bathroom for a short while and that was your cue to try to ask for help. You glanced around to check if any of his men are just near. When its clear, you wait for the perfect opportunity to make your move.
When one of the waiters approach your table to place the food he ordered, you held him by the arm softly. The man, which you think is in his mid-forty's, stopped and turned to you, confused.
“Yes, ma’am?” his eyes flashes worry, seeing how you’re really scared.
“H-Help me please. I’ve been kidnapped by the man who took me here.” you said right away.
The man’s eyes widen in surprise before he looked around to check the surrounding and check which one are you referring to. Not a lot of people are around but there are some customers by the corners, enjoying their times.
He held your arm gently, “Alright miss. We will help you.” the man said and even ask if you can go with him by the lobby so they can alert the authorities about this.
You agreed without hesitation, letting him guide you back to where you walked inside along with Sunghoon.
When the two of you are about to exit the hall, you happen to meet someone half-way. You can’t explain the look at his eyes when you saw him stare at you coldly then slowly trailed his gaze over to the man who was planning to help you.
“And where do you think are you going?” his low voice quickly sent shivers all over your spine and you felt the man in front of you stiffened.
“M-Mr. Park.” he stuttered, surprised to see him staring coldly at him.
He knew him of course, and just to see him looking that way over him, he felt his knees trembling in fear. He put two into two together and its not long until he realized what he got himself into.
“Who said you can touch her?” he tilts his head, color draining his face.
Sunghoon’s mind was clouded by nothing but jealousy. Here he is, finally with you and the next thing he know, another man was holding your arm, sneaking you away. Stealing you from him. Taking you from him. It was like a trigger. Something inside him snapped.
The man was quick to let go of your arm, like as if being burned by it. Fear present over his face, beads of sweat forming over his forehead and throat starting to feel dry.
“I d-didn’t know.” he tried to defend himself and even tried to raise his hand as sign of surrender.
The man knew it was no use. Sunghoon is known for being very cruel and ruthless. Mercy doesn’t exist in his vocabulary. Once you mess with him, its already over for you. There’s no escape, feet basically buried under the grave.
Sunghoon pulled out a gun and you panicked right away as you watch him pointed it to the poor man. The people around was surprise and scared as well. Some even standing from their tables with unfinished food, getting ready to leave the place just in case.
You noticed some walke closer to see who it was, pissed expression over their faces for probably ruining their day. But once they saw who it was, their faces will turn pale and they’re quickly halt steps. Keeping a safe distance and remained silent to stay away from trouble.
“S-Sunghoon, please!” you said attempting to stop him but you are afraid too. He turned his head and stared at your scared face.
His face remained stern and emotionless. A tear fell from your eyes as you slowly shake you head at him, “You w-wouldn’t--” you shut your eyes as you suddenly crouched down at the floor as you hear him fire the gun with no hesitation.
You heard screams and the whole place then fell silent. When you open your eyes, you almost lose it when you saw the poor man’s cold body laying on the floor. You were dumbfounded and out of your senses, eyes brimming with tears. You didn’t even noticed that he walked closer and picked you up using one of his arm.
He started dragging you out of that place. The staff stayed out of the way, they look beyond horrified. Nobody dares to stop him. He walked with so much arrogance, doesn’t even bothered by what he just did.
Sunghoon was beside you, his head resting over the stirring wheel as his hands shakes for some unknown reason. His breathing were heavy and fast like as if he was trying to calm himself down.
“You k-killed him..” you managed to say when you arrived inside his car.
When it finally manage to compose yourself a bit, tears started streaming down your face. The poor man just died! And it was all your fault.
“You k-killed him! How dare you! You're a monster!” you said and started hitting him nonstop.
He grunted and held your arm to stop you from hitting him more. Your eyes met his cold ones, you can’t describe what kind of emotion was present but one thing’s for sure, he’s raging mad.
“I already warned you not to piss me off.” he hissed and you cried while staring at him.
“J-Just let me go,” your low, but desperate plea tugs something inside Sunghoon’s heart.
For a while, you saw something flickered through his eyes. It was fast but you managed to figure out what it was. Sadness? You can’t even believe someone like him are capable to feel that kind of emotion. For you, he’s heartless.
Even before you can say anything else, he covered your nose with something and you just slowly felt yourself losing consciousness.
“I love you,” he whispered softly before everything went black.

permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @13tter @candewlsy @simpforniki @classicroyalty @hime98 @moonsclassyslore @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamjerky @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @axartia @all4haru @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @ayayiiie @aeyeree @heeseung-min @in-somnias-world @psh-pjh @hveanlyanqelic @dimplewonie

Not Originally Mine but I want to post as Solidarity! 🇵🇸🔥🇨🇩🔥🇸🇩🔥
I saw some shorts in yt where the girl stalk her crush, spikes his drink, and kidnap him. But turns out he's been stalked her back as well and getting kidnapped was actually in his plan to get close to her (they're both just as freak)
I could imagine this scenario with Jay but its up to you anyway (my english suck lmao im so sorry)

Pairing : yandere!Jay x yandere!reader
Notes : it's finally doneee , tysm for requesting and waiting for it so long 😭😭😭
Warnings : yandere stuff , obsession , intoxication , spiking drink , kidnapping

Our school bell rung signalling the most awaited time , the lunch break . The teacher was in the middle of speaking as the bell rung and as soon as the students heard the ringing there was alot of scrapping of chairs , chit chatting , laughing and overall a very annoying commotion. I stood up as yunjin made her way to my desk whinning "common girl you take so long to pack up , I'm hungryyyy" okay I love my bestfriend but I do not take that long and this bitch has no absolute patience . I rolled my eyes at her as we walked towards our regular seat with our food .
We were in the middle of gossiping along with eating as heeseung came with Jay and sat with us . I blushed a bit as I saw them and i could hear yunjin holding her laugh . I elbowed her as heeseung spoke up "hello guys , what's up" yunjin stopped laughing as she answered "we were just gossiping, talk of gossip I heard one guy of your group started dating is it one of you guys?" She wriggked her eyebrows teasingly as the three of them laughed meanwhile i couldn't help but tense at her words . It can't be him , I know it since I've been following him from 1 week continuously. Heeseung saw my expression as he cleared it out "no no it's just a rumour, none of us are dating anyone"
Yunjin smiled as she saw heeseung reassuring me . I could tell- honestly scratch that everyone could tell that heeseung liked me and according to him as well as a few other people, I like him back . Yunjin was one of the 'other people' and she alwyas tries to do something to get us together , giggling over a simple interaction we having that she quotes as 'absolutely romantic ' . I don't know where they get this ridiculous idea.
Okay to be honest I do know where they get the idea from but they are getting it all wrong . Yes I blush when he's around , yes my eyes always searches for his group , yes I fix my hair when I see him coming but it's not because of him . It's because of the guy he's always around with - It's because of Jay . They are bestfriends and are practically attached to the hip with the amount of time they spend together.
I first saw him at the guitar class in our school , then at the committee meeting , then at the cafeteria and then it was everyday. Slowly i was starting to realise that I liked him but it was just a mere attraction. Though the reality quickly changed when my mere attraction turned into obsession. My occasional glances turned into staring , i came to guitar classes not for the guitar but for him , and the worst of all I started following him . I just couldn't get enough of his smile , his scent just him in general and it was driving me crazy!! I wanted him to be mine and mine only .
Snapping back at the cafeteria I heard heeseung speak , "sooo Jake's having a party tonight at our dorm , you guys coming right?" I was about to politely decline but yunjin spoke before me eagerly accepting his invitation "oh offcourse, we need a break . The assignments are killinngg me" All the while I was just staring at jay and suddenly our eyes met but he didn't look away , his eyes were so intense and so deep that i could litteraly drown in them . Heeseung broke our eye contact as he stood up "okay greatt!! Meet you guys tonight at 8 " and with that they left . Yunjin looked at me as she squealed "he's sooo in love with you and you just can't stop blushing, just date already ohmygod!!!" I scoffed as I shook my head and stood up holding my tray "common you know I don't like him let's go we're getting late" . She followed me as she continued speaking "oh yeah sureee" making sure to exaggerate the sure .
。 ✧ ⁺ 。
In the bustling chaos of a crowded party, amidst the pulsating rhythm of music and the cacophony of laughter, there was one figure who stood out to me like a beacon in the night: Jay. He was the epitome of effortless charm, his smile lighting up the room as he effortlessly commanded the attention of everyone around him.
We had reached to the party a bit late but the night was still young . I stared at jay as yunjin went to dance with some guy . He was the only one in mind , my every waking moment filled with fantasies of us together. But I knew that in reality, we inhabited two separate worlds, destined never to intersect.
On this particular night, fueled by a cocktail of desire and desperation, I made a decision that would change the course of both our lives forever. As I watched Jay mingle with the crowd, his laughter ringing out like music to my ears, I knew that I had to make him mine, by any means necessary.
The plan unfolded with chilling precision, each step calculated to perfection. I approached Jay with a coy smile, my heart pounding in anticipation as I engaged him in conversation. He was charming and attentive, his words weaving a spell around me as I struggled to maintain my composure.
As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, I seized my opportunity, discreetly slipping a potent sedative into Jay's drink when he wasn't looking. A rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I watched him take a sip, my pulse quickening with every passing moment.
With bated breath, I waited for the drug to take effect, my nerves fraying at the edges as I grappled with the enormity of what I had done. But as Jay's eyes began to droop and his movements grew sluggish, a sense of exhilaration washed over me, drowning out the whispers of doubt that threatened to consume me whole.
。 ✧ ⁺ 。
When Jay finally succumbed to the effects of the sedative, I wasted no time in carrying out the next phase of my plan. With trembling hands, I guided him out of the crowded party and into the cool night air, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement , lying effortlessly to anyone that asked what happened to him - "oh he just drank too much"
As I navigated the deserted streets, Jay's limp form slung over my shoulder, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was on the precipice of something extraordinary. This was my chance to finally possess the object of my desires, to make him mine in every sense of the word. But damn was i a fool , i should've known . It was too good to be true , too easy .
When Jay finally regained consciousness, his reaction was not what I had expected. Instead of fear , confusion , screaming or thrashing there was a glint of something else in his eyes, something that sent a shiver down my spine. He was too calm for my liking .
"Nice place , though I do prefer a fancy bed but this works just fine I guess ?" Jay's voice was calm, almost eerily so, as he gazed at me with an intensity that made my blood run cold. "You know these ropes are cheap for a reason right ?" He said as he pulled his hands from behind his back and rubbed the spot where the bruise was forming
I recoiled in shock, my mind racing as I struggled to comprehend what was happening. Why is he so calm ? Does he think i actually got him here because he was drunk ? Or does he think we had sex ? But that doesn't explain the rop- "calm down sweetheart, I can tell you're thinking too much" he interrupted my thoughts sweetly with his honey like voice flowing through my mind . He stood up and gently tugged at my wrist as he pulled me closer and leaned down a bit inhaling the scent of my perfume which I bought because it was his favourite "hmmm my favourite perfume, got it correct sweetheart . How could you not you litteraly were behind me when I was shopping" he chuckled at the last part .
How could Jay possibly know about my obsession with him? And more importantly, why was he so unnervingly calm in the face of danger?
"It was all part of my plan," Jay continued, his words sending a chill down my spine. "I knew you were obsessed with me, so I decided to play along. But now that the tables have turned, it's time for you to realize who's really in control." He sighed as he sat me down on the bed , holding my hands in his own "we are meant to be darling , psychos like us are destined to be with each other for eternity and it's about time you accept it - not like you have a choice"
As Jay spoke, a sense of dread washed over me, the realization dawning that I had vastly underestimated him. He was not the helpless victim I had imagined him to be; he was a predator, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when least expected. He was the danger and i was the victim but did I seem to oppose the idea ? Fuck no , how can I when even as fear coursed through my veins, there was a part of me that couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of exhilaration. Jay's admission of his own obsession with me sent a thrill coursing through my body, igniting a fire within me that burned brighter than any fear or doubt.
In that moment, I knew that I had a choice to make: to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume me, or to embrace it fully and revel in the intoxicating power it offered. And as I gazed into Jay's eyes, his gaze burning with an intensity that mirrored my own, I made my decision to fall in the darkness afterall was there any kind of experience that could make you complete other than knowing that the one you're in madly love with is also in love with you but just more insanely.
As we gazed at each other , there was a loud voice heard "CUT !! YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING" we both smiled as we heard the director . This was our 3rd music video shooting together after one of the first ones went viral . This was a new concept to us though it did not at. all. mean the love we showed , we presented was fake . We've been in a relationship for the past 7 years and been married for 2 now and it was the bestest decison of my life , he's made me the happiest I've ever been and I would not have it any other way . As the director was done talking to him , Jay approached me as he embraced me in an affectionate hug , our bodies fitting each other like a puzzle . He whispered "We really are meant to be , aren't we darling?" In my opinion we are not so different from the characters we just played and that's the thrill in our life .
。 ✧ ⁺ 。
Taglist : @axartia @nikipedia07 @lovesickxmina
I saw some shorts in yt where the girl stalk her crush, spikes his drink, and kidnap him. But turns out he's been stalked her back as well and getting kidnapped was actually in his plan to get close to her (they're both just as freak)
I could imagine this scenario with Jay but its up to you anyway (my english suck lmao im so sorry)

Pairing : yandere!Jay x yandere!reader
Notes : it's finally doneee , tysm for requesting and waiting for it so long 😭😭😭
Warnings : yandere stuff , obsession , intoxication , spiking drink , kidnapping

Our school bell rung signalling the most awaited time , the lunch break . The teacher was in the middle of speaking as the bell rung and as soon as the students heard the ringing there was alot of scrapping of chairs , chit chatting , laughing and overall a very annoying commotion. I stood up as yunjin made her way to my desk whinning "common girl you take so long to pack up , I'm hungryyyy" okay I love my bestfriend but I do not take that long and this bitch has no absolute patience . I rolled my eyes at her as we walked towards our regular seat with our food .
We were in the middle of gossiping along with eating as heeseung came with Jay and sat with us . I blushed a bit as I saw them and i could hear yunjin holding her laugh . I elbowed her as heeseung spoke up "hello guys , what's up" yunjin stopped laughing as she answered "we were just gossiping, talk of gossip I heard one guy of your group started dating is it one of you guys?" She wriggked her eyebrows teasingly as the three of them laughed meanwhile i couldn't help but tense at her words . It can't be him , I know it since I've been following him from 1 week continuously. Heeseung saw my expression as he cleared it out "no no it's just a rumour, none of us are dating anyone"
Yunjin smiled as she saw heeseung reassuring me . I could tell- honestly scratch that everyone could tell that heeseung liked me and according to him as well as a few other people, I like him back . Yunjin was one of the 'other people' and she alwyas tries to do something to get us together , giggling over a simple interaction we having that she quotes as 'absolutely romantic ' . I don't know where they get this ridiculous idea.
Okay to be honest I do know where they get the idea from but they are getting it all wrong . Yes I blush when he's around , yes my eyes always searches for his group , yes I fix my hair when I see him coming but it's not because of him . It's because of the guy he's always around with - It's because of Jay . They are bestfriends and are practically attached to the hip with the amount of time they spend together.
I first saw him at the guitar class in our school , then at the committee meeting , then at the cafeteria and then it was everyday. Slowly i was starting to realise that I liked him but it was just a mere attraction. Though the reality quickly changed when my mere attraction turned into obsession. My occasional glances turned into staring , i came to guitar classes not for the guitar but for him , and the worst of all I started following him . I just couldn't get enough of his smile , his scent just him in general and it was driving me crazy!! I wanted him to be mine and mine only .
Snapping back at the cafeteria I heard heeseung speak , "sooo Jake's having a party tonight at our dorm , you guys coming right?" I was about to politely decline but yunjin spoke before me eagerly accepting his invitation "oh offcourse, we need a break . The assignments are killinngg me" All the while I was just staring at jay and suddenly our eyes met but he didn't look away , his eyes were so intense and so deep that i could litteraly drown in them . Heeseung broke our eye contact as he stood up "okay greatt!! Meet you guys tonight at 8 " and with that they left . Yunjin looked at me as she squealed "he's sooo in love with you and you just can't stop blushing, just date already ohmygod!!!" I scoffed as I shook my head and stood up holding my tray "common you know I don't like him let's go we're getting late" . She followed me as she continued speaking "oh yeah sureee" making sure to exaggerate the sure .
。 ✧ ⁺ 。
In the bustling chaos of a crowded party, amidst the pulsating rhythm of music and the cacophony of laughter, there was one figure who stood out to me like a beacon in the night: Jay. He was the epitome of effortless charm, his smile lighting up the room as he effortlessly commanded the attention of everyone around him.
We had reached to the party a bit late but the night was still young . I stared at jay as yunjin went to dance with some guy . He was the only one in mind , my every waking moment filled with fantasies of us together. But I knew that in reality, we inhabited two separate worlds, destined never to intersect.
On this particular night, fueled by a cocktail of desire and desperation, I made a decision that would change the course of both our lives forever. As I watched Jay mingle with the crowd, his laughter ringing out like music to my ears, I knew that I had to make him mine, by any means necessary.
The plan unfolded with chilling precision, each step calculated to perfection. I approached Jay with a coy smile, my heart pounding in anticipation as I engaged him in conversation. He was charming and attentive, his words weaving a spell around me as I struggled to maintain my composure.
As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, I seized my opportunity, discreetly slipping a potent sedative into Jay's drink when he wasn't looking. A rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I watched him take a sip, my pulse quickening with every passing moment.
With bated breath, I waited for the drug to take effect, my nerves fraying at the edges as I grappled with the enormity of what I had done. But as Jay's eyes began to droop and his movements grew sluggish, a sense of exhilaration washed over me, drowning out the whispers of doubt that threatened to consume me whole.
。 ✧ ⁺ 。
When Jay finally succumbed to the effects of the sedative, I wasted no time in carrying out the next phase of my plan. With trembling hands, I guided him out of the crowded party and into the cool night air, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement , lying effortlessly to anyone that asked what happened to him - "oh he just drank too much"
As I navigated the deserted streets, Jay's limp form slung over my shoulder, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was on the precipice of something extraordinary. This was my chance to finally possess the object of my desires, to make him mine in every sense of the word. But damn was i a fool , i should've known . It was too good to be true , too easy .
When Jay finally regained consciousness, his reaction was not what I had expected. Instead of fear , confusion , screaming or thrashing there was a glint of something else in his eyes, something that sent a shiver down my spine. He was too calm for my liking .
"Nice place , though I do prefer a fancy bed but this works just fine I guess ?" Jay's voice was calm, almost eerily so, as he gazed at me with an intensity that made my blood run cold. "You know these ropes are cheap for a reason right ?" He said as he pulled his hands from behind his back and rubbed the spot where the bruise was forming
I recoiled in shock, my mind racing as I struggled to comprehend what was happening. Why is he so calm ? Does he think i actually got him here because he was drunk ? Or does he think we had sex ? But that doesn't explain the rop- "calm down sweetheart, I can tell you're thinking too much" he interrupted my thoughts sweetly with his honey like voice flowing through my mind . He stood up and gently tugged at my wrist as he pulled me closer and leaned down a bit inhaling the scent of my perfume which I bought because it was his favourite "hmmm my favourite perfume, got it correct sweetheart . How could you not you litteraly were behind me when I was shopping" he chuckled at the last part .
How could Jay possibly know about my obsession with him? And more importantly, why was he so unnervingly calm in the face of danger?
"It was all part of my plan," Jay continued, his words sending a chill down my spine. "I knew you were obsessed with me, so I decided to play along. But now that the tables have turned, it's time for you to realize who's really in control." He sighed as he sat me down on the bed , holding my hands in his own "we are meant to be darling , psychos like us are destined to be with each other for eternity and it's about time you accept it - not like you have a choice"
As Jay spoke, a sense of dread washed over me, the realization dawning that I had vastly underestimated him. He was not the helpless victim I had imagined him to be; he was a predator, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when least expected. He was the danger and i was the victim but did I seem to oppose the idea ? Fuck no , how can I when even as fear coursed through my veins, there was a part of me that couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of exhilaration. Jay's admission of his own obsession with me sent a thrill coursing through my body, igniting a fire within me that burned brighter than any fear or doubt.
In that moment, I knew that I had a choice to make: to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume me, or to embrace it fully and revel in the intoxicating power it offered. And as I gazed into Jay's eyes, his gaze burning with an intensity that mirrored my own, I made my decision to fall in the darkness afterall was there any kind of experience that could make you complete other than knowing that the one you're in madly love with is also in love with you but just more insanely.
As we gazed at each other , there was a loud voice heard "CUT !! YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING" we both smiled as we heard the director . This was our 3rd music video shooting together after one of the first ones went viral . This was a new concept to us though it did not at. all. mean the love we showed , we presented was fake . We've been in a relationship for the past 7 years and been married for 2 now and it was the bestest decison of my life , he's made me the happiest I've ever been and I would not have it any other way . As the director was done talking to him , Jay approached me as he embraced me in an affectionate hug , our bodies fitting each other like a puzzle . He whispered "We really are meant to be , aren't we darling?" In my opinion we are not so different from the characters we just played and that's the thrill in our life .
。 ✧ ⁺ 。
Taglist : @axartia @nikipedia07 @lovesickxmina
i want 60 thousand votes by next thursday
Chapter 1 | Let the game begin

👾A/N: I AM FINALLY STARTING A SERIES! It's very exciting but since it's my first time after my hiatus so I hope you guys like it!
👾Pairing: enha x fem!reader
👾Warning: This is all fictional!
👾Synopsis: Bound within the confines of a virtual realm, a group of friends must decipher its mysteries to secure their freedom. Amidst the labyrinth of challenges, they encounter a formidable adversary - a lurking shadow who controls their fate. As alliances fracture and betrayals unfold, they must confront not only the puzzles of the game but also the sinister presence that seeks to keep them imprisoned. Only by overcoming both external threats and internal conflicts can they hope to break free from the shadows within the game

A new dawn breaks in the bustling city of the United States, with the sun casting its usual bright rays, offering a glimmer of hope to some for a better day ahead.
Amidst it, boredom creeps in, despite the anticipation of summer vacations being fun and exhilarating, right?
Well, not for you.
The shrill ring of your black device snaps you out of your reverie, prompting you to answer.
"Look who's on the line! It's the white sheep!" you exclaim upon picking up the call.
"Why the crankiness, woman? I called because we're considering checking out the new arcade that recently opened" Jungwon, the young man, explains.
"A new arcade? Count me in!" you reply eagerly, rising from your seat with excitement finally brewing. You've always adored arcades and never shy away from expressing it.
"Alright, my lady, come over to my place at 5, and we'll head out together" he chuckles at your enthusiasm.
"Sure thing, Mr. Sheep Garden" you retort playfully before hanging up. You flop onto your bed, letting out a scream into your pillow while kicking your feet in the air.
Now, that's what a vacation should feel like.
The following day dawns, and you wake up a bit later than usual due to the excitement from the previous night hindering your sleep.
After completing your morning routine in the bathroom, you emerge in a robe, pondering over what to wear.
After much deliberation, you settle on a stunning Y2K fashion ensemble.
Once dressed, you gaze at your reflection in the mirror, feeling thoroughly satisfied with the result.
Hailing an Uber, you head to Jungwon's house as planned, the journey taking approximately 15 minutes.
Upon arriving at the house, you press the doorbell, and a familiar face greets you with a beaming smile.
"She's here, guys!!" he announces excitedly, his happiness infectious.
"Didn't expect such a warm welcome! You're like a ray of sunshine, so bright" you remark, sharing in his enthusiasm.
This is Sunoo, the embodiment of cheerfulness within the group. His actions are naturally endearing, and his voice resonates like that of an angel.
"Hey, what's the hold-up? Let her in first" another voice interjects, followed by a playful tap on Sunoo's head.
It's Jay, the nurturing figure of the group, known for his caring nature and impeccable sense of style. Though he plays the role of the group's guardian, his fashion choices exude sophistication and elegance, earning him admiration from all.
With a smile, you step into the house, unaware of the lurking presence in the shadows nearby.
Inside, the rest of the group awaits, each offering their own unique greeting as you enter.
Jake bounds toward you like an excited puppy, his invisible tail wagging with joy as he envelops you in a tight hug.
"Calm down, Layla's dad" you giggle, reciprocating his affection.
Sunghoon follows with a firm handshake, his demeanor as cool as ice, a nod to his past figure skating exploits , but he doesn't lack warmth nor humour.
"Oh yes, Mr. Icy" you wink, returning his handshake with equal firmness.
"Look here comes the sheep" you proclaim with a hint of sass as Jungwon greets you with a lively laugh, his playful demeanor belying his natural leadership qualities.
"Call me something cool, woman, 'sheep' sounds so childish" he teases, adding to the playful banter.
Next is Niki, the youngest of the group, greeting you with a wide smile and a brotherly hug. "Yessir," you both exclaim simultaneously, sharing a bond forged in mischief and camaraderie.
Finally, Heeseung, the group's ace, joins in, his mastery evident in everything he does.
"What are you waiting for, Bambi boy?" you jest, opening your arms for a hug, which he accepts with a smile.
As the group settles in, a figure emerges from the bushes outside, a smirk playing across their lips.
"All the players are assembled," they declare with a hint of mischief.
And with that, the stage is set.
Let the game begin.

Fell in love all over again (Lee Jaehyun)
Warnings/genre: pure fluff, established relationship, making out, the reader overthinks for a while, Hyunjae is the cutest at the end, comfort (?)
Word count: 1423
Sana: hello..um my Valentine’s Day fic but very late so meh. I was studying for my exams and shit. Tbh it was originally supposed to be for Jacob but he did not fit the vibes and this was also sitting in my drafts for a while so yeah. Anyways this is dedicated to my @from-izzy (don’t divorce me lmao) love you <3 and thank you to @astrae4 for beta reading 🥺. Love you hon 🥰
Tagging: @cloverdaisies @kimsohn @mosviqu @hyungseos-cafe @strayed-quokka @deoboyznet
Sitting down at the table, you looked around the place, it was a place you would always dream about.
A huge hall with a chandelier in the middle— which was full of diamonds making it shine brightly. You let out a small laugh of content when you notice the ring on your finger.
Never would you have imagined that you would get married to the person you spent seven years of your life with.
You have known Hyunjae since you were in highschool and up until now. And he had managed to prove himself that he was the one for you countless times.
The day you felt alone and needed comfort, he was there for you with a tub full of ice cream and a night full of cuddles as he listened to you talk about your feelings; how you would sometimes just get the feeling of being alone as if no one was on your side and you were left to fight your battles all alone.
But he was there to prove you wrong. To tell you that even though you felt as if you were alone he would always be there by your side with open arms. No matter what happens, he always got your back.
That was also the time when you were damn sure that he was gonna be the man you would want to get married to. No one else would be able to have your heart like he has.
The day you got into your dream university, he was there to celebrate it with you. Even when you doubted yourself about not being worthy enough he made himself clear that you’re in fact one of the people who truly deserve that spot because of your hard work.
You look around the place once more and you could suddenly feel your heart sinking, what if this was not the right thing to do?
You could feel your hand start to shake. All you wanted to do at that very moment was to get up and just storm out of the place, but you were afraid to do that.
It was Valentine’s Day and Hyunjae prepared all of this just for you only to see you storm out like that. You did not want to seem ungrateful so you tried to calm yourself down but the more you pondered about your future the more anxious you got.
From the corner of your eyes you noticed hyunjae walking back to the table. Taking a deep breath in you tried to look normal but as the time passed by, every passing second felt like hours.
Placing your hand under the table you kept your other hand over it in hope that it would stop shaking but it was of no use.
Looking up you observed as Hyunjae took a seat in front of you. Giving you a small smile he poured you a glass of champagne and raised his to make a toast with you.
Holding the glass in a tight grip you clink your glass with his as you take a small sip from it, “Happy Valentine’s Day love. I hope you like what I prepared for us.” Hyunjae says with a soft smile playing on his lips as he takes a sip of champagne from his own glass.
Passing him a small smile you anxiously look around the place, not having it in you to look him in the eye. You knew how happy he was and you did not want to ruin this moment with him just because of what you were feeling.
You knew thinking so ahead in the future was stupid but what could you do? Your habit of overthinking always got the best of you…
“Are you okay?” You snap out of your thoughts when you hear Hyunjae’s voice. Looking back at him you nod your head slightly but you notice how his eyes searched for yours.
You could see the slight flicker in them as he placed his glass of champagne back on the table. Standing up he forwarded his hand towards you as he waited for you to take his hand in yours.
Without any questions asked you grab his hand in yours as you stand up from your seat, “Do you trust me?” Hyunjae asks as he walks towards the exit with his hand hooked with yours.
Giving him a small nod you continue walking with him, “What about the food though?” You ask softly as you stop on your tracks which made him halt in his tracks to turn around and face you.
“Don’t worry. We can come back later, I cannot let you go back home empty stomach now, can I?” Hyunjae says with a grin on his face as he drags you towards his car.
Opening the backseat door he lets you enter the car first as he himself enters once he’s sure that you’re comfortable sitting in the seat.
“What’s wrong, hmm?” Hyunjae asked softly as he tangled his hands in your luscious hair. Pushing the strands of hair behind your ear, he slowly made his fingers come to your forehead as he applied slight pressure on them to give you a massage.
Closing your eyes at his actions you let your head rest against the seat as you take in deep breaths to calm your heart down, “I don’t know, aren’t we too young to get married? What if something goes wrong? I don’t want to lose you..” you tell him, your voice barely above a whisper as you slowly look towards Hyunjae who continues to stare at you with his soft gaze.
“No, I don’t think we’re too young. We’re both financially stable at the moment and I believe in the fact that nothing would go wrong. Our love is strong enough for that sweetheart..” he says as he gently pulls you closer towards him in the backseat of the car.
Resting your head against his chest you close your eyes as you listen to his heartbeat, “Promise me that you won’t leave me alone? Ever..” you whisper with your face buried in his chest as Hyunjae continues to stroke your hair in a gentle manner.
“I promise I will never leave you alone. Ever..” he says as he brings his hand towards your chin and makes you look up.
Leaning down he slowly attaches his lips on yours, sitting up straight you tangle your hands in his soft curly hair as you pull on them while Hyunjae continues to kiss you.
You could feel your heart come up in your throat as he continued to kiss you, his hands wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer towards him if that was even possible.
Pulling away, you gasped for air as you noticed the string of saliva which was connecting you both together, an indication of the intense makeup session you just had. Staring into his eyes you leaned closer towards him once again as you gave his nose a light peck.
Nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, Hyunjae smiled as hugged your figure closer to his warm embrace, “I think I just fell in love with you all over again..” Hyunjae mumbled in the crook of your neck. His voice sends vibrations throughout your whole body as you give out a small laugh at his words.
“Every minute of the day makes me fall in love with you even more if you’re wondering..” you tell him while playing with his hair.
You don't even know when you sat on his lap in the backseat like this but all you know is that this Valentine’s Day was a day to remember.
Stealing a glance at hyunjae you let out a giggle when you notice his ears turning a shade of bright red.
“Are you blushing because of what I said or because of the make out session we just had?” You say in a slightly teasing tone as you poke his cheeks with your fingers.
Looking back up Hyunjae looks everywhere but you, “Oh look at the time. We should head back inside to have our dinner..” he says trying to change the subject.
Opening the door of the car he lets you get down first before he got out. Locking the car you both started walking towards the hall again with your laughter beaming through the night.
The moonlight shining its light on the two of you making it look like a scene right out of a romantic movie.

Chapter 001: seeing each other for the first time.
How many chapter’s: ?
Warning: mature language, toxic-behavior.
Rosé Park definitively didn't want to wake up and go at the university. She only wants to stay home, sleep and go out with her friends until the next morning for parties. She enjoyed making out with different women's without many emotions while being drunk. But no her family forces her to go at university so she can get a good degree for her 'future' according to her parents just like her older sister Alice. Who is a famous doctor international.
Rosé sighed with an annoyed expression on her face to the thought of having to communicate with the outside world. Her parents always talked about her older sister for days not realizing how much it's hurting Rosé.
Rosé had a serious expression on her face when her best friend Lisa Manoban finally arrived with her motorcycle. Rosé would be riding the motorcycle with Lisa.
„Good Morning chipmunk are you ready to rock the university...?" Asked Lisa with sarcasm in her voice.
Rosé shook her head and mentally face palmed. Lisa knew how much she dislikes going there. She only has staying home, partying and women in her mind. Nothing else.
„Nah I would rather skip it for a party with attractive women." Answered Rosé with honesty in her voice.
Rosé rolled her eyes playfully since she knew that Lisa was teasing her about hating university. She could only shake your head and walk in front of Lisa to get out of her house.
„It's always an amusement to tease now. Now let's go." Stated Lisa with amusement in her voice at no one.
Lisa followed Rosé giggling the whole time meanwhile putting on her sunglasses. Her black leather has a LGBTQ+ rainbow badge on it. Which she is very proud of.
Y/N definitely couldn't wait to go at the university to study. She only didn't like to communicate with the outside world. Since being popular comes with many consequences, like men not leaving her alone. Almost the whole university students trying to give her presents or even worse trying to use her kindness against her. Often she truly hated being popular for her kindness and caring attitude since many people used it against her while taking advantage of her.
She got ready in pink blazer and matching jeans. Her face expression went from sad to happy since she saw her new pink boots. Her step sister Jennie Kim waited for her downstairs to eat breakfast together. Since Jennie was in the same university. Both had a strong step-sister bound which felt like a real sister bound all the time. Jennie liked to gossip about her annoying classmates who chew on bubblegum's very loud with open mouth.
They had conversations about many subjects like university studies and women. Until Jisoo finally arrived according to Jennie's whines for Jisoo to hurry up on the phone call. The three women always have been treating each other like family. Since family doesn't always mean being blood related. It's a family that's chosen.
Jennie skipped a step when she ran to the front door after the bell rang. Jennie didn't hesitate to jump into Jisoo's arms just seconds after opening the front door.
„There's finally my baby..." Whined Jennie with happiness and need for kisses in her voice.
Jisoo didn't hesitate to catch her love when Jennie jumped into her love. Jisoo felt loved with her heart fluttering when she felt Jennie holding onto her.
„Does my baby girl wants kisses...?" Teased Jisoo with amusement and happiness in her voice.
Jisoo didn't hesitate of kissing Jennie on the lips multiple times with a happy expression on her face. Both have been missing each other a lot since Jisoo couldn't sleepover for a whole week. Y/N felt uncomfortable when people talked about something she can't even naming or do cootie. She didn't even know what alcohol is and curse words. She covered her eyes with her hands in a very innocent way. Y/N already expected them to do the cootie.
„Ahem hi Jisoo. I covered my eyes with my hands because I know that you both are doing the cootie." Pouted Y/N with innocence in her voice.
Jisoo had an excited expression on her face when she noticed Y/N. Their innocent Y/N. Jennie and Jisoo promised themselves that they would always try their best to protect Y/N. Mostly her innocents. She is very adorable into their opinions.
„There's our innocent baby doll. How are you sis...are you ready for the university today?" Asked Jisoo with worry and excitement in her voice.
Y/N didn't trust her mouth besides Jisoo already knew the answer. Y/N nodded her head with a very innocent excited expression on her face. Both hugged each other without even wanting to pull away. Jennie held them both in her arms since she knew how good a group hug felt.
„Can we go now please." Pouted Y/N with excitement in her voice. She pouted.
Jisoo and Jennie nodded with their head before grabbing their bags. Y/N had her pink bag with many cats stickers already on her back. She skipped a step with excitement when Jennie showed her the car keys.
Y/N felt anxious when she saw the students already greeting her with no space. At the same she greeted everyone with an innocent smile which caused many students to awe. Jennie and Jisoo walked besides her on either side to protect her. In case someone comes to close towards their favorite person.
Rosé walked besides Lisa into the hallway of their university with sun glasses on. Rosé had an emotionless expression on her face until she saw Y/N. Rosé felt herself blushing a little bit since she noticed how cute Y/N look. She stood there for a few minutes just checking out Y/N. No I can't like her she isn't my type thought Rosé. She shook her head while continuing walking. Lisa continue walking with a few cheerleaders on her arms. She smirked at them while talking about wanting to sleep with them.
Jisoo glared at Rosé since she knew what type on student she was. She definitely doesn't want the bad student to be a bad influence on their innocent baby Y/N. Rosé narrowed her brown doe eyes to Jisoo. Both students are glaring at each other not really liking each other since a long time. Jennie distracted Jisoo by kissing her forehead which caused the older student to get red flushed cheeks. Jisoo never knew how to handle Jennie's kisses. It's her biggest weakness.
Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious student. She started pouting after a while since none of them told her who the mysterious student is. Jisoo only told her to stay away because of that mysterious student being a bad influence according to her. Y/N thought everything has been getting weird today since Jisoo and Jennie didn't leave her side one bit in the university.
100 Dialogue prompts
Trying this out (feel free to tweak out any grammatical errors) so writers who are bored, have at it! ♥ Mix of Fluff, Angst and Smut
“I don’t see you that way”
“I will just do as I’m told. As I’ve always done”
“Have you never ridden a bike/horse before?”
“You don’t have to be so…formal”
“What happened to us?”
“Good things don’t happen to me”
“Interested in palm reading?”
“Bowing to you felt right”
“There, let me help you.”
“Next time, listen to yourself and not me”
“Why do you want to get in trouble so badly?”
“It’s him/her…isn’t it?”
“Are you keeping it?”
“Good to see a familiar face”
“You never had to ask me anything, let alone beg”
“Oh you again?!”
“I need to take you somewhere”
“With you gone, everything went wrong”
“Insufferable, see you at dinner”
“I wasn’t kissing you, I was saving your life!”
“You did all this already, why not finish the job?”
“I will look for you”
“I couldn’t see anything, I couldn’t breathe”
“You knew about it?”
“I will atone for what he/she did”
“You need to start having some faith.”
“Say what you want, I know what I’m feeling is right”
“It’s okay, you will move on. We will move on.”
“How much do you miss him/her? And what if you didn’t have to?”
“Focus on my hands, on my voice…”
“Perhaps you need to be reminded where you belong”
“I was fine having a non-sexual relationship with you, but instead I’m having non-relationship sex with him/her.”
“I wanted to do it for you and in hindsight it was a terrible idea”
“I’ve been inside him/her more than outside him/her”
“Don’t ask me with ‘please’, you’re paying me”
“Oh why won’t you just die already”
“Sometimes I wonder for how long have you wanted his/her heart and if you will ever stop”
“Filthy cheater, we go again!”
“Didn’t you pay your debt already?”
“I can’t get sick/injured.”
“You act like you’ve never been defeated”
“Diamond thrown into the trash still has the value of a diamond”
“I got engaged”
“All this was decided for me, I had no choice”
“I’m beginning to think not even the jail guards/cops want you around, given how many times they’ve let me bail you out”
“You, sir/madam, should watch your alcohol intake”
“I’ve been denying everyone, you’re not special”
“I’m not looking for a romance”
“Isn’t that immoral enough to tempt you?”
“We’re two sides of the same fucked up coin”
“That’s what I like to see, you are your parents’ best indeed!”
“You have nothing to lose right?”
“Oh I can’t wait to hear you sing”
“Anything you’d like to add to the conversation?”
“You need to stop making me pick you up in places someone may see”
“I thought I was a puppeteer pulling the strings but instead I was a back seat audience”
“I want names, I want addresses, I’m gonna make them pay.”
“You know where to find me if you ever want me again.”
“My mother is visiting in like 5 minutes”
“Is it that, or is it because you’re in love with me?”
“Not being able to reciprocate has been the hardest part of my life”
“Did you kill someone?”
“Envious of my youth, are we?”
“The others may have gotten away…”
“I found you. Found you looking like you didn’t want to be found”
“Did we use to be a thing?”
“I can fix this. I can fix this…”
“Weird question, are you a supernatural being? Be honest”
“We should have never played Gods”
“Must you be so harsh with me all the time?”
“What did all these men/women do to deserve you?”
“We have a reputation to uphold”
“May I have this dance?”
“I am a bad influence on you!”
“Let’s make history”
“Who the hell wants to live forever.”
“Feeling any different?”
“Time waits for no one”
“You got your happy-ever-after. And for all I know, it’s because I didn’t.”
“Try that again and you’re gonna lose it”
“Didn’t I say one of these days you’re gonna be the death of me?”
“Do you know what my answer was?”
“You look pathetic.”
“Almost didn’t recognize your voice when it’s not yelling at me”
“I often find myself talking to those no longer here as well”
“Excuse me, this is not a buffet”
“I don’t suspect you because I’m the one who put him/her in the ground”
“You look like someone who likes a good gamble”
“I am poison”
“Feel free to stay as long as you need”
“You don’t need to understand, just be a good little thing”
“I’m gonna need your driver’s license, your ID and your phone number please~”
“Say my name”
“You…are telling the truth”
“Is that why you did that? Back there?”
“Stop reading my mind”
“I can teach you”
“How can you laugh?”
“Pretty pictures. I don’t have any”
“Heaven may fall, but __ can’t die.”

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𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 - 𝘼 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩. 𝙩𝙤𝙭𝙞𝙘 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙖𝙗𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨, 𝙖𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙚.
don’t copy my works!! i don’t allow translations, sorry.

18+ Dark Blog
Warning - This blog’s themes isn’t for everyone, so be careful while reading/viewing the blog. If you want the lighter content from this blog, please black list the Tag Dark and Yandere
I’m always open to chat, answer questions you may have and any other issues that may need advice
If you are under the age of 18, please don’t comment/send in ask for mature content. I will block you if found out! I know some of you will reading the content regardless so keep that shit to yourself
Things I will write for and about
I’m pretty open to try and write for many things, just send in a ask/dm to see if I’m comfortable with it.
Things I will not write about is
• Minor and adult ships • Underage sexual content - anyone/character on this blog will be 18+. Example Honey and Mori from OHSHC are 18 so they will be written for. While Haruhi and the twins are 15-16, therefore they are underage and will not be written about for any sexual content. • Kinks - scat, vore, pedophilla, incest, neocrophilla, ddlg, age play, bestiality, mommy + daddy kink, feederism, vomit • *Self-harm - that includes the act it’s self and/or the process. (*It may not be accepted, it depends. Dm me to see if the request will be accepted or not.) • OCs x character or character x character ship - • Ask for very detailed readers - Ex. Skinny!female, with green eyes and is short. I try to keep it not to state any info on the reader unless stated, so everyone is feeling included when reading.
𝐈'𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭! 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐮𝐲'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. 𝐒𝐨 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮.

Don’t copy my works or steal my work.
i don’t allow translations, sorry.
reblogs are appreciated!!

This is the admin page, So you can know me!
Chatbox: @pngxchaeryeong | Main: @sunshxnejisoo | Carrd
Author's Name: Serenity + Mina | Nicknames: Min-Min, Rina or Reni
Age Range: 20+ | Pronouns: She/Her | MBTI: INFP | 9w1
Timezone: 𝐄𝐒𝐓 - 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞
Languages spoken: English & French
Favourite colour: Yellow, green and grey! But mostly pastel yellow
Favourite Animal: I love bears, bunnies, chipmunks & deer
Hobbies: I love to write, draw, take photos, listen to music, read and explore places with friends

Ult Group:
Blackpink, but SNSD will always be #1 in my heart and was the first group that introduce me to k-pop.
Favourite Girl Groups:
Blackpink, Twice, Red Velvet, SNSD, 2NE1, Itzy, Dreamcatcher & Loona
Favourite Boy Groups:
Exo, Enhypen, Monsta X, NCT Dream, WayV, NCT 127, TXT & Shinee
Favourite Soloist:
Sunmi, Joy, Jennie, Nayeon, CL, Bibi, Teayeon, Taemin, Jackson Wang, Wonho & Dean
Ult Female Bias:
Jisoo Kim, Rosé Park, Seulgi Kang, Irene Bae, Jeongyeon Yoo, Mina Myoui, Chaeyoung Son & Chaeryeong Lee
Ult Male Bias:
D.O, Suho, Chanyeol Jungwoo & Soobin 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬. 𝐈𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐥
Female Bias:
Sunmi, Solar, Moonbyul, Yoohyeon Kim, SuA, Gahyeon, Joy, Sana, Tzuyu, Jinsoul, Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Hyunjin Kim, Vivi, Sooyoung Choi, Bom Park, Yuna Shin, Ryujin Shin & Chungha
Male Bias:
Jungwon Yang, Jaehyun Jeong, Doyoung, Hendery, Jaemin Na, Kun, Jungwoo Kim, Wonho, Jimin, Jonghyun, Taemin, Hyunwon, Huening Kai & Yeonjun